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2018 Spring Final Review  

What were the cause of the Industrial Revolution? Why did it happen in Britain first? What was the enclosure movement? What were its 
effects? What is Urbanization?  
What are the similarities between the flying shuttle, spinning jenny, and water-powered loom? What did James Watt & Eli Whitney invent?  
Why did employers want to hire women and children during the Industrial Revolution?  
What were some of the positive effects of the Industrial Revolution? What were some negative effects?  
Who were Otto von Bismarck and ​Giuseppe Mazzini? What did they do? 
Describe the following “isms:” ​Conservatism, Liberalism, Marxism, Nationalism, Social Darwinism, National Socialism.  
What does Laissez-Faire mean? Who’s idea was it?  
What is Imperialism? What were the causes of imperialism?  
What was the British Raj? Who was Mahatma Gandhi and why is he important?  
What was the Indian National Congress and what did they want?  
What were some characteristics of Japanese society before the Meiji restoration?  
Why did Japan industrialize during the Meiji Restoration? 
Who was Commodore Matthew Perry and what did he do?  
What are spheres of influence and where were they used?  
What were the Opium Wars? What was the result of the Wars? What was the Boxer rebellion? What were its goals?  
What was the “The White Man’s Burden” and who wrote it?  
What was the Scramble for Africa? What was the Berlin Conference?  
What were the MAIN causes of World War I? Who was Franz Ferdinand? Why is he important to World War I?  
What countries were in the Triple Alliance?  
Why was the Balkan region referred to as the “Powder Keg” of Europe prior to World War I?  
What was the role of women during World War I?  
Why was World War I called the first modern war? What was one of the most deadly weapons invented during WWI?  
What is total war? Was WWI a total war? What is No Man’s Land?  
What was the Schlieffen Plan?What is Trench Warfare? Where was Trench Warfare mainly used?  
Who were the Bolsheviks? Why did the other allies in WWI oppose the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution?  
What was the relationship between World War I and the Russian Revolution? 
What was the The Zimmerman Telegram? What was the Lusitania? How are they important to WWI?  
How did the US entry into WWI affect the course of the war? 
What was a primary goal of the British and French at the Versailles peace conference? How did they Treaty of Versailles impact 
What was the Armenian Genocide?  
Be able to identify art from each of the following movements: Cubism, Surrealism, & Dada. What was the Lost Generation?  
What were the causes of the worldwide Depression? 
Define totalitarianism. Define Fascism. Know the major Dictators and the countries they controlled. What led to the rise of Fascism?  
What is appeasement? What started World War II in Europe?  
How did Japan try to solve the problem of its scarcity of natural resources? Why was there a shortage of resources?  
What was D-Day (Operation Overlord)? Why was it important?  
Who were the Axis Powers? Who were the Allied Powers?  
What was Blitzkrieg? What was Luftwaffe?  
What were the Nuremberg laws? Why were they important?  
What was the The Holocaust? What was Auschwitz?  
What event caused the United States to enter World War II? 
Why did President Truman want to avoid an invasion of Japan? What lead to the surrender of Japan in World War II?  
Who was involved in the Cold War? What were the main differences between them?  
What was Containment? What was the Domino Theory?   
What was the Iron Curtain? What were the main differences between the two sides?  
What was the Berlin Wall? Why was it built? What was the Berlin Airlift? Why did the airlift start?  
What is isolationism? What was the Truman Doctrine? What was the Marshall Plan? What were their goals? 
What were the two main “Hot” wars during the Cold War? What was the Nuclear Arms Race? Why was it important?  
What were the main similarities and differences between the United Nations and the League of Nations?  
What was the situation in Korea after the Korean War? What were the motives of the United States to get involved in the war in Vietnam?  
How did people in the US respond to the US involvement in Vietnam? How did it impact the outcome of the war?  
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? What were the impacts of the Cuban Missile Crisis?  
Name:  Date: Block: 
What was Glasnost? What was Perestroika? Which Soviet leader came up with both?  
*****You may write any notes you want on this sheet only! ***** 

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