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IMPERATIVE (Kalimat Perintah)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

 command :
o instruction

o prohibition

 request :
o polite request >> use “please”

o more polite request >> would you like/mind/please

1. Instruction

Read that book!

Open the door!

Close the window!

Stand up!

Sit down!

2. Prohibition

Don't kick that ball!

Don't sleep too night!

Don't forget to eat!

Don't swim there!

Don't watch that film!

1. Polite Request >> use “please”

Please, don't smoke!

Sit down on the red chair, please!

Please, take a glass of water!

2. More Polite Request

> Would you like + to inf + … ?

Would you like to pick up me go home?

Would you like to accompany me to the party?

Would you like to write the letter for me?

> Would you mind + V-ing + … ?


Would you mind returning this book to library?

Would you mind sweeping this floor?

Would you mind doing my homework?

> Would you please + bare inf + … ?


Would you please forgive him?

Would you please read the story for me?

Would you please send me some money?

giving instruction

Posted by: liaayuarmelia on: September 25, 2011

 In: Uncategorized
 Leave a Comment

Instruction is the command for does something which must in obeying.

Giving instruction statement can use :

1. when people ask unknown address

2. when demonstrate a recipe of food or drink

3. When ask somebody to do something that we want

1. Please / don’t + Verb + noun

Noun + Verb + please

Example :

· Please open the door

· Open the door, please

· Don’t open the door

2. Please / don’t + Verb + adverb of place

Verb + adverb of place + please

Example :

· Please come here

· Come here, please

· Don’t come here

3. Please / don’t + Verb + noun + adverb of place

Example :

· Please open the door in this class

· Don’t open the door in this class

4. Be + Adj + Please = Be quiet,please

Please + Be + Adj = Please,be quite

Don’t + Be + Adj = Don’t be quiet

5 . Be + Adj = Be Strong

Respon on giving instruction :

· Yes

· No problem

· No I can’t

· O. K.

Ketika kita memberikan petunjuk biasanya kita menggunakan Imperative from of the
Verb/kalimat perintah yang di dalamnya berisi kata kerja/ perintah (comment).
Contoh kalimat perintah, yaitu:
Don’t cry
Don’t run
Close the door
Give he a flower
Kalimat perintah, Memberikan Instrusksi dan Saran
Posted by Rizqi Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Pelajaran hari ini adalah tentang meminta seseorang/grup melakukan suatu pekerjaan untuk kita.
Bagaimana memintanya dengan cara sopan. Serta bagaimana menyusun kalimatnya secara benar dalam
tata bahasa yang baku.

1. Gunakan Kalimat Perintah

Kalimat perintah digunakan untuk memberikan tugas, memerintahkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu,
peringatan dan saran. Contohnya sebagai berikut:

Shut up! (Diam !)

Take care! (Hati-hati ya!)
Write it on the note! (Tulislah dalam catatan!)

Terkadang bisa terdengar "kasar" ato "tidak sopan" jika memberikan perintah. Menggunakan "let's" ato
"please" supaya terdengar lebih lembut dan sopan. Bahkan bisa terdengar seperti minta tolong daripada

Let's go now. (Yuk, kita pergi)

Please read it carefully the manual book. (Tolong baca yang bener buku manualnya)

2. Menggunakan modal verb untuk merubah perintah menjadi permintaan

Gunakan modal verb untuk merubah 'rasa sebuah kalimat.We use modals to change the mood of a
sentence. Contohnya: "You should help her" terdengar sebagai sebuah saran/permintaan yang tentunya
lebih sopan daripada "Help her!"
Contoh lainnya adalah :
Could: Could you make me some tea?
Can: Can you come here please?
Will: Will you shut the door please?
Would: Would you wait here until the doctor is ready for you?

3. Menambah frase di awal kalimat untuk memperhalus perintah

Selain menggunakan modal (seperti item #2) diatas, kalimat perintah juga bisa 'diperhalus' dengan
menggunakan frase. Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh yang menggunakan frase di awal kalimat untuk
menyuruh orang lain mengerjakan tugas.

Would you mind possibly… (+ ing) (Most indirect)

Ex: Would you mind possibly moving your car? It's parked right in front of mine.

I was hoping you could … (+ infinitive without to)

Ex: I was hoping you could go with me for a while.

Do you think you could … (+ infinitive without to)

Ex: Do you think you could do this task for an hour?

If you have a couple of minutes spare…

Ex: If you have a couple of minutes spare, please see him and discuss about it.

I'd like you to… (+Verb 1)

Ex: I'd like you to go and see what's happened in the crime scene.

I want you to… (+ Verb 1)

Ex: I want you to finish this by tomorrow.

4. Memberikan instruksi berurutan.

Model kalimat instruksi berikut ini biasa ditemukan di Instruction Manual suatu peralatan, tutorial
software, ato panduan pekerjaan. Setiap langkah dijelaskan secara berurutan dengan maksud
memberikan pemahaman yang benar sehingga berhasil sesuai yang diharapkan.

Firstly, make sure the red cable is disconnected. Check again using testing pen.
Secondly, open the cover with a screwdriver carefully.
Third, carefully pull out the batteries and replace it with the new ones.

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