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Stress and Strain Patterns of 1-Piece and

2-Piece Implant Systems in Bone:
A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Zeev Ormianer, DMD,* Arial Ben Amar, DMD,† Mariusz Duda, DDS,‡ Sharon Marku-Cohen, DMD,§
and Israel Lewinstein, DMD, PhD储

ne-piece dental implants con- Statement of Problem: The tran- bone thickness, (3) magnitude and di-
O sist of implant and abutment
sections manufactured together
as a single unit. They were first intro-
sition from implant to abutment is
solid in 1-piece (1P) and broken in
2-piece (2P) implant designs. This dif-
rection of occlusal loading, and (4) %
bone-to-implant contact.
Results: Implants with equivalent
duced in the 1940s, and subsequently
ference may affect occlusal load dis- dimensions exhibited comparable
manufactured in a variety of designs
and materials over 4 decades of clini- tribution and marginal bone response. stresses and strains in all experimen-
cal use.1,2 After publication of seminal Purpose: To determine whether tal conditions. Implant diameter and
10-year implant study of Brånemark et 1P and 2P implants with equivalent periimplant bone thickness influenced
al3 in 1977, 2-piece (2P) implants rap- geometries exhibited stresses and stress levels. Only small-diameter (3.0
idly eclipsed the use of most 1-piece strains differently under applied load- mm) 1P implants in low-density bone
(1P) designs and continued to gain ing conditions. exhibited stress levels that might ad-
acceptance by mainstream dentistry Materials and Methods: Design versely affect marginal bone stability.
through the 1990s. Growing patient software simulated 1P and 2P im- Conclusions: Implant diameter
acceptance of dental implants resulted plants restored with metal copings and periimplant bone thickness influ-
in increased demands for shorter treat- and embedded in 3 cylindrical bone enced load distribution in bone, but
ment time and improved aesthetics. In block models that varied in dimen- the type of implant-abutment transi-
response, some clinicians began to ad- sions, density, and percentage of tion had no significant effect. Small-
vocate nonsubmerged placement of 2P bone-to-implant contact. Three- diameter 1P implants should be
implants, and others4 –9 subsequently dimensional, finite element analysis limited to dense bone to minimize
experimented with immediate or early simulated occlusal loading. Experi- stress concentrations. (Implant Dent
provisional loading. Although imme-
ments evaluated stresses and strains 2012;21:1– 00)
diate and early loading studies were
preliminary and short term, reports of
relative to implant design and (1) peri- Key Words: 1-piece, 2-piece, dental
implant bone thickness, (2) cortical implant, finite element analysis, bone
*Lecturer, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, The Maurice and
Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, University of
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel.
†Associate Professor, Head, Department of Oral generally favorable outcomes4 –9 helped either substantiating or refuting this
Rehabilitation, The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School
of Dental Medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel. to renew clinical interest in 1P implant theory. Some clinicians feel that these
‡Private Practice, Silesia—Med Oral Medicine Clinic,
Katowice, Poland. designs for immediate provisionaliza- concerns are not important with mod-
§Clinical Instructor, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, The
Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, tion. The underlying rationale was that a ern 2P implant systems that have sta-
University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel.
储Senior Lecturer, Coordinator Department of Oral 1P implant that replicated the overall ble implant-abutment connections,
Rehabilitation, The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School
of Dental Medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel.
geometry of a 2P implant system, but and that limited vertical access, diffi-
which eliminated potential abutment rota- culty in achieving optimal angulation,
Reprint requests and correspondence to: Zeev tion,10 screw loosening,10 and bacterial and the necessity of intraoral abutment
Ormianer, DMD, Department of Oral Rehabilitation,
the Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of colonization along the submucosal preparations may limit the use of 1P
Dental Medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, implant-abutment interfacial micro- designs. Other clinicians have also
Israel, Phone: ⴙ972-3-6124224, Fax: ⴙ972-3-
6124226, E-mail: drzeev@ormianer.com gap,11,12 might theoretically offer some raised concerns that 1P designs may
clinical benefits over 2P implant systems. have a high potential for bone loss15
ISSN 1056-6163/12/02101-001
Implant Dentistry The few published prospective and implant failure.16
Volume 21 • Number 1
Copyright © 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins studies13–16 on 1P implants, however, Stress distribution in bone is a di-
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0b013e31823fce22 have been short term and incapable of rect function of implant design. Stud-

Table 1. Bone Model Characteristics for FEA Analysis

Bone Character
Bone Dimensions Cortical Trabecular Homogenous
Vertical Horizontal Vertical Elastic Vertical Elastic Vertical Elastic
Bone Thickness Thickness* Thickness Modulus Thickness Modulus Thickness Modulus
Model (mm) (mm) (mm) (GPa) (mm) (GPa) (mm) (GPa)
A 20 Various — — — — 20 3.5
B† 20 2 3 15 17 1.5 — —
C‡ 20 2 1 15 19 1.5 — —
* Uniform periimplant bone thickness.

† Generally representative of D1 or D2 bone.28

‡ Generally representative of D2 or D3 bone.28

ies17–20 using 3-dimensional (3D) finite tion between 1P and 2P dental implants coping was attached to each abutment
element analysis (FEA) documented under conditions of simulated loading. to ensure the uniform transfer of ap-
major variations in the abilities of dif- An alternate hypothesis was that 1P im- plied load.
ferent implant designs to resist and plants would exhibit higher stress con- The finite element models consist
distribute vertical and lateral occlusal centrations than 2P implants in the of 4-node tetrahedron elements (con-
loads in bone. In FEA studies, mi- crestal bone region, but that their result- sistent element size of 0.5 mm [0.020
crostrain (␮⑀) is widely used as a ing strain values would still fall within in] for all assemblies); which total
method of measuring the load applied normal limits of 200 to 4000 ␮⑀21 for number of elements varied depending
to bone as percent the tissue deforma- crestal bone maintenance. on the implant assembly size.
tion. Frost21 hypothesized that specific For the boundary conditions, the
microstrain levels (thresholds) in bone outer surface of the bone block was
MATERIALS AND METHODS modeled as a fixed, and all of inter-
tissue trigger biologic mechanisms
that cause bone to either atrophy Engineering design software faces between components (ie, abut-
(⬍200 ␮⑀ ), maintain a balanced (SolidWorks Professional 2006; ment, screw) were modeled as bonded
steady state (200 –2500 ␮⑀), hypertro- SolidWorks Corp, Concord, MA) and except the interface between implant
phy (2500 – 4000 ␮⑀), or suffer patho- 3D FEA code (ANSYS Workbench and abutment that was modeled as a
logical overload (⬎4000 ␮⑀) that may 11.0; ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, PA) sliding contact. Top portion of a 1P
result in bone resorption. Similar were used in a personal computer implant (outside of the bone) is still
thresholds for pathological overload (XPS 210 Desktop; Dell, Round Rock, called abutment in this study though
with secondary bone resorption have TX) with Microsoft Windows XP Pro- the implant and abutment are 1 piece.
fessional (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, To simulate occlusal loading, 222
been reported by Sugiura et al 22
WA) software to create all digital N of occlusal force was applied to the
(⬇3600 ␮⑀ or 50 MPa).
study models. Each model consisted implant model at a 30-degree angle
Although contemporary 1- and 2P
of either a simulated 1P (Zimmer (␪ ⫽ 30 degrees) with a 1.5 mm buc-
implant systems may have a similar colingual offset from the vertical axis
1-piece Implant; Zimmer Dental Inc.,
gross external geometries, internal Carlsbad, CA) or 2P (Tapered Screw- of the implant. The selected occlusal
variations may result in very different Vent Implant and Hex-Lock Abut- force represented a slightly higher-
patterns of load distribution. For ex- ment; Zimmer Dental Inc.) implants than-median value within the range of
ample, it is currently unknown embedded in 1 of 3 cylindrical bone 14024 to 286.7 N,25 which are mean
whether the interfacial break between blocks that differed in characteristics maximum clenching force values doc-
the implant and abutment of 2P sys- and uniform periimplant thicknesses (t) umented in the incisor regions of
tems may enhance or reduce stress (Table 1). Implant components were healthy patients. Offset loading at a
concentrations in the crestal bone re- modeled with an elastic modulus of 110 30-degree angle was performed in an
gion compared with 1P implant sys- GPa and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.34 GPa, attempt to approximate normal occlu-
tems, which have a solid transition which are consistent with titanium sal patterns during mastication. Before
between the components. alloy,23 and were positioned in accor- the study, a preliminary experiment
This study reports on a 3D FEA dance with the manufacturer’s instruc- evaluated these prescribed boundary
study that compared load distribution tions for placement. Bone-to-implant and load conditions in the lateral, pre-
patterns of simulated 1P and 2P im- contact (BIC) formed an interfacial molar, and molar locations. The study
plants with different diameters in vari- bond between the modeled implants consisted of 4 experiments that ap-
ous bone models. The null hypothesis of and bone blocks, but the percentage plied the same prescribed boundary
this study was that there would be no of BIC varied according to the exper- and load conditions to simulated sites
significant difference in load distribu- iment. A simulated titanium alloy in the adult maxillary lateral incisor

␴ 共 t 兲 ⫽ C 1 exp 共⫺t/␶1 兲
⫹ C2 exp 共⫺t/␶2 兲 (2)
Experiment 2 investigated the in-
fluence of cortical bone vertical thick-
ness. To simulate 2 different cortical
bone thicknesses, the first and second
segments of this experiment used bone
models B and C (Table 1), respec-
tively (Fig. 1). In both segments, os-
seointegration was assumed to be
complete (BIC ⫽ 100%). In experi-
ment 3, the influence of occlusal load
magnitude and direction served as the
secondary experimental variable.
Bone model B (Table 1) was used, and
osseointegration was assumed to be
complete (BIC ⫽ 100%). Vertical
compressive loading at a 0-degree an-
gle (␪ ⫽ 0 degrees) from the long axis
of the implant model was also applied
as part of the stress distribution anal-
ysis. The linear elastic model used in
this study was expected to cause a
linear increase in the maximum stress
in the bone.
Fig. 1. Typical finite element analysis (FEA) model and meshes simulating a 1-piece implant embedded Experiment 4 investigated how
in bone with a homogenous structure (left) or defined cortical and cancellous layers (right). the percentages of BIC (% BIC) in-
fluenced stress levels in bone model
B (Table 1). BIC was 100% in the
region. This location represented the mm, however, implant survival rates cervical and apical regions of the
area of greatest aesthetic need because increased and some evidence of mar- implant models, but ranged from 8%
of its visual prominence and having ginal bone gain was noted.27 In this to 100% in the thread regions to ap-
the second-highest documented fre- study, bone model A (Table 1)28 was proximately ⬍100% osseointegration
quency of tooth loss26 in the aesthetic used and osseointegration was as- that really occurs in vivo, regardless of
zone. The 4 experiments evaluated the sumed to be complete (BIC ⫽ 100%). implant design.31 This phenomenon of
influences of implant design (1P or The isotropic, homogeneous elastic osseointegration is attributable, in
2P) and diameter (3.0, 3.7, 4.1, 4.7, or modulus of the bone model was based part, to the fact that bone contains
6.0 mm) on bone stress levels relative on documented29,30 modula of 15 GPa numerous marrow spaces that are not
to 1 or more secondary variables. for cortical bone (E1) and 1.5 GPa for mineralized.32
Experiment 1 investigated the in- trabecular bone (E2). Calculations of
fluence of periimplant bone thickness average elastic modulus utilized vol-
on stress levels in homogenous bone ume fractions of cortical bone (␯1 ⫽ RESULTS
(Fig. 1). This experiment evaluated the 15%) and trabecular cancellous bone Implant design, load (magnitude
findings of a prospective, multicenter (␯2 ⫽ 85%) where ␯1, ␯2, E1, and E2 and direction), boundary condit-
clinical study27 conducted by the US are volume fractions and elastic mod- ions, and the quality, mechanical prop-
government on approximately 3000 ulus of cortical and cancellous bone, erties, and cortical thickness of bone
implants. The study27 measured the respectively: all influenced bone stress levels in this
distance from the inner walls of newly study. Maximum bone stress levels for
E ⫽ ␷ 1E 1 ⫹ ␷ 2E 2 (1)
prepared implant osteotomies to the both 1P and 2P models in the prelim-
outer surfaces of the residual buccal A 2-time decay model was used to inary experiment were below the yield
plates, and then correlated residual fa- describe the FEA analysis data pre- stress of bone (180 MPa), regardless
cial plate thicknesses to future facial sented in Eq. (2) where C1 and C2 of placement region (incisor, premo-
bone loss and implant failure. Below (MPa) are constants dependent on the lar, and molar). Nearly all recorded
the critical threshold of 2 mm facial implant assembly size and platform, t stresses and strains in this study were
bone thickness, facial plate resorption (mm) is the bone thickness surround- ⬍55 MPa and 3690 ␮⑀, respectively,
and implant failure rates increased.27 ing the implant in mm, and ␶1 and ␶2 for both 1P and 2P implants, regard-
When facial plate thickness was ⱖ2 (mm) are decay constants: less of loading conditions or bone

types. These values were less than the Table 2. Influence of Implant Design, Diameter, and Periimplant Bone Thickness on
critical thresholds of stresses for bone Maximum Bone Stress Levels (MPa) in Bone Model A*
resorption (60 MPa) and microstrain
Maximum Bone Stress Levels (MPa)
values for bone resorption (4000 ␮⑀).
In experiment 1, all maximum Periimplant
1-Piece Implants 2-Piece Implants
bone stress levels were 40 MPa or by Diameter† by Diameter†
lower in 2-mm thick periimplant bone
(t) (mm) 3.0 mm 3.7 mm 4.7 mm 3.7 mm 4.1 mm 4.7 mm 6.0 mm
(Table 2). As periimplant bone thick-
ness decreased to 1 mm, the standard 1.0‡ 53 42 24 37 32 24 17
diameter (3.7 mm) 1P design exhib- 1.5 45 34 20 31 26 20 14
ited significantly higher stress distri- 2.0 40 30 18 28 24 18 13
butions (42 MPa) than the 2P design 2.5 38 28 16 26 22 16 12
(37 MPa) in the same diameter (Table 3.0 36 26 16 25 21 16 11
2). This difference diminished and 3.5 36 26 15 25 21 15 11
stress distribution levels relatively 4.1 35 25 15 24 21 15 11
4.5 35 25 15 24 21 15 11
converged between the 2 standard di-
5.0 35 25 15 24 21 15 11
ameter designs as bone thickness in-
* FEA analysis using 222 N of load applied at a 30-degee angle and a 1.5 mm offset.
creased to 2 mm or more (Table 2).
† Note that increasing implant diameter decreases periimplant bone thickness.
In contrast, there was no difference in
‡ Not recommended for actual clinical applications.
stress distribution between wide diam-
eter (4.7 mm) 1P and 2P designs, re-
gardless of periimplant bone thickness
Table 3. Maximum Stress and Strain Values by Implant Design and Diameter in
(Table 2).
Bone Model B*
Bone stress levels increased as
periimplant bone thickness decreased 1P Implants 2P Implants Difference (1P vs. 2P)
for all implant designs and diameters Implant Stress Stress Stress
(Table 2). For example, maximum Diameter (Max.) Microstrain (Max) Microstrain (Max) Microstrain
bone stress levels for a 2P implant, 3.7 (mm) (MPa) (Max) (␮⑀) (MPa) (Max) (␮⑀) (MPa) (Max) (␮⑀)
mm in diameter, ranged from 26 to 37
MPa as periimplant bone decreased 3.0 54 3637 — — — —
from 2.5 to 1.0 mm, respectively (Ta- 3.7 47 3143 41 2750 6 (1P ⬎ 2P) 393 (1P ⬎ 2P)
4.1 — — 37 2436 — —
ble 2). In contrast, increasing implant
4.7 30 1980 24 1800 6 (1P ⬎ 2P) 180 (1P ⬎ 2P)
diameter reduced bone stress levels
6.0 — — 22 1656 — —
despite a corresponding reduction in
* Refer Table 1.
periimplant bone thickness. For exam-
1P indicates 1-piece; 2P, 2-piece.
ple, a 1P implant, 3.0 mm in diameter
with 2.0 mm of periimplant bone
thickness, generated 40 MPa of max-
Table 4. Maximum Stress and Strain Values by Implant Design and Diameter in
imum bone stress levels (Table 2). By
Bone Model C*
increasing the implant diameter to 3.7
or 4.7 mm, periimplant bone thickness 1P Implants 2P Implants Difference (1P vs. 2P)
decreased to 1.5 and 1.0 mm, respec- Implant Stress Microstrain Stress Microstrain Stress Microstrain
tively, with corresponding reductions Diameter (Max.) (Max.) (Max.) (Max.) (Max.) (Max)
in maximum bone stress levels of 34 (mm) (MPa) (␮⑀) (MPa) (␮⑀) (MPa) (␮⑀)
and 24 MPa (Table 2). Based on
2-time decay models, the rate of 3.0 77 5438 — — — —
change in bone stress levels because of 3.7 53 3633 55 3690 2 (2P ⬎ 1P) 57 (2P ⬎ 1P)
4.1 — — 52 3483 — —
bone thickness was independent of the
4.7 41 2704 41 2750 None (1P ⫽ 2P) 46 (2P ⬎ 1P)
implant design or diameter (Table 2).
6.0 — — 36 2542 — —
The elevated stress levels generated by
* Refer Table 1.
1P implants, 3.0 mm in diameter, in
periimplant bone ⬍2-mm thick, may 1P indicates 1-piece; 2P, 2-piece.

adversely affect crestal bone mainte-

nance (Table 2). estal bone region, but stresses progres- concentrations, regardless of implant
In experiment 2, 1P and 2P de- sively diminished deeper within the design. Although data showed that 1P
signs in bone models B (Tables 1 and bone. Implants in matching lengths and 2P models exhibited a 6 MPa dif-
3) and C (Tables 1 and 4) exhibited the and diameters demonstrated no signif- ference in maximum von-Mises stress
highest stress contour bands in the cr- icant differences in crestal bone stress in 2-mm thick bone for both 3.7- and

Table 5. Maximum Stress and Strain Values by Implant Design and Diameter at 0-Degree Angle Load Vector in Bone Model B*
1P Implants 2P Implants Difference (1P vs. 2P)
Implant Stress Microstrain Stress Microstrain Stress Microstrain
Diameter (mm) (Max.) (MPa) (Max.) (␮⑀) (Max.) (MPa) (Max.) (␮⑀) (Max.) (MPa) (Max.) (␮⑀)
3.0 29 1929 — — — —
3.7 27 1781 24 1590 3 (1P ⬎ 2P) 191 (1P ⬎ 2P)
4.1 — — 20 1401 — —
4.7 16 1576 16 1561 None (1P ⫽ 2P) 15 ␮⑀ (1P ⬎ 2P)
6.0 — — 13 1296 — —
* Refer Table 1.

1P indicates 1-piece; 2P, 2-piece.

4.7-mm diameter implants (Table 3), off-axis loading generated signifi- plant systems and surrounding bone.
maximum stresses still fell signifi- cantly higher stress levels in bone than The manner in which an implant sys-
cantly below the critical threshold of axial loading (Tables 5 and 6). For 1P tem transfers the resulting axial and
180 MPa associated with stress-related and 2P implants subjected to 30- off-axial forces and bending moments
bone resorption. Errors in 3D model- degree angle, occlusal load vector to the supporting bone directly affects
ing, meshing inconsistency between were higher up to 47 MPa and 2750 its survival and long-term crestal bone
FEA models, and minor simulation er- ␮⑀, respectively. Data suggest that maintenance. Many different variables
rors caused this small difference. those stresses will increase proportion- can influence load distribution, such
Apart from these minor factors, bone ately to the distance of off-axis load- as implant geometry and dimensions,
stress concentrations between simu- ing. Increasing bone quality equates material properties, surface character-
lated 1P and 2P implants in matching with a greater ability to withstand istics, the % BIC, bone volume and
lengths and diameters exhibited no higher occlusal load magnitudes properties, prosthesis type, and load
significant differences. without failure. Cortical bone has vector angles relative to the implant
Vertical and lateral load stresses higher stiffness values than the tra- axis. FEA has been widely used since
also decreased in inverse proportion to becular cancellous bone. Although the late 1970s to convert these com-
an increase in implant diameter, re- bone stress values increased in cor- plex biomechanical relationships into
gardless of implant design. All tical bone compared with cancellous more simplistic mesh elements, ana-
stresses and strains observed under the bone, the mechanical properties of lyze them at a functional level, and
prescribed boundary and load condi- cortical bone were better able to bear then reassemble the data to predict the
tions were below approximately 54 higher stresses than cancellous bone. patterns and effects of stress on dental
MPa and 3637 ␮⑀, respectively, in In that way, higher density bone will implants and the surrounding tissues.
bone model B (Table 3), and 55 MPa allow for better stabilization of the This task requires the formulation of
and 3690 ␮⑀, respectively, in bone implant assembly as compared with many assumptions and theoretical
model C (Table 4). The 1 exception lower density bone. constructs, all of which entail some
to the latter finding, however, was In experiment 4, up to approxi- inherent margin of error.
exhibited by the 3.0-mm diameter 1P mately 50% BIC did not affect maxi- In this study, each FEA study
implant (smallest implant diameter mum bone stress values, but stress model consisted of a simulated implant
in the study) placed into bone model levels began rising as the % BIC embedded in a block of bone measuring
C, which had minimal (1 mm) corti- decreased to ⬍50%. The reduced % 1 to 5 mm in thickness around the im-
cal bone thickness (Tables 1 and 4). BIC slightly increased local stresses plant. Although FEA implant studies
In this model, stress values were around the implant threads. Highest commonly use this type of model, the
higher than the bone yield point, stress contour bands were located in design inherently skews generated stress
which amounted to pathological the crestal bone region, but progres- values because of the limited bone vol-
overloading. This was the worst out- sively decreased deeper within the ume. An implant placed into a rectangu-
come in Experiment 2. trabecular bone. For most evalua- lar bone block with 1 to 5 mm of bone
In experiment 3, all stresses and tions, stress levels within trabecular thickness on the simulated buccal and
strains observed under the boundary bone were less than 5 MPa under the lingual aspects of the implant, but sig-
and load conditions for 1P and 2P prescribed boundary conditions nificantly greater bone volume on its
implants subjected to 0-degree angle based on typical von-Mises stress simulated mesial and distal aspects, may
occlusal load vector were ⬍29 MPa contours. more accurately simulate stress disper-
and 1929 ␮⑀, respectively, for all im- sal in bone comparable with that of an
plants diameters. These results do not actual implant placed into the alveolar
account for the nonlinear response of DISCUSSION process.
bone. Comparison of 0- and 30-degree Vertical and transverse occlusal Although the cylindrical bone
angle load directions indicated that loads produce stress gradients in im- block model may have somewhat ele-

Table 6. Maximum Stress and Strain Values by Implant Diameter and Design in Bone Model B*: Comparison of Load Direction
(0-Degree Angle vs. 30-Degree Angle)
Maximum Stress and Microstrain Values
1P Implants 2P Implants
Diameter (mm) Unit 30 degrees 0 degrees Difference (%) 30 degrees 0 degrees Difference (%)
3.0 Stress (MPa) 54 29 (⫺) 46 — — —
Microstrain (␮⑀) 3637 1929 (⫺) 47 — — —
3.7 Stress (MPa) 47 27 (⫺) 43 41 24 (⫺) 42
Microstrain (␮⑀) 3143 1781 (⫺) 43 2750 1590 (⫺) 42
4.1 Stress (MPa) — — — 37 20 (⫺) 46
Microstrain (␮⑀) — — — 2436 1401 (⫺) 43
4.7 Stress (MPa) 30 16 (⫺) 47 24 16 (⫺) 33
Microstrain (␮⑀) 1980 1576 (⫺) 20 1800 1561 (⫺) 33
6.0 Stress (MPa) — — — 22 13 (⫺) 41
Microstrain (␮⑀) — — — 1656 1296 (⫺) 22
* Refer Table 1.

1P indicates 1-piece; 2P, 2-piece.

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