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MSc EMBC+ (2017-2018)

Stakeholder Engagement - Communication Plan: Marking Scheme

Inadequate Pass 2.2 2.1 1.1 Name

Element & Weight 0% - 39% 40% - 49% 50% - 59% 60% - 69% 70% - 100% Grade %
Incoherently formulated plan Has identified an appropriate topic, Communication plan is competently Clearly formulated plan. Very clearly formulated, and 2.1 19.5%
but lacks a clearly stated plan. formulated with some evidence of explicitly stated communication
The communication is too broad or subject focus. Good evidence of a clear focus, and plan and objectives.
vague to provide a coherent plan Poorly formulated plan. understanding of the feasibility and
The communication plan and its scope. Clear focus demonstrated.
Feasibility, scope and implications Focus is lacking, feasibility and objectives are clearly stated.
of the communications and scope are not well considered. Breaks the communicaiton plan Excellent and convincing rationale,
objectives are not considered. A sound rationale is given, but the into a series of objectives well supported by relevant
Introduction and purpose Objectives are given, but not well complexities and nuances of the demonstrating deep thinking about background.
of the plan, Rationale for the plan is not described or justified. plan are not fully explored. the plan.
30% supported by evidence. Objectives are given, but not related Explicitly presents the scope and
Communication Objectives are given, but not related to an activity. Presents a logical, well-developed feasibility of the Communication
objectives to an activity. progression to the plan. plan.

A series of objectives are presented A series of well thought out

in relation to an activity. activities are clearly connected to
planned activities which will achieve
the objectives.

Indicates a foretaste of an original

Overly reliant on very restricted Reliant on limited source of Evidence of reading, but with limited Evidence of wide reading and choice Evidence of extensive reading and 2.1 - 31.5%
range of stakeholders, without stakeholders, with very little evaluation of stakeholders. of relevant stakeholders. excellent selection of the key
evaluation. evaluation. Stakeholders.
Some evidence of independent Good evidence of independent
Very little evidence of independent Little evidence of independent search for communication search for stakeholders and Strong evidence of independent
search for stakeholders. search for communication techniques. commuication techniques. search for stakeholders adn
techniques communicatin techniques.
Techniques not related directly to Not consistently clearly related to Clear relation to the communication
the communication plan. Poor relation to the communication the communication plan. plan. Background has been critically
Stakeholder plan. evaluated and explicitly related to
Inadequate evidence of ability to Good ability to analyse, evaluate Critical evaluation of techniques the communication plan.
50% analyse, evaluate and integrate Organised as a catalogue of and integrate stakeholders and identifies the strengths in those
Communication stakeholder knowledge. information about the topic, rather communication techniques. chosen and overall limitations of Controlled and uncontrolled
than as an integrated communication plan communication techniques
techniques communication plan. Controlled and uncontrolled presented and outlined what is
communication techniques Very good ability to analyse, involved in each and how they will
Limited evidence of ability to presented. evaluate and integrate stakeholders, be used.
analyse, evaluate and integrate communication techniques and put
stakeholder and communication together a plan. Demonstrated strong ability to
techniques. Controlled and uncontrolled analyse, evaluate and integrate
communication techniques stakeholders, commuinication
presented. techniques and put together a plan.

Submission is not in the required Submitted in the correct format. Application in correct format and Clear evidence of proof reading and Strong evidence of care in 2.1 - 12.6%
format for a communication plan well presented. very well presented plan. presentation, prose and writing style
Limited evidence of proof reading. and overal lexcellently presented
Little evidence of planning, Evidence of some proof reading. Well presented and clear use of communication plan.
expression is confused. Clear use of language but with many language.
significant errors which can lead to Clear use of language but with Free of grammatical & typographic
Consistently poor spelling and misinterpretation. several errors. Very few grammatical and errors.
Evaluation 20% grammar. typographic errors.
Kelloggs logic model mentioned General understanding of the Excellent use of language.
No mention of the Kelloggs logic with some evaluation metircs Kelloggs Logic Model and specific Very good use of the Kelloggs logic
model. outlined evaluation metrics mentioned. model to evaluate plan and clear Fully and correctly integrated the
No mention of Evaluation metrics. and specific evaluation metrics to be Kelloggs logic model as an
used. evaluation tool for the
communication plan.

Overall grade: 2.1 64%

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