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7 Wonders Duel – Abbreviated Rules

Credit - http://www.rprod.com/7wonders-duel/files/rules/7-Wonders-Duel-Rules-US.pdf GAME OVERVIEW

Overview of an Age - Display the 20 cards according to the structure of the current Age

BUILDING TYPES Game Turn - Choose card which isn’t partially covered by other cards. Play as one of:

• Raw materials (brown cards)- produce resources • 1) Construct the Building - Pay the cost and place it in front of yourself.
• Manufactured goods (grey cards) - produce resources • 2) Discard the card - obtain coins 2 coins + 1 coin per yellow card in your city
• Civilian (blue cards) - worth VP • 3) Construct a Wonder – Pay cost of Wonder (Building Card marks completed Wonder)
• Scientific (green cards) - VP and scientific symbol • After playing, reveal any cards which are now accessible
• Commercial (yellow cards) - coins, resources, change trading rules, sometimes VP • Some Wonders allow you to play again - You start your new turn after having revealed
• Military (red cards) - military power the newly accessible cards (unless if at end of age then benefit is lost)
• Guilds (purple cards) – VP based on specific criteria • As soon as 7th Wonder has been built, the last unbuilt Wonder is discarded
• At End of Age (all 20 cards have been played), player with the weakest military chooses
Note: The Age III deck contains no brown cards, grey cards, but it contains the purple cards which player begins the next Age. If tied, last player in previous round goes first
PREPARATION MILITARY – For each shield represented on the military Buildings (red cards) or Wonders
immediately move the Conflict pawn one space in the direction of the opposing capital. When
 Conflict pawn on the neutral space in the middle of the board.
the Conflict pawn enters a zone (defined by dotted lines), the active player applies the effect
 4 Military tokens face up on board of the corresponding token, then returns it to the box.
 5 random Progress tokens face up on the board - Return the rest to the box
 Each player 7 coins from the Bank. Military Supremacy - If the Conflict pawn enters the space of your opponent’s capital,
 Wonders Selection Phase you immediately win the game.
• Choose a first player
SCIENCE & PROGRESS - Each time you gather a pair of identical scientific symbols (found
• 4 random Wonders face up
on the green scientific Buildings and and on a Progress token) you immediately choose one of
• 1p chooses Wonder, 2p chooses 2 Wonders, 1p takes remaining
the Progress tokens on the game board; kept until the end of the game.
• 4 more random Wonders
• Repeat the above, but with 2p starting Scientific Supremacy - If you gather 6 different scientific symbols, you immediately win
• Prepare Age Decks the game.
• Remove 3 cards from each Age
• Randomly draw 3 Guild cards and add to Age III deck END OF GAME AND VICTORY
• Remove remaining Guilds Game ends immediately if military or science supremacy, otherwise at the end of Age III.
TRADING NOTES If no victory through supremacy before the end of Age III, player with most VP wins. Add:
• You can always purchase missing resources from the bank. • Military VP (0, 2, 5, or 10 depending on the position of the Conflict pawn)
• COST = 2 + number of symbols of the same resources produced by the brown and • VP from your Buildings (blue,green,yellow, and purple cards)
grey cards (not yellow) of the opposing city (unlimited purchases, paid to bank) • VP from your Wonders
• Some yellow cards change the trading rules and set cost of some resources to 1 • Your VP from Progress
coin. • Your city’s treasury: each complete set of 3 coins is worth 1 point

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