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Each special education certified staff member is required to complete the following 3 steps.

The time frame to complete all steps below is October 17th – 21st

1. Daily Schedule (save: “T” drive → your school folder → 16-17 folder → schedules folder)
2. Workload Report from SpEd Forms (to obtain your data needed for step #3 below)
3. Workload Analysis (complete and save in “T” drive → your school folder → 16-17 folder → workload analysis

1. Update and save your daily schedule in your CST Team Drive (in google)
Please ensure your schedules are updated and include the required components: time frames,
student names, subjects/content taught, and classroom/environment

2. Directions for running workload reports from SpEdforms

** Note: in order for your Sped Forms workload report to be accurate, you need to double check that your provider ID #
is included in every IEP you service. This applies to both direct and indirect minutes!

Go to the services page of the

student’s IEP, IFSP or ISP.

For each student that you provide

services to, add your service
provider ID number in the working
document – no need to finalize.
SAVE before exiting.

If you are the IEP manager for the

student and someone else
provides the service, you will not
enter your number here. Please
ask them to enter their own
number so all your IEP’s have
service ID #s.

Eastern Carver County Schools

Specialized Education Services
2016-2017 Workload Analysis
When you click blue provider link, a list of
providers and their IDs will open. Find your
name and use the ID number provided.

Running a workload analysis report from Sped Forms

1. Log into sped forms
2. From the main menu select Reports

3. Then select #2 Teacher workload analysis

Eastern Carver County Schools

Specialized Education Services
2016-2017 Workload Analysis
1. Select Name from
Educator drop
2. Make sure district
is selected
3. Change date range
to: 10-17-16 to
4. Change plan
status to: “Show
from working
service plans

The grid to the left is what will automatically appear when you run your
“Teacher Workload Analysis”. This report includes all students you
provide direct and indirect services to as recorded on their service grid –
as long as your service ID number was entered. Double check all of your
students are on the list!

Note the column of direct and indirect minutes.

There is a box on the bottom with totals. You will need to add the
indirect minutes from the first section marked Service. You will also add
the total for direct minutes in this same box.

Example below results would be:

Indirect = 540

Direct = 819

Eastern Carver County Schools

Specialized Education Services
2016-2017 Workload Analysis
Take your total direct minutes and your total indirect minutes to the District Workload Analysis sheet.

3. District Workload Analysis

Workload analysis is designed to provide information about the relationship between caseload numbers and actual
workload for special education teachers and service providers. The workload analysis number (i.e. ratio) is not
interpreted in isolation. Other district data reviewed may include daily schedules, student disability categories,
behavioral needs, health needs, other unique needs of students, etc…. The workload analysis is intended to provide a
snapshot of an individual staff member’s workload and is not designed to capture everything a teacher or service
provider does, but does provide more information than simply reviewing numbers of students on IEP case manage list.

Instructions below will assist you in completing the workload analysis along with definitions of the components that
make up workload.

Completing Workload Analysis:

 You will find your own - ready to go 16-17 workload excel document in the schools “T” drive folder.
 Majority of special education certified staff are required to complete the workload analysis. Staff
included are: all special education teachers, ECSE, social workers, OT, PT, VI, PI, full time DAPE. If you are
uncertain about your requirements, contact your supervisor.
 The following staff complete a time study instead of workload analysis: school psychologists and work-
based coordinators (Ellen Grossman will be directing this project during the same time frame as
workload analysis)

Eastern Carver County Schools

Specialized Education Services
2016-2017 Workload Analysis
 A few positions/roles do not need to complete a workload analysis or time study, including coordinators,
homebound teacher, part time DAPE teachers, reading rangers, or counselors. Reading rangers –
complete workload based on your special education FTE and time/effort.
 Workload analysis occurs the week of October 17 – 21 and is due by October 28th.
 DHH and Speech-language pathologists will complete their workloads at a team meeting during the first
week of November.
 There are two types of workload analysis documents – one for itinerant staff and one for non-itinerant
o Teachers/Staff full time in one building use the “Teacher and Staff Workload” spreadsheet.
o Special education teachers that travel between buildings will complete a separate workload
analysis for each building using the “Teacher and Staff Workload”.
o Itinerant/related service providers traveling between schools use the “Itinerant Workload”
spreadsheet. Examples are OT, PT, ECSE, DHH, PI, VI, DAPE
 The gray shaded boxes are where you will be entering data.
 The yellow shaded boxes are built in formulas – you will not enter anything here.
 In the middle column on the spreadsheet titled “your information”, type in your name.
 Click on the box in the “disability served” row. A dropdown arrow will appear in the bottom right corner of
this box. Using the dropdown, choose the primary disability category of students for which you provide
the majority of your services.
 Click on the box in the “federal setting served” row. A dropdown arrow will appear. Using the dropdown,
choose the federal setting that is most common among the students you serve.
 Click on the box in the “paraprofessional” row. Type in the number of paraprofessionals you direct the work of
on a consistent daily basis. This number does not directly impact the final workload number, so estimating will
not impact your workload total.
 Click on the box in the “direct minutes” row. Type in the total number of direct special education minutes you
provide weekly to all students on your caseload. This number should be the total from the direct minutes that
are listed on current IEPs.
o This number comes from your SpEd Forms Workload Analysis report and should match all data entered
into SpEd Forms.
 Click on the box in the “indirect minutes” row. Type in the total number of indirect service minutes you provide
weekly. This number should be the total from the indirect minutes that are listed on current IEPs and is again
taken off the SpEd Forms Workload Analysis Report.
o Indirect service time is defined as: special education services which include ongoing progress reviews;
cooperative planning; consultation; demonstration teaching; modification and adaptation of the
environment, curriculum, materials, or equipment; and direct contact with the pupil to monitor and
observe. Indirect services may be provided by a teacher or related services professional to another
regular education, special education teacher, related services professional, paraprofessional, support
staff, parents, and public and nonpublic agencies to the extent that the services are written in the
pupil's IEP and IFSP. This is most often “adult to adult” time.
o Indirect service minutes are decided and entered on the IEP at the time the IEP is written.
o Indirect service minutes included on the workload should only be those listed on current IEPs.
 Click on the box in the “Total Number Evaluations/Reevaluations” row. Type in the total number of
evaluations you will complete during the current school year after figuring out the number of reevaluations on
your caseload that are due during the current year. You shouldn’t need to add any initial evaluations into your

Eastern Carver County Schools

Specialized Education Services
2016-2017 Workload Analysis
final number as the coordinators facilitate initials.
 Click on the box in the “Special Education Instructional Minutes Available Weekly” row. Type in the total
number of instructional minutes you have available per your schedule during a five-day week. This number
should be the minutes of a school day from opening bell to closing bell, but should not include contractual
lunch or prep time.
o Take all minutes of the student day (Elem = 390 minutes, secondary = 410, STAR = 385) and subtract
your minutes scheduled for prep and lunch.
o Example: Elem minutes a day = 390, 30 min lunch, 50 min prep (80) = 390 - 80 = 310. Next, multiply
this total by 5 school days per week
 310 x 5= 1550 instructional minutes available per week.
 Click on the box in the “IEPs managed” row. Type in the total number of IEPs currently case managed by you.
 Click on the bottom cell on the spreadsheet. This will calculate to reveal your workload ratio number.
 When completed, SAVE the document as your name in the “T” drive, your schools folder, Workload Analysis

Eastern Carver County Schools

Specialized Education Services
2016-2017 Workload Analysis
Eastern Carver County Schools
Specialized Education Services
2016-2017 Workload Analysis

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