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Assessment 1: Planning stage of the ICT integrated curriculum project

Learning Theory

The chosen curriculum for Year 10 Drama, The Arts, learning area, is supported by Bloom’s
taxonomy of an established learning theory. Students’ will have the skills, knowledge and
comprehension to apply themselves, with the use of ICT, to the specific tasks throughout the
term. The chosen Unit of work caters to differentiated learning by empowering students through
various tasks to work within the learning environment.

Students will have editorial and recording experiences which will enhance their learning
composition. Students will be required to work in teams and collaborate to group discussions.
This differentiation of tasks within the curriculum will broaden the students’ creative and
editorial skills. Students will constructively critique classmates and their own work through class
discussions, self reflection and the use of ICT to vote for produced work, for submission.

Students will illustrate an understanding of the immense benefits and use of ICT in drama
productions and draw from first hand experience of implementing this within their learning;
these skills are transferrable to other learning areas for a similar use.

The ICT learning tools will be used as follows:

Week one lesson one: iMovie and iPad: https://www.apple.com/au/imovie/

Students will use their iPads to learn to navigate and create a valuable advertising tool. Students
will be empowered to brainstorm their own style, brand of editing and, directing their own
individual groups’ electronic press kit, to be considered for school and community distribution.
Students will learn to initially reflect on, and subsequently select areas of their drama production
which are most attractive and exciting for an audience to get snippets of in an advertisement.

Week one lesson two: Postermywall: https://www.postermywall.com/

Britannica Image Quest: https://quest-eb-com.ipacez.nd.edu.au/ Padlet: https://padlet.com/
Students are to work individually using the three ICT tools listed. I will not be teaching and
giving explicit instructions on the students’ every move, rather set up and equip my students with
the tools and resources to navigate and self explore various learning tools to create and design a
poster for the drama production. The students will then have an opportunity using Padlet, to
upload their completed work and using Padlet to vote (Yes or No) for posters. The poster with
the most votes will be forwarded for print and distribution both in electronic and hard copy.

Week two lesson one: Livestream: https://livestream.com/

Students are to navigate the beauty of ICT and integrate this in to their drama production set up
and bump in. Students will test the quality of the livestream. The purpose of the livestream is to
be used to be an inclusive tool for our parent community as our production is already sold out
with no further seating available. It is also a tool which can be used for our FIFO parents and
community who are unable to be present for the drama production.

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