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Term Definition

Purposes of portfolios

volunteer Working without pay, often as a service to address a concern or need


employment A face-to-face discussion between a potential employer and an applicant for

interview a job

scholarship A face-to-face meeting between a selection committee and a person who

interview wishes to obtain financial funding for education expenses

enrollment The state of being officially registered as a participant in a course of study

Categories of samples and evidences

documentation of Anything that confirms that work and education experiences really happened

evidence of Anything that shows that a person understands developmental theories and
developmental characteristics

evidence of skills Anything that shows the skills a person has

work samples Actual things a person has made, done, planned, constructed, designed,
performed, or written

Specific samples and evidences

resume A brief written account of personal, educational, and professional

qualifications and experiences

career goal A statement of what you wish to accomplish in your chosen career

letter of reference A letter that recommends a person based on their knowledge of his/her

evaluation An appraisal of a person’s work

transcript An official school document listing courses taken and grades earned for an

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