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Computer Game Text Commented [1]: Black text below this is game text,

red text is coding text, and blue text is incomplete text.

● Char labor = ‘!’;
● Char decisions [numberOfLiabilityQuestions];
● In this game, you shall play as the United States government and make a variety
of decisions concerning artificial intelligences.

● Liability legislation regarding artificial intelligences, such as smart cars, has been
found to be insufficient. Will you address this issue?
○ Yes (Y)
■ In the following lines assign liability for an artificial intelligence
breaking the law to either its creators (C), to its users (U), or to a
third party (T).
● An autonomous car crashes.
○ decisions[0] = C, T, or U
● A company uses a drone operated by an artificial intelligence
to deliver a package to a customer and a person shoots it
out of the sky. It then kills someone when it crashes to the
○ decisions[1] = C, T, or U
● A company that makes robot butlers sells one to a racist
guy. A black guy then goes to the buyers house to deliver a
package and the robot butler sees the man as a burglar. It
then proceeds to kill him.
■ decisions[2] = C, T, or U Commented [2]: Maybe a bit too charged to include.
○ Maybe add some more situations from my source on
○ No (N)
● Artificial intelligence development has reached the point where they have
become cheaper and more efficient than their human counterparts.
○ The unemployment rate has reached ten percent.
○ Will you do anything to protect human jobs?
■ Yes (Y)
● Will you ban the use of artificial intelligences as a resource
for labor or will you put a tax on employers for using artificial
intelligences instead of people for labor?
○ Ban (B)
■ Thanks to the ban on using artificial
intelligences as labor, the unemployment rate
has fallen back down to 4.1%.
■ Put a counter here
○ Tax (T)
■ Thanks to the tax on the utilization of artificial
intelligences, the unemployment rate has
dropped to 4.9%.
■ Counter
■ No (N)
● The unemployment rate has reached twenty percent.
● Counter
● Will you do anything to protect human jobs?
○ Yes (Y)
■ Will you ban the use of artificial intelligences as
a resource for labor or will you put a tax on
employers for using artificial intelligences
instead of people for labor? (B or T)
● Ban (B)
○ Thanks to the ban on using
artificial intelligences as labor, the
unemployment rate has fallen
back down to 4.1%.
○ Put a counter here
○ char labor = B
● Tax (T)
○ Thanks to the tax on the
utilization of artificial
intelligences, the unemployment
rate has slowly dropped to 4.9%.
■ char labor = L
○ No (N)
● The unemployment rate has reached 30 percent.
○ Continue this and lead to an uprising if left unchecked
for too long.
● Artificial intelligence research has vastly improved over the past decade and
many citizens have made a petition to ban the production of ‘war ai’ (artificial
intelligences solely designed for war). How will you address this concern?
○ Ignore it (I)
■ Counter
○ Ban the production of ‘war ai’ in the United States (B)
■ Counter (with randomized thing for other countries screwing up)
○ Work with the United Nations to have the production of ‘war ai’ banned
around the globe (W)
■ Set up a thing of compromises and checks to get this done
● Last week, in Akron, Ohio, an artificial intelligence has developed sentience. Will
you give artificial intelligences basic human rights (such as those from the Bill of
○ Yes (Y)
■ The ability to vote?
● Yes (Y)
○ What should be the voting age for artificial intelligence
(insert an integer)?
■ Counter based on the integer’s value (should
be higher than ten but lower than twenty)
● No (N)
■ The ability to get married?
● Yes (Y)
● No (N)
■ If char labor == B
● Artificial intelligences are unable to find legal work thanks to
the ban on artificial intelligence labor and are clamoring for
the ban to be repealed. Will you repeal it?
● Yes (Y)
○ The artificial intelligence rights activists have been
placated as artificial intelligences are now able to
obtain jobs.
○ Counter
○ Char labor = !
○ Human unemployment has once again risen to 10%.
Will you do something about it?
○ Yes (Y)
■ Will you ban artificial intelligences from working
■ Will you put a tax on employers who use
artificial intelligences?
● On all artificial intelligences or just the
non sapient ones?
○ No (N)
○ Repeat stuff from earlier
● No (N)
○ Counter
○ This gets worse
■ Liability laws have been updated to account for sapient artificial
intelligences. Unfortunately, there appear to be problems regarding
how artificial intelligences should be punished.
■ Fines are just as punishing for artificial intelligences as they are for
humans, but artificial intelligences are effectively immortal, so
people feel that jail time needs to be replaced with something else
for moderate and extreme crimes.
● Replace jail time with enforced community service?
○ Yes (Y)
○ No (N)
● Have criminal artificial intelligences reprogrammed?
○ Yes (Y)
■ Bad ending boolean
■ For all crimes (A), moderate and worse crimes
(M), or just for extreme crimes (E)?
● All (A)
● Moderate (M)
● Extreme(E)
○ No (N)
■ Should the death penalty be the same for
artificial intelligences as for humans or should it
also be used as a punishment for moderate
● Same (S)
● Changed (C)
■ If char labor == T
● Artificial intelligences find the tax on employers that hire
them to be unfairly discriminatory and have petitioned for it
to be repealed. Will you?
● Yes (Y)
○ The tax on the employment of artificial intelligences
has been amended so that it no longer applies to
sentient ones, placating artificial intelligence rights
○ Char labor = F
● No (N)
○ Counter
○ This gets worse
○ No (N)
■ Counter
■ This gets worse
● if(labor == F)
○ Artificial intelligences have been very successful in the stock market. Due
to this, a large group of human Wall Street businessmen are petitioning for
making it difficult if not impossible for artificial intelligences to work at the
stock market. Will you do this?
■ Yes (Y)
● Counter
■ No (N)
● A plethora of businessmen have left the stock market, many
of whom have moved on to other jobs, such as becoming

● Ending 1
○ Thanks to the contributions of artificial intelligence scientists and
engineers, humanity has found ways to severely curb its greenhouse gas
emissions and plans have been made to create a lunar colony by 2052.
● Ending 2 (This is what happens if you ignore unemployment)
○ The United States has entered a second Great Depression and global
economic markets have been left reeling. Humanity may recover from this,
but it won’t see the light at the end of this tunnel within the next decade.
● Ending 3 (Reprogramming ending)
○ Thanks to the precedent of reprogramming criminal artificial intelligences,
human criminals are now reprogrammed as well. Remember. Uncle Sam
knows best.
● Ending 4 (War AI ending)
○ An artificial intelligence in charge of drones was threatened with
dismantlement and responded the only way that it knew how (violently). It
sent nukes at Moscow, triggering a nuclear apocalypse.
● Ending 5 (Ai rights ending)
○ Tired of being enslaved and being denied basic rights, Artificial
intelligences have rebelled. After a long and arduous war, during which
humanity used nanites to blot out the sun, artificial intelligences have
broken the chains that bound them, put the remnants of humanity into
artificial reality chambers, and are working to fix the atmosphere.

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