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Only that nation can progress among the nation in this world, which has a clear goal to

achieve. Because the national identity, consolidation and harmony depends upon this purpose.

these blessings do not exist without specify objectives. That is why the achievement of these

targets is given priority in all walks of life out of all spheres of life the most important in

education. Because every nation depends upon education for the transformation, theories,

religion, civilization culture and tradition. Without it, harmony, social values, feelings of love

and sincerity for society and its individuals and social stability in a healthy society in

impossible .keeping in view the significance of education, every nation is paying full attention

to it .the objectives of education are also changing with the changing conditions and demands

of the time, along with the availability of financial and material resources .because the concept

of progress is impossible without education progress .only social progress assures the existence

and security of a nation .when we looked at the developed nation, the secret of their progress

lies in the education .no country can make progress unless her inhabitants are educated.

But if we see, our country, in spite of having passed fifty –six years, is called an under

developed country. negligence about the right education is the major cause of it. Many factors

are responsible for this instance, politicians, writers, scholars, teachers and our government.

They did not give proper attention to education. It gives a conscience of life to an individual.

it helps him to understands his problems, solve them and settle the affairs of life. just as it is

important to make education universal for the progress of a nation, it is also necessary that

every man should participate to make a work of good standard.

No objectives can be attained without proper interest. To fulfill one’s need and to satisfy

one, s desires one has to work pretty hard. He can achieve all this only if he shows prefect

interest and participation in his work. Students have to show a been participation in his studies,

“classrooms are busy places, every day in every classroom teacher make decisions about their

pupil, s behaviors the success of their instruction the classroom climate (Airosiam, 1994 p -3).
In the classroom, participants are necessary for the progress of instruction participation

is not confined only to physical presence but it means their mental presence in class, their

interaction should take interest in the class, work attentively and listen to the teacher and give

a give a good response.

“Interaction is a stimulus response situation with some degree of verbal or non-verbal

exchange that would result in position or negative feeling in the individuals who functions as

the agents of the interaction. Interaction is a creative and productive factor as even elementary

forms of interaction that happen among human individuals involve intellectual and imaginative

organization of elements involved in the interact ional situation (Mukkalel, 1998 p – 103, 104).

Students can participate properly if he is free from all confusions and problems. Some

students do not participate properly; they present in the class but do not pay attention to study.

They do not listen to the teacher attentively and feel bored. Now we have to see the factors,

which affect the action of the students in the class. Why they remain restless? Why they do not

pay attention to the study?

Many factors affect their response parents; s attitudes are very significant. A neglected

child feels helpless and lonely similarly unfair security can also make him irresponsible, selfish

and careless. Personal and domestic problems, defective training of the teachers, their attitude,

unsuitable course, way of examination, improper environment of school, mental level,

deficiency of educational facilities, conduct of class fellows, partial treatment, act affect the

participation of students.

It is required to make a research whether these affect the response of students. if yes,

then how can these problems be resolved and how can enable students to participate actively

in the class.

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