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Informed Consent: 3 Principles
 The surgeon explains the diagnosis, procedure, risks, outcomes, expectations,
alternative options, prognosis if procedure is not performed to the client
 The client indicates understanding of the information
 The client gives voluntary legal consent for the procedure
 The nurse must be there to witness the client’s consent and understanding of the
 IF there’s a need for additional procedure during surgery, the family can give
consent after speaking with the surgeon.
8 Times you can call the DOCTOR?
1. When a client deteriorates significantly
2. When a client dies
3. When a client leaves against medical advice (AMA)
4. When a client runs away
5. When a client falls
6. When a client refuses key treatment in the relevant time period
7. When a prescription needs clarification
8. When there is abnormal lab results
SPLEEN- A part of the immune system that functions as a filter that purifies the blood of
micro-organism that cause infections (eg. Pneumonia, meningitis).
Spleen Rupture is a serious complication of INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOUS which is
caused by Epstein-Barr virus & it presents sudden onset of left upper quadrant
abdominal pain.
Kawasaki Diseases-
 S/S: Skin peeling

Overwhelming Post-Splenectomy Infection (OPSI) or abrupt onset of sepsis/ bacterial

infection on someone without a spleen is a major concern.
A client who has splenectomy and complains of headache or minor fever needs urgent
Polycythemia Vera is a chronic myeloproliferative disease which causes overproduction
of RBC, WBC & Platelets by the bone marrow. This leads to increased Hematocrit over
A client with marked anemia can develop exertional dyspnea due to the body’s inability
to meet the metabolic demands (oxygen) associated with physical activity.
Myasthenia Gravis- is an autoimmune disease in which antibodies attack acetylcholine
receptors. This results in weakness of skeletal muscle especially in the bulbar region that
involves the eye movement, swallowing, speaking & breathing. This client gets tired
as the day progresses. The client shows symptom of ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelids)
Thrombocytopenia- is low level of platelet level due to heparin therapy.

Addison’s disease or Chronic Adrenal Insufficient occurs when the adrenal gland
does not produce enough steroid hormones (mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids,
Symptoms: 1. Weight loss 2. Muscle weakness. 3. Hypoglycemia. 4. Low BP.
5. Hyperpigmentation
Cushing’s disease
Clogged Tube when a feeding tube is clogged, the nurse should first attempt to unclog
the tube with a large-barrel syringe to flush and aspirate with warm water in a back and
forth motion. If that does not work, a digestive enzyme solution should be used.
Instilling a carbonated beverage is not appropriate.

The Brain
1. Hypothalamus exerts control over the actions of the autonomic nervous system
and regulates appetite and temperature.
2. Thalamus integrates all sensory input (except smell) on its way to the cortex and is
involved with emotions and mood.
3. Amygdala is in the temporal lobe of the brain and may play a major role in
memory processing and “learned fear.”
4. Medulla of the brain contains vital centers that regulate heart rate; blood pressure;
respiration; and reflex centers for swallowing, sneezing, coughing, and vomiting.
Allen Test- Tests the patency of the ulna artery.
 If the Allen test is positive (when blood returns to palm, ABG can be drawn.
 If the test is negative, move on to another site…brachial, femoral.
 The Radial ARTERY is the preferred site for collecting arterial blood gas because
it’s on the surface, easy to palpate and stabilize and has good collateral supply
from the ulnar artery.
 The patency of the ulnar artery can be verified by the positive Allen test

Repositioning Guideline to reduce risk of injury to staff & client…

 Use a full body sling LIFT to move non-participating clients

 Use a gait/transfer belt to transfer a partially weight-bearing client to a chair.
 Use 2 or more staff to transfer a client who is uncooperative or comatose (sedated)
 Use 2-3 caregivers to move cooperative clients weighing less than 200lbs
 Use 3 or more caregivers to mover cooperative clients weighing over 200lbs
 Unstable clients or clients with neck or spinal cord injury need the presence of the
nurse before transfer.

Medical Battery/battery: Intentionally touching a person without the person’s consent.

Assault: A deliberate threat with power to carry out the threat

Acanthosis Nigricans a skin condition that occurs with obesity or diabetes that appear
like dark lines or grooves on the neck or underarms.

Fern Test- Check the presence of amniotic fluid.

 Uses nitrazine paper
 Turns blue when positive

During circumcision, sterile technique must be followed, and

 the infant should NOT be fed.
 They should be swaddled with a wrapped blanket or placed on a special board.
 A non-nutritive concentrated sucrose sucking is offered for pain management.

Abdominal paracentesis is used to remove ascetic fluid from peritoneal cavity in an

End-Stage Liver Disease (Cirrhosis).
 Client should void before procedure to reduce risk of bladder puncture
 Client should sit upright or high fowler to facilitate the fluid to the bottom of the
peritoneal cavity where the needle will be inserted
Hospice Care- is given to a client who is terminally ill with a life expectancy of 6 months
or less. The purpose of hospice is to allow the client to die naturally and as pain free as
possible. Hospice can be done at home, hospital or nursing home. While in hospice, a
client will not receive curative treatment, but if client’s health improves, the client can
come out of hospice. Medicare covers hospice care


 A diabetes client experiencing nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain is a priority

due to the possibility of DKA, diabetes ketoacidosis.
 DKA is a serious condition that can cause death. It presents
abdominal pain and polyuria.
 Treatment: IV Fluid replacement
 Medication (insulin) compliance is common among teenagers. The body breaks
down fat which turns to ketones and can cause abdominal pain.
 Client experiencing rapid respiration, Kussmaul’s breathing should blow off
carbon dioxide in a bag to compensate metabolic acidosis

Emancipated Minor: Someone under 18 who has been legally freed from parental control
through a court order due to military enlistment, marriage, pregnancy

Air Embolism, the client should be placed in Trendelenburg (head down, feet up), and
positioned on LEFT SIDE, this would allow the air to rise to the right atrium and the
physician should be notified immediately and nurse stays with the patient.

Tube Insertion – arm should be raised above the head of the affected side and client
placed 30-60 degrees to reduce risk of injuring the diaphragm.

After Liver Biopsy- client should be placed on the affected side (right side) for a
minimum of 2 hours to apply pressure and splint the puncture site. Then 12-14 hours on
the back side (supine).

During Lumber Puncture- Client should be place in fetal position

After Lumber Puncture – client should be place supine (on back) at 30 degrees.

Ankylosing Spondylitis An inflammatory arthritis affecting the spine and large joints.

 Client takes NSAID to control back pain and are at risk of gastric ulcer
 The meds can cause melena (black stool)

Heimlich Maneuver (abdominal thrust) is the primary rescue intervention for chokings
on adults and children over 1 year of age.

Back Blows and Chest Thrust are used for infants and children under the age of 1

Pulsus Paradoxus is defined as a fall of systolic blood pressure of >10 mmHg during the
inspiratory phase.
 Pulsus paradoxus can be observed in cardiac tamponade and in conditions where
intrathoracic pressure swings are exaggerated or the right ventricle is distended,
such as severe acute asthma or exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary
Aphasia involves the inability to express feelings and thoughts due to a brain dysfunction
and includes both verbal and writing skills.
A Sentinel Event is an unanticipated event in a healthcare setting resulting in death or
serious physical or psychological injury to a patient or patients, not related to the
natural course of the patient's illness
Abdominal Aneurysm is a life threatening abdominal problem which can present back
pain, pulsating mass around the periumbilical area, left to the midline.
Rigid abdomen and diffuse pain indicates peritonitis.
UTI- Fever, suprapubic pain & dysuria.
Patient’s Rights-
 Right to adequate evaluation and treatment of pain
 Right to know the identity/names of care provider and position
 Right to personal information and how to share it
Ethical Nursing Practice:
 Autonomy: Is freedom for a competent person to make medical decision by
himself even if the nurse or family does not agree (e.g informed consent, A.D)
 Accountability: accepting responsibility for one’s actions and admitting error.
 Confidentiality: means that information shared with the nurse is kept secret
unless permission is given to share it or it’s required by law to share it such as STD
suicidal ideation to help protect the client.

 Justice: is treating everyone equally regardless of gender, sexual orientation,
race/ethnicity, religion or social standing.
 Nonmaleficence: means doing no harm and protecting others
 Beneficence: To do good- to implement intervention to promote health.
 Veracity means to tell the truth to build a trusting relationship
Acute Pyelonephritis is a severe, life-threatening bacterial infection of the kidney that
causes it to swell. It can lead to a permanent scaring of the kidney and can be.
 Treatments: IV parenteral fluid and IV antibiotics.
Extravasation is the infiltration of a drug into the tissue surrounding the vein.
Ground Coffee emesis indicates upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Ear drop
 Kids 3 and adults – UP and back
 Kids 3 and down – Down and back
 During instillation, client complains of pain and cramp, stop, wait 30 secs and
continue slowly
Nurse as a client ADVOCATE #S
In the role of client advocate, the nurse protects the client's human and legal rights and
provides assistance in asserting those rights if the need arises:
 The nurse advocates for the client by providing information needed so that the
client can make an informed decision.
 The nurse also defends clients' rights in a general way by speaking out against
policies or actions that might endanger the client's well-being or conflict with his
or her rights. Informed consent is part of the health care provider–client
relationship; in most situations, obtaining the client's informed consent does not
fall within the nursing duty. Even though the nurse assumes the responsibility for
witnessing the client's signature on the consent form, the nurse does not legally
assume the duty of obtaining informed consent.
 The nurse needs to consider the client's religion and culture when functioning as
an advocate and when providing care. The nurse would not ignore the client's
religious or cultural beliefs in discussions about treatment plans, so that an
informed decision can be made.

PICC- Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter- is inserted through the cephalic or

basilic veins into the superior vena cava.
 The nurse should measure and document the length of the external PICC during
dressing changes. A change in the length of the external PICC indicates migration
of the tip of the catheter from the original position.
 The nurse should hold IV fluids, medications and secure the tube to avoid further
shifting & notify DR to obtain x-ray to verify placement of the tip.

A client with MALABSORPTION syndrome should not be able to digest nor absorb
nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract. Peripheral parenteral nutrition of 10% dextrose is
the proper treatment.
PCA- Patient-Controlled Analgesia- delivers a set of IV analgesia each time the pt.
presses a button
 Needs normal saline to keep the veins open
 If HCP stops the order, call to clarify
 Verify 2 identifiers with another RN
 Prime with normal saline
 Transfuse btw 2-4hrs (not over 4hrs)
 RN stays in room for first 15 minutes/50 ml
 Check vital signs
 Fourth vital sign can be delegated to CN 1hrs after infusion
 Clean the site with alcohol
 Insert needle bevel at 15 degrees’ angle, not more than 30 degrees
 If pulsating red blood is noticed, pull out and press the site for at least 5 minutes
 Pulsating red blood indicates artery was assessed.
 After 2 unsuccessful attempts to withdraw blood, another nurse or phlebotomist
should try.
 Avoid hands with mastectomy
 Never draw blood above an IV infusion
 Tube should be inverted 5-10 times to mix with anticoagulant.

Juglar Vein Distention (JVD):
 Position client on 30-45 degree to reveal prominent neck vein or pulsation
 If fluid overload is observed, reposition patient to 60-90 degree.

Central Venous Access Device (CVAD)

 Catheter occlusion is a common complication
 Kinked tube, catheter malposition, medication precipitate or thrombosis can cause
 Flushing CVAD maintains patency.
Medical Interpreter- when working with medical interpreters, nurse should use
best practice to maximize communication and understanding with the client.
 Use a professional interpreter if possible
 Address the client/patient directly in first person
 Speak directly to the client not the interp
 Have pre-conference with the interpreter to review goals of on the interview
 Ask one question at a time/Speak in short sentences and allow the interpreter to

Type of Lochia Time Frame Normal Abnormal

Lochia Rubra 1 to 3 days Dark Red flow consisting Foul odor, large clots,
of blood, small clot, saturated perineal pad
fleshy odor.
Lochia Serosa 4 to 10 days Serous, pink / brownish, Continuous/recurrent,
watery, decreased flow red color, excessive
flow, foul odor
Lochia Alba 11 days to 6 weeks Creamy white, light Recurrent rubra,
yellow, decreased flow continuous serosa,
foul odor

Placenta Previa is the low implantation of the placenta. The types of placenta
previa are the following:
1. Low-lying placenta previa – the implantation took place in the lower
portion rather than the upper portion of the uterus.
2. Marginal placenta previa – the placental edges are approaching the cervical
3. Partial placenta previa – a portion of carvel os is occluded by the placental
4. Total placenta previa – implantation that totally obstructs the cervical os.
that cause PP:>> Increased parity. Advanced maternal age. Past
cesarean births. Past uterine curettage. Multiple gestation

 Bleeding – bright red blood. The lower uterine segment begins to
differentiate with the upper segment later in pregnancy. Placenta has the
inability to stretch to accommodate the differing shape of the lower uterine
segment or the cervix, thus, abrupt and bright red bleeding occurs.

Therapeutic Management
1. Place the woman immediately on bed rest in a side-lying position.
2. Weigh perineal pads.
3. NEVER attempt a pelvic or rectal examination because it may initiate
massive blood loss.
4. Blood typing
5. Initiate 2 large IV catheter for Fluid restoration and blood transfusion
Abruptio Placenta this is when correctly implanted placenta separates
Risk factors >>High parity. Advanced maternal age. A short umbilical cord.
Chronic hypertensive disease. Pregnancy-induced hypertension. Direct trauma
 Vasoconstriction from cigarette use.
Signs and symptoms
 Sharp, stabbing pain high in the uterine fundus (during initial separation)
 Tenderness felt on uterine palpation
 Heavy bleeding (not clear). Blood can either pool under the placenta and be
hidden from view. External bleeding is only present if the placenta separates
first at the edges and blood escapes freely from the cervix.
 Hard, boardlike uterus with no apparent or minimally apparent bleeding
 Dark red blood (in bleeding episodes)
 Fluid replacement. Oxygen by mask. Monitor FHR. Keep the woman in a
lateral position. DO NOT perform any vaginal or pelvic examinations or
give enema
 Pregnancy must be terminated because the fetus cannot obtain adequate
oxygen and nutrients. If birth does not seem imminent, cesarean birth is
method of choice for delivery.

situation, background, assessment & recommendation

Prioritization can be achieved with two frameworks:

1. ABC +V = Airway, Breathing, Circulation + Vital signs

2. Mental status change, acute pain, unresolved medical issues, acute
elimination issues, abnormal lab values and risks
3. Longer-term issues such as health education, rest and coping

Marslow’s Hierarchy of Needs-

ABO Incompatibility reaction is most dangerous in the first 15 minutes or 50 ml

of transfusion.

Constipation is normal after abdominal surgery due to opioid usage and
peristalsis manipulation during surgery.

Phantom limb pain is a sensation pain or tingling on an amputated body part.

Wrapping the body part or apply heat until HCP examines it.

N/V, bowel obstruction and abdominal distension can signal bowel

obstruction which leads to electrolyte imbalance, dehydration and infection = Life

Ventricular bigeminy is a rhythm in which every other heartbeat is a premature

ventricular contraction (PVC). CAUSES: Electrolyte imbalance and ischemia.

Mature Minor are adolescents who are ages 14-18 and are deemed able to
understand treatable risks. They are legally allowed to give consent or refuse
treatment to limited conditions such as testing for STI, family planning, blood
donation, alcohol/drug abuse and mental health issue.

Emancipated Minor is a self-supporting minor under the age of 18 who is legally

married, pregnant or enlisted in the military or granted by court or not living at

When you see a question, check for ABSOLUTE WORDS like: only, every, all
& get rid of them before going back to crosscheck your elimination. EXCEPT in a
SAFETY ISSUE question.

Check for REPEATING WORDS in the answers as were in the question.

Answers with more repeated words are likely the answer.


When solving PRIORITY problems, consider this:

ABC’s PAIN Education, well being,
feeling & coping


The nurse must assess FIRST.

 If they ask you what to do first, you ASSES something

 If there is assessment data within the question & you’re asked what to do
first or next, you INTERVENE.

hift in thinking…

Triage: from the French verb, meaning “to sort”

In health care, triage is a screening process used to determine priority for

treatment. Most of us understand that if there is a room full of people in a hospital
emergency department, the most seriously ill or injured person is the one who is
treated first.

But in a disaster situation, there is a shift from doing what is best for the individual
to doing the greatest good for the largest number of people. The key is to
maximize patient survival with an efficient use of available resources.

Who to help first???

To help determine how to “sort” victims, a widely accepted and systematic color-
coding system has been developed:

RED = “immediate” – people whose lives are in immediate danger and require
immediate treatment.

YELLOW = “delayed” – these people’s lives are not in immediate danger; they will
require urgent, not immediate, medical care (usually most victims).

GREEN = “minimal” – the “walking wounded”, who will eventually require


BLACK = “expectant” (or no priority) – people who are dead when initially assessed
or those with such extensive injuries that they cannot be saved with the limited
available resources.

When checking victims and determining which group they should be assigned to,
the primary assessments to use can be remembered using the acronym: R-P-M

R = respiration

P = perfusion (check for radial pulses – not carotid)

M = mental status

Children under 10 should automatically be UPGRADED to 1 level higher than the
triaged urgency of their medical issues.
UAP/CNA- Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
 Can empty, measure and record output from a surgical drainage BUT only the RN
can assess the drainage i.e. determine the type. Amount, odor and color.
 Can courier blood products to and from the lab.
 Can carry put comfort measures such as escorting family members to waiting
 Can perform ROM range of motion exercises
 Reapply restraints after exercise
 Report changes in skin integrity
 Turn and reposition client in bed

A child with ASHMATICUS is at risk of rapid deterioration of respiratory failure. Oxygen

level for asthmatics is above 95 degree.
Hyperthyroidism is the excessive secretion thyroid hormone.
Thyroid Storm is a life-threatening form of hyperthyroid.
 S/S: Fever, tacchy, a-fib, n/v, altered mental status.
 Care: Reduction of fever, hydration and prevention of cardiac compromise

RNs are required by law to report suspected abuse to vulnerable clients: minors,
elderlies, demented even IF other practitioners don’t agree or the client denies it.
 Client diagnosed of gonorrhea: partners need to know and get treated & PH
 Child with STI - sexual abuse must be reported
 Adult with injuries


 LIVINNG WILL- Represent the client’s medical decisions (e.g. DNR)
 &
 Durable POWER OF ATTORNEY-Designates a REPRESENTATIVE to act on a
person’s behalf if the individual becomes incapacitated.
 There are types of POA- including medical and financial
 A POA takes effect when there is NO living-will indicating what actions to be
taken on behalf of a client.

is an early sign of internal hemorrhage

 It can be caused by an onset of an infection
Pancreatitis is a very painful condition and sinus tachycardia is expected and can develop
3rd spacing which can be cured with large quantities of

Inguinal Hernia- is a protrusion of intraperitoneal contents (e.g. Bowel tissue) through a

weakened area in the abdominal wall (groin, scrotum). Client will feel pain exacerbated
with exercise or straining and a palpable bulge on assessment.

Manifestations of a mechanical bowel obstruction (pain, distension, nausea, vomiting) are
caused by compressed loops of bowel incarcerated by the hernia.
Intestinal obstruction and strangulated bowel are life threatening complications
associated with incarcerated hernia and require immediate evaluation and urgent surgical
Bronchiolitis is a lower respiratory tract infection that is mostly caused by respiratory
syncytial virus. It causes inflammation and obstruction of the lower respiratory tract.

UAP (Unlicensed Assistive Personal)- can do the following

COMPATMENT SYNDROME is a medical emergency from swelling and increased

pressure of a confined place (compartment). It’s popular on lower extremities but can
occur on arms. Pressure from injury/edema can be greater than tissue capillary perfusion
pressure and cause tissue ischemia below the site of increased pressure.
 S/S: Pain unrelieved by opioids or elevation, pain with passive motion.
 TX: Relieve pressure within 4-6hrs of onset.

S3 SOUND is made when blood from atrium is pumped into noncompliant ventricle.

 It can be a normal finding in young people BUT in OLDER ALDUTS it’s significant
as it shows heart failure or fluid overload.

COPD- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- is a group of lung disease (asthma,

bronchitis & emphysema) known for blocked airflow and difficult breathing; primarily
caused by bacteria.
 Oxygen goal = 90 – 93%
 They rely on their hypoxemic drive to breath
 Be worried only when sputum changes color, consistency or volume

Cheyne-Stokes respiration is an abnormal, repetitive, irregular breathing pattern that is

characterized by alternative deep and slow respiration followed by period of apnea (20-30
seconds). It’s associated with neurological conditions such as stroke

Post procedure for client who have undergone heart catheterization should focus on
hemodynamics: BP, HR, distal pulse strength, color and temperature of extremities.

 Client should be assessed several times per hour

 Back or plank pain should be assessed for retroperitoneal or internal bleeding
 Inter bleeding after cardiac catheterization is dangerous

Munchausen Syndrome is a disorder in which a person repeatedly claims he or she is

physically or mentally ill when it is not true.
 Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a disorder in which a caregiver deliberately
causes an injury to a person in his or her care
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is characterized by partial or full obstruction of the
airway due to the relaxation of the pharyngeal muscle, airway closure or lack of airflow.
Opioid analgesics can exacerbate OSA by decreasing pharyngeal muscle tone and
increases chances of airway closure. Patients with OSA need to be on continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP).

Albumin = 3.5 – 5.0 g/dL
 Made by the liver
 Maintains intravascular pressure and prevent fluids from leaking out of the vessels.
 Hypoalbuminemia causes pitting edema, periorbital edema, and ascites.

Calcium = 8.5 – 11
 Hypocalcemia = causes muscle reflexes, spasm, tingling, confusion, petechiae.
 Hypercalcemia = causes constipation and polyuria
Hemoglobin level- Male 13.2 – 17.3 Female 11.7 – 15.5 Low level may cause blood loss
(during or due to surgery), cardiac and respiratory complications during surgery.

Creatinine = Male: 0.6 – 1.2

Female 0.5-1.1
-Increased Creatinine level signifies impaired kidney functions

Glucose – Normal blood fasting = 70 – 110 mg/dL

INR = 0.75 – 1.25

 Assesses and monitors coagulation status on clients on anticoagulation therapy.
 Therapeutic INR = 2-3: For a patient on anticoagulant: warfarin (coumadin)
 Lower than normal INR means blood clots faster than usual which can lead to
Higher than normal INR means blood is too thin, at risk of heavy bleeding
Potassium = 3.5 – 5.5
 Hypokalemia = causes cardiac arrhythmia, muscle weakness/paralysis, soft,
flabby muscle,
 Hyperkalemia = occurs when there is cellular damage like during skin burn

causes ECG changes

Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) -30-40 seconds-is a blood test that measures the
time it takes your blood to clot.

aPTT- (activated Partial Thromboplastic Time) Therapeutic range for clients on
anticoagulant = 40- 70 seconds (times 1.5-2 of normal range of 30- 40 seconds)

Magnesium = 1.5 – 2.5

 Hypomagnesemia is a low level of magnesium associated with alcohol abuse due
to poor absorption, inadequate nutritional intake and increased losses via
gastrointestinal and renal systems.
Urine Specific Gravity = 1.010 -1.030

BUN = 10 – 30 mg/dL

Sodium (Na) = 135 – 145

Hyponatremia = Can lead to seizures and altered mental status.

Hypernatremia =

ALT & AST are enzymes released when hepatocytes are destroyed as part of the hepatitis
pathology. Hepatitis is diagnosed when these enzymes are 2-3 times higher than normal

COPD- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease –Permanent airflow limitation
causes trapped air
 Client is very susceptible to pulmonary infections
 Client with COPD has cough and mucus production at baseline
 Report increased sputum and purulence – indicates infection/bacterial
 Advice client to get pneumococcal vaccine & influenza vaccine
 Anxiety is common for clients with COPD teach them breathing exercises &
Steroid Therapy & nebulizer treatment are common pharmaceutical
intervention of COPD exacerbation.
BIPAP Therapy (bilevel positive airway pressure) is an effective way treatment of
decrease CO2 in client with hypercapnic respiratory failure. BIPAP machine
provides positive pressure oxygen and expels CO2 from the lungs.
Asthma – is a disease characterized by airway hyper activities, use of accessory
muscles, high-pitched sibilant wheezing on expiration, chest tightness, diminished
breath sounds, tachypnea, cough and chronic inflammation resulting in

Acute Pancreatitis can cause respiratory complications including pleural
effusion, atelectasis (1 or more lung collapse), & ARDS (acute respiratory distress
syndrome). These complications are due to activated enzymes released into the
circulation and they cause systemic inflammation. ARDS can cause respiratory
failure in minutes. Refractory Hypoxemia is life threatening & the inability to
improve oxygenation hallmark of ARDS.

Pneumonia is an inflammatory process in the alveoli and interstitium. Advanced

age is the major factor for risk of pneumonia.
 Cough & mucus production are normal in client with pneumonia.
 Increased temperature is common on pneumonia pts on antibiotic therapy
 SOB, fatigue, activity intolerance
Pneumonia Discharge Teaching:
 Avoid OTC cough med
 Schedule follow up with HPC & chest X-ray
 Use a cool mist humidifier in your bedroom at nights
 Continue use of incentive spirometer at home
 Limit caffeine and alcohol
 Increase exercise slowly over 2 weeks and take rest periods
 Increase fluid intake to 2500-3000ml/day. (Normal=3000ml/day)
Pulmonary Embolism (PE)- is a blood clot which originated from a Deed Vein
of the leg, travels to the pulmonary circulation and blocks pulmonary artery
resulting in decreased perfusion and hypoxemia caused by prolonged
hospitalization, immobility and more.
S/S: Dyspnea, Pleural chest pain, Tachycardia, Tachypnea, Hypoxemia
(ineffective gas exchange), Anxiety and Apprehension.
Dislodged Trachea Tube when a tracheostomy is dislodged, the first thing the
nurse do should be to:
 Separate the suture if there is one, lift the trachea and hold the
STOMA open until the emergency team arrive.
 2nd, apply sterile cover over the stoma.
Cystic Fibrosis- is a genetic disorder involving the cells that line the respiratory
tract, the gastrointestinal tract and the reproductive system.

Pleural Effusion - Is the accumulation of fluid into the pleural space that prevents
the LUNGS from expanding, decreases lung volume, atelectasis, and ineffective gas

Signs & Symptoms: Dyspnea on exertion, nonproductive cough, diminished
breath sounds, dullness to percussion, decreased tactile fremitus.

Fremitus- palpable vibration on the chest wall.

Chronic Bronchitis is characterized by edema of the abdomen and on the leg,
productive cough and they are called BLUE BLOATERS.
Emphesima is characterized by HYPERventilation, barrel chest, hypercapnia
(high CO2) use of accessory muscles during breathing and are known as pink
PNEUMOVAX is give every 5 years, not annually.
When Spirivia & Pulmicort are prescribed together as inlahers, take Spirivia first and
Pulmicort later in 5 minutes.

1st degree burn or superficial =
2nd degree burn or partial thickness =
3rd degree burn or full thickness= Brown, white, charred leathery. No pain because
nerves are damaged.
Burn injuries cause increased vascular permeability and fluid shift (2nd and 3rd spacing).
24 – 72 hours after a burn, fluids leak out of the vascular tissue causing hypovolemia.
Potassium, the predominant cellular cation gets released whenever there is a cellular
damage causing hyperkalemia which causes tall, peaked T waves.

Burn clients are mostly given their medications via intravascular (IV)

Urine output of 30ml/hr. is a good indication fluid resuscitation has taken place in
someone with a burnt injury.

First fluid given to a severe burnt client is lactated Ringer’s solution made of Na, Ca,
Cl, K and H2O.


The amount of fluid required for the first 24 hours is calculated using Parkland
formula: 4ml X kg (of BODY WEIGHT) X % of TBSA burned.

1/2 is infused in the first 8 hrs. 1/4 of 2nd ½ is infused in the 2nd 8hrs and the 2nd 1/4 of 2nd
½ is infused in the last 8hrs = 24hrs.


Sanguineous (bright red)- active bleeding

Serosanguineous (pink)- expected 2 hours after surgery.

Ventricular arrhythmia (torsades de pointes)

Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) = Treats ulcerative colitis & rheumatoid arthritis
 Side Effects: Turn eyes, skin/eyes, urine into permanent yellow.

Potassium Chloride- Corrects or prevents hyperkalemia.

 Oral KCL is available in extended releases capsule, tablets, dissolvable packages.
 IF client can’t swallow, contact pharmacy to require a different form of the
 The use of loop diuretic like furosemide is the common cause of potassium
Antihistamines: Diphenhydramine and loratadine & NSAID interfere with skin allergy
test. They need to be stopped for a week before skin test.

Albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin) Nebulizer is a rescue drug. Fast acting! A bronchodilator.

 A beta-adrenergic agonist.
 Faster than Ipratropium (Atrovent) inhaler

 S/E= Tremor, tacchy, palpitations
Glyburide is used to treat diabetes mellitus
 It causes low blood sugar if ingested by a client who does NOT have a DIABETES
Enoxaparin (Lovenox) – Treat DVT
 Is given subcutaneous 2 inches from left of right side of the navel/umbilicus
 Injects at 90 degrees angle
 Discourage the client from rubbing on the injection site to prevent excessive
Roflumilast is a phosphodiestrace-4 inhibitor that is used in the treatment of patients
with severe COPD due to chronic bronchitis. This medication can cause increased
suicidal thoughts, and the patient should be monitored for this while taking Roflumilast.
Prednisone is a corticosteroid and can cause hyperglycemia and bruising.
Venlaphazine = antidepressant
Dobutamine – Treats heart failure/ helps the heart pump blood
ACE Inhibitors: (-prils-cause hyperkalemia): captopril, enalapril, Lisinopril, Ramipril =
treat high blood pressure.
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers: (-sartans): valsartan, losartan, telmisartan (cause
Ethambutol (Myambutol)– Treats tuberculosis but can cause vision loss. Monitor vision.
Levofloxacin (Levaquin)- quinolone antibiotic.
 Wait 2hrs before giving any other drugs
Sucralfate (Carafate, Sulcrate)- Treats gastric ulcer.
 Give 2hrs before meals and 2hrs after other medications
Rifampin (Rifadin)- Treats TB.
 Causes red-orange discoloration of body fluids.
Leflunomide (Arava)- Treats rheumatoid arthritis
 Assess for ROM, check for onset of rash or cough

Lamivudine (Epivir)-

Lorazepam (Ativan) – Prescribes for epilepsy, sedative and also given to cocaine addicts
every 15 minutes to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Lansoprazole (Prevacid)-

Norepinephrine (Levophed) is vasoconstrictor and a vesicant than can cause tissue
necrosis IF absorbed into the tissue.
 If extravasation of norepinephrine occurs
o Stop the infusion right away and disconnect the tubing
o Use syringe to aspirate the drug from IV catheter and remove catheter
o Elevate the affected side above the heart to reduce edema
o Notify the health care provide and prepare
o Prepare phentolamine (Regitine/antidote) a vasodilator that is used to
counter the effects of adrenergic drugs like epi, dopamine.
o Flush the site and reuse again
Platelet- Normal count- 150,000 – 400,000 (Thrombocytopenia- a complication of
heparin therapy- is low level of platelet)
Nifedipine (Procardia) – is a potent calcium channel blocker antihypertensive. Should
not be given when client’s BP is low.

Normal Infant respiration= 30- 60

Glucose= 40 - 60

Sepsis in Neonates may NOT show visible symptoms but rectal temperature greater than
100.4 F (38.0 C) or less than 96.8 F, FEVER, INSCREASED SLEEPING, POOR FEEDING is


The situational leadership style uses a style depending on the situation and events.
This type of leadership style is used in emergency situations when the nurse manager
needs to quickly delegate activities to achieve a successful outcome for the situation.

A laissez-faire leader abdicates leadership and responsibilities, allowing staff to work

without assistance, direction, or supervision.

Participative leadership demonstrates an "in-between" style, neither authoritarian nor

democratic. In participative leadership, the manager presents an analysis of problems and
proposals for actions to team members, inviting critique and comments. The participative
leader then analyzes the comments and makes the final decision.

The autocratic style of leadership is task oriented and directive. The leader uses his or
her power and position in an authoritarian manner to set and implement organizational
goals or solutions.

A client with acute glomerulonephritis commonly experiences fluid volume excess

and fatigue. Interventions include fluid restriction, as well as monitoring weight and
intake and output. The client may be placed on bedrest or at least encouraged to rest
because a direct correlation exists among proteinuria, hematuria, edema, and increased

activity levels. The diet is high in calories but low in protein. It is unnecessary to monitor
the temperature as frequently as every 2 hours.


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