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The chemicals produced by the endocrine glands, it stimulated by central nervous system or
autonomic nervous system, also can influenced another cells or the cell itself, it circulated in
The endocrine system
The system in the body to produce hormone which have the function to regulate organs. The
system regulates the activities that require duration not speed and almost all of the activies were
aimed to maintance the homeostatic. Endocrine system is a control system of ductless glands
Positive and negative loop
Feedback system, positive loop (oxytocin hormones) were activated if the body increasing
hormones, negative loop (homeostatic process) was activated to maintace the adnormal level of
hormones it controls the hormones by decreasing it.
An organs or a groups of cell that realease substance waste from the body.
keeping the balance the function of the body.

Step 2
1. What are the function of endocrine system ?
2. What are components that involved in endocrine system ?
3. What are the classifications of hormones based on biochemistry structure ?
4. What are the kinds of hormone that secreted by glands in endocrine system ?
5. What are the differences between hormone and enzyme ?
6. How are the mechanism the storage, synthetic and release of hormone ?
7. What are the general functions of hormone ?
8. What are endocrine system disorders ?
9. Where is the anatomical position of hypothalamus ?
10. How the secretions of hormone is controlled by nervous system ?
11. What is lock and key phenomenon and how are the mechanism ?
12. How are the mechanism of feedback control ?
13. How the endocrine sytem regulates the homeostatic ?
14. What kinds of cell that’s being the target of hormone ?
15. How hormone regulate cellular activities in the target organ ?
16. What are the principle of hormone action ?
Step 3
1. What are the function of endocrine system ?
Consist of :
- Regulate nutrients metabolism, water, salt, and another electrolytes.
- Controlling reproduction
- Regulate red blood cell production
- Homeostatic by positive and negative loop
- Helps growth and development
- Responses of immunity

2. How the endocrine sytem regulates the homeostatic ?

By feedback mechnisme with poritive and negative loop.
Positive loop is like when breastfeeding.
Negative loop is like insulin hormone

3. What are components that involved in endocrine system ?

Glands, hormones, bloods, nervous system, target organ/cell, endocrine signaling,
Neuroendocrine signaling.

4. What are the kinds of hormone that secreted by glands in endocrine system and its
funtions ?
Hypothalamus  secreted CRH, TRH, GnRH, GHRH, PIF
Anterior hypophisis  secreted GH, TSH, ACTH
Hypophysis posterior  secreted ADH, oxytocins
Tiroid  secreted T4, T3, kalsitonin
Adrenal cortex  secreted kortisol and aldosteron
Adrenal medulla  nurepinefrin and epinefrin
Pancreas  insulin, glucagon
Paratiroid  PTH
Testis  testisteron
Ovarium  estrogen, progesterone
Tymus  tymosin
Liver  insulin, trobopoietin, heptidin
Kidneys  erythropoietin

5. What are endocrine system disorders ?

6. What are the classifications of hormones based on biochemistry structure ?

7. What are the general functions of hormone ?

1. Membedakan system saraf dan system reproduktif pada janin yang janin yang sudah
2. Menstimulasi perkembangan
3. Mengkoordinasi system reproduktif
4. Memelihara lingkungan internal
5. Melakukan respon korektif dan adaptif ketika situasi darurat
6. Meregulasi metabolism organic air dan keseimbangan elektrolit
7. Menginduksi perubahan adaptif, mwmbantu tubuh adaptasi saat keadaan stress
8. Membantu dlm pertumbuhan dan perkembangan
9. Mengkontrol reproduksi
10. Meregulasi produksi sel daah merah
11. Bekerjasa sama dg istem saraf otonom dlm mengkontrol dan mengintegrasi system
sirkulasi dan pencernaan
8. What are the differences between hormone and enzyme ?
9. What are the principle of hormone action ?
Specific action, lock and key hanya aktif saat bertemu dg reseptor yg dituju,shg saat
disirkulasi di darah tdk salah reseptor
Saat sel target kekurangan, butuh waktu utk sampai ke sel target

10. How the secretions of hormone is controlled by nervous system ?

Setiap jaringan ditubuh punya system saraf, impuls ada yg merangsang sekresi hormone.
Saat menyusui bayi, air susu keluar perlu produksi
11. How are the mechanism the storage, synthetic and release of hormone ?
12. How hormone regulate cellular activities in the target organ ?
13. How are the mechanism of feedback control ?
14. What is lock and key phenomenon and how are the mechanism ?
15. What kinds of cell that’s being the target of hormone ?
16. Where is the anatomical position of hypothalamus ?
Step 7
1. What are the function of endocrine system ?
2. How the endocrine sytem regulates the homeostatic ?
3. What are components that involved in endocrine system ?
4. What are the kinds of hormone that secreted by glands in endocrine system and its
funtions ?
5. What are endocrine system disorders ?
6. What are the classifications of hormones based on biochemistry structure ?

7. What are the general functions of hormone ?

8. What are the differences between hormone and enzyme ?
9. What are the principle of hormone action ?
10. How the secretions of hormone is controlled by nervous system ?
11. How are the mechanism the storage, synthetic and release of hormone ?
12. How hormone regulate cellular activities in the target organ ?
13. How are the mechanism of feedback control ?
14. What is lock and key phenomenon and how are the mechanism ?
15. What kinds of cell that’s being the target of hormone ?
16. Where is the anatomical position of hypothalamus ?

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