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Bridget Jones’s Diary

1. What are her New Year’s resolutions?

2. How old is Bridget Jones?
3. Why do you think she changes her mind about Daniel Cleave? (p 19)
4. Why did she call Daniel an emotional coward? (p20)
5. Why did she cry? (p23 – 01-02)
6. Why were her parents behaving so strangely? (p25 – 12-02)
7. Is it true that she doesn’t care about Valentine’s Day? (p. 25 -13-02)
8. What do you think about what happened on 14 February at work? (p26)
9. When she got the card from Daniel she gave a scream of excitement. Why did she
do that if she thought it was a silly occasion? (p27)
10. What really happened to her mother on 18 February? (p28)
11. Why is she jealous of her mother on 26 February? (p29)
12. “The way to a man’s heart is not through beauty, food or sex, but the ability to seem
not very interested in him.” Do you agree? (p 32 6-3)
13. Bridget learns about some infidelities (her mother is cheating on her father and
Jeremy is cheating on Magda) what would you do if you were her, would you tell
your father and/or your friend what you’ve learnt?(pp38-39)
14. Why do you think the relationship has changed? (p49 – 6-05)
15. How do you think she was feeling at the end of that day? (p 50 13-5)
16. “We always want what we haven’t got” What do you think about that? (p50)
17. What do you think about the incident with her mother and the TV crew? (p52)
18. What happened on June 6th? (p 54)
19. What was the mini break like? (p 56)
20. What do you think about Daniel’s behavior? (p 58)
21. How do you think she was feeling at the party? (p59)
22. What do you think of Mark’s attitude? (p61)
23. “Just take care of yourself, that’s all…and tell you mum to look after herself as
well”. Was that a good piece of advice? (p61)
24. How did she feel when she saw another woman in Daniel’s house? (p 63)
25. How did she react? (p64)
26. Who was Suki? (p65)
27. What is Good Afternoon? Why is it important in the story? (p66)
28. What is her mother’s piece of advice about the incident with Daniel?(p67)
29. “It’s no good. ….all your confidence” Do you think that’s true? (p67)
30. What do we learn about Mark Darcy? (p67)
31. How did she get her new job? (p68)
32. What happened when she told Daniel about her new job? (p 68)
33. What happened the first day at work? (p71)
34. Why is she going to the party? (p72)
35. What happened at her first interview? (p73)
36. Why is she depressed? (p73)
37. How would you describe Mark’s attitude towards Bridget at the party? (p76) why
did he change it?
38. Why didn’t Mark like Daniel? (p77)
39. What does Mark like about Bridget Jones? (p77)
40. What is B J’s second interview and how does Mark help her? (pp78-80)
41. What happened the day of their first date? (p80)
42. Why did she have the dinner party? (p83)
43. What happened at the dinner party? (p85)
44. What are the news about her mother and Julio? (p86)
45. Why are they wanted by the police? (p86)
46. What did Mark do?(p87)
47. What happened with her mum and the police? (p88)
48. How did Mark solve the problem? (p90)
49. Why didn’t she get the invitations? How did she feel about it? (p91-93)
50. Why does she feel that the whole year has been a failure? (p94)
51. What happened on December 25?(95)
52. How did Mark help the police to arrest Julio? (p97)
53. Was is a good year for BJ? Why? /Why not? (p98)
54. Did you like the book? Why? / why not?

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