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Astro Magick Essentials

by Frater Akenu

Moon ...............................................................................................................6
Planetary days.......................................................................................................7
Chaldean sequence...............................................................................................8
First Magick number........................................................................................9
Saturn's Magick square..................................................................................10
Calculating the Magickal numbers................................................................12
Jupiter's square...............................................................................................13
Mars' square...................................................................................................15
Sun's Magick square......................................................................................16
Venus' square.................................................................................................19
Mercury's square............................................................................................20
Moon's square................................................................................................22
Planetary hours...................................................................................................23
Creating a signature of the spirit........................................................................25
First contact with the spirit.................................................................................29
When planetary hours are needed .....................................................................30
Sacred Chamber Ritual.......................................................................................30
Magician's name ................................................................................................31
Meaning behind the name .............................................................................31
Living the life ...............................................................................................31
You are who you believe you are ..................................................................31
How to obtain your Magickal name .............................................................32
Simple method of self-invocation .................................................................32
General Astro Magick ritual ..............................................................................33
Black mirror creation..........................................................................................35
What is a black mirror...................................................................................35
What do I need to create my own black mirror?...........................................35
Another alternative is the Cagliostro's mirror:..............................................36
Fluid condenser..............................................................................................36
Charging the black mirror..................................................................................36

First scrying evocation: Anael............................................................................37
Who is Anael..................................................................................................37
First scrying evocation...................................................................................37
Evocation of a specific spirit into the mirror .....................................................38

Astro Magick is a beautiful medieval/renaissance art, using simple
astrology as its set of correspondences and symbolism. Many beautiful
talismans, amulets and Magick squares have spawn from this art, unfortunately
the way of the creation of these is nearly forgotten.
Let me break one more oath of silence, let me once again speak out
loud, let me tell you how those talismans and squares were created, let me share
and teach essentials of Astro Magick. Essentials you might know from printed
tables but you never knew how to create them on your own. Let me tell you
why the number of Saturn is 15, let me tell you how to calculate it and how to
calculate the whole square. This is the essence of Astro Magick.

Image 1: Heptagon

There are 7 planets in Astro Magick, these are planets of a so called
Chaldean sequence. We will learn more about this sequence later, for now let's
talk about basic area of influence of these planets.

First planet we will speak about is Moon, also called Luna. Luna is
commonly associated with Mother Goddess in paganism and references a
motherly love and everything feminine. Moon Magick is related to fertility,
protection and divination. Metal of the Moon is silver, color is white.

Mars is the god of war, symbol of masculinity, of challenges and of
victory. Mars Magick is a combat Magick, Magick to attack and conquer,
Magick to hurt and wound but in terms of offense being the best defense it is
also a Magick of protection. Metal of Mars is iron, resembling weapons from
iron or steel, color is red.

Mercury, the messenger of God, the fastest of them, Mercury is a
master of communication and of information, Magick of Mercury is for
channeling and information gathering, occult symbols are also considered as
Mercurial for their information value, for that reason Mercury can also be used
for divination, dream recall, memory improvement, anything associated with
the mental sphere. Mercury is a hybrid so it contains all colors of the rainbow.

Jupiter, the ruler of gods. Jupiterian Magick is associated with wealth,
riches, gain, cooperation, simply with business. Jupiter's metal is tin, its color is

Venus is associated with femininity, beauty, relationships (both

friendly and intimate), love, sexuality. Metal of Venus is copper, color is green.

Saturn is The Judge, he ends things whether they are good and bad,
usually by introducing the opposite to the process. He is very judgmental and
doesn't hold any sides, his solely purpose is to bring justice. Saturnian Magick
is very powerful but also very dangerous, a Magician should think twice before
using Saturnian forces, be always sure that in the end you are really not part of
the problem after all before you try to call Saturn to solve it, the solution could
be your punishment. Metal of Saturn is lead, color is black.

Sun is The Father, it is associated with authority, pride, success, but not
with spoon-feeding as in case of the Moon. Motherly love is without exceptions
but fatherly figure expects something in return. Sun Magick can teach you how
to solve your own problems instead of blindly over-protecting you, giving you
the highest gifts of all, the experience. Color of Sun is yellow or orange, metal
is gold.

Planetary days
There are 7 planets and 7 days in the week, each planet is associated
with one day. It is important to memorize this association so later we can derive
the Chaldean sequence from it. Chaldean sequence is crucial for calculating
planets' numbers and Magick squares. You could consider this memorization as
a hard one, but you will see that with a following cheat it's a piece of cake.
Let's start with Monday, Monday (Moon's day) is associated with a
Moon, from now on you will know this so there is no need for remembering.
Next one is Friday. Usually during Friday nights youngsters are going outside to
have fun, Friday (Freya's day) is associated with Venus. Saturday (Saturn's day)
is associated with Saturn and Sunday is associated with Sun. Now only three
days are missing.
Wednesday is in the middle of the work week, that's why it is
associated with Mercury, the one in the middle. Mercury has both male and
female qualities and is associated with all colors of rainbow, that's why he is in
the middle, that's why he is associated with Wednesday.

I don't have any hacks for following days, at least not without the prior
knowledge of Norse mythology, so just remember that Tuesday belongs to Mars
and Thursday is the day of Jupiter, these are basically only two planetary days
you really have to remember.
Day Planet
Monday Moon
Tuesday Mars
Wednesday Mercury
Thursday Jupiter
Friday Venus
Saturday Saturn
Sunday Sun
Table 1: Planetary days

Chaldean sequence
We have already talked about basic meanings of planets in Astro
Magick and also their relation to the days. Planetary days are a way that
Scandinavians, Germans and Celts used, for some strange reason it is also a
way how to derive the Chaldean sequence, the sequence of planets in the order
as used by Chaldeans, Chaldean Magick is currently considered one of the
oldest Astro Magickal concepts in the world. Chaldean sequence will allow us
to gain planetary numbers and recreate Magick squares. This way you will find
out that these are not just random numbers, but they indeed do have their
meanings. But before that happens, we need the sequence.
To gain the Chaldean sequence, we will draw a heptagram (star with 7
points) and on each point we will place one planet. We will start with Moon on
the top, then we will follow the line to the right and there we will place the next
planet, Mars. Then we will again follow the lines and place there Mercury,
Jupiter... simply the rest of planets in the week's order. Then if we go in the
clockwise circle around the heptagram (not following the lines, but following
the circle), we will get the Chaldean sequence.

Image 2: Heptagram with Chaldean sequence

If we started from Moon, then Chaldean sequence is Moon, Saturn,

Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus and Mercury. If we started from Saturn (which
we will have to do anyway), it would be Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus,
Mercury, Moon. Starting from Saturn is important for deriving a number of
rows and columns for Magick squares and their associated Magick numbers.

First Magick number

Each planet has 3 Magick numbers. First Magick number is the
number of rows and columns a Magick square has to have, minimum number is
3 (you cannot make a Magick square with 2 rows and columns). So starting
with Saturn, Magick numbers are as follows:

Planet First number
Saturn 3
Jupiter 4
Mars 5
Sun 6
Venus 7
Mercury 8
Moon 9
Table 2: First planetary Magick numbers

As we have said, we need the first Magick number to find out how
many columns and rows should the planetary square have. So the Saturn square
has 3 columns and 3 rows, Jupiter square has 4 rows and 4 columns, etc.
Magic square is a square where each line, column or diagonal line
contains numbers which sum is same for all lines, columns and diagonal lines,
this sum is another Magick number of the planet, more about it later.

Saturn's Magick square

For the first square we will use a Siamese method of creation. Siamese
method is good for every odd numbered square (with odd number of columns
and rows). Even numbered squares are a bit harder to create, but nothing we
could not do.
The Siamese method is to start in the top middle cell (top row, cell in
the middle) with the first number (1), then you continue going up and to the
right, filling each cell with the next number in the sequence. If there is no row
above your current row, you go to the bottom row and if there is no columns on
the right of your column, you go to the first column. If the next cell in the
sequence is already occupied, you go one row down.

Creation of the Saturn's Magick Square

Table 3: First number placed

Table 4: Second number added

Remember, we have to go one up and one to the right, because there

was no row to move to, we went to the bottom row. For the next number we
will have to go to the first column (the left one), then we will have to go one
row down because next cell in the sequence is occupied by number 1. By using
this method we will get a following Magick square:
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
Table 5: Saturn's Magick square
Now that we have a finished Magick square let's talk about two
remaining Magick numbers. First number can be derived by adding all numbers
in the square together (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1), which in this case is 45 (second
Magick number). We will get the third and final Magick number if we divide
the second number by the number of rows (3). 45 divided by 3 is 15, so in this
case sum of each row, columns or diagonal should be 15. Let's try it:
8 + 1 + 6 = 15
3 + 5 + 7 = 15
4 + 9 + 2 = 15

Those were the rows, now let's calculate the columns:
8 + 3 + 4 = 15
1 + 5 + 9 = 15
6 + 7 + 2 = 15

Now we have calculated the rows and columns, there is just one thing
left to verify our desired outcome, the sum of diagonals:
8 + 5 + 2 = 15
4 + 5 + 6 = 15

So our square truly is a Magick square. But a square you can

traditionally find looks a bit differently. It looks like this:

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
Table 6: Traditional Magick square of Saturn

If you look closely, you will find out that the traditional square also
uses Siamese method, but a bit different variation, it starts in the bottom row
and then goes one row down instead of up for each iteration. Important part is
that the sum of the whole square is the second Magick number and the sum of
each row, column or diagonal is the third Magick number. For each Magick
square I will show my way and the traditional variation and compare them to
show you the differences. If you choose to use my variation or the traditional
one, is up to you.

Calculating the Magickal numbers

Adding all numbers in the square can be quite troublesome, so let me
show you a bit faster way.

If we multiply the number of rows by the number of columns, we will
get the number of cells (e. g. 3 x 3 = 9), that means there will be numbers 1 – 9.
If we sum the lowest and highest number (1+9), multiply it by the
count of numbers in the whole square (9) and divide it by 2 (always 2), we will
get the second Magick number.
(1+9)*9/2 = 45. Now all we need to do is to divide by the number of
rows to get the third Magick number, 15.

Jupiter's square
First Magick number of Jupiter is 4, that means there will be 16
numbers. By using our formula (1+16)*16/2 we can find out that second
Magick number is 136, dividing by 4 (number of rows) gives as third Magickal
number 34.
Odd numbered squares are a bit worse (and easier at the same time)
than even numbered squares, Jupiter has an even numbered square dividable by
4, which means we can use the palindromic method.
First of all we will prepare two squares with the sequence of numbers
(second one will be reversed).

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
Table 7: First table for Jupiter square

16 15 14 13
12 11 10 9
8 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
Table 8: Reversed table for Jupiter square

Now that we have our two tables, it's time to put them together into the Magick
square, for that we need a palindromic pattern, this is called a cross
palindromic square:
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
Table 9: Cross palindromic square

Now we can start meshing our tables together. Where there is 1 in the
palindrome, we will use number from the first table. Where there is 0, we will
use number from the reversed table.

1 15 14 4
12 6 7 9
8 10 11 5
13 3 2 16
Table 10: Finished square of Jupiter

Sum of each row, columns or diagonal should be 34, let's check it:
• 1+15+14+4=34
• 12+6+7+9=34
• 8+10+11+5=34
• 13+3+2+16=34
• 1+12+8+13=34
• 15+6+10+3=34
• 14+7+11+2=34
• 4+9+5+16=34

• 1+6+11+16=34
• 13+10+7+4=34
As you can see, this method words nicely (all methods I am going to
show you work as intended).

4 14 15 1
9 7 6 12
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13
Table 11: Traditional Jupiter's square
Traditional square is once again different. You can see that the same
palindromic method was used, just the first square started from the right and not
from the left as in my case, this change affected the reversed square as well.

Mars' square
First number: 5
Second number: 325
Third number: 65
Using Siamese method:
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
Table 12: Mars' Magick square

11 24 7 20 3
4 12 25 8 16
17 5 13 21 9
10 18 1 14 22
23 6 19 2 15
Table 13: Traditional square of Mars
In the traditional square of Mars a Siamese method is still used, but
now we are starting at the second row from the bottom, going down and right as
in case of traditional square for Saturn and each time we find filled cell, we go
2 cells down instead of 1.

Sun's Magick square

First number: 6
Second number: (1+36)*36/2 = 666
Third number: 111

Now, we cannot use the palindrome method because 6 is not dividable

by 4. We can cheat and turn our even numbered square into odd numbered by
the LUX method. Now I am not going to explain the whole method because we
don't need it for this book, let's just take a look at the following cheat-sheet
Table 14: LUX table cheat-sheet for Sun's square

You can notice the table contains letters L and U and has 3 rows and 3
columns. It contains two lines of L and one line of U, with two middle cells
being switched in second and third row.
Each letter represents 4 numbers, the way how to write down these

numbers is as follows:
If the letter is L, you start first number in the upper right corner, second
goes to the lower left corner, third goes to the lower right corner and the last
one goes to the upper left corner, this makes a pattern that partially resembles
the L letter.
If the letter is U, you start in the upper left corner, then you go to the
lower left corner, then lower right corner and finally upper right corner. This
pattern fully resembles the U letter.

To simplify the understand of the LUX method, here is a graphical

depiction for simple understanding:

Image 3: LUX method

Now that our table is transformed into odd table, we can use the
Siamese method:

4 1
2 3

Table 15: Siamese method, first step for Sun's square

4 1
2 3

5 8
6 7
Table 16: Siamese method: Second step for the Sun's square

32 29 4 1 24 21
30 31 2 3 22 23
12 9 17 20 28 25
10 11 18 19 26 27
13 16 36 33 5 8
14 15 34 35 6 7
Table 17: Finished Sun's square using Siamese and LUX methods

Sum of each row, column or diagonal is 111, which means this is a

Magick square.

6 32 3 34 35 1
7 11 27 28 8 30
19 14 16 15 23 24
18 20 22 21 17 13
25 29 10 9 26 12
36 5 33 4 2 31
Table 18: Traditional square of Sun

You can see that my square and the traditional square are completely
different. They both are Magick squares of Sun, it's just that I still wasn't able to
figure out what method was used to calculate this square, it's the only square
where I don't have any clue, sorry for the inconvenience.

Venus' square
First number: 7
Second number: 1225
Third number: 175

30 39 48 1 10 19 28
38 47 7 9 18 27 29
46 6 8 17 26 35 37
5 14 16 25 34 36 45
13 15 24 33 42 44 4
21 23 32 41 43 3 12
22 31 40 49 2 11 20
Table 19: Venus' square created by Siamese method

22 47 16 41 10 35 4
5 23 48 17 42 11 29
30 6 24 49 18 36 12
13 31 7 25 43 19 37
38 14 32 1 26 44 20
21 39 8 33 2 27 45
46 15 40 9 34 3 28
Table 20: Traditional Venus' square created with a variation of Siamese method

Mercury's square
First number: 8
Second number: 2080
Third number: 260
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Table 21: Palindromic table for Mercury

1 2 62 61 60 59 7 8
9 10 54 53 52 51 15 16
48 47 19 20 21 22 42 41
40 39 27 28 29 30 34 33
32 31 35 36 37 38 26 25
24 23 43 44 45 46 18 17
49 50 14 13 12 11 55 56
57 58 6 5 4 3 63 64
Table 22: Finished square of Mercury

8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1
49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56
41 23 22 44 45 19 18 48
32 34 35 29 28 38 39 25
40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33
17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24
9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16
64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57
Table 23: Traditional square of Mercury
You can notice that the author of the original square once again started
in the top right corner and wrote to the left, instead of starting in the left upper
corner and going to the right, but there is another strange thing, some numbers
do not match. The reason is that the author has also used a different palindrome.
You can use any palindromic transformation table and the result will still be a
Magick square, just for a completion reason, here is a palindrome used by the
original author:

1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
Table 24: Original palindromic table for Mercury's Magick square

So, why did the author used this palindrome instead of the one I am
using? Mine is easier, right? Not really, our author was probably too
comfortable, so he just used Jupiter's palindromic table 4 times like a tile, if you
take closer look, you will see this:
Jupiter Jupiter
Palindrome Palindrome
Jupiter Jupiter
Palindrome Palindrome
Table 25: Jupiter's palindrome tiled into Mercury's palindrome

Moon's square
First number: 9
Second number: 3321
Third number: 369

So, we have finally got to the last square, fortunately it will be quick,
after all it's the odd numbered square and we already know that for the odd
numbered squares there is the Siamese method.

47 58 69 80 1 12 23 34 45
57 68 79 9 11 22 33 44 46
67 78 8 10 21 32 43 54 56
77 7 18 20 31 42 53 55 66
6 17 19 30 41 52 63 65 76
16 27 29 40 51 62 64 75 5
26 28 39 50 61 72 74 4 15
36 38 49 60 71 73 3 14 25
37 48 59 70 81 2 13 24 35
Table 26: Moon's square: Siamese method

37 78 29 70 21 62 13 54 5
6 38 79 30 71 22 63 14 46
47 7 39 80 31 72 23 55 15
16 48 8 40 81 32 64 24 56
57 17 49 9 41 73 33 65 25
26 58 18 50 1 42 74 34 66
67 27 59 10 51 2 43 75 35
36 68 19 60 11 52 3 44 76
77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45
Table 27: Traditional square of Moon: Siamese method, a bit different rules

Planetary hours
Some Astro Magicians use planetary hours for the planet related work.
Once again most of them don't know how the derive the planetary hours table,
stealing a grimoire from such a person is like stealing all the Magick from
them, so let's take a look how to derive the table.
Each day has 12 day hours and 12 night hours, each day starts with the
first hour being the hour of the day (e.g. Moon on Monday), the rest of the

hours of1101 the day are just the Chaldean sequence, so e.g. the second daily
hour of Monday will be Saturn, etc.
Hour Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursd Friday Saturda Sunday
day ay y
1 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
2 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
3 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
4 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
5 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
6 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
7 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
8 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
9 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
10 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
141 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
12 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
1(night) Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
2 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
3 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
4 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
5 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
6 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
7 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
8 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
9 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
10 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
11 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
12 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
Table 28: Planetary hours

Common work with planetary hours is as follows, first planetary hour
starts with the sunrise and last ends with the sunset. Night hours are from the
sunset to sunrise.
Now let's say that sunrise starts at 7:10 AM and sunset is at 5:10 PM.
That means the day is 10 hours long. So if we take the number of hours of the
day, multiply it by 60 to get the amount of minutes, then we can divide it by 12
to find out how long one planetary hour is. 10*60 is 600, division by 12 gives
us result 50, that means each planetary hour of the day is 50 minutes long. So
on Monday first planetary hour (Moon) starts at 7:10 and ends at 8:00, second
starts at 8:00 and ends at 8:50, etc. Now for the night hours, night will be longer
(14) hours, which will give us 70 minutes for each hour.
Some people prefer a simple system of calculation, where first hour
starts at 6 AM and last hour of the day ends at 6 PM, no matter what external
conditions are. That means that night hours would be from 6 PM to 6 AM.
I personally prefer not to count with planetary hours. If I need an extra
punch, I will do the bidding during the sunrise, when the planet of the day is
most influential.

Creating a signature of the spirit.

To create a signature of a spirit, you firstly have to transform letters of
its name into numbers. This is usual in Hebrew, but why to put Hebrew where
Hebrew isn't?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Table 29: Letter transformation table

We can use the table above to transform the name of a spirit into a
sequence of numbers. Let's use Posmiol, my example from previous book
named Magickal book. Posmiol was a Venusian spirit suited for searching for

long lost friends. We will use the table above to translate Posmiol's name into
numbers and then we will use the Venus square to gain the signature (this is a
method used by Agrippa).
Posmiol (P=7,O=6,S=1,M=4,I=9,O=6,L=3). By using the table above
we got a following sequence of numbers for Posmiol: 7,6,1,4,9,6,3.
Posmiol was depicted as a Venusian spirit, so we will use the square of
Venus for the signature. We will start with a circle at number 7, then we will
draw a line to number 6, from 6 to 1 and this way we will continue up to
number 3 where we will make the ending dash, this is a method standardly used
by Agrippa and many others.

Image 4: Posmiol signature from Venus square

There are of course more ways how to transform letters into numbers,
going from simple A=1, B=2, up to the various English versions of Hebrew
Gematria, a very simple version of English Gematria can be obtained e.g. from
this method:

Letter Value
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10
K 20
L 30
M 40
N 50
O 60
P 70
Q 80
R 90
S 100
T 200
U 300
V 400
W 500
X 600
Y 700
Z 800
Table 30: Simple English Gematria

In case you use this table and you run into numbers too big for a
square you are working with, simply reduce zeros in the number, till it matches.
So 800 becomes 80 and if it is still not enough, then it becomes 8.
If we used this table for our signature of Posmiol, it would look like
Greatest number in the Venus square is 49, so we have to shorten all
numbers greater than 49:

Image 5: Posmiol's signature: second version

Quick note about the gematric table: As I have said, the idea
originally comes from Hebrew and there are many versions of Gematria for
English, one I am using is the most similar to the numerology table we used
before. Notice that if you omit all zeros, then numbers match between the

Gematria and the original numerology table, other systems are based on
ordering the alphabet based on the Hebrew and then associate with the numbers
as we did in our table, it looks more Hebrew, but less logical for Latin alphabet.

First contact with the spirit

So, we have our pantacle, there is a signature of the spirit on the front
side and a Magick square on back (we can use a paper and cut out the signature
before drawing the square on the other side).

1. Position the pantacle vertically at the height of your eyes (you

can strap it on the wall), the signature should be facing you.

2. Sit comfortably few feet from the pantacle, gazing at it. During
this process you should be able to clear your mind of any side thoughts. Simply
if some thought appears, just admit its existence and regain focus on the

3. After 20 minutes of doing so, close your eyes and passively

observe what comes in, do so for 20 minutes, then write down your notes and
repeat the whole process one more time.

During this process you will get a lot of useful insights regarding the
spirit and working with it. You can also find out whether the spirit wants to
make contact with you or not (a vision of an obstacle might appear). If you do
this exercise with one and the same spirit every day for one week, you will
notice your visions are more vivid and more descriptive every day you do so,
that's the sign of beginning more accustomed to the said entity. It can also
happen that this spirit will give you a new signature for you to use, if that's the
case then draw the new signature as soon as you can and use it from now on to
contact the spirit.

When planetary hours are needed
We have already said that I am not a big fan of planetary hours, the
Magick itself is much stronger when we perform it at the sunrise on the day of a
selected planet, so what are hours good for?
There are times when you cannot afford to wait for a specific day,
there might be some illness, health issues, dangerous situations, and you have to
deal with them as soon as possible. In that case waiting for 7 hours is still bad,
but not as bad as waiting a full week as you would have to do in the case of
planetary days.
It is also good to mention when to use the calculation of hours based
on sunrise and sunset and when to stick with the 6AM to 6PM scenario.
Sunrise to sunset will always pack more power, but there are times
when we simply don't know, we don't have time to look for the information,
when we do not have a suitable equipment for it. When that's the case, then we
are free to stick with the 6AM to 6PM. Or we ca simply always use it, therefore
accommodating to this method better and earning a stronger punch for your use
than when switching between these two methods.

Sacred Chamber Ritual

1. Stand still and take few deep breaths. Visualize about 1ft wide orb of
white light about 1 or 2 feet above your head.
2. Point at the orb with your index finger and say: "Crown above my head,
3. Visualize a ray of the white light descending through your body down to
the core of Earth while guiding it with your index finger.
4. Say: "Kingdom under my feet, Malkuth".
5. Open your arms like you are welcoming someone and during opening
your arms, visualize the ray of the light becoming thicker and thicker till
it covers the whole room or space around you. During this say "Through
the worlds".
6. When you are finished, standing with your hands wide open, say "Back
to the Adam Kadmon".

Magician's name
Many of you might have heard about a Magician's name or Magickal
name. Is it something important? What does it really mean?

Meaning behind the name

There is this old belief that if we know the real name of some entity,
we can control it. There are many myths coming from Egypt where people
found real name of their deities and forced these deities to give them
immortality, so in that case a knowledge of the name meant power.
But what would be the use of one's Magickal name? Magickal name is
the name of the Higher Self, that part of you responsible for Magick. Knowing
the name of your Higher Self refers to the ability to control the HS. But it also
has a much more pragmatic use.

Living the life

We are humans with all advantages and disadvantages of being such
way. Sometimes we lie, sometimes we don't even know what we want, most of
the time we have to do things we hate. Most of the time we are short-sighted
about our wishes.
Try to think, what would happen if anything we wished for would
instantly manifest? Individual things would be great, but most of the time the
result would turn against us. For this reason we need a split between mundane
and metaphysical, material and spiritual, life and Magick.
Using the Magician's name allows us to make a split between the two,
giving us a better ability to control whether we wish to use Magick or not. But
there are also more advantages

You are who you believe you are

Magickal name isn't just the symbol without meaning. The name refers
to The Magician. The Magician is a person who knows Magick, who lives it.
Magician will always know what to do, Magician will never panic, Magician
will never lose the control. Name of the HS leads to the HS and for that can be

used for a sort of a self/invocation. During self/invocation you temporarily
obtain qualities of your ideal Magickal Self. This includes unhuman
concentration, clear mind, calm reactions, amazing imagination, increased
ability to visualize and also much better spiritual authority (in terms of

How to obtain your Magickal name

You can always try some order claiming they will reveal your
Magickal name, but well, it's hard to find authenticity in the modern world. So
you can always scry Your name for yourself. Deep meditation, affirmations
before dreams or even automatic writing can help you reveal your name. You
can also use the method used for creating new words in Ouranian Barbarian,

Simple method of self-invocation

Let's say you have already scried your Magickal name and you are
preparing for a ritual. After the Sacred Chamber Ritual you are ready to go for a
self/invocation, switching from your mundane to your Magickal Self. Close
your eyes and repeat following words (accompanied with the best visualization
you are able of):

It's the time for a switch, there is no need for a human in this operation,
man's heart just stands in the path, animal mind just drags me away. It's
the time to die and it's the time to be reborn.
I walk the path in the shadows of the valley of dead. There is no grass,
there is no life. How dark and silent is this place.
I walk the path that leads to just one place... Sound of my steps gets
thicker and thicker as I approach the Abyss. With each step my
uncertainty raises, with each steps my heart cries more and more.
Choronzon sits on the edge of the Abyss, his red flaming eyes shine to
the darkness that is holding my heart. He smiles, his maniacal laugh
means he was waiting for me for this whole time. My heart nearly stops
as I am getting closer.
There is another pair of eyes watching me, right behind the Abyss, eyes

that are clean, without any emotion, with a lack of sympathy, these are
not eyes of the human. I know the being staring at me, I tremble in fear
of His power, I tremble in fear of His knowledge. Choronzon is just a
shade, personification of Abyss. Nothing is real, just Him.
As I stand on the edge, right next to the Choronzon, I feel no fear of the
demon, I am still staring at the eyes of Him, the perfection of me, [your
Magickal name here].
Just one more step and the fall. It feels like I am falling for eternity, as if
there never was any beginning, as if there is no end of this madness. I
keep falling and falling down the deep black hole, voices and screams
deafening my ears, there is nothing to see, only the sense of falling and
the tongue of insanity to be heard.
Then I stand on the edge of the Abyss, I returned back, as someone else.
Those distant memories of being a human are tasteless, there is no
emotion needed to know, there is no real life in the illusion. I am not a
human, anymore.
Spirits of Light and spirits of Darkness, hear my voice and do as I say.
Come here to this place and do my Will. I possess the powers of Life and
of Death, I control winds and fire, I am the beginning and I am the
ending, everything that comes to this world comes through me. I. Am.
[your Magickal name here].

There are more ways of achieving the state of mind you will have after
this operation, you might also want to modify this incantation a little bit. Feel
free to do so and enjoy its effects.

General Astro Magick ritual

For a general ritual you will need a couple of chairs (or a bench),
planetary square and few candles.
1. place the chairs behind your back, these are meant for visiting spirits. no
matter what you hear or see during the ritual, don't turn back, these
chairs must be behind you the whole time.
2. place the planetary square in the front of you so you can see it the whole

3. Light all the candle you want to use for the environment lighting except
one, place the unused candle right next to the square.
4. Do the Sacred Chamber ritual (page 30) and self-invocation (page 32)
we have mentioned before, then use your hand to draw a circle around
your workplace (and around the chairs, as well), turn clockwise during
the drawing if you live on northern hemisphere, counter-clockwise if
you live on southern hemisphere, after returning to the initial position
when closing the circle you are not allowed to turn back anymore. you
can also walk around the circle a couple of times instead of using your
hand for the drawing.
5. Relax, breathe deeply and gaze at the square, experience the power of
the moment.
6. After a couple of minutes say: "Spirits of [planet name], I [your
Magickal name], summon you to this place, be my guests and take a
seat, be my audience for this ritual. Spirits of [planet name], I summon
you, come here and do my bidding."
7. Light the last remaining candle, this will represent the presence of
8. Once again take a break and relax, feel the atmosphere, close your eyes
if you will, dive into the moment, feel as the air gets thicker, don't look
back at any cost, let your nervousness to build up.
9. Speak to the spirits you have summoned, tell them your demands, tell
them what you want from them and what they are supposed to do.
10. Make a pause again, just like before feel the moment. After that you are
ready for the license to depart.
11. "Spirits of [planet], thank you for participating in this ritual. Now you
can return to your places, bring no harm to me or those I love and do my
bidding the way I requested. I, [your Magickal name], am releasing
you, you can go."
12. Put off the candle representing the spirits, now the ritual is finished and
you are free to turn around again.

Black mirror creation

What is a black mirror

Black mirror is a divination tool used for scrying. It can be used for
telling future, seeing past, distant places, performing invocations and
evocations, distant healing or reality manipulation.
Maybe the first scrying mirror used was the surface of a running water
(e.g. a river). Later a black bowl filled with water was used, black reflective
surface maximizing the effectiveness of the mirror.
Water was later replaced with a glass, which was called a solid water
and many people believed it has the same spiritual qualities as the water.

What do I need to create my own black mirror?

• picture frame (round ones look better but it really doesn't matter)
• black mat spray paint

1. Remove the glass from the picture frame and spray paint it black on one
side. Make sure the surface of the paint is regular and there are no weak
spots, it must be consistent.
2. After the paint dried, return the glass back to the frame, painted side
should be on the bottom. This makes a nice reflective surface on the top.
You can also avoid painting the bottom side of the glass by putting black
colored paper inside the frame, but the painted glass looks better.

We already named the river's surface and black bowl filled with water.
These are two alternatives for the black mirror described here.

Another alternative is the Cagliostro's mirror:
-crystal glass is filled with water and a candle is place behind it so the
flame is visible through the surface of the glass. You then gaze into the flame to
obtain visions. This alternative is good because it doesn't require much charging
for the mirror to be functional but generally solid mirror is better for
transportation and is ready to use anytime when it's charged. Cagliostro's mirror
or any water based mirror must be prepared and charged before the operation,
wasting the precious times and it also tends to become annoying over time.

Fluid condenser
Many people use Magickal fluid condensers, which simplify charging
and makes it more stable (mirror without condenser discharges faster over time
of not being used). Condensers are usually solid (egdust of gold and silver
mixed together) or there are fluid based condensers made from the mixture of
herbs. This one is usually applied on a piece of paper hidden within the mirror.

Charging the black mirror

Now it's time to charge our mirror. The mirror, just like any Magickal
tool, must be "yours", it must become a part of your Self. First part of this
process is hidden in the creation of the mirror, tools you craft with your own
hands have a much bigger sentimental value then things you simply buy and
more time you spend with crafting and decorating your items, more valuable
these items will be for you.
1. Put your mirror in the front of yourself, you can be sitting, standing, the
mirror can be on the table, floor, simply anywhere. My personal
approach is to sit down and place the mirror on my lap, that makes me
more sentimental for me.
2. Now it's time to let your mirror absorb your magnetic and
electromagnetic fluids. Place your right hand just closely above the
mirror, waving over the mirror as if you were petting its surface (don't
touch the surface, have your hand just above it). Don't make the
movement regular, use different patterns, speed, play with it as if you
were touching your lover, be kind and gentle.
3. Do the "mirror petting procedure" for about 5 minutes, then switch your

hands and repeat the process for another 5 minutes with your left hand.
After you are finished you can put the mirror away, wrap it in clothes or
whatever method of storing the mirror that you have chosen.
4. This procedure should be repeated every day for at least a week before
you use the mirror for the first time. Also remember, more often you
charge the mirror, more powerful tool it becomes.
Some of you might find it a bit problematic to hold your hand above
the surface for 5 minutes, if your mirror has a thick frame, you can use it to
support your hand to ease the pain, but this shouldn't be the concern as you are
supposed to train your body, as well, Magician with a weak body has a weak
Magick, as well.

First scrying evocation: Anael

Who is Anael
Anael is one of angels of Venus. He is associated with the Fire element
and he is called the messenger of God. Anael's field of work are visions,
messages, predictions, simply contact with the divine. That's also why Anael
should be the first one to be evoked through a black mirror.

First scrying evocation

Prepare your incantation. Make sure you call Anael a couple of times
and you ask him to bless the mirror to give you messages through him.

Mirror should be placed in an angle so you can see a reflection of your

face (scrying bowls and crystal balls do not have this requirement). Your
environment should be completely dark except two candles placed on the sides
of the mirror. Play around with the position of the candles, your reflection in the
mirror should be neither too sharp nor too vague. The reason is that your mind
needs some reference point in the mirror to start with but having too sharp
reflection will beat the idea and too vague image won't give you the sense of
depth needed to successfully operate the mirror.
Choose some point on the reflection and observe it, repeat your

incantation a couple of times out loud, then silently as well. You will feel your
vision getting blurry and distorted. Usual reflex is to re-focus to gain back the
sharp image, but you have to avoid this process so the lucidity can kick in.
If you manage to observe passively without refocusing the image will
start looking sharp again but the appearing face will be completely different
from your own, hopefully that will be Anael. Then proceed as we have learned
before in the chapter describing basic format of the rituals.

Evocation of a specific spirit into the mirror

For the following ritual you will need a pre-charged black mirror, two
candles and two copies of one pantacle. place one of the pantacles under the
black mirror and the second one on a place where you can stare at it.
Perform the Sacred Chamber ritual and the self-invocation as
mentioned before, then cast the circle (mirror should be inside the circle if it is
placed on the table, bigger black mirror on the wall can be outside the circle,
but in that case you have to hold two long candles in your hands).
Execute the procedure we have mentioned in the section called First
contact with spirit (page 29), after you are finished, gaze at your reflection in
the mirror and say:

[Spirit name], mighty spirit of [planet], I, [your Magickal name],

summon you to this place into this mirror. You, with powers of (describe powers
of the spirit and as much information as you can remember), come to this place.
[Spirit name] I command you through your pantacle, I command you through
your planet [planet name] and its square. Appear before me. [Spirit name] you
are being called.

Basic list of spirits

Now I am giving you the basic list of spirits you can use for your
workings. This list comes from the qabbalistic astronomy.

Planet Highest angel Planetary spirit Lowest angel
Saturn Zaphkiel Aratron Cassiel
Jupiter Zadkiel Betor Tachiel
Mars Samael Phaleg Samael
Sun Michael Och Michael
Venus Haniel Haegit Anael
Mercury Raphael Ophiel Raphael
Luna Gabriel Phul Gabriel
Table 31: Planetary spirits


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