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1. Introduction:
Detailed design starts a er the system phase and system has been cer fied through the
review. The goal of this phase is to develop internal logic of each of the modules iden fied
during system design

In the system design, the focus is an iden fying the modules, whereas during the detailed
design the focus is on designing the logic for the modules. In other words in system design
a en on is on what components are needed, while in the detailed design how the component
can be implemented in the so ware is the issue.

The design process for so ware system has two events. At the first level focus is on
deciding which modules are needed for the system, the specifica on of these modules and how
the modules should be interconnected. This is called system design or top level design. In the
specifica on of the module can be sa sfied is decided. This design level is o en called detailed
design or logic design, because the detailed design is extension of system design, system design
controls the major structural characteris cs of the system. The system design has a major impact
testability and modifiability of a system and impacts its efficiency much of the design efforts for
the designing so ware are spent crea ng the system design.

2. Applicable documents:
The detailed design refers the system documents hence the first applica on documents here
is system design, also we are referring the data structure. Hence second applica on document
here is database design

3. Structure of software package:

The so ware package consists of following func onal components.

● Func onal component 1: Registra on.

● Func onal component 2: Book issue.
● Func onal component 3: Book return.
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● Func onal component 4: Search/view book details.

● Func onal component 5: Update book details.
● Func onal component 6: Payment (Fine).

3.1 Structure charts:

It is graphics representa on of the control logic of processing func on or module
representa on of the system. It is one of the most common methods used for system design. In
a structure charts each program module is represented by a rectangle box, modules at the top
level of the structure charts call the modules at the lower level. The connec on between
modular are represented by lines between the rectangular boxes. The connec on describes the
data flows between the called and calling modules.

4. Module Decomposition:
4.1 Student details:

In this form the users have to enter the details about the student like name, regno,
course…etc. If the proper details are not entered at the same me error message will be
displayed and record will not be stored...And if the entered register number is already exist then
the details can’t be stored and error message will be displayed.

4.2 Delete student details:

In this case admin can delete individual student details by entering his register number
.If the Register no is not entered at same me message will be displayed and record will not be
stored…And if the entered number is already deleted then it will be giving the message.
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4.3 Book issue:

In this form the Liberian can issue the books to the student. If the books are already
distributed to students then Liberian can’t issue those par cular books.

4.4 Book return:

Here the user must return the book on given date... Otherwise fine will be calculated...

4.5 Calculate fine:

In this case we can maintain the late fine of library member who return the issued book
a er the due date…

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www.dreamworldproject.info www.studentprojectsstore.com
www.dreamworldproject.info www.studentprojectsstore.com
www.dreamworldproject.info www.studentprojectsstore.com


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