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Oral Presentation Rubric : Mock Trial

Teacher Name: Mr. Hickox

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Volume Volume is loud enough to Volume is loud enough to Volume is loud enough to Volume often too soft to
be heard by all audience be heard by all audience be heard by all audience be heard by all audience
members throughout the members at least 90% of members at least 80% of members.
presentation. the time. the time.
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or can not
all (100-95%) the time, and distinctly all (100-95%) the distinctly most ( 94-85%) be understood OR
mispronounces no words. time, but mispronounces of the time. mispronounces more than
one word. Mispronounces no more one word.
Content Shows a full understanding Shows a good than
Shows one word.
a good Does not seem to
of the topic. understanding of the topic. understanding of parts of understand the topic very
the topic. well.

Collaboration Almost always listens to, Usually listens to, shares Often listens to, shares Rarely listens to, shares
with Peers shares with, and supports with, and supports the with, and supports the with, and supports the
the efforts of others in the efforts of others in the efforts of others in the efforts of others in the
group. Tries to keep people group. Does not cause group but sometimes is group. Often is not a good
working well together. \"waves\" in the group. not a good team member. team member.
Listens to Other Listens intently. Does not Listens intently but has Sometimes does not Sometimes does not
Presentations make distracting noises or one distracting noise or appear to be listening but appear to be listening and
movements. movement. is not distracting. has distracting noises or

Total: ___/50

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