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Releasing the Fear

Begin with a silent prayer
Which Sanjeevinis to select for an ailment?
Choosing a Medium for Your Remedy
How To Prepare A Sanjeevini Remedy Using Your Chosen Medium
A few Examples of How to Prepare Sanjeevini Remedies
What is the Dosage for a Sanjeevini Remedy?
Different Ways of Using Sanjeevinis
Selected Sanjeevini Combinations
The Use of the Multiplication and Broadcasting Card
Multiplication Function of The Multiplication & Broadcasting Card
Broadcasting Function of The Multiplication & Broadcasting Card
The use of the Neutralisation Card
(Neutralising Negative Vibrations at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels


Before you begin, the very first thing to remember is that when you heal with prayers, you can
do no harm. If you had a friend or a close family member who was ill, and you closed your eyes
and said a silent prayer in your mind for her, you can be sure that your prayer would only help
the person – never harm her. The Sanjeevinis are prayers. Nothing more, and nothing less. You
can never give someone a ‘wrong’ Sanjeevini, just as you can never pray for someone’s well-being
with a ‘wrong’ prayer. If you’ve given someone an ‘extra’ Sanjeevini which wasn’t really necessary,
you need not worry about it. Prayers can only help. They will only add to the balance and health
of a person. They will never create imbalance.
Release any fear you might have about this, and move ahead with confidence.


Every beginning becomes auspicious when we surrender our minds in a silent prayer to God -
the true source of all healing, wisdom, peace, harmony and bliss in the Universe. We can pray for
His strength and wisdom for ourselves to be His humble, quiet, loving instruments of healing.

a) Begin the daily healing seva (service) with a prayer or meditation or chanting or reading a
spiritually uplifting message from the holy Scripture(s) of any Faith, or any other practice that we
always use to quieten, purify and surrender our mind to the Divine.

b) Remind ourselves that prayers offered with selfless love and faith can move mountains.

c) Pray for the Lord’s healing miracle for the wholistic health (physical, mental, emotional, social
and spiritual well being) of every patient for whom we prepare the Sanjeevini healing remedy for
dispensing or for broadcasting.

d) Offer all our prayers in surrender to God's will for He is the All Knowing, Omnipotent,
Omniscient, Omnipresent Prinicipal of divine love and compassion.

e) Offer our loving gratitude to the Lord for giving us the precious opportunity to experience the
joy of His boundless healing love for His creation, through our humble Seva(service),

This is an important part of the Sanjeevini healing Seva as a Sadhana (spiritual practice) for our
self purification. It should be done with utmost sincerity and solemnity. It always yields immense
benefits to the patient, the healer and the collective universal consciousness.

What is the reward for the seva (service) that we render with selfless love?

Self satisfaction, peace, contentment, fulfillment and bliss through a deeper understanding and
experience of the divine within and all around us.


The process of selection of Sanjeevinis is very simple. Follow the simple steps given below.
a) Make a Note of the Patients ailments/symptoms/problems

b) Choose relevant Body Parts Sanjeevinis for the affected body parts from the List of Body
Parts Sanjeevini

c) Choose relevant Diseases Sanjeevinis for the symptoms/diseases/problems from the

List of Disease Sanjeevinis.

A brief explanation of each of the steps listed above is given below:

a) Note down Patient’s name and ailments/problems/symptoms preferably in the Patients

Details & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet. Also you may want to maintain a Consolidated Patient
Record Book of all the cases.

This is a good practice to inculcate right in the beginning of our Sanjeevini seva. With this record,
every patient stands out much better in our awareness. This allows us to transmit our pure
healing intentions and prayers along with the Sanjeevinis, with a greater focus. Also follow up of
serious cases can be done more regularly through our prayers.

The suggested format for Patient Details & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet can be
downloaded here.

The suggested format for Patient Record Book can be downloaded here

b) Choose relevant Body Parts Sanjeevinis for the affected body parts from the List of Body
Parts Sanjeevini.

Please go through the List of Body Parts Sanjeevinis and make a note of the relevant
Sanjeevinis in the Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet. E.g. For an injury on the head or a headache,
the body part affected in both cases is the head and therefore we will select BPS 21 Head
Sanjeevini. If more than one body part is affected then we will use the relevant Sanjeevinis for
other Body Parts too. e.g if some one has a digestion problem, we will use BPS 1 Abdomen
Sanjeevini and BPS 2 Alimentary Tract Sanjeevini. We could also use BPS 28 Liver Sanjeevini if
the liver is affected as per the patient’s description of the problems or based on our own
understanding. The Abdomen Sanjeevini can be used for any problem related to any of the
abdominal organs like – Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Spleen, Small Intestines, Colon,
Kidneys, and the reproductive organs.

c) Choose relevant Diseases Sanjeevinis for the symptoms/diseases/problems from the

List of Disease Sanjeevinis

Similarly, go through the List of Disease Sanjeevnis. Choose the relevant Disease Sanjeevinis
based on the list of symptoms/problems given by the patient and as per your intuitive guidance
from within. Make a note of these in the Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet. E.g. for an injury on
the head, besides the Head Sanjeevini, we would choose DS 71 Injury Sanjeevini. If there is
bleeding too, we will also add DS 15 Bleeding (haemmorhage) Sanjeevini. And so on…

It is important to remember that we can choose as many Body Part Sanjeevinis and/or
Disease Sanjeevinis as we feel are required. There is no minimum or maximum number
that has to be chosen.

Preparing a Sanjeevini healing remedy for the ailment would therefore mean combining the
healing vibrations of relevant Body Part Sanjeevinis (one or more) and relevant Disease
Sanjeevinis (one or more) in a particular medium, and giving it to the patient. This technique is
explained in detail in the sections ahead.

The Patient Details & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet and Patient Record Book are very
helpful documents with several benefits as listed below. It’s good to keep a few
photocopies/printouts of this worksheet handy so that for every new case we can immediately
fill up the Worksheet and confidently proceed to make the remedy. You can of course fill up
Worksheet and the Record Book on your computer itself.

a) Develops clarity and confidence on which Sanjeevinis and Sanjeevini Combinations can be
used for different ailments.

b) Develops awareness of the range of Sanjeevinis available - both for body parts and for

c) Useful for follow up of patient’s progress.

d) Very useful for self-learning and for sharing knowledge of Sanjeevinis in Workshops.

Note : The Selected Sanjeevini Combination column in the Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet will
become clear as we read through the section on Selected Sanjeevini Combinations ahead. Also
the Broadcasting function is explained in great detail in a section ahead.


Patient Details & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet in word format

Patient Details & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet in pdf format

Patient Record Book in word format

Patient Record Book in pdf format

List of Body Parts Sanjeevinis in word format

List of Body Parts Sanjeevinis in pdf format

List of Disease Sanjeevinis in word format

List of Body Parts Sanjeevinis in pdf format

The Sanjeevini patterns or cards are used to ‘charge’ a medium. When a medium is placed on a
Sanjeevini pattern, the healing vibrations (energy) of the Sanjeevini are transferred to the
medium. This medium could be anything you intuitively feel would work best for the patient. e.g.
Sugar globules(pills), Water, Vibhuti (holy ash) or a Food item

Pills Vibhuti

Commonly used mediums for dispensing

Water : Water is the most convenient medium as it is

readily available everywhere. It could be a glass of water,
or water in a small bottle with a dropper, or water in a
large bottle, which the patient then drinks. Small bottles
with droppers are available at Homeopathic stores in
India. Glass vials in ½ or 1 dram size with droppers are
also available. Water is used as the most common
medium in countries where Homeo sugar globules
(pills) are not available easily. The medium could also be
a beverage such as a soup or a juice. Any liquid in a
container or holder can be charged with the Sanjeevinis.

Sugar globules: It could be plain sugar globules (pills),

the kind used by homoeopaths to dispense homeopathic
remedies. These plain sugar globules can be purchased from a Homeopathic pharmacy, along
with small plastic bottles in which to store them/dispense them. This is an easy medium that can
be taken in measured doses, and lasts for more than a year (until the sugar doesn’t spoil), unlike
food/beverage items which spoil in a few hours/days. Sugar globules can also be stored in small
paper or plastic bags in case homeopathic plastic/glass bottles are not available.

Sugar globules (400 gm) packet Packet of one drahm size bottles

Vibhuti: Another medium that can be used is Vibhuthi or holy ash which has its own enormous
healing power. This is an ideal medium for preparing Samples of Selected Sanjeevini
Combinations. There are many kinds of Vibhuti (Holy Ash) that are available. All can be used for
Preparing Samples to be used for Multiplying remedies or Broadcasting remedies using the
Multiplication & Broadcasting Card. However all types of Vibhutis may not be suitable for
ingestion. Only If you are already used to ingesting a particular kind of Vibhuti in tiny
quantities as part of your spiritual practice, should you use it for preparing a Sanjeevini
remedy for oral intake. Otherwise please stay with Water or Homeo globules or any other
orally ingestible item as the medium for taking oral remedy.

Vibhuti is the longest lasting medium as it never spoils. It is therefore the ideal medium for
preparing Samples of important Combinations for different remedies. Vibhuti is usually available
from Sai Baba centres in almost every city in India and several cities in most countries overseas.
It usually comes in sealed packets (100 gms) or in smaller paper or plastic packets as shown

Sealed Packet of Vibhuti Vibhuti in a paper or plastic bag

Food: It could be a food item like a dish of vegetables, a sandwich, an apple…anything!

Other mediums:

There are some mediums you can use conveniently for preparing samples of Selected
Sanjeevini Combintions for different Ailments. These should be used for broadcasting
alone and not for ingestion. Vibhuti ofcourse is the best medium for preparing samples as
it never gets spoilt.

Turmeric Powder and White Rice grains are good mediums for preparing samples in case
Baba's Vibhuti is not available.. Both these are easily available in every household and last
for around a couple of years without getting spoilt.

Crystals (quartz, amethyst, tourmaline etc.), rosaries too can be charged with the Sanjeevinis,
to amplify their healing energies.

Necklaces, bracelets, rings can be charged too for wholistic wellbeing.

Hair oils, skin lotions, ointments specially for skin or hair related problems.

The medium you choose doesn’t really matter, as long as you’re comfortable with it. There are no
set rules as to what can or cannot be charged with the Sanjeevini vibration. Each medium is
equally potent and effective. Remember – we are working with the subtle healing energy of
prayers, and prayers are not bound by a specific type of medium – they work through anything.


The basic instructions for charging a medium with the Sanjeevini vibrations to create your
Sanjeevini remedy are very simple.

Step 1 –Note down the problems/symptoms of the patient for which the Sanjeevini remedy has
to be prepared, preferably in the Patient Record Book.

Step 2– Determine the relevant Body Part Sanjeevinis and the relevant Disease Sanjeevinis for
the patient, by going through the respective lists and note these down in the Patient Details &
Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet.

Step 3 - Choose the medium – if it is a liquid or solid item to be ingested – it should be placed in a
container. Now that your medium is in a container, open to the page in the book (or the printout
of the Sanjeevini Cards taken from this website) of any one of the Sanjeevini patterns you have
chosen. Please refer to Exhibit below.
Step 4 - Place your medium (i.e. the container with your medium) on the circle of the printed
Sanjeevini pattern in the book or on a printout from the website. Please see Exhibit below.

Leave it there for 15 seconds or more

Charging Homeo globules in a bottle from Charging Water in a glass from the Cards
in the book _ A Healer’s Guide in the book – A Healer’s Guide

Charging Homeo globules in a bottle from Charging Water in a dropper bottle from
a printout of a Sanjeevini healing cards a printout of a Sanjeevini healing cards


Charging a medium with the healing vibrations of a Sanjeevini Card

Step 5 -During those 15 seconds or more, you can close your eyes and say a prayer. You can say
any prayer or any affirmation from any faith, or even just be in silence. You can repeat a mantra.
Allow your mind to be in complete surrender to God, the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and
Omnipresent Healer, as you pray for the miracle of His healing love & grace for the patient(s) well
being. This is a very important part of healing and should be done with immense sincerity.
Step 6 -After 15 seconds or more, you may remove the medium from the pattern. Your medium is
now charged with the Sanjeevini vibration of the pattern you had chosen.

Step 7 -This charged medium can now be charged with the next relevant Sanjeevini pattern you
have chosen, by placing it on the relevant pattern and repeating the above procedure from step 4
to step 6

In this way, this medium can be charged with one or several Sanjeevinis, thus creating your
Sanjeevini remedy that is ready for the patient.

For a detailed explanation with examples and illustrations of how to prepare Sanjeevini
remedies please go to the link below:

A few examples of preparing a Sanjeevini remedy

For more details and natural questions that might arise on how to prepare a remedy,
please go to the link below:

FAQs on preparing a Sanjeevini remedy


Please go through each of the four examples given below carefully. A lot of your
doubts/questions regarding important aspects of the healing system will get cleared through

Keep a printout of the Patient Record Book and a print out of the Patient Details & Sanjeevini
Selection Worksheet. Filling up these two documents as you go through the examples will
provide better understanding of the process. You can of course fill up these documents on your
computer as well.






Each of the above four examples are discussed in detail below. Please note that the
selection of Sanjeevinis for every example is a guideline. You can always add more
Sanjeevinis that you feel are relevant for a specific case.


Let’s say someone came to you with a leg injury with bleeding. This is a step-by-step guideline on
how you would prepare the relevant Sanjeevini remedy for this person.

Step 1 First understand the problems/symptoms the patient is experiencing and make a note of
these in the Patient Record Book.

In this case the Symptoms are: Injury to the leg with bleeding

Step 2 Identify the Body Parts Sanjeevinis you wish to use from the List of Body Parts

In this case, you would choose:

Leg and Foot Sanjeevini BPS 27

Make a note of this in the Patient Details & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet.

Next go through the List of Diseases Sanjeevinis and make a note of the relevant Disease
Sanjeevinis in the Patient Details & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet.

In this case you would select:

Injury Sanjeevini DS 71

Bleeding (hemorrhage)Sanjeevini DS 15

Infection Sanjeevini DS 68

Please note that there are three ways of accessing the Sanjeevini cards

a) From the Printout of all the 60 Body Parts Sanjeevini Cards & 264 Diseases Sanjeevini
Cards. These two pdf files have all the healing cards, six on a page, just as they appear in the hard
copy of the book A Healer's Guide.

In the book, the back of every page with the six Healing Cards has six Card outlines with the name
of the Healing system and the picture of Hanumanji carrying the immortality granting Sanjeevini
herb. This page has been included in the pdf files as well on the request of a few Sanjeevini
Healers. However, please note that it is not necessary to print this page on the reverse of the
pages with the Healing cards.
b) From the Body Parts Sanjeevinis and Diseases Sanjeevinis Cards Section in the hard copy of
the book - A Healer’s Guide.

c) Copying the relevant Sanjeevini Card images individually from Body Parts Sanjeevinis
Healing Cards and Diseases Sanjeevinis Healing Cards (under Healer’s Resources in the Top
Menu), and pasting these on a new page as shown in the Exhibit below with four healing cards.

In this example we will use a Printout of the four Sanjeevini Cards selected above, for preparing
our remedy. You can download this document here.

Example 1 - An injury on the leg with bleeding

Relevant Sanjeevini Cards copied individually from the website and pasted on a page

Step 3

Choose a medium in which you wish to dispense the Sanjeevinis. Let’s

say you decide on water as the medium.

You can keep the medium in a glass, a big bottle or a small bottle with a
dropper. In this case we will choose a glass as the container.

Please refer to the section Choosing a Medium for Your Remedy for
range of mediums that can be used for preparing your Sanjeevini

In this section we have suggested water in a glass as the medium to be used for all the
examples as it is always available to everyone. Once you have gained a good hands- on
experience on how to prepare a remedy using water, you can always use another medium
like homeo pills or vibhuthi or turmeric powder during your ongoing healing seva,
depending on availability. In case you have pills or vibhuthi or any other medium available,
by all means you can use these as well for practicing making remedies taken up in this

Step 4

Go to BPS 27, Leg and Foot Sanjeevini Card on this print out. Place the glass
of water on the circle of the Leg and Foot Sanjeevini for 15 seconds or more

During this time, you can be silent or chant your desired mantra or say a
prayer from any religion to connect and surrender your mind to god,

After 15 seconds, the water is charged with Leg and Foot Sanjeevini. Pick up the bottle.

Step 5.

Go to the next Sanjeevini Card on this sheet i.e. DS 71, Injury Sanjeevini.
Place the same glass on the circle of this Sanjeevini pattern for 15
seconds or more. Deepen you connection with the Divine in the depths
of silence within through your prayer or chanting.

After 15 seconds the bottle contains the healing vibrations of both the
Leg and Foot Sanjeevini and the Injury Sanjeevini i.e. BPS 27 and DS 71.

Step 6.

Now go to the Card DS 15, Bleeding Sanjeevin on the printout. Place

the glass on the Sanjeevini pattern for 15 seconds or more.

Repeat your prayer or Mantra.

Step 7.

Finally go to DS 68, Infection Sanjeevini. Place the bottle on the circle

of this Sanjevini pattern for 15 seconds or more.

Repeat your prayer or Mantra or be in silence to tune in to God.

The water in the glass is now charged with all the four
Sanjeevinis selected for the problem.

This is the Sanjeevini remedy to be given to a person with the problem of a leg injury with

This is also the remedy to use as a sample for Distance healing by Broadcasting to the
patient, using the Multiplication and Broadcasting Card. Distance healing through Broadcasting
of Sanjeevinis is explained in detail in a separate section ahead.


Take another example: say someone came to you with a fever, heavy-cold and blocked nose.


First note the name of the patient and the symptoms in the Patient Record Book

Symptoms: Fever with a heavy cold (Sinusitis) and blocked nose

Step 2.

List out the Sanjeevinis you wish to use. In this example, you would list out the following
Sanjeevinis after going through the List of Body Parts Sanjeevinis and List of Diseases
Sanjeevinis. Make a note of these in the Patient Data & Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet

1. Sinuses (all) Sanjeevini BPS 43

2. Nose Sanjeevini BPS 37
3. Fever and Flu Sanjeevini DS 50
4. Sinus and Cold Sanjeevini DS 116
5. Blockages (all) Sanjeevini DS16
6. Infection Sanjeevini DS 68

These are Sanjeevinis that “logically” apply to the problem. You could add more Sanjeevinis
depending on the symptoms presented before you. For example if the throat is also affected you
would add Throat and Tonsils Sanjeevini BPS 48 and Tonsillitis Sanjeevini DS130.

Copy and Paste all the above Six Sanjeevini cards from this website on a fresh page as in Example
1 above.

You can download and print the document with Six Sanjeevini Cards for Example 2 here

You can download the Selected Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet with a few examples here

You can download the Patient Record Book with a few examples here

Step 3.

Choose your medium.

Let’s keep water in a glass again as the medium in this case too.

Step 4.

Go to Fever and Flu Sanjeevini DS 50 Card. Place the glass of water on the circle of the Sanjeevini
pattern for 15 seconds or more. Repeat your prayer. Once the 15 seconds or more are up, pick up
the glass. Turn to Sinus and Cold Sanjeevini Card DS 116. Here again, place the same glass on the
circle of the Sanjeevini pattern for 15 seconds or more. Repeat your prayer. After 15 seconds, pick
up the glass and turn to DS 16 Blockages (all) Sanjeevini. Place the glass on the circle of this
Sanjeevini pattern for 15 seconds or more. After 15 seconds are up, remove the glass. Place it on
DS 68 Infection Sanjeevini for 15 seconds or more and be in silence, pray or chant your mantra.

The water in the bottle is now charged with all the disease Sanjeevinis that you selected for the
above case.

Step 5.

Next place the glass with water on BPS 43 Sinuses (all) Sanjeevini Card for 15 seconds or more
maintaining silence, praying or chanting during this time. Next go to BPS 37 Nose Sanjeevini
pattern and place the glass on this pattern for 15 seconds or more whilst repeating your prayer.

Step 6.

The water in the glass is now charged with the vibrations of the six Sanjeevinis we chose above.

Your remedy for this case is ready for giving to the patient or to be used as a sample for
Broadcasting to the patient.




As a concerned parent/guardian/teacher/well-wisher of the child you can use the following

Sanjeevinis to prepare the remedy for this case. Once again begin by noting the details in the
Patients Record Book and the Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet.

The Sanjeevinis suggested after going through the List of Body Parts and Disease Sanjeevinis are:

1. Mind Sanjeevini BPS 31

2. Indiscipline Sanjeevini DS 221
3. Respect for Teachers Sanjeevini DS 235
4. Thought Management Sanjeevini DS 128
5. Ahimsa (non-violence)Sanjeevini DS 145
6. Prema ( unconditional love) Sanjeevini DS 189
7. Dharma ( Right Conduct) Sanjeevini DS 187

You can download and print the document with Seven Sanjeevini Cards for Example 3 here
You may want to add some more Sanjeevinis as you go through the list based on your inner
guidance. Please feel free to do that. It is important that you begin to follow your own intuition in
Sanjeevini healing.

Mind Sanjeevini is a prayer for a calm, peaceful, creative mind focused on living by positive values
regardless of external provocations or temptations.

The next two Sanjeevinis are obvious choices. The student is obviously forgetful of what his/her
right conducts as a student should be. Ahimsa Sanjeevini is a prayer to awaken the divine value of
‘help ever, hurt never’ in thoughts, words and actions. Thought management Sanjeevini is a
prayer to channelise all thoughts in productive, purposeful directions which promote peace,
harmony and welfare of all. DS 189 Prema (love) Sanjeevini is a prayer to awaken this supreme
virtue. Where there is love there can be no hatred, violence or disrespect.

You would of course add any other Sanjeevini as well if there are any other problems at the
physical, mental, emotional or social levels.

Preparing the Sanjeevini remedy for this case would again be as explained in the first two
examples. Select the medium. Place it in a container. Place the container on each of the above
Sanjeevini patterns for 15 seconds or more. Be in sacred communion through a prayer, through
silence or by chanting a mantra whilst the charging process is on.

This Sanjeevini remedy can be given in a medium like the pills or water to the student.

It can also be broadcast to the student or to a group of students by parents/concerned

teachers /school authorities. Broadcasting of Sanjeevinis is as effective as giving the Sanjeevinis
in a medium for ingestion. It is explained in detail in a section ahead.

The school authorities and or parents would of course continue to offer counseling to bring about
a transformation in the child’s behaviour and attitude. The Sanjeevini focused prayers will work
at a very deep level of consciousness to help bring about transformation from within by
awakening the God gifted wisdom.

Important: Please remember there must never be any judgment in our hearts whilst dispensing
or broadcasting the values related Sanjeevinis or the negative traits related Sanjeevinis. The
broadcast must be sent out with a heart full of compassion. All children and all students are
inherently divine. All the above Sanjeevinis are prayers to awaken their inherent divinity and to
protect them from negative emotions and traits.

Judgment is one negative emotion that has to be removed from our minds completely for us to
evolve spiritually. Judgment is a spiritual disease and therefore all Sanjeevini healers must be
wary that it does not take hold in us.


Enter details of the Case in the Patient Record Book and Sanjeevini Selection & Broadcast
Worksheet. In this Case in the Patient Name Column the entry could read like:

All those affected by the Earthquake in……. on such and such date.

The choice of Sanjeevinis would be:

1. Bone Sanjeevini BPS 7

2. Whole Body Sanjeevini BPS 54
3. Injury Sanjeevini DS 71
4. Shock Sanjeevini DS 115
5. Bleeding (haemmorhage) Sanjeevini DS 15
6. Shakthi Sanjevini DS 113
7. Shanthi Sanjeevini DS 114
8. Faith Sanjeevini DS 216
9. Consolation Sanjeevini DS 247
10. Any other Sanjeevini that is relevant in your understanding of the situation. e.g. You could add
the Fever and Flu (all) Sanjeevini, the Diarrhea and Dysentery Sanjeevini, Cholera Sanjeevini in
case these problems are prevalent or an outbreak of these is feared, due to the natural disaster.

You can download and print the document with Nine Sanjeevini Cards for Example 4 here

Injury Sanjeevini, Bone Sanjeevini, Bleeding Sanjeevini are quite obvious choices in natural
calamities or accidents. Every one suffers shock during calamities due to injury, loss of property,
death of near and dear ones.Shock Sanjeevini is a healing prayer for healing the damaging effects
of Shock at the body, mind and emotions level. Shakthi Sanjeevini is a prayer for divine strength
to face all hardships bravely. Shanthi Sanjeevini is a prayer for the mind to experience the deep
peace within through all the vicissitudes of life. Faith in the Omnipotence, Omniscience and
Omnipresence of God gives us the strength to face all calamities and challenges with courage and
equipoise. Grief is but natural when we lose a dear one. Consolation Sanjeevini is a prayer to
grant solace to even those who are in inconsolable anguish. It is a prayer to awaken the profound
wisdom of the impermanence and transitory nature of all names and forms and to be focused on
the core of every being - the immortal self, atman or divinity. Shanthi Sanjeevini also includes the
prayer for the departed soul’s evolution to the highest level of consciousness after it leaves a
particular body at the time of death.

Prepare this Sanjeevini in a medium of your choice, water, sugar globules or vibhuti etc. by
following the procedure given in the examples above.

If you are at the site of the disaster you can actually dispense the Sanjeevini remedy to as many
affected people as possible. For dispensing remedies in a calamity situation the best medium is
homeo globules in plastic bottles.

Along with this we should always broadcast the prepared Sanjeevini healing remedy to reach out
to every one affected by the calamity. This would include the relatives and friends of those who
may not be directly involved in the calamity but would be going through the mental trauma. It
would also include all those who may have passed away in the calamity. Our connection with
every soul is eternal and does not end with a particular form dissolving through the natural
process of death. We can always serve beings in every plane of consciousness through
broadcasting of Sanjeevinis.

The daily prayer Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu (May all beings in all planes of Consciousness
be happy) is indeed a prayer where we seek the evolution, happiness and bliss for every being in
every plane of consciousness (every loka).

Please do go through the section FAQs pertaining to Preparing a Sanjeevini remedy. These are
relevant questions which are commonly asked in Workshops.



- What kind of a container should be used?

Sugar globules and vibhuthi are generally placed for charging in plastic bottles. Liquids are
usually stored in a glass/cup/bottle, and then charged. However, the choice/ the shape of the
container (in which you place your medium), and the material it is made of does not matter. If the
medium is solid – such as sugar globules, vibhuthi or a food substance – it can also be placed in a
paper/plastic packet instead of a container, and then charged. If the material is a quartz
crystal/rosary/a locket, it can be placed directly on the pattern.

- What should be the size of the container?

If the container/packet holding your medium is larger than the circumference of the circle in the
Sanjeevini pattern, it does not matter. If the container/packet is so large that at the same time it
is touching a neighboring Sanjeevini pattern which you don’t need, it does not matter. It does not
affect the preparation process in any way. The medium will still be charged with the Sanjeevini
you intended it to be charged with. Your intention is for the medium to be charged with a
particular Sanjeevini. And Divine Will is well aware of your intention; and therefore the medium
will get charged with the healing vibrations of only the relevant Sanjeevini.

- Is there any interference from the Sanjeevini patterns on the pages below the one I am

When a medium is placed on a Sanjeevini pattern, it is charged with the vibrations of only that
Sanjeevini. The Sanjeevini patterns on the pages below do not interfere with the charging
- What is the time duration for which the medium should be placed on the Sanjeevini
pattern for charging?

15 seconds is the minimum time a medium should be placed on the Sanjeevini pattern for the
vibration transference to occur. You may exceed the 15 second time period. There is no
maximum time limit. The medium can stay on the Sanjeevini pattern for as long as you wish.

- Is there a fixed prayer/affirmation that should be chanted when the medium is being
charged with the Sanjeevini vibrations?

There is no fixed prayer that has to be said during the 15 seconds it takes to charge a medium.
Suggestions have been made from our own experience; we personally enjoy the powerful
vibrations of the Gayatri mantra or the Sai Gayatri mantra and the MahaMrityunjaya mantra
(all in Sanskrit). However, ANY prayer in any language, from any Religion or Spiritual Tradition
is beautiful. The prayer/affirmation you say, or the focused silence you keep during these few
moments, brings your awareness to rest on God, and enhances the purity and compassion of your

Allow your mind to be in complete surrender to God, the Omnipotent, Omniscient and
Omnipresent Healer as you pray for the miracle of His healing love & grace for the patient(s) well
being. The prayer during the preparation of remedies is a very important part of healing
and should be done with immense sincerity.

- How many Sanjeevinis can we charge one medium with? Or, how many Sanjeevinis can
one remedy hold?

Your medium can be charged with several Sanjeevinis by repeating the charging process with
each Sanjeevini you require. There is no limit to the number of Sanjeevinis that one remedy
can hold.

- What is the simplest way to select appropriate Sanjeevinis for a specific case?

What we’ve found, to be the best way to figure out a remedy for a patient after noting his/her
symptoms, is to run through the Body Part Sanjeevini list and the Disease Sanjeevini list. As you
go through the lists you will automatically register which Sanjeevinis would apply to this case.
Remember, you can use as many as you feel apply.

- Should I start charging the medium with the Body Part Sanjeevinis first, and then the
Diseases Sanjeevinis? Or vice versa?

There is no specific order to be followed while charging a medium with several Sanjeevinis. You
can charge with any Sanjeevini pattern first or last. For example, you could charge with a Body
Part Sanjeevini first, then with a Disease Sanjeevini, then go back to a Body Part Sanjeevini. Or,
you could start with a couple of Disease Sanjeevinis, and then do a Body Part Sanjeevini. The
order does not matter.

- Once I have prepared the Sanjeevini remedy, how long do the Sanjeevini vibrations last in
the medium?
This is a common question asked. The answer is simple. The Sanjeevini vibration lasts as long as
the medium does. You do not need to recharge the medium every few days. Once you have
charged it, the medium contains the healing vibration for all times. Once food is spoiled and no
longer edible, it cannot be used as a medium. The same goes for liquids. This is why if you want to
give someone a Sanjeevini remedy for a long period of time, it is best to choose a medium that
will not spoil fast. Once you have charged a long-lasting medium (for e.g. sugar globules) with a
Sanjeevini pattern, its potency, or effectiveness will remain consistent for days, months and
maybe upto a couple of years until the pills get soggy or discoloured. However, if you desire to
recharge a medium again with the same Sanjeevini, it can be done. To sum it up, “there is no need
to recharge a remedy because the Sanjeevini vibration lasts forever. But there is no harm in
recharging if you feel like doing so.”

- Does giving a patient many Sanjeevinis (i.e. a large number of Body Part Sanjeevinis and
Disease Sanjeevinis) lead to quicker and better healing?

The quality and efficiency of healing does not depend upon the number of Sanjeevinis you give a
person, For someone suffering from 10 symptoms, you might charge a medium with 10
Sanjeevinis and administer it. Or, you might choose only 2 or 3 vital symptoms from those 10 and
charge your medium with only 2 or 3 Sanjeevinis and then administer it. There is no fixed way.
More Sanjeevinis does not necessarily mean quicker healing. Remember, each Sanjeevini has
been programmed with the prayer to heal the cause, the symptoms and the repercussions of the
particular disease/afflicted body part. Therefore, working with even just one Sanjeevini with full
faith and surrender can take care of the entire problem.

For example: If someone came to you with a fever. You would naturally give the Fever and Flu
Sanjeevini from the Disease Sanjeevinis. In addition, you might add the Respiratory Tract
Sanjeevini and the Cold and Sinus Sanjeevini, if the person showed such symptoms. You might
also add the Pain Sanjeevini if the person mentioned such a symptom. As such, the list of
symptoms can go on, and you can keep adding Sanjeevinis to the remedy for this patient.
However – if you chose to take just ONE symptom (the fever) and work on it, you would give the
person only the Fever and Flu Sanjeevini. This would be equally effective, when given in complete
faith and surrender. Remember – God knows the true cause of the fever, and all the other
symptoms present.

If for some people you feel like preparing a multi-Sanjeevini remedy, do so. If for some people you
feel like preparing just a single-Sanjeevini remedy, do so. Each experience is unique – follow what
you are most comfortable with, work with whichever option you are innerly guided.

- Do I need to have prior medical knowledge to know which symptoms to treat with the

Basic common sense to observe symptoms/body parts affected and to then correlate them with
the names of Sanjeevinis in the index - is the only “skill” required. The most important
prerequisite to heal with the Sanjeevinis is the loving desire to help relieve suffering.

CAUTION: Please note carefully that Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini healing fragrances system
being shared on this website is NOT a substitute for your professional medical doctor who
is your best guide for diagnosis and treatment. Please follow the medical treatment
recommended by your doctor.

The Sanjeevinis can always be taken along with every other system of medicine you are
following – Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic etc. Being extremely subtle healing
vibrations for establishing wholistic balance in the body, mind and spirit, the Sanjeevinis
will always enhance the healing process of every other system.

- Under no circumstances should patients discontinue any allopathic or other medicines they
might be taking without the advice of their medical doctor.


(Frequently Asked Questions)

on the Patient Record Book & the Sanjeevini Selection Worksheet

Q. Is it necessary to keep a record of all patients? Can I prepare the remedies without
spending time on keeping records?

Ans :No it is not necessary to keep a record but it is very useful. A Patient record book is
recommended because of the benefits that flow with it. If there is an emergency and you need to
prepare a remedy quickly, the Patient record book can of course be updated later.

Q.Does it not take too much time to fill up the record book and the Sanjeevini Selection &
Broadcast Worksheet?

Ans. No, it does not. On the contrary, it is a time saver. When some one calls us up and explains
her/his symptoms, some of us tend to keep the details in our memory or we note these down on
any piece of paper in front of us, which could easily get misplaced. So we could end up relying on
our memory for the details given by the patient, whilst preparing the remedy. There is obviously
a good chance of forgetting some key symptoms and even the name of the patient.

The Record Book and the Worksheet help in ensuring that we offer the most sincere, efficient and
dedicated Seva (service) with Sanjeevini healing prayers.

Q. Can I change the format of the Patient Record Book and the Sanjeevini Worksheet?

Ans: Yes of course. The Formats for the Patient Record Book and the Sanjeevini Selection
Worksheets can always be modified or changed to what you feel is most efficient for you.

Chronic problems: 3 to 6 doses a day

Acute problems: 6 to 9 doses a day.

In Emergencies a dose may be given as frequently as every 5 to 10 minutes.

Chronic problems : are diseases or problems that are persistent and long-lasting, over two to
three months and can recur like Blood pressure, Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes, Cancer. Chronic
problems usually take time to develop unlike most acute cases.

Acute problems usually come up suddenly – for eg. Bleeding, Fever. Flu, cold, vomiting, diarrhea,,
head ache.

What is one dose? It depends on the medium you have. If it is a liquid like water/juice then one
sip is one dose. If using a dropper type bottle for water, then 2 to 3 drops is one dose. If it is
globules one or two pills at one time is one dose. If its vibhuti, then one pinch is one dose. Ten
globules taken at one time still make one dose. Or half a glass drunk at one time or 15 drops of
water still makes one dose. Dosage is determined by the time factor, rather than the quantity
ingested. If you space out your intake of the Sanjeevinis over the day, that becomes your dosage.
If you take it at three different times in the day – then you have had three doses.

Dosage can be very flexible. In chronic cases, three to six times a day is advised. It can be more, or
less too – you can never overdose with a Sanjeevini. They are subtle (spiritual) vibrations or
prayers that will do no harm regardless of how many times they are ingested.

In acute problems (like Diarrhoea, Injuries, Pains, Fevers etc.) a dose may be taken every five-ten
minutes. In acute emergencies charge a glass of water with the relevant Sanjeevinis, and make
the patient sip it constantly – such as in an Asthma attack or very high fever.


There are several ways of using Sanjeevinis for healing.
1. Taken Orally:

This is one of the most common ways of dispensing or taking the Sanjeevini remedies i.e.
charging a medium (usually, water or homeopathic globules which can be ingested by the patient
a few times a day.

Remedies to be taken orally, for virtually any ailment, are prepared by keeping the water or the
globules on the desired Sanjeevini cards for a certain time (15 seconds or more). Repeating an
affirmation, a mantra or a prayer from any religion or faith (there is only One God and He is
Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent), while preparing the remedies is highly
recommended. It strengthens the positive healing vibrations going out to the patient, besides
doing immense good to the healer and our planet in general. The water or the globules thus
charged with the healing prayers become the remedy to be taken as per recommended dosage.
For a choice of mediums that can be used, please refer to the section “Choosing a Medium for
Your Remedy“

Charging sugar globules Charging water in a

dropper bottle Charging Water in a glass

Charging a medium for oral ingestion

2. Broadcasting the Sanjeevinis – Distance Healing :

Once a remedy is prepared for a particular

ailment, it can be transmitted or “broadcast” to
the patient who could be located anywhere in the cosmos, using the Multiplication and
Broadcasting Card.

This is an extremely simple and yet very powerful and profound way of healing with Sanjeevinis.
Please note that a Sanjeevini Healer can broadcast the Sanjeevini remedy to himself/herself as
well. This method is always used when a patient is not able to take the Sanjeevinis orally – for
example when a person is unconscious, in a coma, in intensive care, or away in another city or
country (the distance is immaterial), Distance healing by broadcasting or transmitting the SS-
Sanjeevinis is a dynamic way to heal. This way of healing is the "first choice" of many healers
even in situations where the patient is able to take the Sanjeevinis orally. It is not necessary to
opt for this method only in a situation when the patient cannot take the Sanjeevinis orally. A
broadcast can always be set up for every patient even if the patient is being given the remedies

Please click HERE for more details on this important, globally used and popular way of Sanjeevini

3. Absorbed directly by touching the Sanjeevini Cards:

Sanjeevini healing vibrations can be absorbed directly by touching a Sanjeevini card. There is no
medium used in this case. Simply place your hand for 15 seconds or more on the relevant
Sanjeevini Card(s) in the book or photocopies or prints of the
Sanjeevini combination Sheets from the website, a few times a
day. This is the simplest way of taking in the healing vibrations.
Repeating an affirmation, a mantra or saying a prayer from any
religion or faith or being in silence during this time of absorbing
the healing vibrations of Sanjeevinis by touch is highly
recommended. It strengthens the positive healing vibrations
being received by you.

Every time you take the vibrations of all the relevant Sanjeevinis for a problem it would be one

a) It is perfectly fine for part of the hand to touch other cards on a particular page, besides
touching the card that you are intending to take the vibration of. So be completely relaxed whilst
you take in the vibrations with the touch

b) 15 seconds is the minimum required time for taking in the vibrations. There is no upper limit
to the time. If you are enjoying the communion with the divine within through silence or through
a prayer or a chant during the process of absorbing the healing vibration, you can continue to
keep your hand on a Sanjeevini card for as long as you wish to.

This method of taking the Sanjeevini remedy certainly takes much more time to take a dose
compared to the method of taking the Sanjeevini remedy orally with a charged medium. The
charged medium once prepared can be used for a long period of time.
Elderly people or those who are ill or convalescing from an illness usually feel very comfortable
with this method. They have plenty of time at hand and most of them love tuning into the silence
within (i.e. their connection to God) during the charging process.

This method is also ideal for those who may be in a hospital. The hospital authorities usually
object to a patient taking any medication or remedies other than the one prescribed by them.
They may not allow the Sanjeevini remedy prepared in pills or water to be given to the patient
which is quite understandable as they are not familiar with the system at all.

They are duty bound to follow the rules and regulations of the hospital which are meant for the
welfare of the patient. So there is no need to enter into an argument with them over this. Make
sure that the harmony of the patient with the staff is not disturbed over this issue.

However, There can of course be no objection to the patient placing her/his hands on the
Sanjeevini Cards. So all we need to do is to give the patient copy of the book or simply
photocopies of the relevant cards or Printouts of the relevant Sanjeevini Combination Sheets.
Another way is to copy and paste the relevant Sanjeevini cards (available on this website) on a
fresh Word document. Take a print out of the same for giving it to the patient. This printed sheet
can be kept in a thin A4 size plastic sleeve (available from all stationery shops) or laminated so
that the cards do not crumple, tear or become dirty due to frequent usage.

A patient in a hospital can of course always be put on a broadcast for Distance healing with the
Multiplication and Broadcasting Card.

4. Applied locally: This would usually be for skin conditions or injuries. In such cases the
medium used is water and once charged with the Sanjeevinis, it is applied to the required area.
You could of course charge any cream, lotion, hair oil or ointment also with the relevant

5. Holding the Sanjeevini healing remedy: Once a medium is charged in a container, some
people just prefer holding it in their hands for a minute or more each day, a few times in a day, so
that the energy of the Sanjeevini seeps into them through their hands. Crystals, Rosaries can be
used like this.

6. Using photocopies of the relevant Sanjeevinis: Some people photocopy the relevant
Sanjeevini patterns from the Sanjeevini healing book (or take prints from the website) and give
them to patients to place under their pillow while sleeping at night. The patient can also use
these photocopies/printouts to charge their water, or meal for the day by placing their water/
beverage/plate of food on the Sanjeevini patterns.

Photocopies/printouts can be laminated or kept secure in a plastic pouch so that the cards don’t
get torn or dirty.

7. Printing Sanjeevini patterns like Shakthi Sanjeevini, Shanthi Sanjeevini, Prema Sanjeevini,
Forgiveness Sanjeevini on Coasters, T-shirts, Meditation mats… are other innovative ways that
some people are using to take in the Sanjeevni vibrations.
8. Recalling the name, or thinking of the Sanjeevinis with complete faith: Some people just
think of the Sanjeevinis in the Silence of their mind or repeat the name of the Sanjeevini with
complete faith. This is the subtlest way of taking the Sanjeevinis. It will come to you naturally as
you develop faith in the system through extensive usage.

An example: You are driving your car. All of a sudden you develop a severe cramp in your leg
which immobilizes your foot and is making you lose control over the vehicle. It could be an
emergency. Think of the Cramp Sanjeevini as you try to maneuver your vehicle to a safe position.
Call out the name of the Sanjeevinis in your mind or aloud. In this case you could think of the Leg
and Foot Sanjeevini as well.

Another example: A person is traveling without a first aid kit. There is an accident which results
in severe bleeding from the hand. Immediately the person can think of the Bleeding Sanjeevini to
harness the healing force from within to stop the bleeding. Recalling the name of Sanjeevinis
opens out the right channels of healing grace from within and from the outside world too in the
form of immediate medical assistance. It is like an SOS to God seeking His healing grace and help
from within and from without.

Yet another example.: A person who is severely constipated can think of or recall aloud the
names of Constipation Sanjeevini, Blockages Sanjeevini, Colon Sanjeevini or Alimentary Canal
Sanjeevini to harness the healing force from within to clear the problem.

In every challenging situation or emergency, many people spontaneously connect with God
through prayers, chanting or meditative silence, for divine help. Please continue to do that with
great faith and fervour. Our profound connection with God, the ultimate source of all healing, is
the most powerful protection from danger. The Sanjeevinis are there as an additional resource
for you, should you need it.

9. Any other way that you are guided from within to use the Sanjeevinis. Please feel free to
follow your intuition and use any other way that you are guided to from within for making use of
the Sai Sanjeevini healing prayers.


Every time you prepare a Sanjeevini remedy for someone, you are giving the person a
combination of a few Sanjeevinis based on the symptoms or diseases the person is suffering from
at the physical, mental, emotional, social or spiritual level.

The Section Selected Sanjeevini Combinations in the book A Healer’s Guide lists out
suggestions for Combinations of Sanjeevinis for over two hundred diseases/problems. There are
60 main Selected Sanjeevini Combinations. Each of these 60 combinations has one or more
sub-combinations for different ailments. This is the main reference material for all healers, in
particular for those who are just starting to work with the system.

For derails of all the 60 Combinations and the associated sub Combinations, please click

It is very useful to go through this entire section to become aware of the range of diseases
covered. It provides a good understanding on how to select relevant Sanjeevinis for different
ailments. You are then ready to confidently create a Sanjeevini Combination for any disease or
problem that may not be covered under the Section.

Q. What are the important features of this section?

1. For new comers this section is a great reference guide. Look up the relevant Combination
for the problem at hand and prepare the remedy for dispensing or broadcasting. E.g. For Fevers
use SSC 21, for High B.P., use SSC 8, For Bites and Stings use SSC 5, For injuries use SSC 26 and so

2. For regular Users also it is a good starting point. Based on one’s experience one can always
add more Sanjeevinis to those suggested in the Combination for any problem.

3. Easy to access the appropriate combination.

e.g. If you need to prepare a Combination for Fever, go to SSC 21Fevers Combination.

If the cause of fever is not known, the basic Combination SSC 21 can be used.

If the cause is known, look up in the sub -Combinations

If you know the cause of the fever look under SSC 21 and you will find Combinations for various
types of fevers e.g. Malaria, Typhoid, Chicken pox, Swine flu. In this case you can add the
additional Sanjeevinis in the relevant sub combination.

Another example:

If there is a problem related to Lungs and Chest, use SSC 28 Lung and Chest Combination as the
basic Combination. However if a deeper cause of the problem is known use any of the Sub
Combinations under SSC 28 e.g. for Bronchitis use SSC 28 (a) by adding DS 23 Bronchitis
Sanjeevini + DS 36 Cough (wet) Sanjeevini to the Basic SSC 28 Combination.

4. Preparation of SSC samples: The most important feature of this section is the preparation
of Samples of all or at least most of the 60 Combinations. Once you have the samples ready,
preparing remedies for even the most complicated ailments becomes very simple and effortless.

e.g. If you need to prepare a Sanjeevini remedy for someone who has Diabetes, Arthritis, High BP
and a Liver Infection, pick up the relevant samples from the already prepared samples for each of
the Combinations - SSC 15, SSC 32, SSC 8, SSC 27. Using the Multiplication and Broadcasting Card,
transfer the Vibrations of each of these samples into a fresh medium which then becomes the
required remedy for the multi disease case. This will take you a little over two minutes ( ½
minute for each sample). If you did not have the samples ready and you had to go to several
Sanjeevini Cards to prepare the remedy it would have taken well over 12 minutes to prepare the
same remedy.

Please see the section How to prepare Samples of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations for
details on how to actually prepare the samples..

5. Useful notes on various Basic Combinations and a few sub Combinations.

You will find these notes providing you with additional information for some of the problems.

Please remember that the choice of Sanjeevinis in the different Combinations is a guideline
for you to get started. Feel free to add more relevant Body Parts Sanjeevinis and Diseases
Sanjeevinis depending on the symptoms of every case and on your inner guidance.


From : A Healer’s Guide

Details of each combination can be down loaded Here

Given below is a detailed write up on Selected Sanjeevini Combinations (SSC) which can be used
for healing most ailments. Please go through these combinations very thoroughly - many diseases
are dealt with under each main heading. This is your main reference material. Sanjeevini
combinations can be used as prophylactics (preventatives) and can be very helpful when
epidemics strike eg. Flu, Cholera, Chicken Pox, Measles, Malaria etc. The same combination is the
prophylactic and the treatment too.

Note : The sub combinations listed below are described within the 'Basic Combination'. The
'Basic Combination' is the base for the sub-combinations & is also used as the base for ALL
related diseases - These combinations can be varied according to your requirements, adding
other Sanjeevinis wherever necessary.


SSC 1 - Sarva Shakti Shanti Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Entities, Fears, Hyperactivity,
(Supreme Strength and Peace) Indecisiveness,Phobias, Resentment, Schizophrenia, Sleep
disorders, Stress, Violence.

SSC 2 - Allergies Hayfever, Urticaria (Hives or pithi), Allergic Asthma.

SSC3 - Anaemia All types.

SSC 4 - Back Problems Spondylitis, Slipped Disc Sciatica, Lumbago (low back pain),
Frozen Shoulder.

SSC 5 - Bedwetting

SSC 6 - Bleeding or Nose bleed, Uterine bleeding, Prostate bleeding, Cut or Wound.

SSC 7 - Bites and Stings

SSC 8 - Blood Pressure (high)

SSC 9 - Blood Pressure(low)

SSC 10 - Brain Power Mental Retardation, Physical Retardation, Autism, Downes

Syndrome, Epilepsy, Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Better
Memory, Dementia, Examination Stress, Coma.
SSC 11 - Burns

SSC 12 - Cleansing & Kidney Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney Failure(Renal Failure), Kidney
Stones (or stones anywhere in the urinary tract).

SSC 13 - Cold & Sinus problems

SSC 14 - Constipation problems Piles (Haemerrhoids).

SSC 15 - Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus, Juvenile Diabetes.

SSC 16 - Digestion problems Flatulence (Gas), Acidity, Indigestion Colic, Hiccups, Diarrhoea
and Dysentry, Ulcer, Worms & Parasites, Cholera, Colitis, Crohn's
Disease/ Celiac Disease, Poisoning.

SSC 17 - Ear problems Deafness, Tinnitus, Meniere's Disease Vertigo and giddiness, Pus
in the ear.

SSC 18 - Emergencies

SSC 19 - Eye Conjunctivitis, Vision, Astigmatism Night blindness, Cataract,

Glaucoma Styes, Blindess (due to injuries), Squint Eye, Tearing
Eyes and Dry Eyes.

SSC 20 - Female problems Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge), Puberty (girls), Menopause,

Menstrual Disorders, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Threatened
Miscarriage, Fibroids, Tumours, Cysts and Growths, Prolapsed
Uterus, Infertility, Pre-Menstrual Tension.

SSC 21- Fevers & Flu (all types) Malaria, Typhoid, Chicken pox, Measles, Mumps, Tonsilitis,
Diphtheria, Filaria, Dengue, Meningitis, Yellow Fever, Swine Flu.

SSC 22- Glands (Including AIDS, Cancer, Tumours.

Cancer& AIDS)

SSC 23 - Hair problems Lice, Dandruff.

SSC 24 - Headache problems Migraine.

SSC 25 - Heart Angina, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Palpitations, Hole in the


SSC 26 - Injuries
SSC 27 - Liver problems Jaundice (including all types of hepatitis), Gall Stones, Cirrhosis of
the Liver.

SSC 28 - Lung & Chest Bronchitis, Cough, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Primary Complex
(Beginning of Tuberculosis), Asthma, Pneumonic plague,

SSC 29 - Male problems Puberty, Prostate problems, Hydrocele, Infertility.

SSC 30 - Paralysis Cerebral palsy, Polio.

SSC 31 - Pus & Drawing Boils and Abscesses, Fissures, Fistula.

SSC 32 - Rheumatism, Arthirtis

and Gout

SSC 33 - Skin problems Psoriasis, Eczema, Fungal infection (including ringworm , Dhobi's
itch, Barber's rash), Urticaria (Pitthi/ Hives), Leucoderma
(Vitiligo - white pigmentationon the skin), Herpes Zoaster
(Shingles), Herpes Simplex, Scabies.

SSC 34 - Sunstroke

SSC 35 - Teeth & Gums Caries, Teething in babies, Pyorrhoea and Bleeding gums.

SSC 36 - Thyroid problems Simple Goitre, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism.

SSC 37 - Tonsilitis & Other Dry cough, Tonsils with Pus.

Throat problems

SSC 38 - Ulcers Ulcers of any part of the digestive system,or any other part due to
diabetesor old injury or cancer.

SSC 39 - Vomitting

SSC 40 - Addictions Alcohol related, Caffeine related, Nicotine related, Drug related.

SSC 41 - Anorexia (loss of


SSC 42 - Appendicitis

SSC 43 - Gonorrhoea
SSC 44 - Hernia

SSC 45 - Incontinence Urinary incontinence, Sexual incontinence, Incontinence of

desires (uncontrollable desire for any thing).

SSC 46 - Leprosy

SSC 47 - Marasmus

SSC 48 - Muscular Dystrophy

SSC 49 - Obesity(being

SSC 50 - Polyps

SSC 51 - Septicaemia

SSC 52 - Syphillis

SSC 53 - Water Retention

SSC 54 - Whooping Cough

SSC 55 - Vaccine Antidote

SSC 56 - Bone Disorders Bone Injuries, Osteoporosis, Fluorosis, Bunions, Growths, Spurs.

SSC 57 - Soil Rejuvenation

Ticks & Fleas, Canine Distemper, Mange, PFBD (Beak and Feather
SSC 58 - Animals & Birds

Lust(kama), Anger ( krodha), Greed(lobha), Ego (ahamkara),

SSC 59 - Removal of & Protection
Resentment, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Envy, Scandal-mongering
Negative Emotions
(talking ill of others)

Sathya, (Truth), Dharma(Right Conduct), Shanthi(Peace),

SSC 60 – Awakening & Prema(Love), Ahimsa(Non-violence), Forgiveness, Honesty,
Nourishment of Divine Values Gratitude, Humility, Compassion(Karuna),Smile of inner joy,


This section is really the most important section for getting a good hands on experience
of Sanjeevini healing. Please go through this section carefully, step by step, to understand
the process of preparing samples of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations.

People who have spent 3 to 4 hours on this section preparing samples of all the
Combinations have never looked back in their healing work. Most of their doubts get
cleared whilst preparing the samples. They can confidently prepare Sanjeevini remedies
for the most complicated cases.

The actual preparation of the Samples will be take up in Module 4. You

can go through this section in this module to understand the process.

Please do not be in a hurry whilst preparing your samples. Let the mind be completed
dedicated and devoted to this sacred work whenever you decide to do it. Be in prayerful
communion with God whilst engaged in the preparation, joyfully visualising miraculous
healings happening with the samples with the Lord’s healing grace.

Q. What is a Sample of a Sanjeevini Combination?

A Sample is a small quantity of a medium charged with the healing vibrations of all the
Sanjeevinis that are included in the Combination.

Q. What is the advantage of keeping samples of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations?

A sample can be used for multiplying or transferring all the healing vibrations contained in it into
a fresh medium using the Multiplication & Broadcasting Card, in half a minute. Using samples of
Selected Sanjeevini Combinations is an extremely efficient way of preparing a fresh remedy for
the most complicated case with several problems. Without a sample, you will have to charge a
fresh medium by going to all the Sanjeevini Cards contained in one or more combinations that
you may wish to use for every case. For example if you were to prepare a remedy for some one
who has an Allergy, you would use the Allergy Combination. If you see the composition of
this Combination its has three Combinations SSC 1, SSC 60, SSC 12,and four Sanjeevinis
BPS 5, BPS 28, DS 5 , DS 185 , It could take a few minutes to charge the fresh medium (to be
given to a patient with Allergy as a remedy or to be used as a sample for broadcasting to the
Patient). However once you have the sample for the Allergies Combination ready, you can charge
a fresh medium with it in half minute using the Multiplication & Broadcasting Card.

Q. Which is the best medium for preparing a sample?

The longer lasting the medium the better its use as a sample. In terms of the ability to capture
and retain the healing vibrations of Sanjeevinis, all mediums are equally good. Remember we are
working with the subtle healing vibrations of prayers which will be equally potent in every

Vibhuti (holy ash), is of course the ideal medium for preparing Samples as it lasts for
ever.In India it is easily available at all Sai Baba Centres in almost every town and in most
villages too. Overseas too, it can be procured at the Sai Baba Centres in major cities in
almost all countries of the world. Any Indian Store in most countries should usually be
having it in stock. People who regularly ingest a tiny pinch of Vibhuti daily, as part of their
daily discipline for spiritual evolution and healing can charge their Vibhuti with relevant
Sanjeevinis for oral ingestion as well. Others should use Vibhuti only as a medium for
preparing Samples to be used for transferring captured vibrations into another medium
or for Broadcasting using the Multiplication & Broadcasting Card.

Sugar globules: is another commonly used medium for preparing and storing

Sugar globules usually last for around a couple of years without getting soggy or
discolored. If the bottles in which the globules are stored are kept airtight and not opened,
the shelf life can even be longer. Sugar globules are usually available in Homeopathic
Stores or Pharmacies in most countries.

Sagu, Sago or Sabudana which is available in the market in the form of small “globules of
pearls” is being used in countries where Homeo globules are not available easily specially
for making Samples.

“Sugar rice flocks” In a few Latin American Countries, “Sugar rice flocks” is used as a
medium too. It is very inexpensive, sweet and popular as they are used in cakes. Children
and elder people love it.

Turmeric powder : Turmeric has been used in Indian traditional medicine and cooking
for thousands of yearson account of its therapeutic properties. It is also considered as a
symbol of auspiciousness.It has a shelf life of well over a couple of years when kept in an
airtight container.Turmeric powder should be available in most countries of the world. We
are told that in the US and a few other countries you can mail order a packet of turmeric
over the internet.

White Rice grains: Another medium that has a long shelf life of over two years. (Shelf life
f Brown rice is around 6 months) . A few grains of rice is enough for preparing a Sample.
Distilled water: In many countries people are very happy using distilled water for
preparing samples of Combinations. Mineral Water (or bottled water) is also being used
by some people for preparing samples where distilled water is not easily available . Its
shelf life is what you have to keep in mind.

Q What is the best container for storing the samples.

For distilled water, use small dropper type bottles

For pills, vibhuthi or turmeric powder you can use small plastic or glass bottles in ½ drahm or 1
drahm size. You can also use the smallest size transparent zip cello bags in case bottles are
difficult toprocure. Bottles are usually available in Homeopathic shops and the zip cello bags in
any stationary shop.

Q. How is a sample of a Sanjeevini Combination prepared?

Let us take the very first Combination SSC 1 Sarva Shakthi Shanthi Combination. It has ten
Sanjeevinis included in it.

BPS 31 Mind Sanjeevini +

BPS 24 Immune System Sanjeevini +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini +
BPS 13 Endocrine System Sanjeevini +
DS 113 Shakthi Sanjeevini +
DS 128 Thought Management Sanjeevini +
DS 9 Antitoxin Sanjeevini +
DS 114 Shanthi Sanjeevini +
DS 54 Fitness Sanjeevini +
DS 115 Shock Sanjeevini.+
DS 16 Blockages Sanjeevini

Follow the Steps below to prepare your sample of SSC 1

1. Fill your bottle with vibhuthi or pills. or turmeric powder.. Only a small quantity of the medium
is needed to preparing your samples – a few globules, a pinch of vibhuti or turmeric powder or a
couple of spoons of water is sufficient.Filling up a quarter of the one drahm size bottle with the
medium is sufficient . There is of course no harm in filling the bottle fully.

2. Place your bottle with the chosen medium on any of the 10 Sanjeevini cards that are part of
SSC 1, for 15 seconds or more and pray or chant during this time.

Lets say had started with placing the sample bottle on BPS 31 Mind Sanjeevini.
3. Now move the bottle to the next Sanjeevini Card i.e BPS 24 Immune System Sanjeevini for 15
seconds or more and pray again for the Lord’s healing love and grace. Repeat this process with all
the Sanjeevini Cards in the Combination

4. Your sample of Sarva Shakthi Shanthi Combination is now ready.

5. Clearly put a distinct label the bottle "SSC 1 - Sarva Shakthi Shanthi ". for easy identification
and retrieval

Simiarly prepare the sample for SSC 60 Divine Values Combination which has the following
Sanjeevinis included in it.

DS 190 Sathya (Truth) Sanjeevini +

DS 187 Dharma ( Right Conduct)Sanjeevini +
DS 114 Shanthi (Peace) Sanjeevini +
DS 189 Prema (Love) Sanjeevini +
DS 145 Ahimsa (Non violence) Sanjeevini +
DS 169 Forgiveness Sanjeevini +
DS 188 Honesty Sanjeevini +
DS 218 Gratitude Sanjeevini +
DS 202 Compassion (Karuna) Sanjeevini +
DS 238 Smile of Inner joy Sanjeevini +

Q. How do I locate the Sanjeevini Cards in different Combinations.

There are several ways of doing this:

1. In the section Selected Sanjeevini Combination where the Composition of each of the
Combinations is given. When you click on any Sanjeevini in the Composition, you will
have the image of that particular Sanjeevini come up on the screen. Copy and paste this
image on a new Word document. Similarly copy paste the images of all the other
Sanjeevinis included on the new document. Since these images are in the jpeg format you
can adjust the size of the images to fit on a page. Take a print out of the document and use
it for preparing the Sample.

2. Using the Selected Sanjeevini Combination Sheets .

These Combination Sheets make the process of preparing the Combinations very simple as all
the Sanjeevini Cards in the Combination are available on the Sheet and you do not have to
download the Cards from the website separately or look for the Cards in the book.
3. If you have a copy of the book A Healer’s Guide, you can
locate the different Cards under the Body Parts Sanjeevinis
Section or the Diseases Sanjeevini Section.

Q. In almost all the Combinations SSC 1 and SSC 60 are included. Does that mean that
samples for all Combinations have to be charged with SSC 1 and SSC 60?

It is true that SSC 1 and SSC 60 are included in every Combination. These two Combinations
together constitute a powerful subtle tonic (called Sai Sanjeevini tonic) for physical, mental,
emotional, social and spiritual well being and therefore recommended to be a part of every

Prepare samples of these two combinations - SSC1 and SSC 60 right in the beginning. Sample for
SSC 60 will be prepared exactly the same way as we did for SSC 1 above. Using these samples, you
can transfer the healing vibrations in these combinations to every other sample by using the
Multiplication and Broadcasting Card. This is explained in the example (of SSC 2 Allergies
Combination) ahead.

Q. How to prepare the Sample for SSC 2 Allergies Combination

The composition of SSC 2 is given below. Unlike SSC 1 and SSC 60 where we had to charge the
medium with the relevant Sanjeevini Cards included in the Combination, here we also have to
charge the sample with three Sanjeevini Combinations – SSC1, SSC60 and SSC 12.

SSC 1 Sarva Shakti Shanti Combination +

SSC 60 Awakening of DivineValuesCombination+
SSC 12 Cleansing & Kidney Combination+
BPS 5 Blood Sanjeevini +
BPS 28 Liver Sanjeevini +
DS 5 Allergies (all) Sanjeevini +
DS 185 Vaccine Antidote Sanjeevini

We already have samples of SSC 1 and SSC 60 ready with us which can be easily transferred into
the new sample being prepared for SSC2 Allergies Combination, with the M&B Card.

Place the already prepared sample of SSC 1 on the left side of the Multiplication & Broadcasting
Place the bottle in which the sample for SSC2 Allergies Combination is being made on the right
side of the M & B card

Leave for ½ minute or more. Pray or chant during this time.

The new medium on the right side is charged with SSC 1 Combination

Next repeat the process with the already prepared sample of SSC 60 placed on the left side of the
M & B Card. The new medium is now charged with SSC 1 and SSC 60.

Next we need to charge the medium with SSC 12, Cleansing & Kidney Combination.

In the block below are given the instructions for preparing a sample of SSC 12

Preparing a sample of

SSC 12 - Cleansing & Kidney Combination

SSC 12 is a vital combination for toning up the organs of elimination and to throw
out all kinds of toxins from the body.

This combination is included in several other combinations. Therefore it is good to

prepare a sample of this combination right in the beginning.

If you were to click on this combination you will see its composition as :

SSC 1 Sarva Shakti Shanti Combination+

SSC 60 Awakening of Divine Values Combo+
BPS 25 Kidney & U.T.Sanjeevini +
DS 68 Infection Sanjeevini+
BPS 1 Abdomen Sanjeevini
BPS 57 Colon Sanjeevini
DS 156 Antitoxin - Heavy Metals
DS 157 Antitoxin – Dental Fillings

Take a fresh bottle with a medium.

Charge it with SSC 1 and SSC 60 using the Multiplication and Broadcasting Card as
explained above..

Place the bottle now on BPS 25 Kidney and UT Card for 15 seconds or more and pray.

Repeat this process to charge the medium in the bottle with DS 68, BPS 1, BPS 57, DS
156, and DS 157 Sanjeevinis

You now have the Sample for SSC 12 Cleansing & Kidney Combination ready for
use. Label this sample bottle SSC 12 Cleansing & Kidney for easy identification
and retrieval.
Continuing the preparation of the sample for SSC 2 Allergies Combination.

Charge the medium in the bottle now with the healing vibrations of SSC 12 Combination by
placing the just prepared sample of SSC 12 on the left side of the M & B card and placing the
medium for SSC 2 on the right side for ½ minute or more and praying.

Next take the Sample bottle and place it on BPS 5 Blood Sanjeevini Card for 15 seconds or more
and praying or chanting during this time.

Repeat this process with the rest of the Sanjeevinis in the Combination i.e BPS 28, DS 5 and DS

The sample for SSC 2 Allergies Combination is ready.

Put a label on the sample – SSC 2 Allergies- for clear identification of the bottle and for easy
retrieval during your regular healing seva.

You can now confidently proceed to make all the SSC samples from SSC 1 to SSC 60 for your
Sanjeevini healing work. You can do this important and sacred work on one day or spread it over
three days (or more), preparing 20 samples everyday.

Please do not be in a hurry. Let the mind be completed dedicated and devoted to this work whilst
you are preparing the samples. Be in prayerful communion with God whilst engaged in the work,
joyfully visualizing miraculous healings happening with these samples with the Lord’s healing

Q. If SSC 1 and SSC60 are to be used in every combination, can I charge my entire stock of
medium, pills, Vibhuti, Turmeric powder or Distilled water or any other medium with SSC
1 and SSC 60 right in the beginning using the M & B Card

Yes indeed. It is recommended that whatever stock of any medium we have for dispensing or for
preparing samples, we can charge it with SSC 1 and SSC 60. Every thing that you take from this
stock will already be charged with SSC 1 and SSC 60. You do not need to charge it again as you
prepare different samples in small bottles.

Q. Is it necessary to recharge the samples periodically – say every 6 months or so.

Of course you can recharge one or more of your samples any time you are innerly. guided to do
so. But it is not necessary to do so.
A sample does not need recharging once it has been charged. You can prepare hundreds or
thousands of remedies with a sample using the Multiplication & Besththesiorage of samples in
cello broadcasting Card. Its charge does not get diminished at all. Never have a doubt in your
mind on the potency of the sample after extensive usage or after a certain period of time
has elapsed.

However if you feel like it, please recharge your samples whenever you wish to. The process of
charging deepens our connection with God and with individual Sanjeevini prayers and therefore
can be undertaken any time.

Q. What are the ways of storing the SSC samples for easy retrieval during the healing

It is important to have an efficient storage retrieval system for

the samples. The simplest one is to use smallest size cello bags
(zip types) for individual samples and then putting a few
samples in a larger packet. Packet No. 1 could have combinations
SSC1 to SSC 10; packet No. 2 could have combinations SSC 11 to
SSC 20 and so on.

Another storage system that we highly recommend based on our experience is to prepare the
samples in small ½ or 1 Drahm size bottles and store these
in a wooden box with storage slots. The bottles could be
plastic or glass.

The wooden boxes are usually available from any

Homeopathic Pharmacy in every town with storage slots
of 60, 84, 108 bottles. Bottles of the correct size that fit
into the slots in the box and pills can also be procured
from the Homeo Pharmacy. Vibhuti is of course the ideal
medium in which the samples should be prepared as it
never gets spoilt. If vibhuthi is not available use Homeo
globules or turmeric powder. Try and get a box with 84 or
108 slots so that you have a few slots available for some of the commonly used sub combinations
as well.

If a ready made wooden box is not available in your city, you could have your local carpenter
make one for you. You could also do a Google search for Plastic or wooden boxes with slots for
storing Homeo bottles and hopefully locate a few suppliers.

Wishing you great joy and fulfillment in your healing seva!!!


Given below are the Combination Sheets for all the 60 main Combinations from SSC 1 to SSC 60.

Clicking on any SSC No in the table below will open the pdf file for the Combination Sheet for that
Selected Sanjeevini Combination. E.g. If you click on SSC 3 Anaemia you will have the
Combination Sheet for SSC 3 Anaemia Combination appearing on your screen. This can be
downloaded on your PC and saved in a new Folder (named Selected Sanjeevini Combination
Sheets). It is good to download all pdf files of Combination sheets from SSC 1 to SSC 60 into this
folder so that you can have access to all the Sheets offline even when the Internet is not working.

Take Printouts of all the 60 Combinations Sheets from SSC 1 to SSC 60. Store these
carefully in a file or get the entire lot spiral bound for regular and convenient use.

In due course the Combination sheets for some of the commonly used sub combinations under
each of the 60 main combinations will be added for everyone’s convenient use and sharing.

It is our continuous prayer that the Sanjeevini healing system may evolve to become more and
more simple and easy to use so that every being in the universe has free access to it. Each
Sanjeevini User’s intense faith in the system borne out of personal experience is the fuel that
provides the energy for this evolution. Every Sanjeevini User’s compassionate selfless healing
intentions are the joyful carriers of this gift of love, this gift of healing, across the globe.

There are two ways of taking in the healing vibrations of all the cards on the Worksheet.

1. By placing the medium to be charged on each card in the Worksheet for 15 seconds or more
and praying or chanting during this time. You can of course take the vibrations directly by placing
your hand on each of the Cards as explained in the section Different ways of Using Sanjeevinis
2. By placing the medium to be charged on the Output Circle for 1 minute or more and praying
and/or chanting during this time to connect our mind with the Divine, the source of all Healing.
Or by placing our hand on the Central Output Circle for a minute or more and praying with full
faith in the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient God’s healing love and compassion.

Both the ways are equally effective. You can use either of these with full confidence.




SSC 1 - Sarva Shakti Shanti Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Entities, Fears, Hyperactivity,
(Supreme Strength and Peace) Indecisiveness,Phobias, Resentment, Schizophrenia, Sleep
disorders, Stress, Violence.

SSC 2 - Allergies Hayfever, Urticaria (Hives or pithi), Allergic Asthma.

SSC 3 - Anaemia All types.

SSC 4 - Back Problems Spondylitis, Slipped Disc Sciatica, Lumbago (low back pain),
Frozen Shoulder.
SSC 5 - Bedwetting

SSC 6 - Bleeding or HaemmorhageNose bleed, Uterine bleeding, Prostate bleeding, Cut or Wound.

SSC 7 - Bites and Stings

SSC 8 - Blood Pressure (high)

SSC 9 - Blood Pressure(low)

SSC 10 - Brain Power Mental Retardation, Physical Retardation, Autism, Downes

Syndrome, Epilepsy, Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Better
Memory, Dementia, Examination Stress, Coma.

SSC 11 - Burns

SSC 12 - Cleansing & Kidney Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney Failure(Renal Failure), Kidney
Stones (or stones anywhere in the urinary tract).

SSC 13 - Cold & Sinus problems

SSC 14 - Constipation problems Piles (Haemerrhoids).

SSC 15 - Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus, Juvenile Diabetes.

SSC 16 - Digestion problems Flatulence (Gas), Acidity, Indigestion Colic, Hiccups, Diarrhoea
and Dysentry, Ulcer, Worms & Parasites, Cholera, Colitis, Crohn's
Disease/ Celiac Disease, Poisoning.

SSC 17 - Ear problems Deafness, Tinnitus, Meniere's Disease Vertigo and giddiness, Pus
in the ear.

SSC 18 - Emergencies

SSC 19 - Eye Conjunctivitis, Vision, Astigmatism Night blindness, Cataract,

Glaucoma Styes, Blindess (due to injuries), Squint Eye, Tearing
Eyes and Dry Eyes.

SSC 20 - Female problems Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge), Puberty (girls), Menopause,

Menstrual Disorders, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Threatened
Miscarriage, Fibroids, Tumours, Cysts and Growths, Prolapsed
Uterus, Infertility, Pre-Menstrual Tension.
SSC 21- Fevers & Flu (all types) Malaria, Typhoid, Chicken pox, Measles, Mumps, Tonsilitis,
Diphtheria, Filaria, Dengue, Meningitis, Yellow Fever, Swine Flu.

SSC 22- Glands (Including AIDS, Cancer, Tumours.

Cancer& AIDS)

SSC 23 - Hair problems Lice, Dandruff.

SSC 24 - Headache problems Migraine.

SSC 25 - Heart Angina, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Palpitations, Hole in the


SSC 26 - Injuries

SSC 27 - Liver problems Jaundice (including all types of hepatitis), Gall Stones, Cirrhosis of
the Liver.

SSC 28 - Lung & Chest Bronchitis, Cough, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Primary Complex
(Beginning of Tuberculosis), Asthma, Pneumonic plague,

SSC 29 - Male problems Puberty, Prostate problems, Hydrocele, Infertility.

SSC 30 - Paralysis Cerebral palsy, Polio.

SSC 31 - Pus & Drawing Boils and Abscesses, Fissures, Fistula.

SSC 32 - Rheumatism, Arthirtis

and Gout

SSC 33 - Skin problems Psoriasis, Eczema, Fungal infection (including ringworm , Dhobi's
itch, Barber's rash), Urticaria (Pitthi/ Hives), Leucoderma
(Vitiligo - white pigmentationon the skin), Herpes Zoaster
(Shingles), Herpes Simplex, Scabies.

SSC 34 - Sunstroke

SSC 35 - Teeth & Gums Caries, Teething in babies, Pyorrhoea and Bleeding gums.

SSC 36 - Thyroid problems Simple Goitre, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism.

SSC 37 - Tonsilitis & Other Throat Dry cough, Tonsils with Pus.

SSC 38 - Ulcers Ulcers of any part of the digestive system,or any other part due to
diabetesor old injury or cancer.

SSC 39 - Vomitting

SSC 40 - Addictions Alcohol related, Caffeine related, Nicotine related, Drug related.

SSC 41 - Anorexia (loss of


SSC 42 - Appendicitis

SSC 43 - Gonorrhoea

SSC 44 - Hernia

SSC 45 - Incontinence Urinary incontinence, Sexual incontinence, Incontinence of

desires (uncontrollable desire for any thing).

SSC 46 - Leprosy

SSC 47 - Marasmus

SSC 48 - Muscular Dystrophy

SSC 49 - Obesity(being

SSC 50 - Polyps

SSC 51 - Septicaemia

SSC 52 - Syphillis

SSC 53 - Water Retention

SSC 54 - Whooping Cough

SSC 55 - Vaccine Antidote

SSC 56 - Bone Disorders Bone Injuries, Osteoporosis, Fluorosis, Bunions, Growths, Spurs.

SSC 57 - Soil Rejuvenation

Ticks & Fleas, Canine Distemper, Mange, PFBD (Beak and Feather
SSC 58 - Animals & Birds

Lust(kama), Anger ( krodha), Greed(lobha), Ego (ahamkara),

SSC 59 - Removal of & Protection
Resentment, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Envy, Scandal-mongering
Negative Emotions
(talking ill of others)

Sathya, (Truth), Dharma(Right Conduct), Shanthi(Peace),

SSC 60 – Awakening & Prema(Love), Ahimsa(Non-violence), Forgiveness, Honesty,
Nourishment of Divine Values Gratitude, Humility, Compassion(Karuna),Smile of inner joy,

Commonly asked question on Combination Sheets

Q : Can I use both the ways mentioned above together for charging the medium from the
Combination Sheets?

Ans: Yes Of course. You can charge the medium on each Sanjeevini card on the Worksheet for 15
seconds or more. Having done that you can now place the medium on the central output circle for
a minute or more and pray.

Alternatively you can charge the medium with all the Sanjeevinis together first by placing the
medium (i.e the container with the medium) on the Central Output Circle for a minute or more
and praying with full faith in the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient God’s healing love
and compassion. Having done that you can now place the container with your medium on each
(or the most relevant) of the individual cards on the Combination sheet one after the other for 15
seconds or more.

Q. If there are only two cards in a Combination sheet, it will take me half a minute to charge the
medium with the healing vibrations of both the cards. i.e 15 seconds each. How long should we
place the medium on the Central Output circle for a Combination sheet with only one or two

Ans: If you are using the Central Output circle for charging a medium with the vibrations of all
the cards on the sheet at the same time together, the time taken for charging is one minute
regardless of the number of Cards on the sheet to which the Central Output Cicle is connected. It
could be ten cards ( e.g. SSC1) or just one Card (as in SSC 54 ).
We suggest that you keep samples of all or at least the most commonly used of the above
Sanjeevini Combinations ready in water, vibhuthi or Homeo pills, in small bottles appropriately
labeled. Pills and vibhuthi can also be kept in cellophane packets with zip. The samples can then
be quickly multiplied as and when required for dispensing to a patient. How to do this is
described under "Multiplying from a sample of Sanjeevini combinations" in the chapter
entitled "Instructions" (Instruction 2).

Storage of samples

It is important to have an efficient retrieval system for the samples bottles. The simplest one is to
use cellophane packets (zip types) putting a few samples in each packet. Packet No. 1 could have
combinations 1-10, packet No. 2 could have combinations 11-20 and so on.

A more professional retrieval sysem would be to store the samples in a cardboard or plastic box
with slots (see Exhibit-8).

Note : If you wish to receive regular updates on the system, please ensure that you are on
our mailing list of healers by sending us mail at thesthitaprajna@gmail.com with the
subject "mailing list - new developments".


The Multiplication and Broadcasting Card (Please see Exhibit below)is a pattern printed on a
card. Like the Sanjeevini patterns, this pattern has also been obtained through divine guidance
using the science of Radiesthesia.

The Multiplication Function. This card is used to make fresh supplies/refills of remedies by
transferring the vibrations from a sample of a Sanjeevini remedy (i.e. one that has been prepared
from various Sanjeevini patterns) to an uncharged medium. This is its Multiplication function.
The M&B Card is an extremely useful and versatile healing aid. It can be used for preparing refills
or larger quantities of Sanjeevinis for specific ailments for use at home, in healing seva centres,
for seva during epidemics or calamities.

The Multiplication function is explained in great detail in the following link:

Multiplication Function of The Multiplication & Broadcasting Card

Multiplication and Broadcasting Card

The Broadcasting Function: The other use of this card is to transmit or broadcast the vibrations
of the Sanjeevini remedies to far off places regardless of the distance (distance healing). This is
its Broadcasting function as briefly explained in Section “Different ways of using the Sanjeevinis
for healing” under “Getting Started”.

Distance healing by broadcasting or transmitting the Sanjeevinis is a dynamic way to heal. This
way of healing is the "first choice" of many healers even in situations where the patient is able to
take the Sanjeevinis orally. It is not necessary to opt for this method only in a situation when the
patient cannot take the Sanjeevinis orally. A broadcast can always be set up for every patient even
if the patient is being given the remedies orally. This method also gives a Sanjeevini healer the
opportunity to reach out quickly and lovingly with focused healing vibrations to people affected
in natural calamities or people suffering in wars, racial and religious conflicts, epidemics or
pandemics, or people suffering from food and water scarcity…

The Broadcasting Function is explained in detail in the following link.

Broadcasting Function of The Multiplication & Broadcasting Card

For downloading a set of Multiplication and Broadcasting Cards please click the link below.

Set of Multiplication and Broadcasting Cards

Printouts/photocopies of this card in Black and White are as effective as the printouts in red
colour. These are also as effective as the laminated card that is sent along with the hard copy of
the book.

It is recommended that you get the prints/ photocopies of these cards laminated for ensuring
that the card does not get torn/soiled or smudged with extensive usage.

Multiplication Function of the Multiplication & Broadcasting card

Preparing Sanjeevini refills for patients

with the Multiplication & Broadcasting card

Once a small sample of a Sanjeevini remedy or combination for a specific ailment is ready you
have the convenience of being able to provide a quick refill in as large a quantity a required. This
is done as below.

Lets say you have made a remedy i.e. charged vibhuthi or pills or water in a bottle, with all the
Sanjeevinis needed for a bleeding leg injury (Example 1 in a few examples of how to prepare
Sanjeevini remedies). You can retain a few globules or a small amount of Vibhuti or a small
quantity of water from this remedy as a “sample” and use this sample to charge any fresh
medium for a refill with this Leg injury remedy.

Open to the Multiplication & Broadcasting card on the Exhibits section of the book. On Sanjeevini
healing- A Healer’s Guide, or download the Multiplication & Broadcasting Card hereand take a

1. Place the sample in the small circle marked "Sample" on the Multiplication and Broadcasting

2. Place the bottle containing your fresh medium in the circle marked "Output" on the
Multiplication and Broadcasting card.

3. Leave for half a minute or more. Remember, chanting mantra or affirmation or praying while
the Sanjeevinis are being prepared is important for the patient and the healer.

4. The medium in the "Output" circle is now ready, having been charged with all the vibrations
that were in the original sample.

In this case, your fresh medium now contains the vibrations of the four Sanjeevinis that were
included in the original ‘Leg injury with bleeding’ remedy.

This same principle can be used to replenish your supply of any Sanjeevini remedy you’ve made
for anyone. Either retain a sample of the remedy given to a patient or simply ask patients to
retain a little bit of their remedy in a container (for example: four or five sugar globules or a
pinch of vibhuthi.) and bring it back to you for a refill. This now becomes your sample for that
person’s remedy. Place the sample on the multiplication card, as mentioned above, and a fresh
container of globules on the output circle on the right side of the card. Follow the steps outlined
above. You now have a replenished supply of a specific combination of Sanjeevinis you had
created earlier for your patient.

Suggestions for several Sanjeevini Combinations for different ailments are given in detail in the
section Selected Sanjeevini Combinations. If Samples of all these combinations (or at least for the
most common ailments) are ready, dispensing the Sanjeevinis becomes extremely easy. Please
see section for details on How to prepare samples of Selected Sanjeevini Combination.

Adding more Sanjeevinis to your sample

If you wish to add new Sanjeevinis to this refill/replenished supply, you can do so by following
the same steps mentioned in “How to prepare a Sanjeevini remedy”

Let us continue with the case of a leg injury with bleeding. You have already prepared the remedy.
The patient suddenly remembers that he/she has a mild fever too. You would then take the bottle
with the remedy for the leg injury and place it on the Fever and Flu Sanjeevini for 15 seconds or
more. Repeat your Mantra or affirmation or Prayer from any faith or be in silence during this
time. The remedy now has the Fever and Flu Sanjeevini included in it.


Frequently asked questions

on the use of the Multiplication Function of The M&B card

Container mismatch?The container holding your sample and the container holding your fresh
supply do not have to be the same size/shape/color. There is no relation between them, other
than the transfer of vibrations.

Medium mismatch?You may have a sample in the medium of sugar globules. And you may want
to transfer its vibrations to a fresh supply in the form of a glass of water. This is perfectly
alright. The sample and the fresh supply do not need to be of the same medium.

Charging water in a glass from a Charging pills in a large containers

sample of vibhuti from Vibhuti in a small bottle
Charging Water in a large bottle
from a sample of vibhuti

More than half a minute?

Half a minute is the minimum time required to transfer the Sanjeevini vibrations from your
sample, to your fresh supply. There is no maximum time limit…you may exceed half a minute for
as long as you wish.

Be confident whilst using the Sanjeevinis

It is not complicated to use the Sanjeevinis. They are very simple to use – so simple that a ten-
year old child can work with them easily. Allow this simplicity to work for you…there is no need
to bring complexities into the preparation process by wondering “should I lift up the sample
bottle first, and then the output bottle, or should I do it the other way round?” It doesn’t matter.
When working with prayers, your surrender to the Divine, the purity of your intention,
and your sense of compassion – these are the only things that matter.

Broadcasting Function of the Multiplication & Broadcasting Card

Distance healing with the M & B Card

When a patient is not able to take the Sanjeevinis orally - for example when a person is
unconscious, in a coma, in intensive care, or away in another city or country (the distance is
immaterial), it is possible to broadcast the Sanjeevini vibrations at a distance.

Distance healing by broadcasting or transmitting the Sanjeevinis is a dynamic way to heal. This
way of healing is the "first choice" of many healers even in situations where the patient is able to
take the Sanjeevinis orally. It is not necessary to opt for this method only in a situation when the
patient cannot take the Sanjeevinis orally. A broadcast can always be set up for every patient even
if the patient is being given the remedies orally.

To broadcast the healing energy of Sanjeevini prayers to a patient, follow this simple process
given below:

Step 1. Prepare the required Sanjeevini remedy for the patient in a bottle or a paper or plastic
bag, based on the known symptoms or problems.

Step 2. Place the sample in the circle marked "sample" on the Multiplication and Broadcasting

Step 3. Write the name of the patient on a small piece of paper and place it on the circle marked

Broadcasting of Sanjeevini healing vibrations with M & B Card

Step 4. For a minute or more be in silence or say a prayer from any faith or repeat your
affirmation or chant your favourite mantra. Consciously be in surrender to the Omnipotent,
Omnipresent and Omniscient One who is the source of all healing in the Universe.

The healing broadcast is now on.

Leave the broadcast on for as long as required i.e. until the patient shows signs of healing. This
could be a few minutes in some cases where the response is almost instantaneous or a couple of
days/weeks or more in other cases.

You can reenergize your broadcast once a day (or when ever you are guided from within) by
visualizing the broadcast in your mind and praying/chanting/being in silence as explained in
Step 4 above. It is not necessary to be in front of the multiplication and broadcasting card to
refresh the broadcast. You can do this from any where.

A few points to note:

1. In order to prevent the paper with the name from flying off you may weigh it down with an
ordinary pebble or coin or alternatively use card paper

2. In order to keep many healing broadcasts going for different patients simultaneously, please
make photocopies of the Multiplication and Broadcasting card.
3.The person may be residing in any part of the world. Distance does not affect the healing
broadcast. Remember prayers work in the infinitely vast spiritual realm of God which is all
pervading and omniscient.

4. There is enormous scope for serving the world with Distance healing.

Through Sanjeevini healing Broadcasts we can reach out with our healing love and prayers to
individuals, groups of people, an entire nation or several nations. We can place the entire world on a
24/7 broadcast for peace, love, and harmony.

Broadcasting gives the Sanjeevini healer the opportunity to reach out quickly and lovingly with
focused healing vibrations to people affected in natural calamities or people suffering in wars,
racial and religious conflicts, epidemics or pandemics, or people suffering from food and water

We can also set up broadcasts for healing animals and plants

Our connection of Oneness with every soul is eternal. It does not end with the dissolution of the
body at the time of death. When a person passes away, we can always set up a broadcast for a
peaceful and blissful evolution of the soul into the highest realm of Consciousness or the highest

For answers to frequently asked questions on the Broadcasting Of Sanjeevinis, please click

Sanjeevini Seva during Calamities and epidemics through Broadcasting.

No matter which part of the world we are located in, as Sanjeevini healers we have the
opportunity to offer our humble and loving service to help relieve the suffering of our brethren
wherever the calamity has struck.

We can do this by broadcasting the Sanjeevini healing prayers with intense love and faith to all
beings who are in physical, emotional, financial and spiritual distress due to the Calamity (or
epidemic) and its aftermath.

There are so many different calamities striking almost every day in different parts of the world.
Make up the required Sanjeevini combination and place it on the circle marked "sample" on the
Multiplication and Broadcasting Card. On the circle marked "Output" place either a map of the
region which is affected or if that is not available just write the name of the region on a piece of
paper and leave it to broadcast indefinitely. Alternatively you can address the broadcast to : All
those affected by the Earhquake in Country X on …date…

Imagine the impact of the vibrations being sent out by hundreds of broadcasts simultaneously.
We feel that broadcasting just SSC 1 Sarva Shakthi Shanthi Combination and SSC 60
Awakening of Divine Values combination to a map of the world, by a number of healers would
also make a difference to the conditions prevailing on this planet.
Many healers feel very frustrated with the atrocities being commited on animals in the name of
health care, beauty and nutrition. Broadcasting SSC1 Sarva Shakthi Shanthi +SSC 60 Divine
Values Combination+ BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini + SAFE Sanjeevini to the "animals of
the world" would make a difference. Try it! You would be doing something positive to help and it
will most certainly take away the feeling of utter helplessness that you feel today!

The suggested Combination for Calamities like Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes or any other
calamities like accidents on land, sea, mid-air is as below:

The Calamities Combination

SSC1 Sarva Shakthi Combination

SSC60 Divine Values Combination.
SSC 18 Emergencies Combination
SSC 26 Injuries Combination
SSC 6 Bleeding and Hemorrhage Combination
SSC 21 Fevers and Flu (all types)Combination
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini
DS 216 Faith Sanjeevini
DS 255 Helplessness Sanjeevini
DS 114 Shanthi Sanjeevini

SSC 18 EmergenciesCombination has the fervent prayers for urgently reestablishing harmony and
peace in all the five elements to subdue and quieten mother nature’s fury in the form of floods. It
also has the fervent prayers for an urgent healing help for all those affected by the calamity.

SSC 26 Injuries Combination is for healing of all injuries suffered at the physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual levels.

SSC 6 Bleeding or Hemorrhage Combination for healing of all bleeding- internal or external.

SSC 21 Fevers and Flu (all types) Combination A common symptom for several possible ailments
in a natural disaster.

BPS 54 Whole body Sanjeevini The whole body is usually affected in a Earhquake. This Sanjeevini
prayer also seeks forgiveness for any Karmic debts that are due individually or collectively.

You could of course also add Head Sanjeevini, Face Sanjeevini, Leg and Foot Sanjeevini, Arm and
Hand Sanjeevini Chest Sanjeevini, Abdomen Sanjeevini, Shoulder Sanjeevni. Neck Sanjeevini, Back
Sanjeevin, Head Sanjeevini the major body parts that can be affected.

DS 216 Faith Sanjeevini Faith in God and His divine plan for each one of us . Faith implies
surrender to His will. Faith in our God gifted inner strength to meet every challenge with courage,
confidence, optimism and equanimity

DS 255 Helplessness Sanjeevini is for overcoming this extremely negative defeatist feeling to face
the toughest of challenges in life with faith, courage and conviction.
DS 114 Shanthi Sanjeevini (Eternal Peace) for harmony and tranquility in Mother Nature, for
peace within and without for every one affected and for eternal peace for the souls of all those who
passed away in the tragic calamity.

DS 247 Consolation Sanjeevini Grief is but natural when we lose a dear one or loose everything
material that we may have built or accumulated over a life time.. Consolation Sanjeevini is a prayer
to grant solace to even those who are in inconsolable anguish. It is a prayer to awaken the profound
wisdom of understanding the impermanence and transitory nature of all names and forms and to
be focused on the core of every being - the immortal self, atman or divinity.

Please add more Sanjeevinis or Sanjeevini combinations as per your inner guidance like the
Digestion Combination, Lung and chest Combination, Throat problems Combination… as these
problems usually show up in most natural calamities like floods, earthquakes...

For those who are working at the site of the disaster, it is advisable to prepare a large
quantity of the combination of Sanjeevinis which is most relevant for those affected and
distribute it. In many countries because of the strict medical laws, it may not be possible or
advisable to give any remedy for oral ingestion even if it is charged homeo globules or water. The
simplest and the most effective way to serve during calamities is :

Prepare a large quantity of the remedy for Calamities in Vibhuti or pills or turmeric powder or
rice grains, or distilled water.

Fill up a large quantity of ½ drahm plastic bottles with this remedy. Each bottle is a Sample of
the remedy.

Make several copies of Multiplication and Broadcasting Cards. These should be preferably
laminated for durability.

To every family affected in the calamity (or to as many as you can serve), lovingly offer a sample
of the remedy in ½ drahm bottle along with a copy of the M & B card.

Explain to them the procedure for charging their fresh drinking water with healing remedies
using the charged Sample in the bottle and the M & B Card. Emphasize the importance of praying
during the process of charging. Give them an idea of the dosage. Reassure them that these subtle
healing vibrations of focused prayers will always help in the wholistic well being and can never
do any harm. Also you could share with them the broadcasting function and tell them to keep
their whole family on a broadcast with the sample.

Alternatively, you can give every family a set of the relevant Sanjeevini Combination Sheets and
explain to them how they can charge their daily drinking water directly from the Combination

If there is complete truthfulness and transparency in whatever seva we are offering we have
nothing to fear. The persons being served also feel reassured and can make a truly informed
choice on whether they want to use the remedies or not. The Government or Health Authorities
should have no objections to distribution of Combinations Sheets for self healing with prayers.

Ultimately of course you have to be guided from within on which is the best way for you to offer
you healing service depending on the need of the hour and the local conditions..

“Calamities must deepen your courage, enlarge your faith; your spiritual practice must be
intensified just when the weather is inclement. In fair weather, a care-free attitude is
pardonable, but, in foul weather, every precaution is of value.”

- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba


on the Broadcasting Function of the M&B card

Q. What should be the quantity of the medium used for preparing the remedy to be broadcast?

Ans: For the purpose of broadcasting we need to prepare only a small quantity of the remedy to be
broadcast. e.g. a few pills or a couple of pinches of vibhuti or a small quantity of water in a glass or
bottle is adequate. You can of course use a large quantity of a medium as a sample also. The
Selected Sanjeevini Combination samples are usually prepared with a small amount of vibhuthi or
pills or water.

Vibhuti in a bottle Water in a dropper bottle

Pills in Zip bag Vibhuti in Zip bag

Samples in different mediums for Broadcasting of Sanjeevinis


Q. If I am broadcasting a remedy to say, one Mr Alok Aggarwal, how can I be sure that the
broadcast is reaching to the Alok Aggarwal I want to send to? There are thousands of people with
the same name. Should I not have the name and address or a photograph of the patient placed on
the output circle to avoid any confusion or mistakes?

Ans. God is Omniscient. He knows from your thoughts which Alok Aggarwal in the whole world you
intend sending the Sanjeevini healing vibrations to.Therefore only the name is enough.

Unshakeable Faith in the Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence of God is the foundation of
the Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini Healing system. A photo graph and/or address can certainly be added
but it is not necessary at all in the Sanjeevini healing system.

Q Is it necessary to renergise or refresh the broadcast every day with prayers?

Ans. No, it is not. For some cases you may want to refresh the broadcast twice a day, for some once
a day; for others it may be once every three days or week.Please go by your inner guidance for every

The broadcast goes on uninterrupted once you have started it. However your compassionate
concern for the person, group of people, nations or mother earth may prompt you from within to
refresh your broadcast frequently depending upon the seriousness of the problem for which the
broadcast is being set up.

Q. How long should the broadcast be kept on?

Ans This could be a few minutes, a few hours, a day, a few days or weeks depending on the problem.
For some cases the response is immediately discerned. Other times you may want to keep it on for
longer periods.

Again for broadcasts for some problems you may want to keep going indefinitely. E.g. the Broadcast
to all beings on Mother Earth for peace and harmony. Another example of a 24/7 broadcast - we
can put ourselves on a continuous broadcast with SSC 1 and SSC 60 (the Sai Sanjeevini Tonic) so
that we may always follow the path of virtue and stay protected from all negativity.

Q I understand the procedure for Broadcasting but what I don’t understand is how the healing
vibrations travel thousands of miles or even a few feet to the person through this process.

Ans : The person may be residing in any part of the world. Distance is irrelevant in the healing
broadcast. Remember prayers work in the infinitely vast spiritual realm of God which is all
pervading and omniscient and transcends matter, space and time. This is the domain of selfless
love and faith. The more the purity of our intentions, love and faith with which we offer our prayers,
the more effective will be the broadcast.

Q What is the nature of the Sanjeevini healing vibrations?

Ans : Many people are anxious and keen to know the nature of the energy that flows from the
Sanjeevini cards into the pills or vibhuthi or water and then gets transmitted over a distance.

Every Sai Sanjeevini Card is an ever -full reservoir of the energy of God’s love captured with focused
healing prayers offered with intense faith and selfless love, using the science of Radiesthesia.

It is the healing energy of God’s love that is flowing from the Sanjeevini Cards to the pills or into any
other medium. Our faith in God is the carrier of that energy. His love cannot be bound by matter,
space or time - it flows freely and instantly when He is called upon to help with prayers.

All of us have had experiences of some of our fervent prayers being answered. Intuitively we know
that it’s our love for God and our faith in Him which answers our prayers.

The deeper understanding of how the Sanjeevini healing prayers work will also flow intuitively
through our personal healing experiences.


Neutralising Negativity and Purifying substances.

The Neutralisation card is another wonderful tool in the healing work Like the Multiplication
and Broadcasting Card, this card also has also been created with divine guidance using the
science of radiesthesia. It has the power of prayers and faith to neutralize all negativity at the
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

It is programmed with intense prayers to provide protection from all negative feelings or
vibrations or curses coming from a person or a group of persons or a community or a nation. The
Neutralisation Card

Most importantly it has the power to neutralize all the negative vibrations of hatred, greed, anger,
jealousy, resentment, ingratitude etc. within each one of us.

Communities and Nations are made of people. If everyone works towards removing negativity
within one self, there would be perfect peace and harmony in this world.

Hatred and revenge are reactions to the negativity that emanate in our thoughts, feelings and
emotions individually and collectively. True protection from negativity outside can come only by
removing negativity within ourselves.

As Healer’s we can use this card liberally for ourselves.

Negativity is the chief causes of every disease at the physical, mental, social and spiritual levels.
The neutralization card is helpful in removing this root cause in patients to allow for the natural
healing to begin from within.

This card can also be used to neutralize or at least minimize at a subtle level the negative side
effects of any drug, any food item, and the damaging effects of TV and computer radiations.

Also a powerful aid to neutralize the strangle hold of entities on

an individual’s mind

1. Different ways of using the Neutralisation Card.

1. By placing ones hand on the card for a minute or more

Being in silence, chanting our favourite mantra or saying a prayer whilst keeping the hand on the
Neutralisation Card, is always negativity within. Please see exhibit on the right

Hand on Neutralisation Card

a) It can be used to neutralize negativity in a substance. For example – the side effects of
allopathic drugs. Simply place the drugs on the circle of the neutralization card and leave for one
minute, while you pray and surrender to Divine will. Similarly you can place your
uncooked/cooked food as well as your drinking water on the neutralization card to purify it and
remove the negative effects of pesticides and chemical residues

Neutralising side effects of drugs Neutralising Computer radiation

a) It can be stuck on a wall, a cabinet or any surface to neutralize negative vibrations in the air
and radiation from television and computers.

b) It can be kept underneath the pillow/mattress to prevent negative dreams.

c) It can be held in the hand, kept in pocket or printed onto clothes to protect from entities/evil

d) Consciously one can place one’s hand on it for some time, a few times a day, to neutralize the
negative vibrations of lust, anger, greed, hatred, jealousy, resentment etc within one self.

e) It can be stuck under chairs in clinics (or under the seat cushion) on which the patients sit, to
remove the negativity that many patients are mentally prone to.
f) Any other way you are guided to use it for removing negativity at the physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual levels.

Purifying Substances:

Sometimes we may make up Sanjeevinis in large quantities (during epidemics etc.) in vibhuthi or
globules and later find we are left with substantial unused quantities of Sanjeevinis. These need
not be wasted. They can be neutralised and reused.

Of course you can add on fresh Sanjeevini vibrations to any medium which has already been
charged with several Sanjeevinis. However if you feel more comfortable starting with a fresh
stock of pills then neutralise the unused stock as given below.

For "neutralising" globules, alcohol, vibhuthi, water etc., place your bottle on or in the circle in
the "Neutralisation" card. Leave for 1 minute. The medium in this bottle is now ready for re-use.

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Healing with Prayers …offered in loving surrender

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