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The method of construction of a typical single wall open caisson is described below.

1. A pit of suitable size and about 2 meter deep is excavated at the site where the caisson
is to be sunk.
2. The cutting edge formwork is then placed at the bottom of the pit. Above the cutting
edge, the wall reinforcements are suitably tied up and the shuttering for casting the
concrete wall is erected.
3. The caisson walls are then concreted in lifts to a suitable height. When the freshly laid
concrete has gained sufficient strength, sinking operation is started.
4. The caisson sinks due to its own weight when the soil from the space inside s
removed by use of clam shell or any other method.
5. As sinking proceeds, additional sections of the caisson walls are successively cast.
Sinking is stopped while each section is concreted and it is resumed only after the
concreted section has gained sufficient strength.
6. When the caisson is sunk to the required depth, its base is plugged by providing 3m
thick layer of concrete (concrete seal). The concrete for the seal is placed by use of a
tremie pipe.
7. After the concrete seal has set, the water inside the caisson is pumped out and the
empty space is filled with gravel or concrete.
8. The rate of sinking of the caisson is always slow because the downward moment of
the caisson is resisted by the skin friction of the ground on its walls.
9. At times the skin friction becomes so great that the caisson does not sink even after all
the earth has been dredged out from the inside clean down to the cutting edge.
10. In such situations, sinking is resorted to by loading the caisson with additional
weights in the form of rails, ingots etc. which are removed afterwards.
1. 在沉箱沉没的地方挖出一个合适尺寸,深约 2 米的坑。
2. .然后将切割边模板放置在坑的底部。在切削刃上方,适当地捆绑墙体增强件,并浇筑混凝土墙
3. 然后将沉箱墙升降机浇筑到合适的高度。当新铺设的混凝土获得足够的强度时,开始下沉操作。
4. 当沉箱内的土壤用蛤壳或其他任何方法去除时,沉箱会因自重而下沉。
5. 随着下沉的进行,沉井墙壁的其他部分将陆续浇筑。在每个部分浇筑混凝土时,下沉停止,只
6. 当沉箱沉到所需的深度时,通过提供 3 米厚的混凝土层(混凝土密封)将其底座堵塞。密封混
凝土通过使用 tremie 管道来放置。
7. 混凝土密封好后,沉箱内的水被抽出,空的空间充满碎石或混凝土。
8. 沉箱的下沉速度总是很慢,因为沉箱的向下弯矩受到其墙壁上的地面摩擦力的抵制。
9. 有时候,即使在所有的泥土从内部疏浚出来后,沉箱也不会沉没,从而使得表面摩擦变得如此
10. 在这种情况下,下沉是通过加载沉箱的钢轨,钢锭等形式的附加重量,然后去除。

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