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House & Home • $35 USD

“The Carbon-Free Home is a wonderfully useful guide to reducing household reliance on

fossil fuels. Most of us have very little idea how many hydrocarbons we’re using—until we do a per-
sonal inventory. The harsh reality is that we have all become complicit in an energy system whose future
is bleak and unsustainable. It’s time to bail out, and this book tells us how.” —RICHARD HEINBERG, Senior Fellow
at the Post Carbon Institute and author of The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies

“Stephen and Rebekah’s The Carbon-Free Home is a remarkable book. It’s thorough, well researched, and a delight to read. Its
many practical solutions offer hope for individual action in the face of daunting environmental crisis. Reading it made me want
to go home and get started on projects for our house.” —LYLE ESTILL, author of Small is Possible: Life in a Local Economy

“This is the perfect book for people who want to roll up their sleeves to save the planet. It is informative, well researched, easy
to follow, and inspiring. Our future depends on each of us reducing our carbon footprint. The Carbon-Free Home is a great
resource to assist in this adventure of our time.” —DAVID GERSHON, author of Low Carbon Diet: A 30 Day Program to Lose
5,000 Pounds and Green Living Handbook: A 6 Step Program to Create an Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle

“While not for the timid or tool-phobic, The Carbon-Free Home is a gold mine of inspiration and information for those hands-
on people with more time and energy than money, and a passion to help save the planet.” —BETH SACHS, Executive Director “It’s hard to imagine a
of Vermont Energy Investment Corporation more comprehensive, and
“As every beer-drinker knows, the glass starts full and ends empty. The quicker he drinks it, the sooner it is gone. It is the comprehensible, guide to
same with oil. . . . This book is essential reading, giving a full spectrum of invaluable advice on how to adapt to the new con- making your home work
ditions imposed by Nature. It is far from a doomsday message as it offers hope for a new, more benign age. The transition will
be tough but this book explains how to plan and prepare.” —COLIN J. CAMPBELL, Chairman of ASPO (Association for the Study for you and for the planet,
of Peak Oil) inside and out. It’s frugal,
it’s sensible, and it will
Having weaned themselves completely from fossil fuels in their conventional 1930s urban house, Stephen and
Rebekah Hren provide a map for others to do the same. Their book shows first how to reduce energy consumption,
then to retrofit existing homes to obtain all heating, cooling, cooking, refrigeration, hot water, and electricity from
renewable sources. The Hrens also provide advice on sustainable, low-impact methods of transportation and home
gardening. These practical approaches, many of which are suitable for renters as well as owners, fit anyone’s
budget and can be implemented over time to progressively liberate a home from fossil-fuel dependency.

STEPHEN and REBEKAH HREN live in Durham, North Carolina, where

they are both actively involved with renewable energy, natural building, and
edible urban gardening. Rebekah works with Honey Electric Solar, Inc., as a
professional designer/installer of photovoltaic and domestic hot water systems.
Stephen is a professional restoration carpenter, focusing on antebellum hous-
es. He teaches natural building classes and workshops at a local community
college, and in any spare time works with Bountiful Backyards, an edible-land-
scaping collective.

Chelsea Green Publishing

White River Junction, Vermont
Chapter 9

Introduction • Graywater • The Options • Our Story • Graywater
Safety • Graywater Use • Humanure (Aerobic Decomposition) •
Biogas (Anaerobic Decomposition) • Resources

Introduction Perhaps no attitude adjustment is more difficult

than looking at the crap that comes out of our bodies

I n nature, there is no such thing as waste. If any

single statement summarizes the attitude adjustment
needed to make our world a sustainable (and surviv-
and seeing a resource rather than a repulsive brown
lump that needs to be flushed away without even a
glance. Obviously, no immediate need can be fulfilled
able) place, this is it. Waste is a construct of industrial via that brown lump. Our bodies went through a lot
society. Treating human feces and urine as “waste,” of trouble to get rid of it.
not to mention the hundreds of gallons of nutrient- But this shortsightedness ignores our future needs,
enhanced graywater most households dump down the needs of other species, and the remaining stored
the drain daily, is to industrialize our very selves—to energy in that lump. While our complicated mamma-
attempt to take ourselves out of nature and become lian bodies have taken everything they needed and
machines. discarded the rest, many smaller critters still see great
Whenever we go against nature, the effort is enor- potential in that “waste.” Great potential exists for us
mously energy intensive. Whether it’s failing to have humans in that refuse after the smaller critters have
southern windows to heat our homes in the winter, had their fill of it. After it has been properly compos-
attempting to grow monocultures in the desert to feed ted, the final product is a rich, pathogen-free organic
the masses, or treating our feces and urine as so much fertilizer that will increase the health and vigor of all
industrial waste that needs to be disposed of, we rely the plants growing around your home.
on concentrations of energy that are very difficult to Instead of dropping your poop into a receptacle
obtain except by exploiting the eons of accumulated filled with drinking water and flushing it into the near-
solar energy found in fossil fuels. est stream, consider composting your own manure,
This does not mean that we cannot live a wonderful either aerobically (with air) or anaerobically (under-
life without these concentrations of old energy. In fact, water), and using the resulting rich fertilizer to help fix
the potential exists for a much healthier and rewarding the broken nutrient cycle that we are now perpetuat-
life, one where we take responsibility for our actions ing. The remaining stored energy in your urine and
and their effects on our surrounding environment feces is not waste, because you are a part of nature
and thus live in harmony with and even potentially and not a machine. Instead, it is simply sunshine on
enhance that environment. But this better life is not a the move, going from plants to animals to rich humus
given, and it requires forethought, wisdom, and some and then back to plants again. With a little extra trou-
hard work along the way, as well as some attitude ble, you can turn your “waste” into black gold and
adjustments. eliminate your need for additional gardening inputs

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Waste 173

of purchased fertilizers. What was an energy-intensive rates and leaves impurities such as salts and organic
one-way street leading to nothing but dead ends can matter behind. The second phase of water purifica-
become an energy-resourceful cycle of life. tion happens when surface water passes through a
biologically active area and microorganisms in the
soil consume whatever nutrients it contains, includ-
Graywater ing bacteria and other pathogens that may be present.
This water then is taken up through plant roots to be
Graywater refers to all water exiting your home from transpired back into the air, flows underground to be
all fixtures except your toilet. In most cases, this water discharged into nearby waterways, or sinks back into
is perfectly acceptable for landscaping use, provided the earth to recharge aquifers.
the water does not come in direct contact with any Water that has passed through conventional munici-
food being grown. The annual potential for a typical pal sewage treatment plants is neither clean nor pure.
household is 30,000 to 50,000 gallons of nutrient-rich It has been poisoned with various chemicals so that
water for thirsty plants and fruit trees. it does not contain any active pathogens, but it still
For those connected to a municipal sewer and water contains the residues of these treatments and much of
system, purification of both incoming household water the organic matter it started the voyage with. As we
and outgoing wastewater can be extremely energy strive to eliminate fossil fuels from our lives, we have
intensive, requiring maintenance of dams, pumping to ask ourselves how necessary this energy-intensive
stations, and chemical manufacture and application. water treatment really is.
Often, this treated water is then directed into nearby While Art Ludwig’s ideal is difficult to achieve in
streams and rivers with the residual excess nitrogen, most existing homes, a low-energy version of it can be
phosphorus, and treatment chemicals causing fish- readily applied in most places with the judicious use of
killing algal blooms (eutrophication) and burning of a pump or two and some clever plumbing. Caught rain-
fish gills.1 Although the damage generally takes place water is necessarily stored near the level of the building,
far from the eyes of the homeowner, that does not if not below it in a basement. Supplying water pressure
negate one’s personal responsibility, especially since to a home through gravity requires steep elevations of as
many homes can be retrofitted to take easy advantage much as 70 feet, so pumping is almost always needed
of at least some of this nutrient-rich resource. (see chapter 8). And it’s sometimes the case that existing
As Art Ludwig describes in his book Create an Oasis landscapes, because of poor sloping conditions, require
with Graywater, some pumping for effective graywater use.
Many homes have sufficient elevation and slope to
Ideally, water should cascade through the tap into at least some of their vast graywater resources.
house and yard by gravity, from the high- The drier the climate you live in, the more imperative
est vertical level and degree of purity to it is to act. Dumping good irrigation water down the
biological land treatment at the lowest drain to undergo energy-intensive chemical treatment
level. Every house could be surrounded while plants wilt outside your door just doesn’t make
with an oasis of biological productivity any sense.
nourished by the flow of water and nutri-
ents from the home.
The Options
There are two points of effective and natural water
purification in the typical water cycle. The first, distil- Graywater systems can vary from as basic as schlep-
lation, occurs when water on land and sea evapo- ping a bucket of bathwater over to flush the toilet to

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174 The Carbon-Free Home

expensive automated systems that are theoretically and perhaps even incarceration (heaven forbid) by
maintenance-free. As with most things in life, simple using your graywater.
systems require daily attention but mean less complex
and expensive initial equipment, resulting in fewer
breakdowns and greater longevity overall. When start- Our Story
ing out with any type of project, graywater included,
it helps to adhere to the cardinal rule of engineering, The year 2007 was the worst drought in our part of
the KISS principle: “Keep it simple, stupid.” The North Carolina for decades, so accessing some gray-
same concept is expressed by the term “appropriate water moved up the priority list as we watched lots
technology,” which David Eisenberg, director for the of newly installed edible landscaping wilt in the blis-
Development Center for Appropriate Technology, tering August heat. For the green roof on the second
defines as the “lowest level of technology that can floor, this was simply a matter of stopping up the bath-
be used to do well what needs to be done.” Systems tub while showering and then schlepping buckets out
that adhere to these general principles are invariably to the thirsty (nonedible) plants.
easier to maintain, self-empowering, more egalitarian, Our kitchen sink completely clogged up, and that
more efficient in resource use, and longer lasting and provided us with the necessary motivation to replumb
preserve our personal connection to our environment it and tie it, along with the washing machine, into
through our continual involvement. a 30-gallon graywater tank that sits just outside the
If you get the basics down and still think that a kitchen wall. This provides us around 10–30 gallons
more complicated approach would be necessary of extra irrigation water on a daily basis.
(hopefully it won’t be), then you can try to tackle We put in a humanure composting system as
graywater systems that include such things as described by Joe Jenkins in an excerpt from his
replumbing, pumps, and float switches. As usual, it Humanure Handbook below. It is working great and
is best to pick the low-hanging fruit first, and we’ll has made crapping much more fun! We always felt
detail one such system that is straightforward and guilty about using purified drinking water to flush
widely applicable. One reason it’s difficult to collect the toilet and we’re very happy we no longer have to
graywater is that most home plumbing systems mix do this. It is also fascinating to watch the hyperactive
graywater with blackwater from toilets. Employing critter life in the hot humanure compost pile (which,
a humanure composting system (aerobic is by far by the way, doesn’t smell at all and isn’t in any way as
the much easier retrofit) makes gaining access to repulsive as Rebekah initially assumed it would be).
your home’s graywater simpler. For a comprehen- Sow bugs and silverfish have moved right in and made
sive summary of your graywater options, includ- themselves at home.
ing construction diagrams, we highly recommend
Art Ludwig’s book The New Creating an Oasis with
Graywater (see resources). Graywater Safety
While we detail only one graywater system in this
chapter, washing machine catchment, the basic prem- A few simple design considerations will ensure that
ise can be applied to sinks, showers, et cetera, as long your graywater system operates safely for many years.
as you completely isolate the graywater from the black- Most graywater is the water that you were just using, for
water (toilet). bathing or for washing clothes that you were recently
Once again keep in mind that many jurisdictions wearing, for instance. As such, there’s no reason to
outlaw graywater and you may be risking hefty fines be afraid of it. It does have the potential, however,

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Waste 175

Table 9.1 Determining Landscape Area Requirements for

to transmit infectious diseases if treated haphazardly, Graywater Percolation
since it may contain trace amounts of pathogens that, Soil infiltration rate Loading rate Area needed
given the right circumstances, can multiply rapidly. It (minutes/inch) (gal/day/ft2) (ft2/gal/day)
is exactly this worst-case scenario that is the impetus 0–30 2.5 0.4
for graywater’s heavy regulation and municipalities 30–45 1.5 0.7
treating it the same as blackwater. 45–60 1.0 1.0
The two principles that ensure the safety of your 60–120 0.5 2.0
graywater system, as summarized by Ludwig, are: Source: Art Ludwig, The New Create an Oasis with Graywater

1. Graywater must pass slowly through healthy you can water your orchard or landscape plants. How
topsoil for natural purification to occur; and accessible are the pipes? If they’re from a bathroom,
2. Design your graywater system so no human can you access the tub and sink before the water that
contact takes place before purification. exits them combines with that from the toilet? This
is often very difficult except on the ground floor of a
These two principles can be easily abided by if some house. Are members of your household willing to use
simple precautions are taken: biodegradable soap and shampoo if you will be recy-
cling bathwater? Are you willing to use a biodegradable
• Do not apply graywater directly to plants or soap for your dishwasher? Do you really need a dish-
fruit that will be eaten raw. washer? Some people are unsatisfied with the results
• Do not put graywater through a sprinkler, of biodegradable dish detergents, so try some out first
since this can cause inhalation of airborne before you replumb your dishwasher for graywater use.
pathogens. Keep in mind that if you wash diapers in your washing
• Be certain your graywater is percolating through machine, then that water should be treated as blackwa-
the soil and not running off into streams or ter and should not be used in a graywater system.
• Use biodegradable detergents and soaps for all Perc Test
sinks, washers, or tubs that produce graywater. To be a responsible graywater user, you need to make
• Do not allow graywater to sit around for more sure that the soil where your graywater is headed perco-
than 24 hours, as this allows time for pathogens lates well (i.e., drains neither too fast nor too slow). To
to multiply. check your perc rate:
• Always keep in mind that buckets with even a
small quantity of water are drowning hazards 1. Dig holes to the depth your graywater will
for toddlers. discharge (typically 6–12 inches).
2. Place stakes into the holes with reference marks
in inches.
Graywater Use 3. Fill the hole with water, and time how long it
takes for the water level to drop a given number
The simplest systems use gravity or appliances with of inches. Repeat this procedure two or three
their own pumps, such as washing machines and dish- times for each hole.
washers. Make an initial assessment of which plumb-
ing fixtures and appliances in your own home could be Note: If it takes several hours or less than a minute
easily replumbed so that, by gravity or internal pump, to drop an inch, your soil is unsuitable for graywater

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176 The Carbon-Free Home

use. In order to use your graywater, you’ll need a more Maintenance Level: Low. This is one of the most
elaborate system such as a constructed wetlands, or useful and maintenance-free graywater systems.
you can use it only for manual chores like flushing the You may want to rinse out the barrel every now and
toilet or watering houseplants. then.
Use the number from your perc test to get a perco- Skill Levels: Carpentry: Moderate. Plumbing:
lation rate in minutes per inch. Consult table 9.1 to Moderate.
determine the landscape area you will need for your Materials: Barrel set up like rainwater barrel (see
graywater flow. page 152) and large enough to hold two loads of
Here’s some typical graywater production from vari- wash water (30 to 45 gallons), washing-machine
ous plumbing fixtures: drain hose or 2-inch PVC pipe of sufficient length
Washing Machine, Top-loading: 30 gallons/wash* to reach barrel, ¾-inch hose flagged for graywater
Washing Machine, Front-loading: 15 gallons/wash use of sufficient length, bricks or blocks to raise up
Automatic Dishwasher: 5–10 gallons/load barrel for additional pressure, clamp for drainpipe.
Shower: 10 gallons/low-flow, 20 gallons/high-flow Tools: Drill and hole saw, tape measure, pipe wrench.
Bathtub: 25–40 gallons Location of your washing machine. The basic idea
Bathroom Sink: 1–5 gallons/day/person is to divert the wash water that’s going down the laun-
dry drain and get it outside into a barrel. This is much
easier if your washing machine is up against an exterior
Laundry Graywater to Catchment Container wall and may not be possible if your washing machine
This system catches the graywater that comes out of is in a basement below ground level. If your machine
your washing machine in a relatively small barrel or is in the interior of the house, you may be able to run
water-storage tank situated above the level of where the a length of drainpipe under the floor and then outside
graywater is headed. The storage tank keeps a narrow and up to the top of the barrel. The pump on the
outlet hose from being overwhelmed by the machine’s washing machine is relatively powerful and is capable
pump surge (washing machines evacuate water at a of moving the wash water reasonably long horizontal
high flow rate) and also gives the water a chance to cool distances. Additional vertical distance will put strain
down before being applied to any plants. Sometime on the washer pump and could potentially shorten its
within 24 hours of the wash cycle, the hose valve is life, so aim to have the exit of the drain hose near the
opened and water flows via gravity to mulched plant height of the top of the washer. Note that the drain
beds. The system can be combined with kitchen sink hose or pipe must at some point rise above the height of
graywater catchment, where applicable. the washing drum or water will drain via gravity as the
Renter friendly. machine is trying to fill.
Project Time: Afternoon. Exiting to the outdoor tank. If your washing
Cost: Low; $5–100, depending on cost of barrel. machine is against an exterior wall, the procedure is
Energy Saved: Low. Reuses water, eliminating addi- relatively simple. Often it’s the case that the washing
tional water purification and sewage treatment. machine drainpipe is resting in a drainpipe in the stud
Ease of Use: Moderate. This method requires atten- wall. Sometimes washing machines drain via laundry
tion. The tank should be emptied within 24 hours sinks. You’ll be bypassing the existing drainpipe by
to keep the graywater from becoming pathogenic. drilling a hole in the exterior wall large enough to pass
It’s easy to empty the tank after hanging up the laun- the drain hose to the outside and to the top of your
dry, allowing time for the water in the tank to cool. graywater barrel. Due to the accordion nature of the

* You should eventually replace with a front-loader. See chapter 3.

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Waste 177

Fig. 9.1. Laundry graywater to catchment container.

drain hose it is difficult to accomplish this neatly. If either with the flexible drain hose or with rigid PVC
your plumbing skills are up to snuff, you can fit the end connections, depends on your concerns for aesthetics,
of the drain hose into a new length of PVC drainpipe the route to the outside, and air and rain infiltration
and glue together whatever fittings are necessary to get through the hole you’re going to make in your wall.
through the wall and to the top of the barrel. The exist- Don’t forget to screen the entrance to your tank to
ing drainpipe has a trap on it to prevent backdrafting avoid mosquito and other bug issues. If instead you
of sewer gases (the trap constantly holds water in a P or make a threaded, glued, or otherwise airtight connec-
S shape that doesn’t drain). If you are running the new tion to the top of the tank, you will encounter vacuum
pipe out to a tank, it would be a good idea to place a issues and will need to install a vent pipe teed into the
new trap in the line in order to avoid drafts of outside line somewhere after the trap. Drain your tank at least
air. The trap can be outside the house prior to the tank once every 24 hours to avoid multiplying bacteria, and
or inside the house if there is space. How you proceed, don’t forget to use biodegradeable soap!

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178 The Carbon-Free Home

Concerns for colder climes. If you live in a very pile. In order for composting to happen, four condi-
cold climate, you may want to abandon this graywa- tions need to be met: 1) The compost material cannot
ter system during the winter, replacing the machine’s be frozen; 2) The compost material cannot be too
drain hose in the original septic drain and covering dry; 3) The microorganisms need oxygen; and 4) A
the hole to the outside with a piece of sheet metal or balanced diet of carbon and nitrogen is required.
wood until the thaw sets in (add a piece of insulation). Fortunately for us, the pathogens that could poten-
Running wash water into a barrel only for it to become tially contaminate the compost (from the addition
frozen stiff in an hour doesn’t accomplish much. There of fecal matter from a sick person) also are complex
are systems for dealing with graywater in cold climates organic molecules that make good eating, at least if
during winter, including greenhouses for passive solar you’re a microbe in a thermophilic (more than 105
heat and winter veggies, but they are much more exten- degrees F) compost pile. These potential pathogens are
sive than what is detailed here. Nevertheless, accessing unable to make it out of a functioning compost pile
graywater during the warm season can still be extremely alive.
useful and resourceful, but plan accordingly. As Joe Jenkins writes in his book, “Organic mate-
rial should be recycled by every person on the planet,
and recycling should be as normal as brushing teeth or
Humanure (Aerobic Decomposition) bathing.” It’s ironic that many home compost piles do
not reach a thermophilic temperature level of decom-
Author Joe Jenkins has been composting his family’s position because they lack the nitrogen-rich urine
feces and urine for three decades, using the final prod- and feces of a living breathing mammal. Instead, they
uct to grow great organic veggies. He does not have straggle along at lower temperatures, unable to make
some fancy $10,000 Scandinavian composter. He has it back into the garden in a timely matter. It’s almost
four plastic 5-gallon buckets, an indoor hand-built as if we’re supposed to throw our poop on the compost
collection toilet, and an outdoor compost bin. It does pile.
not smell indoors or out, and the energy saved by Fortunately, it’s not hard to do. Here is how Joe
recycling his own waste in this way over the decades describes it:
is enormous. No pumps are needed, no chemicals
are manufactured or applied, and there are no trucks Simple methods of collecting and compost-
required to haul away the stuff. Additionally, he has no ing humanure are sometimes called cartage
need to buy outside supplements for his garden. systems, as the manure is carried to the
Many such systems exist the world over, and creat- compost bin in waterproof vessels. People
ing and maintaining such a system at your own home who utilize such simple techniques for
is straightforward and requires little maintenance. We composting humanure simply take it for
are detailing the system that Mr. Jenkins outlines in the granted that humanure recycling is one of
third edition of his book, The Humanure Handbook. the regular and necessary responsibilities
for sustainable human life on this planet.
What Is Compost?* How it works is a model of simplicity.
Composting is the breaking down of complex organic One begins by depositing one’s organic
matter into simpler organic molecules. Leaves, straw, refuse (feces and urine) into a waterproof
food scraps, feces and urine, weeds, old cotton shirts, toilet receptacle with about a 5-gallon
grass, et cetera, all make great additions to the compost (20L) capacity. Food scraps should be

* We are speaking in this section about aerobic decomposition. For the details on anaerobic decomposition, see the following section on biogas.

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collected in a separate, covered receptacle During a cold winter, an outdoor pile

to prevent a fruit fly infestation. A 5-gallon of sawdust will freeze solid and should
toilet capacity is recommended because be covered or insulated in some manner.
a larger size would be too heavy to carry Otherwise, containers filled with sawdust
when full. If a full 5-gallon receptacle is stored in a basement will work as an alter-
still too heavy for someone to carry, it can native, as will peat moss and other cover
be emptied when only half full. materials stored indoors. A large, plastic
The contents of the toilet are always kept refuse container with wheels is great for
covered with a clean, organic cover mate- storing sawdust indoors during winter
rial such as rotted sawdust, peat moss, leaf months.
mold, rice hulls, or grass clippings, in order The system of using an organic cover
to prevent odors, absorb urine, and elimi- material in a toilet receptacle works well
nate any fly nuisance. Urine is deposited enough in preventing odors to allow the
into the same receptacle, and as the liquid toilet to be indoors, year round. In fact,
surface rises, more cover material is added a full toilet receptacle with adequate and
so that a clean layer of organic material appropriate cover material, and no lid, can
covers the toilet contents at all times. be set on the kitchen table without emit-
A lid is kept on the toilet receptacle ting unpleasant odors (take my word for
when not in use. The lid need not be it). An indoor sawdust toilet should be
airtight; a standard, hinged toilet seat is designed to be warm, cozy, pleasant, and as
quite suitable. This lid does not neces- comfortable as possible. A well-lit, private
sarily prevent odor from escaping, and room with a window, a standard toilet seat,
it does not necessarily prevent flies from a container of cover material and some
gaining access to the toilet contents. reading material will suffice.
Instead, the cover material does. The cover Full toilet receptacles are carried to the
material acts as an organic lid or a biofil- composting area and deposited into the
ter; the physical lid or toilet seat is used pile (not on top of it). You’ll know that a
primarily for convenience and aesthetics. receptacle is full enough to empty when
Therefore, the choice of organic cover you have to stand up to take a shit. Since
material is very important and a material the material must be moved from the toilet
that has some moisture content, such as room to an outdoor compost pile, the toilet
rotted sawdust, works well. This is not room should be handy to an outside door.
kiln-dried sawdust from a carpenter shop. If you are designing a humanure toilet in
It is sawdust from a sawmill where trees a new home, situate the toilet room near
are cut into boards. Such sawdust is both a door that allows direct access to the
moist and biologically active and makes a outside.
very effective biofilter. Kiln-dried sawdust It is best to dig a slight depression in
is too light and airy to be a 100 percent the top center of the compost pile in the
effective biofilter, unless partially rehy- outdoor compost bin, then deposit the
drated. Furthermore, kiln-dried sawdust fresh toilet material there, in order to keep
from woodworking shops may contain the incoming humanure in the hotter
hazardous chemical poisons if “pressure- center of the pile. This is easily achieved by
treated” lumber is being used there. raking aside the cover material on top of

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180 The Carbon-Free Home

the pile, depositing the toilet contents into Finally, always wash your hands after feed-
the resulting depression, then raking the ing the compost pile, after using the toilet,
cover material back over the fresh deposit. and before feeding yourself.
The area is then immediately covered with When first establishing such a toilet
additional clean, bulky, organic matter system, it’s a good idea to acquire at least
such as straw, leaves, or weeds, in order to four 5-gallon receptacles with lids, that are
eliminate odors and to trap air as the pile exactly the same, and more if you intend
is built. to compost for a large number of people.
The toilet receptacle is then thoroughly Use one under the toilet seat and the other
scrubbed with a small quantity of water, three, with lids, set aside in the toilet
which can be rainwater or graywater, and room, empty and waiting. When the first
biodegradable soap, if available or desired. becomes full, take it out of the toilet, put
A long-handled toilet brush works well for a lid on it, set it aside, and replace it with
this purpose. Often, a simple but thorough one of the empty ones. When the second
rinsing will be adequate. Rainwater or one fills, take it out, put the other lid on
wastewater is ideal for this purpose, as its it, set it aside, and replace it with the other
collection requires no electricity or tech- empty one. Now you have two full toilet
nology. The soiled water is then poured on receptacles, which can be emptied at your
the compost pile. leisure, while the third is in place and ready
It is imperative that the rinse water not to be used. This way, the time you spend
be allowed to pollute the environment. emptying compost is cut in half, because
The best way to avoid this is to put the it’s just as easy to carry two receptacles to
rinse water on the compost pile, as stated. the compost pile as one. Furthermore, you
Under no circumstances should the rinse potentially have a 20-gallon toilet capacity
water be flung aside nonchalantly. This at any one time instead of just 5 gallons.
can be a weak link in this simple huma- You may find that extra capacity to come in
nure recycling chain and it provides the very handy when inundated with visitors.
most likely opportunity for environmental Why should all the receptacles be exactly
contamination. Such contamination is easy the same? If you build a permanent toilet
to avoid through considerate, responsible cabinet, the top of the receptacle should
management of a closed system. Finally, protrude through the cabinet to contact
never use chlorine to rinse a compost the bottom of a standard toilet seat. This
receptacle. Chlorine is a chemical poison ensures that all organic material goes into
that is detrimental to the environment and the receptacle, not over its edge. Although
is totally unnecessary for use in any huma- this is not usually a problem, it can be with
nure recycling system. Simple soap and young children who may urinate over the
water is adequate. top of a receptacle when sitting on a toilet.
After rinsing or washing, the bucket is A good design will enable the receptacle
then replaced in the toilet area. The inside to fit tightly through the toilet cabinet. If
of the bucket should then be dusted with using plastic buckets for toilet receptacles,
sawdust, the bottom of the empty recep- remember that many are slightly different
tacle should be primed with a few inches of in height and diameter, so you should build
sawdust, and it’s once again ready for use. your toilet cabinet to fit one size bucket.

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Waste 181

You should have extra identical buckets aged and does not become thermophilic,
when backup capacity is needed to accom- the compost can simply be left to age for
modate large numbers of people. a couple of years before horticultural use.
The advantages of a humanure toilet In either case, a complete nutrient cycle is
system include low financial start-up cost maintained, unbroken.
in the creation of the facilities and low, A humanure toilet requires three compo-
or no energy consumption in its opera- nents: 1) the toilet receptacle; 2) cover
tion. Also, such a simple system, when the materials; and 3) a compost bin system.
refuse is thermophilically composted, has a The toilet will not work without all three of
low environmental cost as little or no tech- these components. The toilet itself is only
nology is required for the system’s opera- the collection stage of the process. Since
tion and the finished compost is as nice the composting takes place away from the
and benign a material as humanure can toilet, the compost bin system is impor-
ever hope to be. No composting facilities tant. Humanure toilets are technically
are necessary in or near one’s living space, not composting toilets as no composting
although the toilet can and should be inside takes place in the toilet, nor can compost-
one’s home and can be quite comfortably ing occur inside the toilet due to the small
designed and totally odor-free. Also, all mass of the material in the receptacle.
urine and fecal material is collected in the Humanure toilets are simply collection
toilet, as is all toilet paper. There is no need devices for bin composting. In a kitchen,
to segregate urine or paper when using a one may have a compost receptacle for
humanure toilet. food scraps. When recycling humanure,
No electricity is needed and no water is one uses a compost receptacle in the toilet
required except a small amount for clean- room. All of the collected organic materi-
ing purposes. One gallon of water can als are fed to microorganisms in a compost
clean two 5-gallon receptacles. It takes one bin system.
adult two weeks to fill two 5-gallon toilet 1) Use at least a double-chambered, above­
receptacles with humanure and urine, ground compost bin. A three-chambered bin
including cover material. This requires is recommended. Deposit in one chamber
1 gallon of cleaning water for every two for a period of time (e.g., a year, or until it
weeks of humanure toilet use as opposed fills), then switch to another for an equal
to the standard 10 gallons per person per period of time.
day used for even a low-flow toilet. 2) Deposit a good mix of organic mate-
The compost, if properly managed, will rial into the compost pile, including kitchen
heat sufficiently for sanitation to occur, scraps. It’s a good idea to put all of your
thereby making it useful for agricultural organic material into the same compost
purposes. The composting process is fast, bin. Pay no attention to those people who
i.e., the humanure is converted quickly— say that humanure compost should be
within a few days if not frozen—into an segregated from other compost. They are
inoffensive substance that will not attract people who do not compost humanure and
flies. In cold winter months the compost don’t know what they’re talking about.
may simply freeze until the spring thaw, 3) Always cover humanure deposits in the
then heat up. If the compost is unman- toilet with an organic cover material such as

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182 The Carbon-Free Home

sawdust, leaf mold, peat moss, rice hulls, mophilic microorganisms, it should be left
ground newsprint, finely shredded paper, to age or “season.” This part of the process
or what have you. Always cover fresh deposits allows for the final decomposition to take
on the compost pile with coarse cover materi- place, decomposition that may be domi-
als such as hay, weeds, straw, grass clippings, nated by fungi and macroorganisms such
leaves, or whatever is available. Make sure as earthworms and sow bugs. Therefore, a
that enough cover material is applied so good compost system will utilize at least
there is neither excess liquid buildup in the two composting bins, one to fill and leave
toilet nor offensive odors escaping either to age, and another to fill while the first is
the toilet or the compost pile. The trick to aging. A three-binned composting system
using cover material is quite simple: if it is even better, as the third bin provides a
smells bad or looks bad, cover it until it place to store cover materials and separates
does neither. the two active bins so there is no possible
4) Keep good access to the pile in order accidental transfer of fresh material to an
to rake the top somewhat flat, to apply aging bin.
bulky cover material when needed, to When composting humanure, fill one bin
allow air access to the pile, and to moni- first. Make sure the bottom of the bin has
tor the temperature of the pile. The advan- been slightly dished out like a bowl and the
tage of aerobic composting, as is typical excess dirt placed around the inside edges
of an aboveground pile, over relatively of the bin. Should there ever be an excess of
anaerobic composting typical of enclosed liquid in the compost bin, this simple tech-
composting toilets is that the aerobic nique will make sure it remains inside the
compost will generate higher tempera- bin. Start the compost pile by establishing a
tures, thereby ensuring a more rapid and thick layer of coarse and absorbent organic
complete destruction of potential human material on the bottom of the bin. This is
pathogens. called a “biological sponge.” Its purpose
The disadvantages of a collection system is to act as a leachate absorption barrier.
requiring the regular transporting of huma- The sponge may be an 18-inch or more
nure to a compost pile are obvious. They layer of hay, straw, grass clippings, leaves,
include the inconvenience of: 1) carrying and/or weeds. Place the first container of
the material to the compost pile; 2) keeping the humanure/cover material mix from
a supply of organic cover material available the toilet directly on the top center of the
and handy to the toilet; and 3) maintain- sponge. Cover immediately with more
ing and managing the compost pile itself. straw, hay, weeds, or leaves—the cover acts
If one can handle these simple tasks, then as a “biofilter” for odor prevention, and it
one need never worry about having a func- causes air to become trapped in the devel-
tioning, environmentally friendly toilet. oping compost pile, making physical turn-
It’s very important to understand that two ing of the pile for aeration unnecessary. A
factors are involved in destroying poten- standard bin size for a family of four with
tial pathogens in humanure. Along with an active garden is about 5 feet square and
heat, the time factor is important. Once 4 feet high (1.6 m2 × 1.3 m tall). Smaller
the organic material in a compost pile has bins may be necessary for smaller families
been heated by either mesophilic or ther- or for individuals. If the bin is too small,

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Waste 183

however, the compost will not develop Filling the first bin should take a year—
enough mass to heat up. that’s how long it takes us [Joe Jenkins and
Continue in this manner until the bin family], usually four, with a lot of visitors.
is full, which is quite likely to take a year We have used this system continuously for
when used by four adults, being sure 28 years (as of 2007), and every year at the
to add to this bin as much of the other summer solstice we start a new compost
organic material you produce as is prac- pile. During March, April, and May, the
tical. There is no need to have any other pile always looks like it is already full and
compost piles—one is enough for every- can’t take any more material, but it always
thing produced by the humans in your does. This is due to the constant shrink-
household. If you have small animals such age of the compost pile that takes place
as chickens or rabbits, their manure can go as summer approaches. When the pile is
into the same compost pile. finally completed, it is covered with a thick
You need do nothing special to prepare layer of straw, leaves, grass clippings, or
material for adding to the compost pile. other clean material (without weed seeds)
You do not need to chop up vegetables, for to insulate it and to act as a biofilter; then
example. Just chuck it all in there. Most it is left to age.
of the things compost educators tell you At this time, the second bin is started
cannot be composted can be composted in following the same procedure as the first—
a humanure compost pile (such as meats, starting with an empty bin and a biological
fats, oils, citrus fruits, animal mortalities, et sponge. When the second chamber is nearly
cetera). Add it all to the same compost pile. full (a year later), the first one can begin to
Anything smelly that may attract flies should be used for agricultural purposes. If you’re
be dug into the top center of the pile. Keep not comfortable using your compost for
a shovel or pitchfork handy for this purpose gardening purposes for whatever reason,
and use the tool only for the compost. Keep use it for flowers, trees, or berries.
a clean cover material over the compost at An active compost pile can accept a
all times and don’t let your compost pile huge amount of refuse, and even though
become shaped like a Matterhorn—keep it the pile may seem to be full, as soon as
somewhat flattened so nothing rolls off. you turn your back it will shrink down
When you have a sudden large quan- and leave room for more material. One
tity of cover material available, such as an common concern among neophyte huma-
influx of grass clippings when the lawn is nure composters is the pile looking like it’s
mowed, weeds from the garden, or leaves filling up too fast. More than likely, the
in the fall, place them in the center bin for compost pile will keep taking the material
storage and use them to cover humanure as you add it because the pile is continually
deposits as you need them. It is assumed shrinking, especially if it’s heating up. If,
that you do not use any poisonous chemi- for some reason, your compost pile does
cals on your lawn. If you do, bag the lawn suddenly fill up and you have nowhere to
clippings, take them to a toxic waste dump, deposit the compost material, then you will
and on the way, reflect upon the folly of simply have to start a new compost bin.
such behavior. Do not put poisoned grass Four wooden pallets on edge will make a
clippings in your compost pile. quick compost bin in an emergency. When

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184 The Carbon-Free Home

using pallets, however, be careful to stuff Like burning wood, the process of creating and
clean cover material around the outer burning biogas is a closed carbon cycle. Only as much
edges of the pile to prevent anything fall- carbon dioxide is released as was initially captured
ing through the slats. during the photosynthesis of the original plant matter
The system outlined above should not before it was eventually consumed and turned into
yield any compost until about two years after waste.
the process has started (one year to build the Certainly, if we are attempting to achieve indepen-
first pile and an additional year for it to age). dence from fossil fuels, using our waste to produce
However, after the initial two-year start-up the fuel to cook our food as well as the fertilizer for
period, an ample amount of compost will growing it is very appealing. Meaningful quantities
be available on an annual basis. of biogas can be made from humanure alone, but
Happy crappin’! not in sufficient quantities to provide the majority
of most households’ cooking needs. For this reason,
homes with some livestock are excellent candidates for
Humanure Toilet and Hacienda pursuing biogas production. The manure of a dozen
Project Time: Weekend. chickens or a few head of goat or sheep mixed with
Cost: Inexpensive; ($50–200). your home’s humanure could potentially be sufficient
Energy Saved: High. to supply all your home’s cooking fuel. Gas is a very
Ease of Use: Moderate. high-quality cooking fuel, far superior for on-demand
Maintenance Level: Moderate. cooking needs compared with a solar oven or wood-
Skill Levels: Carpentry: Moderate. fired stove. It also burns very cleanly, producing only
Materials: Rot-resistant posts, plywood, 1x material, water vapor and carbon dioxide (CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 +
nails, screws, roofing material, toilet seat, rain barrel 2H2O). The biodigestion process kills pathogens in all
(optional). types of manure but retains all of the other nutrients,
Tools: Saw, drill, hammer, post-hole digger. such as nitrogen, that make for a great, organic fertil-
For instructions, see figures 9.2 and 9.3. izer. It is an amazing symbiosis.
If your home does have some livestock, consider
building the following bench-scale biodigester to learn
Biogas (Anaerobic Decomposition) the fundamentals of biogas production and to get an
estimate of the potential quantity of gas that could be
The other on-site method of turning human waste produced. For all biodigesters
into a resource is through anaerobic decomposition.
Anaerobic means “without oxygen,” and anaerobic • The slurry (mix of water and organic matter) must
decomposition is what happens when organic mate- be kept warm, typically around 95 degrees F.
rial is broken down underwater. When done properly, • The slurry needs to be 6–8 percent organic
anaerobic decomposition of animal wastes mixed with matter.
plant matter will be dominated by methanogenic bacte- • The carbon: nitrogen ratio needs to be between
ria. The main by-products from this decomposition 25 and 35:1.
are methane gas, carbon dioxide, and an inert slurry of • Any carbon-rich matter needs to be shredded or
simple organic solids. As it happens, methane is flam- macerated so as not to clog pipes and pumps.
mable and is one of the finest cooking fuels known, • The effluent needs to be passed through a
and the inert organic solids make fabulous garden secondary biologically active filter such as a
fertilizer once the digestion process is complete. mulch bed.

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Waste 185

Fig. 9.2. How to Build a $25 Humanure Toilet. From Joseph C. Jenkins, The Humanure Handbook

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186 The Carbon-Free Home

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Waste 187

Fig. 9.3. How to Build a Humanure Hacienda. From Joseph C. Jenkins, The Humanure Handbook

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188 The Carbon-Free Home

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Waste 189

Peak Phosphorus into the nearest stream and eventually dumped at

the bottom of the ocean, that phosphorus is no
Phosphorus is one of three macronutrients longer available. Industrial agriculture has created
required by all plant life. Phosphorus is highly the need for raw phosphorus, as well as the prob-
reactive and is typically found bound up in phos- lem of its scarcity, neither of which previously
phates residing in inorganic rock. Since industrial existed. Fortunately, the solution is easy: return
agriculture is not a closed loop where nutrients “waste” products to the nutrient cycle where they
can be recycled, it depends on continued inputs belong.
from outside sources. Phosphorus is one of the
most important of these inputs, one for which World Rock Phosphate Production
there is no substitute. As such, limitations in its 180

availability have the potential to severely limit


Millions of metric tons rock phosphate


worldwide food production. Worldwide phos- 120

phorus production appears to have peaked in 100

1989. 80

Unlike oil, phosphorus can be recycled. The easi- 60

est and least energy-intensive method of recycling 40

phosphorus is by returning the composted waste 20

of the animal that ate the crop along with any crop 0
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

residue back to the soil where the plant came from.
This cycle could potentially be continued indefi- Fig. 9.4. Compiled from Patrick Déry’s work. Read an excellent summary of his paper at www.energy
nitely. Obviously, if that waste is instead flushed bulletin.net/33164.html.

Bench-Scale Biogas Digester Tools: Hacksaw, drill, caulking gun, jigsaw, 12-inch
Renter friendly. straight ruler.
Project Time: Afternoon. Caution: Biogas is potentially explosive as well as flam-
Cost: Low; around $50. mable. Please be extremely careful and read up as much
Energy Saved: Low. Can potentially be scaled up to as possible on this subject before proceeding. Generally, the
produce large quantities of biogas. pressures and volumes in a home-scale biodigester are low
Ease of Use: Moderate. Requires attention while in and the explosive potential is small, especially with the
operation. Bench-Scale Biodigester, but care should still be taken.
Maintenance Level: N/A. Working outside during the summer months is recom-
Skill Levels: Carpentry: Basic. Plumbing: Basic. mended for this project.
Materials: Styrofoam cooler, 1-gallon clear plastic Sanitation is also very important when dealing with any
bottle with gas-tight removable top, aquarium heater, manures, but especially humanure. Maintaining a clean
quarter-inch clear vinyl flexible tubing, tube shut- worksite and washing your hands frequently are general
offs, quarter-inch PVC sheet, 12-inch or so length requirements to prevent the potential spread of disease.
of 4-inch PVC pipe, 8-inch or so length of 3-inch Feedstock. Biogas production can vary greatly
PVC, PVC glue, silicone, manure, biogas starter (see depending on the feedstock. If you have access to lots
below), balloon, Bunsen burner or gas stove. of potential feedstock material and are considering

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190 The Carbon-Free Home

Fig. 9.5. Bench-scale digester. Courtesy Robert Crosby/Biorealis, Inc.

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Waste 191

Fig. 9.6. Bench-scale digester. Courtesy Robert Crosby/Biorealis, Inc.

whether it’s worthwhile to build a full-scale digester, Cut three half-inch strips of the quarter-inch PVC
then building a bench-scale digester to quantify biogas sheet and glue these with PVC glue, evenly spaced, to
production will be worthwhile. Figures 9.5 and 9.6 the interior of the 4-inch PVC pipe so that they stick
are diagrams for building a test digester created by out several inches above the top (so the strips will be
Bob Crosby of Biorealis Systems. You can get a rough about 16 inches long).
idea of biogas production by using Bob’s interactive Trace an outline of the outer dimension of the 4-
Biogas Calculator at his Web site (http://biorealis. inch PVC onto the PVC sheet and cut out with the
com/wwwroot/digester_revised.html). jigsaw (use a fine-toothed metal blade). Glue this cap
The setup. Figures 9.5 and 9.6 show the basic setup onto the 4-inch PVC pipe using the PVC glue.
for the pilot digester. The digestion takes place in a clear Once the glue is dry, drill a pilot hole for the vinyl
plastic bottle set in a water bath in a Styrofoam cooler. tubing into the cap of the 4-inch PVC pipe. Use hose
An aquarium heater keeps the water at 95 degrees F. clamps to insert a shutoff in the tubing. Insert the free
Once gas production begins, the gas is piped over to end of the vinyl tubing into the cap at least an inch or
the gas collector, an inverted 3-inch PVC pipe (OD = so and silicone.
3½ inches) in a 4-inch PVC pipe. Water creates a seal, Trace an outline of the outer dimension of the 3-
and quarter-inch strips of sheet PVC are used to guide inch PVC onto the PVC sheet and cut this out with
the inverted 3-inch PVC as it rises from gas collection. the jigsaw. Glue this cap onto the 3-inch PVC pipe.
This gas can then be released by directing it to a larger Once the glue is dry, drill a pilot hole for the vinyl
storage mechanism (such as a balloon, inner tube, or tubing into the 3-inch PVC top. Use hose clamps to
larger inverted drum setup) or burned directly. The insert a shutoff into this tubing, then insert a new
purpose of the initial gas collector is to measure the length of vinyl tubing and silicone.
volume of the gas. All you need now is a starter and some feedstock.
Assembling the digester. Drill a pilot hole for the vinyl Remember that you’re shooting for a combination of
tubing in the plastic bottle you’ll be using for the digester. feedstock with a C:N ratio near 30:1.
Insert the tube an inch or so and silicone around it. Obtaining starter material. To make sure you have

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192 The Carbon-Free Home

Table 9.2 Nitrogen Content and C:N ratio of Various Organic Matter
Measuring output. One way to measure gas output
Material C:N Ratio is to measure how high the 3-inch PVC pipe rises
Human feces 10 above the water level using a 12-inch ruler. Release
Human urine 1:1 the secondary storage (or flare it off ), and then repeat.
Chicken manure 12 You’ll probably have to do this more than once per day
Sheep manure 15 after the gas really gets going, but this depends on the
Goat manure 17 lengths of your PVC pipes. At peak production, your
Pig manure 14 digester can produce up to three times its volume in
Horse manure 28 a single day. Multiply the height difference in inches
Cow manure 21 and multiply times the cross-sectional area of the 3-
Animal blood 3.5 inch PVC (pi × r2 = 7.065 inches) to get volume. This
Grass clippings 20 method is labor-intensive, and Bob has been devel-
Kitchen waste 20 oping other automated systems that would be much
Clover 25 simpler. For a fuller discussion of this bench-scale
Leaves 60 digester, you should definitely visit the Biorealis Web
Sawdust 200 site and see what Bob has cooking these days.
Cardboard, shredded 350 To make sure you’re getting flammable biogas,
Newspaper, shredded 200 you should definitely try burning your gas (this is
why you’re going to all this trouble, right?). Use your
Both aerobic and anaerobic decomposition performs best biogas to heat up some water and make a glass of
with a carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the stock material in the tea or coffee, and contemplate the wonder of it all.
range of 25–35:1. Fortunately the range is fairly broad, so
exactness is not required. By knowing the general C:N ratio If you want to get an accurate measurement of the
and applying materials in the approximately correct propor- energy content of the biogas content you are produc-
tions based on the weight of the material, you can keep the ing (which would allow you to retroactively assess the
decomposition process humming along.
proportions of biogas to CO2), you can use the biogas
to heat up 1 pound of water. Each degree Farenheit
plenty of methanogenic bacteria, you’ll need some the water goes up roughly corresponds to 1 Btu. Some
starter material. This can be obtained from a fresh knowledge of the efficiency of your stove is required
cowpat or other animal manure. Take some manure for this method. A typical gas burner might only be
from the middle of the pie and place it in a jar of 50 percent efficient
warm water, filling as close to the top as possible to Determining methane content can be tricky, involv-
eliminate as much air as possible. The more starter you ing passing the gas through a liquid that takes the
add, the quicker you’ll start getting methane. A 50:50 CO2 out of the mix, called a CO2 scrubber. If your
feedstock-to-starter ratio will potentially produce gas gas burns, it’s at least 60 percent methane, although it
in just a few days. Lesser amounts of starter might take could be higher, so you can make a conservative esti-
upwards of a month to begin production, if at all. With mate based on this (1 ft3 methane = 1,000 Btus, so 1
less starter, care must be taken to buffer the sample cubic foot biogas = 600 Btus typically).
with some baking soda to make it more basic so that Diagnosing problems. If your biodigester isn’t
the acidogenic bacteria do not overpopulate and kill off producing methane, it is most likely that the metha-
the methanogenic bacteria. Runaway acidogenic bacte- nogenic bacteria never became established and instead
ria production will result in only CO2 production and acid-loving bacteria have proliferated. To check, you
no methane. With less starter, mostly CO2 production can remove the top of your digester and stick a piece of
at the beginning of gas production is inevitable. litmus paper or a pH meter in. You can also prevent or

CFH final pgs.indd 192 5/2/08 3:11:37 PM

Waste 193

mitigate against this happening by adding a buffer to Internet

the initial mix. (Warning: don’t try this with anything The Internet is loaded with free graywater plumbing
larger than this small bench-scale test digester. Opening diagrams and information on how to get started.
a digester can be dangerous.) If you get a pH reading Of particular note are Arizona’s and California’s
below 6, chances are your biogas experiment was a graywater guides. www.watercasa.org
flop. Try again with more starter or with starter from /publications/Graywater_Guidelines.pdf 
a different source. and www.owue.water.ca.gov/docs/graywater
Appropedia. A collection of appropriate-technology
Resources information set up as a wiki that anyone can add
to. Look for information on a variety of subjects
Books and help this great site develop. www.appropedia
UN Food and Agriculture Organization. 2007. .org/Graywater
Biogas, volumes 1 and 2. Warren, MI: Knowledge Biorealis. Bob Crosby’s Web site. Tons of information
Publications. Reprints of thorough FAO on Bob’s biodigester setup, biodigester Web
instructions on building a biodigester from the forum, experiments, et cetera. The place to start
1970s. if you’re thinking about building one. 
Jenkins, Joseph C. 2005. Humanure Handbook, 3rd www.biorealis.com
Edition. Grove City, PA: Jenkins Publishing. Lift Humanure Handbook. Joseph Jenkin’s Web site.
up the toilet seat and take a detailed look at a Tons of great crap here, including an online
truly fascinating subject. humanure forum with such interesting topics as
Ludwig, Art. 2007. The New Create an Oasis with large-scale event composting and neighborhood
Graywater. Santa Barbara, CA: Oasis Design. If composting. www.josephjenkins.com/books
you’re considering recycling all of your water, this _humanure.html
book is a must-read before you get started. Oasis Design. Loads of information. www.graywater.net
Woelfle-Erskine, Cleo, July Oskar Cole, and Laura
Allen, eds. 2007. Dam Nation: Dispatches from
the Water Underground. New York: Soft Skull.

1. Cloern, J., E. Duffy, and T. Krantz. 2007.
“Eutrophication.” Encyclopedia of Earth, ed. Cutler
J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental
Information Coalition, National Council for Science
and the Environment).

CFH final pgs.indd 193 5/2/08 3:11:37 PM

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