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Breaking the Spirit of Rejection

Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Prophet Ronald H Flowers
Volume 28

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Breaking The Spirit of Rejection

Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Prophet Ronald H Flowers
Volume 28

Contact Information
To listen to these writings as you read please visit:


Author & Publisher of Prophetic Insight Magazine


Table of Contents

Statement of Praise…11
Pityville is Not Our Home…13
Look Through God’s Eyes….18
Who You Really Are…27
Wisdom For Every Situation…33
Difference Between Ability and Authority…39
Prayer For Deliverance…46

Statement of Praise

Bless the Lord! We thank you Lord for your loving

kindness and tender mercy. We thank God for all that he
is doing. He is just a great and a wonderful God! Aren't
you glad that you have the opportunity to serve God?

Aren't you glad that you have an opportunity to know

Him? Praise God! We thank Him for all that He is. He's
a wonderful God.

Pityville is Not Our Home

I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying living my life.

Maybe you are miserable and maybe you don't know
what's going on say, but I serve a God. Now I didn't say I
didn't have problems, I didn't say I didn't have
circumstances in my life, but God is greater than my
problems. God is greater than my circumstances.
Sometime we have the wrong focus in life. Do you ever
have the wrong focus in life; you were looking at the
wrong thing when you should have been looking at

something else? You see, too many Christians have the
wrong focus.

They are looking more at their own problems than they

are at Jesus. One thing I love about Joseph.... Joseph, no
matter what situation he was in, he learned to be
victorious. See, many of us when we get in the pit, we
want to have a pity party. Come on now. All you know
about is having a pity party. Some of you live in
pityville. All you ever do is having pity all your life.
You are always complaining and something is wrong.
But when you begin to learn that God is greater in you

than any circumstances around you, you begin to have a
different view and life.

Before, I really get to preaching, it may be a good thing

to mention what I'm going to talk about. I want to deal
with “Breaking the Spirit of Rejection.”

Have you ever been told you were ugly? Have you ever
been told that you are no good? Have you ever been told
that you were worthless? Have you ever been told why in
the world are you here? All this causes people to have a
spirit of rejection.

Now unfortunately, many of us when we were born
again, we still carried the spirit of rejection because we
have not learned how to be delivered from it. We have
not learned how to break that spirit. You see, first of all,
I want you to know something. I know you hear it, but
you have to know it as a fact. GOD LOVES YOU! I
want to say that again so that you can really, really
understand that. GOD LOVES YOU! He loves YOU!
That's why he chose you. That's why you are where you
are at today.

See, you are too busy looking at the problems instead of

God. You are too busy saying like well if God really

loves me, how come I went through this. If God really
loves me, how come I have to deal with this problem?
How come I went through this situation?
But see, even through the hard times, even through the
complicated things that you went through, God was yet
there to bring you through. Many of us (Come on, let's
be honest) we would have lost our minds. We would
have been in a mental institution.

I don't know about you, but if God hadn't kept me...if I

didn't realize that it was God who was in my life, I would
have been somewhere tied down, both of my hands

against the wall. Come on now, but God because He
loves me and I begin to understand who I am...

Look Through God’s Eyes

You see, one of the problems with the body of Christ is

that we do not know who we are. And once you begin to
know who you are begin to act out and walk out who you
are, the spirit of rejection will stop. Now the only reason
the spirit of rejection can work in you is because you
don't know who you are and once you begin to realize
who you are, the spirit of rejection has no place to work.
As long as you accept other people's words. Listen to me
closely. As long as you accept other people's words
about you, you will always feel rejected, but when you

begin to know who you are and accept yourself for who
God has made you, the spirit of rejection cannot work.

You see when God says “Greater is He that is in me than

he that is in the world”, then once I know that God is
working on the inside of me, that I am accepted by God.
Now I don't care that you can't accept me.

Maybe I don't look good to you. Personally, I used to

think I was the ugliest person that ever walked the face of
the earth. I was told coming up that I was ugly, I was no
good, I was stupid, I was ignorant and I used to accept
people's words and I used to go crying, “Oh Lord, I feel

so bad about myself. O God... OK... None of you have
been there.

So you don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe you

never been through that, but Lord, I allowed other people
to shape my life by their words. I became what they were
speaking to me. Then one day I woke up. I have been
ministering for a while.

I've been preaching for a while. I had the greatest vision

I ever had. I saw myself through the eyes of God. I saw
the way I looked through God's eyes. It was the most
frightening thing I had ever seen because I couldn't

believe I really looked like that to God. God, He wasn't
accusing me. He wasn't angry with me. He wasn't
looking at my faults and all that. I was clean, whole,
pure, and complete in Him I said like “Me? Not Me?”
Now I have just the opposite problem. I look at myself in
the mirror. Some of you all are going to laugh at this, but
whatever.... but I look at myself in the mirror and I say,
“Wow! That is a handsome person. My goodness.

You look better today than you did yesterday.” My

goodness, you know, I comb my hair and say “no, I don't
want to comb it that way... don't look good; oh yeah, it

look better that way; oh my goodness. I might have to
lay hands on myself today God.


But how do you see yourself. I took all the negative

things that were said about me, I changed them around,
and I began to look at the fact that God beautified me
with salvation. God made me beautiful. If God made me
beautiful, then who are you to say I'm ugly. If God made
me a conqueror, than who are you to say that I'm a

To break the spirit of rejection is to break the words of

other people that have been spoken to you. Let me say

that again. To break the spirit of rejection is to break the
words of other people that have been spoken to you.

When you go back, go back in your past and you have to

know that when you go back in your past, you have been
acting the way people have been talking to you. So you
will have to go back and you have to break that.

I do not accept being ugly. I do not accept being stupid.

You know, I had something that happened to me. I
struggled through High School. I really did. I had this

He came up and wanted to give me a test.

I said, “Man, I barely made it through High School and

you want to give me a test. He said, yeah, I want you to
come to my college and take this test. I really didn't want
to take it, but I took it.

I went over and took the test. He called me back two or

three weeks later and said, “Mr. Flowers, I got the results
of the test.” I said yeah, the test says I'm really stupid
doesn't it...” He said, “No, you are a genius.”

I said, “I don't know what you are drinking and I don't
know what you are taking, but can I have some of that?”
Because, WOW! All my life somebody had never told
me that I was a genius.”

He said you have taken some of the most complicated

problems and solved them very easily. Now you are
dyslexic. No one ever told you that. You have been
turning your letters around for years and no one ever
caught it. This same man turned my life around. I went
to college and got my degree because of this man who
God placed in my life and he began to cause me to see
who I was. All he did was give me a test.

Who You Really Are

See, when you start seeing yourself for who you really
are. You have talents; you have abilities. You have gifts
that God has placed in you that you are not using because
you are letting other people tell you that you are no good,
that you are useless. God never put a useless person on
earth. Every gift, every talent, every ability God has
given you for the purpose of blessing the people on earth.
Now, you need to realize who you are. I began to realize
who I am. Now, let me say something, because I said I
was going to be short so I want to say a few things and
some of these may be a little shocking.

First of all you have to learn how to love yourself. Oh
my goodness, did he say I have to love myself? Yes, you
have to learn to love yourself. A lot of us don't love
ourselves. We really hate ourselves...we really do...
How do you really see yourself? Be honest. How do you
really see yourself?

See, you can't love someone else if you don't love

yourself. The reason you are having trouble with your
relationships, the reason your having trouble with your
husband and your wife and all the other things in life is
because you treat yourself badly so everyone else treat

you badly. But when you begin to love yourself, you
accept yourself; other people will begin to accept you.
So, in order to love other people, you have to learn to
love yourself.

I know I been taught that that sounds selfish, but if you

can't love yourself, how can you expect others to love
you and how can you expect to love others. So, you must
love yourself.

#2 - You must see yourself in the image and likeness of

God. God made you in his image and likeness. You look
just like God. Now, I need to let this sink in a little

because some of you all are probably running up under
the pillow, up under the bed, hiding up under the couch
saying “hold up, hold up, hold; wait a minute . . . I look
like or you tell me...”

Yeah, you are made in the image and likeness of God.

God didn't make a mistake. When he made you, He had a
specific purpose in mind. There is no one on earth or in
the world like you.

There was a problem in the earth that no one else could

solve but you, so God said, I needed Ronald; I needed
Paul; I needed Steve; I needed whoever . . . to come to

earth to solve that problem. That's why you are here.
You have a divine purpose. Let me say that again.

You have a divine purpose so therefore, God made you in

his image. He put his Spirit in you and with the Spirit of
God in you, you can accomplish anything. Greater is He
that is in you than He that is in the world. The Great
One, God Himself. Let me start over.

I'm about to get excited. God, himself, is living in you.

If you ever catch that revelation, you will turn the world
upside down. God, Himself, the Creator of the Universe,
the One that made the heaven and the earth, the One that

spoke “Let there be light”, He, Himself, is living in you
through the Holy Ghost. We get this Holy Ghost thing
kind of mixed up.

The Holy Ghost is more than just speaking in tongues.

The Holy Ghost is more than just running around the
church and getting excited and jumping up and down. If
your Holy Ghost only works in church, it's not much of a
Holy Ghost. Some of us don't ever rejoice, don't ever
praise or magnify God or worship God until we get to
church, but what happens when you're not in church? If
the Holy Spirit is not working in you-- I mean I feel his
presence all the time.

Wisdom For Every Situation

I live in the very presence of God all day long. I am

worshiping, praising and thanking God. I hear God speak
to me. God talks to me all the time. I know psychiatrists
say someone is talking to you. Someone is speaking to
you? You might have problems. No, I don't have any
problem. I get scared when God is not talking. I want
God to speak to me. He's my Daddy!

Can you imagine having a father that would never speak

to you? Can you imagine having someone who never
says anything? Can you imagine being in a relationship

where no one ever says a word to you? Oh, my
goodness, imagine when Job's friends came and they sat
down for seven days and didn't say a word. I don't want
any friends like that. If I'm going through, I'm being
tested, if I'm being tried, speak words of encouragement
to me, speak words of praise to me, speak words that
uplift me.

Don't sit down and look at me like mmmmmmmmm Job,

you must have done something. I would have asked those
kinds of friends to leave. I don't need you. I'm going
through enough as it. I have problems enough as it is. I
don't need criticism. I don't need you to come look for

my sin. Can you get me to a place of deliverance? I am
made in the image and likeness of God.

If God is living in me, His love has me. When you have
sat down tonight and you ate that good chicken dinner
and you had some mashed potatoes with some butter in it
and you had some peas with it and you just sat down
there and you just had yourself a time.

You had to deliver yourself from the table. You said to

yourself, “Self just get up from the table because it
doesn't make any sense to eat like this.” But when you

finished eating that food, you and that chicken became
one. When you got up from the table, they didn't say
“You and chicken” they just said “You.” All we could
see is you. The chicken no longer existed. So when you
and God became one, you are now in the image and the
likeness of God. His love is you. His power is you. You
know what?

There is wisdom for every situation or circumstance you

are in because God has given you His wisdom so you
have knowledge as to what to do in every given situation.
Don't walk around saying “I don't know what to do. You

all pray for me because I'm just lost. You all pray for me
because I just can't...”

I begin to rely on the God that's in me and God you will

give me direction. God you will give me understanding.
Some of you need to stop living in Pityville; you've been
there long enough and you really need to move. You
really need to move.

You have lived in Pityville you go to First Pityville

Baptist. You work at Pityville Industrial Center and all
your life is nothing but pity. Oh Lord, nobody likes me.
Oh Lord. You see, when you begin to realize that God is

living on the inside, pity and God can't dwell together.
Pity and God live together. You know why? Because
God is telling you that I'm living in you and I'm giving
you my joy, I'm going to give you my love, I'm going to
give you my wisdom, my power, my ability. Let me tell
you a little bit about ability.

Difference Between Ability and Authority

Ability is different from power or authority. The word

power most of the time means authority. The policeman
has the authority to stop any vehicle, but he doesn't have
the ability to stop any vehicle. Let me explain. Because
he has authority, he is wearing that badge. When he
walks out into the middle of traffic because of his
authority, he blows that whistle and raises his hands up,
every vehicle stops. But he does not have the physical
ability to stop that vehicle. Can you imagine and he tries
to put his hand in front of an 18-wheeler and stop it and
push it back. It's not happening. It's just not happening.

So God not only gave you the authority. He has given
you the ability to break the spirit of rejection. So you
need to begin to speak to yourself. You need to get in
front of a mirror. I know people when I say this; they
look at me and say huh, are you for real? But I got in
front of a mirror and said, “Ronald, God loves you!
Ronald, you are God's best. Ronald, you are the apple of
God's eye. Ronald, God has made you the head and not
the tail, above and not beneath. I just started talking to
Ronald and Ronald began to straighten himself out and
thirty days later, Ronald was okay, Ronald was delivered.
The spirit of rejection had to go. It couldn't operate in my
life anymore and anytime, the spirit of rejection acts like

it wants to come back; I just go back to the mirror and
start talking to Ronald. I start speaking the Word of God
to Ronald. Ronald, you are above and not beneath, you
are the head and not the tail. God has made you to be
victorious. You are a king and you rule in every
situation. When I begin to talk to myself and speak the
words of God, God aligns up on the inside and the spirit
of rejection can't come in and operate anymore.

Am I making sense? Is anybody getting what I'm saying?

Does anybody understand where I'm coming from?
There is no limit of what you can do. Many of you have
not reached your full talents and abilities because you

have limited yourself because of other people's words.
Some of you have talents for playing guitar, some playing
piano; some of you have so many different talents. I
remember a woman who was a beautician, but she had
never been to cosmetology school. But she is demanded
all over the world. She does hair for princesses and
women all over the world. All she did she always loved
to do people's hair even from childhood. She took her
ability. God's abilities, gifts, and talents in you can make
you successful. But you have to stop living in pity. You
have to stop saying, “I can't do nothing... I don't know
why I'm here.” You have to change that. You have got
to speak to yourself. “I thank God. I may not know at

this moment, but God's going to reveal to me my talents
and abilities. God's going to reveal to me who I am.
God's going to make me head and not the tail, above and
not beneath. When you start talking like that, my
goodness! There is divine purpose for you. A man gift
will make room for you. Your gift will bring you before
man. Do you all remember Dorcas when she begins to
sew for people and her talent was sewing and making
clothing for people? Do you all remember that in the
book of Acts? I want you to think about this. Her gift
and talent was so great, it demanded her resurrection.
They came to Peter and they showed Peter all her work,
all that she did, all that the love she had shown other

people by making clothing and it was demanded that her
resurrection came forth because of her ability. You
ability can demand God to move on your behalf. You
ability and your talent once placed in the hands of God
can move God to move in your behalf.

Prayer for Deliverance

Now let me say something. I'm about the pray. I'm going
to break the spirit of rejection in your life, but you have to
begin to speak to yourself, talk to yourself. Don't talk to
yourself negative anymore. Don't talk down to yourself
anymore. Be who God has made you to be. Father, in
the name of Jesus, I come before you on the behalf of
your people who are listening to me. I don't know. You
didn't give me anyone specific but I know this message
you dealt with me with this message early this morning.
Father, you spoke to me and said there are those of my
people who need to be delivered from the spirit of

rejection so I speak deliverance to them right now that
they come out of this place of rejection, they come out of
this place of hurt, they come out of this place of
condemnation Father, right now in the name of Jesus and
Father, I speak to their spirit. I speak joy and I speak the
love and the power of God into them right now in the
name of Jesus. There is someone. You are dealing with
this bitter rejection because a person very close to you
and you never told, but a person very close to you
molested you. That really hurt you and you felt that you
were the worst person that ever was, but the Father is
saying and God is saying although it happened, he yet
loves you and He has not rejected you and He is here

tonight to heal you. You just have to let it go. You are
still holding that situation. I am seeing a woman being
slapped by her father and she never got over it. You
weren't a little girl. You were an adult and something
happened and you have never let that go, but the Father
says He is here to heal you and you need to let that go.
Don't allow the words of your father to dictate your
future. Father, I just release healing now. It's flowing
into the life of your people. So whatever circumstances,
whatever their need to overcome, whatever their need to
come around, Father you are doing it now, in the name of
Jesus. Father, we are giving glory and we are giving you
honor for what you have done in Jesus name. We thank

you for this Father. We give you praise and we give you
honor in Jesus name. Thank God. Thank God. Amen.


Other books that are given freely from Prophet Ronald
Flowers are:

1. The Glorious Church

2. The Glorious Church the Powerful Church
3. Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In, Don’t Give out
4. Lord, One More Miracle

If you would like to know how to obtain these books

please email Prophet Ronald H Flowers at:



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