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Lesson Overview:

Title: Personal Pronoun Popcorn

Author: Kathryn Heryla
Subject: Foreign Languages
Grade Levels: 6–8
Duration: 50 min.

Unit Description:
Students will be engaging in a sentence structure unit. In this unit they will be learning basic
sentence structure and grammar.

Lesson Description for Day:

In this lesson students will be learning the personal pronouns which are the base of sentence
formation. The English equivalent of these pronouns are I, You, He, She, It, We, You all, and
They. The lesson will incorporate multiple different perspectives and stages to engage all
different learning styles.

State Standards:
This lesson is related to all three of the State's communication content standards. I feel it is
most imperative to the first standard which states "Students engage in conversation, provide
and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Source: http://montanateach.org/resources/montana-world-languages-content-standards/

Unit Goals:
The goal of this unit is to get students comprehending and forming basic sentences in French so
they will be able to continue on to more complex formations.
Lesson Goals:
The goals of the lesson are to make connections between what the students already know in
English to what they are learning in French. Once this goal is accomplished I also hope for
students to be able to label others and themselves using the pronouns they learn.

Anticipatory Set:
- I will ask students to type sentences about me, themselves, and their classmates
-I will ask them to share their sentences with their neighbors
-I will ask them to identify the subjects of the sentences (aka personal pronouns) on smart
-I will provide them with any missing pronouns using questions, examples, or games

The beginning of this method will engage student’s previous knowledge as well as cause them
to reflect on their peers. The second step will include social aspects by asking students to
interact. These steps appeal to the verbal and writing learners. Then, by collaborating students
will be working on their interpersonal skills and learning. In these first four steps the
information is presented in a visual, auditory, and written format. Students will also be
presenting the information they know in interpersonal, intra-personal, written and visual ways.

Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

-Type corresponding French pronouns
-Speak corresponding French pronouns
-Model and ask for a few practice examples

Students will be presented with the information in digital, written, and spoken forms. Since this
is completely new information student engagement will come after the initial presentation.
However, I will ask them to work amongst themselves then with me to associate the new and
previous knowledge. This way it will be engaged logically and personally. Then they will be able
to express the knowledge they have obtained by tying it to the old information. They will also
make logical connections with their classmates and the information.
Provide Guided Practice:
-Have students separate into groups that correspond with each pronoun
-Have students identify the corresponding pronouns for each group
-Have students identify the reasons for the assigned pronouns
-Progress to sentences using group identified pronouns.

This step will represent the information logically and visually. Students will use the information
and deduction skills they have to incorporate the new information into their minds. Then the
application of the knowledge will grow as students inter-personally and kinetically engage with
the info. They will connect the initial presentation of the knowledge to practical usage. Finally,
they will be able to express the pronouns they use socially and typed or verbally as they feel
most comfortable.

Provide Independent Practice:

-Have students identify the pronouns they use in English on a normal evening
-Have them type/text ten of these usages they observe in their homes
-Have them then type/text the French equivalent
-Then students will share situation in class the next day

This method will do two main things. Firstly, it allows the students to make connections
between their native language and the new knowledge. Then, it allows them to practice
applying the knowledge they have learned in an everyday setting. This is a personal activity that
represents the information in such a setting. The presentation to the class will engage social
intelligence. They will be engaging the information in tandem with English. Then in class they
will be working both individually and socially to compartmentalize the information they have
gained and how it is applicable logically to their lives.

-Review connections
-Form basic sentences with both English and French
-Ask for needs on clarification, extension, or explanation
-Ask for school examples like the home examples
Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment:
At the end of the lesson I will use a matching exercise to formatively asses the comprehension
of my students. This will be matching English to French and a few short examples. Then at the
end of the sentence unit they will take a summative assessment that will test their knowledge
of pronouns and other basic sentence structure. This will be a mixture of writing, translation,
and identification in order to gauge oral and written ability and comprehension.

Books & Articles
Students will be using their text books as references such as
Contrasts: Grammaire du Francais courant

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