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Gelombang energi konverter dan dampaknya

terhadap sistem tenaga
Henk Polinder, Anggota, IEEE , dan Mattia Scuotto

konsekuensi dari energi gelombang untuk sistem kekuasaan akan segera

dibahas. Akhirnya, beberapa kesimpulan akan ditarik.
Abstrak -Tujuan karya ini adalah untuk memberikan
Pengenalan ke laut gelombang energi konverter dan dampaknya
pada sistem kekuasaan. Potensi energi gelombang sangat besar. II. W AVE ENERGY
Ada banyak metode yang berbeda dan sistem untuk mengubah
kekuatan ini menjadi tenaga listrik, seperti tray kolom air, A. sejarah
berengsel kontur perangkat sebagai Pelamis, overtopping
Paten pertamanya untuk gelombang energi eksploitasi tanggal kembali ke 1799
perangkat sebagai naga gelombang dan gelombang Archimedes (Girard & anak, Perancis) dan perangkat energi diaktifkan gelombang yang pertama,
ayunan. Karakteristik utama dari Konverter energi gelombang ini pengisian diri navigasi cahaya pelampung (Masuda, Jepang), dirancang dan dikomersialisasikan di
dibahas. Banyak penelitian, pengembangan dan pekerjaan
engineering diperlukan untuk mengembangkan sistem
eksperimental ke pembangkit listrik yang dapat diandalkan dan tahun 1960-an.

hemat biaya. Berbagai macam sistem membuatnya sulit untuk Sains dan rekayasa konversi energi gelombang, yang didasarkan pada metode
variasi besar hal-hal
output umum tentang
daya adalah kualitas
masalah daya.
yang Namun,
umum. Apakah ini penelitian yang sesuai dan teori, mulai terutama setelah tahun 1973, seperti krisis minyak
dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan peternakan gelombang didorong ke depan eksploitasi semua kemungkinan alternatif bentuk energi.
harus diselidiki lebih lanjut.

Indeks istilah-Energi gelombang Ocean, konversi energi gelombang, Karena kelimpahan sumber daya di kawasan Atlantik Utara, beberapa
energi terbarukan, tray kolom air, Archimedes Wave negara mulai program nasional mereka sendiri pada gelombang energi.
Ayunan, sistem tenaga listrik, kualitas daya Kekurangan minyak, yang memiliki dampak negatif pada bahan bakar dan
harga energi, kemudian memaksa penekanan diperkuat pada penghematan
I. SAYA energi kebijakan dan efisiensi konversi energi. Rupanya sebagai semacam efek
NTRODUCTION samping yang langsung, energik teknik sikap didirikan sebagai Jenderal aturan,

Dia tujuan karya ini adalah untuk memberikan suatu pendahuluan ke untuk diterapkan ke mana proses konversi energi. Di bidang energi terbarukan
gelombang energi konverter dan dampaknya terhadap sistem listrik.
ini ternyata menjadi suatu kesalahan, setidaknya sebagian, dan mungkin
menghambat perkembangan. Hanya setelah itu jelas dipahami bahwa, jika
bahan bakar adalah gratis, mencari efisiensi tinggi mungkin alamat
Energi gelombang laut merupakan sumber energi terbarukan dengan potensi besar yang pertama-pendekatan desain tetapi prioritas paling atas telah menjadi pencapaian
dapat berkontribusi pada meningkatnya permintaan di seluruh dunia untuk listrik. biaya terendah per kWh yang dihasilkan (analisa dampak lingkungan dan
Variabilitas yang tinggi tingkat atas pendek dan panjang skala waktu mencirikan isu-isu terkait melangkah kemudian).
bentuk terkonsentrasi energi surya. Energi yang terkait dengan permukaan laut
gelombang dapat diekstraksi melalui benar dirancang perangkat, menurut berbagai
prinsip-prinsip dan konsep-konsep berbeda yang berikut, dan dengan demikian
dikonversi ke listrik. Perhatian khusus harus dibayar untuk survivability dari sistem
selama ekstrim beban badai. Sebagai akibatnya, pencapaian keseimbangan yang
memuaskan efisiensi dan kehandalan dalam skema penyadapan energi gelombang efektif
menyebabkan tantangan rekayasa berat.

Pencarian untuk efisiensi maksimum ditandai juga desain

sebagian besar gelombang energi konverter yang pertama. Ini
sering dipimpin untuk adopsi mekanisme agak kompleks,
non-konvensional yang tidak cocok sekaligus persyaratan untuk
keandalan dan ketahanan dalam perspektif yang efektif pasar.
Karya ini dimulai dengan beberapa generalisasi tentang energi gelombang. Kebanyakan Konverter sama sekali terlalu mahal dan kehilangan
Berikutnya, berbagai jenis sistem konversi energi gelombang dan daya tarik mereka ketika pasar minyak kembali stabilitas.
contoh-contoh sistem dibahas. Selanjutnya,
Faktor-faktor non-teknis lain berkontribusi melemahnya meledak
awal antusiasme. Gelombang energi penelitian tidak pernah
datang untuk berhenti, tetapi beberapa proyek awal selamat
Proyek penelitian ini telah didukung oleh Marie Curie awal tahap
penelitian pelatihan persekutuan masyarakat Eropa keenam kerangka program
pada awal 1980-an. Pada skala yang entah bagaimana
di bawah kontrak nomor MRTN-CT-2004-505166, WAVETRAIN program. berkurang, program-program utama penelitian pergi, terutama di
beberapa negara Eropa. Kemajuan berhasil tetap menjadi cahaya
H. Polinder dan M. Scuotto yang dengan kelompok listrik daya pengolahan tepat potensi besar sumber daya. Energi gelombang akhirnya
Fakultas Teknik Elektro, matematika dan komputer ilmu dari Delft University menarik perhatian Komisi Eropa yang mulai
of Technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, Belanda (e-mail: h.polinder@
EWI.tudelft.nl, m.scuotto@ewi.tudelft.nl).

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th spektrum , yang biasanya memiliki untuk memperhitungkan energi kedua

program penelitian sendiri di bawah kerangka program 4 tahun
1994. Beberapa review dari karya R&D dan gelombang arah. Untuk setiap negara laut, karakteristik atau energi periode amplitudo
karakteristik dan dapat diidentifikasi. Dengan demikian tingkat rata-rata daya dapat
diproduksi sebagainya jauh topik yang diberikan oleh [3, 17, 18].
dikaitkan dengan negara laut. Gambar 1 menggambarkan peta dunia dengan gelombang
energi distribusi di seluruh dunia.
B. status saat ini
Di seluruh dunia permintaan untuk energi akan meningkat jauh dalam dekade
berikutnya. Pada saat yang sama, industri energi harus mengembangkan Berikat oleh
beberapa kendala yang baru, yaitu pembangunan dan rasa hormat bagi lingkungan. Laut karakteristik parameter juga digunakan untuk
Juga, dunia menghadapi, cepat atau lambat, non-reversible minyak
memprediksi pertunjukan, dalam hal output daya, gelombang
energi konverter. Desain apapun, mungkin beberapa parameter
bervariasi sampai

lagu perangkat untuk kondisi laut. Contoh
kecepatan lepas landas sistem listrik atau perlawanan yang dilakukan oleh bagian yang
Energi terbarukan dapat memainkan peran kunci dalam bergerak. Di beberapa perangkat, maksimum

usaha meruntuhkan emisi rumah kaca paling umum agen output energi adalah hasil ketika Konverter bekerja di resonansi
diproduksi oleh industri energi, karbon dioksida. Pasar dengan laut negara. Untuk melakukan itu, mereka alami
teknologi berkembang cepat. Eropa frekuensi harus disetel ke laut negara karakteristik periode. Kondisi laut lokal cenderung
sudah memimpin jalan di bidang energi angin, dengan ribuan MW listrik yang dipasang bervariasi secara perlahan, sehingga laut
di beberapa tahun terakhir. Energi angin lepas pantai, khususnya, adalah menangkap
perhatian pemerintah dan industri. Bidang ini dengan cepat memperluas tampaknya negara dapat dianggap terus di tempat, Stationary ,
berinteraksi secara positif dengan energi terbarukan beberapa laut dan gabungan selama beberapa jam. Kemudian,
pembangkit listrik lepas pantai untuk eksploitasi lebih set kondisi laut yang cocok
selama satu tahun di diberikan mewakili lokasi
iklim . Pengetahuan gelombang iklim fundamental bagi
Desain baik kinerja konverter. Yang optimal
sumber daya sekaligus telah dipertimbangkan. Menampilkan salah satu bentuk paling
kontrol perangkat resonan diperoleh dengan memvariasikan nya kekakuan
terkonsentrasi energi antara semua energi terbarukan, energi gelombang tampaknya
memiliki kesempatan yang bagus untuk pertumbuhan di tahun berikutnya. Hal ini untuk mencocokkan periode khas di setiap negara laut iklim yang diberikan. Jika itu tidak
tampaknya merupakan alternatif yang baik untuk Kepulauan, tidak hanya untuk produksi layak, metode pengendalian sub optimal mungkin dilaksanakan.
listrik, tetapi juga untuk desalinasi air: reverse osmosis membutuhkan tekanan tinggi yang
dapat disediakan oleh sistem langsung diaktifkan oleh gerakan gelombang pemompaan.
Selain gelombang, sumber daya energi terbarukan laut lainnya adalah mereka didasarkan Secara lokal, dari tahun ke tahun hanya variasi yang terbatas berlangsung dan,
pada eksploitasi pasang, sungai pasang surut, termal Kelautan dan salinitas konsentrasi akibatnya, tingkat daya gelombang rata-rata tahunan mungkin berhubungan dengan situs
gradien. geografis tertentu dengan dianggar. Di laut terbuka, variasi kecil juga terdaftar lebih dari
jarak seperti iklim gelombang yang mungkin akan diperluas menjadi mencirikan daerah
ratusan kilometer persegi. Data terkait diambil melalui pelampung Oseanografi, dibiarkan
di tempat untuk sejumlah tepat tahun berturut-turut. Iklim gelombang yang paling energik
yang ditemukan di laut terbuka dan mendalam. Namun, ini adalah juga yang paling sulit
untuk mengeksploitasi efisien karena biaya pemeliharaan perangkat dan persyaratan untuk
tambatan dan kabel submarine panjang yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan tanaman
Teknologi energi gelombang, dalam kebanyakan kasus, masih ke grid di daratan. Di sisi lain, iklim yang kurang energik dekat pantai dapat mengambil
memerlukan sejumlah besar pekerjaan R&D. Perspektif tampaknya saat ini manfaat dari konsentrasi energi gelombang oleh fenomena pembiasan dan Difraksi.
lebih terang daripada mereka tahun 1970an juga karena pengembangan Keseimbangan yang wajar, kondisi hampir optimal lokasi yang memperhitungkan di
teknologi paralel dan standardisasi daya elektronik (Konverter baru bisa setelah daya ketersediaan dan eksploitasi kelayakan, ia diwakili oleh situs beberapa
lebih murah dan lebih dapat diandalkan). Dalam dua puluh tahun terakhir, kilometer dari pantai dengan kedalaman air sekitar 50-100 meter. Seperti
peningkatan teknologi gelombang energi ditarik biaya per kWh yang
dihasilkan oleh satu urutan besarnya. Sejumlah pembangkit listrik
gelombang demonstratif dibangun sejauh (beberapa yang ukuran penuh).
Baru-baru ini, beberapa prototipe telah berhasil membuktikan teknologi di
mana mereka didasarkan dan mereka akan segera siap untuk beralih ke tahap pra-komersial.

C. gelombang dan gelombang iklim Lokasi mungkin masih merasa melindungi efek pantai, yang
harus mengurangi masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan gelombang directionality.
Angin yang dihasilkan gelombang gravitasi permukaan air memiliki kandungan
energi tertinggi dan berguna dan bentuk yang disebut Di pesisir Barat Eropa, di Atlantik Utara, lepas pantai situs menunjukkan
gelombang listrik tahunan rata-rata yang dapat dengan mudah melebihi 30-40
. Kinetik dan potensi energi yang terkait dengan kW/m dan mencapai 70 kW/m atau lebih di sisi utara Kepulauan British.
perjalanan gelombang air, keduanya dapat dimanfaatkan. Untuk
gelombang yang diberikan, kekuatan kira-kira sebanding dengan
Itu harus menunjukkan bahwa ada tidak ada perbandingan langsung antara daya yang
amplitudo kuadrat dan periode. Unit sering diadopsi untuk disadap dan ukuran perangkat. Perangkat yang lebih kecil mungkin
menunjukkan kekuatan gelombang adalah kW/m, kilowatt per
mengambil keuntungan dari apa yang disebut
meter panjang crest. Kondisi laut adalah hasil dari superposisi, titik absorber efek (teori
di lokasi dan waktu, sejumlah besar oleh Budal & Falnes dan Evans, [15]): bulat kecil
laut negara
Tray tubuh, diameter yang diabaikan dibandingkan dengan (-) panjang gelombang, dapat
berbeda gelombang dan disebut sebagai . Deskripsi menyerap energi yang terkandung dalam /2
laut negara dapat diberikan melalui gelombang sesuai › ›

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meter lebar gelombang crest. Mewakili nilai batas atas teoritis diberikan oleh pemodelan numerik, bahkan jika didukung oleh ketersediaan data yang
diperoleh sebelum penggunaan perangkat, mungkin masih menunjukkan ketidakpastian
tapi prinsip berlaku dan bahkan kecil Konverter dapat bebas-diabaikan. Keuntungan utama dari shoreline Konverter terletak pada pemasangan
menghasilkan sejumlah besar energi. Di satu sisi, karena batas perangkat, biaya pemeliharaan berkurang, lingkungan yang lebih aman dan persyaratan
untuk pendek kabel listrik. Shoreline gelombang
linier teori dan fakta bahwa perangkat sangat kecil tidak
biasanya memiliki frekuensi alami disetel dengan bagian
berguna dari spektrum, teknik tidak bisa mendorong terlalu jauh.
Di sisi lain, sebagai ukuran perangkat meningkat, manfaat dari perangkat energi biasanya diklasifikasikan sebagai generasi pertama
efek perlahan-lahan menghilang. perangkat [9]. Meskipun bersikap baik sebagai fasilitas eksperimental,
Perangkat energi gelombang dinilai kekuatan biasanya bervariasi dari beberapa puluhan kW
hingga 1-4 MW. Pemanfaatan faktor tergantung terutama pada iklim gelombang, dapat bervariasi
pengembangan kelas perangkat mungkin akan dihalangi oleh
dalam kisaran 0,15-0,35 dan cenderung lebih rendah pada perangkat yang lebih besar. kurangnya lokasi yang cocok dan dampak pada lanskap pesisir
dan lingkungan.
Dekat ke pantai perangkat: perangkat ini dianggap untuk
Hari studi [13] perkiraan di 290 GW jumlah tersedia penggunaan di sekitar 10-20 meter kedalaman air,
gelombang listrik (rata-rata tahunan) sepanjang pesisir Atlantik ratusan meter atau hingga beberapa kilometer dari pantai. Kedalaman air moderat cocok
untuk perangkat besar, bawah-berdiri. Pilihan untuk dekat Pantai dibuat dalam contoh
Eropa Barat, sementara sumber daya di dunia gelombang pertama untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang dijelaskan dari perangkat shoreline dan
berpotensi exploitasi harus dari 1 TW (Falnes, [14]). Selain ini menghindari moorings. Konverter dengan struktur tetap bawah laut yang dapat
lipat, perspektif gelombang energi berbasis dunia ini tidak mengeksploitasi gerakan gelombang secara penuh, kemampuan yang hilang ke
mengambang perangkat. Dekat pantai perangkat mewakili menarik kompromi. Masalah
realistis untuk beberapa alasan dan nilai-nilai saat ini utama terdiri dalam gelombang ekstrim beban besar tetap struktur harus menolak dan
dilaporkan bukti potensi sumber daya. biaya satu unit.

Lepas pantai perangkat: perangkat mengambang atau tenggelam dalam

perairan, berlabuh ke dasar laut, mewakili yang paling menjanjikan
kelas gelombang energi konverter. Perangkat ini dapat memanfaatkan potensi besar
gelombang laut (Lihat gambar 1). Di masa lalu, perkembangan mereka telah tertunda atau
berhenti karena teknologi yang terlibat tidak dapat diandalkan atau terlalu mahal.
Keandalan tinggi diperlukan untuk menghindari berlebihan biaya yang berhubungan
dengan pemeliharaan. Kekuatan gelombang badai laut paling kuat di laut terbuka mungkin
hingga 1MW m (tapi perangkat dinonaktifkan). Karena kekerasan ekstrem lingkungan
laut, survivabilitas merupakan masalah besar untuk perangkat ini, terutama bagi mereka
mengambang di permukaan laut. Tambat sistem harus dirancang dengan hati-hati karena
mereka tidak hanya menjaga perangkat di tempat dan/atau menghindari
menjungkirbalikkan tetapi biasanya berinteraksi dengan penyerapan energi gelombang.
Gambar 1: Buka laut gelombang energi distribusi, tingkat daya gelombang yang Beberapa perangkat lepas pantai yang disusun oleh dua atau lebih bagian bergerak relatif
dinyatakan dalam kW/m crest panjang. terhadap satu sama lain. Untuk menghasilkan tenaga, Konverter memiliki hanya untuk
bereaksi kepada dirinya sendiri dan sistem tambat pantas dapat mengubah respons
frekuensi perangkat. Kabel submarine lama listrik (mungkin DC) yang diperlukan untuk
pengiriman yang menghasilkan listrik ke jaringan di tanah adalah sumber kerugian yang
III. C LASSIFICATIONS DARI WAVE ENERGY CONVERTERS relevan. Ini tidak mungkin bahwa sebuah pembangkit listrik kecil lepas pantai beberapa
unit akan dibenarkan. Eksploitasi lepas pantai energi gelombang dapat menguntungkan
Berbeda dengan sebagian besar sumber energi lain, dengan pembangkit populer puluhan MW dan menghitung beberapa unit, dikerahkan
berbagai konsep untuk perangkat energi gelombang agak besar dalam array. Di laut terbuka, pembangkit listrik gelombang multi perangkat yang besar ini,
yang disebut
dan klasifikasi univocal hasil yang tidak pantas. Konverter
biasanya diklasifikasikan menurut posisi mereka berkaitan
dengan pantai atau prinsip konversi energi yang diadopsi.

A. klasifikasi menurut posisi

Shoreline perangkat: perangkat dapat ditempatkan di bawah laut di
air dangkal, terintegrasi dalam struktur seperti pemecah gelombang atau tetap
ke tebing berbatu. Pilihan untuk lokasi perangkat melakukan konversi energi
gelombang di perairan dangkal merupakan masalah besar. Iklim gelombang
sangat sensitif terhadap batimetri lokal dan pesisir geometri. Di beberapa
daerah ("hot spots"), kombinasi yang tepat dari perairan dangkal dan
laut-bottom konformasi dapat menyebabkan energi luar biasa berfokus (oleh
pembiasan, Difraksi, refleksi), dengan demikian kompensasi lingkungan jika peternakan gelombang

tidak lemah. Di situs lain pesisir, di sisi lain, fenomena dissipative mungkin , serius dapat mengganggu navigasi.
terjadi. Lebih lanjut, di air dangkal ombak besar dapat mematahkan dan
kehilangan energi sebelum mencapai perangkat. Dalam kondisi seperti itu, B. klasifikasi menurut prinsip
prediksi Klasifikasi lain perangkat energi gelombang, menurut
prinsip-prinsip konversi daya, disediakan oleh [2, 3].
Kolom air berosilasi (OWC) Kamar mana
tingkat air naik dan turun dengan ombak. Udara yang datang ke

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and going out of this chamber drives an air turbine. instead the air-flow from both sides. Usually OWCs’ air
Hinged contour devices consist of floaters that move with turbines are provided with geometric symmetry of rotor blades
respect to each other when waves pass. The device structure and guide vanes (if adopted) with respect to a cross-sectional
reacts upon itself. From the motion, energy is extracted. plane perpendicular to the shaft axis. Most full-size OWCs
Buoyant moored devices have a floater that is moved by the have been equipped with the Wells turbine [10, 11], of which
waves. Energy is extracted from this motion. The motion may several versions exist, with a peak power capability ranging
be up and down or around an axis. from about 500kW up to 1 MW when the respective diameter
Overtopping devices are water reservoirs which are filled sizes are of approximately 2 and 3.5 metres. In these turbines a
by waves via some kind of wave concentrator which increases considerable amount of kinetic energy can be stored, the
the wave height. The water leaves the reservoir via a water resulting flywheel effect smoothes the fluctuations of the power
turbine driving a generator. that is released into the grid. This makes the device more
acceptable to small grids, rather demanding in terms of power
C. Power take-off systems (PTO) quality, such as those of the small islands.
Besides previous classifications, in the wave to wire energy To overcome some innate problems of the Wells turbine,
conversion process also the power take-off system allows namely the aerodynamic stalling at high flow-rates, other
some sub-classification of the devices. Usually the power of the turbine types were proposed. Most common examples are the
waves is transferred to an auxiliary fluid (air, oil or water) in Dennis-Auld turbine (Energetech, Australia) and, most
which is induced a pressure difference. This fluid is an energy
commonly, the impulse turbine (proposed by McCormick in
vector that activates a mechanical PTO system, which drives a
1981). These machines have still to prove their claimed
variable speed power electronic generator. The resulting wave
superiority [8, 9]. Another improvement is represented by the
to wire chain is represented by the scheme:
variable-pitch Wells turbine [12].
waves ’ auxiliary fluid ’ PTO system ’ electricity. Highest peak pressures in an OWC, depending on chamber
There are alternatives to the scheme. Turbines directly size and turbine type, should vary usually in the range 1.1-1.3
activated by waves are being investigated ( Wave Rotor , by bars. A set of relief and/or throttle valves, if provided, may
EcoFys). Mechanical PTO can be omitted (AWS). prevent pressure and flow-rate from exceeding critical values,
which cause very high losses.
IV. EXAMPLES OF WAVE ENERGY CONVERTERS Because of the air chamber, the OWC requires a remarkably
Several combinations of principles and power-take-off large base structure (made of steel or, most commonly,
systems were investigated out of an almost limitless number. concrete). Most powerful pilot plants have cross- sectional areas
Here, a brief description of some of the most advanced at mid-water level in the range 100-400 m and 2

prototypes of wave energy converters currently under heights of 10-20 m. As a consequence, the cost of a single
development follows. The list does not claim any device is rather high. However, costs can be reduced by
completeness, for more details see [20]. integrating the device structure, for example, in a breakwater.
A unique characteristic of the OWC concept consists in the
A. Oscillating Water Column (OWC)
absence of moving mechanical parts in direct contact with
The OWC is by far the most investigated wave energy water. The absence of moving parts that must resist fatigue by
converter. It’s a half-submerged device whose concept dates repeated heavy loads represents clearly an advantage in terms
back to the 1970s. So far, a number of full-size pilot plant of device reliability. Two large on-shore OWCs are operative
were built in several different countries, either on-shore, near- in Europe, the Pico power plant (Azores, Portugal, 1999) and
shore (the Osprey, Scotland) or floating offshore (the so- called the Limpet (Islay, UK, 2000). Others were built in Norway,
Mighty Whale, Japan). The working principle is illustrated in India, Japan, Australia.
Figure 2. The incident waves act on the water column,
contained in the lower part of the capture chamber, through
the submerged entrance on the front side of the device. The
upper part of the chamber is filled with air. Inside the hollow
structure, the oscillatory motion of the water causes a
difference in air pressure with respect to the outside
atmosphere. In a duct connecting the air chamber with the
outside a turbine is located. The axial air-flow direction in the
duct reverses over short periods of time, with an average cycle
accomplished in an energy period (say, 7-15 seconds), driven
by the sign of the pressure difference. A special design is
required for the turbine, since it must be kept rotating always
in the same direction. This type of turbine is defined self-
rectifying, that is a turbomachine with the capability of
operating without a system of rectifying valves, accepting
Fig. 2: schematic cross-section of an on-shore OWC (Wavegen, UK).

B. Pelamis C. Wave Dragon

The Pelamis is produced by Ocean Power Delivery Ltd The Wave Dragon is an example of overtopping device. It is
(Scotland, UK), the device (Fig. 3) seems to be in quite an developed by Wave Dragon Aps/Spok Aps (Denmark). It is a
advanced stage of development. The Pelamis is a floating floating offshore converter (Fig. 4). The Wave Dragon has no
offshore hinged contour device. It features a long articulated moving parts (but the PTO system). By means of a reflector and
structure composed of four cylindrical bodies, in series, linked a ramp, the waves are channelled into a water reservoir, the
by hinged joints. The joints move under wave action, as the device main body, floating above the sea level. Via the reflector,
cylinders pitch and yaw. Resistance to the motion is provided wave energy focusing and conversion to potential energy takes
by inner hydraulic rams that pump high-pressure oil to activate place (but the point absorber effect is completely lost). By
hydraulic motors via smoothing accumulators. The motors storing this potential energy, the reservoir acts as a huge
drive an electrical generator. Joints stiffness can be regulated flywheel with remarkable smoothing effect on delivered power.
to tune the device to sea conditions. Device requirements for Reflector’s two half-submerged rigid walls, wide open towards
survivability leaded to the reduced cross- sectional frontal area the sea and as high as the filling level of the reservoir, form a
to limit drag forces. By proper moorings, the longitudinal axis short narrowing channel along which the height of the
is kept approximately parallel to waves direction. approaching waves is increased. These “arms” represent
probably the most fragile part of the device (the rest is well
known technology). The raising waves overtop the ramp at the
A full-size prototype was built and deployed in water end of the channel and fill the reservoir. The PTO system
(Orkney, UK) for testing. Its total length is 150 m and rated consists of a number of independent low-head water turbines,
power is 750 kW. Three of the four steel cylinders, whose outer some of which may be deactivated in the weakest wave climates.
diameter is 3.5 m, host inside independent power modules, each The water lets out the reservoir via ducts on the bottom in which
one rated 250 kW. The company claims the device has been the Kaplan turbines are located. Active turbines work tuned to
performing successful tests for several months. In August 2004 sea conditions in order to discharge the average amount of water
the Pelamis was connected to the grid and delivered first filled in by the waves during a lapse of time equal to the energy
electrical power. It represents a typical wave energy converter of period.
the last generation.
The Pelamis concept is not completely new, being × m, with a 28 m reflector
A prototype in scale 1:4.5 (58 33
somehow derived from some early experiences, such as the and reservoir of 55 m ) was deployed in 2003 at Nissum
Cockerell Raft (designed by Sir Christopher Cockerell, it Bredning (Denmark). It was equipped with a set of 7 turbines,
consisted of some pitching rafts linked in series with PTO at each rated 20kW and driving a separate PM generator. The
the hinges, in [16]) and the Duck. The famous Edinburgh or tests were successful. The Wave Dragon was connected to the
Nodding Duck , designed by S.Salter for the first time in 1974 grid and delivered power (2004). In the beginning of 2005 the
[21], was based on similar PTO concept. The Duck is an device was damaged in a storm (following moorings failure).
offshore floating device composed of several linked modules
(with a cam-like shaped cross-section) disposed in series along
the same rotational axis approximately perpendicular to wave
direction. Salter’s device taps both kinetic and potential energy,
hence it’s capable of very high efficiencies. Due to
non-conventional technology, the resulting (initially) high costs
hindered its development. Instead, for the Pelamis, the
manufacturer claims that almost all the technologies involved
in the design were already proved and available on the market.
A small wave farm of three units (2.25MW) is under
development and will be installed in Portugal.

Fig. 4: Wave Dragon. On top: front view of the device and the reflector
(Earth-Vision); on bottom: operating principle.

As for the Pelamis, the concept is not completely new. With

the Wave Dragon is taken offshore the idea behind the
Fig. 3: Photograph of the Pelamis at sea (Ocean Power Delivery Ldt). Tapchan. The Tapchan (the name stands for Tapered Channel,
by E. Mehulm and S. Furuholmen, in [16]), not exactly a

device, was built in Norway, Toftestallen, in 1985. The

reservoir was made out of a sort of small bay ( 8500
H m ) 2and
the collector was carved into a rocky cliff. After a successful
start, coastal site requirements severely limited further
developments and the program eventually stopped.
It can be said that the Wave Dragon is an artificial Tapchan.
The first full-size prototype will be rated 4MW (260 150 m and
16 turbines
× rated 250 kW).

D. Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS)

The Archimedes Wave Swing is developed by Teamwork
Technology (The Netherlands), it is a submerged offshore
device activated by the fluctuations of static pressure caused by
the surface waves (see Fig. 5), thus exploiting only their Fig. 5: Working principle of the Archimedes Wave Swing.
potential energy. Basically, the AWS is an air-filled cylindrical
steel chamber whose lid, called the floater, is a heaving body
while the bottom part is fixed. The active force that moves the
floater is given by the pressure difference acting on its top.
When the wave crest is above the AWS, the chamber volume
is reduced by the high water pressure. When the trough is
above, the floater heaves under the action of the chamber
pressure. The air within the chamber behaves like a spring
whose stiffness can be adjusted by pumping water in or out the
chamber (chamber volume changes). In the AWS, direct-drive
energy conversion takes place via a Permanent Magnet (PM)
Linear Synchronous generator [6]. This type of energy
conversion doesn’t allow energy storage. As a consequence the
output power exhibits poor quality.

The permanent magnets are located on a translator, fixed to

the floater, and the coils are on the stator part. PM machines are Fig 6: AWS pilot plant before submersion (2004). In the centre, the encaged
capable of rather high force densities. However, it is nearly device is fixed to the pontoon.
impossible to make the generator large enough to take all
possible forces generated by the waves. Therefore the AWS is
E. Other devices
provided with strong water dampers that could be activated in
case of very powerful sea conditions. Aqua BuOY: under development by Aqua Energy Group
Ltd (USA), it’s an example of buoyant moored device that make
Submerged devices in general are less vulnerable in storms specific use of the point absorber effect. Units will be of limited
and do not pollute landscapes but, laying just few meters below size (say, 4-5 metres in diameter), hence more reliable and
the surface, still interfere with navigation. cheap. The device is a heaving floating body that converts
A full-size AWS was built and deployed (May 2004) off the kinetic energy of vertical water motion into electricity via a hose
Portuguese coast (nearby Porto) in approximately 40 m water pump system. First experiences with power generating buoys,
depth. The cylinder was 9 m wide, 38 m high (max) with a dating back to the 1970s, were carried on by Budal and Falnes
stroke of 7 m, maximum floater speed was 2.2 m/s. The [16].
maximum peak force the generator could make was 1 MN and
rated power was 2 MW. The device was tested and it was In some cases, the exploitation of the point absorber effect
connected to the grid, delivering first power in October 2004. allowed improvements of older concepts. The Bristol
In this first version (Fig. 6), the cylinder was placed within a Cylinders (D. Evans, in [16]) was an early submerged device
steel cage fixed on a steel pontoon with four ballasts to be featuring long cylindrical bodies hinged to hydraulic pumps
which, in turn, were hinged to fixed points on sea bottom. The
filled with water. The resulting support structure was very cylinder axis was horizontal and the system of pumps was
large, expensive and uneasy to handle. It was built to keep the positioned in such a way that the resulting motion of the axis
first prototype safe in place allowing just the floater to heave, was constrained to a circular orbit. A Pelton turbine was
but it’s no fundamental requisite to the AWS principle. Future activated via the pumped water. The design of the Bristol
prototypes will be buoyant moored to the sea floor or have Cylinders was modified by replacing the cylinders with a set of
smaller concrete gravity foundations. Other current research smaller spheres (point absorbers) to save on materials
aims at improvements of the generator design and towards (Tecnomare, Italy, 1981) [19].
modular architecture in order to reduce maintenance costs.

V. IMPACT ON POWER SYSTEMS output power. In overtopping devices like the Wave Dragon,
the water reservoir has a strong smoothening effect.
A. Power quality However, in a system like the Archimedes Wave Swing, the
The electrical power system has to distribute electrical mechanical energy that the waves give to the floater is directly
power with a high power quality: the power must be delivered converted into electrical output power without energy buffering
with a fixed frequency and at a fixed voltage level and in a in the device. Therefore, this device might be expected to have
reliable way. With a limited number of large (thermal) power the largest power quality problems. Some typical waveforms are
stations and a transmission and distributions system, this can depicted in Fig. 7. Because the measurements were done during
be achieved rather well. These large power stations have well- the first tests, the tests were done in a careful and safe way, with
proven voltage control using reactive power variation and all the safety brakes on. Therefore, the tests reported here are
frequency control using active power variation. The power is with limited power, limited stroke and limited speed.
then transmitted via high voltage transmission lines and
distributed via medium and low voltage distribution systems
with good protection systems. The activation of these
protection systems is based on a power flow from the power
stations via the transmission lines to the distribution system.

With the increasing contribution of distributed generation

(among which form renewable sources), this becomes more
difficult because these systems
- mostly do not vary reactive power and therefore do not
contribute to voltage control;
- mostly deliver varying active power instead of
controllable active power and therefore disturb the
frequency control and cause voltage variations;
- may disconnect in case of grid faults, which may lead
to important loss of generation and disturb the power
- may change the power flow direction in the
distribution system if connected to the distribution
system, and therefore disturb the protection system.
For wind energy, these things are being investigated, and
several problems have been solved. Because of the similarities
between wind and wave energy, wave energy can profit from
this knowledge. Below, power quality related problems due to
wave energy are listed. Before commenting on power quality,
some generator systems are discussed, because of the impact of
these generator systems. Next, the problems for a single wave Fig. 7: Measured position, phase current and output power during the first tests
of the Archimedes Wave Swing.
energy conversion system are discussed. Then the problems for
large numbers of devices will be discussed.
C. Single wave energy converters
B. Generator systems A single wave energy converter will probably be connected
Because of the wide variety of wave energy converters and to the distribution system close to shore. Such a single wave
their grid connections, there are important differences between energy converter is not large enough to influence the voltage
different systems. Furthermore, because the systems are in an and frequency control of a large strong grid. However, there
early stage of development, it is too early for very detailed may be some local effects in the distribution system where the
studies. However, some trends can be identified. wave energy converter is connected, such as
In many devices, there are energy buffers in the devices that - harmonics;
smoothen the electrical output power compared to the - flicker;
mechanical input power. In oscillating water columns, the - performance during grid faults.
variable speed turbines are connected to rotating generators, If a power electronic converter is used for the grid
mostly via a gearbox. The relatively large inertia of the turbine connection, it probably produces harmonics. Mostly, there are
and the generator system makes the output power smooth grid requirements specifying that harmonics are below a certain
compared to the input power from the waves. It acts as a low value. Some filtering may be necessary. However, this is not a
pass filter for the power with a time constant of typically a few major issue, because filtering is a well-known technology.
seconds. In a hinged contour device as the Pelamis, the
hydraulic system contains an energy buffer that smoothes the If there is no energy buffer in the device, the power
delivered to the grid will vary with a frequency of around 0.2

Hz, twice the wave frequency (see Fig. 7 and Fig. 8). This will can be controlled. Especially in systems without energy buffer,
cause a variation of the voltage in the point of connection to this is difficult, because they depend on the incoming power
the grid. The magnitude of this variation depends on the strength from the waves. In a wave farm, it could be decided that the
of the grid; the weaker the grid, the larger the variations. These wave energy converters do not produce the maximum power
variations, called ‘flicker’ are very disturbing for the other they can so that the output power can be increased when the
customers connected to this connection point. This problem couldcontrol requires that. However, as appears from Fig. 9, even for
be solved in different ways: a large wave farm, the power variation may be so large that it is
difficult to realize this without loosing a lot of
- use a connection point with a strong grid (which may energy.
not be available), To be able to control the frequency of the grid even when
- use an energy buffer in the device (which is rather there are important uncontrolled variations of the power
expensive). delivered by a wave farm, it may be necessary to have a
If there is a short-circuit in the grid, the large short-circuit considerable amount of thermal power as back-up. This back- up
currents will activate the protection system and the short- is also necessary during heavy storms, when the systems are
circuit will be disconnected. In the rest of the grid, this will shut down to minimize the risk of damage.
been seen as a voltage dip. Wave energy converters with
power electronics mostly can not significantly contribute to
the fault currents to activate protection systems: they can not
deliver more than the rated current. Wind turbines connected
to the distribution system used to be disconnected from the
grid in case of grid faults as voltage dips or short-circuits.
However, with the increasing amount of wind power,
disconnecting all wind turbines led to a considerable loss of
production. Therefore, new grid regulations nowadays require
that wind turbines stay connected to the grid during grid Fig 8: Wave power available at one place as a function of time over 8 minutes
according to [16].
faults: wind turbines now need grid-fault-ride-through
capabilities. The same may be expected for wave power. For
variable speed systems with a full converter between the
generator and the grid, it is not a problem to stay connected.
For variable seed systems with a doubly fed induction
generator, special measures might be necessary, comparable to
the measures developed for wind turbines.

Fig. 9: Combined output power of 64 uncorrelated devices over 8 minutes

according to [16].
D. Large numbers of wave energy converters in farms
Large numbers of wave energy converters in wave farms
have to be connected to the grid via an offshore electrical VI. CONCLUSIONS
infrastructure and a suitable connection point to the on shore The potential of wave energy is very large. There are a lot
grid. Like wind farms, wave farms will not be connected to the of different methods and systems for converting this power into
distribution systems, but to the high voltage transmission electrical power. A lot of research, development and
system. In that case, the existing protection system is again engineering work is necessary to develop the experimental
suitable. Like wind farms, wave farms will have to be operated systems into reliable and cost-effective power stations. The
as power plants. This means that they have to contribute to wide variety of systems makes it difficult to say general things
voltage control by controlling reactive power generation and to about power quality. However, the large variations of output
frequency control by controlling active power generation. power are a common problem of the wave energy converters.
Whether this can be solved by using wave farms has to be
Most wave energy converters have variable speed investigated further.
generator systems, connected to the grid via power electronic
converters. Some converters can control the reactive power VII. REFERENCES
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