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Your Value! – Radical Joy, Abundance and Satisfaction through the Power of Self-

© 2018 Richard Kent Matthews

Published by New Possibilities (Press), Inc., Portland, Oregon USA

Dedicated in memory to my wonderful partner, Iris Petersen, who passed away in 2014; to my amazing brother
Donald Matthews, who died in 2010; to my very special friend Bruce Gould, who passed away in 1988; and to my
beloved cat, Annie, the best animal companion ever, who died in 2011 at the age of 22. Thank you all for allowing me
to love you.

Disclaimer: The information in this book is for entertainment purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose any condition
or illness, physically or psychologically, nor does it prescribe or seem to prescribe any medication, other chemicals,
herbs, or potions.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Uncovering Our Ignorance on All Levels
Chapter 2: How to Open New Doors with Power Questions
Chapter 3: Examining Your Discontent
Chapter 4: What Do You REALLY Want? Acknowledging Your Desires, Especially the Hidden
Chapter 5: Forgiveness: It's Probably Not What You Think
Chapter 6: Kindness: The Way of Active Compassion
Chapter 7: What Is Your Purpose in Life?
Chapter 8: Are You 'Called'?
Chapter 9: Mission: Your Action Plan
Chapter 10: Healing Your Corner of the World: The Principle of Charity--Putting It All Together
Conclusion: The Newest You
Bonus A - Seven Steps to Power Living
Bonus A2 - Special Meditation
Bonus B - Your Keys to Better Relationships
Bonus C - What’s with the Law of Attraction?
Bonus D - The Healing Power of Humor
Bonus E - The Living Mural: An Artist Meets God in the Window Glass
Bonus F – How to Become a Good Receiver: Opening Your Heart, Mind, and Life to Authentic


How much do you appreciate yourself and what exactly is appreciation? Well, it has several meanings including
the following, these taken from the Merriam Webster Dictionary online:

1. To grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of

2. To value or admire highly
3. To judge with heightened perception or understanding
4. To recognize with gratitude
5. To increase the value of (This is the definition I’ll be using in this eBook, mostly.)

I found this interesting article on Exploredia.com from February of 2016 listing the top ten things that appreciate
(go up in value) more than just about anything else:

Things that increase in value over time produce income. Don’t waste your money on things that depreciate in
value over time. How much did you pay for your DVD collection? What is it worth now? Here are ten things that
can be bought and resold at a profit.

• Silver
• Gold
• Stocks
• Books
• Coins
• Star Wars Merchandise
• Stamps
• Land
• Comic Books
• Baseball Cards

You notice humans aren’t on the list. We’re not like silver or gold. We don’t hold up like land or coins. After all,
we age, we lose our mental faculties, we die. Nothing like that can appreciate in value, right?

Wrong. Just ask the bones of old King Tut. Or tyrannosaurus rex.

I’ve created this short and to the point eBook for one purpose, that is, to help you increase your value in all areas
of your experience, right now, while you’re still alive enough to enjoy it. From your professional life to your
spiritual life and everywhere in between, the way to true joy—and radical success—is to continually raise your
value. And no one can do it but you.

When you see and accept yourself as the valuable, resourceful being you actually are, the world will follow suit.
But as long as you sell yourself short, the world will buy low.

So, it doesn’t matter what the ‘lists’ say. It’s your choice and your call. Up your value now.

Let’s have at it!


My dad used to say that his life was destined for failure. No matter how much we tried to talk him out of it, he
clung to that view. Consequently, he subconsciously acted out in ways that proved he was right--to himself. Even
though he had a great family, never let his kids go hungry or find themselves without a roof over their heads, still
he left this world thinking he was a complete failure. He wouldn't change his mind. He didn't know how.

After reading this book, if you don’t already know how, you will.

All it takes is a small shift...

Water boils at 212F degrees but not at 211F degrees. Just one degree of shift in thinking can make you fairly
sizzle with new life, new joy, new appreciation!

Hey, wait!

You may be thinking, "It’s too difficult, too time consuming, too unrewarding, too late to change my thinking.
I'm set." But in fact, you’re not set. It's only in the changing of your habitual thought patterns that life takes on a
new glow. The miraculous shows itself. And that, ultimately, is what physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth is
all about. You’re never too old.

When you apply the principles in this easy to read book, you'll begin to change the following ways of thinking:

• Jumping to conclusions
• Losing track of goals
• Focusing on the trivial
• Accepting inaccurate information without question
• Ignoring information that doesn’t support your views
• Missing good ideas
• Misusing words
• Unawareness of your prejudices
• Thinking narrowly, imprecisely, illogically, hypocritically, superficially, ego- or ethnocentrically,
irrationally, over-emotionally
• Blaming history, parents, friends, school, church

To these ways of thinking. . .

• Sticking to issues and solving problems

• Pursuing more rational goals
• Asking productive questions
• Having more control over your emotions, more understanding of others’ point of view
• Becoming more reasonable, less controlling
• Less submissive or easily manipulated
• Less worry
• Letting go of childhood baggage
• Being able to admit it when you’re wrong
• Living from a place of personal integrity, honesty, and consistency
• More interested in helping the world
• Less selfish and yet more abundant
• More intellectually and spiritually alert
• Recognizing that changing your thinking is ongoing and can keep you healthy
• Appreciating what’s in your life right now, even the challenges
• And discovering more joy, more beauty, and more fun!

You're just like other humans; therefore, you can expect to find all human failings within yourself, which means
you are self-centered and self-deceived. That's not such a bad thing, though. It's made you tough, resilient, and
capable. You have a set of gifts and talents to offer that no one else has.

The path to new thinking and self-appreciation is simple but it's not necessarily easy. Breaking old habits of any
kind rarely is, especially habits of mind. Still, to be, do, and have what you claim you want takes a shift in
attitude, an adjustment in purpose, a deliberate decision to change your thinking.

Are you up for it? Yeah, you are. Welcome to better thinking!


You’ve been doing it all your life. It's served you well or you wouldn't be here, reading this. Yet, when you learn
to think in better, more powerful and meaningful ways, you change not only yourself, but the world around you.

You’ve been thinking in habitual patterns. Change the patterns of thinking and a new world opens for you. When
your mindset changes, your life changes.)
Chapter 1: Uncovering Our Ignorance on All Levels

An obvious (?) observation

There is more to know that we can ever know. On many levels we remain ignorant, which simply means we are
unaware of most of what is happening around us—or within us, for that matter—at any given time.

Some new info: You are designed to be resistant to change and novelty; yet, the only way to grow on any level is
to step out of the resistance and move forward. That isn’t easy. New goals and new experiences can and do create
fear and when the fear has been turned on, it’s very difficult to turn it off. It can be done, however.

The brain is quite plastic. We used to believe it was fixed—no new neurons could grow. We now are fairly
certain that new knowledge and experiences actually create new synaptic connections in the brain. That means
you can actually change your mind; you can move beyond our fear. You can become a new person. That is, once
you break the habit of being your comfortable, wary self.

Do you know Kaizen?

Big fears are daunting. They keep you trapped, thinking there's no way out, or if there is, it will take a heavy toll.
But there is a simple way to approach fears and anxieties that make them less formidable, more easily tamed.
How? Through the practice of Kaizen. It means, in essence, taking small steps toward continuous improvement.
No large jumps, no pushing the limit. Just small incremental steps. Piece by piece, moment by moment. Big
changes scare the brain; small ones don’t. Or at least, not so much.

During World War II, Japan was devastated by nuclear bombs and a humiliating loss to the Allies. Afterward, the
US decided that it was in its own best interest to help Japan recover, to become part of the world community
again. American ingenuity and products rebuilt the nation virtually from the ground up, one small step at a time.
By the 1970s, Japan was a world leader in international markets.

The recovery practices and methods came to be known in Japan as Kaizen.

If Japan can recover from two nuclear bomb blasts, it won't seem so difficult for you, too, to relieve your fears,
one small step at a time. As overwhelming as it all may seem in this moment, through simple changes, it can all
seem much brighter in the next.

How to practice spiritual Kaizen:

• Ask yourself small questions that welcome creativity and playfulness

• Small thoughts make imagining—or mind sculpture—not only easy, but accessible
• Small actions, tiny steps, will help you go around fear and create a permanent new path to success on
every level
• Small problem-solving will keep them from turning into giant problems

A practical approach:

• Choose a specific area for improvement

• Identify small but relevant tasks that will contribute to your goal
• Prioritize your actions
• Set up a timeline for each specific task
• Always track your progress; it saves repetition
• Continue to add steps until you reach your stated objective
• And always keep it small, continuous, and gentle

The idea is to keep your natural survival mechanisms from kicking in, thus creating more fear

Put the large goals away...for the moment

Large goals can overwhelm. Small, easy, even almost trivial-seeming goals are not fear producing. They are easy
to accomplish.

The more small goals you accomplish, the more your mindset changes from one of fear, doubt, and misgivings to
confidence, clarity, and eagerness to continue improving.

Begin today to take small, continual steps toward your new experience, your new relationships, your new life.

Ignorance? Not here. A few small steps and it's been fully uncovered!

“[It seems that] satisfaction comes less from the attainment of a goal and more in what you must do to get
there.” Gregory Berns, “Satisfaction” (2005
Chapter 2: How to Open New Doors with Power Questions

Did you know that…

Nearly everything that you think is true, everything you believe, is the result of someone else telling you? Unless
you've experienced something directly, it's hearsay. However, even direct experience can be deceptive. So, in
order to be truly aware, you question everything...continually.

What, then, is awareness?

The capacity to stand apart from ourselves, noting our thinking, our intentions, fears, and actions, and accepting
more and more responsibility for the consequences.

When I was a child, my minister said to me, "Never question the bible." My parents said, "Never question our
authority." My doctor said, "I'm the expert here. Don't question my diagnoses." And my teachers told me to
believe everything they said. I did. Then, one day, I didn't. Why? I finally began to ask questions. About
everything. I finally became aware of how manipulated I had been. Well, no more of that.

I discovered I could make a much better mark on the world when I operate from a place of confidence, a place of
integrity. And I now question everything, especially when it's hearsay. That way, I tend to go in less nonsensical

You, too, have been manipulated a lot more than you may care to admit. Fine. You're not alone. If, however, you
would prefer a bit more, shall I say, 'independent rule,' choose to become more aware. Discover how the media,
the political structure, the religions—oh, those religions, eh!—and even family members seek to move you
around like a piece on a chessboard.

How will choosing to become aware help me?

By discovering and understanding the importance of continually asking Power Questions of yourself and the
world, you become more authentic—and astute. You aren’t so easily fooled.

What will it show me?

Asking yourself Power Questions on a regular basis helps you come out of your lethargy and blind acceptance.
Your vision, inner and outer, improves dramatically.

Acceptance of what, now?

Buying into the status quo, recognizing subconscious programming, habits that inhibit your progress like
laziness, fear of change, natural resistance; willingness to trust such things as the evening news, ministers,
medical professionals, or politicians without question.

Sounds like work. How will I benefit?

Any time you decide to change habits, it will take effort. But worth it. You'll get a much clearer picture of where
you've been led. Others will show their true colors. You'll better understand your place in the world. You'll create
more satisfaction with life, maybe a sense of adventure, discovery, and fulfillment. Most important, you'll begin
to trust yourself more.

Right now, take a look at the results in your life. For better or worse, all of your thoughts, actions, and
relationships up to this point have created those results. How much of it has been to your liking?
Begin to ask Power Questions daily. They will show your own true intentions. Then you can begin to construct
them in the way that suits you best. Don’t force the answers but watch as they appear spontaneously in your life.
When you’re ready, act on the information.

One Thing to Remember: Power Questions help to free us from manipulation, outer and inner. And as you begin
to uncover the manipulation, it will seek to reinforce itself. Don't let it. You're now in charge.

You're still in relationship with the world. Your aim isn't to cut yourself off, but to be a better player, a better
companion, a better source. When you choose your direction, both you and the world around you benefit.

Above all, become aware of love. Turns out, love is the only Reality.

Your Power Questions (You can eventually add questions suited to your own conditions and tastes.)

1. Am I creating good in the world? If not, what might be holding me back?

2. What part of my world (church, work, family, friends) do I touch the most and how can I be more mindful
of my place and what I bring?
3. Who holds the power in my life? (Me, family, history, fear, God, Satan, etc.)
4. Can I find a way to be satisfied with my life while continuing to be of service? And how will my spiritual
growth affect those with whom I interact?
5. Am I dependable? Do I keep my word? Who might say no? Does personal integrity matter to me?
6. If I never had to concern myself with financial prosperity again, how would I spend my days? Can I do
that anyway? If not, why not? What holds me back?
7. Do I love or even like myself? Do I even know what that means? What can I do to improve it? How can I
take extreme care of myself while not being an ass?
8. Do I see myself as a worthwhile person? If not, why not?

“True intention plus mechanism equals results. When the intention is clear, the mechanism will appear.”
Brian Klemmer
Chapter 3: Examining Your Discontent

“What you resist persists!”

Most of us are discontent to one degree or another. It seems to almost be genetic. We want more of this, less of
that, him in our lives, her out of our lives. A better job, more retirement money, a condo in Florida. Perhaps more
steak and less meatloaf. We want to be lead singer in a rock band or design the next big hip-hop clothing line.
Discontentment leaves clues. And your first clue is restlessness. Do any of these fit you?

• Dragging out of bed every morning

• Increased cravings for coffee, sugar, binge foods, alcohol
• Decreased interest in pleasure
• Too much TV
• Weight gain
• Less laughter, especially at yourself
• Seeking approval from whoever will give it or using the term “It’s not fair!”
• Putting yourself down or feeling underappreciated
• Feeling tired even when you’re rested
• A feeling that you don’t own your own life
• Lying because you fear the truth or think it isn’t good enough
• Suspicion of others and perhaps a bit more loss of temper

Discontent is a signal. It's trying to tell you something. But if you deny it or get defensive about it, you won't hear
what it has to say. Confront it openly, yet gently. Appreciate its source, whether anger or fear of change, perhaps
a nagging desire you haven't let come to the surface.

How to ease the discontent in your life and make it a bit more blissful

• Choose to take more responsibility for your feelings. Visualize a beautiful day
• Become more conscious of what you’re putting into your body…and when
• Drink more water
• Move a little more
• Be more honest with yourself (Can take practice!)
• Actually acknowledge—to yourself—the people in your life each day
• Avoid all drugs, including sugar! Talk to your doctor about minimum drug use
• Practice loving kindness, forgiveness, and prayer/meditation
• Trust that your body and mind know how to bring peace and healing to your life. Commit to treating
yourself with respect
• Don’t let the news be the last thing you experience before bedtime. It sets a tone!!

Even if you don't currently realize it, you live in a blessed world, in spite of appearances. But it's up to you—to
each of us—to change your perception about what is happening within you, around you, and because of you. As
you change your perception, you change your direction.

Discontent is not a bad thing. If you allow it to share with you its message, it might even be the start of a great

“It’s not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.”
W. Edwards Deming

Chapter 4: What Do You REALLY Want? Acknowledging Your Desires, Especially the Hidden Ones

"If you want your dreams to come true, you must first wake up." Indian Proverb

You're not always truthful with yourself. But then, you know that already.

What do you suppose might happen if you laid it all out on the proverbial table, gave it permission to dance in
front of you? What if you didn't seek to deny whatever it is you want, deep down? Stuff you'd never admit to
another human being? Dangerous stuff. Lurking stuff. Not so nice stuff.

Or guilty pleasures, like lots of money, or jewels, or hot partners. Maybe a palatial estate in Austria or a villa in

A new car EVERY year. Perhaps a yacht, or, well, you get the point.

But there are other things you might want that you won't admit out of guilt or fear. Like what, for instance?

1. Hatred. You might really want to see Joe injured or even killed.
2. Jealousy. Maybe Tyra looks better than you, or she enticed Scotty into her bedroom.
3. Arrogance. You think you're smarter than Betsy and you want her to know it.
4. Apathy. You think he, she, or it may just not be worth the effort. Ho hum, you think.

And deeper still...

You think you're not going to heaven or Valhalla or Paradise because you're not good enough. You might think
you’re coming back as a frog or lizard in your next incarnation. You want to be good enough to get to the lofty
places and avoid the bad karma. Or the flames. But you think that might be a pipe dream. Still, it’s what you

You never got a chance to say good-bye to a dead parent, or sibling, or partner, or pal. If you had one more
minute with them...

Most of the deep stuff may be out of your reach. But you can still bring a sense of calm and contentment to your
life. And that's what you really want, I think. Calm, contentment, satisfaction, joy, laughter, love.

Deep down, you want more than anything to relax. And not just like in meditation. Or prayer. Or chanting. Or a
day at the beach. You want the load—the big load—off your shoulders. All of it. Physical, spiritual, cosmic,


If you can determine among all your desires what is actually possible to achieve, then create a process for doing
so, you can have them. First, though, deal with reality. No one is coming back from the dead. Hatred is never the
answer. And jealousy makes YOU look bad. Plus, with new eyes and new mindset, the world becomes a
friendlier place. The friendlier, the better. Relaxation can begin.

A Process
First, ask yourself what you think you want and why. Imagine yourself manifesting what you want. (See process

• Determine what might be presently standing in your way.

• Decide what you’re willing to give up. “Nothing is more dangerous than playing it safe.” Paul Arden
• Decide what you’re willing to do. “Skill to do comes from doing.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
• Release your desire into the care of God, Spirit, the universe, fate (or whatever Source you name, or not)
by choosing to appreciate what you have and are right now. That choice is more important than any
source you name, by the way. “If you ask anything of Spirit, ask once and let it happen. Begging, cajoling,
anger and fear don’t work. They hinder.” (Attributed)

The very act of appreciating sets the ball rolling, whether you believe in a Higher Power or not.

The universe—life—responds to how you feel about your desires, not just to what you say. Be sure what you
want is what you want. Your true intention will always manifest. Best to be aware of what that intention is. You
are the result of all your intentions. And will be in future.

Manifesting Your Desire, or How to Visualize*

1. Get a clear picture of “how things are.”

1. Slowly change it to what you think you want.
2. Surround the picture with a dark frame.
3. Get a feel for the new picture. Make it comfy.
4. Gradually change the frame to a softer color.
5. Add more detail to the picture. Step into it.
6. Let the frame fade. Monitor your feelings. Is this REALLY what you want? Change if necessary. Make it
a game. Small steps, remember.

This process gets you to your True Intention. Once you know that, you’re on your way to manifesting it or
changing it. Don’t be surprised if what you thought you wanted isn’t really what you want. And that’s OK. Now
you know!

Your real desires are often hidden from you. This process won't drop money into your lap, or Scotty won't come
running back to you, but it WILL assist you in finding out what you truly want. Then, if it doesn't look good, you
can clean house.

It's OK to want what you want. Don't let any self-identified guru tell you otherwise, not even me. But it's
essential you get to the crux or gist of it, find out what you want to have, be, and do, and start a new journey.

I've done it many time. Fun, frightening, testing, exhilarating, and worth every moment of it.

Your desire awaits. Step forth and grab it. You only have so much time.

*Borrowed and a bit paraphrased from author Mike Hernacki.

Chapter 5: Forgiveness: It’s Probably Not What You Think

When you're angry with someone, fearful, annoyed, or seeking revenge, forgiveness is not the word you want to
hear in the moment.

When you've composed yourself a bit, you're ready to deal with your emotions and perhaps let some of the
wrathful feelings depart.

You're ready to forgive.

No? Not yet? OK, that's fine.

Now? Good. Let's start by reminding ourselves what forgiveness isn't.

Forgiveness isn’t:
• Forgetting
• Condoning
• Absolution
• A form of self-sacrifice
• A one-time decision

Forgiveness is:
• A result, a bi-product of an emotional healing process
• Means no longer needing our grudges and resentments, hatred or self-pity
• For ourselves; it’s a choice
• Hard work
• Liberating; helps us move on
• Ultimately, forgiveness has little if anything to do with the other person, event, group, or whatever is the
object of your wrath. It's always about YOU. Your healing, your peace, your return to emotional
equilibrium and wholeness.

How, then, do we heal?

Stages of Healing

1. Denial—we play down the impact of the past painful experience

2. Self-blame—we assume it was our fault for the injustice or injury
3. Victim—we know it’s not our fault so we wallow in self-pity
4. Indignation—we are angry and want the perpetrators to pay
5. Survivor—we were hurt, but we’re still here. We recognize our strengths and return to compassion, sense
of humor, and a positive outlook
6. Integration—we release those who injured us from prison, let go of the pain, and drop the bitterness; we
reclaim the energy that we used to hold others captive in our consciousness

Living in this world means pain. As the Buddha says, Life is suffering. But we can make choices as to how we
deal with the suffering.

Forgiveness is the beginning of the process. It may take time. And you will appreciate yourself so much more in
that process.
Chapter 6: Kindness: The Way of Active Compassion

“Happiness leaps into existence from a positive attitude to life. Not just to your own life; to life itself. With that
comes a priceless set of freedoms: from fear, anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy and envy. Happiness cannot
exist in the presence of those emotions. And those emotions lose much of their power in the presence of a positive
mind. What a relief.” Stephanie Dowrick, Choosing Happiness—Life & Soul Essentials

“Kindness is compassion in action. It is a way of taking the vital human emotions of empathy and sympathy and
channeling those emotions into a real-life confrontation with ruthlessness, abandonment, thoughtlessness,
loneliness—all of the myriad ways every single day we find ourselves suffering or witnessing suffering in others.”
Sharon Salzberg, The Force of Kindness

Are you kind?

Kindness is the natural inclination of humanity, in spite of the appearances. Another word is ‘cooperation.’ And
we've been practicing it for a long time. Proof? We're still here.

Practicing kindness daily helps you develop a kindness mentality. Compassion without action is just pity.
Practice creates a habit, which eventually becomes second nature.

There is an unnumbered amount of opportunities to practice kindness each day, each moment. Here's a list of
suggestions* to get you started:

• Put your phone away.

• Hang out with the person who just moved to town.
• Offer a homeless person your leftovers bag from the restaurant.
• Each time you get a new piece of clothing, donate an old one.
• Don't interrupt when someone else is speaking. (Surprisingly few people master this.)
• Email or write an old teacher who made a difference in your life.
• Compliment someone to their boss.
• Leave a nice server the biggest tip you can afford.
• Smile at someone on the street, just because.
• Let someone into your lane. They're probably in a rush just like you.
• Forgive someone, and never bring up the issue again.
• Talk to the shy person who's sitting by themselves at a party.
• Leave your New York Times or Us Weekly behind for someone else to read at the coffee shop, the
doctor's office, or on a plane.
• Cut someone some slack.
• Help a mother with her baby stroller.
• Become a Big Brother or Big Sister.
• Let the person behind you at the supermarket checkout with one or two items go ahead of you.
• Write someone a letter. Like a real letter, on paper. And mail it!
• Don’t text or phone while driving.

That should be enough to spark your imagination!

“Your neighbor is your other self dwelling behind a wall. In understanding, all walls shall fall down. Who knows
but that your neighbor is your better self wearing another body? See that you love [them] as you would yourself.
[They] too are a manifestation of the Most High.” Kahlil Gibran
“If you knew, as I do, the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it with
someone.” The Buddha

Kindness, then, is as much for you as for the one who receives it from you.

Your joy is inextricably linked with the joy of the world. Or the apathy, the sadness, the pain.

Your choice.

When you make kindness a habit, it affects all your other habits. And some of those old nagging bad habits will
change much more readily.

Start today. If you can insert a few more acts of kindness into your daily routine, you'll end your day on a very
high note.

And that's a whole lot better than grumpy!

“This is the true joy in Life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a might one…the being a
force of Nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world
will not devote itself to making you happy.” George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

*Thanks to Jessica Misner at buzzfeed.com

Chapter 7: What Is Your Purpose in Life?

If you wonder what your purpose is here on Earth, wonder no more. Your purpose is clear. Nature has endowed
you with the desire to reproduce. That's your basic purpose on this planet. Why? Well, like it or not, you're tribal.
We all are. In order to perpetuate the tribe, we must reproduce.* And we do. Like rabbits.

There are higher levels of purpose as well.

Once you understand your basic purpose, you can move from a reactive/responsive mindset (reacting/responding
to outer circumstances) to a creative mindset. You can become the dominant creative force in your life. You
move from your basic purpose—to reproduce—to calling to mission. But first, your purpose, beyond
reproduction, is as follows:

1. To seek truth. Seeking truth is a basic survival mechanism. To discover what may be lurking behind that
tree might give you a few more years of life on this planet. It's also the way to understanding your own
higher levels of existence. It comes from many places so be open to it, even if it's unpleasant now and
2. To enjoy life, to play. Playing is found in most of the higher animals, including humans. It's health-giving
and life-affirming. Without play, humans tend to become remote, distant, psychologically hampered. It's
necessary and also moves you in the direction of higher existence. Increase your daily laughter. Play
3. To be of service to the world. This is the highest level of purpose. You are serving the world on many
different levels all the time. Your daily life impacts those around you, even if you aren’t aware of it. The
most menial tasks support the rest of the community. Again, you are tribal. You can choose to be of even
greater service, which leads to a more robust community. The more robust, the less friction. The less
friction, the less war. You see where this is going, right?

The point of this chapter is to help you develop the purpose-filled mindset, to understand how important your
contributions are, even the ones you never think about. As your mindset becomes one of creative purpose, your
calling will become clear, your mission will unfold.

“Neither a great intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of a genius. Love, love, love—
that is the soul of genius." Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

“We assume ordinary roles. We can make them more than ordinary when we will them to a higher level.” John P.

*Unfortunately, many people are unable to reproduce for one reason or another—infertility, physical disabilities,
and the like—and some simply opt out. Sadly, even in her zeal for reproduction, Nature plays no favorites. And
humans are among the few animals that can actually make such a choice. Still, so many children are born each
hour that will end up needing new parents for one reason or another. That means those who feel the strong urge to
raise kids have alternatives to natural birth. I wish anyone in that situation the very best in your efforts. There’s a
child waiting for you somewhere.
Chapter 8: Are You 'Called'?

You are here to reproduce, seek truth, have fun, and be of service. Still, your Inner Self seeks something greater.
It’s known as The Call. How do you find, or create, a calling unique to you? Here’s how, in a nutshell:

1. Believe you have a calling. It’s the only way to know if you do. No one forces a calling upon you. (See
exceptions below.) It’s a fundamental choice. You won’t do anything you can’t visualize yourself doing.
2. Recognize you have a “portfolio of callings.” You’re not limited to just one. It’s quite possible your entire
life has been one calling after another.
3. Becoming aware of those who would sabotage your callings, especially yourself, will strengthen your
callings. You will have mentors, and tormentors. Family, friends, colleagues. See them all as gifts.
4. Each moment contains possibilities. Bringing them to light is basic. Callings mean lifestyle, not spare-
time activity.
5. Callings shake up the status quo. Things can’t remain the same. Your comfort zone is at risk! It’s not the
good times, the satisfying times, but the moments of fear, boredom, anger, frustration, and inner and outer
challenge that will determine your commitment to your calling. Be prepared.

✓Caution: There are callings you would rather not answer. But you have to. Your child suddenly becomes
disabled; your town is destroyed by a tornado; 9/11 happens, killing relatives and perhaps breadwinners. Your
life is changed forever. Your noblest plans are shattered. You can and will handle it. You have to.

Callings are not wishy-washy spiritual ideals or grandiose pipe dreams. Callings are serious propositions.
Be ready for whatever comes your way.

There are no guarantees. As the bible says, God makes the rain to fall on the just and unjust alike; he is no
respecter of persons.

You're up for it, right? Yeah. You are.

Thing is, you can always say no.

“I used to want to change the world. Now, I’m open to letting it change me.”
Po Bronson, What Should I Do with My Life?

Chapter 9: Mission: Your Plan of Action

“The conscious and systematic development of service as a guiding principle results in both success and
significance.” Greg Anderson

You know your purpose, you've chosen and created a calling (or two), now you need a way to put that calling
into practice, to bring it into reality. How do you do that? How do you know you’re on target?

The Formula: Vision + Service x Passion = Mission*

• Vision – capturing a sense of what might be. Application: pay attention.

• Service – Giving of oneself, answering the Call. Application: show up, be available.
• Passion – developing a love affair with life. Application: do what you love with enjoyment and zeal. Or
don’t bother.

How to create a Mission Mindset:

Anytime you come into contact with anyone, give that person something. You establish a habit of giving. Soon,
it's automatic, second nature. Mission established!

Simple and to the point.

Give them what, now?

• You might start with a good thought. No one needs to know what it is but you
• Maybe a good word
• Perhaps a gift of some kind
• Or a little help with something

Be creative. Always be looking for a way to give. If you remain open to it, opportunities will present themselves.
No need to be pushy; just be open to giving something to everyone each day. Yeah, it’s not easy; but it will
change your entire approach to living. That is, once it becomes a habit and not a task. That may take awhile. Be

The world needs people who are on mission. And you're invited.

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Frederick
Buechner, Wishful Thinking

*I borrowed this formula from Greg Anderson in his book Living Life on Purpose: A Guide to Creating a Life of
Success and Significance
Chapter 10: Healing Your Corner of the World: The Principle of Charity--Putting It All Together.

“What is the highest-paid and most important work in America? Thinking. This is because, of all the things that
people do, thinking has the greatest possible consequences. The better you think, the better decisions you make.
The better decisions you make, the better actions you will take. The better actions you take, the better results you
will get, and the better will be the quality of your life and work. Everything begins with thinking.” Brian Tracy
(Author and well-known motivational speaker)

So, then, what is it really all about?

'And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.' St. Paul, I Corinthians

In the above passage, the King James Version's word 'charity' means love. Love is one of those slippery slope
words that can mean a gazillion things to a gazillion different people. That means we must each make it personal.
We must decide how to define it, apply it, even judge it.

This is my take on the subject. You can use it in any way you wish. As the Buddha suggested, Don't believe
something because someone tells you, or you read it in great books, or because some guru says it's true. Don't
believe it even if I tell you, says the Buddha. Believe it only if it resonates deeply within your heart, mind, and
spirit. (OK, I paraphrased a bit but you get the gist.)

Makes sense to me!

Love, then, is simply compassion in action. As Albert Einstein said, "Nothing happens until something moves."

The Key: Accept that ultimately, it’s all about you—enlightenment, salvation, promotion, donation. You really
are the center of your universe. It could be no other way. It isn’t wrong; it’s just the beginning.

This simple program is a way to help you to learn a bit more about yourself and to begin consciously practicing
the Principle of Charity, Love. As the world benefits, you benefit. That’s the way it works.

Recognizing your own self-involvement is the first step in truly involving the rest of us, the world. After all,
we're rather self-centered, too.
Conclusion: The Newest You

For those of you who like to jump ahead, to check out the ending, this is for you. A brief summary of the
entire series.

We've reached the conclusion, but really, it's only the beginning. If you've read this entire book, you are a new
person merely by the reading. Your brain has changed and now you walk in a new world, even if you don’t
recognize it yet.

You've come a long way since the beginning of this journey. You know how to change your thinking. You now
can literally change your direction and that means you can create an entirely new experience of reality.

You’ve raised your value 1000%!

Let's put it all into a nutshell for easy remembering:

Summing up:

1. Uncovering Our Ignorance On All Levels: You are mostly unaware and unaware that you’re unaware.
Practice Kaizen. Take small steps for continuous improvement. No need to scare yourself with
overwhelming goals.

2. How to Open New Doors with Power Questions: The best power questions—Am I creating good in the
world? Does what I do daily leave a positive imprint?

3. Befriending Your Discontent: Confront your discontent, appreciate its source, take action, laugh more.

4. What Do You ACTUALLY Want? The universe responds to how you feel and how you act, not just what
you say. Your true intention manifests!

5. Forgiveness: It’s probably not what you think. Letting go of the need for grudges, resentment, self-hatred
and pity is hard work but liberating. Forgiveness and healing are the results. It releases you to move on.
You benefit more than your target!

6. Kindness: The way of active compassion. It helps you take the vital human emotions of empathy and
sympathy and channel them into real-life confrontation with ruthlessness, abandonment, thoughtlessness,
loneliness and suffering. Love is motion.

7. Purpose: Why are you here? Well, to reproduce, then to seek truth, enjoy life (play), and to be of service
to the world. Our purpose is clear! We are tribal first and foremost.

8. Callings: Your Inner Self seeks something greater; believe you have one and you do; in fact, you
probably have many. Some may be thrust upon you. Still, your call. You can accept or you can reject. No
deity is judging you—ever.

9. Mission: The formula is Vision + Service x Passion = Mission. As you let love be your guiding light, your
mission becomes clear.
10. Healing Your Corner of the World: The Principle of Charity—Love—is the true law of attraction. And it's
the way to personal and spiritual integrity as well as satisfaction for a job well done. You might say love
is active compassion writ large.

11. Love, then, is the question, the answer, the practice. How you approach it determines the very next
moment of your life. You have a program. How you use it is up to you.

As St. Augustine allegedly said, Decide to love...and do as you will!

Your call!
Free Bonus Materials

These bonus materials are a compilation of my Sunday message handouts, blog posts, and other writings over
recent years. You may find some repeat information in them but in this case, redundancy is a good thing! It never
hurts to review, or, as I like to say, affirm.

Bonus A: Seven Steps to Power Living

More advice? That's all we need, right? But this advice may actually help you have a better day, a better year, a
better life. Take a few minutes to read it, and to consider it.

People are always giving advice, especially uninvited advice, right? You've received it; you've probably even
given it. But, no matter. Here's some more, and I have borrowed these, so take them as you will. They can't help
but help:

• Choose your words carefully; they are the clothes that your thoughts wear, so dress them well. "A man
cannot speak but he judges himself--with his will, or against his will, he draws his portrait to the eye of
others by every word. Every opinion reacts of him who utters it...Everything you say reveals you." R.W.

• Stop taking stuff personally: "Those who fear suffering are already suffering from what they fear."
(Michel de Montaigne) Don't believe everything you think.

• Make the decision to love challenge: Every shot you don't take is a guaranteed miss. (Attributed)

• Do your best: Common sense is instinct; enough of it is genius. (G. B. Shaw)

• Add more play to your life: Mirth is Meditation! "Why aren't you dancing with joy this very moment? This
is the only relevant spiritual question." Sufi seer Pir Vilayet Kahn "The only effective weapon we have is
laughter." Mark Twain

• Don't do anything for at least 15 minutes a day: We all need rest. Even God rested on the seventh day.
"You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen; you need not even listen; simply
wait. You need not even wait; just learn to be quiet and still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself
to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet." Franz Kafka

• Consciously choose to share the feast: "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that [no one]
can sincerely try to help another without helping [themselves]." R. W. Emerson "You don't belong to you.
You belong to the universe. The significance of you will remain forever obscure to you, but you [can
believe] you are justifying your significance if you apply yourself to converting all your experience to
highest advantage for others." Buckminster Fuller "If universal charity prevailed, Earth would be a
heaven and hell a fable." Charles Colton
Bonus A2

"Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you!" LeRoy 'Satchel' Paige

Special Meditation

I found this wonderful meditation without an acknowledgement, so if the one who wrote this reads this, please
forgive the bit of plagiarism and know that it's serving a good purpose:

Recognize that a Force exists that's not yet acknowledged by science. The opposite of entropy, it fosters evolution
and growth. Form an alliance with this Force through your Higher Mind. Ask for direction and guidance. Expect
a call to adventure, which is the Force beckoning you to follow your destiny to a higher level of understanding.
Look for communication and guidance which will come through intuition, Scriptures, other written material,
other people, and your own circumstances. After answering the Call, expect a crisis. Resist the temptation to
abandon the quest. Press ahead. Watch grace come to your aid. Major adjustments in your life may be required.
Make them. Self-actualization will flow to you as you obey your Inner Voice and accomplish the work assigned.
Abundance, joy, and fulfillment will be yours.
Bonus B: Your Keys to Better Relationships

"Nothing that exists in the external world can be affected by anyone's beliefs unless those beliefs are followed by
action. A conversation, lecture, sales pep talk, military briefing, campaign speech, sermon, or any other kind of
talk, unless directly responsible for subsequent action identifiable in the external world, remains what it
essentially was to begin with--just a lot of noise."

So says I. D. Shapiro in his provocative and rather bizarre book, "You Must Not Let Them Con You--There's Too
Much At Stake." (1994 - Men's Sana Foundation). Are we guilty of 'just a lot of noise?' Too often, I fear. In our
everyday interactions with others, are we sending forth messages that mean more to ourselves than they can
possible mean to our listeners?

In most spiritual traditions, strong relationships are necessary for healthy and prosperous living. Here are eight
keys to encourage, develop, and nurture powerful--and profitable--relationships:

• Start each day with a beginner's mind. This is an old Zen concept that still works. It literally means to
surrender up the old and embrace the new. Thinking you know everything there is to know about
something closes the door to new learning. And new, continual learning keeps you mentally, emotionally,
and professionally healthy. It even helps grow new neural pathways in the brain, adding millions of new
and powerful connections.
• Know yourself. Begin to surrender up old ideas and habits. But first, you need to discover what those
habits are. Some are so buried it may take a lifetime to unearth them. Don't let that stop you, though. It's a
journey, not a destination.
• You are not alone; you belong to a vast and diverse community. We sometimes think that no one
understands us or even can. We're wrong. There's a network out there that is just waiting for you to
voluntarily join it. We need your gifts.
• Loosen your fear of intimacy; open your life. Let us know who you are. Get brighter, lighter, and closer.
It's scary, but you change the world a little each time you let down a little more guard.
• Conflicts will invariably happen so seek the higher ground. You can continue the fight, or you can
present options and alternatives. Do the least harm, the most good.
• Listen to your heart as well as your head. Together they will lead you to the right decision and direction.
Intuition is a magnificent ally. Take advantage of it; it's here to serve.
• Assume responsibility for all of your communications, even--and especially--the ones where others hear
you inaccurately.
• Good relationships are the key to good business. People want you to help them succeed, and in doing so,
succeed yourself. Most people are not jealous of your success. They're on your side, unless you push them

Gossip, petty jealousies, sulking, complaining, low self-esteem. Do any of these ring a bell with you? If so, make
a conscious decision to let them go. They are standing in the way of everything good that you want in your life.
Here's an idea: Try giving yourself away.

Remember, humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. Play the Contribution Game,
where everyone is a winner:

1. Declare yourself TO BE a contribution.

2. Throw yourself into life as someone who makes a difference, accepting that you may not understand how
or why.
3. Remember that you always communicate who and what you are, so choose to be your best.
Bonus C: What’s with the Law of Attraction?

Wow! With all the press that term has received lately, you’d think everyone would be healthy, wealthy and wise
by now. Oh, yeah. I forgot. You can’t doubt. Right? Well, that becomes a true challenge because doubt is
inherent in our survival structure. To accept almost anything without keen observation and wariness can be
dangerous to our health, wealth, and wisdom. Doubt, then, is not the stumbling block. Blind faith is not the
answer. Still, there is something to this so-called law. It works for a lot of people. What could it be?

First, let’s be clear about something. By most world standards, if you live in the United States or Western Europe,
or Australia, or Canada, you are already quite rich. Oh, to be sure, you may not be among the “Glitterati,” but
even on your present income, you most likely have more advantages than the majority of people on the planet. I
am sure you’ve read some of the following before, but allow your memory to be refreshed here:

• Do you have a roof over your head? More than a billion people have inadequate or no housing. And that’s
just in the urban regions.
• Did you have lunch or dinner today? Nearly a billion people are malnourished. Six million children die of
starvation each year.
• Is your house lighted? Did you have a drink of water or did you bath or flush your toilet this week? One
to three billion people are without electricity, adequate water, and basic sanitation.
• You can probably read this, right? More than a billion people can’t read or sign their name.
• Only eight per cent of the world owns a motor vehicle; nearly 90% of Americans own at least one

Americans comprise only five per cent of the world’s population; yet we consume nearly 30% of the resources.
And throw away almost as much.

Even those living in what are considered slums in American cities have more than the average person living in
the slums of, say, Calcutta or Jakarta. The intent here is not to guilt you, but to remind you how blessed you
actually are. The next time you feel sorry for yourself, that you think you can’t have what you want, that the
world won’t bend to granting your wishes, remember how blessed you actually are.

The simple key to the Law of Attraction is this: Appreciate what you already have and be open to sharing it.
That’s the quickest way to increased blessing. It always has been.

Your life is blessed; share it with the world.

Bonus D: The Healing Power of Humor

“Almost the entire world is asleep. Those who are awake live in constant amazement.” Paraphrased from Joe vs.
The Volcano, with Tom Hanks

A strong sense of humor, spiritually speaking, means:

1. Choosing to see the absurdity in difficult situations

2. Taking yourself lightly while taking your task seriously
3. having a disciplined sense of the joy of being alive

How to Improve Your Sense of Humor

• Adopt an attitude of playfulness. Be a bit outrageous sometimes. Take a different direction.

• Think funny. See the funny side of every situation.
• Joyfully expose your conceits, pomposities, and incongruities—to yourself, of course.
• Laugh at yourself, not in derision, but with objectivity and acceptance.

Realize a sense of humor is deeper than laughter. It’s more than entertainment. A sense of humor sees the fun and
joy in everyday experiences. It is a powerful way of moving and sharing along this journey. It is a way to peace.

How to Take Yourself Lightly

• You have a body. Like it or hate it, it’s with you for the duration of this life.
• You will learn lessons, like it or not. There are no mistakes, only lessons. They will build you up or tear you
down—your choice.
• A lesson is repeated until learned. When you have learned it, you can go to the next lesson. Periodically, the
lesson will be re-presented to see if you still remember it.
• Learning lessons does not end. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned. If no lesson is being presented,
most likely you are dead.
• There is no better “there” than “here.” Wherever you go, here you are. Live here.
• Others are simply mirrors of you. You do not love or hate something about someone else that does not reflect
something you love or hate about yourself. Funny, eh??
• What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need.
• Your answers lie within you. Look, listen and trust. That’s how all awakening takes place.
• You will forget all this. You have forgotten it before. That fact is itself a lesson.

“A merry heart doeth good like medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bone.”
Proverbs 17:22
Bonus E: The Living Mural: An Artist Meets God in the Window Glass

One evening in 1967, I had the privilege of being a dinner guest in the Los Angeles home of a fairly well known
artist and his wife, whom I’ll call Michael and Angela. It was a fabulous event. The rest of the guests and I were
not only treated to a sumptuous meal but we were allowed to preview some of this artist’s freshest works. (Most
of those works have since been sold to collectors or have been placed in some of the world’s finest museums.)

During the course of the evening, Michael related the following story, slightly paraphrased and edited for style
and content, with his permission:

It had been a tumultuous day. Nothing had gone right. I had met for hours with a number of clients with regard to
a mural I had been commissioned to paint for a new church being designed for a wealthy L.A. suburb. I had yet
to accept any of the proposed ideas and hadn’t come up with any of my own.

By the time I got home that evening, I was a wreck. Angela and I had a conversation-less dinner and I retired
early to the guest room upstairs.

Restless, I awoke around 3 a.m. with an overwhelming urge to paint. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to
my studio. But, to my chagrin, I found no blank canvas. I searched the whole house. Nothing. As I became more
and more frustrated and was about to burst, I found a 2’x2’ piece of window glass in the basement, off in a

This will have to do, I said to myself. I took the glass up to the studio and began to work, splashing and slapping
paint all over the transparent surface.

Finally, after two hours, I stepped back and realized that all I had done was to create a glassful of mud. Feeling
defeated—and exhausted—I returned to bed, sleeping fitfully the rest of the night.

Around 9 a.m., I awoke to Angela’s excited voice.

“Michael, wake up, wake up!”

“What is it?” I asked groggily.

“Your painting. It’s amazing!”

“You mean that muddy mess in the studio?” I sounded incredulous.

“Come see it, Michael. You must have been too sleepy to realize what you were creating.”

As Angela led the way, I stumbled along behind her. When we got to the studio, I noticed immediately that she
had turned the glass over and we were looking through the reverse side. To my utter shock and surprise, there, on
that glass, looking at me from under what I thought was just mud, was the glorious face of the Christ, with crown
of thorns and streams of blood, and a look of the most extreme compassion I had ever seen. And, as if that
weren’t enough, in the middle of Christ’s forehead, totally distinct yet precisely blended, was the figure of Christ
on the cross.

I was stunned. Still, I realized almost in an instant that the first layer of color on the glass had been applied,
though with my hands, directly by the Spirit, Itself.
As I stood gazing at the portrait, I knew I had received the idea for the new mural.


I (Richard) know the painting. I saw it. It was without doubt the most powerful example of spontaneous creativity
I had ever seen, even to this day. And it taught me a lesson. When I feel the urge to create, I begin as soon as
possible. It may not always seem fruitful at first, but usually, somewhere along the way, I discover the point. I
simply need to start.

Creation continues…at every level. The universe itself is still unfolding in all its magnificent grandeur. But,
unlike Michael, who, having completed his painting, stepped back to admire his handiwork, the Artist who is
creating the universe does not step back to behold a beautiful though ‘dead’ work of art. Rather, the Artist lives
within Its creation AS Its creation. And we, as Its expressions, have the unique honor to experience first hand the
Living Mural.
Bonus F: How to Become a Good Receiver—Opening Your Heart, Mind, and Life to
Authentic Treasure
Description: The secret to the abundant, prosperous and joy-filled life is no secret. You are already an excellent
giver. Now choose to become a powerful receiver. You’ll enjoy it, we’ll enjoy it and the world will be a better
place! “
Receiving requires genuine humility that may be uncomfortable and difficult to achieve, whereas giving poses the
risk of arrogance which, unfortunately, is easy to come by.” Robert Greenleaf (On Becoming a Servant Leader)
North Americans are the most generous people on Earth, the most generous people in history. No one needs to
tell us how be good givers. Yet, we hear it all the time: it’s better to give than to receive. Perhaps. But for every
gift there must be a receiver. As Robert Greenleaf points out in the opening quote, it takes a genuine humility to
receive well, a humility both difficult to achieve and, apparently, lacking to a great degree in this culture.
You’re already a good giver; now choose to become a powerful receiver.
A Lifetime Lesson for $20
When I was a child, our neighbor, Aaron Butler, once handed my dad a $20 bill. Dad wouldn’t take it. I heard
him say it wasn’t necessary, that he had been glad to do whatever it was he had done. Aaron was insistent. Dad
still refused. Aaron then turned to me and said to my dad, “If you won’t take it, I’ll just give it to Richard.”
Which he did. And I received it willingly. I was five.
Immediately I ran to the corner store, wearing nothing but a T-shirt and briefs, placed the bill on the counter, and
asked the clerk, “What can I buy for a dollar?” The clerk had suspicions, which were almost immediately allayed
as my father strode in about 45 seconds after I did. He explained to the clerk how I’d gotten the $20 bill, bought
me a piece of candy for my troubles, and scooted me on home. He kept the twenty–I think. I never saw it again.
As with many of us, Dad was hesitant about receiving what he saw as payment for a service he had willingly
provided for free. He denied Aaron Butler the opportunity to participate in the giving and receiving process.
Aaron wouldn’t hear of it and hence, my sojourn to the corner store.
Dad never changed. To his dying day, it was difficult for him to receive well. I, fortunately, grew up without that
particular prejudice.
Power Tips You Can Use Right Now!
Like attraction and repulsion, cause and effect, up and down, in and out, giving and receiving is one principle. All
giving produces receiving. We can’t break that law; we can only work with it to our benefit or detriment.
Consider the law of gravity. You jump off a cliff, you hit bottom, you most likely die. You remain on the cliff,
all’s well. The law works every time. And for everyone the same. As the Bible says, “God makes the rain to fall
on the just and unjust alike.” Receiving, then, is part and parcel to the process. And it works well.
How do we become good receivers? It’s simple.
Give, expecting to receive. No need to demand. I know of people who say that it is our birthright to be rich, to get
from God anything our hearts desire. We should come boldly before the throne of Grace and make our requests
known. I suppose that works for them. However, the majority see themselves as unworthy of good things.
Crashing into the throne room demanding a new Cadillac seems a bit presumptuous, arrogant, cheeky almost. But
it isn’t necessary to demand. Good comes our way, not through entitlement or because we are nice people. When
we give, good comes our way by right of consciousness, by practice, by Law. No implied or explicit moral
imperative involved. We can make conscious room to receive all that the universe has to give. And in that
receiving, we allow the giver to enjoy being part of the process. Then, we give again, keeping the cycle going.
It’s fun, actually.
Here’s an idea: declare yourself to be the contribution. Let giving become, first, a hobby and then ultimately,
your healthy, playful way of life. A giving–and receiving–consciousness is true worship; it’s praying without
When I first read St. Paul’s words that we should “pray without ceasing,” it didn’t make sense. How could you
pray continually? After all, dinner was ready, school was about to start, MASH was on. Praying continually
seemed impractical if not impossible. And not much fun.
One day it dawned on me: to pray without ceasing meant to live–to walk–in expectancy. To remain open to the
guidance, the goodness, and the giving of the universe, of Spirit.
To pray without ceasing, then, is to remain in a state of welcoming consciousness rather than just repeating a set
of ritualized words. To pray without ceasing is to trust. It’s a continual state of gratitude.
And it pays to remember that receiving is also a form of giving—an essential form. Your receiving grants the
giver the joy of giving. In receiving, you complete the circle.
When you make giving and receiving your way of life, you’ll have continuing opportunities to practice.
Remember this: you cannot out-give the universe. You are receiving every minute just by breathing, just by being
alive. Paul says that the universe returns good to you “full measure, pressed down, and running over.” Believe it.
Here’s one more little practice you may want to consider: unclutter your life–physically, materially, emotionally,
even spiritually. Start with the easiest. Go through your closets, storage sheds, garage—anyplace that has stuff in
it you won’t use anymore. Give the unbroken, useable stuff to friends or charities; recycle that which can be
recycled; toss the rest out. You signal the universe that you’re ready to receive anew. At this point, my humble
advice is to avoid gathering clutter again. Let the universe know through your thoughts, desires, and actions what
you really want. More clutter isn’t it, right? Making room for more good creates more room for giving. Just
another way to keep the cycle going.
You’re an excellent giver. Serve the world even better by becoming an excellent receiver. You’ll enjoy it, we’ll
enjoy it and this planet will be a better place.
You’ve wanted to know the secret to the abundant, prosperous life. Now you do. Use it. Chances are, what you
want is already on its way.
Are you receiving me?
Contact Information
Email: RichardKentMatthews@gmail.com
Site: www.JoyJamboree.com
New Thought Links
(All listed links were live as of this writing.)
International New Thought Alliance
Association for Global New Thought
Centers for Spiritual Living (Science of Mind)
New Thought Library
New Thought Information
Motivational Teachers and Authors
Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Agape International Spiritual Center
Victoria Castle

Other Great Sites


***Special, SPECIAL Bonus***

Here is a powerful suggestion that most people will not follow: Write out this entire book, long hand, twice. And
if necessary, a third time. That way, you will absorb it more than in any other way you can imagine. It may sound
absurd, but you won’t fully realize the power of this suggestion until you have done it. It works.

(I found this suggestion in a copywriting book by Maria Veloso - http://www.webcopythatsells.com/mvbio

About the author…

Richard Kent Matthews has one goal: “To help you become your best so you can share your best with the

Richard has been in active ministry, both in church pastorates and as guest speaker and musician, for more than
25 years. He served as senior spiritual leader for Christ Light Unity in Gresham, OR, from 2007 through 2009.
He was senior minister for New Possibilities Center in Portland from 1993 to 2000. And he was a regular guest
speaker for Unity by the Sea, Gleneden Beach, Westside Church of Religious Science, Portland Church of
Religious Science in Oregon from 1999 to 2009, and Abundant Life Center in Vancouver, Washington, from
2006 to 2016.

Richard is an avid volunteer, including Portland Youth Builders, the Alzheimer’s Association, Easter Seals,
Kaiser Permanente/American Cancer Society, and Ride Connection, which specializes in transportation services
and advocacy in the Tri County area, Portland Metro.

Originally from California, he lived in British Columbia, Colorado, and Washington State, before moving to
Oregon in 1986.

You can connect with Richard at www.JoyJamboree.com or email: YouPresenting@gmail.com

On the beautiful Oregon Coast - 2017

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