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27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware

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Editado el 22 de enero de 2013 6:51 PM por darran ...

Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware

Extendí el firmware del joystick para presentar un joystick mucho más grande en la PC host. El nuevo firmware tiene:

8 valores de soporte de eje analógico de -32768 a 32767.

40 botones

Esto debería ser útil para construir sistemas de control grandes como los controles de vuelo para un simulador de vuelo, consola Firefly,
consola Viper u otro sistema de control grande.

Un pequeño fondo para cualquier persona nueva en la creación de dispositivos USB con Arduino UNO o MEGA2560.

La interfaz USB en las placas UNO y MEGA2560 se implementa en un pequeño AVR. Para las placas R1 y R2, AVR es Atmega8U2, y
para las placas R3 es Atmega16U2. Estos chips están programados con firmware que presenta una interfaz serial USB para la PC host,
y se conectan a la MCU Atmega principal de Arduino a través de su puerto serie TTL (pines digitales 0 y 1).

El 8U2 y 16U2 se pueden reprogramar utilizando DFU (modo de actualización de firmware del dispositivo). Esto significa que el firmware
Serial USB puede ser reemplazado con otro firmware USB para convertir todo el Arduino en dispositivos USB, como un mouse, un
teclado, un joystick o un dispositivo MIDI.

Más información sobre el modo DFU:

Poniendo un R1 UNO en modo DFU

Poniendo un R2 o R3 UNO en modo DFU
Nuevo firmware parpadeante para 8U2 / 16U2 con dfu-programmer

Firmware Big Joystick

Formato de informe en serie

Byte Tipo Descripción

0,1 int16_t Valor del Eje Analógico 0 (X). -32768 a 32787
2,3 int16_t Valor del Eje Analógico 1 (Y). -32768 a 32787
4,5 int16_t Valor del Eje 2 analógico. -32768 a 32787
6,7 int16_t Valor del eje 3 analógico. -32768 a 32787
8,9 int16_t Valor del eje análogo 4 -32768 a 32787
10,11 int16_t Valor del Eje Analógico 5 -32768 a 32787
12,13 int16_t Valor del Eje 6 analógico. -32768 a 32787
14,15 int16_t Valor del Eje Analógico 7 -32768 a 32787
dieciséis uint8_t Botones 0-7. Bit 0 = botón 0, bit 7 = botón 7
17 uint8_t Botones 8-15. Bit 0 = botón 8, bit 7 = botón 15
18 uint8_t Botones 16-23. Bit 0 = botón 16, bit 7 = botón 23
19 uint8_t Botones 24-31. Bit 0 = botón 24, bit 7 = botón 31
20 uint8_t Botones 32-39. Bit 0 = botón 32, bit 7 = botón 40

Esta tabla describe el formato del informe de 21 bytes que Arduino envía al 8U2 / 16U2. Esto permite que el Arduino emule un joystick
grande, enviando posiciones de eje y el valor de 40 botones a la PC Host.

Descriptor HID

Este es el descriptor HID para el joystick. Puede obtener más información acerca de ellos en las tablas de uso de USB HID .

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27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware

0x05, 0x01, / * Página de uso (Escritorio genérico) * /

0x09, 0x04, / * Uso (Joystick) * /

0xa1, 0x01, / * Colección (Aplicación) * /

0x09, 0x01, / * Uso (Puntero) * /

/ * 8 ejes, resolución de 16 bits firmada, rango -32768 a 32767 (16 bytes) * /

0xa1, 0x00, / * Colección (física) * /
0x05, 0x01, / * Página de uso (Escritorio genérico) * /
0x09, 0x30 , / * Uso (X) * /
0x09, 0x31, / * Uso (Y) * /
0x09, 0x32, / * Uso (Analog1) * /
0x09, 0x33, / * Uso (Analog2) * /
0x09, 0x34, / * Uso (Analog3) * /
0x09, 0x35, / * Uso (Analog4) * /
0x09, 0x36, / * Uso (Analog5) * /
0x09, 0x37, / * Uso (Analog6) * /
0x16, 0x00, 0x80, / * Mínimo lógico (-32768) * /
0x26, 0xff, 0x7f, / * Máximo lógico (32767) * /
0x75, 16, / * Tamaño del informe (16) * /
0x95, 8, / * Recuento de informes (8) * /
0x81, 0x82, / * Entrada (datos , Variable, Absoluta, Volátil) * /
0xc0, / * Fin Colección * /

/ * 40 botones, valor 0 = apagado, 1 = encendido (5 bytes) * /

0x05, 0x09, / * Página de uso (Botón) * /
0x19 , 1, / * Mínimo de uso (Botón 1) * /
0x29, 40, / * Uso máximo (Botón 40) * /
0x15, 0x00, / * Mínimo lógico (0) * /
0x25, 0x01, / * Máximo lógico (1 ) * /
0x75, 1, / * Tamaño del informe (1) * /
0x95, 40, / * Recuento de informes (40) * /
0x81, 0x02, / * Entrada (datos, variables, absolutos) * /
0xc0 / * Colección final * /

Bosquejo de ejemplo

Aquí hay un boceto que demuestra cómo enviar datos de joystick al host.

/ * Arduino USB Joystick HID demo * /

/ * Autor: Darran Hunt
* Lanzado al dominio público.
* /

#define NUM_BUTTONS 40
#define NUM_AXES 8 // 8 ejes, X, Y, Z, etc.

typedef struct joyReport_t {

int16_t axis [NUM_AXES];
uint8_t botón [(NUM_BUTTONS + 7) / 8]; // 8 botones por byte
} joyReport_t;

joyReport_t joyReport;

void setup ()
Serial.begin (115200);
retraso (200);

para (uint8_t ind = 0; ind <8; ind ++) {

joyReport.axis [ind] = ind * 1000;

para (uint8_t ind = 0; ind <sizeof (joyReport.button); ind ++) {

joyReport.button [ind] = 0;

// Enviar un informe HID a la interfaz USB

void sendJoyReport (struct joyReport_t * report)

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27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware
Serial.write ((uint8_t *) informe, sizeof (joyReport_t));

activa un botón en void setButton (joyReport_t * joy, uint8_t button)
uint8_t index = button / 8;
uint8_t bit = button - 8 * index;

joy-> botón [índice] | = 1 << bit;


// desactivar un botón
void clearButton (joyReport_t * joy, uint8_t button)
uint8_t index = button / 8;
uint8_t bit = button - 8 * index;

joy-> botón [índice] & = ~ (1 << bit);


uint8_t button = 0; // botón actual

bool presione = verdadero; // ¿activar los botones?

/ * Encienda cada botón en la secuencia 1 - 40, luego apague 1 - 40

* agregue valores a cada eje cada bucle
* /
bucle vacío ()
// Encienda un botón diferente cada vez
que (presione) {
setButton (y joyReport, botón);
} else {
clearButton (y joyReport, botón);

/ * Mover todos los ejes * /

para (uint8_t ind = 0; ind <8; ind ++) {
joyReport.axis [ind] + = 10 * (ind + 1);
sendJoyReport (y joyReport);
botón ++;
if (botón> = 40) {
botón = 0;
presione =! presionar;
retraso (100);

Suba primero el boceto al Arduino, luego coloque Arduino-big-joystick.hex en el 8U2 / 16U2. Desenchufa el Arduino y vuelve a
enchufarlo, y se verá como un joystick para el host y el host recibirá las actualizaciones del joystick del boceto.

Si desea cargar otro boceto, primero coloque Arduino-usbserial.hex en el 8U2 / 16U2, desenchufe el Arduino y vuelva a enchufarlo.
Ahora puede cargar el boceto.


Esquema de demostración, firmware de joystick, firmware usbserial.

Aquí hay una aplicación de prueba de Python para verificar que su joystick Arduino se comporte correctamente. Requiere pygame y

El código fuente está disponible en Github . Consulte mis publicaciones de blog anteriores para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo
construir el firmware.

Cargando el firmware

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27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware
Para Atmega8u2 (UNO R1, R2, MEGA2560 R1, R2):

Ponga el UNO en modo DFU.

dfu-prgrammer at90usb82 borrar
dfu-programador flash at90usb82 --debug 1 Arduino-big-joystick.hex
dfu-programmer at90usb82 reset
Desenchufe el cable USB de UNO durante unos segundos y vuelva a enchufarlo

Para ATMEGA16U2 (UNO R3, MEGA2560 R3)

Ponga el UNO en modo DFU.

dfu-prgrammer atmega16u2 borrar
dfu-programmer flash atmega16u2 --debug 1 Arduino-big-joystick.hex
dfu-programmer atmega16u2 reset
Desenchufe el cable USB de UNO durante unos segundos y vuelva a enchufarlo

Utilice los mismos pasos para cargar Arduino-usbserial.hex cuando desee restaurar la funcionalidad normal a su UNO (por ejemplo, para
cargar un nuevo boceto).

Nota: Necesitará la versión 0.5.5 de dfu-programmer para programar el ATMEGA16U2. Obtenga la última versión aquí .


& lt; a | g & gt; (no autenticado) 31 de enero de 2013


¿Está la fuente disponible para esto? No pude encontrarlo en el enlace de Github que publicaste.


darran 31 de enero de 2013

Aquí hay un enlace para navegar a la gran fuente de joystick: https://github.com/harlequin-tech/arduino-


Alex (no autenticado) 26 de febrero de 2013

Hola Darran,

¡Gracias por un proyecto tan útil! ¿Qué se debe modificar para agregar otros 40 botones y tener 80 en total?


Dom (no autenticado) 27 de febrero de 2013

Hola Darren

He creado una interfaz de teclado personalizada y quiero agregar dos interfaces de joystick ahora. ¿Cuán posible (y fácil) es
hacer que varios dispositivos funcionen desde un Arduino 2560?

Alex (no autenticado) 27 de febrero de 2013

Hola Dom, es posible que quieras comprobar esto: https://code.google.com/p/unojoy/downloads/list

Dom (no autenticado) 28 de febrero de 2013

I've seen the double joystick but haven't figured out which part of the code handles the usb device part. Admittedly I don't have a
full handle on the USB HID bootstrap. So fare I've found nobody who has created code that allows more than one type of device
running from an Arduino UNO. I'm thinking the 4kb limit may have something to do with it but it would be awesome to have a hex
file which included a keyboard, joysticks and midi (and mouse I guess) all controlled through one Arduino Mega through one usb
port. I have a feeling the 16mhz is also a limiting factor here.

darran Mar 3, 2013

Hi Alex,

you can increase the number of buttons by modifying the descriptor called JoystickReport in Descriptors.c to add more buttons,
and modifying the USB_JoystickReport_Data_t structure in Arduino-joystick.h to make room for the additional buttons.

darran Mar 3, 2013

Hi Dom,

if you have a newer Arduino 2560 with the 16u2 then you can fit in additional devices in the descriptor and add code to send
data for them. With the older 8u2 its unlikely it will have the code space to support them.

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27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware

Andy (unauthenticated) Mar 8, 2013

Hi Darran, thanks for your hard work! I am using your firmware on Sparkfun's 32U4 breakout board (not an Arduino). After some
minor modifications to the makefile (changed MCU) I got my board to enumerate in Windows and show up as a game controller.
I am using the Big Joystick demo and my question is, how can I write to the joystick axes? I have several potentiometers hooked
up to various ADC ports and I would like each of them to control a joystick axis.

Thank you!

Ender117 (unauthenticated) Mar 24, 2013

Hello Darran,

Thank you for all of these great resources. I have flashed the firmware successfully, but I am confused about how to assign pins
to the potentiometers and buttons that I have. I don't see any pin assignments in your Arduino BigJoystick sketch. Should I be
writing those myself? If you have time, could you point me in the right direction on how to do that? Thank you so much.

Gyom (unauthenticated) Mar 25, 2013

Hi Darran, great work!

I have a question tho. If you use the Arduino as a joystick, can you still send back data to it via a serial connection? I mean,
would you still be able to make the Arduino light up led and other device from commands sent from the PC at the sametime it
"emulate" a joystick in Windows?


darran Apr 21, 2013

Hi Gyom,

the 8u2/16u2 firmware replaces the serial function with the new function. This mean when you flash the joystick or keyboard
firmware, the Arduino appears to be a joystick or keyboard and not a serial port.

i-make-robots (unauthenticated) Apr 22, 2013

Thank you for this excellent How To. I've just build a 6DOF joystick for Kerbal Space Program and Minecraft. Maybe even
Descent? I really hope with this I can get it to work. I'll let you know!

Ender117 (unauthenticated) Apr 24, 2013

Hello again Darran. Can you provide some indication on how to assign pins using your code?

Dan (unauthenticated) Apr 25, 2013

Hi, Darran. Great tutorial. Thank you for writing it and doing all that hard work on your own. I'm trying to follow your example to
flash my MEGA 2560 from OSX Lion. All I get is "dfu-programmer: no device present." Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

darran May 23, 2013

Dan, try the latest version of dfu-programmer (http://dfu-programmer.sourceforge.net). It might also be that your mega is not in
DFU mode, this page may help http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/DFUProgramming8U2 (its the same two pins on the 2560).

rabish (unauthenticated) Jun 9, 2013

Hi Darran, and everyone. I get the same problem as Dan ("dfu-programmer: no device present.") with a arduino Uno R3, using
I connected briefly the ground and reset pins as described in the above link (but without the 10Kohm resistor soldered on the
board, because it's a R3 one) to turn it in DFU mode. The "L" LED, as turned "off" then "on", so the manipulation seems to be
Did I missed something? Is the 0.6.0 programmer the last version?
Dan, did you solve your own issue?

rabish (unauthenticated) Jun 10, 2013

Hi everyone,
I just solved my problem using Windows 7 drivers from https://code.google.com/p/unojoy/downloads/list
so it seems like my previous drivers didn't work well...
Enjoy, and thanks anyway to those who searched.

hillar (unauthenticated) Jul 18, 2013

Hi Darran,

http://archive.is/KbXom 5/20
27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware
is it possible to use an arduino MICRO for this?

Fred (unauthenticated) Jul 22, 2013

Hi Darran,

I'm a combat simulation fan and DIY adept. I have an arduino uno and I'm making a combat stick. That possibility sounds
fantastic for the young maker I am.
Would it be possible to add a wiring scheme in order to use these 8 axis + 40 buttons ? That would allow a quick use of your
sketch without digging how to wire bits :o).


matii43 (unauthenticated) Jul 27, 2013

yahoo point com

hi what chip i need and what board if need 64 button only joystick, no analog axis and other.
32-64 button /chip and all adding to usb port to computer,need.
all come toggle switch. on-off.
and can i adding same chip/board A+B rotary encoder too ?
how make program ,step by step,i no newer have programmed anything,
OR can anybody made to me thats chip some piece ?
1, chip were have maximum button what chip can adding 32-64 ?
2, chip were have only maximum rotary encoders what can adding to chip.
3, chip were have maximum analog were can adding to chip. but thats no important longtime.
i pay if can made to me,i no understand programmind anything.
mail to me, name+yahoo.

Nitin (unauthenticated) Aug 24, 2013

Hi Darren,

Is there any particular reason that you continue to use 100807 version of LUFA? I see that it's over 2 years old and latest version
130303 is available.

I did attempt to port your previous project (and thirtybuttons one) to use this latest version. I was successful in compilation but I
could never get resultant firmware to run on Arduino UNO.

Gates (unauthenticated) Aug 27, 2013

Hi Darran,
How did u generate the hex file? did u refer it from HID descriptor? and how is it possible?

Gates (unauthenticated) Aug 27, 2013

Im in Windows 7

Gates (unauthenticated) Aug 31, 2013

And how is it possible to hav 8 analog inputs from uno?

and 40 button from uno?

wolrah (unauthenticated) Sep 1, 2013


This is not a complete ready-to-wire package, if you'll note the main loop in the code (the lines near the end starting with "void
loop()") just cycles through the buttons turning them all on and off while moving the axes around. It's a demo, for which the user
is expected to fill in the blanks with however they prefer to get the input.

On the plus side the author has done pretty much all the hard work here. You can take example analog/digital I/O code from any
"starting Arduino" type guide, toss it in the loop, and call the setButton/clearButton/joyReport functions as appropriate and get
something that works in a few minutes.

Gazz (unauthenticated) Sep 7, 2013

I wonder if the uno can still run other code whilst it is acting as a hid joystick?

My project is a bus ticket machine, i want the 36 keys on it to send joystick button inputs over usb (using a matrix for the keys)
and at the same time i want to run an LCD, so when certain keys are pressed, as well as sending the joystick button input over
usb, it also displays text on the LCD,

Anyone know if this will work?

darran Sep 19, 2013

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27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware
Gates, have a look at the earlier posts on the blog for a guide on how to build the hex file: http://hunt.net.nz/users/darran. I'm not
sure how you would build it under windows, but you could install virtualbox and then Ubuntu linux (or your favourite flavour linux
distro) in a VM, then use the linux tools to build the hex file.

> And how is it possible to hav 8 analog inputs from uno?

> and 40 button from uno?

Pretty much anyway you want. Check the hardware interface guide on the arduino.cc site. You could use the 6 analog input pins
and an I2C expander to provide two more analog inputs, or you use a chip like the MCP3008
(http://www.adafruit.com/products/856) to get 8 analog inputs via the SPI bus. For the digital inputs, you can construct a matrix
(or grid) using 13 inputs (e.g. 5 x 8). If you're low on input pins, use an expander like the I2C MCP23008
(http://www.adafruit.com/products/593) to add another 8 inputs.

darran Sep 19, 2013

Gazz, yes you can run other code. You can just use the normal 4-bit Arduino LCD library to drive a text LCD, or an SPI library to
drive an TFT graphic LCD, or any of the other displays that the Arduino can handle.

Stevos758 (unauthenticated) Sep 28, 2013

I just got my firs arduino today. I figured out how to get the hex file loaded and stuff but I am lost with programming. I just need
an example of using a hall effect sensor for 1 axis right now. Can anyone help?

Ewertsp (unauthenticated) Oct 1, 2013

check this out: http://www.jpfiles.com/hardware/uni_stick.pdf

I'm into this arduino as hid thing too. I already have a good joystick but I need some rudder pedals and maybe a quadrant +
button box. This pdf will teach you how to use hall sensors. The rest is simple code.

Stevos758 (unauthenticated) Oct 4, 2013

I have that part down. I just don't know anything about coding yet! : )

marcepan (unauthenticated) Oct 13, 2013

It is possible to start this program on arduino due? If yes, please reply. My email marcepan@hackerspace.pl

Bill (unauthenticated) Nov 3, 2013

Hi Daran,

Seems you did a really nice work here! But I can't figure out how to control an axis. Could you give me an example of scketch?
Thanks a lot for your time.

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 14, 2013

Hi Daran
I tried to expand the button number from 40 to 48 but failed, according to your instructions I changed Descriptors.c
JoystickReport[] like this :

73 0x05, 0x09, /* Usage Page (Button) */

74 0x19, 1, /* Usage Minimum (Button 1) */
75 0x29, 48, /* Usage Maximum (Button 48) */
76 0x15, 0x00, /* Logical Minimum (0) */
77 0x25, 0x01, /* Logical Maximum (1) */
78 0x75, 1, /* Report Size (1) */
79 0x95, 48, /* Report Count (48) */
80 0x81, 0x02, /* Input (Data, Variable, Absolute) */
81 0xc0 /* End Collection */

as you can see the UsageMaximum and Report count has changed to 48,

Then I changed Arduino-big-joystick.c joyReport declaration like this, just appended a zero at the end:
92 USB_JoystickReport_Data_t joyReport = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };

I also changed your test sketch to make the board send 48 buttons data to the serial port, I uploaded the sketch and tested the
serial output by using HTerm, below is a sample output captured:
78 05 D8 0E 38 18 98 21 F8 2A 58 34 B8 3D 18 47 FF FF FF FF FF 0F
the first 16 bytes are the 8 axis, the last 6 bytes are the buttons status.

I'm using Arduino Mega2560 R3, so I set the ARDUINO_MODEL_PID to 0x0010 in makefile then make the firmware
and uploaded it by using dfu-programmer, unplug / replug, windows installed the arduino joystick driver.

But the button and axis doesn't work, in Windows Game controller settings window the button indicator doesn't change, the axis
bar doesn't move.
And I assume the TX indicator light on Mega2560 should always flash indicates there are data send out to USB Host, but it only
flashes for the first few seconds after I plug it in, after that it remains unlighted.

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If I revert everything to 40 buttons it works without any problem, please could you shed me some light on this? I have no idea
which part I missed.

Thank you so much.

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 14, 2013

Uh, I think I missed Arduino-joystick.h, USB_JoystickReport_Data_t,

it should be changed to
uint8_t button[6];

Now I encountered a new issue, the button on/off activity is totally out of order.

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 15, 2013

I'm not sure if this is a bug in the firmware but I'm pretty sure when I changed the button count to 48 the button's on/off are
actually controlled by the the 6 bytes from 3 axis?! This is weird. I can see the button status changes very clearly by using
XPlane button:Adv control panel.

darran Nov 21, 2013

Hey Shawn, nice one. I'm surprised that Windows will support more than 30 buttons. Could you try testing the joystick using

Jason (unauthenticated) Nov 23, 2013

Hi Darran,

I am totally new to this field, hardware or coding, but how do you make it happen in UNO supporting 16 bits resolution axis? As I
know, only Arduino Due has the 12 bits ADS input, other boards are all 10 bits.

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 24, 2013

Hi Darran,
I think I have figured out the reason that the button status changes randomly after change button number from 40 to 48, it's
because the ringbuffer size need to be changed accodringly.

We have 16 bytes for axis and 6 byte for the 48 buttons, so, there are 22 bytes for the report data,

/** Size of each ring buffer, in data elements - must be between 1 and 255. */
47 #define BUFFER_SIZE 110 // 110 = 22 * 5
49 /** Maximum number of data elements to buffer before forcing a flush.
50 * Must be less than BUFFER_SIZE
51 */
52 #define BUFFER_NEARLY_FULL 88
//88 = 22 * 4

Apart from this, I think the endpoint buffer size should be updated accordingly in Descriptor.h

/** Size in bytes of the Joystick HID reporting IN endpoint. */

68 #define JOYSTICK_EPSIZE 22

Windows can support buttons more then 32, but the game controller setting page can only show the first 32 buttons,
to test more button status, I just use the game, XPlane 10 or others.

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 24, 2013

Hi Jason, It seems that the code just send out the 16 bit numbers for each axis to the USB host ( computer ), but the AD
resolution is actually 10 bit. So it's still in 10 bit resolution.

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 24, 2013

Hi Darran, Another question, I tried to use latest LUFA, it compiles success but just won't work. Is there any reason you stick on
LUFA 100807? Thanks

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 25, 2013

Tested LUFA version 100807 101122,110528,111009, all works,

can't make it compile in 120219,
120730, 130303, 130901 doesn't work.

Jason (unauthenticated) Nov 27, 2013

Hi all,

http://archive.is/KbXom 8/20
27/4/2018 Arduino UNO Big Joystick HID firmware
I tried the code in the uno, the demo works well, all buttons lighted and axis moved. When I tried to modified the sketch as below,
the 3 axis were not response to the input:

/* Move all of the axes */

joyReport.axis[0] = analogRead(A0);
joyReport.axis[1] = analogRead(A1);
joyReport.axis[2] = analogRead(A2);

Anyone can help? how to make the axis and button actually work? Better give some example code.
Many thanks!


PizzaBoy (unauthenticated) Nov 29, 2013

I am having the same issue as Jason!

Also I thought the uno read 10bits of precision but had to be sent via 8bits?

Shawn (unauthenticated) Nov 29, 2013

Hi Jason,
the HID report specified that the analog range is [-32768, 32767], but analogRead(x) return value's range is [ 0,1023]
so you need to use map() like this:
joyReport.axis[0] = map( analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, -32768, 32767 );

Jason (unauthenticated) Dec 1, 2013

Hi Shawn,

Thank your answer, I figured it out myself today and resolved the jitter problem by average. It's working now in my rudder pedal.

Wapsi (unauthenticated) Dec 4, 2013

How can i extend from 8 to 14 axis ? Can someone make a tutorial ? to extend axis or buttons with avr-studio ?
What files have i to change and how values must new calculated in the source code ?

Ignacio (unauthenticated) Dec 7, 2013

You could send a photo of the electronic circuit. thanks

darran Dec 13, 2013

Hi Shawn,

I used LUFA 100807 because that was the only version of LUFA that was supported at the time. Good to see that some of the
newer versions are working.

Glauco Ramalho (unauthenticated) Dec 31, 2013

Hi Darran!

Great job, this is exactly what I need. But I'm having a problem here and I can't figure out what is wrong... I downloaded the HEX
file, submitted it to my Arduino Mega 2560R3 using your instructions, unplugged and plugged in again and windows recognized
it as an Android Joystick... but the buttons simple don't works in games nor in windows controller settings. They are all
connected to Analog ports 0-12 and I'm using Windows 7... there are any port mapping I should do in the source code to put it to

Very thanks and have a good new year!

smartroad (unauthenticated) Jan 1, 2014

I was wondering if it is possible to use this on a Micro (or Leonardo)? Both have USB baked in and the Micro means that I could
stash the circuit out of the way in a case easier.

Glauco Ramalho (unauthenticated) Jan 1, 2014

Nevermind, I'm doing everything wrong here. I'm just figuring out on how to add pushbuttons on Arduino. Anyway, at least after
*REALLY* following the instructions my buttons stopped pushing like crazy.

Now I will have to wait the end of the hollydays to continue my project due to a $.10c resistor! Hehehe!

Again, very thanks for your hard work!

Jasper (unauthenticated) Jan 28, 2014

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I can't figure out how to program the joystick. I have tried this, it didn't do anything. What do I have to add to make it work?

#define NUM_BUTTONS 40
#define NUM_AXES 8

typedef struct joyReport_t {

int16_t axis[NUM_AXES];
uint8_t button[(NUM_BUTTONS+7)/8];
} joyReport_t;

joyReport_t joyReport;

long sensorValue = 0;
long sensor = 10;

void setup() {


void loop() {

sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
sensor = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, -32768, 32767);
joyReport.axis[3] = sensor;

nick (unauthenticated) Feb 13, 2014

Hi Darran, I'm wanting to make a HID dj controller with a minimum of 24 analogue pots, would it be possible with LUFA and what
device class should I thinking about using?

Gazz (unauthenticated) Feb 24, 2014

I'm useless at this LUFA stuff,

i managed to put an uno into dfu mode, flash it to works as a joystick, and it works with the test sketch provided... buttons 1-40
turn on in turn, then off in turn, and the axis move up and down, great,

But i really don't need the axis, just 40 buttons,

not sure what bits i need to remove and change in the HID descriptor thing to make this happen, i believe i need to make sure
that after removing the axis parts, the data packet length matches up with some padding.... but as you can tell, i have no idea
what i am doing.

Can you show me which bits i need to change and how so i can flash my uno to show up as just a 40 button joystick? please....
with cherries on top :)
or even cheat and point me to a finished hex file with the axis removed and all renumerated or what ever needs doing to it.

nick, again (unauthenticated) Feb 24, 2014

Hi again Darran, I've been toying with the Unojoy code and have it transmitting a 64 Byte HID report, (48 pots & 128 buttons) I
am now wanting to try the same with your code, could you include the .cproj and the like in your source? As I am now somewhat
familiar editing and building with AVR studio but makefiles and using VM I have no clue about.

darran Mar 5, 2014

Hey Nick, I don't have a .cproj file. I assume that's for Windows? I built the firmware using the makefile that is included. It builds
on Linux and OS X.

Carlos (unauthenticated) Mar 6, 2014

Hi darran.

Congratulations for this great project. I am interested in contact with you my mail about a big project. Mine is carcaes1 AT
hotmail.com Cheers.

Riclamer (unauthenticated) Mar 11, 2014

Hi dears, good tutorial. I updated the demo to my arduino, and all the 8 axes moves. Now i'm interest to read the 8 axes from the
ANALOG port of Arduino. I can't find a Sketch with this code. Somebody have this code or a link ? Big Hugs

Riclamer (unauthenticated) Mar 11, 2014

I Write a code to use with POT in ANALOG PIN, and BUTTON in DIGITAL PIN of Arduino. With this code, is possible to use with
Joystik Microsoft SideWinder and others. To use with pot, need to use ground, analog pin, 5v of arduino respective, linke this pic

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-> http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Tutorial/joy_sch_480.jpg

// CODE Arduno Scketch

/* Arduino USB Joystick HID /
/* Author: Darran Hunt
* Edited by RICLAMER 11/03/2014 V 1.0
*This code, don't use matrix like keyboard to button. Just will use the ports of Arduino.
*5 pot (axis) and 13 button DIgital (switch to ground) to Arduino UNO,
*and 15 pot (axis) and 54 button Digital (switch to ground) to Arduino Mega.
** Comment all lines "Serial.println" after your tests to increase the performace.

#define NUM_BUTTONS 13
#define NUM_AXES 5 // 5 axes, X, Y, Z, etc (UNO)

typedef struct joyReport_t {

int16_t axis[NUM_AXES];
uint8_t button[(NUM_BUTTONS)];
} joyReport_t;

joyReport_t joyReport;

void setup(void);
void loop(void);
void setButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button);
void clearButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button);
void sendJoyReport(joyReport_t *report);

void setup()

for( int portId = 01; portId < NUM_BUTTONS; portId ++ )

pinMode( portId, INPUT_PULLUP);


/*================Axis and Button state initialization=======================*/

for (uint8_t ind=0; ind < NUM_AXES; ind++) {
joyReport.axis[ind] = 0;

for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<sizeof(joyReport.button); ind++) {

joyReport.button[ind] = 0;

// Send an HID report to the USB interface

void sendJoyReport(struct joyReport_t *report)
Serial.write((uint8_t *)report, sizeof(joyReport_t));

// dump human readable output for debugging

for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<NUM_AXES; ind++) {
Serial.print("]= ");
Serial.print(" ");
for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<NUM_BUTTONS; ind++) {
Serial.print("]= ");
Serial.print(report->button[ind], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");

// turn a button on
void setButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button)
uint8_t index = button;
uint8_t bit = button ;
//Inform Botton power ON

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Serial.println("POWER BOTTON_");

joy->button[index] |= 1 << bit;


// turn a button off

void clearButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button)
uint8_t index = button;
uint8_t bit = button ;
//Inform Botton power OFF
Serial.println("OFF BOTTON_");

joy->button[index] &= ~(1 << bit);


uint8_t button=0; // current button

// Read and Set values of button and axis

void loop()
{ //read the digital port are switch with groun
if (digitalRead(button)== LOW) {
setButton(&joyReport, button);
} else {
clearButton(&joyReport, button);
//read the pot in analog port.
for (uint8_t ind=0; ind< NUM_AXES; ind++) {
joyReport.axis[ind] = map(analogRead(54+ind), 0, 1023, -32768,32767 );


if (button >= NUM_BUTTONS ) {
button = 0;

Riclamer (unauthenticated) Mar 25, 2014

Sorry for the last CODE. It's don't run correctly.

Now i'm sharing the new code to use with POT in ANALOG port, and button Switch in Digital Port.
I Used Arduino UNO. But is compatible with MEGA, In future i will share a new CODE just to MEGA.
If you have some problem to test and use this code, please questme. Big Hugs
Remember, is necessary update firmware with Arduino-big-joystick.hex. I Used Flip to run in Windows.
/* Arduino USB Joystick HID demo */

/* Author: Darran Hunt

* Released into the public domain.
* Update by RICLAMER in 25/03/2014 to use Analog ports and digital ports
* This code is to be used with Arduino UNO (6 axis and 13 Button )
* This code is compatible with Arduino Mega.

Just install POT in each analog port. Using the _GND _Analog _5V Arduino.
Like this image: http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Tutorial/joy_sch_480.jpg
To setup the buttons, just install you prefered button switch under GND and Port Digital 02~13.
Use Flip to erease and burn this firmware DFU: https://github.com/harlequin-tech/arduino-usb/blob/master/firmwares/Arduino-
I used Arduino R3 with Atmega 16U2.

#undef DEBUG

#define NUM_BUTTONS 40 // you don't need to change this value

#define NUM_AXES 8 // 6 axes to UNO, and 8 to MEGA. If you are using UNO, don't need to change this value.

typedef struct joyReport_t {

int16_t axis[NUM_AXES];
uint8_t button[(NUM_BUTTONS+7)/8]; // 8 buttons per byte
} joyReport_t;

joyReport_t joyReport;

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uint8_t btn[12];
int fulloff = 0;
void setup(void);
void loop(void);
void setButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button);
void clearButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button);
void sendJoyReport(joyReport_t *report);

void setup()
//set pin to input Button
for( int portId = 02; portId < 13; portId ++ )
pinMode( portId, INPUT_PULLUP);

for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<8; ind++) {

joyReport.axis[ind] = ind*1000;
for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<sizeof(joyReport.button); ind++) {
joyReport.button[ind] = 0;

// Send an HID report to the USB interface

void sendJoyReport(struct joyReport_t *report)
#ifndef DEBUG
Serial.write((uint8_t *)report, sizeof(joyReport_t));
// dump human readable output for debugging
for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<NUM_AXES; ind++) {
Serial.print("]= ");
Serial.print(" ");
for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<NUM_BUTTONS/8; ind++) {
Serial.print("]= ");
Serial.print(report->button[ind], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");

// turn a button on
void setButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button)
uint8_t index = button/8;
uint8_t bit = button - 8*index;

joy->button[index] |= 1 << bit;


// turn a button off

void clearButton(joyReport_t *joy, uint8_t button)
uint8_t index = button/8;
uint8_t bit = button - 8*index;

joy->button[index] &= ~(1 << bit);


* Read Digital port for Button
* Read Analog port for axis
void loop()
// Create Matriz with value off switch button
for(int bt = 1; bt < 13; bt ++)

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btn[bt]= digitalRead(bt+1);
// Power ON button if it is press. buton 17 at 28
for(int on=01; on < 13; on++)
if (btn[on] == LOW)
setButton(&joyReport, on+16);
// Serial.println("botao ON");
// Serial.println(on+16);
fulloff = fulloff++;
} //Power off all Button, if all button are not press
if(fulloff == 13)
for(uint8_t cont=0; cont<40; cont++)
clearButton(&joyReport, cont);
// Serial.println("Every buttons is off");

/* Move all of the Analogic axis */

/* Arduino UNO have only 6 port. Will be necessary set to 0; the not used port */
/* In this example, i will use just 3 axis. X, Y, Z */
/* if you will use all 6 analog ports, set axis < 3, to axis < 5 */
for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
joyReport.axis[axis] = map(analogRead(axis), 0, 1023, -32768,32767 );
//Set to 0; the not used analog port.
//if you will use all 6 analog ports, exclude the lines, axis[3] at axis [5] */
joyReport.axis[3] = 0;
joyReport.axis[4] = 0;
joyReport.axis[5] = 0;
joyReport.axis[6] = 0;
joyReport.axis[7] = 0;
joyReport.axis[8] = 0;

//Send Data to HID


fulloff = 0;

IceMakeR (unauthenticated) Mar 30, 2014

Cans you tell me what to change to use pulse buttons for the joystick? your code sets only buttons on but never goes off!

Carlos (unauthenticated) Apr 1, 2014

Is possible doing this hid usb with arduino due?

RICLAMER (unauthenticated) Apr 15, 2014

Hi IceMakeR, I will test the Buttons, and if detect some problem, i post new CODE. OK ? Big Hugs

p2 (unauthenticated) Apr 16, 2014

Dear Riclamer,

Thanks for your code.

I am using Arduino Mega 2560 and I've uploaded the last code provided by you on Mar 25. I am able to connect 3 POTs or
Joysticks to pins A0,A1 and A3 ... but it seems other analog pins don't work! also for push button I can use only digital pin 2 ~ 13
Would you please modify the code by adding some rotary encoders and help us to use all the pins on the Arduino Mega boards?


RICLAMER (unauthenticated) Apr 17, 2014

Hi p2, it's correct. My code are set to 3 axis. If you want more axis, you need so set this line: for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3;
axis++) . It's possible to use at 8 axis. Edit to: for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 7; axis++).

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Also need to coment all not used axis. Edit with simbol "//":
//joyReport.axis[3] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[4] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[5] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[6] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[7] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[8] = 0;

About the buttons, i'm testing and will post a new code.

Big Hugs

p2 (unauthenticated) Apr 17, 2014

Dear Riclamer,

Thanks for your help.

This is what I understood:
To let an Analog pin read the input, we have to add "//" at the beginning of the code or we can remove it.
This is what I have now:

for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 5; axis++) {

joyReport.axis[axis] = map(analogRead(axis), 0, 1023, -32768,32767 );
//Set to 0; the not used analog port.
//if you will use all 6 analog ports, exclude the lines, axis[3] at axis [5] */
//joyReport.axis[0] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[1] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[2] = 0;
//joyReport.axis[3] = 0;
joyReport.axis[4] = 0;
joyReport.axis[5] = 0;
joyReport.axis[6] = 0;
joyReport.axis[7] = 0;
joyReport.axis[8] = 0;

Now analog pins A0, A1, A2 and A3 are reading 4 Axis and ther are working fine.
But my question is, since I am using Arduino Mega 2560 and I have 16 Analog pins, is there any method to active other analog
or digital pins?
how about Roraty Encoder?
That would be nice, If you could add the Rotary Encoder function into your code.
I have seen someone provided a code including Rotary Encoder like this:

Mega2560 R3, digitalPin 22~ 37 used as row0 ~ row 15,
digital pin 38~53 used as column 0 ~ 15,
it's a 16 * 16 matrix,

row 0, 1, 2 ,3 will be used to support 32 rotary encoder

row 4, 5 will be used to support 16 On - off - On toggle switches,
note: this application will make the On-off-on toggle switch generate a button push signal when toggle from On to off,
but this is not implemented yet
for normal on- on toggle switch or if you don't need this feature then just plug the switch to push button area
row 6~15 will be used to support push button or normal on-on toggle switch

#define NUM_BUTTONS 256

#define NUM_AXES 8 // 8 axes, X, Y, Z, etc

typedef struct joyReport_t {

int16_t axis[NUM_AXES];
uint8_t button[(NUM_BUTTONS+7)/8]; // 8 buttons per byte

joyReport_t joyReport;

CW >>> 00 01 11 10 <<< CCW

this value sets the threshold for the CW/CCW drift in milliseconds
any direction drift within this time limit will be ignored, the previous direction will be used.
byte CWCCWDriftTimeLimit = 60;

//totally 32 rotary encoders,

const byte ENCODER_COUNT = 32;

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//store the rotary encoder's AB pin value in last scan
byte prevEncoderValue[ENCODER_COUNT];

//store the rotary encoder's last effective CW/ CCW state

int prevEncoderDirection[ENCODER_COUNT];

//indicate the current stage of thie encoder

// for every pulse, left shift stage 2 bits and append the new 2 bits at the lower end,
// and compare the value with B00011110 and B00101101, then it's CW or CCW,
// if it's CW or CCW, reset stage to 0
byte EncoderState[ENCODER_COUNT];

const byte CWPattern1 = B00011110, CWPattern2 = B01111000, CWPattern3 = B11100001, CWPattern4 = B10000111;
const byte CCWPattern1 = B00101101, CCWPattern2 = B10110100, CCWPattern3 = B11010010, CCWPattern4 = B01001110;

//store the rotary encoder's last pulse time, this will be used to remove the drift effect
unsigned long prevEncoderMillis[ENCODER_COUNT];

//unsigned long loopTime;

void setup()
for( int portId = 22; portId < 38; portId ++ )
pinMode( portId, OUTPUT );
for( int portId = 38; portId < 54; portId ++ )
pinMode( portId, INPUT_PULLUP);
PORTD = B10000000;
PORTG = B00000111;
PORTL = B11111111;
PORTB = B00001111;


/*================axis and key state initialization=======================*/

for (uint8_t ind=0; ind < NUM_AXES; ind++) {
joyReport.axis[ind] = 0;

for (uint8_t ind=0; ind<sizeof(joyReport.button); ind++) {

joyReport.button[ind] = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < ENCODER_COUNT; i++)

prevEncoderMillis[i] = millis();

// Send an HID report to the USB interface

void sendJoyReport(struct joyReport_t *report)
//check if time has elapsed enough time since last report sent.
long static prevMillis;
if ( millis() - prevMillis >= 10 )
Serial.write((uint8_t *)report, sizeof(joyReport_t));

//clear the pulse buttons state

for( int i = 0; i < 8; i ++ )
joyReport.button[i] = 0;
prevMillis = millis();

void loop()
//Serial.println( millis() - loopTime );
//loopTime = millis();

//scan rotary encoder

for ( int rowid = 0; rowid < 4; rowid ++ )

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//turn on the current row
PORTA = ~( B00000001 << rowid);

//we must have such a delay so the digital pin output can go LOW steadily,
//without this delay, the row PIN will not 100% at LOW during yet,
//so check the first column pin's value will return incorrect result.

byte colResult[16];

//pin 38, PD7

colResult[0] = (PIND & B10000000 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 39, PG2
colResult[1] = (PING & B00000100 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 40, PG1
colResult[2] = (PING & B00000010 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 41, PG0
colResult[3] = (PING & B00000001 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;

//pin 42, PL7

colResult[4] = (PINL & B10000000 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 43, PL6
colResult[5] = (PINL & B01000000 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 44, PL5
colResult[6] = (PINL & B00100000 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 45, PL4
colResult[7] = (PINL & B00010000 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;

//pin 46, PL3

colResult[8] = (PINL & B00001000 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 47, PL2
colResult[9] = (PINL & B00000100 )== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 48, PL1
colResult[10] =( PINL & B00000010)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 49, PL0
colResult[11] =( PINL & B00000001)== 0 ? 1 : 0;

//pin 50, PB3

colResult[12] =( PINB & B00001000)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 51, PB2
colResult[13] =( PINB & B00000100)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 52, PB1
colResult[14] =( PINB & B00000010)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 53, PB0
colResult[15] =( PINB & B00000001)== 0 ? 1 : 0;

for ( int colid = 0; colid < 16; colid += 2 )

byte encoderValue = colResult[colid] << 1 | colResult[colid + 1];
//byte encoderValue = digitalRead(colid+38) << 1 | digitalRead(colid + 39);
byte encoderId = rowid * 8 + colid / 2;
//int encoderState = encoderTable[ prevEncoderValue[ encoderId ] << 2 | encoderValue ];

if ( encoderValue != prevEncoderValue[encoderId] )
//we have a "pulse" from rotary encoder
int direction = 0;
EncoderState[encoderId] = EncoderState[encoderId] << 2 | encoderValue;

if (EncoderState[encoderId] == CWPattern1 || EncoderState[encoderId] == CWPattern3 )

//this is a full CW pattern,
direction = 1;
//EncoderState[encoderId] = 0;
else if (EncoderState[encoderId] == CCWPattern1 || EncoderState[encoderId] == CCWPattern3 )
//this is a full CCW pattern,
direction = -1;
// EncoderState[encoderId] = 0;
prevEncoderValue[encoderId ] = encoderValue;

unsigned long timeDiff = millis() - prevEncoderMillis[encoderId];

if ( timeDiff < CWCCWDriftTimeLimit && direction != 0 )
// we get a CW/CCW in less then a very short time, let's check if the current direction is identical with the previous direction
if ( prevEncoderDirection[encoderId] != direction && prevEncoderDirection[encoderId] != 0 )

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//the current direction is different with the previous one, let's use the previous direction instead
direction = prevEncoderDirection[encoderId];

if ( direction == 1 )
//set bit to 10
joyReport.button[ rowid * 2 + colid / 8 ] |= 0x1 << ( colid % 8 + 1);
joyReport.button[ rowid * 2 + colid / 8 ] &= ~(0x1 << ( colid % 8 ));
prevEncoderMillis[ encoderId ] = millis();
prevEncoderDirection[ encoderId ] = direction;
else if ( direction == -1 )
//set bit to 01
joyReport.button[ rowid * 2 + colid / 8 ] &= ~(0x1 << ( colid % 8 + 1));
joyReport.button[ rowid * 2 + colid / 8 ] |= 0x1 << ( colid % 8 );
prevEncoderMillis[ encoderId ] = millis();
prevEncoderDirection[ encoderId ] = direction;


//turn off all rows first

for ( int rowid = 4; rowid < 16; rowid ++ )
//turn on the current row
if (rowid < 8)
PORTA = ~(0x1 << rowid);
PORTC = ~(0x1 << (15 - rowid) );
//we must have such a delay so the digital pin output can go LOW steadily,
//without this delay, the row PIN will not 100% at LOW during yet,
//so check the first column pin's value will return incorrect result.

byte colResult[16];
//pin 38, PD7
colResult[0] = (PIND & B10000000)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 39, PG2
colResult[1] = (PING & B00000100)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 40, PG1
colResult[2] = (PING & B00000010)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 41, PG0
colResult[3] = (PING & B00000001)== 0 ? 1 : 0;

//pin 42, PL7

colResult[4] = (PINL & B10000000)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 43, PL6
colResult[5] = (PINL & B01000000)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 44, PL5
colResult[6] = (PINL & B00100000)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 45, PL4
colResult[7] = (PINL & B00010000)== 0 ? 1 : 0;

//pin 46, PL3

colResult[8] = (PINL & B00001000)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 47, PL2
colResult[9] = (PINL & B00000100)== 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 48, PL1
colResult[10] =(PINL & B00000010) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 49, PL0
colResult[11] =(PINL & B00000001) == 0 ? 1 : 0;

//pin 50, PB3

colResult[12] =(PINB & B00001000) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 51, PB2
colResult[13] =(PINB & B00000100) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 52, PB1

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colResult[14] =(PINB & B00000010) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
//pin 53, PB0
colResult[15] =(PINB & B00000001) == 0 ? 1 : 0;

for ( int colid = 0; colid < 16; colid ++ )

if ( colResult[ colid ] == 1 )
//if ( digitalRead( colid + 38 ) == LOW )
joyReport.button[ rowid * 2 + colid / 8 ] |= (0x1 << ( colid % 8 ));
joyReport.button[ rowid * 2 + colid / 8 ] &= ~(0x1 << ( colid % 8 ));

for (uint8_t ind=0; ind< NUM_AXES; ind++) {

//joyReport.axis[ind] = map(analogRead(54+ind), 0, 1023, -32768,32767 );

RICLAMER (unauthenticated) Apr 18, 2014

Hi P2. With firmware arduino_big_joystik.hex, you can use up to 8 axis. Analog Pins 0~7.
About use encoders, i'm not sure if it's possible to use with big_joystik firmware. I believe this code you post, need another
About buttons you can use all digital pins of Arduino Mega. 53 Buttons with my code. I will post in some days new version of
Big Hugs

RICLAMER (unauthenticated) Apr 18, 2014

Hi ... Today i tested an the buttons are OK !! I created a store to share the code with everybody. Some quest can by post here.

p2 (unauthenticated) Apr 19, 2014

Dear Riclamer, Thanks for your efforts. It should be nice, I will check it and let you know.

p2 (unauthenticated) Apr 20, 2014

Dear Riclamer,

Como dije antes, en Mega solo el PIN número 2 ~ 13 funciona como un botón! y otros pines quedaron sin usar!
por cierto, no pude encontrar ninguna diferencia entre el nuevo código y el anterior.


Riclamer (no autenticado) 24 de abril de 2014

Hola p2, el código está hecho para trabajar con 13 botones porque la limitación de Uno. Ahora estoy escribiendo un código para
usar en todos los pin digitales de MEGA

Grandes abrazos

carlos (no autenticado) 25 de abril de 2014

Hola de nuevo, ¿es posible subir un firmware .hex como joystick / serial juntos?

Agrega un nuevo comentario.

Mi página Iniciar sesión Ayuda

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