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Bidwell, A. (2014). Taking On Sexual Assault. U.S. News Digital Weekly, 6(4), 6.


This article reports on the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual

Assault, which was created by U.S. President Barack Obama to address increasing cases

of sexual assault on college campuses across the U.S. It discussed the duties and

responsibilities of the task force, the findings of the report from the White House's

Council on Women and Girls, and the growing cases of sexual abuse in the country.

There is not much information to give about the topic of the government and what they

have done to help the situation. However, this article provides many quotes from

government officials and also a few statistics. It introduces the information in

chronological order when discussing actions taken by the government.

How Prevalent is Sexual Assault on College Campuses? (2018, April 09).


This source provides statistics about the prevalence of sexual assault on college

campuses. Information is also provided about who the main targets are of sexual assault

and the different types, for example, forcible rape, incapacitated rape, unwanted sexual

contact and sexual coercion.

The information that was presented in this source was not laid in an organized manner in

my opinion. However, the information itself is thorough and comes from a very reliable

source. Bethany Backes is one of the authors of this article and she is a social science

analyst in NIJ’s Office of Research and Evaluation, where she directs NIJ’s program of

research on violence against women.

InvestigateWest » Sexual Assault on College Campuses: A Culture of Indifference. (n.d.).


This article provides information on the reasons sexual assault on campuses is prevalent.

It also talks about victim blaming and the flaws of the disciplinary system on the

campuses. There are stories provided from real victims and talking about their experience

dealing with sexual assault and the difficulties they had to face.

The information that is provided in this article is very well organized. The stories that are

shared from real victims are labeled by titles which give you a brief idea of what the main

idea of the story is about. The website also has a section that talks about a project that

was created which explains the reasons the stories from the victims were shared.

It Happened Here: Documentary

This documentary shares stories of five victims of sexual assault on college campuses

The victims share information about what their experience was like when dealing with

the issue legally. They discuss institutional cover-ups and their fight for accountability

and change. It provides a very good insight as to how colleges deal with these situations.

This documentary presents its information in a very productive way. All of the different

stories of the victims are very easy to follow. They explain what is going on in the story

and also help you understand the process that the victims are going through. The

documentary is also very well made in terms of production.

National Institute of Justice (2005, Dec) Sexual Assault on Campus: What Colleges and Universities

Are Doing About It.

This source is basically a book from the US Department of Justice and it gives a lot of

information about what colleges are doing about sexual assault on their campuses. It

provides information on many topics revolving around sexual assault such as the

response policy, who is trained to respond, how do students report an assault, and much


There is a lot of information that is being discussed throughout this source and it is

organized in a very productive way. All of the different topics have their own section that

is properly labeled as well as all being in a productive order. It starts out with topics

discussing the issue and what research has found, then it moves on to defining sexual

assault and the response policy. After that, they move on to who is supposed to respond,

how students report an assault, prevention, reasons it is not reported and reasons it should

be encouraged to be reported, and if schools should be doing more.

Oguntoyinbo, L. (2015). Safe and Sound?. Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, 32(18), 16.


This article presents information on the issues of bullying, hazing, and sexual assaults on

college campuses in the U.S. Topics include the initiative of colleges and universities to

improve their safety techniques for students, the mandatory online education program on

sexual assault and stalking of Fairfield University in Connecticut, and the cameras

installed in the campus of Florida A&M University. It also mentions the threat

assessment team of Post University for its overall safety.

There is not a lot of information that is being expressed in this article but the different

topics are clearly stated. The whole article is broken up into sections that are labeled
accordingly. While explaining the issue, the author uses facts and statistics to enhance his

main point and he also provides examples of specific colleges that are dealing with the

issue. When discussing the prevention techniques, the author supports his arguments with

evidence which enhances the credibility of the information being given.

Preventing Sexual Assault on College Campuses: What Works? (2017, September 08).


This article discusses prevention methods. Statistics are provided that are relevant and it

also talks about programs that are available and the fact that sexual assault needs to

receive more attention than it gets today. It also mentions the fact that colleges are

required by law to educate new students, teachers, and staff on the prevention of rape,

dating violence, and sexual assault. The different ways colleges go about this is described

within the text.

This source has credible information about different studies that were conducted but the

information is not organized in an efficient manner. All of the information that is

provided build off of each other and create an intellectual article. At the bottom of the

site, there is a section where viewers can comment and have discussions which is a useful

tool to get people talking about the issue and that can also lead to them learning more

from others.

Richardson, B., & Shields, J. A. (2015). The Real Campus Sexual Assault Problem--And How to Fix It.

Commentary, 140(3), 26.

This article focuses on a study related to reducing sexual assault at college campuses in

the U.S. It talks about the rates of sexual assault being higher at colleges that permit the

possession of alcohol, and the need for education of students on sexual misconduct and

sexual assaults being caused due to drunkenness of victims according to the U.S. Liberal


Throughout this article, there are statistics from the study that was conducted and they are

all laid out in diagrams and tables. The information provided about the study is also given

in chronological order which allows the reader to fully comprehend the information that

is being expressed. In the beginning of the article, the author discusses the issue of sexual

assault on campuses and by the end it discusses a solution and how it can be achieved.

Sexual Assault on Campus. (2016, June 03). https://www.nij.gov/topics/crime/rape-sexual-


This source includes topics such as measuring frequency, most victims know their

attacker, factors that increase sexual assault risk, self-defense, drug facilitated, laws to

make campuses safer, awareness, education and prevention. This website has a variety of

information and it is thorough.

This website is a very credible source because it comes straight from the National

Institute of Justice. There is a lot of information being given and it is all organized in a

neat and convenient way. There are multiple tabs that are labeled for the different topics

and when the reader opens one of the tabs, the information within that topic is also

organized into separate sections. There are many statistics provided and also a few links

to primary sources from studies and reports conducted by the NIJ.

Sexual Assault on College Campuses is Common. (2018, April 02).



This website provides information on a variety of topics within sexual assault. Topics

include how common sexual assault is on college campuses, why it is so prevalent, how

to protect yourself, what to do if you are sexually assaulted, and the effects. The website

is focused on women while providing statistics and advice for if you are ever sexually


Women’s health is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services which

gives this source credibility. Kathleen C. Basile, Kathryn Jones, and Sharon G. Smith are

three women who medically reviewed the information given on the site. They are all

three part of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control as well as the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Smith, T. (2017, July 25). After Assault, Some Campuses Focus On Healing Over Punishment.



This article is similar to the one above it because it also talks about what colleges are

doing after the fact. It discusses colleges being more focused on the healing process after

sexual assault rather then punishments. The main point is that colleges are having the

criminals learn about what they have done and the effects it has on the victims so then the

criminal can understand exactly what they have done.

This article is not organized at all which is a bit inconvenient to the reader. However, the

information provided throughout this source is all given in chronological order and that

allows the reader to easily follow along and understand what is being said. There is a

very good story that is told about a man who sexually assaulted a woman and as

punishment he had to take a class about sexual assault and in the end he fully understood

that what he did was very wrong and he now participates in the restorative justice process

to help educate more people about consent.

VIDEO: Sexual Assault on College Campuses: What We Can Do. (n.d.).



This website has a video that talks about what we can do as a society to prevent sexual

assault on college campuses just by everyday activism. One main point is that holding

institutions accountable for these acts should not be up to the victims. They should not

have to fight by themselves and we as a society need to do more to raise awareness and

make change.

The video that is provided shares information in an easy to follow format. The video

simplifies the information given and allows the listener to understand all that is being

said. The visuals of the video create an informational video that also catches the eye of

the listener which draws their attention to what is being expressed.

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