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a BILL axp KNOWLTON, rxc. Exibit 13 he Bao Ki Pe henr ATTACIMENT #1 PIDENTIAL HK % PUBLIC RELATIONS REPORT to the ‘TOBACCO DUSTRY RESEARCH COMMITTER February 14, 1956 Gezeral_ Introduction ‘ghe period innedietely ateet vill produce « considerable number of soiear tirte sapere, Bedicel meetings x4 public statexents both generally and specif- {eebiyrconcerced vith the subject of sncking and health. Addstionel repertty settitec, docks and articles vi:l focus still more attention on this subjer the next four months « in With respect to this incressed activity, however, tvo points should be recognized: 1. A large proportion of the attacks egeinst sacking made recently, end expected to continue in the vext fev moatha, originate vith the cane antl srouP creer etce who bave Led the axti-tobacco moves of the past tvo or three years. 2. Neither the press nor the public seers to be reacting vith any notice able fear or alarm to the recest attacks. thie outlook does not verrant any attitute of cooplaceacy in our public relations approach, especially voea we consider vbat could be the impact on the retie of a possible annoucenest (which has been rumored) by researchers © Teging that they have isolated and identified « ‘carcinogen in tobacco. Als0, 1e6ine vat psivle at this tine to assese fully the probable inpect of federal SS Siabent reporte and activities that are indicated in the sonths ahead, With e ouber of grantees at or near the stage of public reporting 0» their research to date, the ecsixct of the Tobacco Industry Research Comsstse will be closely scrutinized by the scientific vorldy as vell as sb Breese as yaaa eres attitude essized toward those reports.” Protection of $5 ra is vita! tegrity of the industry's position in ‘this rege ly necessary, and con- pert ot PITanETOn Wnt trae Treedoa of thougst and ae ren given ine grantees can be Feverding. our pit relations efforts vill continue to be directed tovard: (a) xecping Tne press well inforsed of the balancing aspects of the eituatioc te keeping the prose Vand (b) iesreasing the prestige of TIC's om efforts by rrosing thet TIRC Se helping to gain the needed facts through adequately fie panced and carefully planned scientific research+ 299161£202 the research progran of the Scientific Advisory Board bes ney progressed to a point weranting fuller desertption of its accooplistaents and eins within tee Spsctence and redicine. With the vetusble guidsace and assistance which Dr. Little e and Hockett, steps are being vorked out to give doctors and sct- fe of the scope, composition ‘and nature of the program. weanvhtle, the TLRC continues increasingly 4° Denefit from the leadership the prestige of A factor that tbat, nore and more, doctors and scient: Little, Dr. Hockett and the pesbers of tbe ‘forthcoaing editorial and speeches vill be & further contribution to the TIRC research Programe ‘The Recent Months Tey acetings to express disagreement vith the fiat acco. They do not exone: aeeetgpaceo but say that the case egeinst FaOKSng DAs ‘SAB are providing. Dr. pas becone more noticeable since the last TIN meeting is Note are voluntarily speaking up at med- charges made against to- eee deen proved and that mich more evidence 4s needed. being placed by sctentists in this country and sbroe! tion pollution and healt ‘as the majo r cause of lung ‘th received ational cancer. ‘Two recent Another aspect that also is becoming more apparent is the greater exphasis a on the role of air pollu scientific reports oa air nevepaper attention. Tbe subject 1s be- Ing treated by the press as & DEM, Gnteresting and important phase of the over= all situation. veanvnsie, reports adverse to tobacco fron tye melon tOetts whieh pre- viously received much publicity different to the problem, In England the situation os regards the Press ent then that in 6 on ss0king ‘this country: wore largely ignored by the press in recent weothe because of their apparent failure to Contribute anything pertinent oF appears to be quite differ Titre ie frequent and increasing nention of at- fn, the British press ‘Toe Future schestitic nectings during the next severe) months « giver att sear’ wari a by TIRC grantees, Tyree medical meetings. Several grantees eh findings Reports bY ¢ journals, gardless of vbat compl search grants. Schove esearch prograa vith the scientific ‘vorld Several TIRC grantees already have Pr ‘to date for publ ‘ne of vbom 18 scheduled to ave subnitted papers on their re- onal journals. ication in profess’ grantees, vbetber they are made at feny lead to requests from the prese ‘the reports sete scientific freedoa to ‘Such action vi meetings but none received any Meetings at vbich smck! Le Fed. 24, Long Istand prooklya. ‘The entire day is devoted to tobactoe ‘The morning session, to be LL enhance the accep’ ‘ay, TIRC intends only ibe have received, and vill receive, Te- stability and sincerity of ‘and the public et large+ ‘those press mention. sub-section of ooking end bealth vill be the subject of many, papers and symposia at ‘seme of the papers vill be present an exhibit and peper meetings or appear in scien- for coment by TIRC. Re~ to restate its gurantee of esented papers at seperate medical ing and health are expected to de dtecussed: the Avericen Chentcel Society, E99161E202 Page 3 (missing) h99161E202 as 3. The ICT 4s doing a retrocpective study of lung cancer and encking bab- ite in women. kh. Drs Kynder, in collaboration vith @ statistician at the Rational In- stitutes of Health, is reported preparing a paper from Wynder‘s material relat- ng to lung cancer statistics in vonen. (This may be one of the papers Dre Wynder will present in April.) 5. The Veterans Administration study is continuing. 6. Two governnent health statisticians are studying old VA records vith regard to influenza, gas exposure and other respiratory conditions of nen ia World War I. This study vill be compared with the VA study. Je The NCI 1s considering & retrospective study that also vould make we of the Census Bureau survey. This vould replace the previously proposed study oF TRE Seletionship of enoking to sortality anong vonen employed by the govern: ort ead covered by federal exploye insurance, The latter plan has been dropped, fat least for the present. other factors of public relations interest to TIRC are Dr. Little's forth- ccning, rgeet [in tay) ea the progress and accomplishoeats of the research 70° en ree be wil give af three medical mectings end the editorial be bas Grany the eTNCER ROSEARCE, official publication of the Anerican Assceiation for Cancer Research. pr. Little vill speak March 5 before the Wayne County Medical Society in petrott, Oo dune § be vill present a paper at a symposium on "Cancer of the Pins" et the Third Rational Cancer Conference in Detroit. On June 7 he vill speck at @ syapoeiu on "The Present Concept of Bronchegents Carcinom” at the IEEhEl meeting of the Anerican College of Chest Physicians tn Chicago. The Third Rational Cancer Conference is co-sponsored by the Anerican Can- cer Society and the Rational Cancer Institute. The planning comittes for the seleine bas suggested to Dr. Little that be epeak on “Etiology and Lung Can wer cw pobacco” and also has asked him to participate in @ panel discussion on etiology. The editorial Dr. Little bas written and the talks he ie to give vill in- evease elentific appreciation of the research program and vill be of interest reese eee reporters in their normal coverage of such occurrences Gancer Month April bas been designated "Cancer Month” and during the next fev months the Asepitan Cancer Society vill conduct an active campaign to achieve its goa) Of $26,000,000. The buildup bas been apparent in recent week: 1. An article oo lung cancer and smoking by Dr. Charles Cameron, the AGS! medical and scientific director, appeared in the January issue of TH AG NTC. Virtually the entire text wes word for vord from bis report of 1953- SGeen the ACS wrote & nevs release on the article vhich vas released to local newspapers by various ACS divisions. g99161ez0e Dry Cameron also has vritten @ bock, “Ihe Truth About Cancer, * watch is expected to be published in March. Tbe book contains @ section on smoking and Jung cancer and Will be promoted nationally by the ACS. 2. The Feb. 10 issue of U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT featured an interview vith Dr, C, P. Rhoads, director of the Sloan-Kettering Institute, on "Is A Can- Ser Cure Near?” One section dealt vith Dr. Rhoads ' conclusions on cigarette snoking as a cause of Inng cancer. =~ 3. The lead article in the Ped. 8 iosue of the WALL STREET JOURNAL vas on cancer chemotherapy. Toe February issue of McCALL'S magazine bas « human (nterest article based on Sloan-Kettering. The science editor of Scripps-Hovard Nevepaper Alliance carried # colum on cancer Feb. 7+ he Columnist E4 Sullivan 1s national campaign chairman for the ACS drive. In hie syndicated colum of Feb. 5, Sullivan said that cancer research doctors Tare planning @ statenent that vill Jolt the eoutry in March.’ thts mey de a report by Dr. Nynder and his associates alleging that they have solated a carcinogen in tobacco. On Dec. 27, 1955) speaking fron tbe Theor at a "Lung Cancer-Totacco Controversy session at the Anerican Statistical Kesoctation meeting, Dr. Wyader said that he vill announce soon the isolation see tubstance in cigarette enoke, “not Denzpyrene but @ mesber of the benz Syrene fantiy,” which has, in every instance, produced tumors ta aniasls, 5. The March iesue of READER'S DIGEST bes @ condensation of an enti- snoking editorial that appeared in the Deceaber 1955 issue of SOUTHWESTERN MEDICINE, Journal of three southvesterp medical societies. 6. Tae June issue of GERIATRICS vill be devoted entirely to the subject of cancer end vill have an editorial written by Dr. Cameron. Higulights of Recent Activities 1. ‘The biennial report of the Sloan-Kettering Institute, issued Dec. 7, ried to disclose "nev" evidence Linking sacking to laryax cancer, The re- PurPPilso Aleziesed atx pollution as a possible causative factor tn lng cancer. POTTRG etatenent vas relessed to help put the report in factual perspectives a vrai press treataent of the report 414 not stress the encking end health sec tions. 2. ‘tho papers on beazpyrene in cigarette paper and tobacco vere gives by the Jani Developnent Corporation before the American Association for the Adc qos Banat of Science meeting at Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 27. Bill and Xnoviton, Ince, Aivanged for coverage of the meeting et vhich the Rand company's cleins vere cialieged by Dr. Louis Fieser, @ Bervard University professor vao is an author {ty on benzpyrene and related canpounds. The Rand papers vere videly publicized at ir. Fleser's coments also appeared in many of the nevepaper stories. 3. Drs Hermond and Dr. Berkson appeared on the sane platform Dec. 27 at ‘a session on the "Lung Cencer-Tobacco Controversy” at the meeting of the Aserican Statistical Association in Nev York. The Anerican Cancer Society nade avatlabie See eeit on Dre Hammon4's paper but none vas issied on Dr. Berkson’s talk either ty hte om orgenization or the stetistical group. There was little press weation of this session. 999161£202 h. A report from a Nev Zealand public health official, published in a British medical Journal, attributed the increase in lung cancer incidence to ‘air pollution and not to smoking. Advance informtion of the date of publics tion vas obtained from contacts in Rew Zealand and England and vhen it appeared, {t vas Drought to. the attention of the United States press. Stories and edi- torials on it appeared in mny nevepapers« 5. A paper by Dr. Hueper appeared in a publication of the U, 8, Public Health Service in January. Advance copies of the article, vaich described efg- arettes as ooly a sinor possible contributory factor, if any, in lung cancer, vere obtained and distributed. Stories vere carried by several neve vire serv- fees and appeared in nevspepers throughout the country. It also vas mentioned oa many radio and television neve brosdcaste. 6. A book on the scientific aspects of enoking and health, being written dy ectence writer Eric Northrup, 1s expected to be published by June 1. Tos A year-end statenent by Mr. Hartnett was released to and published in a muber of the tobacco trade magazines. 8. Releases vere issued on nev TIRC grants and the addition of $500,000 to the research fund, and stories oa both appeared in many nevepepers. A story tes been prepared for relesse at an appropriate time on the continuance and ex- pension of the TIRC medical stulent fellovehip program. 9. ‘Toe editor of a caupany vhich prepares pamphlets for exploye reading racks requested information for a proposed pamphlet on smoking and health. Be Tater decided to discard the smoking and health angle and instead is planning « condensation of a 195% popular-priced book on "Hoy To Stop Secking." 10. The 1956 WORLD ALMANAC vas published and contains a balanced treat~ nent of the subject of smoking and health, Informational mterial vas giver the editor several months ago. 11. Informational mterial, both from TIRC and other sources, continued to be supplied to large mmbers of doctors, scientists, science writers, stu- dents and others interested in emking and bealth 299161202

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