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Carson Schorr

Miss Skirtich
English 10: World Literature
Dante’s Father
Having a father figure is very important in my live. They play a huge impact on owe’s

values, morals and are there to protect us from any sort of harm. Dante having Virgil as a guide

is a huge deal. Virgil is just not a guide to Dante, but he is like a father to Dante. Dante Alighieri

portrays Virgil as a father figure to Dante in “Inferno” by his righteous anger, acing as a

protector and showing pride.

Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a father figure to Dante in “Inferno” by his righteous

anger Virgil has done a lot for Dante. Virgil as guided Dante through the good and the bad.

Virgil has been just like a father in “Inferno” especially through righteous anger. Virgil clearly

states, “He scorned God and among the dead” (Alighieri 113). He is saying that these sinners are

so lost they compare God to one of the dead. Also, he is explaining that the sinners do not care

about themselves anymore. Another example is when Virgil says, “Now rage is added to them”

(Alighieri 187). Virgil is trying to describe how made and depressed the sinners are. Also, he is

saying that the sinners are furious because they feel forgotten. Virgil is a father figure to Dante

through his righteous anger.

Additionally, Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a father figure to Dante in “Inferno” by

acting as a protector. Virgil is a mayor protector for Dante throughout the poem “Inferno.”

Virgil has protected Dante from a lot of scary things. Dante says, “Guide’s command I had

unknown, (Alighieri 130). Dante is really confused at this point and doesn’t know what to do.

Then Virgil gives a command and saves the day. Another example is when Virgil says, “Stood

among the summit” (Alighieri 170). Virgil tells Dante not to go towards the edge, Dante listens
and he is protected. Without Virgil’s guidance, Dante would have gotten lost in hell. Virgil is a

father figure to Dante by acting as a protector.

Moreover, Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a father figure to Dante in “Inferno” by his

pride. Virgil has a lot of pride to show. He is very important throughout Dante’s journey. Dante

says to Virgil “Master,” (Alighieri 170). If Virgil was called master you already know he has lots

of pride. It shows the amount of respect Dante shows to Virgil. Another example is when, Virgil

says to Dante “Only the fit survive” (Alighieri 197). Virgil is telling Dante that you need to be

strong if you survive. Virgil is basically telling Dante if he gives up he will not survive. Virgil is

a father figure to Dante by showing his pride.

Finally, Dante Alighieri portrays Virgil as a father figure to Dante in “Inferno” by his

righteous anger, acting as a protector and showing pride. This obviously proves that Virgil was a

big help to Dante. In the end without Virgil, Dante would not have been able to get through hell.

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