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“Ethnicity: Key Issue 3”


“Rubenstein, p. 224 – 229”


“1. Make ​notes on major issues​ in each of these ethnic conflicts and shade and ​annotate the
map ​at right as necessary.”


● eritrea became italian colony 1890
● ethiopia (independent for more than 2,000 years) was
capture by italy during 1930s
● after WWII ethiopia became independent again
○ united nations awarded ethiopia and eritrea
● ethiopia dissolved eritrean legislature and banned use of
● 30 year fight: eritreans rebelled for independence
○ 665,000 eritrean refugees fled to sudan
● eritrean rebels defeated ethiopian army 1991
● 1993 eritrea became independent
● disputes of border location= war 1998
● eritrea: 1900 treaty between ethiopia and italy
● ethiopia: cited 1902 treaty with italy
● ethiopia beat eritrea 2000 and took disputed land
● eritrea
○ 5 million pop. evenly split between
christian and muslim
○ ethnic: tigrinya and tigre
● ethiopia: complex multiethnic state
○ controlled by amharas (christians) from late
19th century to 1990s
○ oromo (muslim fundamentalists) are largest
ethnicity at 34%
○ amhara 27%, banned lang. other than
amharic, including oromo
● 41 million ppl. ● mostly sunni muslims and speak somali
● several civil wars since 1980s between ● most share nation-state believe
arab-muslim gov. in north and other ethnicities in ● 9 mill. inhabitants divided into clans that are
south, west, and east divided into subclans
● south ● 1991 dictatorship collapsed and clans/subclans
○ black christian and animist eth. resisted claimed control over country’s portion
gov. attempts to convert country to one ○ independent states of somaliland in the
nationality tied to muslim traditions north, puntland in the northeast,
○ north-south war 1983-2005. death 1.9 mill. galmudug in center, southwestern
sudanese (civilians) somalia in the south
○ war ended= establishment of south sudan as ● US send troops to somalia 1992 after 300,000
autonomous (referendum on independence people died from famine and warfare between
2011) clans
○ abyei, nuba mountains, and blue nile may ● mission: protect food delivery to somali refugees
become part of southern sudan 2011 and to reduce number of weapons in the hands
● west of the clan/sub clan armies
○ black muslim in darfur region of western ● clans collapsed 1994
sudan ● islamist militias took control of somalia between
○ fought against gov. of sudan 2003 2004 and 2006
○ 400,000 dead in darfur, 2 million refugees ○ eritrea on islamists sides
○ US calls it genocide ○ ethiopia against them
● one of the leaders terrorists= US opposed
islamists= launched air strikes in 2007
● several hundred thousands refugees
● islamist militias withdrew from most of somalia
in 2006, but returned and regained control

“RELIGIONS of LEBANON “% of population”
(largest to smallest in #)”
muslims 60%
christians 39%
greek orthodox

“2c. How did Lebanon’s 1943 constitution seek to solve the religion problem?”

● “The president…”
maronite christian
● “The premier…”
sunni muslim
● “The speaker of the chamber of deputies…”
shiite muslim
● “The foreign minister…”
greek orthodox
“2d. What happened in 1975? How has it been resolved?”
religious groups civil war broke out. 1990 agreement gave each religion ½ seats in parliament.

“3a. When the ​British ended colonial control​ of South Asia in 1947, what did they do in the region?”

“(a) politically?”
divided the colony into india and pakistan. an eastern region of india was cut off from the rest of the country,
attached by a narrow corridor north of bangladesh (less than 13 kilometers wide)

“(b) ethnically (religiously)?”

pakistan: muslim, india: hindu. great antagonism between the two so they got separated

“3b. Mass Migration:”

“i. How many people found themselves “on the wrong side of [the] boundary” in the 1940s?”
17 million

“ii. How many Muslims migrated from India to West Pakistan (Pakistan, today)?”
6 million

“iii. How many Muslims migrated from India to East Pakistan (Bangladesh, today)?”
1 million

“iv. How many Hindus migrated from East and West Pakistan into India?”
6 million from west and 3.5 million from east

“v. What happened to many of the refugees as they traveled?”

killed by people from rival religions

“3c. Why is the region of ​Kashmir​ a source of contention?”

“i. politically?”
pakistan and india never agreed on the location of the boundary

“ii. in terms of religion?”

muslims fought guerrilla war to secure reunification of kashmir as part or pakistan or independent country.
pakistan wants kashmir to vote on their future because the majority muslim population would break away from

“4b. Make a chart which compares the two ethnicities of this country in terms of language and religion.”
sinhalese sinhalese, indo-european buddhism sri lanka
82% lang. in indo-iranian branch
tamil tamil lang. in dravidian hindus india
14% family

“(c) How has violence between these two groups (which goes back 2,000 years) been suppressed during a 300
year period?”
european control for 300 years

“(d) What occurred in 1948? Who controls most of the country’s institutions?”
1948 sinhalese dominated gov., military, and most of the commerce
“(e) Which group is unhappy? Why?”
tamils feel suffering from discrimination at the hand of sinhalese-dominated gov and received support for
rebellion that started 1983 from tamils living in other countries.

“Ethnicity: Key Issue 4”

“What Is Ethnic Cleansing”
“Rubenstein, p. 229 – 233”

“1a. Define the term ​ethnic cleansing​:”

Process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an
ethnically homogenous region.

“1b. How is ethnic cleansing different than normal warfare?”

it is not to defeat an enemy or to subjugate them, but to remove every member of a less powerful ethnicity
including women, men, children, the youth, and the elder.

“2. When boundaries were redrawn in Europe after World War II, what was the effect on various ethnic
millions of ethnic germans, poles, russians, and other groups were forced to migrate as a result of boundary


“3. The Balkans includes ​albania​, ​bulgaria​, ​romania​, and ​greece​, as well as several countries that once
comprised ​yugoslavia​.”

“4. List important/interesting facts regarding the creation of the post-WWI country of Yugoslavia”

● june 1914- heir to the throne of austria-hungary was assassinated in sarajevo by a serb who sought
independence for bosnia
● yugoslavia created to unite several balkan ethnicities that spoke similar south slavic lang.
● “yugo” derives from slave worth for “south”

“5. Regarding the Yugoslav refrain that was common during the rule of Josip Tito, identify the following:”


3 democracies- austria, greece, and italy. 4 states (gov. by communists)- albania, bulgaria, hungary, and
romania. western democracies and communist eastern europe. yugoslavia expelled in 1948 from
soviet-dominated military.

withing yugoslavia- bosnia & herzegovina, croatia, macedonia, montenegro, serbia, and slovenia had
more autonomy from national gov. to run own affairs.

-croats, macedonians, montenegrens, serbs, and slovenes. bosnia & herzegovina had mix of serbs,
croats, and muslims
-croatian macedonian, serbian, and slovene.

-roman catholic in north, orthodox is east, and islam in south. croats and slovenes were predominantly
roman catholic. serbs and macedonians predominantly orthodox, and bosnians and montenegrens

-croatian and slovene written in roman alphabet. macedonian and serbian written in cyrillic. serbian and
croatian considered same language for diff. alphabets.

● “ONE DINAR was the national ​unit of currency​.”

“6. What ethno-political problems did the country face after the death of Tito in the 80’s?”
bosnia & herzegovina, croatia, macedonia, and slovenia broke away in 1990s and montenegro in 2006.

“7. Why did Serbs and Croats in Bosnia (a.k.a. Bosnia-Herzegovina) ethnically cleanse themselves of Bosnian
so areas did not have majorities of bosnian serbs and bosnian croats, but were ethnically homogeneous and
therefore better candidates for union with serbia and croatia.

“8a. What was agreed upon at the accords signed between these rival ethnicities in Dayton, Ohio in 1996?”
bosnia & herzegovina divided into 3 regions each dominated by bosnian croats, muslims, and serbs.

“8b. Who got the best deal? The worst? Explain.”

bosnian serbs got the best and bosnian muslims the worst because they both got ¼ of the land but bosnian serbs
have ⅓ of people for ¼ of land, while bosnian muslims have ½ of people for ¼ of the land which means that
they’re more crowded.

“9. Regarding the region of ​KOSOVO​…”

“(a) What ethnic group lives in Kosovo (and %)?”
albanians 90%
“(b) What country controls it today?”
“(c) With the breakup of Yugoslavia, what began to happen in Kosovo?”
serbia took direct control of kosovo and launched a campaign of ethnic cleansing of the albanian majority, and
750,000 of 2 mill. ethnic albanians forced from their homes.
“(d) How did the US and NATO respond?”
they launched an air attack against serbia. bombing campaign ended when serbia agreed to withdraw all of its
soldiers and police from kosovo.

“10. What is the meaning of the terms”

● “balkanized​:”
a small geographic areas that could not successfully be organized into one or more stable states because it was
inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long-standing antagonisms toward each other.

● “balkanization​:”
Process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities.

“11. If peace comes to the Balkan Peninsula in the next few years, why will it be “in a tragic way,” according to
the author of the textbook?”
because it would mean that ethnic cleansing worked by killing people or forcing them to migrate.


“12. Give the historical background of the two rival groups of Central Africa’s countries of Rwanda and
“Hutus” “Tutsis”
● settled farmers ● cattle herders
● growing crops in hills and valleys ● migrated to rwanda and burundi fro
of rwanda and burundi (great lakes the rift valley of western kenya
region of central africa) (since 400 yrs. ago)
● ● took control of the kingdom of
rwanda and turned the hutu into
● 15% pop

“13. Who were the colonial powers over Rwanda and Burundi? How did they reinforce ethnic rivalries there?”
germany and belgium. tutsis could attend university and hold responsible gov. positions while the hutus were

“14. Explain the course of events when independence came to the countries?”
rwanda became independent= hutus could vote and won elections. hutus killed ½ and 1 mill. tutsis in 1994.
tutsis that survived attacked back and were successful. 2 mill hutus fled to neighbor countries.

“15. What is the situation today?”

they have calmed down and most refugees have returned to the countries, and democratic elections have been
held in both.

“16. What is happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo?”

conflict between hutus and tutsis went to the congo and the congo has had the world’s deadliest war since the end of
WWII in 1945. 5.4 mill. have died as of 2009. tutsis offered support to rebels seeking to overthrow congo’s gov. fighting
continues mostly in the east

“FRQ Practice:”
“Directions: Please brainstorm (come up with as much information as you can) the following potential APHG
FRQ for roughly 5 minutes. Then you will practice writing this FRQ.”

“1. Ethnicity has been a strong source of cultural pride in many regions around the world. Occasionally,
conflicts have erupted out of ethnic and national pride.”
“A. Define the terms “ethnicity” and “nationality.” Provide a real-world example of each.”
“B. Discuss ONE twentieth or twenty-first century example where nationalism led to ethnic conflict.”
“C. Discuss ONE twentieth or twenty-first century example where ethnic conflict arose out of something
other than nationalism.”

A1. Define A1. Example

ethnicity is a group of people that have common mexican americans born in the US but ancestors are
ancestry and culture. from mexico
A2. Define A2. Example
nationality is group of people that share legal mexicans born in mexico
attachment by being born there.
B. Discuss
donald trump:
hunt mexicans down
scaring them
discriminated bc they are from mexico
he only wants norwegians
sees them as inferior
when ICE catches them they treat them like delinquents
DACA= daca stays but wall gets built (trying to make a deal)
doesn't care what age they are
cancelling TPS for salvadorans
donald trump= supporters hate immigrants. (mostly mexicans)
mexicans are rapists, illegals, drug dealers so let’s take them out
-nationalism= americans believe anything he says so they also want to kick them out because mexicans are bad

C. Discuss
KKK vs african americans

1.A) ethnicity is a group of people that have common ancestry and culture. An example of
ethnicity is a Mexican American that is born in the US, but their ancestors are from Mexico.
Nationality is a group of people that share legal attachment by being born inthe same place. An
example of nationality is Mexicans born in Mexico and identifying as Mexicans.
B) One twenty-first century example where nationalism led to ethnic conflict is Donald Trump
calling mexicans bad names. Nationalism will make people support their country and president
no matter what they do, even if it harms others. His supporters, which the majority are white
american citizens, will agree with everything he says against other ethnicities like mexicans.
Because “white” people have always felt like they are at the “top” of the ethnicities, they always
want to be the best. Racism, which is discrimination against someone who has a different
ethnicity and/or race, will start to develop from the nationalism that the people feel and will
most likely lead to ethnic conflicts. There doesn’t necessarily have to be a war for it to be
considered a conflict, so it can be when hateful comments are made towards “different” people.
For example, saying that mexicans should get kicked out of the country and calling them names
like the ones Donald Trump did is enough for there to be conflict because protests are used as
responses towards the nationalist, racist comments. Nationalism has driven people to view
mexicans as horrible people when they are not. A lot of the bad things in the United States get
blamed on immigrants and people believe that. For example, mexicans are called drug dealers
by nationalist people, and some mexicans are drug dealers, but the only good reason that they
would bring the drugs to the United States is because Americans buy them because they
wouldn’t want to risk getting caught if they aren’t going to make any profit out of it.
Nationalism has turned people into being disrespectful to other ethnicities, which causes
conflicts. For example, whenever I’m in class and we talk about mexico, there’s always
someone that has to say things like “ew mexicans, yes trump build that wall, mexicans suck,”
and it makes me want to stand up for myself because I’m mexican and it is unfair how we all
get stereotyped as illegal, drug dealers, racists, etc., but I know that it will end up creating a
bigger conflict because the nationalism is very strong that they won’t change their mind
whatsoever, so I always end up being quiet. Not everyone stays quiet, and when they don’t stay
quiet that’s when the conflict gets bigger and turns into ethnicities against the other.
Nationalism can cause the ethnicity being affected to create conflict within themselves and not
with the “superior” ethnicity. For example, the “inferior” ethnicity may feel ashamed that they
are mexican and get upset because they can’t change that, and nationalism makes it hard for the
“superior” ethnicity to realize that they are the ones that might be wrong or that their
country/president and their decisions are incorrect.
C)One twentieth or twenty-first century example where ethnic conflict arose out of something
other than nationalism is the KKK, Ku Klux Klan, against African Americans. Even though the
KKK has been around for a long time, it became famous when it targeted african americans.
People with black skin have always been looked down upon by “higher” ethnicities. The KKK
has protested against african americans and don’t want to be among them and don’t want them
to have the same rights as them such as going to school and voting.

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