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811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING



Why do we need to plan for remedial programs?

In many cases, daily assessment on he particular types of problem taught within the
curriculum can be used to diagnose the needs of remediation in learning Mathematics. So,
plan for remedial programs is important to :

• Determining the core cognitive impairments.

• Examining whether children with differ qualitatively (i.e., with respect to core
or primary deficits) or quantitatively from those who are low in mathematics
achievement but do not have a learning disability
• Identifying critical etiological factors (e.g., cognitive, linguistic,
neurobiological, genetic) associated with impairments in mathematical thinking
and learning;
• Developing and testing well-defined, evidence-based treatment interventions,
the effects of which are not only sustainable, but also generalizable across more
than one narrow facet of mathematics skills or domains;
• Applying structural and functional neuroimaging procedures in an effort to
reveal the neural correlates of impairments in the processing of mathematical
• Assessing the role of individual differences that may moderate the development
of MLD (e.g., gender, ethnic or cultural factors, socio-economic
• Investigating the co-morbidity to not only assess the nature of overlapping and
distinctive mechanisms, but also to enhance our understanding of the role of
reading processes in comprehending and solving both simple and complex
mathematical word problems. (This is not meant to exclude the study of other
disorders or learning disabilities)

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

Identify the various methods that teachers can collect

information on learners’ difficulties in mathematics.

Students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) represent one of the largest
disability areas in the state. Almost half of the special education population has been
identified as having a specific learning disability. The December 1, 2004, child count
indicates that there are 46,890 children with a primary disability of SLD in Wisconsin. This
represents 4.69% of the total PK-12 student population in the state.

Students with SLD are educated using a variety of approaches including individual,
small and large group instruction. Special education and related services often consist of
specialized instruction in academic compensatory skills as identified by a student's IEP
team. The majority of students with SLD receive most of their instruction in the general
education setting with supplemental specialized instruction and support provided by
certified special education teachers. Collaboration between general and special educators is
critical to the success of these students.

Students with SLD have severe trouble learning or demonstrating ademic skills in one
or more of the following areas: oral expression, listening comprehension, written
expression, basic reading skill, reading comprehension, mathematical calculation, and
mathematical reasoning. Although the students often do well in some school subjects, they
usually have extreme difficulty with certain skills such as decoding (reading) words,
calculating math facts, or getting their thoughts into writing. As a result, they lag
significantly behind their peers in these skills. Specific learning disabilities are believed to
be caused by problems the child has processing information. In other words, while students
with SLD almost always hear and see normally, they have trouble understanding or using
what they see or hear.

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

When someone suspects a student has a SLD, a referral for a special education
evaluation is made. A team, which includes the child's parents, conducts the evaluation and
decides if the child meets state and federal eligibility criteria for special education. Each of
the following criteria must be considered and met in order for the child to be determined to
have a SLD.

1. A severe delay in classroom achievement, AND

2. A significant discrepancy between intellectual ability and academic achievement,
3. A processing deficit that is linked to the delay(s) in classroom achievement and
significant discrepancy.

At present, there are no intensive diagnostic assessment instruments available for

teachers to use when they are confronted by learners with mathematical difficulties or in
need of remediation. Teachers, therefore, can rely only upon observation, questioning and
work products to help them with the identification and subsequent causes of misconception
and errors.

Discuss the strategies that can be applied to

help remedial learners.

• Remedial learning strategies. Adult learners want to succeed. They want to feel
confident in their understanding of and ability to use their new skills. If they don’t
feel confident, adult learners often re-read confusing information, question the
degree to which the confusing content meets their needs and/or look for familiar
terminology. They also talk to colleagues and supervisors or try to apply or use the
confusing content.
• Re-read information: Adult learners re-read instructional content either to clarify
an area of confusion or to look for specific information. Either way, learners assess
their understanding and decide that something is missing or confusing.

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• Look for familiar terminology: When learners are confused, they sometimes find
a term or acronym that’s familiar and helps them put the content into a realistic
setting. That is, learners link the familiar term or acronym to one or more of their
prior experiences and that enables them to create an example of how they might use
the confusing content.
• Individualized instruction. Many individualized programs use a diagnostic
prescriptive approach for the remediation of mathematical skills. A standardized test
may be administered at the beginning of the school year to determine each learners’
specific skill deficiencies and the areas in which he/she needs to work on. Teachers
can then analyse the test results and prescribe remediation activities using
workbooks, arithmetic skill kit, calculators and teacher-prepared materials. This is
followed by frequent test to assess on the accomplishment of the leaners for a
particular topic. In a typical individualized remedial class, learners refer to their
folder for further instruction.
• Small group and whole class instruction. This is usually conducted when a
general weakness is exhibited among a number of learners. This is usually done by
breaking up the class into small groups according to similar skill deficiencies.
While assignments are given to the rest of the class, the selected group will receive
a demonstration on a specific skill which is deficient. An educational assistants or
the better mathematics learner can be assigned the poorer ones. The teachers can
vary the instruction by including mathematical games, use of calculators and
‘camouflaged drill’ in order to motivate learners and help them to understand
mathematical concepts.

One effective approach to assisting middle school youth with LD in accessing

challenging mathematical concepts is to provide strategy instruction (SI). This brief defines
strategy instruction, identifies key features of effective strategies, and identifies key
components necessary for instructing youth in the use of a strategy. In addition, we provide
a practical example for the use of a math instructional strategy that can be applied to a

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

variety of concepts and settings, and provide some key considerations when using strategy
instruction in mathematics classes.

The example below demonstrates a classroom lesson incorporating the first-letter

mnemonic strategy, STAR (Maccini, 1998). This strategy incorporates the previously noted
strategy features and effective teaching components to help teach the information
efficiently and effectively. In addition, the strategy incorporates the concrete-semiconcrete-
abstract (CSA) instructional sequence, which gradually advances to abstract ideas using the
following progression: (a) concrete stage (i.e., three-dimensional representation in which
students manipulate objects to represent math problems); (b) semiconcrete (i.e., two-
dimensional representation in which students draw pictures of the math problem); and (c)
abstract (i.e., students represent the problem using numerical symbols).

Prior to the lesson, the teacher should pretest students to make sure they have the
prerequisite skills and vocabulary relevant to the appropriate math concept(s) and to make
sure the strategy is needed. The teacher then introduces the strategy and describes what a
strategy is, including the rationale for learning the specific instructional strategy and where
and when to apply it. After an explanation, the teacher asks students to explain the purpose
of the strategy, how it will help them solve word problems, and how to use the strategy.
Students should memorize the steps of the mnemonic strategy and related substeps for ease
of recall by using a rapid-fire rehearsal. This rehearsal technique involves first calling on
individual students (or throwing a ball to students) and having them state a strategy step,
then repeating the process with other students in the class. The rehearsal becomes faster as
students become more fluent with the steps and rely less on teacher prompts or written

What is mathematics literacy?

What does it mean to be "literate" in math? Literate, as opposed to being and

expert, means having the minimum amount of working knowledge for everyday purposes.

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In trying to define literacy, I want to focus on those math skills that creep up in everyday
life enough to be an inconvenience if you do not know them. To be literate in math, not
only should you know the mechanics of these skills enough to do them without looking
them up or using a calculator, but you should also be able to know in what situations these
skills may be appropriate. The true "math literate" is not someone who has lots of math
knowledge, it is someone who correctly applies the skills they do have to given situations.


It should be obvious that everyone should know arithmetic. Add, subtract, multiply and
divide positive and negative integers, fractions and decimals. They should also know how
to simplify fractions, scientific notation, convert between fractions and decimals, and know
concepts such as roots, exponents, ratios, percentages, reciprocals, and absolute values.


Another obvious concept. Everyone should know both traditional and metric measures of
length, area, volume, weight (or mass), time and temperature, and they should know how to
convert between these measures.


• Here is where things get controversial. The algebraic skills I believe everyone
should know are the following:
• Given a formula and values that can be used in the formula, calculate an answer
using correct order of operations.
• Solve a simple (linear or rational) formula for any variable in the formula.
• Solve linear equations of the form Ax + B = C.
• Solve ratio problems of the form x/A = B/C.
• Given two points, write a linear equation (y = mx + b) for the line between those
two points.

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• Given a linear equation, draw a graph.

• Given any function, draw a graph by plotting points.
• Solve problems involving two equations and two unknowns using either graphing
or substitution.

You will note the lack of quadratic polynomials, conic sections, etc. It is not that these more
advanced skills are useless (I for one would not want to fly in an airplane where the
navigator did not understand conic sections, who knows where we would end up going) I
am merely saying they are not needed by everybody. When was the last time you used the
quadratic formula in an everyday situation?


• Know the various area and circumference formulas for circles, squares, rectangles,
and triangles without looking them up.
• Know all the basic three dimensional shapes from cylinders to icosahedrons.
• Understand the Cartesian Coordinate system in two and three dimensions.
• Convert size on a scale model or map to actual dimensional size.
• Be familiar with all the properties of lines and angles: acute, obtuse, complimentary,
supplementary, congruence, degrees, radians, parallel lines, similar angles, etc.
• Know all the properties of triangles, including the types, basic theorems (i.e.. all
angles add to 180 degrees)
• Use theorems to find measures that cannot easily be measured (i.e.. use similar
triangles to determine heights of buildings, etc)
• Be able to do basic constructions using compass and straight edge. (bisect a line,
bisect an angle, etc.)
• Know and use the Pythagorean theorem.


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• Know what probability and conditional probability are.

• Compare risk factors of given situations.
• Calculate basic probability of outcomes using the multiplication principle,
permutations, or combinations.


• Given a set of data, find mean, median, mode, and graph data as a histogram, pie
chart, or whatever is appropriate.
• Understand problems of data collecting and gathering a random sample.
• Understand how studies can be invalidated, such as blind study vs. double blind
study, misleading or ambiguous questions, etc.
• Understand concepts of standard deviation, correlation, linear distribution vs. bell
curve distributions, etc.
• Understand how statistics can be abused, and how multiple interpretations of data
can be made.


• Understand basic logical operators, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, if then vs. if and only if.
• Understand how rephrasing arguments, (contra positives, etc.) changes the
• Identify valid and invalid arguments.
• Know common logical fallacies.

What are the common misconceptions in mathematics?

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

Math teachers and researchers are beginning to agree on the importance of a series of new
findings. According to new research, many students have misconceptions about
mathematics--sometimes called "naive theories"--that can turn them into clumsy learners.
This digest describes misconceptions in math--what causes them and why they interfere
with learning. Next it considers common mathematical misconceptions among Anglos and
Hispanics. It concludes with a discussion of techniques to help students overcome their
misconceptions in math.
There are many misconceptions in elementary mathematics. In fact, there are so
many that researchers have developed a catalog of them (Benander & Clement, 1985).
Here, the discussion considers some common misconceptions that are hard to change.

A very prevalent misconception surfaces in the "students and professors" problem:

Write an equation using the variables S and P to represent the following statement: "There
are six times as many students as professors at a certain university." Use "S" for the number
of students and "P" for the number of professors.

The most common error in this problem (committed by about 35% of college
engineering majors!) is to write "6S = P." (The correct equation, of course, is "S = 6P.")

This misconception grows from the interplay of two factors. First, students
thoughtlessly translate the words of the problem from left to right. Second, as they give in
to that temptation, they confuse the idea of variables and labels. Using the left-to-right
strategy, students interpret the "S" and the "P" in the equation as labels (verbal shorthand)
for the terms "students" and "professors." They fail to apply the idea that variables stand for
numerical expressions.

A more complex problem also illustrates this type of difficulty:

I went to the store and bought the same number of books as records. Books cost two dollars
each and records cost six dollars each. I spent $40 altogether. Assuming that the equation
2B + 6R = 40 is correct, what is wrong, if anything, with the following reasoning?

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2B + 6R = 40. Since B = R, we can write,

2B + 6B = 40, and therefore,

8B = 40

This last equation says 8 books cost $40, so one book costs $5.

Identify a specific mathematical learning skill that is difficult
for students to acquire. Develop a
remedial program to
develop this skill.

What Is Strategy Instruction and What are the Key Components in Math?

Strategy instruction involves teaching strategies that are both effective (assisting
students with acquiring and generalizing information) and efficient (helping students
acquire the information in the least amount of time) (Lenz et al., 1996, p. 6). Student
retention and learning is enhanced through the systematic use of effective teaching
variables (Rosenshine & Stevens, 1986). That is, certain teaching variables (i.e., review,
teacher presentation/modeling, guided practice, independent practice, feedback, and
cumulative review) are both effective and efficient for teaching math to secondary students
with LD (see Gagnon & Maccini, in press, for a complete description).

Example of Strategy Instruction in Secondary Math:

The example below demonstrates a classroom lesson incorporating the first-letter

mnemonic strategy, STAR (Maccini, 1998). This strategy incorporates the previously noted
strategy features and effective teaching components to help teach the information
efficiently and effectively. In addition, the strategy incorporates the concrete-semiconcrete-
abstract (CSA) instructional sequence, which gradually advances to abstract ideas using the

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

following progression: (a) concrete stage (i.e., three-dimensional representation in which

students manipulate objects to represent math problems); (b) semiconcrete (i.e., two-
dimensional representation in which students draw pictures of the math problem); and (c)
abstract (i.e., students represent the problem using numerical symbols).

Prior to the lesson, the teacher should pretest students to make sure they have the
prerequisite skills and vocabulary relevant to the appropriate math concept(s) and to make
sure the strategy is needed. The teacher then introduces the strategy and describes what a
strategy is, including the rationale for learning the specific instructional strategy and where
and when to apply it. After an explanation, the teacher asks students to explain the purpose
of the strategy, how it will help them solve word problems, and how to use the strategy.
Students should memorize the steps of the mnemonic strategy and related substeps for ease
of recall by using a rapid-fire rehearsal. This rehearsal technique involves first calling on
individual students (or throwing a ball to students) and having them state a strategy step,
then repeating the process with other students in the class. The rehearsal becomes faster as
students become more fluent with the steps and rely less on teacher prompts or written

Think of this situation in terms of transfer of learning. As an example, consider

reading. The goal is to have students develop a level of reading knowledge and skills by the
end of the third grade so that in future grades then can learn by reading. The expectation is
that a typical student learns to read and then reads to learn while he or she is continuing to
become a still better reader. Although reading is part of a language arts time slot, reading
and writing gradually become part of all of the daily curriculum.

ICT provides an answer. There is easy to use software that an convert data into a pie
chart. Thus, the procedural aspects of developing a pie chart can be given over to a

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

Describe an extra-curricular club activity in your

School that provides mathematical knowledge to
students. .

A Mathematics club in my school is organized by students assisted by the teachers.

They have many intelligence ideas to make mathematics fun and easy to learn. There is an
extra-curricular club activity that called Math Lab. The project involved all primary 4, 5
and 6 choosen students.

In a small group setting math lab reviews topics covered in regular math class. A
close alliance with the regular math teacher is maintained so learning difficulties can be
addressed as they occur. Students are encouraged to work through personal math problem
areas. Many manipulatives are used so students can connect a concrete model to
mathmatical procedures and enhance their conceptual understanding. Computers are also
used. What they will and have learned is :

• Look for direct applications of math while teaching non-math topics. If there is an
obvious avenue for transfer of learning—directly applying math that students have
already learned—make that application and talk about this type of transfer of
learning. "Transfer of learning" should become part of the vocabulary of students
and a goal in all of their learning.
• Look for situations in which a computer system can help student understanding and
the knowledge they are gaining by mathematizing in a visual or other manner some
of what is being covered in the non-math course. This mathematizing process may
well draw upon ideas that students can understand (such as a pie chart) but that are
several years above their current math developmental level.

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

• http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~moursund/Math/pbl.htm
• http://web.cps.msu.edu/~urban/ITS.htm
• http://www.nichcy.org
• Prof. Dr Rohani A.T, Universiti Putra Malaysia. SBEM3203 Remedial In Teaching And
Learning Mathematics, Modul OUM ,Selangor, 2008
• Cocking, R., & Mestre, J. (Eds.). (1988). Linguistic and Cultural Influences on
Learning Mathematics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
• Mestre, J. (1986). Teaching problem solving strategies to bilingual students: What do
research results tell us? International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and
Technology, 17, 393-401.
• Resnick, L. (1983). Mathematics and science learning: A new conception. Science, 220,
• Borkowski, J.G., Estrada, M., Nlilstead, M., & Hale, C. (1989). General problem-
solving skills: Relations between metacognition and strategic processing. Learning
Disabilities Quarterly, 12, 57-70.
• Corral, N., & Antia, S.D. (1997, March/April). Self-talk: Strategies for success in math.
TEACHING Exceptional Children, 29(4), 42-45
• Englert, C.S. (1984). Effective direct instruction practices in special education settings.
Remedial and Special Edu cation, 5(2), 38-47.

811101125574 – 001 TEACHING AND LEARNING

Question 1 To Plan For Remedial Programs ?
Question 2 Various method for learners’ difficulties in Math
Question 3 Strategies to help Remedial Learners
Question 4 Mathematics Literacy
Question 5 Common Misconceptions in Mathematics
Question 1 - Difficulties Specific Mathematical Skill

- Remedial Program To Develop Skill

Question 2 Extra-Currucular club Activity.


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