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Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia

2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
ISSN impresso: 1516-3598 R. Bras. Zootec., v.36, suplemento especial, p.343-358, 2007
ISSN on-line: 1806-9290

Meta-analyses of experimental data in the animal sciences

Normand Roger St-Pierre

1 - Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, 2029 Fyffe Rd., Columbus, OH-43210, USA. st-pierre.8@osu.edu

ABSTRACT - In certain areas of animal research, such as nutrition, quantitative summarizations of literature
data are periodically needed. In such instances, statistical methods dealing with the analysis of summary data (generally
from the literature) must be used. These methods are known as meta-analyses. The implementation of a meta-analysis
is done in several phases. The first phase defines the study objectives and identifies the criteria for selecting prior
publications to be used in the construction of the database. Publications must be scrupulously evaluated for their
quality before being entered into the database. During this phase, it is important to carefully encode each record with
pertinent descriptive attributes (experiments, treatments, etc.) to serve as important reference points later on. Statistically,
databases from literature data are inherently unbalanced, leading to considerable analytical and interpretation difficulties.
Missing data are frequent, and data are not the outcomes of a classical experimental system. A graphical examination
of the data is useful in getting a global view of the system as well as to hypothesize specific relationships to be
investigated. This phase is followed by a statistical study of the meta-system using the database previously assembled.
The statistical model used must follow the data structure. Variance decomposition must account for inter-and intra-
study sources; dependent and independent variables must be identified either as discrete (qualitative) or continuous
(quantitative). Effects must be defined as either fixed or random. Often observations must be weighed to account for
differences in the precision of the reported means. Once model parameters are estimated, extensive analyses of residual
variations must be performed. The roles of the different treatments and studies in the results obtained must be identified.
Often, this requires returning to an earlier step in the process. Thus, meta-analyses have inherent heuristic qualities
that can guide in the design of future experiments as well as aggregating prior knowledge into a quantitative prediction

Key Words: meta-analysis, mixed models, nutrition

Abbreviation key: DMI = Dry matter intake, GLM = Generalized linear model, GLMM = Generalized linear
mixed model, NDF = Neutral detergent fiber, SAS = Statistical Analysis System, SEM = Standard error of the
mean, VFA = Volatile fatty acids, VIF = Variance inflation factors.

Introduction are at a much lower level of aggregation than those

of applied research (organs, whole animals), thus
The research environment in the animal supporting the necessity of integrative research.
sciences, especially nutrition, has markedly Research stakeholders, those who ultimately
changed in recent years. In particular, there has use the research outcome, increasingly want more
been a noticeable increase in the number of quantitative knowledge, particularly on animal
publications, each containing an increasing response to diet. Forecasting and decision support
number of quantitative measurements. Meanwhile, softwares require quantitative information as
treatments often have smaller effects on the systems inputs. Lastly, research prioritization by public
being studied than in the past. Additionally, controlled funding agencies may force abandoning active
and non-controlled factors, such as the basal plane research activities in certain areas. In such
of nutrition, vary from study to study, thus instances, meta-analyses can still support
requiring at some point a quantitative discovery-type activities from aggregating results
summarization, an integration of prior research. from published literature.
Fundamental research in the basic animal The objectives of this paper are to describe the
science disciplines generates results that generally application of meta-analytic methods to animal
Correspondências devem ser enviadas para: st-pierre.8@osu.edu.
Salaries and research support were provided by state and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio
Agricultural Research and Development Center, the Ohio State University.
344 St -Pierre, N.R.

nutrition studies, including the development and • For Global hypothesis testing, such as
validation of literature derived databases, and the testing for the effect of a certain drug or of a
quantitative statistical techniques used to extract feed additive using the outcomes of many
the quantitative information. publications that had as an objective the
testing of such effect. This was by far the
Definitions and nature of problems predominant objective of the first meta-
analyses published (Mantel & Haenszel,
Limits to Classical Approaches 1959; Glass, 1976). Early on, it was realized
Results from a single classical experiment that many studies lacked statistical power for
cannot be the basis for a large inference space statistical testing, so that the aggregation of
because the conditions under which observations results from many studies would lead to
are made in a single experiment are forcibly very much greater power (hence lower type II
narrow, i.e., specific to the study in question. Such error), more precise point estimation of the
studies are ideal to demonstrate cause and effect, and magnitude of effects, and narrower
to test specific hypothesis regarding mechanisms and confidence intervals of the estimated effects.
modes of action. In essence, a single experimentation • For Empirical modeling of biological
measures the effects of one or a very few factors responses, such as the response of animals
while maintaining all other factors as constant as to nutritional practices. Because the data
possible. Often, experiments are repeated by others extracted from many publications cover a
to verify the generality and repeatability of the much wider set of experimental conditions
observations that were made, as well as to challenge than those of each individual study,
the range of applicability of the observed results and conclusions and models derived from the
conclusions. Hence, it is not uncommon that over whole set have a much greater likelihood of
time, many studies are published even on a relatively yielding relevant predictions to assist
narrow subject. In this context, there is a need to decision-makers. There are numerous
summarize the findings across all the published examples of such application of meta-
studies. Meta-analytic methods are concerned with analytical methods in recent nutrition
how best to achieve this integration process. publications, such as the quantification of the
The classical approach to synthesizing physiological response of ruminants to types
scientific knowledge has been based on qualitative of dietary starch (Offner & Sauvant, 2004),
literature reviews. A limitation of this approach is grain processing (Firkins et al., 2001) and
the obvious subjectivity involved in the process. rumen defaunation (Eugene et al., 2004).
The authors subjectively weigh outcomes from Others have used meta-analyses to quantify
different studies. Criteria for the inclusion or non- in situ starch degradation (Offner et al.,
inclusion of studies are poorly defined. Different 2003), and microbial N flow in ruminants
authors can draw dramatically different (Oldick et al., 1999; St-Pierre, 2003).
conclusions from the same initial set of published • For collective summarizations of
studies. Additionally, the limitation of the human measurements that only had a secondary
brain to differentiate the effects of many factors or minor role in prior experiments.
grows with the number of publications involved. Generally, results are reported with the
objective of supporting the hypothesis
Definitions and objectives of meta-analyses
related to the effect of one or a few
Meta-analyses use objective, scientific
experimental factors. For example, ruminal
methods based on statistics to summarize and
VFA concentrations are reported in studies
quantify knowledge acquired through prior
investigating the effects of dietary starch, or
published research. Meta-analytic methods were
forage types. None of these studies have as
initially developed in psychology, medicine and
an objective the prediction of ruminal VFAs.
social sciences a few decades ago. In general,
But the aggregation of measurements from
meta-analyses are conducted for one of the
many studies can lead to a better
following four objectives:
understanding of factors controlling VFA
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Meta-analyses of experimental data in the animal sciences 345

concentrations, or allow the establishment population. In such instances, the levels of study
of new research hypotheses. A meta-analysis or trial are in essence arbitrarily chosen by the
of ruminal liquid flow rates allowed the research community, and the study effect should
identification of an indirect criterion to saliva then be considered fixed. In such instance, the
production and buffer recycling, which range of inference for the meta-analysis is limited
criterion is linked to ruminal conditions to the domain of the specific experiments in the
(Sauvant & Mertens, 2000). dataset. This is of little concern if the objective of
• In mechanistic modeling, for parameter the meta-analysis is that of global hypothesis
estimates and estimates of initial conditions testing, but it does severely limit the applicability
of state variables. Mechanistic models of its results for other objectives.
require parameterization, and meta-analyses
offer a mechanism of estimation that makes Difficulties Inherent to the Data
parameter estimation more precise and more The meta-analytic database is best
applicable to a broader range of conditions. conceptualized with rows representing treatments,
Meta-analyses can also be used for external groups or lots, while the columns consist of the
model validation (Sauvant & Martin, 2004), measured variables (those for which least-squares
or for a critical comparison of alternate means are reported) and characteristics (class
mechanistic models (Offner & Sauvant, levels) of the treatments or trials. A primary
2004). characteristic of most meta-analytic databases is
the large frequency of missing data in the table.
Types of Data and Factors in Meta-Analyses This reduces the possibility of using large multi
As in conventional statistical analyses, dimensional descriptive models, and generally
dependent variables in meta-analyses can be of forces the adoption of models with a small subset
various types such as binary [0, 1] (e.g., for of independent variables. Additionally, the
pregnancy), counts or percentages, categorical- underlying data design, referred as the meta-
ordinal (good, very good, excellent), and design, is not determined prior to the data
continuous, which is the most frequent type in collection as in classic randomized experiments.
meta-analyses related to nutrition. Consequently, meta-analytic data are generally
Independent factors (or variables) have either severally unbalanced and factor effects are far from
a fixed or random effects on the dependent variable being orthogonal (independent). This leads to
of interest (McCulloch & Searle, 2001). In general, unique statistical estimation problems similar to
factors related to nutrition (grain types, DMI, etc) those observed in observational studies, such as
should be considered as fixed effects factors. The leverage points, near collinearity, and even
study effect can either be considered as random or complete factor disconnectedness, thus prohibiting
fixed. If a dataset comprised many individual the testing of the effects that are completely
studies from multiple research centers, the study confounded with others.
effect should be considered random because each An example of factor disconnectedness is
study is conceptually a random outcome from a shown in Table 1, where two factors each taking
large population of studies to which inference is three possible levels are investigated. In this
to be made (St-Pierre, 2001). This is especially example, factor A and B are disconnected
important if the meta-analysis has for objective because one cannot join all bordering pairs of
the empirical modeling of biological responses, cells with both horizontal and vertical links.
or the collective summarizations of measurements Consequently, the effect of the third level of A
that only had a secondary or minor role in prior cannot be estimated separately from the effect
experiments, because it is likely that the researcher of the third level of B. This would be diagnosed
in those instances has a targeted range of inference differently depending on the software used with
much larger than the limited conditions different combination of error messages, zero
represented by the specific studies. There are degrees of freedom for some effects in the
instances, however, where each experiment can ANOVA table, or a missing value for the statistic
be considered as an outcome each from a different used for testing.
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
346 St -Pierre, N.R.

Table 1 - Example of factor disconnectedness. Steps in the meta-analytic process

Factor A Levels
Factor B Levels 1 2 3 There are several inherent steps to meta-
1 x x analyses, the important ones being summarized
2 x x in Figure 1. An important aspect of this type of
3 x analyses is the iteration process, which is under
the control of the analyst. This circular pattern
In general, the variance between studies is large where prior steps are re-visited and refined is an
compared to the variance within studies, hence important aspect of meta-analyses and contribute
underlying the importance of including the study much to their heuristic characteristic.
effect into the meta-analytical model. The study
effect represents the combined effect of many Objectives of the study
factors that differ between studies, but which Establishing a clear set of study objectives is a
factors are not in the model because they either critical step that guides most ulterior decisions
were not measured, or have been excluded from such as the database structure, data filtering,
the model, or for which the functional form in the weighing of observations, and choice of statistical
model is inadequately representing the true but model. Objectives can cover a wide range of
unknown functional form (e.g., the model assumes targets, ranging from preliminary analyses to
a linear relationship between the dependent and identify potential factors affecting a system, thus
one independent continuous variable whereas the serving an important role to the formulation of
true relationship is nonlinear). In the absence of research hypotheses in future experiments, to the
interactions between design variables (e.g., quantification of the effect of a nutritional factor
studies) and the covariates (e.g., all continuous such as a specific feed additive.
independent variables of interest), parameter
estimates for the covariates are unbiased, but the Data Entry
Results from prior research found in the
study effect adds uncertainty to future predictions
literature must be entered in a database.The
(St-Pierre, 2001). The presence of significant
structure and coding of the database must include
interactions between studies and at least one
numerous variables identifying the experimental
covariate is more problematic since this indicates
objectives. Hence numerous columns are added
that the effect of the covariate is dependent on the
to code the objectives of each study. This coding
study, implying that the effect of a factor is
is necessary so as to avoid the improper
dependent on the levels of unidentified factors.

Conceptual Selection of experiments

Objectives & Data entry

Literature search,
Graphical Analyses Survey.

Determination of

Selection of
statistical model


Figure 1 - Schematic representation of the meta-analytic process.

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Meta-analyses of experimental data in the animal sciences 347

aggregation of results across studies with very alternate statistical models. Graphics can also help
different objectives. During this coding phase, the identifying observations that appear unique or
analyst may chose to transform a continuous even outliers. The general structure of
variable to a discrete variable with n levels coded relationships can also be identified, such as linear
in a single column with levels of the discrete vs. nonlinear relationships as well as the presence
variable as entries, or in n columns with 0-1 entries of interactions. As an example, Figure 2 shows an
to be used as dummy variables in the meta-analytic intra-study curvilinear relationship between two
model. Different criteria can guide the selection variables in the presence of a significant inter-
of classes, such as equidistant classes, or classes study effect (i.e., different intercepts between
with equal frequencies or probability of studies). In this example, the inter-study effect
occurrence. The important point is that the sum of associated with the X variable indicates the
these descriptive columns must entirely presence of a latent (hidden) variable that differed
characterize the objectives of all studies used. across studies. Another example is shown in Figure
3, which suggests the presence of a linear intra-
Data Filtering study effect interacting with the study effect (i.e.,
There are at least three steps necessary to different regression slopes across studies). This
effective data filtering. First, the analyst must may be due to a narrow range of the X variable in
ensure that the study under consideration is each experiment, or that again experiments
coherent with the objectives of the meta-analysis. differed with respect to a latent, interacting
That is, the meta-analytic objectives dictate that variable that was maintained constant or nearly
some variables must have been measured and constant within each experiment. This
reported. If, for example, the meta-analysis visualization phase of the data should always be
objective is to quantify the relationship between taken as a preliminary step to the statistical analysis
dietary NDF concentration and DM intake, then and not as conclusive evidence. The reason is that
one must ensure that both NDF concentration and as the multi dimensions of the data are collapsed
DM intake were measured and reported in all into two or possibly three dimension graphics, the
studies. The second step consists of a thorough unbalance that clearly is an inherent characteristic
and critical review of each publication under of meta-analytic data can lead to false visual
consideration, focusing on the detection of errors relationships. This is because simple X-Y graphics
in the reporting of results. This underlines the do not correct the observations for the effects of
importance of having a highly trained professional all other variables that can affect Y.
involved in this phase of the study. Only after
publications have passed this expert quality filter
should their results be entered in the database.
Verification of data entries is then another essential
component to the process. In this third step, it is
important to ensure that a selected publication does
not appear to be an outlier with respect to the
characteristics and relations under consideration.

Preliminary Graphical Analyses

A thorough visual analysis of the data is an
Figure 2 - Example of a curvilinear intra-study
essential step to the meta-analytic process. During effect in the presence of a random study effect.
this phase, the analyst can form a global view
regarding the coherence and heterogeneity of the Graphical analyses should also be done in
data, as well as to the nature and relative importance regards to the joint coverage of predictor variables,
of the inter-study and intra-study relationships of identifying their possible ranges, plausible ranges,
prospective variables taken two at a time. and joint distributions, all being closely related to
Systematic graphical analyses should lead to the inference range. Figure 4 shows the concepts
specific hypotheses and initial selection of involved when the dependent variable is plotted
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
348 St -Pierre, N.R.

Figure 5 illustrates some of these concepts

using an actual set of data on chewing activity in
cattle and the NDF content of the diet. Visually,
one concludes that the intra-study relationship
between chewing activity and diet NDF is
nonlinear, and that the intercept (i.e., height of the
curves) differed across studies. This observation
can be formally tested using the statistical methods
to be outlined later. In this example, the possible
NDF range is 0 – 100%, whereas its plausible
Figure 3 - Example of a linear intra-study effect range is more likely between 20 and 60%.
in the presence of an interaction of study by Interestingly, the figure illustrates that
predictor variable.
experimental measurements were frequently in the
20-40% and 45-55% ranges, leaving a gap with
against one of the predictor variable. Similar very few observations in the 40-45% range.
graphics should be drawn to explore the
relationships between predictor variables taken
two at the time. In such graphics, the presence of
any linear trends indicates correlations between
predictor variables. Strong positive or negative
correlations of predictor variables have two
undesirable effects. First, they may induce near
collinearity, implying that the effect of one
predictor cannot be uniquely identified (i.e., is
nearly confounded with the effect of another
predictor). In such instance, the statistical model
can include only one of the two predictors at a
time. Second, the range of a predictor X1 given a Figure 5 - Effect of dietary neutral detergent
level of a second predictor X2 is considerably less fiber (NDF) content on chewing activity in
than the unconditional range of predictor X1. In cattle. 1 - Data are from 88 published experiments
these instances, although the range of a predictor where the NDF content of the diet was the
experimental treatment.
appears considerable in a univariate setting, its
effective range is actually very much reduced in
the multivariate space.

Figure 4 - Illustration of the concepts of possible range, plausible range, and actual range in a meta-
analysis with a single predictor variable.
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Study of the experimental meta-design of assessing the structural form of the

The meta-design is determined by the structure relationship between the predictor and the
of the experiments for each of the predictor dependent variable. Large intra-study
variables. To characterize the meta-design, variances but with only two levels of the
numerous steps must take place before and after predictor variable in all or most of the studies
the statistical analyses. The specific steps depend hides completely any potential nonlinear
on the number of predictor variables in the model. relationships. Figure 7 shows the intra-study
standard deviation (S) of NDF as a function
One predictor variable. of the mean dietary NDF for experiments
• The experimental design used in each of the with two treatments, and for those with more
studies forming the database must be than two treatments. The analyst can
identified and coded, and their relative determine a minimum threshold of S to
frequencies calculated. This information can exclude experiments with little intra-study
be valuable during the interpretation of the variation in the predictor variable. In
results. instances where the study effect is considered
• Frequency plots (histograms) of the predictor random, this is not necessary and generally
variable can identify areas of focus of prior not desirable. In such instances the inclusion
research. For example, Figure 6 shows the of studies with little variation in the predictor
frequency distributions of NDF for the 517
treatment groups for the meta-analytic
dataset used to draw Figure 5. Both figures
indicate a substantial research effort towards
diets containing 30-35% NDF, an area of
dietary NDF density that borders the lower
limit of recommended dietary NDF for
lactating dairy cows (NRC, 2001). Because
of the high frequency of observations in the
30-35% NDF range, the a priori expectation
is that the effect of dietary NDF will be
estimated most precisely in this range. Figure 7 - Intra-study standard deviation of
• One should also consider the intra and inter- dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and mean
study variances for the predictor variable. NDF of experiments designed to study the
Small intra-study variances reduce the ability effects of NDF in cattle.

Figure 6 - Frequency plot of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content of diets across experimental treatments.
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
350 St -Pierre, N.R.

variable does little in determining the where:hi is the leverage value,

relationship between the predictor and the X i is the value of the I th predictor
dependent variable, but adds observations and variable, and
degrees of freedom to estimate the variance Xm is the mean of all Xi.
component associated with the study effect.
When looking at a possible nonlinear intra- Equation [1] clearly indicates that the leverage
study relationship, it is intuitive to retain only of an observation, i.e. its weight in the
those experiments with three or more levels of determination of the slope, grows with its distance
the predictor variables in the dataset. In this from the mean of the predictor variable. The
instance, intuition is incorrect. Experiments extension of the leverage point calculations to
with two levels of the predictor variables add more than one predictor variables is straight
information on the study component (intercept) forward (St-Pierre & Glamocic, 2000).
and the linear parameter of the model. In Figure
7, eliminating studies with less than three levels • In a final step, the analyst must graphically
of the predictor variable would eliminate 40% investigate the functional form of the
of all the observations. relationship between the dependent variable
• Another important aspect at this stage of the and the predictor variable.
analysis is to determine the significance of the
study effect on the predictor variables. As Two or more predictor variables
explained previously in the context of Figures In the case of two or more predictor variables,
4 and 5, one must be very careful in regards to the analyst must examine graphically and then
the statistical model used to investigate the statistically the inter and intra-study relationships
intra-study effect when there is an interaction between the predictor variables. Leverage values
between the predictor variable(s) and study. In should be examined. With fixed models (all effects
these instances, the relationship between the in the models are fixed with the exception of the
predictor variable and the dependent variable error term), variance inflation factors (VIF) should
is dependent on the study, which itself be calculated for each predictor variables (St-
represents the sums of a great many factors Pierre & Glamocic, 2000). An equivalent statistic
such as measurement errors, systematic has not been proposed for mixed models (e.g.,
differences in the methods of measurements when the study effect is random), but asymptotic
of the dependent variable across studies, and, theory would support the calculation of the VIFs
more importantly, latent variables (hidden) not for the fixed effect factors in cases where the total
balanced across experiments. In those number of observations is large. The objective in
instances, the analyst must exert great caution this phase is to assess the degree of inter-
in the interpretation of the results, especially dependence between the predictor variables.
regarding the applicability of these results. Because predictor variables in meta-analyses are
• It is generally useful to calculate the leverage never structured prior to their determination, they
of each observation (Tomassone et al., 1983). are always non-orthogonal and, hence, show
Traditionally, leverage values are calculated variable degrees of inter-dependency. Collinearity
after the model is fitted to the data, but nothing determinations (VIF) assess one’s ability to
prohibits the calculation of leverage values at separate the effects of inter-dependent factors
an earlier stage because their calculations based on a given set of data. Collinearity is not
depend only on the design of the predictor model driven, but completely data driven.
variable in the model. For example, in the case
of the simple linear regression with n Weighing of observations
observations, the leverage point for the ith Because meta-analytic data are extracted from
observation is calculated as: the results of many experiments conducted under
many different statistical designs and number of
hi = 1/n + (Xi – Xm) / Σ (Xi – Xm)2 [1] experimental units, the observations (treatment
means) have a wide range of standard errors.
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Intuition and classical statistical theory would observations that would receive a small weight
indicate that observations should be subjected to have relatively small leverage values. An example
some sort of weighing scheme. Systems used for of this is shown in Figure 8.
weighing observations form two broad categories. Whether the analyst should weight the
observations based on the SEM for each individual
Weighing based on classical statistical theory treatments or the pooled SEM from the studies is
Under a general linear model where open for debate. There are many reasons why the
observations have heterogeneous but known SEM of each treatment within a study can be
variances, maximum likelihood parameters different. First, the original observations
estimates are obtained by weighing each themselves could have been homoscedastic
observation by the inverse of its variance. In the (homogeneous variance) but the least-squares
context of a meta-analysis where observations are means would have different SEM due to unequal
least-squares (or population marginal) means, frequencies (e.g., missing data). In such case, it is
observations should be weighed by the inverse of clear that the weight should be based on the SEM
the squares of their standard errors, which are the of each treatment. Second, the treatments may have
standard errors of each mean (SEM). induced heteroscedasticity, meaning that the
Unfortunately, when such weights are used, the original observations did not have equal variances
resulting measures of model errors (i.e., standard across sub-classes. In such instances, the original
error, standard error of predictions, etc.) are no authors should have conducted a test to assess the
longer expressed in the original scale of the data. usual homoscedasticity assumption in linear
To maintain the expressions of dispersion in the models. The problem is that a lack of significance
original scale of the measurements, St-Pierre (i.e., P > 0.05) when testing the homogeneity
(2001) suggested dividing each weight by the assumption does not prove homoscedasticity, but
mean of all weights, and to use the resulting values only that the null hypothesis (homogeneous
as weighing factors in the analysis. Under this variance) cannot be rejected at a P < 0.05. In a
procedure, the average weight used is algebraically meta-analytic setting, the analyst may deem the
equal to 1.0, thus resulting in expressions of means with larger apparent variance to be less
dispersion that are in the same scale as the original credible and reduce the weigh of these
data. observations in the analysis. Unfortunately, most
publications lack the information necessary to this
Weighing based on other criteria
Other weighing criteria have been suggested
Among the more subjective criteria available
for the weighing of observations, such as the power
for weighing is the quality of the experimental
of an experiment to detect an effect of a size
design used in the original study in regard to the
defined a priori, the duration of an experiment,
meta-analytic objective.
etc. The weighing scheme can actually be based
Experimental designs have various trade-offs
on an expert assessment, partially subjective, of
the overall quality (precision) of the data. The
opinion of more than one expert may be useful in
this context. From a Bayesian statistical paradigm,
the use of subjective information for decision-
making is perfectly coherent and acceptable, as
subjective probabilities are often used to establish
prior distributions in Bayesian decision theory (De
Groot, 1970). Traditional scientific objectiveness,
however, may restrict the use of this weighing
scheme in scientific publications.
Predictably, the importance of weighing Figure 8 - Estimated response of lactating dairy
observations decreases with the number of cows to concentrate intake using weighed and
observations used in the analysis, especially if the unweighed observations.

2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
352 St -Pierre, N.R.

due to their underlying assumptions. For example, Practical recommendations regarding the
the Latin square is often used in instances where selection of the type of effect for the studies are
animal units are relatively expensive, such as in presented in Table 2. In short, the choice depends
metabolic studies. The double orthogonal blocking on the size of the conceptual population, and the
used to construct Latin square designs can remove sample size (the number of studies in the meta-
a lot of variation from the residual error. analysis).
Thus very few animals can be used compared The ultimate (and correct) meta-analysis would
to a completely randomized design for an equal be one where all the primary (raw) data used to
power of detecting treatment effect. The downside, perform the analyses in each of the selected
however, is that the periods are generally relatively publications were available to the analyst. In such
short to reduce the likelihood of a period by instance, a large segmented model that includes
treatment interaction (animals in different all the design effects of the original studies (e.g.,
physiological status across time periods), thus the columns and rows effects in Latin squares) plus
reducing the magnitude of the treatment effects the effects to be investigated by the meta-analysis
on certain traits, such as production and intake for could be fitted by least-squares or maximum
example. In those instances, the analyst should likelihood methods. Although computationally
legitimately weigh down observations from complex, such huge meta-analytic models should
experiments whose designs limited the expression be no more difficult to solve than the large models
of the treatment effects. used by geneticists to estimate the breeding values
of animals using very large national databases of
Statistical models production records. Raw data availability should
The independent variables can be either not be an issue in instances where meta-analyses
discrete or continuous. With binary data (healthy/ are conducted with the purpose of summarizing
sick, for example), generalized linear models research at a given research center. This, however,
(GLM) based on the logit or probit link functions is very infrequent, and meta-analyses are almost
are generally recommended (Agresti, 2002). always conducted using observations that are
Because of advances in computational power, the themselves summaries of prior experiments (i.e.,
GLM has been extended to include random effects treatment means). It seems evident that a meta-
in what is called the generalized linear mixed analysis conducted on summary statistics should
model (GLMM). In its version 9, the SAS system lead to the same results as a meta-analysis
includes a beta release of the GLIMMX procedure conducted on the raw data, which itself would have
to fit these complex models. to include a study effect because the design effects
In nutrition, however, the large majority of the are necessarily nested within studies (e.g., cow 1
dependent variables subjected to meta-analyses are in the Latin square of study 1 is different than the
continuous, and their analyses are treated at length cow 1 of study 2), which itself would be considered
in the remainder of this paper. random. Thus, analytical consistency dictates the
St-Pierre (2001) made a compelling argument inclusion of the study effect in the model, generally
to include the study effect in all meta-analytic as a random effect. The study effect will be
models. Because of the severe imbalance in most considered random in the remainder of this paper,
databases used for meta-analyses, the exclusion with the understanding that under certain
of the study effect in the model leads to biased conditions explained previously it should be
parameter estimates of the effects of other factors considered a fixed effect factor.
under investigation, and severe biases in variance Beside the study effect, meta-analytic models
estimates. In general, the study effect should be include one or more predictor variables that are
considered random because it represents the sum either discrete, or continuous. For clarity, we will
of the effects of a great many factors, all with initially treat the case of each variable type
relatively small effects on the dependent variable. separately, understanding that a model can easily
Statistical theory indicates that these effects would include a mixture of variables of both types, as
be close to Gaussian (normal), thus much better we describe later.
estimated if treated as random effects. Model with discrete predictor variable(s)
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
Meta-analyses of experimental data in the animal sciences 353

A linear mixed model easily models this than proving that the effect of study is negligible.
situation as follows: At the very least, the probability threshold for
significance of study should be much larger than
Yijk = µ + Si + τj + Stij + eijk [4] the traditional P = 0.05. Ideally, the analyst should
state before the analysis is performed what size of
where: estimated variance due to study should be
Yijk = the dependent variable, considered negligible, such as σ2S< 0.1 σ2e.
µ = overall mean,
Si = the random effect of the ith study, assumed Model with continuous predictor variable(s)
~ iidN (0, σ2S), A linear mixed model is used:
tj = the fixed effect of the jth level of factor τ,
Stij = the random interaction between the ith Yij = B0 + Si + B1 Xij + bi Xij + eij [6]
study and the jth level of factor τ, assumed
~ iidN (0, σ2Sτ), and where:
eijk = the residual errors, assumed ~ iidN (0, Yij = the dependent variable,
σ2e). B0 = overall (inter-study) intercept (a fixed
effect equivalent to τ in [4]),
eijk, Sτij and Si are assumed to be independent Si = the random effect of the i th study,
random variables. assumed ~iidN (0, σ2S),
B1 = the overall regression coefficient of Y
For simplicity reasons, model [4] is written on X (a fixed effect),
without weighing the observations. The weights Xij = value of the continuous predictor
would appear as multiplicative factors of the variable,
diagonal elements of the error variance-covariance bi = random effect of study on the regression
matrix (Draper & Smith, 1998). Model [4] coefficient of Y on X, assumed ~ iidN
corresponds to an incomplete, unbalanced (0, σ2b), and
randomized block design with interactions in eij = the residual errors, assumed ~ iidN (0,
classic experimental research. The following SAS σ2e).
statements would solve this model: eij, bi and Si are assumed to be independent
random variables.
CLASSES study tau; The following SAS statements solve this
MODEL Y = tau; [5] model:
RANDOM study study*tau; PROC MIXED DATA=Mydata CL COVTEST;
RANDOM study study*X;
Standard tests of significance on the effect of RUN;
τ are easily conducted and least-squares means
can be separated using an appropriate mean Using a simple Monte Carlo simulation, St-
separation procedure. Although it may be tempting Pierre (2001) demonstrated the application of this
to remove the study effect from the model in model to a synthetic dataset, showing the power
instances where it is not significant (also called of this approach, and the interpretation of the
pooling of effects), this practice can lead to biased estimated parameters.
probability estimations (i.e., final tests on fixed
effects are conditional on tests for random effects) Model with both discrete and continuous
and is not recommended. This is because not being predictor variable(s)
able to reject the null hypothesis of no study effect Statistically, this model is a simple combination
(i.e., variance due to study is not significantly of [4] and [6] as follows:
different from zero) is a very different proposition Yijk = µ + Si + τ j + Sττij + B1 Xij + bi Xij + Bj Xij
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
354 St -Pierre, N.R.

+ eijk [8] fixed effect is correctly viewed as an aggregation

of many factors not included in the model, but that
where: differed across studies, the desirability of including
Bj = the effect of the jth level of the discrete as many fixed factors in the model as can be
factor τ on the regression coefficient (a uniquely identified from the data becomes
fixed effect). obvious. In essence, the fixed effects should
ultimately make the study effect and its interactions
The following SAS statements would be used with fixed effects predictors small and negligible.
to solve this model: In such instances, the resulting model should have
PROC MIXED DATA=Mydata CL COVTEST; wide forecasting applicability. Imagine for
CLASSES study tau; instance that much of the study effect on body
MODEL Y = tau X tau*X; [9] weight gain of animal is in fact due to large
RANDOM study study*tau study*X; difference in the initial body weight across studies.
LSMEANS tau; In such instances, the inclusion of initial body
RUN; weight as a covariate would remove much of the
study effect, and the diet effects (as continuous or
In theory, [8] is solvable, but the large number discrete variables) would be estimated without
of variance components and interaction terms that biases, with a wide range of applicability (i.e., a
must be estimated, in combination with the future prediction would require a measurement of
imbalance in the data makes it often numerically initial body weight as well as measurements of
intractable. In such instances, at least one of the the other predictor variables).
two random interactions must be removed from Whether one chooses [4] or [6] as a meta-
the model. model is somewhat arbitrary when the predictor
In [4], [6], and [8], the analyst secretly wishes variable has an inherent scale (i.e., is a measured
for the interactions between study and the predictor number). The assumptions regarding the relationship
variables to be highly nonsignificant. Recall that between Y and the predictor variable are, however,
the study effect represents an aggregation of the very different between the two models. In [4], the
effects of many uncontrollable and unknown model does not assume any functional form for the
factors that differed between studies. A significant relationship. In [6], the model explicitly assumes a
study x τ interaction in [4] implies that the effect linear relationship between the dependent and the
of τ (the intercept) is dependent on the study, hence predictor variables. Different methods can be used
of factors that are unaccounted for. Similarly, a to determine whether the relationship has a linear
significant interaction of study by X in [6] (the bi or nonlinear structure.
terms) indicates that the slope of the linear • The first method consists in classifying
relationship of Y on X is dependent on the study, observations into five sub-classes based on
hence of unidentified factors. In such situation, the quintiles for the predictor variable, and
the analysis produces a model that can explain very performing the analysis according to [4] with
well the observations, but whose predictions of five discrete levels of the predictor variable.
future outcomes are generally not precise because Although the selection of five sub-classes is
the actual realization of a future study effect is somewhat arbitrary, there are substantive
unknown. references in the statistical literature
The maximum likelihood predictor of a future indicating that this number of levels
observation is computed by setting the study and generally works well (Cochran, 1968; Rubin,
the interaction of study with the fixed effect factors 1997). A visual inspection of the five least-
to their mean effect values of zero (McCulloch & squares means, or the partitioning of the four
Searle, 2001), but the standard error of this degrees of freedom associated with the five
prediction is very much amplified by the levels of the discrete variable into singular
uncertainty regarding the realized effect of the orthogonal polynomial contrasts can rapidly
future study. identify an adequate functional form to use
When the study effect and its interaction with for modeling the Y-X relationship.
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
Meta-analyses of experimental data in the animal sciences 355

• The second method can be directly applied investigated while correcting for the effect of dry
to the data, or can be a second step that matter intake (DMI, a continuous variable). In this
follows the identification of an adequate instance, the interest was in determining the effect
degree for a polynomial function. Model [6] of the discrete variable. In another instance, the
is augmented with the square (and possibly effects of various dietary factors such as dietary
higher order terms) of the predictor variable. NDF, DMI and proportion of forage in the diet
In the MIXED procedure of SAS, this can (all continuous variables) on starch and NDF
be done simply by adding an X*X term to digestibility, and microbial N synthesis were
the model statement. It is important to investigated, while correcting for the effect of the
understand that in the context of a linear method of grain processing. In this case, the
(mixed or not) model, the matrix interest was much more towards the effects of the
representation of the model and the solution continuous variables exempt from possible biases
procedure used are no different when X and due to different grain processing methods across
X2 are in the model compared to a situation experiments.
where two different continuous variables
(say X and Z) are included in the model. The Accounting for interfering factors
problem, however, is that X and X 2 are Differences in experimental conditions
implicitly dependent; after all, there is an between studies can affect the treatment response.
algebraic function relating the two. This The nature of these conditions can be represented
dependence can result in a large correlation by quantitative or qualitative variables. In the first
between the two variables, thus leading to instance the variable and possibly its interaction
possible problems of collinearity. with other factors can be added to the model if
• A third method can be used in more complex there are sufficient degrees of freedom. The
situations where the degree of the magnitude of treatment response is sometimes
polynomial exceeds two, or the form of the dependent on the observed value in the control
relationship is sigmoid, for example. The group. For example, Figure 9 shows the milk fat
relationship can be modeled as successive response in lactating cows to dietary buffer
linear segments, an approach conceptually supplementation as a function of the milk fat of
close to the first method explained previously. the control group (Meschy et al., 2004). The
Martin and Sauvant (2002) used this method response was small or non-existent when the milk
to study the variation in the shape of the fat of control cows was near 40 g/L, but increased
lactation curves of cows subjected to various markedly when the control cows had low milk fat,
concentrate supplementation strategies, using possibly reflecting a higher likelihood of sub-
the model of Grossman & Koops (1988) as its clinical rumen acidosis in these instances.
fundamental basis. Using this approach, The presence of a study by predictor variable
lactation curves were summarized by a vector interaction can indicate a nonlinear relationship
of 9 parameter estimates, which estimates and the need for a higher degree of polynomial in
could be compared across supplementation the model. Applying model [6] with the addition
strategies. of a square term for the Xij to the data shown in
Figure 5 results in a relatively good quantification
In [8], the interest may be in the effect of the of the relationship between chewing time and
discrete variable τ after adjusting for the effect of dietary NDF, as shown in Figure 10. In this type
a continuous variable X as in a traditional covariate of plot, it is important to adjust the observations
analysis, or the interest may be inverse, i.e., the for the study effect, or the regression may appear
interest is in the effect of the continuous variable to poorly fit the data because of the many hidden
after adjusting for the effect of the discrete dimensions represented by the studies (St-Pierre,
variable. The meta-analyses of Firkins et al. (2001) 2001).
provide examples of both situations. In one In instances where the interacting factor is
instance, the effect of grain processing (a discrete discrete, the examination of the sub-classes least-
variable) on milk fat content was being squares means can clarify the nature of the
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
356 St -Pierre, N.R.

interaction. For example, the effect of a dietary a variance σ2e. The normality assumption can be
treatment may be dependent on the physiological tested using a standard Chi2 test, or a Shapiro-
status of the animals used in the study. This Wilkes test, both available in the UNIVARIATE
physiological status can be coded using multiple procedure of the SAS system. Residuals can also
dummy variables, as explained previously. be expressed as Studentized residuals, with
absolute values exceeding 3 being suspected
outliers (Tomassone et al., 1983). In meta-
analysis, the removal of a suspected outlier
observation should be done only with extreme
caution. This is because the observations in a
meta-analysis are the calculated outcomes (least-
squares means) of models and experiments that
should themselves be nearly free of the influence
of outliers. Thus, meta-analytic outliers are
much more likely indicative of a faulty model
than of a defective observation. In addition, the
removal of one treatment mean as an observation
in a meta-analysis might be removing all the
Figure 9 - Response in milk fat content (FAT) variation in the predictor variable for the
to dietary buffer supplementation. experiment in question, thus making the value
of the experiment in a meta-analytic setting
nearly worthless. In addition, the analyst should
examine for possible intra and inter-study
relationships between the residuals and the
predictor variables.

Structure of study variation

When a model of the type described in [4],
[6], or [8] is being fitted, it is possible to
examine each study on the basis of its own
residuals. For example, Figure 11 shows the
Figure 10 - Effect of dietary neutral detergent distribution of the residual standard errors for
fiber (NDF) content on chewing activity in the different studies used in the meta-analysis
cattle. 1Data are from published experiments
of chewing time in cattle (Figures 5 and 10).
where the NDF content of the diet was the
experimental treatment. Observations were Predictably, the distribution is asymmetrical and
adjusted for the study effect before being plotted, follows the law of Raleigh for the standard
as suggested by St-Pierre (2001). errors, while variances have a Chi2 distribution.
Studies with unusual standard errors, say those
with a Chi2 probability exceeding 0.999 could
Post-optimization analyses
As when fitting conventional statistical models, be candidates for exclusion from the
numerous analyses should follow the fitting of a analysis.Alternatively, one could consider using
meta-analytic model. These analyses are used to the inverse of the estimated standard errors as
assess the assumptions underlying the model, and weights to be attached to the observation before
to determine whether additional meta-analytic re-iterating the meta-analysis.
models should be investigated. Other calculations such as leverage values,
Cook’s distances, and other statistics can be used
Structure of Residual Variation to determine the influence of each observation on
In [4], [6], and [8], the residuals (errors) are the parameter estimates (Tomassone et al., 1983).
assumed independent, and identically distributed
from a normal population with a mean of zero and
2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
Meta-analyses of experimental data in the animal sciences 357
Table 2 - Guidelines to establish whether an effect should be considered fixed or
random in a meta-analytic model1.
Population Experiment Effect of t in the model
Case 1 T is small2 t≅T Fixed effect
Case 2 T is large t << T Random effect
Case 3 T is large t≅T Should be fixed but random works better
Case 4 T is large t << T, and Should be random but fixed may work better
t is very small (i.e., variance components can be poorly estimated)
Adapted from Milliken (1999) for mixed models. 2T represents the number of studies in the population
(conceptual), and t is the number of studies in the meta-analysis.

The author is thankful to Daniel Sauvant,
Philippe Schmidely, and J. J. Daudin for their
contribution to this paper. Much of the material
presented in this paper was shared by these
colleagues during a visit by the author to the
Institut National Agronomique (INRA INAPG)
Paris-Grignon in 2004. Additionally, parts of this
paper appeared previously in an internal INRA
discussion paper (INRA Productions Animales)
written by Professor Sauvant.
Figure 11 - Frequency distribution of the
residual standard errors of the studies used in
the meta-analysis of chewing activity in cattle. Literature citad

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