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Jordan Salinsky


☞child of Jupiter and Metis
☞goddess of wisdom, arts, crafts, and war
☞Born out of Jupiter’s head
☞was Jupiter’s favorite child
☞Created Olive trees
☞place: Athens
☞Favorite animal= Owl
☞Never married
☞ symbol: carried Medusa’s head on her shield
☞Arachne: young woman who bragged that she was better than Athena
at weaving → was turned into a spider

☞ child of Juno alone
☞ born out of Juno’s led
☞ god of smiths and fire
☞ hard-working and peace loving
☞ lame (bad leg) and ugly
☞ favorite bird: quail
☞ place: Mt. Etna (Sicily) because of volcano
☞ crafted the god’s weapons, chariots, thrones, jewels
☞ symbols: fire and hammer
☞ had two golden robots to help him walk
☞ created Pandora (the box, not the fabulous website)
☞ married to Venus (Aphrodite)

☞ true child of Jupiter and Juno
☞ god of war
☞ spread violence and bloodshed wherever he went
☞ favorite place: northern Thrace
☞ favorite animal= Wolf
☞ favorite bird= vulture
☞ sons: terror, trembling, fear (Phobos) and panic
☞ sister (only seen in Homer’s writing): Eris
☞ daughter: Enyo (ruiner of cities)
☞ the Amazons are associated with him
☞ Lover: Venus
Jordan Salinsky

☞ Other children: Cupid, Harmonia, Romulus, Remus

☞ don’t know who she is the child of
☞ born of the sea foam
☞ place: near the island Cythera
☞ goddess of love and beauty
☞ favorite birds: dove, swan, sparrow
☞ favorite gem: emerald
☞ favorite flower: rose
☞ first husband: Vulcan
☞ second husband: Mars
☞ Children: Cupid (with Mars) and Aenas (with a mortal, Anchises)

☞ child of Jupiter and Leto
☞ born on Delos
☞ twin sister: Diana
☞ god of light, music, medicine, dance, reason, poetry, prophecy
☞ sun (Phoebus Apollo)
☞ symbols: hunting/golden bow and arrow/lyre
☞ very attractive, beardless
☞ Laurel (Daphne)-symbol?
☞ favorite animals: crow and mouse
☞ place: Oracle of Delphi and the Python

☞ child of Jupiter and Leto
☞ born on Delos
☞ twin brother: Apollo
☞ goddess of the moon and the hunt
☞ symbols: silver bow and arrow
☞ favorite animals: all baby animals (including children) and
especially deer
☞ place: temple at Ephesus (7 wonders of ancient world)
☞ never marries
☞ Orion?

☞ child of Jupiter and Maya
Jordan Salinsky

☞ born on Mt. Cyllene

☞ god of shepherds, travelers, merchants, liars, thieves
☞ Jupiter’s messangers
☞ symbol: winged hat, sandals
☞ carried a Caduceus (aka Herald’s staff)
☞ was a trickster god
☞ invented the lyre
☞ favorite animal: tortoise
☞ guided souls to the underworld
☞ Associated with sleep and dreams
☞ invented foot racing, boxing, counting

☞ child of Jupiter and Semele
☞ last of the Olympian gods; the youngest
☞ god of animal life (especially wild animals) and vegetation
(especially wine and grapes)
☞ favorite animals: tigers, leopards, dolphins
☞ place: Island of Naxos
☞ Wife: Ariadne

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