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The Pisgah Post

Pisgah Presbyterian Church Our Mission: to worship God,

Versailles, Kentucky study the Scripture, practice the
September 2007 teachings of Jesus

Thoughts from Ground Level

had been at my bedside for many years. I was waking up
early and getting up. Sometimes it was because of a
child, and sometimes I was just waking up. Maybe I was

D o you set an alarm in the morning? I wonder

how many alarms are set to go off at 6:00am or
6:15am or 6:30am? Maybe a few are set to odd
times like 5:48am or 7:03am. Someone who has to get
getting some of that from parenthood and some of that
from my dad. I don’t remember my dad using an alarm
clock, and he was always an early riser.
I do have a point to all of this. With the turn of the
up for a third shift might set the alarm for 3:15 in the
calendar from August to September, an alarm is going
off in the church. It actually goes off every year at this
At our house, we set an alarm during the week to get
time. The alarm is signaling the beginning of the
up for school, but I am usually awake before it goes off.
program year of the church. On September 9 a couple
We don’t set any alarm on Saturday, it’s the only day at
of events will mark this beginning. We will return to two
our house no one has to get up and go anywhere. It’s
services, and new Sunday school classes. The alarm is
good Sabbath time for us. On Sunday mornings I don’t
signaling that it’s time to get involved in all that is
normally set the alarm either. I always wake up sometime
happening in the church. This year it’s signaling a few
around 6:00am. On Easter day, however, I do set the
things more…
alarm. Since I need to get to the church early that day for
An alarm is going off to signal that our summer
the sunrise service, I set the alarm for 5:30am. The other
dreaming is pointing us toward some very
fifty-one Sundays I just wake up. It
exciting dreams for us to get involved with
hasn’t always been this way.
in the months ahead. We’ve had two after-
When I was in college and in my
church congregational lunches and the
first life as an engineer, I was devoted to
Session has heard from many of you about
the alarm clock. I can remember waking
your sense of our long dream list. We will
up, looking at the time and thinking
be spending a lot of time praying and
something like, “O good, I have four
discerning where God is leading us with
more minutes before the alarm goes
those dreams.
off.” Do you know that happy moment?
An alarm is going off to signal that
And that doesn’t even count the two
your church family is getting ready to begin
cycles I had built in for the snooze
a great fall of living out our mission to
worship God, study the Scripture, and
How many of you use the snooze
practice the teachings of Jesus.
button? I would be curious about the
An alarm is going off to signal that
percentage of people who press it
your presence in the life of the church
once… twice… three times…four
makes a difference. Recently someone
shared with me that she didn’t see the need to come to
I kept on using my alarm clock in seminary and for a
church because, as she put it, “I can worship God
couple years after I was ordained. And then something
anywhere. I don’t have to be in church to worship.” I
happened and I stopped using it. That something was
don’t disagree with what she said, but here’s how I
Katherine Grace Martin. I stopped using my alarm clock
responded to her comment: “Okay, but don’t you miss
after she was born. Have any of you had a similar
the body of Christ?” She said, “No.” Her answer
experience? Of course to some degree she became our
saddened me. Personal devotion, wherever that happens
alarm clock, and would, frankly, go off at uneven,
for you, is truly important, but it’s never a substitute for
unscheduled, unpredictable times—and of course there
time with the body of Christ, the church. God calls us
is no snooze button on an infant.
together to be the body of Christ—from infant on up—
Katherine was a natural alarm clock because she’s
and we miss out when we neglect the assembly. To be
been an early riser for almost all of her eight years on the
sure, the assembly suffers too.
planet. We think she got that from me. I have good, if
An alarm is going off. God is calling us into these
not sleepy, memories of getting up with her while it was
amazing fall months. I can’t wait for all that God has
still dark and the house was quiet in that grey pre-dawn
planned for Pisgah Church. Of course, your pastor is
light. She must have mentioned something about this to
supposed to write things like that, but in all honesty, it’s
Jonah, who is beginning to show signs of also being
active during those early morning hours.
Grace and peace, Jon
At some point after Katherine was born I realized I
was no longer using my trusty alarm clock, the one that

Pisgah Talent Show and Picnic

in attendance- Baby Brody Mancuso! Rounding out the
evening was a Youth Group skit about a Pet Store
Complaint Department, a piano solo by Olivia Bruner, a
Article and Photos Submitted by Lisa Johnson
husband/wife duet to the song, “You Raise Me Up” by
Frank and Carolyn Snipp (accompanied by Linda Jones)
The Almost Annual Pisgah Talent Show and
and a final and appropriate end to the evening from the
Community Club Picnic was a big hit on Saturday,
women of the choir singing, “Bye-Bye Blackbird.”
August 11. Gathering on the grounds outside the
The Talent Show is a wonderful way to showcase
Academy Building on a warm but not unpleasant
the talent at Pisgah. Thanks to all the performers for
evening, this year’s Talent Show featured eighteen
sharing and to the appreciative crowd for their
crowd-pleasing performances. Jud Davis, natural
participation. A big word of thanks to Jud Davis and
comedian and superb Master of Ceremonies, started and
Lantz Kindred for their awesome team work, to Scout
ended the evening with laughter. Jud was complimented
Troop 1784 who helped with set up, clean up and
by Lantz Kindred on drums. The pair didn’t miss a beat
passing out programs and door prize tickets, and to Abe
(pun intended!). In case you missed the festivities, here
Fosson and the Stewardship Committee who organized
is a review of the featured performances.
the program.
First up was Linda Jones conducting the Bell Choir
in a musical rendition of “Joseph and the Coat”, narrated
by Abe Fosson. The next act was Melanie Burrier with a
flute solo whose lovely notes floated over the crowd in
the evening air. Sam Clark boldly took the microphone
and sang, “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” in a
clear, sweet voice. (He was given moral support by his
sister, Sarah). Still home for summer break, Martha
Prewitt entranced the crowd with a beautiful vocal solo
entitled, “Think of Me.” Taking the piano by storm was
Kendall Johnson playing a lively piano piece called
“Forest Dance.”
We are blessed at Pisgah to have a tremendously
talented choir. And in the event that we forget to
Leslie James singing Small Fry
acknowledge them, the “Men of the Choir” let us know
how important they are with a song by the same title.
Both the men and women stood together for an uplifting
song titled, “Side by Side.” The next act was quite a
crowd-pleaser. Missie Hill and Rachel Baston tap-
danced their way into our hearts to the tune of “Splish
Splash” complete with tub, towel and turquoise blue
shower caps! Next in line was the father/daughter duo
of Lantz and Sarah Kindred on drums followed by Leslie
James on guitar with a typical mother’s lament in the
song, “Small Fry.” The next act featured Abe Fosson
on guitar, aided by grand daughter, Olivia Bruner. Abe
sang a song about “Remembering” just as he was
forgetting to keep a lunch date with his lady friend
Sue Henry, Abe Fosson and Olivia Bruner
(played by Sue Henry).
The next two young men kept both the computer
savvy and the computer un-savvy in stitches with a
modern Abbot and Costello Who’s On First-type skit
about a guy trying to talk with a computer salesman.
You just had to be there to appreciate the humor! The
next group to get a smile was the Pisgah Church
Education Committee dressed suspiciously like raisins in
fancy hats grooving to “Heard it Through the
Grapevine” while shamelessly advertising the beginning
of the Sunday School season.
In lieu of an intermission, a short break was taken in
order to choose the winner of the door prize, a Kentucky
blanket, which was donated by Louise Lagrew. The
winner of this blanket was one of the youngest members
Jud Davis, Master of Ceremonies

Thank Yous
To our friends on the Education Committee,
Thank you all for your thoughtfulness in planning
the wonderful baby shower. I’m sorry Jackson and I
missed the shower itself * but we will forever appreciate
the love and generosity of our church family. . . We are
blessed to have such a kind and supportive church
Property Committee Update
With love, Donna and Jackson Lawrence
*Note: Jackson was born the day of the baby shower. The property committee met on Thursday, August
23. The main topic of discussion centered on the
Dear Members of the Pisgah Scholarship Committee Sanctuary and Academy Building roofs. After the two
and my Church Family, major hail storms of the summer, they were inspected
Thank you so much for having the faith in me to and significant damage was found. The Manse had no
give me such a generous scholarship. I have a long row visible damage, probably because of the trees that
to hoe ahead of me at Harvard, but the memory of surround it and the direction of the storms. An
Pisgah shall serve to keep my spirit bright and your insurance claim has been filed and the committee is
scholarship will lighten my load. Thank you for your looking into roof replacement.
generosity. Other projects that are planned for the near future:
Yours in Christ, building a stone (flat surface) path between Sanctuary
John Paul Edwin Stilz and Academy Buildings, replacing existing stone walk
and expanding in front of the Sanctuary, starting a tree
planting program around the church property,
Pisgah Mens Study Group
researching options and cost for the repair and/or
replacement of the Academy Chapel floor sub floor
which is deteriorating.
The Men’s Study Group will kick off the season by
Projects that are currently being worked on or
taking a field trip on Saturday, September 15, 2007. At
started this fall: repair of outside window sills of
9:00a.m. they will meet at the Family Christian Book
Academy windows some of which are rotting away,
Store, 127 W Tiverton Way, to listen to a one hour
installation of additional lighting in Academy Building
introduction of Max Lucado’s newly released book,
main rooms, a recycling program, restoration of Pisgah
3:16 The Numbers of Hope. We hope you will join us.
yard sign.
To make reservations for this Max Lucado event
Adopt-a-Project or a “Pisgah Repair Affair” – The
(please note: reservations are necessary), you can either
Property Committee is in search of additional help and
call the bookstore @ 273-3314 or connect with their
volunteers for a developing list of projects (mostly
website (Google: Family Christian Stores). For further
small). Such projects include: painting bathrooms,
information, call Jim Rodgers (873-9411).
painting kitchen area, repairing exit doors, power
washing and sealing back deck, etc. Many of these are a
one or two person job. The thought here is that it is
easier for one or two people to come over and work on
their schedules instead of a single work day. More
information to come.

Pisgah Recycles
The Woodford County Recycle Center has provided
us with a large green “herbie curbie” container and
plenty of blue bags for recycling. They will also pick up
the recycling once a week or more if necessary. This is a
great service they provide at no charge. Please become
aware of what you are throwing in the trash can. Can it
go into a blue recycle bag instead? Let’s all become Picture Directory Update
more conscious about recycling. There is more
information on what can be recycled in the kitchen. If Good News! First Choice is scheduled to ship the
you have any questions, please contact Ann Hayes (873- Pisgah Picture Directory on September 14!

Christian Education Happenings

start the fall looking at the Book of Daniel. The
Rutherford Douglas Class with Jon Martin will be
The CE Committee is working to put a children’s
We are always in need of people to assist in the area
church library together and would like to collect “gently
of Christian Education—if you would like to be part of
used” books that could be lent out to families. We are
the Committee or be a helper in any area—please contact
looking for books with a Christian theme or stories with
Sue or one of the Education Elders, Becky Prater or
a good moral lesson. We would also like to collect
Lesley Kindred.
“family” video’s or DVD’s . Please keep Pisgah in mind
See you in church!
when sorting through books and media items at home.
Bibles will be presented to children on September 16
during the 11:00 service. If your child is in 2nd grade
and/or has never received this gift from Pisgah Church,
please contact Sue. This year, via a suggestion from
Margaret Shropshire, we will also have pocket size bibles
sent to people serving in the military from our church.
We will have those on display for a couple of weeks
along with a card for people to sign and they will be sent
at the end of September. Fall Adult Bible Study Class
Please sign up and take a turn with the Plate
Ministry. The concept is simple: take the plate home Unveiling the Book of Daniel
empty and return the following week filled with a
goodie! Last year we were surprised each week with In the O.T., the Book of
either muffins, donut holes, fruit, cheese cubes, Daniel is placed after Isaiah,
homemade breads or cookies. Anything is appreciated. Jeremiah, and Ezekiel as the fourth of the Major
Everyone is invited to take a turn being part of this on- Prophets. In the Hebrew Bible, Daniel is placed not
going Coffee Fellowship in the Academy Building at among the Prophets, but in the Writings—with such
9:30 am-- after Early Worship, but before the start of books as Psalms and Proverbs. This tells us something
Sunday School and Choir rehearsal. The sign up sheet is important about the Book of Daniel and that is that the
in the Academy Building. Plate Ministry will start ancient scribes considered not strictly a prophetic book.
September 16. Many contemporary biblical scholars consider the Book
of Daniel as a book of apocalypse.
DCE Notes
Join Ed Clark and Sarah Cox in the choir room as
we explore together this fascinating book of the Old
I always enjoy the fall and use to be able to say that
Class Agenda
one reason was the start of the school year! I know
September 9- Breakfast-Hand out Materials-Get
children and youth have started back to school –but I am
acquainted (Ed & Sarah)
looking forward to our Sunday Schools being back in
September 16-Background on the Book of Daniel
(Ed & Sarah)
Plan to come downstairs in a couple of weeks and
September23-Chapter 1 (Sarah)
see the Children’s Sunday School area. Our year-long
September 30-Chapter 2 (Sarah)
theme is “The LIGHT House—God’s House and
October 7-Chapter 3 (Ed)
Biblical Truths.” Teachers are working to decorate their
October 14-Chapter 4 (Ed)
rooms for the children to make them more appealing.
October 21-Wrap-up (Ed & Sarah)
We are also in the process of working on a special
project that I will be able to share more about next
In addition, the children’s Sunday School has
changed curriculum and has moved into Presbyterian
approved material titled, “Exploring Faith.” This month
and through mid October the Old Testament focus will
be on House of David-- with an emphasis on the stories
of Ruth and Naomi, Ruth and Boaz, Hannah’s Prayer, The Pisgah Post is published monthly by the Pisgah
God Call to Samuel and Samuel the Judge. Presbyterian Church, 710 Pisgah Pike, Versailles, KY
Middle School and High School classes are also 40383. The deadline for the October 2007 issue of
going to be using a new age appropriate programs called the newsletter is September 28. Please submit articles
The Journey and Emerge—just published in July 2007. to the church office or email them to
There will be two adult classes offered—the office@pisgahpresbyterian.org.
Reformation Class with Sarah Cox and Ed Clark will

“IHop ‘n Go” to Sunday School!

Everyone in the church family is invited for
breakfast on September 9 when Pisgah moves back into
the regular two-service schedule and Sunday School for
all ages. Last May the Education Committee ended the
year with the Heifer Carnival and this fall we will kick-
off the new season with an “I-HOP ‘n Go” breakfast—
o Congratulations to Frank Lake, Courtland
the Education committee’s way of welcoming everyone Johnson, Mason Hill, Ian O’Canna, Sean McKee
back. One of the “dreams” submitted over the summer and Crawford Ifland, who were extended
was to have more intergenerational gatherings. Come invitations for the Boy Scout’s Order of the Arrow.
and hear about the new classes being offered to nourish o Frank Lake has also earned his Academic Letter
the Spirit while nourishing the body with the most having earned a 4.0 his entire Freshman Year.
important meal of the day! The children and youth will Additional “Snippets” are posted on the Pisgah Fridge in
be dismissed from the fireplace room to meet with their the Academy Building
teachers while the adult will have the opportunity to hear
about their classes. Books and materials will be
distributed that day. All classes will actually start on
September 16.

Meet You at the

Happy Birthday to You in September

1 Joe Lagrew, Becky Prater, Bob Washer,
Chauncey Hill
2 Glenn Fister
3 Miriam Cox
4 Kelley Hutcherson
5 Sarah Hayden Clark
11 Jordan Fey, Rhonda Fister
12 Ben Chandler, Peggy Graddy, Lindsey Torres
13 Rob Lake
Fall Kick-off for the 2007-2008 15 Bruce Howard
Celebration of Christian Education 17 Maggie Howard, Marlene Walker, Will
September 9 -- 9:30 AM Shropshire
18 Debra Garrett, Melissa Scott
19 Bill Davis Fishback
Breakfast for Everyone! 20 Karen Lynn
We are starting at 9:30a.m. to encourage individuals, 21 Matthew Fister
couples, families with children, friends, visitors, choir 23 Janet Sparks
members, those who attend either worship service and 27 Jim Botkin, Katie Burrier, Joan Crowe, Wes
those who have/have never been involved in Sunday Stokes
School before-- A morning of fellowship. Stay as long 28 Melanie Burrier, Daniel Straub
as you can. 29 Hank Graddy
30 Lynn Davis, Lucy Hart Graddy
Mark Your Calendars and Join In!
All classes will begin on September 16 And in early October…
2 Libby Jones
3 Wendell Harris, Sara Thauburn Welch
5 Jennifer Chandler, Marlin Yawn, Steven Hayes
6 Todd Cassidy
7 Sandi Bromagen
8 Stuart Brown, Ruth Miller
Please help us keep this list up to date!
Sundays at Pisgah Church
8:45a.m. Early Worship
9:45a.m. Sunday School
11:00a.m. Morning Worship
The Staff Email
Jon: pastor@pisgahpresbyterian.org
Sue: dce@pisgahpresbyterian.org
Laura: youthdir@pisgahpresbyterian.org
Lynn: office@pisgahpresbyterian.org
Presbyterian Web Sites:
Presbyterian Church (USA): pcusa.org
Transylvania Presbytery: transypby.org
Synod: synodoflivingwaters.org
Montreat: http://montreat.org
Presbyterians Today: pcusa.org/pcusa/today
Pisgah Church Staff
Jon Martin, Pastor
Linda Jones, Organist
Sue Henry, Director of Christian Education
Laura Lilly, Youth Director
Lynn Davis, Secretary
Ted Bendis, Bookkeeper
Bob Keller, Groundskeeper
Rhonda Ball, Nursery Worker

The Pisgah Post

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September 2007
Pisgah Presbyterian Church
710 Pisgah Pike
Versailles, KY 40383

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Web: www.pisgahpresbyterian.org, Voice and fax: (859) 873-4161, email: office@pisgahpresbyterian.org

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