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10/30/2017 Angular: Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

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Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens ▼ 2016 (32)
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Stateless authentication is a great fit for Angular apps. In this post, guest-bloggerRyan Chenkie from Auth0 Easy Angular Authentication
talks about implementing it using JSON Web Tokens. -- Victor Savkin with JSON Web Tokens

► October (2)

TL;DR: Single page apps--like the ones we build with Angular--present a few ► September (4)

challenges when it comes to authentication. In general, traditional session-based ► August (2)

authentication isn't a good fit for SPAs that use data APIs because it necessitates ► July (3)
state on the server. A better way to do authentication in Angular apps (and SPAs in ► June (4)
general) is with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). Read on to find out more about JWTs, or ► April (3)
check out Angular 2 Tour of Secret Heroes to see an example of a full Angular 2 app ► March (4)
with user authentication. ► February (2)
► January (1)
Pretty well all non-trivial applications require some way of dealing with user
authentication and authorization. This can be fairly straight-forward in round-trip ► 2015 (14)

applications because all that is really needed when a user logs in is to check their ► 2014 (10)

credentials against a database, save a session for them on the server, and return a cookie ► 2013 (13)

to be saved in their browser. The cookie is then sent along in subsequent requests to the ► 2012 (23)

server and is checked against the session to verify their identity.

This works well for "traditional" applications, but it isn't a great fit for single page apps
that use data APIs. Since SPAs are client-side apps, dealing with the notion of the user's
authentication state is also a bit trickier. Essentially what it boils down to is that we need
some indication of the user's authentication state even though the backends that we rely
on should remain stateless. This isn't a problem in round-trip apps because the HTML and
data that get returned to the user is constructed on the backend, which is exactly the
place that a stateful check can be done to figure out whether or not the user is currently
logged in. When we use REST APIs for data however, a stateful session that tracks
authentication is bad practice.

JSON Web Tokens - Stateless Authentication in Angular Apps

A great way to do stateless authentication in an Angular app is to use JSON Web Tokens

(JWT). JWT is an open standard (RFC 7519), and likely the most compelling reason to
choose it as an authentication mechanism is that it can be used to transmit arbitrary data
as a JSON object. Since JWTs are digitally signed with a secret key that lives only on the
server, we can rest assured that the information in the token can't be tampered with at
any point. If the payload in the JWT were to be tampered with, the token would become
invalid, which means it wouldn't be able to get past any checkpoints on the server. This
makes JWT the perfect mechanism for transmitting information about a user and it gives
us a distinct advantage: we can include everything required for our API to know who the
user is and what level of access they should have, and the API doesn't need to know a
single thing about them prior to the JWT arriving.

So what does a JWT look like? Here's an example:

eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9 .eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWV9

JWTs contain three parts, and each of them is tacked together with a dot separator. The
three parts are:


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10/30/2017 Angular: Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens
Where we define the algorithm used to sign the token, as well as the token type.


The meat of the JWT. This is where we keep a JSON object of all the claims we want.
Claims can include those that are registered in the JWT spec, as well as any arbitrary data
we want.


The signature is where the signing action happens. To get the signature, we take the
Base64URL encoded header, tack the Base64URL encoded payload next to it, and run that
string along with the secret key through the hashing algorithm we've chosen. For the token
to properly decode on the backend, it needs to have exactly this form, which means that
if someone tries to change any of the information contained within, they'll be out of luck.

We can see this token decoded with Auth0's open source JWT debugger.

It should be noted that although JWTs are digitally signed, they are not encrypted. While
the digital signature ensures that the content of a JWT cannot be tampered with, they
should not be used to transmit sensitive information, as the payload can easily be decoded
with tools like the jwt.io debugger.

How Are JWTs Used to Authenticate Angular Apps?

For Angular apps that use data APIs, the typical scenario is this:

1. Users send their credentials to the server which are verified against a database. If
everything checks out, a JWT is sent back to them.
2. The JWT is saved in the user's browser somehow--either by holding it in local storage
or in a cookie.
3. The presence of a JWT saved in the browser is used as an indicator that a user is
currently logged in.
4. The JWT's expiry time is continually checked to maintain an "authenticated" state in
the Angular app, and the user's details are read from the payload to populate views
such as the their profile.
5. Access to protected client-side routes (such as the profile area) are limited to only
authenticated users

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6. When the user makes XHR requests to the API for protected resources, the JWT gets
sent as an Authorization  header using the Bearer  scheme, or as a cookie.
7. Middleware on the server--which is configured with the app's secret key--checks the
incoming JWT for validity and, if valid, returns the requested resources.

Fortunately for us, there are several open source libraries for both Angular 1.x and 2
which help us work with JWTs. These libraries are varied in their functionality, but some of
the features we get with them are the ability to:

Decode the JWT and read its payload

Attach the JWT as an Authorization  header to XHR requests
Have a service which exposes methods for logging in and logging out, and which
checks whether the current user's JWT is expired or not

Angular 1.x

angular-jwt by Auth0
angular-jwt-auth by Spira
Satellizer by Sahat Yalkabov

Angular 2

angular2-jwt by Auth0
ng2-ui-auth by Ron Zeidman

There are also hosted authentication solutions that can drastically simplify the process of
setting up user login and signup functionality for Angular apps. This basically means that
we don't need to worry about any logic for checking the user's credentials and signing
tokens for them.

Auth0 Lock
Firebase User Authentication

Authentication in Action

So we've got a list of things that our Angular apps should be doing to deal with
authentication, but what does this look like in practice? Let's see an example using Angular

Retrieve a JWT for a User and Save it in Local Stor age

To retrieve a JWT for a user, we need to verify their credentials against a database. If
everything checks out, we sign a JWT and send it back to them in the response. We can
use almost any server-side language or framework for this task, and there are JWT
libraries available for almost everything.

With the token signing logic set up, we need to expose an endpoint that the app can make
a request to for authentication. For this, we just need to send a regular HTTP request.
Placing this logic in an injectable service gives us a way to reuse it across our application.

// auth.service.ts

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core ';

import { Http } from '@angular/http ';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map ';

@Injectable ()
export class AuthService {

constructor (private http: Http) {}

login(credentials ) {
this.http.post('https://my-app.com/api/authenticate ', credentials)
. map(res => res.json())
. subscribe (
// We're assuming the response will be an object
// with the JWT on an id_token key
data => localStorage .setItem ('id_token ', data.id_token ),
error => console .log(error)

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10/30/2017 Angular: Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

We can then wire up a form which takes input from the user and calls the AuthService .

// login.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core ';

import { AuthService } from './auth.service ';

interface Credentials {
username : string,
password : string

@Component ({
selector : 'login',
template : `
<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onLogin(f.value)" *ngIf="!auth.loggedIn()">
<input type="text" placeholder="username" ngControl="username">
<input type="password" placeholder="password" ngControl="password">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

export class LoginComponent {

credentials : Credentials;

constructor (private auth: AuthService ) {}

onLogin (credentials ) {

With the login form and the authentication service in place, the user's JWT will be saved
in local storage if they successfully authenticate.

You can see that we've got an *ngIf  condition on the form which is looking for
a loggedIn  method on the AuthService . Let's put that in next.

Checking for an Unexpired T oken

With stateless authentication, the only real indication for the front end that the user is
"authenticated" is if they have an unexpired JWT. Certainly a more robust indication would
be a check to make sure their JWT is not only unexpired, but is also still valid. However,
to do this kind of check, the front end would need to know the secret key used to sign the
JWT, and we really don't want to expose that. Simply checking the expiry is just fine
though; if the token is invalid (in other ways than it just being expired), it won't be useful
for retrieving protected API resources anyway.

To do this kind of check, we can get some help from angular2-

jwt's tokenNotExpired  function.

npm install angular2-jwt

// auth.service.ts

import { tokenNotExpired } from 'angular2-jwt ';


loggedIn () {
return tokenNotExpired ();


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This function simply checks the expiry date of the JWT and returns true  if it
is not expired.

Limit Routes to Authenticated Users

We've got a way to hide our links and navigation elements if the user either doesn't have a
JWT or if their JWT is expired. However, they could still navigate by plugging in URI
segments manually, so what we need is a way to limit navigation to private routes
altogether. To do this we can set up an AuthGuard  which checks whether the user has an
unexpired JWT in local storage. We'll then apply the guard through CanActivate  when we
set up the routing configuration.

// auth-guard.service.ts

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core ';

import { Router } from '@angular/router ';
import { CanActivate } from '@angular/router ';
import { Auth } from './auth.service ';

@Injectable ()
export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {

constructor (private auth: Auth, private router : Router ) {}

canActivate () {
if(this.auth.loggedIn ()) {
return true;
} else {
this.router .navigateByUrl ('/unauthorized ');
return false;

When route navigation is requested, AuthGuard  will use the AuthService  to check for the
presence of an unexpired JWT and, if one exists, the user will be allowed to continue to
the route. If the user isn't authenticated however, they will be navigated to an
"unauthorized" page.

The AuthGuard  needs to be applied to whichever routes should be kept private, and this is
done in the RouterConfig  setup.


import { AuthGuard } from './auth-guard.service ';

export const routes : RouterConfig = [

{ path : 'admin', component : AdminComponent, canActivate : [AuthGuard] },
{ path : 'unauthorized ', component : UnauthorizedComponent }


Send Authenticated HTTP Requests

The last big step for applying authentication to our app is to have the user's JWT sent as
an Authorization  header in the HTTP requests they make. Since Angular 2 doesn't have
any concept of HTTP interceptors like Angular 1.x does, we need to either send the
header in the options  object of each request, or we can wrap Http  to perform this
automatically. The angular2-jwt library provides AuthHttp  which does the latter.

// secure-stuff.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core ';

import { AuthHttp , tokenNotExpired } from 'angular2-jwt ';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map ';

@Component ({
selector : 'secure-stuff ',
template : `
<button (click)="getSecureStuff()">Get Secure Stuff!</button>

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10/30/2017 Angular: Easy Angular Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

export class SecureStuffComponent {

stuff : [];

constructor (private authHttp : AuthHttp ) {}

getSecureStuff () {
this.authHttp .get('https://my-app.com/api/secure-stuff ')
. map(res => res.json())
. subscribe (
data => this.stuff = data.stuff,
error => console .log(error)

Note: Any application that uses JWT authentication should always be served over
HTTPS to prevent malicious interception of the token.

Log the User Out

With stateless authentication using JWTs, logging the user out is just a matter of removing
their token from local storage.

// auth.service.ts


@Injectable ()
export class AuthService {


logout () {
localStorage .removeItem ('id_token ');

You might be wondering if this is secure or not, given the fact that we're just removing the
token from its holding place and it could, in reality, still be used to access the API. We've
got two options to address this concern: we can set the token's expiry time to be short
and/or we can implement token blacklisting on the server. With a short window of
validity, the JWT can't be exploited for very long, and with blacklisting, the token's ability
to access secure resources can be revoked altogether.

Full Example: Angular 2 Tour of Secret Heroes

It would be nice to see all of this authentication business in action in a working app. For
that, I've put together a fork of John Papa's Tour of Heroes app (used in the Angular 2
Getting Started guide), called Angular 2 Tour of Secret Heroes. In this app, all the
original heroes data--plus a set of new 'secret' heroes--has been moved to an Express
server. Authentication happens with Auth0, and angular2-jwt is used for protecting
routes, conditionally showing UI elements, and sending authenticated HTTP requests.

Wrapping Up

Stateless authentication has distinct advantages over traditional session-based auth.

Keeping our APIs stateless makes them more agile and lets us easily port our apps to other
platforms like mobile or desktop. With open source libraries, such as angular2-jwt, we
can easily check for token validity and send authenticated HTTP requests with just a bit of

If you're interested in adding authentication to an Angular 1.x app, the things we went
through here still apply, but there are a few differences to keep in mind. For instance,
Angular 1.x has HTTP interceptors which can be used to attach the Authorization  header
to requests, so there's no need to wrap the $http  service.

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For more on Angular 1.x and 2 authentication, as well as tutorials about Angular in
general, be sure to check out the Auth0 blog.

Posted by Unknown at 6:05 PM

Labels: 2.0, angular, authentication , guest post

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