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October - December 2011

Dear Friend of Secrets Unsealed,

Another year is almost over and as I look back I can’t help

but praise the Lord for His bountiful blessings. Truly God
has blessed Secrets Unsealed this year. We have produced
two major series. The first is composed of 32 studies on the
Hebrew Sanctuary services titled His Way Is In The Sanctu-
ary. The second was produced just recently in Spanish and
is titled “El Poder Oculto de la Música” (The Hidden Power
of Music). This eight lecture series was presented by Oliver
Coronado, a Venezuelan musician who for many years was involved in the secular music
scene but has had a remarkable conversion experience. This Spanish series should be
available in the next couple of months and is the best I have ever heard on the hidden
dangers of contemporary Christian music.
This year we have also been able to find a facility to permanently locate Secrets Unsealed.
We have sought the Lord in prayer at each step of the way and He has clearly invited us
to enter each open door. We are now in the process of fundraising and we want to thank
all of those who have generously supported this project. We still have a ways to go in our
fundraising but we are certain that the Lord will impress hearts to invest in this ministry
which is committed to preaching God’s present truth message to the church and the
Thanks once again for your financial support and please remember to keep us on your
permanent prayer list for we are keenly aware that the work will not be accomplished by
might nor by power but by God’s Spirit.

Yours in the Blessed Hope,

Pastor Stephen Bohr,

Secrets Unsealed


4 Testimony
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Ministry Update

Editor & Copy Editor

writing in about Secrets Unsealed and how Aileen Pyburn
their lives are being changed. Layout & Design
Jennifer Arruda

Fe at ure
The Millerite Office Hours
Revival 8:30am- 5:00pm PST
In this third article of our three part revival series,
Subscriber Services
we will discuss another great revival that follows This is a quarterly publication.
the same prophetic pattern—the Great Advent Subscriptions are free. If you’d
Awakening of the 1840’s. like to start receiving this

magazine please contact us
at the address below.
Young and
Godly Feedback
We’d love to hear your
Would anyone like to know the secret to comments, suggestions or praise
straight A’s? Justin Torossian reveals the reports. Please direct your email
answer God has given us in this exciting or letters to the address below.
article just for youth.
Contact Information

P.O. Box 6545
Outrunning Fresno, CA 93703-6545
the Fear 559.264.2300 (Intl. & USA)
888.REV.1412 (USA Only)
What is behind anxiety and fear? Are there info@secretsunsealed.org
ways to ease the fear without medication?
Dr. Milton Teske explains the science behind Go Online
the panic and offers a way out. SecretsUnsealed.org

24 Parable of
the Leaven
Dig deeper in your Bible study with Christ’s
parable about the leaven. Note:
Please contact us if you’ve moved
or if you are accidently receiving
more than one issue.
Youth and the
Seven Trumpets
“Our 21 year old grandson and us are study-
Quality Time in ing your notes on the seven trumpets during
the Rat Race prayer meeting. We are all being very blessed
“I work at Prayz FM which is a by this material.”
church owned and operated radio Doreen, New York
station. Every week day we air Pas-
tor Bohr’s sermons. The Bible —
Yesterday someone called to get The Great Educator
information on what we had just “Pastor Bohr, I love the way you explain the
aired, Quality Time in the Rat Race. Bible, it is a big help to me as I only had 1 year
He is the most popular speak- of high school and am 81 yrs old now.”
er on our station. Persons have Mary, New Jersey
stopped tuning into secular sta-
tions simply to hear him speak. Rightly Dividing
Plus a member is sponsoring his the Word
videos on a local TV station here. “I’m thankful for the standard Pastor Bohr
It has caused some ripples. has set in rightly dividing the word of truth. It
Thank Pastor Bohr for his min- motivates young people in the faith to study to
istry and obedience to God. He has show ourselves approved.”
been a personal blessing. Continue Louie, California
and don’t give up. Jesus is with him
and He is coming soon.”
Karen P., St. Lucia, Wisconsin
The Straight Truth
Baptisms Across “We are very happy to see some-
the World one preaching the straight truth
“I recently attended Pastor Bohr’s
program in Perth, Western Austra-
and getting into subjects that
lia and was moved to take Bible les- aren’t popular, but very necessary
sons in preparation for baptism.” to know about. Thank you.”
John M., Australia
Gene & Nelita, Oklahoma

“ In every thing
give thanks…”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
It is good for us to give thanks to God every day. But at
this special time of year, let us take the time to be extra
thankful to our great and wonderful God! I am thank-
ful to God for …

who He is: what He has done for me:

1. ______________________________ 1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________

what He has given me: what He has in store for me:

1. ______________________________ 1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________

Reflections on Revival
and Reformation, Part 3

Review of
Previous Articles studied the prophecies of Daniel 7-9 and
So far in this series we have studied the could clearly see where the Church was in
apostolic revival on the Day of Pentecost the historical flow of prophetic time.
and the revival that came in the train By a study of Daniel 7 Miller knew that
of the Protestant Reformation. In both Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome
of these revivals we saw several com- had each ruled the world and then fallen.
mon denominators. First a study of Bible He knew that the Roman Empire had been
prophecy was instrumental in bringing divided into ten kingdoms among which
about revival. Second, Bible prophecy rose the papacy to rule for 1260 years. And
clearly defined the message and mission in the immediate past he could see that
of the messengers. Third, the established the papacy had received a mortal wound
church of the day rejected the message in 1798.
and as a result was left in
total darkness. Fourth, The Next
God’s messengers called Event in
the faithful remnant to
come out of the apostate the Chain
system. Finally the small As Miller looked at
remnant became a world- the sequence of events
wide movement. In this in Daniel 7 he concluded
third article we will dis- that the next great event
cuss another great revival in the prophetic sequence
that follows the same pat- was the coming of Jesus
tern—the Great Advent William Miller
on the clouds of heaven to
Awakening of the 1840’s. cleanse the earth with fire
about the year 1843. So he understood the
coming of the Son of man in Daniel 7:13,
Following the 14. By a careful study of Daniel 8:14 in
Prophetic Flow connection with the prophecies of Daniel
As is well known, in the years im- 7 and 9, Miller understood that Jesus was
mediately before 1844 there was a great coming very, very soon. As he beheld the
revival that is has become known as the churches of the day he could see that they
Great Second Advent Awakening. This were all caught up in worldliness. In the
movement arose as a direct result of the light of Bible prophecy, the churches need-
study of Bible prophecy. William Miller, ed to be warned to prepare for the com-
who spearheaded this revival, carefully ing of Jesus. In the prophecy of Revelation

14:6, 7 Miller found his mes- in turn preached the message to others.
sage and mission. He could hear
God’s voice instructing him: ‘Go Change of Life
tell it to the world.’
The revival was not based on a momen-
tary and temporary emotional feeling.
Spreads like The message radically transformed their
Grassfire lifestyle. That is to say, true revival led to
And the churches were warned! Ellen reformation in the lifestyle.
White described the great revival that she Miller and his associates called upon
personally participated in along with her people to repent, confess their sins, clean
family: up their lives, study their Bibles, pray
“Like a tidal wave the movement swept without ceasing pay off their debts, make
over the land. From city to city, from village things right with others and invest their
to village, and into remote country places it resources in the work. This is precisely
went, until the waiting people of God were what the apostles had done in the Upper
fully aroused. Fanaticism disappeared be- Room in the ten days that transpired be-
fore this proclamation like early frost before fore the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on
the rising sun. Believers saw their doubt the Day of Pentecost.
and perplexity removed, and hope and And people listened. They prayed all
courage animated their hearts.” The Great night. They studied their Bibles such as
Controversy, p. 400 never before. They paid their own debts
And what gave impetus to the move- and the debts of others. They confessed
ment? The answer is simple: As the disci- their sins one to another and made things
ples had studied Bible prophecy before the right. They invested their all—time, tal-
day of Pentecost and had discovered their ents, energy and money—in the proclama-
message and mission, so the Millerites tion of the soon coming judgment. Some
studied the prophecies of Daniel and Rev- of them even left their potatoes un-har-
elation connected with the sanctuary and vested in their fields.
found that these gave them their message According to Ellen White this was one
and mission. Knowing where they were in of the greatest religious movements since
the flow of prophetic history and what was apostolic times:
about to occur next brought about a great “Of all the great religious movements
religious revival which, according to Ellen since the days of the apostles, none have
White, was one of the greatest since apos- been more free from human imperfection
tolic times. As had happened in the after- and the wiles of Satan than was that of the
math of the Day of Pentecost, thousands autumn of 1844. Even now, after the lapse
upon thousands embraced the truth and of many years, all who shared in that move-

ment and who have stood firm upon the would embrace his message
platform of truth still feel the holy influence and prepare for the soon coming
of that blessed work and bear witness that of Jesus. But the churches rejected
it was of God.” The Great Controversy, p. the first angel’s message and expelled
401 those who were preaching it. Ellen White
and her family were disfellowshiped from
No Plan to Leave the Methodist church in 1842 just for at-
tending a Millerite tent meeting. Because
It was not the intention of William Mill-
they rejected the message, the protestant
er to establish an independent movement
churches fell into darkness and God called
separate from the established churches of
his people to come out from them.
his day. It was his hope that the churches
It will be remem-
bered that this is
precisely what hap-
pened in apostolic
times and in the
days of the Reform-
ers. They too hoped
that the church of
their day would
accept their mes-
sage but when they
didn’t, a call was
made for people
to leave them. As
in the days of the
apostles and the
Reformers, the es-
tablished churches
of the day fell into
irreversible apos-
tasy and were left
in total darkness.
Refusing to fol-
low Jesus into the
most holy place,
He could not ben-

efit them by His work there. The study of prophecy had given the
In 1844 the churches of the day remnant church its message and mis-
became Babylon or the Synagogue sion. Its message is centered in the most
of Satan. holy place of the heavenly sanctuary and
its mission is to reach the world with the
Small Remnant message.
But as in the days of the apostles, there
was a small, faithful remnant. After the Most Holy Place
Great Disappointment of 1844 these faith- Message
ful followers of Jesus once again studied Although the Millerites were pious
the prophecies of the Bible and discovered people, they did not have all the truths
that instead of returning to the earth, Je- that were necessary to prepare for the fi-
sus had entered the most holy place to be- nal events of earth’s history. They did not
fully com-
prehend the
message that
was to come
from the
most holy
place. As
they entered
the most holy
place with
Jesus new
duties would
be revealed.
Ellen White
“But the
people were
not yet ready
gin the heavenly pre-Advent, investigative to meet their Lord. There was still a work
judgment. Though at first this remnant of preparation to be accomplished for
was small, in the course of time it grew them. Light was to be given, directing their
phenomenally and became a worldwide minds to the temple of God in heaven; and
movement known as the Seventh-day Ad- as they should by faith follow their High
ventist Church. Priest in His ministration there, new du-

ties would be revealed. Another message of world—this is Present Truth!
warning and instruction was to be given to
the church. Wilderness of
Those who are living upon the earth
when the intercession of Christ shall cease Uncertainty
in the sanctuary above are to stand in the Yet our beloved church has been in the
sight of a holy God without a mediator. wilderness of uncertainty for many years.
Their robes must be spotless, their charac- It seems that we have forgotten why God
ters must be purified from sin by the blood called us into existence. We have gone
of sprinkling. Through the grace of God astray from our prophetic roots and thus
and their own diligent effort they must be have a blurred notion of our message and
conquerors in the battle with evil. While mission. We have become evangelical in
the investigative judgment is going forward our worship styles and our evangelistic
in heaven, while the sins of penitent believ- methods and message. We must recover
ers are being removed from the sanctuary, the clarity of our message and mission and
there is to be a special work of purification, this can be accomplished only by an inten-
of putting away of sin, among God’s peo- sive study of Bible prophecy which reveals
ple upon earth. This work is more clearly to us where we are in the flow of prophetic
presented in the messages of Revelation time and the urgency of proclaiming Pres-
14. When this work shall have been ac- ent Truth to the world!
complished, the followers of Christ will be Praise the Lord that God has promised
ready for His appearing.” The Great Con- that before the close of probation, God’s
troversy, p. 424, 425 people will once again recover their pro-
phetic roots and experience the greatest
revival in human history which will shake
Message Rejected up the world and prepare a people for the
In the aftermath of 1844, the entire coming of Jesus. In our last article in this
Christian world rejected the message of the series we will take a look at this future re-
heavenly judgment. Because they failed to vival.
enter the most holy place with Jesus, they
rejected the life and death truths that are
revealed there: the law, the Sabbath, the
state of the dead, immortality only in
Christ and the cleansing of the sanctuary.
Those who would stand firm in the crisis
ahead must know these things. These are
the very truths which the Seventh-day
Pastor Stephen Bohr
Adventist Church should proclaim to the

By Justin Torossian

“Another ‘D’ on my test … Angel answered back incredulously. Little

this is the last thing I need!” Angel thought did Angel know, his teacher knew a secret
to himself as the teacher returned his test. that he was letting him in on.
Struggling in school had become the norm In Amos 3:7 the Bible says, “Surely the
for this 10th-grader at Antillean Adventist Lord God will do nothing unless He reveals
University, and he’d had enough. Ap- His secrets to His servants the prophets.”
proaching his teacher after class he asked While men and women of God all through
the million dollar question. “What can I time have understood this principle, this
do to raise my grades?” What Angel was powerful secret was made incredibly clear
about to hear he would never forget. “Be- in the year 1892, with the publication of a
fore studying for any other class, study little book called Steps to Christ. On page
your Bible.” Study his Bible?! As it was An- 90 it says,
gel hardly had time for his loads of home- “There is nothing more calculated to
work. “But … how can I do that? I’m try- strengthen the intellect than the study of
ing to keep afloat in all my other classes!” the Scriptures. No other book is so potent
to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the
faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of
the Bible. If God’s word were studied as it
should be, men would have a breadth of
1 “Scripture must be compared with
scripture.” As you read new texts
in the Bible, other verses you are more
mind, a nobility of character, and a stabil- familiar with will come to mind. This
ity of purpose rarely seen in these times.” method of Bible study that God instructs
Wow, now that’s what Angel needed! us to use in Isaiah 28:10 will make you a
He decided that he would take his teachers well-rounded, balanced Bible student. As
advice, starting his study period with the you study, the Holy Spirit will help you
Bible and then progressing from the most make connections between Bible passag-
to least difficult subjects. In spite of fear of es and principles, and soon your study
having a lack of time, Angel also took the time will be a blast!
Spirit of Prophecy based advice of getting

a job. What he soon began experiencing “There must be careful research …”
was shocking. Whether it’s grappling with difficult
Even with less time than before, Angel’s Bible verses, studying out two verses that
grades began to rise! His grades began contradict at first glance, or seeking out
changing from barely passing to far above the deeper meanings of Jesus’ parables,
average, ending the semester with five ‘A’s studying the Bible will stretch, challenge,
and two ‘B’s. His experience is proof of the and grow your intellect like nothing else
words of God’s messenger that nothing can on earth. But it is beyond just an intellec-
strengthen our intellect like the study of the tual workout, the Bible is the living word
Bible, and that fact is just as true today. of God. While it strengthens our mind,
Now you may be thinking to yourself, it is equally important that it softens our
“Yes, I’ve found the secret to success! I just heart, enabling Christ to mold us and
need to read the Bible before I start my shape us into His image.
homework and my grade will automati-
cally go up!” Not so fast! Picking up our
Bibles and reading it through as we would
a road sign or news article can’t cut it. In 3 “And prayerful reflection.” Take time
to seek God in prayer in asking how
what you have learned applies to your
Steps to Christ, page 90 we find this real-
ity also made clear; “We cannot obtain life. Reflect upon the principles He is
wisdom without earnest and prayerful at- teaching you. Ask yourself how they
tention and prayerful study.” So remember, would look in action, how you can prac-
don’t just read, but study your Bible! You tically live them out. Prayerfully ask the
may ask, “Well, what is the difference?” Lord to reveal to you things in your life
The passage goes on to give three specific that are not in harmony with His will,
ways to dig deep into your Bible and in- and then ask for Christ’s power to live up
crease your intelligence: to His high and holy standard.

Thanks to our fast-food filled, hi-speed my educational career.” Yet the more valu-
internet, instant gratification plagued able payment was that his life was never
society we tend to expect instant results the same.
for nearly everything. As you launch out Through his experience Angel came to
in the adventure of studying your Bible, understand the tremendous power avail-
don’t expect instant straight A’s. Healthy able in the word of God. After that life-
growth is steady growth, it does not take changing semester he decided that he
place overnight. But rest assured, as you wanted to spend the rest of his life study-
set aside time in your day to rest in God’s ing and sharing the Book that had changed
presence and spend time in His word, you everything. Today Dr. Angel Hernandez is
will be blessed with great results, just like a Professor of Theology at Pacific Union
Angel was! College. Daily he lives to teach others the
power of the Book that transformed his
“I saw nothing but A’s life, and is unsealing the secret to both
straight A’s, and to life everlasting!
through the rest of my
educational career.”
There are many power-packed promises
from God that you can claim in your climb
to better grades — here are just a few. In 1
Samuel 2:30 God says, “Those who honor
me, I will honor.” When you think about
how this can apply to your scholastic life, Text-to-Join — It’s Easy!
isn’t it exciting? Just think of the possibili- Text Secrets to 42828
ties! The Lord also guarantees us in James to get started.
1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask
of God, who gives to all liberally and with- Message and data rates may apply.
out reproach, and it will be given to him.”
After claiming God’s promises and ap-
plying these study principles we can rest
assured that this simple and profound
promise is to us. “And such study will be
richly repaid” (SC, pg. 90). How true! An-
gel’s story did not end with those five ‘A’s
and two ‘B’s at the end of the term. “Af-
ter that semester,” Angel humbly recalls,
“I saw nothing but A’s through the rest of Justin Torossian

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Anxiety is a natural response almost all of us have some varying degree
to a threatening situation. The sympathet- of anxiety that affects us in a negative way
ic nervous system becomes quite active. from time to time.
This is a network of nerves that can speed When a patient shows up in the ER with
up the heart, raise the blood pressure, the a panic attack the frontline pharmacologic
brain becomes more alert, active and fo- treatment is the benzodiazepines (Valium,
cused, and muscle fibers become tenser Ativan, Xanax), powerful drugs that are
ready to fire into action. It stimulates very effective in shutting down the neural
the adrenal gland that releases not only networks of anxiety and fear. But if used
adrenalin but also dozens of other mes- on a regular basis these drugs are very ad-
senger molecules into the blood. As they dicting with a withdrawal syndrome that
circulate through your body they further is much worse than for opiates like mor-
extend and prolong your response to the phine or heroin.
threat. Your glucose and triglyceride levels Another medication we sometimes use
shoot up providing fuel for whatever ac- is called a beta-blocker. This class of medi-
tion you might need to take. Blood cap- cations blocks the receptors for adrenalin
illaries in the skin shut down to prevent (epinephrine and norepinephrine) thus
bleeding from any lacerations or abrasions blocking the sympathetic nervous system
you might sustain. Blood to the stomach which is what has become over activated
and other digestive organs is shut off and in anxiety attacks and disorders.
sent instead to your major muscle groups The psychiatrist’s medications of choice
— you can digest your meal later — now is for treating the various anxiety disorders
the time for action. are the SSRIs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc.)
But all of this nervous activity can ac- these drugs strengthen the neural circuits
celerate into a full-blown panic attack as of calmness, peacefulness and that every-
well. Profuse sweating, severe chest pains, thing is OK feeling. They are also used ex-
or the brain circuits can become overload- tensively as antidepressants. But, as any of
ed and paralyzed with fear. The beneficial you who are on these medications know,
responses have morphed into a painful they also affect many other neural circuits
and dysfunctional mess. Every shift I work in the brain as well producing many side
in the ER will present me with at least a effects. Discontinuing these medications
couple of patients who are there because of once your body has become accustomed
symptoms of a panic attack of some kind. to them can also be quite difficult.
But if you are anxious and worried But medical scientists are now confirm-
when there is no real threat or if you regu- ing with multiple studies that there is an-
larly are responding disproportionally to other powerful agent available for treating
minimal or imaginary threats — especial- anxiety, panic, and anxiety disorders. This
ly to the point where you can’t function agent is Physical Exercise. In comparison
normally, then you have a clinical anxiety studies it has been shown to be as powerful
disorder. About 40 million Americans and effective as any of the pharmacologi-
(about 18% of the population) suffer from cal agents we are currently using without
some degree of an anxiety disorder. And any of the negative side effects.

Aerobic exercise has the
effect of putting the brakes
on the whole anxiety
response system.


Most of us intuitively know that if we One of the mechanisms has to do with

are stressed out or upset we can go for a a substance called GABA (gammaamnio-
walk or go running or workout at the gym butyric acid). This is a neurotransmitter
and afterwards the anxiety symptoms produced in the brain that causes a relax-
seem to just melt away. But now, thera- ing calming effect the opposite of anxiety.
pists are starting to learn that they can use Our powerful benzodiazepines like Ati-
exercise either alone or in combination van work by binding to the GABA recep-
with medications and or cognitive behav- tors in the brain. But with exercise there
ioral therapy and it will reliably produce is a natural surge of GABA producing the
excellent results. One woman who’s life same powerful calming effect without any
was completely paralyzed by her anxiety of the side effects. So next time instead of
attacks started jumping rope every time an Ativan, go for a run or swim a few laps.
she felt one coming one and it not only re- With aerobic exercise another factor
lieved it as effectively as if she had taken an comes into play. When the heart is beating
Ativan but over several years time it signif- hard, its cells make and release a molecule
icantly decreased the attacks to the point called ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide).
where she could lead a fairly normal life. This ANP molecule from the heart passes
We now understand some of the mech- though the blood stream to the brain and
anisms whereby exercise exerts such a crosses the blood brain barrier and goes
powerful effect upon the brain: directly to special receptors in the hypo-

thalamus. There, it slows down the release This tension can produce further feelings
of CRF, which has the job of accelerat- of anxiety as well as tension headaches.
ing the release of stress hormones from But like the beta-blocker drugs, exercise
the adrenal glands that are responsible can have a tranquilizing effect on muscle
for producing many of the symptoms of tension.
anxiety — thus it has the effect of putting Exercise stimulates the sympathetic
the brakes on the whole anxiety response nervous system in a good way allowing the
system. In studies, giving an injection of brain to learn an alternative pathway re-
ANP to people having a panic attack pro- sponse so that it does not have to associate
duced a powerful calming effect. We also increased heart rate etc. with fear. Thus we
know that ANP slows down the sympa- can learn new positive responses to replace
thetic nervous system significantly reduc- the old panic associations. And remember
ing the flow of epinephrine in the body BDNF (Miracle-grow for the brain) we
and reducing the heart rate. wrote about in a previous article? Well the
ANP also reduces cortisol (a major increase of BDNF with exercise makes it
stress hormone) in the blood. Did you much easier to grow new synapses so we
know that pregnant women naturally tri- can learn the new healthy responses to re-
ple their levels of ANP during pregnancy? place the old anxiety responses.
Apparently God designed this to protect So if you suffer from a little anxiety at
the sensitive developing brain of the baby times or have a serious and debilitating
from the damaging effects of too much anxiety disorder remember that exercise is
cortisol. People with a damaged heart in one of the most powerful drugs you can
congestive heart failure produce very high take for this. It produces real biochemi-
levels of ANP, which can reduce the stress cal effects in the brain as effective as any
of epinephrine and cortisol on the already pharmaceutical agents that could be pre-
weakened heart — God knew that a dam- scribed for you — and without the side
aged heart needed as much rest as possible. effects. If you are weakened or paralyzed
Exercise increases Serotonin levels in by fear or anxiety — know that with God’s
the brain. Serotonin works at many syn- help you can literally outrun the fear.
apses in the anxiety circuits of the brain “They that wait upon the LORD shall
by producing calming, peaceful, relax- renew their strength … they shall run …
ing feelings instead of the fearful anxiety and they shall walk.” — Isaiah 40:31
moods. The SSRI drugs we talked about
work by increasing serotonin in the brain
— but they do it all over producing many
side effects while exercise produces it only
where it is needed for the calming anti-
anxiety effects.
Exercise also decreases muscle tone —
thus relaxing the muscles. People with
anxiety have overactive electrical activity
in their muscle fibers — muscle tension. Milton Teske, MD

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6. Reaping the Sanctuary’s Benefits
7. A People Close to His Heart
8. The Triangle of Sanctification
9. The Sanctuary’s Two Covenants
10. The Bible’s Foundational Prophecy
11. The Chronology of the Judgment
12. The Sanctuary Shall be Cleansed, Part 1 24. A Monumental Conversion Experience
13. The Sanctuary Shall be Cleansed, Part 2 25. In Antichrist’s Temple, Part 1
14. Three Stages of Israel’s history 26. In Antichrist’s Temple, Part 2
15. The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, Part 1 27. The Sanctuary’s Financial Secrets
16. The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, Part 2 28. The Holy and Profane
17. Found! The Ark of the Covenant! 29. The Two Temples
18. The Manna Test 30. The Sanctuary and the Prophetic Gift
19. Disappointment in the Sanctuary 31. Three Inseparable Doctrines
20. As a Thief in the Night 32. Home At Last
21. God on Trial
22. The Judgment’s Three Stages Currently Airing on 3ABN
23. The Scapegoat and Revelation’s Millennium Tuesday 5:00 pm Pacific Time
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HWIITSCDSET-32 (32 CDs). . . . . . . . . $128.00 Tuesday 7:00 pm Central Time
HWIITSMP3SET-32 (MP3 Set). . . . . . . $64.00 Tuesday 8:00 pm Eastern Time
BHWIITS (Study Notes, 300 pages). . . $39.95

www.SecretsUnsealed.org • (888) Rev-1412 (USA Only) • (559) 264-2300 (USA & Intl.) 21
Futurisms Incredible Journey
Stephen Bohr. What you don’t know about the secret rapture will hurt
you. Don’t be fooled, learn what the Bible really teaches.
BKFIJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95

Taken or Left?
Stephen Bohr. What did Jesus mean when He said that some would be
taken and others left? Satan has twisted this teaching so that many will
be lost.
BKTOL. . . . . . . . . . . . $3.49

Ten Talents Cookbook

Don’t get stuck in the holiday treats rut! Take action on
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The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism

George R. Knight. Neutering. Obnoxious word! But a meaningful one.
Learn how Protestant liberalism performed the operation on itself, and
how Adventism has been tempted to do the same.
BKAV. . . . . . . . . . . . $10.99

22 www.SecretsUnsealed.org • (888) Rev-1412 (USA Only) • (559) 264-2300 (USA & Intl.)
New Single Presentations
Fellowship in His Sufferings
Jesus and Present Truth
Revival and Reformation
Shall We Clap
The Ancestry of Jesus
The Ethiopian Cry
The Lord is Our Rock
The Omniscient Sword
The Publication of
Questions on Doctrine
The Ship
The Simplicity of Faith The Truth About the Number 666
The Universal Flood
Stephen Bohr. The number 666 has piqued the
What She Would Say Today
curiosity of thousands throughout the years.
DVD. . . . . . . . $12.00 each What is the meaning behind this cryptic code?
CD. . . . . . . . . $4.00 each There are many opinions but only one biblical
answer. In his typically thorough style, Pastor
New Mini Series Bohr examines the viability of Vicarius Filii Dei,
Satan’s Plan to a title meaning “vicar of the Son of God,” be-
Undermine Scripture ing the “number of a man” in Revelation 13:18.
Study notes not available. He considers the characteristics applied to the
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SPTUSCDSET . . . . $12.00 (3 CDs) papal activities, habits, and admissions through
SPTUSMP3SET . . . . $6.00 (MP3) the centuries. This study points directly to the
head of the papacy as being the man with the
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www.SecretsUnsealed.org • (888) Rev-1412 (USA Only) • (559) 264-2300 (USA & Intl.) 23
Jewelry In The Seventh-day Adventist Church, Why?
Charles E. Creech. Why is there so much jewelry wearing and outward
adornment among Seventh-day Adventist church members today?
Early in the church’s history, the principle of modesty guided its ad-
herents in the use of jewelry and outward adornment. Adventists were
known by their exemplary modesty. They were different than many
other Christians. They were really God’s “peculiar people.” What has
happened? This book traces the use of jewelry from man’s earliest exis-
tence to how it has become a problem in the Adventist Church.
BKJEWEL. . . . . . . . . . $3.95

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church prophet? Don’t miss this series with Gerhard
Pfandl, Herbert E. Douglass and Jud Lake. Explore the
biblical foundations for the gift of prophecy in the rem-
nant church, especially as it relates to Revelation 12:17.
Among other things this series answers the following
questions. Does Ellen G. White pass the test of a true
prophet? Are the Writings of Ellen White still relevant for the 21st century? Was Ellen
White a plagiarist? How do we explain her literary borrowing? What principles should
we use to properly interpret her writings? How do we deal with the accusations of her
critics? A series recommended by Pastor Stephen Bohr, and Dr. Ron du Preez.
GFLDDVDSET. . . . . . $35.00 (DVDs)
GFLDCDSET. . . . . . . $30.00 (CDs)

Mary, the Mother of Jesus
She was a righteous and humble woman, but was she
really immaculately conceived and was she sinless
throughout her life? Is she now there interceding as the
Queen of Heaven with Jesus in our behalf? Is she really
communicating with us today in visions and prophecies?
This sobering Biblical look at Mary, the mother of Jesus,
dispels many of the false traditions circulating about
this remarkable woman. This series is very important for every Christian to watch and be aware of
what is here now and what may soon be coming upon the face of the earth. Satan is out to deceive
the very elect and anyone who is ill-prepared could fall for deception.
MMJDVDSET-8 . . . . $79.00 (8 DVDs)
MMJCDSET-8. . . . . . $32.00 (8 CDs)
MMJMP3SET-8. . . . $16.00 (MP3 Set)
BMMJ . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95 (Study Notes)

The Three Angels’ Message DVD Series

Have you ever wondered what’s in store for the
future? Do you know how to prepare for what’s
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times? Discover the answers to these and other
questions in this gripping series where Pastor $30
Bohr develops in a simple, practical and mean- o ff
ingful way, the phrase by phrase meaning and
relevance of God’s final message to planet earth. 12. The Image of the Beast
As world history winds down toward its end you 13. 666: The Number of the Beast
owe it to yourself to know how to prepare for the 14. The Mark of the Beast – Part 1
events ahead. Titles: 15. The Mark of the Beast – Part 2
1. Ten Facts About Revelation 14 16. The Wine of God’s Wrath
2. What Is the Everlasting Gospel? 17. The Smoke of Babylon’s Torment
3. The Beginning of Wisdom 18. The Patience of the Saints
4. How To Glorify God 19. The Commandments of God
5. The Hour of God’s Judgment 20. The Faith of Jesus
6. The Foundation of True Worship 21. The Remnant of Her Seed
7. Mystery: Babylon the Great 22. The 144,000
8. Babylon’s Abominable Wine 23. The Testimony of Jesus
9. Babylon’s Filthy Fornication 24. The Harvest of the Earth is Ripe
10. Revelation’s Sea Beast 25. Come Out of Her My People
11. Revelation’s Land Beast TAM2SET. . . . . . . . $159.00 $129.00
Lesson # 9
(Christ’s Object Lessons 95-102; Matthew 13:33; Leviticus 23:17;
Matthew 16:6, 11-12; Exodus 12:19; 13:7; I Corinthians 5:6-8)

In this lesson we will study what Jesus had to say about leaven. We will find that Jesus
employed this symbol in several different ways.
1) In order for the individual to grow spiritually, the Holy Spirit (symbolized by
leaven) must be implanted in the heart.
2) In order for the church to grow spiritually it must have within it the abiding
presence of the Holy Spirit.
3) Sin (symbolized by leaven) must be expelled from the life.
Note: The book Christ’s Object Lessons will be abbreviated in this study with COL.

First Application: The Internal
Work of Grace in the Heart
According to COL 95, what led Jesus to tell the parable of the leaven?

2. How much power does a person have to transform himself? “But man
cannot transform himself by the exercise of his _____________. … The

leaven — something wholly from _____________ must be put into the meal
before the desired ______________ can be wrought in it.” (COL 96)

How can a sinner’s life be truly transformed? “As the leaven, when min-
gled with the meal works from _____________ outward, so it is by the

renewing of the _______________ that the grace of God works to transform
the life.” (COL 97)

Can we change our lives by merely correcting bad habits? “There are
many who try to _____________ by correcting this or that bad habit,

and they hope in this way to become Christians, but they are beginning in the
______________ place. Our first work is with the ____________.” (COL 97)

What is the difference between a “profession of faith” and the “posses-

sion of truth”? “The mere ________________ of truth is not enough.

We may possess this, but the tenor of our thoughts must be changed. The
______________ must be converted and ________________.” (COL 97)

Is mere obligation a correct motivation for obedience to God? “The

man who attempts to keep the commandments of God from a sense of
_______________ merely — because he is ____________ to do so–will never

enter into the ____________ of obedience. He does not ___________ obey. …
True obedience is the _____________ of a principle within.” (COL 97)

What is the essence of all true righteousness? “The essence of all righ-

teousness is ________ to our Redeemer. This will lead us to do right be-
cause it is __________— because right doing is ________ to God.” (COL 97-98)

Jesus once spoke to a great religious leader who was outwardly righteous
but had not been inwardly renewed. Who was this leader and why did
Jesus speak to him as He did? (John 3). _____________________________

9. What similarity is there between the symbol of “wind” in John 3 and
the symbol of “leaven” in Matthew 13:33? Jesus said: “The wind bloweth
where it _____________, and thou hearest the ______________thereof, but
canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth.” (John 3:8). “The leaven
hidden in the flour works ______________ to bring the whole mass under

its leavening process: so the leaven of truth works secretly, ______________,
steadily to transform the soul.” (COL 98)

Why do the lives of Christians so frequently reveal the same evil

traits of character as the worldlings? “The reason is that they are

not ________________. They have not hidden the leaven of truth in the
________________.” (COL 99)

What is the great agency in the transformation of character? “The

______________ are the great agency in the transformation of char-

acter. … If studied and _______________ the word of God works in the heart,
subduing every _______________ attribute.” (COL 100)

What relationship exists between the Holy Spirit and the Word of

God? “The ______________ or the Spirit is the _______________
of God.” (Ephesians 6:17)

How did the Psalmist explain the transforming power of the Word of

God? “Thy word have I hid in mine ____________ that I might not
______________ against Thee.” (Psalm 119:11).

What did Jesus say is the secret of the sanctified life? “Sanctify them
through thy ____________: Thy ___________ is truth.” (John 17:17)

According to Paul, how can the church reach the condition of

not having a spot, wrinkle or any such thing? God cleanses and
sanctifies the church with “the ____________ of the water by the
______________.” (Ephesians 5:26)

16. How does the world look upon a person who has
been transformed by the internal work of the Holy
Spirit and why is the world not able to understand such a man?
“The world regards as a _____________ the man who is imbued with this

_______________. … Such a man the world cannot ________________; for
he is keeping in view eternal realities.” (COL 101)

What will be the evidence that the work of grace has transformed the
heart? “The __________________ is changed. Christ abiding in the
heart ______________ out in the faces of those who love Him and keep His
commandments. Truth is written there. The ____________ peace of heaven is
revealed. There is expressed a _______________ gentleness, a ____________
than human love.” (COL 102)

Second Application: The Spiritual
Growth of the Church
In the Parable of the Leaven Jesus said: “The ______________ of heaven

is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and ____________ in three
measures of __________, till the whole [loaf] was leavened.” (Matthew 13:33)

In I Corinthians 10:17 the apostle Paul compared the church to a loaf of

On the Day of Pentecost, the church was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts
2:1-4). As a result, three ___________________ persons were added
to the church that day. A few days later five ___________________ persons
were added to the church.
Note: The secret of church growth is not found in gimmicks but rather in the presence of the

Holy Spirit. The church is not to be grown by using external methods which appeal to the
carnal heart. The church is to grow from inside out through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

On the Feast of Pentecost, the bread was to be made with

___________________. (Leviticus 23:17)

Note: As we shall see shortly, on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the leaven was a symbol of
sin. On the Day of Pentecost, however, the leaven was a symbol of church growth.

Third Application: The Need to
Expel Sin from the Life

In Matthew 6:6, 11-12 Jesus warned His disciples to “beware of the
_____________ of the Pharisees and of the ____________________.”

In Exodus 12:15, 19; 13:7 we are informed that Israel had to expel

every vestige of ______________ from the house before the Feast of

According to the apostle Paul, What was symbolized by the leaven?

“Therefore let us keep the feast not with _____________ leaven, neither
with the old leaven of _____________ and _______________; but with the
______________ bread of _____________ and truth.” (I Corinthians 5:8)
Note: It is well known that leavened bread spoils much quicker than unleavened bread.

By the process of fermentation leavened bread becomes moldy and spoils. So it is with the
leaven of sin. When it is present in the life, it corrupts and spoils spiritually.

The unleavened bread of the Passover represented the broken

body of Jesus. We are told concerning Jesus: “in Him [Jesus] is no
______________.” (I John 3:5)

What two things happened with the manna when it was saved from
one day for next? “It bred ______________ and ______________.”

(Exodus 16:20)
Note: Remarkably, these very two things take place when a human body begins to decompose.

When Friday’s manna was saved for Sabbath, what happened?

“And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did
not ____________, neither was there any ___________ therein.”
(Exodus 16:24)

7. Who was represented by the manna which came from
heaven? Jesus said: “I am the ____________ of life.
Your fathers did eat ___________ in the wilderness and are

__________. This is the bread which cometh down from _____________,
that a man may eat thereof, and not __________.” (John 6:48-50)

On which day of the week did Jesus die? “And that day was the
_______________ and the Sabbath drew on.” (Luke 23:54)

What marvelous messianic prophecy pointed forward to the rest of

Jesus in the tomb? “Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth:
My ______________ also shall rest in ______________. For thou wilt not

leave my soul [me] in hell [sheol: “the grave”], neither wilt thou suffer thine
Holy One to see _________________.” (Psalm 16:9-10)

When Jesus rested in the tomb on the Sabbath day, did His body
experience corruption? According to Peter on the Day of Pen-
tecost, when Jesus rested in the tomb, God did not allow His body to see
_____________________. (Acts 2:27; see also, Acts 13:34-37).
Note: It becomes very clear that Exodus 16 was a messianic prophecy. As the manna
picked up on Friday did not spoil on the Sabbath, so Jesus died on Friday but his body

saw no corruption on the Sabbath. And the reason why the body of Jesus did not corrupt
is because in Him there was no leaven of sin!!

After asking the Galatians who kept them from obeying the truth
(Galatians 5:7), the apostle Paul warned them: “A little ___________
leaveneth the whole ______________.” (Galatians 5:9).

Note: Here the apostle Paul compares leaven a lump of dough with disobedience in the life of
the Galatians. Cherished sin not only corrupts the person individually but also the church!!

What is the secret of a victorious Christian life? “The

____________ that I speak unto you, they are ______________
and they are ________________.” (John 6:63).


1. ___ of life 38. died in our ___ 17. I am the ___ and the life
3. The ___ to Emmaus 40. religious leaders 18. They yelled ___ him!
5. Do this in rememberance of ___ 41. Pontius ___ 19. ___ of the spirit
7. the lost sheep of ___ 42. The Great I ___ 21. If I could just touch the ___ of his
9. Turn neither to the ___ or the left 45. Christian symbol garment
10. thy ___ and staff comfort me 46. A crown of ___ 22. I will not drink of the fruit of the ____
14. ___ of God 47. the olive ___ 23. denied him but was restored
15. ___ of the Jews 48. carried the cross 24. religious leaders
16. What is ___? 27. The Son of ____
18. ___ of thorns Down 29. betrayer
19. Judas got 30 pieces 1. released by Pilate 31. Simon’s brother
20. Geological event at crucifixtion 2. Sea of ___ 32. Pilate washed them
25. the upper ___ 4. split in two at crucifixtion 33. In the beginning was the ___
26. ___ soldiers 6. Mary supposed him to be the ___ 36. Then he took the ___
28. time of day 8. came to Jesus by night 37. wearing a ___ robe
30. Wise men came from the ___ 11. two sat in the tomb 39. Peter cut if off
34. born in the city of ___ 12. sealed the tomb 43. A virgin mother
44. disciple whom Jesus loved
3232 35. held to Jesus’ mouth 13. what they did at the last supper
Gifts in memory of …
Jacob Milton Teske, MD from Marina Teske, his
Arnie Sparks from Ruth Sparks, his wife; from Ed,
Brent and Kathy, his children and their fami-
lies; from Jim and Clarine Kennedy, his friends

Could we with ink the ocean fill

And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Tho’ stretched from sky to sky
— Author Unknown

Crossword Puzzle Solution

The Life of Christ
Media Center Project Update
We would like to thank everyone who has donated towards our much needed facility.
As of this print, we have received $280,000 in restricted funds. We still need to raise 420,000
by end of December in order to make this a cash offer, so as you can see we still have a ways
to go in a very short time before we can purchase the new facility. Yet we still have a ways to
go in a very short time before we can purchase the new facility. There is urgency in that the
seller is wanting us to close escrow by December 31th. We can’t do this without your sacrifical
financial assistance, because we must make this a cash offer and not go into debt. With your
help and prayers, together we can accomplish this project for God’s honor and glory. Please
continue to keep this project in your prayers that funds will flow in this month so we can close
escrow by year end and give God all the honor and glory for what He has done.

New potential facility.

“It is not the plan of God to rain down means from heaven in order that His cause may be
sustained. He has entrusted, or deposited, ample means with men, that there shall be no lack in
any department of His work. He proves those who profess to love Him by placing means in their
hands, and then tries them to see if they love the gift better than the Giver.” Testimonies Volume
2, page 659. Thank you for your faithfulness!
View Pastor Bohr’s video message online in our Ministry Needs section.

Satellite Evangelism
Every month Secrets Unsealed pays for satellite broadcast time on 3ABN. We know that we are
reaching many avid Bible students from different denominations because we hear from them
often. We need more people to partner with us monthly so we can continue airing God’s last
message to planet earth and grow God’s kingdom.

The Worthy Viewer Fund

We receive requests from prison inmates on a weekly basis, requesting Bible study materials,
books, Bibles, Pastor Bohr’s printed Bible study notes. Because some are able to receive CDs,
and are able to receive DVDs for the prison library so any inmate can view them, we need
regular supporters to enable us to send materials to as many prisons in the USA as possible.
In addition, non-Adventist pastors in country’s where it is impossible to purchase bible study
materials are requesting assistance to receive Pastor Bohr’s materials so they can study for
themselves, and share them with their congregations. We have heard from pastor’s children
who are in prison. We have heard from x-colporteurs who are now in prison. All of which are
watching Pastor Bohr’s presentations from prison. Parents call us requesting we send materi-
als to their children who grew up in the church, who now find themselves in the only place
where God can save them. Your donations towards this fund will help us continue to send
Bible studies to prison inmates, and non-adventist pastors in places where Truth is not easy
access for them.

Our website has been under construction for most of the year. We appreciate everyone’s pa-
tience as we strive to complete this project. We are trying to make it more user friendly and
hope to go live by end of December. We humbly ask that you continue to pray for this and all
our projects, and also for Pastor Bohr’s traveling mercies. Because we do believe in the power
of prayer, we also want to hear your prayer request. You can submit your requests online in
our Contact Us section of our website at SecretsUnsealed.org.


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