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ANATOMY OF NILEM FISH (Osteochilus vittatus)

AND CATFISH (Clarias gariepinus)

Name : Rahmi Mutia Mawardi
Student ID : B1B015041
Group :V
Sub Group :5
Assistent : Sumana




A. Background

A fish is any member of a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all

gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits. Included in this
definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish, as well as
various extinct related groups. Most fish are ectothermic (cold-blooded), allowing
their body temperatures to vary as ambient temperatures change, though some of the
large active swimmers like white shark and tuna can hold a higher core temperature.
Fish are abundant in most bodies of water. They can be found in nearly all aquatic
environments, from high mountain streams (e.g., char and gudgeon) to the abyssal
and even hadal depths of the deepest oceans (e.g., gulpers and anglerfish). With
33,100 described species, fish exhibit greater species diversity than any other group
of vertebrates (Djuhanda, 1984).
Fish is aquatic vertebrates that have a complex organs and consists of several
system organ to life activities. His body consists of the head (caput), the body
(truncus), and the tail (cauda). Fish is living creatures that live at water and breath
using gills that be there at the right and the left side of head. Ecosystem fish there are
two, sea water and fresh water. Fish that lived attend sea more issue urination that
fish lived attend tasteless (Djuhanda, 1984).
Nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) bony body and real covered in scales as a
framework. Skin contains mucus to sleek that can be easily move in the water. The
body of nilem fish equipped with a few fins and there are line in hand to know
changes air pressure (Radiopoetro, 1997).
The characteristics of nilem fish is almost identicaly with golden fish. The
abdominal on the corners of it mouth there are two pairs murmurings touch. Dorsal
fin is supported by three fingers hard and 12-18 radius of the soft. Tail fins forked
two symetrical, on the contrary. Fins rectum is supported by 1 radius of the hard and
5 radius of the soft. Fins stomach is supported by 1 radius of the hard and 13-25
radius of the soft. Number of these scales line in hand, that some 33-36 pieces, form
the body of nilem fish is quite elongated and pressed, the mouth conflicted with
snout (rostral) folded, and big black spots on its tail is the hallmark fish nilem. This
fish including the omnivore, food-hanger form algae called epifition and perifition
(Djuhanda, 1984).
Nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) used in this
practicum was to represent species from class pisces (constellation). Nilem fish and
cat fish order morphology and anatomy that simple. In addition, nilem fish and cat
fish (Clarias gariepinus).
Cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) it body is not covered with scales but smooth on
the surface of its body and a little slimy. The cat fish flat, and from his head to their
backs brown glaze, mouth wide and teeth, the body’s curves upward and squeeze
through capillaries and pointing to the tail and posseses patil. Patil cat fish is
effective weapons and venomous that was found in pectoral fin (breast) cat fish
(Jasin, 1989).

B. Purpose

The purpose of laboratory work of animal structure this time was to observe
morphology and anatomy of nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and cat fish (Clarias

A. Material

The tools that used in this practicum are a preparate place, tweezers, and
scissors surgery.
Material was used in this practicum are nilem fish (Osteochillus vittatus), cat
fish (Clarias gariepinus), water tap and tissue.

B. Methods

The methods used in practicum is as follows :

1. Fish was disabled by using scissors
2. Fish be shorn from the hole porus urogenitalis pointed toward anterior reasoning
madioventral throughout the body to follow front fins chest (be treated with a bit
of caution that these organs not on that are on it.
3. The northen hemisphere meat on top was opened by using tweezers.
4. Cutting continued pointed toward the body part dorsum that continued toward
anterior reasoning to close their gills, part dorsum and ventral until snout, in this
section should be considered the ventral from gill heart so that there is a must be
treated carefully.
5. The digestive system can be observed by means of drawing portion of the bowel
carefully, little by little until out of the body and not to lose.
6. The tail especially in the nilem fish cut across the parts and observed the rams,
and his bones.
7. After it was observed, had been cleaned up.

A. Result

Figure 1. Morphology of Nilem Fish (Osteochilus vittatus)

Figure Details :

1. Nose Curve 12. Radii Branchiostegi

2. Cavum Oris 13. Branchiostegi Membrane
3. Maxilla Bone 14. Linea Lateralis
4. Mandibula 15. Anus
5. Misae 16. Porus Urogenitalis
6. Nostril 17. Pinnae Dorsalis
7. Organon Visus 18. Pinnae Caudalis
8. Preoperculum 19. Pinnae Analis
9. Operculum 20. Pinna Abdominalis
10. Interoperculum 21. Pinna Pectoralis
11. Suboperculum
B. Discussion

1. Nilem Fish (Osteochilus vittatus)

Nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) classified into the family Cryprinidae. As
the fresh water fish. Nilem fish was spread out in several regions, consists Java,
Sumatra, Malaysia and Thailand. In general, the nilem fish was kept in the region
with the height ranges from 150 meters above the sea level and 800 meters above the
sea level. Nilem fish have a body that is covered with scales that had a green color
grayish, chocolates, blackish or green and red. The left and right body of the nilem
fish there are linea laeralis or scratch side of the elongated rearward from closed gill
until to the tail. In the corner mouth nilem fish there are two pairs moustache or
barbels. Nilem fish mouth is relatively wide and teeth creepe-wreath as a sign that
nilem fish eater is growing-water plant like algae. Scales of the nilem fish is the lines
of the form of circular shape and the lines of the radier called cycloid. The type of
nilem fish is homocerk that is look’s like symetris dorsoventral from outside. See the
bones from the immense asismetris (Jasin, 1989).
Nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) classification according to Radiopoetro
(1997) is as follows :
Phylum : Chordata
Subphylum : Vertebrata
Class : Pisces
Subclass : Teleostei
Ordo : Ostariophsy
Familia : Cyprinidae
Genus : Osteochilus
Species : Osteochilus vittatus
The results of observation of anatomy nilem fish or known as the Silver
Shark Minnow had a discernible morphological features such as form of the body
that is almost the same with the golden fish. The difference is that the nilem fish
relatively small compared to golden fish. He body of nilem fish can be divided into
three parts are the head (caput), the body (truncus), and the tail (cauda). There is no
limit the three real. At the corners hard mouth nilem fish have two pairs murmur
touch. Nilem fish with the organs had composers including cor, pronephros, nephros,
gonad, vesica urinary, intestine and porus urogenitalis (Jasin, 1989).
Fins is a correct integumentary thin and supported by the radius fins. Fins in
the fish are generally there are some who teamed up and there was a single.
Functions of fins is to maintain a balance in swimming. Nilem fish himself has fins
that teamed up and also gradually turned into a single. Dorsal fin, anal fin, and
caudal fin is a single fin, while pectoral fin and abdominal fin is fin that are in pairs.
Total number of fins that is owned by nilem fish is 7 fins (Storer, 1957).
Digestive system on nilem fish is process simplification food through
physical and chemical process, so that it would be daily foods that easily absorbed in
intestines, then circulated throughout the body through blood circulatory system.
These organs the digestive tract (from in front/anterior reasoning pointed back
toward consecutive posterior), mouth, oesophagus, liver, bladder, pancreas, and
intestine. These organs extra is liver and pancreas. These organs and complement:
teeth and filter gill (Djuhanda, 1984).
According Radiopoetro (1997), inside of cavum oris not empty into
glandulae salivales. Oesophagus is a pipeline that debt. Diseases is composed of two
lobby, there is a vesica felea or gallbladder from diseases go toward ductus hepaticus
later united with ductus cysticus that runs from vesica felea and to ductus
choleodocus empties into the duodenum.
Nilem fish to breath through their gills. Gil of nilem fish consists of curve
gill, filament gill, and filter gills. The couple rigi-rigi (filter gill) works as a filter
water, for respiration body in arching gills. Sheets gill (fillament gill) red in coor
because it has many capillary vessels arterial blood from their gills. Through sheets
gil this exchange CO2 and O2 took place (Prawirohartono, 2000).
Reproductive system to a male nilem fish with testes and female nilem fish
reproduce by ovary. Male and female nilem fish can be distinguished from the way
massaging the abdomen pointed toward anus. Male fish will bring balance tang white
milt from the pit his genitalia, while a female who has been ready their eggs have
characteristics of her belly a relatively large and felt soft when touch (Moment,
Nilem fish have a buble swimming (vesica metatoria) which functions as a
tool up and down the balance in the water. Kidney function as a place for filtering
urine. Ureters to distribute urine from the kidneys to vesica urinaria. Excretory
system in the nilem fish consists of ren, ureter, vesica urinaria and ended in porus
urogenitalis (Moment, 1967).
2. Cat Fish (Clarias gariepinus)
Clarias gariepinus or African sharptooth cat fish is a species of cat fish of the
family Claridae, the airbreathing cat fishes. They are found throughout Africa and
the Middle East, and live in freshwater lakes, rivers, and swamps, as well as human-
made habitats, such as oxidation ponds or even urban sewage systems. The African
sharptooth catfish was introduced all over the world in the early 1980s for
aquaculture purposes, so is found in countries far outside its natural habitat, such as
Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, and India (Jansen, 2013).
Cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) classification that was presented by Radiopoetro
(1997) is as follows:
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Pisces
Subclass : Teleostei
Ordo : Ostariophsy
Subordo : Siluroidae
Familia : Claridae
Genus : Clarias
Species : Clarias gariepinus
The result of observations in practicum anatomy of cat fish acquired that to
the head cat fish had the parts are organon visus (eye), cavum oris, nostril and four
pairs antenna or barbels sense of touch with its function as at the moment there are
stimuli and at the time to look for food. The cat fish flat, and from his head to their
backs brown glaze, mouth wid and does not hve teeth, for the round and squeeze
through capillaries and pointing to the tail and have patil noted in the pinna
pectoralis. On the head cat fish there are respiratory organs as gill, cat fish also have
respiratory organs that is in the form arborescent membrane that more than double-
fold capillary filled with blood. Respiratory organs to this additional cat fish can live
in low levels of oxygen water (Kriswantoro, 1948).
The body of cat fish does not have scales but smooth slimy, had a black
pigment can be changed to pale when struck by sunlight, see also means a delicate
balance in line with the middle side is truncus. Cat fish have pinnae dorsalis and fins
along to bottom home, but not unites with tail fins. Cat fish also had a weapon isa
patil or spur toprotect themselves from the attack or threat from the outside, be
harmed, maximum length of fish patil is 400 mm. Cat fish have dorsal fin, anal fin,
caudal fin which called single fin. Pectoral fin and abdominal fin are fins in pairs.
Cat fish doesn’t have a bubble swimming (vesica metatoria) that was the instrument
equilibrium up and down in the water, this is because cat fish more often go any
there waters (Jasin, 1989).
The digestive system in the cat fish started from the mouth, pharinx,
oesophagus, gastrum, pylorus, intestine, and porus urogenitalis. The anatomies cat
fish’s mouth closely connected with ways to get to the food. There are around his
mouth murmurings that play a role as a tool touch are found in fish are actively
looking for food in the evening (nocturnality). Oral cavity cat fish are covered by the
cells produce mucus that makes its way food entering to the next. To cavities cat
fish’s mouth there is also an organ taste has a function to select foods. Pharynx in cat
fish function to filter foods that check-in, because their gills lead the pharynx and
material that non-food will be removed through a gap gill (Djuhanda, 1984).
The respiratory system of cat fish respiratory organs as gill and additional
namely arborescent. Gill in the cat fish’s parts of the mechanism and respiratory
similar to nilem fish. Cat fish can live in mud or in the water levels of oxygen that
have low, this is because of the arborescent, so cat fish can survive outside water in a
few hours if the air surrounding humid air. Arborescent membrane that is more than
doubled to full of capillary blood. Capillary blood is located on the curved gill
second and third. Arborescent has a similar sponge (Kriswantoro, 1986).
Reproductive system of male cat fish and female cat fish are different. In the
male cat fish there is a couple tetstes and at the outer part looks at the atomic clasper
taper red in color and the instrument which functions as a place ovulation cannot
happen and channel sperm out of the body. Female cat fish in parts of her body was
found ovarian beads that contains eggs that will be issued at a time from reproducing
cat fish do external fertilization practices, so male cat fish fertilize the eggs outside
the body of female cat fish. The difference of male cat fish and female cat fish is the
genital organs that can be seen as a located near theur anus, brightly colored and
taper (clasper) in the male sex organ, while the catfish appears to be unanimous
female (Kriswantoro, 1986).

A. Conclusion

Based on the results practicum of nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and cat
fish (Clarias gariepinus) that has been doing conclusion, it is as follows:
1. Morphology of nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and cat fish (Clarias
gariepinus) consists of: caput, truncus, cauda, cavum oris, nostril, organon visus,
operculum, linea lateralis and fin, but in the cat fish consists barbels superior and
barbels inferior.
2. Nilem fish respiratory system is gills and cat fish excepted using the gills, using
to arborescent as additional respiratory organ.
3. Excretory system in the nilem fish and the cat fish consists of ren, ureter, vesica
urinaria and porus urogenitalis.
4. The digestive system in the nilem fish started from oesophagus directly toward
your stomach that are differentiated into two parts are pars cardiaca a wide and
pyloric a narrow and empties to porus urogenitalis. While digestive system in the
cat fish started from the mouth, oesophagus, gastrum, intestine and empties into
porus urogenitalis.

B. Recommendation

It is hoped that practican can be more carefuly look at system organs in the
body of nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and cat fish (Clarias gariepinus).

Djuhanda, T. 1984. Analisa Struktur Vertebrata Jilid I. Bandung: Americo.

Jansen van Renburg, C., van As, J.G. & King, P.H. 2013. New records of digenean
parasites of Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) from the Okavango Delta,
Botswana, with description of Thaparotrema botswanensis sp. (Plathelminthes:
Trematoda). African Invertebrates, 54 (2), ppi 431–446.
Jasin. 1989. Sistematika Hewan Vertebrata dan Invertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar
Kriswantoro, M. 1986. Mengenal Ikan Air Tawar. Jakarta: Karya Bani.
Moment, G. B. 1967. General Zoology. Boston: Bentley Glass.
Prawiroharono, S. 2000. Sains Biology. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Radiopoetro. 1997. Zoology. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Storer, T. I and Usinger, R. L. 1957. General Zoology. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

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