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Six Minutes to Success Daily Assignments

001-Overview SixMinutesToSuccess
Question 1: What is your 90 day goal?
002-What Inspires you?
What Inspires you? What do you want? What DON'T you want?
Question 1: What Inspires you?
Question 2: What do you really want?
Question 3: What thing(s) do you not like that you need to stay away from?
Question 4: What thing(s) do you not like that you can make a habit, because it
will help you become successful?
003-6 Steps To Success: Step 1
Question 1: Now is the time to get clear on EXACTLY how much money you
would like to earn. For example, assume today is January 1, 2009. Here is an
example statement: I am so happy and grateful now that I have earned $21,000
Question 2: Enter the amount of money you would like to earn.
Question 3: Enter the currency of money you are earning.
Question 4: Now create your full statement: I am so happy and grateful now that I
have earned ______ (amount) _______ (currency).
004-6 Steps To Success: Step 2
Question 1: Here is an example statement: I am so happy and grateful now that I
have earned $21,000 dollars from my SixMinutesToSuccess Affiliate business.
Question 2: Enter the product or service you are giving for the money you want to
Question 3: Now create your statement: I am so happy and grateful now that I
have earned ____ (amount here) _____ (currency here) from my _____
(product/service here).
005-6 Steps To Success: Step 3
Question 1: Example Statement: By June 1, 2009. I am so happy and grateful now
that I have earned $21,000 dollars from my SixMinutesToSuccess Affiliate
Question 2: Enter the date when you will have achieved your goal.
Question 3: Now write out your complete statement: By ______ (date here). I am
so happy and grateful now that I have earned ____ (amount here) _____ (currency
here) from my ________ (product/service here).
006-6 Steps To Success: Step 4
Question 1: Continuing the example, the following a plan or strategy for achieving
the goal. * Refer 3 people a day to 6Minutes * Attend 1 seminar a month to learn
and network * Mastermind 1 time per week on ideas for advancing my 6Minute
affiliate business
Question 2: Write below your plan or strategy for achieving your goal.
007-6 Steps To Success: Step 5
Question 1: It is time for you to write out your personal statement in its entirety.
Here is an EXAMPLE statement, "By June 1, 2009. I am so happy and grateful
now that I have earned $21,000 dollars from my SixMinutesToSuccess Affiliate
business. I do this by referring just 3 people a day to the program, attending one
seminar a month to grow and network, and from masterminding one time each
week on ideas for advancing my business." Now create your own personal,
complete statement (you fill in the blanks), "By ____ (date here). I am so happy
and grateful now that I have earned _____ (amount here) _____ (currency here)
from my ______ (product/service here). I do this by _____________ (list
plan/strategy here)."
008-6 Steps To Success: Step 6
Question 1: Describe how you feel, what you life is like, having achieved your
009-The 7 Negative Emotions
Fear, Jealousy, Hatred, Revenge, Greed, Superstition, Anger
Question 1: On a scale from 1 - 10 (1 being "I am in control of me" and 10 being
"I am consumed by these emotions), rate your attitude with respect to each of the 7
negative emotions.
010-The 7 Positive Emotions
Desire, Faith, Love, Sex, Enthusiasm, Romance, Hope
Question 1: On a scale from 1 - 10 (1 being "I am numb to this emotion" and 10
being "I am in harmony with these emotions"), rate your attitude with respect to
each of the 7 positive emotions.
011-The 7 Negative Emotions - #1: Fear
Question 1: Today is about facing your fears. Grab a sheet of paper and a pen.
Take about five minutes scanning all the years of your life. the write down the
things, people, places you fear(ed). Upon completion, tear the paper into small
pieces while saying, "Fear will not dominate my life any longer." Then throw the
paper away.
Question 2: Describe how it felt to complete this exercise.
012-The 7 Negative Emotions - #2: Jealousy
Question 1: What are the prices you pay for being jealous?
013-The 7 Negative Emotions - #3: Hatred
Question 1: What are the prices you pay for holding on to hateful feelings (ie,
healing, friends, family, opportunities, etc)?
014-The 7 Negative Emotion #4: Revenge
Question 1: What are the prices you pay for taking revenge (ie, lose friends, lose
family, lost opportunities, dis-ease, etc)?
015The 7 Negative Emotions - #5: Greed
Question 1: What does greed mean to you? What does it look like?
Question 2: Raise your awareness on greed by paying attention to your behavior.
When you see yourself doing any of the items listed above, stop, decide to release
the feeling of greed and limitation, and begin to think abundance.
016-The 7 Negative Emotions - #6: Superstition
Question 1: What is at least one superstition that you are willing to eliminate
starting today?
017-The 7 Negative Emotions - #7: Anger
Question 1: Today is about acknowledging and releasing anger. Take about five
minutes scanning all the years of your life. Then write down the things, people,
places, moments toward which you feel/felt anger. Upon completion, tear the paper
into small pieces while saying, "I release all feelings of anger. No matter what I or
others have done, I love and accept myself."
Question 2: Describe your experience with this exercise? How did you feel?
018-The 7 Positive Emotions - #1: Desire
Question 1: Napoleon Hill describes the use of desire as having a Burning Desire.
In terms of success, what do you have a burning desire for?
019-The 7 Positive Emotions - # 2: Faith
Question 1: Thomas Troward in his book "The Hidden Power" describes faith as
your honest belief. What is you honest belief about you and your ability to achieve
your goal? To receive all the good that you desire?
020-The 7 Positive Emotions - # 3: Love
"To live fully in soul an individual must have love. And the expression of love is
often frustrated by poverty. An individual's highest happiness is found in the
bestowal of benefits on those he loves. Love finds its most natural and spontaneous
expression in giving." Wallace D. Wattles in "The Science Of Getting Rich"
Question 1: Do something kind for another person today. What would you like to
give to someone today (ie, smile, compliment, gift, etc)?
Question 2: What would you love spending your days doing? What would you
love to dedicate your life to?
021-The 7 Positive Emotions - # 4: Sex
"Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, one
develops keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative
ability unknown to them at other times...The desire cannot and should not be
submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet
through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind and spirit of man. If not
given this form of outlet, through transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely
physical channels." Napoleon Hill in "Think And Grow Rich"
Question 1: Sex is essentially a creative urge. List some of the projects you are
working on that allow you to express your creativity.
022-The 7 Positive Emotions - # 5: Enthusiasm
Life's challenges cannot defeat a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of
Question 1: Here is an exercise in getting into an enthused vibration. List all the
different things, projects and ideas that you are enthused about.
023-The 7 Positive Emotions - # 6: Romance
“To love one's self is the beginning of a life-long romance.” Oscar Wilde
Question 1: Here is an exercise in getting into a romance-type vibration. Describe
some moments in your life where you were being romantic with another.
024-The 7 Positive Emotions - # 7: Hope
"Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep
breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear." Monroe Forester
Question 1: Hope--the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will
turn out for the best. What is it that you truly want--your heart's desire? Write it
down while holding the feeling-tone of hope.
025-Your Mental Muscles
How to strengthen your mind!
Watch this video. Describe what you know about Perception, The Will, Memory,
Reason, Intuition, and Imagination
Description:How much do you know about the higher faculties?
Question 1: What do you know about perception and how does one develop it?
Question 2: What do you know about memory and how is it developed?
Question 3: Is there such a thing as perfect memory?
Question 4: What do you know about reason and how does one develop reason?
Question 5: What do you know about intuition and how to develop it?
Question 6: What do you know about imagination and its development?
Question 7: What do you know about the will?
Question 8: How do you develop the will?
Look for the equal and opposite, to live a balanced, poised and grateful life!
Watch this video, then practice using different points of view.
Question 1: What is something you have to do today?
Question 2: Write down 5 different points of view as it relates to that item?
Question 3: Would you rather be right than rich?
027-The Will
How to manifest quicker!
Watch this video then do the dot exercise. Do it every day for 90 days. When you
can concentrate on 1 thing you can concentrate on anything.
Question 1: How do you think your life would change if you could use the will to
really focus on what it is you want?
Your ability to think
Watch this video, then spend 5 minutes thinking. Listen to conversations today, be
aware of how little people actually think.
Question 1: What did you think about when you did this exercise?
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -- Albert Einstein
Watch this video then let your imagination soar! How do you really want to live?
Build the picture then write it down!
Question 1: Describe in great detail what you saw when you let your imagination
soar and imagine the way you really want to live
Listen to that "gut feeling".
Watch this video, then think of 1 person all day long. Visualize them calling you
on the phone.
Description: Survey Description for intuition
Question 1: Who is the person that you are thinking about?
Through Ridiculous Association
Watch this video, click here to buy, on Amazon.com, The Memory Book: The
Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play
Question 1: What does Bob mean by "Ridiculous Association"?
032-The Law of Compensation
Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Write down these three statements and circle the
second one. Then watch this video. 1. Need for what you do 2. Your ability to do it
3. The difficulty there is in replacing you.
Question 1: What makes you different?
Question 2: How can you get better at what you do?
033-Act As If
Build The Image Of What You Want To Become
Question 1: Where do I really want to be?
Question 2: What would I be like?
Question 3: Where would I live?
Question 4: How do I want to act?
034-Pick One Idea
Thoughts Become Things
Pick one idea, write it down on a piece of paper using the present tense beginning
Question 1: What is your one idea for today?
035-Tiger's Eye
Please watch the video, fill out the questions below, and have the Eye of the Tiger
Question 1: What is the thing you want to use the eye of the tiger to accomplish
Question 2: How can you take it to a higher level?
036-Someone Call Security
It Is Found Within
Watch video. Fill out questions below.
Question 1: Are you holding yourself back right now?
Question 2: If yes, what is giving you a sense of security?
Question 3: Do you like what you do for a living?
Question 4: What do you really want to do?
037-Where Are You?
Please watch the video. Fill out questions below, and notice your habits all day.
Question 1: What habits are controlling your life?
Question 2: What positive habits can you replace them with?
038-Take The Directive Seriously
Get Serious
Question 1: How seriously are you taking this?
039-What Do You Really Want?
"Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return." - Bob Proctor
Question 1: What do you REALLY Want?
040-Bang! Make a Decision!
"The way to develop decisiveness is to start right where you are, with the very next
question you face." -- Napoleon Hill.
Buy "Think and Grow Rich", if you don't already own it. Answer questions below.
Question 1: Name one thing you really want to do but you have held yourself
Question 2: Decide right now to do it. Did you do it?
Question 3: If you did it, how do you feel about it? Do you feel empowered? If
you didn't, what kept you from taking action? Move past that and do it anyway.
041-Magnificent Obsession
What dominates your thoughts?
Question 1: Who are you going to do something for anonymously?
Question 2: What are you going to do?
Buy Lloyd C. Douglas “Magnificent Obsession”
042-Impression Of Increase
"The desire for increase is inherent in all nature." -- Wallace D. Wattles
Watch video. Answer question below. Get this book if you don't have it.
Wallace D. Wattles “The Science of Getting Rich”
Question 1: How will you leave everyone you see with the impression of increase
043-Kiss Yourself
Smooch :o)
Question 1: What do you like about yourself?
Question 2: What do you do really well?
044-Three People
See the greatness in others.
Question 1: Who are the 3 people you are genuinely impressed with?
Question 2: Answer this question as it relates to the above people at the end of the
day, "Am I doing this?"
045-What Works?
What works and what doesn't?
Question 1: What am I doing?
Question 2: What works?
Question 3: What doesn't?
046-Expect Abundance
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." -- Wayne
Question 1: What do I expect to happen today?
Calmness of Mind
Question 1: Would having a calmness of mind benefit you?
Question 2: How would having a calm mind benefit you (ie, health)?
Defined in the dictionary as: an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until
it has become almost involuntary
Question 1: Will you make it a habit to watch your Six Minutes to Success video
each weekday?
Question 2: What are three habits that you have that are not effective for you (i.e.,
procrastinate, hit snooze button too often, over commit)?
Question 3: What could be three new habits to replace the old ones you mentioned
049-The 333 Story
How CAN I? The solution-oriented mindset.
Question 1: When encountering challenges in your life, do you more often focus
on solutions or obstacles?
Question 2: List five potential solutions to a current challenge you are facing
today in your life.
"The riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their
vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of
their gratitude." -- Wallace D. Wattles
Question 1: Life is about wins and lessons. List three wins you experienced today
that you feel gratitude for.
Question 2: Think of one major challenge that you have been experiencing. Now
list 3 lessons you have learned from this challenge that you feel gratitude for.
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and
that's your own self."--Aldous Huxley
Question 1: Responsibility is about taking ownership of oneself.
Question 2: Think of some results in your life that you would like to change. List
some reasons why/how you are responsible for those results.
Question 3: Taking responsibility for your results then gives YOU the power to
change them. Decide and list some ways (i.e., being/thinking/doing things
differently) in which you will change some results in your life.
052-Multiple Sources of Income (MSI's)
Question 1: How many MSI's do you currently have?
Question 2: How Many MSI's would you like to have?
053-Laws of The Universe...Energy Just Is
"All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the
workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and
wealth."--Napoleon Hill
Question 1: Say to yourself nine times aloud, "My results are not good or bad.
They just are. And it is up to me to decide to change them!" Write out what you
felt before, during and after repeating this statement.
054-Law of Perpetual Transmutation
"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it."--Ernest
Question 1: What are your most dominant thoughts/beliefs about money?
Question 2: Would you like to change some of those thoughts you mentioned
Question 3: Repeat this affirmation three times aloud, "I am so happy and grateful
now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a
continuous basis." Now list how you feel about money.
055-Law of Gender
Everything has a gestation or incubation process--including your ideas!
Question 1: How do you shorten the gestation process for your goals/ideas?
056-Law of Relativity
Nothing is good or bad, big or small ... until you RELATE it to something.
Question 1: Have you grown relative to who you were one year ago?
057-Law of Vibration -- Attraction
Everything vibrates, nothing rests.
Question 1: Conscious awareness of vibration is called feeling. Become aware of
what you are thinking and then notice how you feel.
Question 2: List how you are feeling when you think of some "bad" things in your
Question 3: List how you are feeling when you think of some "good" things in
your life.
058-Law of Rhythm
The swing of life. The tide goes out, the tide comes in...night follows day...good
times, bad times.
Question 1: Explain the Law of Rhythm.
059-Law of Polarity
Everything has an opposite: hot/cold, up/down, good/bad.
Question 1: Explain the Law of Polarity.
Question 2: List three negative things about a positive situation you are dealing
Question 3: List three positive things about a negative situation you are dealing
060-Law of Cause And Effect
Whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action--re-action are equal and
Question 1: How often do you compliment people?
Question 2: Smile or compliment three different people today.
061-Thank You
"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."
- Meister Eckhardt
Watch video. Thank you for sharing the desire to learn and grow. "Change is
inevitable, personal growth is a choice."--Bob Proctor
Question 1: How many times today have you thanked someone or done a random
act of kindness?
Question 2: How many times today would you like to thank someone or do a
random act of kindness?
062-Blind Spot
Question 1: How can you improve your attitude?
Please watch video. You can download "Walk your talk with Praxis"
Question 1: Define praxis.
Question 2: Define proximity.
Question 3: Define heuristic.
064-Great Fortunes
How to accumulate a great fortune.
Question 1: What do you think Napoleon Hill means in the quote Bob Proctor
Question 2: What team would you need in order to begin to create your great
Question 1: Define "consciously choose".
Question 2: Define "ardently desire".
Question 3: Define "patiently persist".
066-Law of Forgiveness
Question 1: What does forgive mean?
Question 2: How can you utilize the Law of Forgiveness today?

067-Inspired To Do Something Big!

Please watch video. The website mentioned is www.moonworldresorts.com
Question 1: How can you stretch or expand your goal?
I am who I think you think I am.
Question 1: Think of your self-image. Describe that image: your personality,
attitude, appearance.
Question 2: After reviewing your description above, would you like to change
and/or add anything to it? If yes, please list below.
069-The Image of You
Who do you want to become?
Question 1: Allow yourself to use your imagination. Now, using your imagination,
who would you truly like to become? Describe the personality, attitude,
appearance, vocation.
070-Something Extraordinary
Life's adventure
Watch video. The author mentioned is Nik Halik. The book is called The
Thrillionaire. You can get more information by going to
Question 1: Once again, allow yourself to use your imagination! List at least one
extraordinary thing you have always wanted to do, but have not yet done.
Question 2: List two action steps that you can do today towards achieving what
you listed above.
071-A Goal
Requires a decision.
Question 1: Think of a decision you have wanted to make for a while but have not.
If you are up to the challenge, make your decision right now, and write a statement
below of what you are going to do today as a result of this decision.
072-Vacuum Law of Prosperity
Making space for prosperity.
Question 1: List at least one item that you would like to remove and/or replace in
your life.
Question 2: By what date will you commit to removing from your life the item(s)
you listed above?
073-To Reject or To Accept
That is the question.
Question 1: What is a negative idea that has been on your mind lately?
Question 2: If you so choose, decide right now to let go of that negative idea you
listed above. What new idea can you replace it with?
Integrating belief with behavior.
Question 1: List at least 3 limiting beliefs you have about life, yourself, finances,
Question 2: Would you like to change the beliefs you listed above? If yes, write
new beliefs below to replace the old.
075-Resentment and Guilt
Be aware.
Please watch the video. The affirmation stated is, "I willingly release the thoughts
and things that clutter my mind."
Question 1: List the names of people toward whom you have been feeling
Question 2: If you would like to let go of the resentment, say the following aloud
or in your mind. Put the name(s) you listed above in place of the blank. "I release
[blank] to their highest good, and I release me to mine."
076-Power Statement #1
From "Think and Grow Rich", by Napoleon Hill.
Question 1: What does each of these words mean to you? Define hope, faith,
courage and tolerance.
077-Power Statement #2
From "Think and Grow Rich", by Napoleon Hill.
Question 1: What do you really want (i.e., goal)?
Question 2: Do you believe that you can acquire it?
078-Power Statement #3
From "Think And Grow Rich", by Napoleon Hill.
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (10=very much, 1=not at all), how intense is
your desire to achieve your goal?
Question 2: Now think about your goal and what it feels like to have a "burning
desire" to achieve it. Do this for about one minute before going on to the next
Question 3: Now, on a scale from 1-10, how intense is your desire to achieve your
079-Power Statement #4
Question 1: Describe what a "burning desire" feels like to you.
080-Power Statement #5
From "Think And Grow Rich", by Napoleon Hill.
Question 1: Write out step 1: A DEFINITE PURPOSE BACKED BY BURNING
Question 2: Write out step 2: A DEFINITE PLAN, EXPRESSED IN
Question 3: Write out step 3: A MIND CLOSED TIGHTLY AGAINST ALL
suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances.
Question 4: Write out step 4: A FRIENDLY ALLIANCE WITH ONE OR MORE
Question 5: Do you believe that, if you applied any and all of these steps, you
would become more persistent? Why?
081-A Role Model
A person whose behavior or success can be emulated by others.
Question 1: What qualities or skills would you like to further develop?
Question 2: Name five people that successfully demonstrate any or all of the traits
you listed above.
M.A.P. - Monthly Accountability Program
Question 1: Do you currently surround yourself with people that hold you
Question 2: If yes, explain the benefits/value of having this. If no, what would be
the benefits/value of having accountability.
083-Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
All Problems are Small Stuff.
Question 1: Name at least one problem with which you are dealing currently.
Question 2: Now say to yourself aloud five times, "I don't sweat the small stuff
and ALL problems are small stuff."
084-Advance Decision-Making
No Waiver.
Question 1: Define advance decision-making.
Question 2: What advance decision can you make today?
085-Double Your Income
By improving your skills.
Question 1: What skills are required of you with your primary source of income?
Question 2: Name three things you can begin to do that will improve your skills
you listed above.
086-Where Would You Like To Go?
Travel Plans
Question 1: Describe what you would do and most importantly how you will feel
upon arrival to your dream destination.
087-Leaving Others with the Impression of Increase
What all men and women are seeking.
Question 1: Brainstorm and write down 10 different ways you could leave
someone with the impression of increase.
088-Successful Leaders
The habit of listening much more and talking little.
Question 1: In your opinion, what makes a person a good listener?
Question 2: Are you a poor, moderate or good listener?
Question 3: If you would like to improve your ability to listen, ask two questions
of three different people with whom you frequently converse: Firstly, do they think
you are a "good" listener. And secondly, how could you be a better listener for
089-Successibility Thinking 1
Declaration 1: I Matter
Question 1: Describe the thoughts and feeling that you have when you repeat the
declaration statement mentioned in this video.
090-Plus Ideas
Plus Your Thoughts
Question 1: Define "plussing."
Question 2: What ideas or areas of your life can you improve by utilizing the
"plus" concept?
091-Clean Sweep
I am self-cleaning.
Question 1: Describe what it means to "clean sweep."
Question 2: How often do you clean your home?
Question 3: How often do you clean your thoughts (i.e., get rid of some limiting
thought or belief)?
092-Successibility Thinking 2
Declaration 2: I Can Because I Think I Can
Question 1: Describe the thoughts and feelings that you have when you repeat the
declaration statement mentioned in this video.
093-The Normandeau Family
Overcome Adversity
Question 1: What adversity are you ready to overcome?
Question 2: State when (i.e., date) you will make the advanced decision to
overcome the adversity you listed above.
094-Measuring Success
How do you measure it?
Question 1: What does a successful relationship look like to you?
Question 2: What does a successful family life look like to you?
Question 3: What does a successful career look like to you?
Question 4: What does financial success look like to you?
095-Successibility Thinking 3
Declaration 3: I am powerful
Question 1: List three qualities about yourself that you would describe as being
In Life
Question 1: List at least 2 very important connections you have and describe why
they are important.
097-Successibility Thinking 4
Declaration 4: I believe in what's possible
Question 1: Create an affirmation for yourself using the word 'possible'
098-It's Never Too Late
To Be What You Might Have Been
Question 1: Think all the way back from your childhood to now. What/who did
you want to be? List it now.
Question 2: Review the list you created. Is there anything you see there that you
would still love to be or do?
Question 3: If you answered yes to the above question, write down why.
Everyone has a book in them.
Question 1: Do you want to write a book?
Question 2: What subject(s) would you like to write about?
Question 3: What is holding you back from writing your book?
100-Da Vinci
And The 40 Answers
Question 1: Take a few minutes to imagine what you would REALLY like your
life to be like. Then write it down.
101-Looking Back
Advice From The Wise
Question 1: Reflect on your life. What people, thoughts, events, desires stand out
in your mind?
Question 2: What one risk can you take today towards achieving your goal?
Question 3: Do something that would outlast you. What are you or could you
begin to do that would outlast you?
102-Timely Suggestion
Change is inevitable.
Question 1: Evidence of change: Write down how you have grown/changed from
one year ago compared to now.
Question 2: Right now: What change can you make right now, whether in your
attitude or behavior, that would improve your effectiveness in your home, school,
career, etc.?
103-Excellent Head Cheerleader
Being a better cheerleader
Question 1: The main purpose of a cheerleader is to get the crowd interested and
excited about what they are watching/doing -- the game or sport. How could you
be a better cheerleader at your home or office or company, etc.?
104-A Goal Card
Its purpose and how to use it.
Question 1: What does your goal card have written on it?
Question 2: If you don't currently have a goal card, what would be written on it?
105-How We Lead Matters
You vs. "Gorilla"
Question 1: The "gorilla" oftentimes can be your own limiting paradigm(s). What
limiting paradigm have you been wanting to change, or triumph over?
Question 1: Am I living my life -- uniquely mine?
Question 2: Describe what living your unique life is like.
107-Connect Through Gratitude
Gratitude connects you to the source of infinite supply.
Question 1: List at least 5 things that you are grateful for.
Question 2: Albert Schweitzer said, "At times our own light goes out, and is
rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep
gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." What act of kindness can
you do today to light up someone's life?
108Thought And Purpose
"Until thought is linked with purpose there is no intelligent accomplishment." --
James Allen
Question 1: Type out your purpose statement below. Then read it at least three
Question 2: If you do not have a purpose statement, realize that your purpose
should be linked to what you love. Spend the next 5 minutes making a list of what
you would love to be, do and have. This will be your first step towards creating
your purpose statement.
The garden of your mind.
Question 1: In terms of your financial success, write out an affirmation below that
you can repeat often. For example, Bob Proctor's affirming statement is, "I am so
happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities on a
continuous basis through multiple sources."
110-Calmness Of Mind
Are you in control of "you"?
Question 1: Take 5 minutes to relax and quiet your mind. Notice if you are able to
relax or if it feels uncomfortable. Then describe your experience below.
111-Effort, Results and Vision
The strength of effort is the measure of the results, or reward.
Question 1: Do you agree that all great achievement came from strong effort?
Question 2: What effort will it take by you to acquire the results that you truly
112-Victory Attained & Maintained
Through right thought and watchfulness
Question 1: Think about a recent win, or goal you achieved. Describe the amount
of work and attitude it took for you to reach this victory.
113-It's Not About The Money
Attitude Of Average
Watch video. Website mentioned is www.bobproctormoney.com
Question 1: Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve your goal?
Question 2: Decide now that you will finish, in other words you will attain your
goal. Write a statement declaring this decision.
114-The 3Cs
Creativity, consciousness, connections
Question 1: Which 'C' is your weakest link?
Question 2: What will you do to strengthen the 'C' you mentioned above?
115-Money Is An Idea
A "prosperity consciousness" attracts money.
Question 1: Would you like to earn more money?
Question 2: How many sources of income do you have?
Question 3: Do you realize that Additional Product/Service = Additional Income?
Question 4: Would you like to learn how to create Multiple Sources Of Income?
Someone or something that is different.
If you work hard enough, if you assert yourself enough, if you use your mind and
imagination, you can shape your world according to you desires.
Question 1: Do you tend to complete your goals or quit before it's achieved?
117-What are you thinking about?
What you want or don't want?
Question 1: Take a moment now to become aware of a thought you have been
having lately about what you do not want. Type it below.
118-You Must Have A Purpose
Question 1: Discover Your Purpose: What would you love to do? If you do not
know, proceed to and answer questions 2-5.
Question 2: What do you spend most of your spare time doing?
Question 3: How do you fill your space (ie, home, office, vehicle, etc.)?
Question 4: What do you spend most of your money on?
Question 5: What are your inner most dominant thoughts?
119-Torek Ben Ziad
Burn the ships!
Question 1: Take 5 minutes to write down all the excuses or reasons you have as
to why now is not a good time to go after your goal -- what you really want.
Question 2: Now burn or tear up the paper and type below the reasons why you
want to achieve your goal now.
120-Advancement & Crisis
The greater the crisis the greater the advancement.
Question 1: List one crisis you are currently experiencing.
Question 2: What is at least one opportunity for you with this crisis?
I failed and I am proud of it!
Question 1: Think of a recent failure you experienced. What lesson did you learn
from it?
Question 2: How has that lesson you learned helped you grow?
"So often in life, it seems things first get worse on the way toward getting better." -
- Price Pritchett
Question 1: Do you have a lofty goal set?
Question 2: Do you believe you will achieve your goal or do you currently feel
discouraged for one or many reasons?
Question 3: Price Pritchett states in his book You2 that it can be easy to lose faith.
He goes on to say, "This is a crucial point in the process -- don't give up! Failure
belongs here. It's a sign of progress!" Type below a statement declaring your
commitment to achieving your goal.
Acknowledge your successes
Question 1: Describe the attitude you had that led you to achieving the successes
you listed from Bob Proctor's exercise.
Question 2: How can that attitude assist you now with achieving your current
goal, or success?
124-BIG Ideas
"Ordinarily we achieve conventional growth because we think along conventional
lines. We experience reasonable performance gains because we rely on reasonable
approaches. We find ways to make modest improvements in our level of success
because we go looking for nothing more." -- Price Pritchett
Question 1: Try being illogical today. Think of at least 3 ideas that seem totally
illogical to you but would bring you closer to achieving your goal. Type below.
125-Edwin C. Barnes
His burning desire.
Question 1: Type your goal below.
Question 2: Now, re-examine your goal and make some slight changes, or edits, to
it to really turn it into more of a BURNING DESIRE.
126-Christopher Columbus
Going after the invisible.
Question 1: When you were a child, what did you dream of being (i.e., astronaut,
fireman, scientist, etc.)?
Question 2: When you were a child, where did you dream of going (i.e., the moon,
bottom of the ocean, a mountain top, etc.)?
Question 3: As an adult, what do you dream about doing, being or having?
127-Helen Keller
You are never defeated until you accept something as defeat.
Question 1: Do you accept defeat? Write your thoughts about this question.
Question 2: Describe what it takes to be persistent, determined and not give up.
128-Could Change Your Life
Suggestion from Ivy Lee.
Question 1: Type below the six most important items/tasks that if you completed
tomorrow, would bring you much closer to achieving you goal.
129-We Become What We Think About
Think BIG ideas.
Question 1: Today's challenge: Share your goal with one person that you have a
close relationship with. Then ask them to brainstorm with you on ways to stretch
your goal. What is the name of the person and by what day/time will you talk to
130-Loose As Ashes
Respond to life, don't react.
Question 1: Describe how your attitude would improve if you practiced being,
more often than not, "loose as ashes."
Question 2: Describe how your health would improve if you practiced being, more
often than not, "loose as ashes."
Question 3: Describe how your relationships would improve if you practiced
being, more often than not, "loose as ashes."
131-Bill Gove
A pro is at their best regardless.
Question 1: What does this statement mean to you, "A pro is at their best
regardless?" Define it in your own words.
132-Internal Demons
The limiting thoughts heard from the voice in your head.
Question 1: What does Bob Proctor mean by the word "demons" in your head?
Define it in your own words.
Question 2: What are some of the limiting thoughts you have, and what steps will
you take today to eliminate them?

133-Are You in a Ditch?

Get out now!
Question 1: Are you on track towards achieving your goal (Yes or No)?
Question 2: If yes, why? Identify (type below) what you have been doing that is
working -- keeping you on track. If no, why? Identify what you have been doing
that is NOT working -- taking you off track.
134-Get On Track vs. Stay On Track
Study is key.
Question 1: You have been studying Six Minutes to Success for a number of
weeks now. What wisdom/lessons have you learned thus far? Type below.
Question 2: How have these lessons you described above helped you in life and
with your goals? Type below.
135-Advice that has Helped Bob Proctor
And can help you too.
Question 1: How often (i.e., hours per day, week, month or year) do you currently
study personal and/or professional development material?
Question 2: How often do you make your own decisions (0%=Never,
136-When The Student Is Ready
The teacher will appear.
Question 1: Let's say your actions indicate what you want. Based on your actions
over the last 2 days, what would they indicate that you want?
Question 2: Is what you described above what you really want?
137-Greatest Creation
Your marvelous mind.
Question 1: What are the four mental faculties that Bob Proctor mentioned in this
Question 2: On a scale from 1 - 10 (1=Never, 10=Daily), how often do you
consciously "exercise" the mental faculties you listed above?
138-Observation vs. Judgment
"Observation is power, judgment is weakness."
Question 1: Be as honest as possible, do you observe or judge more often?
139-Environment vs. Heredity
Who do you spend your time with?
Question 1: List the people in your life that you converse with about BIG ideas,
BIG talk.
140-Rules For Winning
Stay on course!
Question 1: List the 7 most important tasks that you want to get done today.
Remember, stay on course!
141-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 1 - Unwavering Courage
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No Courage, 10=Unwavering Courage), how
would you rate your level of courage?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of courage, or would you like to
further develop that trait?
142-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 2 - Self-Control
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No self-control, 10=Extremely self-
controlled), how would you rate your level of self-control?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of self-control, or would you like to
further develop that trait?
143-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 3 - A Keen Sense of Justice
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No sense of fairness and justice, 10=Strong
sense of fairness and justice), how would you rate yourself with respect to having a
keen sense of justice?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with the level of your sense of justice, or would you
like to further develop your ability to have a keener sense of justice?
144-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 4 - Definiteness of Decision
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No decision-making, 10=Definite decision-
making), how would you rate your ability to make definite decisions?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with your ability to make definite decisions, or
would you like to further develop that trait?
145-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 5 - Definiteness of Plans
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Never plans anything, 10=Always plans
everything), how would you rate your ability of having definite plans?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with you level of having a definite plan, or would
you like to further develop that trait?
146-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 6 - The Habit of Doing More Than Paid
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Do not do what is required of me at work,
10=Do more than what is required of me at work), how would you rate the level of
your habits of doing more than what you are paid for?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of doing more than what you are
paid for, or would you like to further develop that trait?
147-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 7 - A Pleasing Personality
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Repelling personality, 10=Extremely
pleasing Personality), how would you friends/family/colleagues rate your
personality? Be as honest as possible.
Question 2: Are you satisfied with the personality score above, or would you like
to further develop your personality to be pleasing?
148-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 8 - Sympathy And Understanding
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No understanding of anyone or anything,
10=Extremely sympathetic and understanding), how would you rate your level of
sympathy and understanding?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with you level of sympathy and understanding, or
would you like to further develop that trait?
149-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 9 - Mastery of Detail
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Total disregard to detail, 10=Extremely
detail-oriented), how would you rate your level of mastery of detail?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with you level of master of detail, or would you like
to further develop that trait?
150-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 10 - Willingness to Assume Full
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Blame everyone/ I am a victim, 10=Total
responsibility for me and to others), how would you rate your attitude of
Question 2: Are you satisfied with your rate on your attitude of responsibility, or
would you like to further develop that trait?
151-11 Major Factors of Leadership: 11 - Cooperation
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Very competitive, 10=Very Cooperative),
how would you rate your level of cooperation with others?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of cooperation, or would you like to
further develop that trait?
152-Strong Person
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
Question 1: List at least 3 of your strengths.
Question 2: List at least 3 of your weaknesses.
Question 3: What are you doing to strengthen your weaknesses?
153-The Turning Point
All who succeed.
Question 1: What advice have you taken from Bob Proctor from this 6 Minutes To
Success program (list at least one piece of advice)?
Question 2: How did your results improve from taking the advice you listed
154-BIG Money
What is BIG money?
Question 1: What amount would be BIG money for you?
155-Face The Thing You Fear
And fear will leave you.
Question 1: What fears are you facing with respect to your goal?
156-Fish Out of Water
Are you really going for it?
Question 1: What does "playing not to lose" mean to you?
Question 2: What does "playing to win" mean to you?
What do you want; not how are you going to get what you wan
Question 1: What is your goal?
158-Attracting High Caliber of People
Look at results.
Question 1: List the names of the mentor(s) you have and why.
159-Images In Your Mind
Controls the results you create.
Question 1: Build an image of what you want to be by completing this statement,
"I am so happy and grateful now that..."
160-Law of Compensation
To earn more money
Question 1: What is it that you do to earn your main source of income?
Question 2: How can you improve what it is that you do?
161-J. B. Rhine
Miracle of the Mind
Question 1: What are you doing to develop your mind in addition to this 6
Minutes program?
A multitude of habits
Question 1: List at least one habit you would like to change.
Question 2: In what ways would changing the habit(s) you listed above change
your life?
163-More on Paradigms
Be Illogical
Question 1: What are your beliefs about money?
What are you putting off?
Question 1: It is time to take immediate action! What is one thing you can do right
now that would bring you closer to achieving your goal?
165-Importance of Repetition
"We need reminding as much as we need educating."
Question 1: Do you have your goal memorized?
Question 2: What is your goal?
166-The Science of Getting Rich
Your right to be rich.
Question 1: Do you become defensive when people want to talk to you about
Question 2: What good would you like to do with money?
167-Getting Rich
By doing things in a certain way.
Question 1: When you put good out you will get good back. What good have you
been putting out?
168-Creative Urge
Expressing your creativity
Question 1: How do you express your creativity?
169-The Stick Person
We think in pictures.
Question 1: What are the two parts of the mind?
Question 2: What are the functions and differences between the two parts of the
170-The Plan
Plan vs. Goal
Question 1: Since joining Six Minutes to Success, have you changed your goal, or
your plan, or neither?
171-Infinite Potential
Exists in you.
Question 1: Who or what causes you to react?
Question 2: Do you want to be in control of "you"?
172-Don't Give Up
Failure is part of success.
Question 1: Do you have faith in yourself?
Question 2: What does "having faith" mean to you?
173-Successibility Thinking 5
Declaration #5: Today Marks A New Beginning
Question 1: Describe what your perfect day would look like.
174-Doctor Your Medicine Is Killing Me
Good health is a gift.
Question 1: Find someone today that has the type of body you would like. Ask
them to describe their eating habits and exercise routine so that you may learn.
Describe below what your current eating habits are and your exercise routine.
Question 2: Are you satisfied with your eating and exercise habits. If no, describe
what changes you want to make.
175-Successibility Thinking 6
Declaration #6: My Enthusiasm Is Overflowing
Question 1: What are you enthused about today? If nothing, what have you been
enthused about in the past?
176-Love Your Body
Love you!
Question 1: What do you love about you?
177-Successibility Thinking 7
Declaration #7: I Am A Positive Self-Talker
Question 1: Do you realize you "talk" to yourself? If you just asked yourself
quietly, "Do I talk to myself?" you should answer yes this question.
Question 2: What positive conversations do you have with yourself? If none, then
what positive conversations would you like to start having with yourself?
178-Say Yes To Thought, Say No To Drugs
Make a decision.
Question 1: Describe a healthy you.
178- Successibility Thinking 8
Declaration #8: I am happy!
Question 1: What people, places and things bring you joy?
179-Your Body Can Heal Itself
Do you want a better lifestyle?
Question 1: What lifestyle would you like to live?
180-Successibility Thinking 9
Declaration #9: I Persist.
Question 1: Do you have the habit of being persistent? If not, would you like to
develop this habit?
181-Face Your Problems
Look at your attitude.
Question 1: Are you happy with your present results? If not, would a change in
your attitude help change your results?
182-Successibility Thinking 10
Declaration #10: My Mind Is Positive Today
Question 1: What are three positive things that have happened to you today?
183-Emotions And Health
Better health and wealth
Question 1: What is one of your favorite songs that put you in a good vibration?
Hum it throughout today.
184-Successibility Thinking 11
Declaration #11: Everyone has perfection within them.
Question 1: What is the perfection in you seeking expression? In other words,
what would you love to do...to dedicate your life to doing?
185-Feel Better
Decide right now.
Question 1: Do you feel good right now?
Question 2: Would you like to feel good right now?
Question 3: What thought and action would make you feel good right now?
186-How To Love
Me, myself and I
Question 1: Name 3 things you love, or appreciate, about yourself.
187-Removing The Block
Let it go
Question 1: What block, or obstacle, are you facing right now?
Question 2: Do you want to let go of the block you mentioned above?
188-Commitment To Character
Ben Franklin
Question 1: Describe your character.
189-Employee Perspective
Question 1: What characteristic(s) that Bob mentioned stand out in your mind.
190-Thomas Edison's Life
Raising the bar for ourselves.
Question 1: What legend would you like to leave? In other words, what would you
like to hear people saying about you after you pass?
191-The Secrets of Self-Leadership
by Frank Kickbush
Question 1: Name at least one issue you have holding on to. Then decide now to
let it go.
192-Clarity Is Important
What do you want?
Question 1: What blocks do you have that Bob mentioned?
193-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 1
Question 1: Wealth is not about accumulation, it is about circulation. In your own
words, what does this statement mean to you?
Question 2: The only difference between you and a billionaire is a difference in
mindset. In your own words, describe what you think the mindset of a billionaire
would be.
194-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 2
Question 1: You must guard what you mind is exposed to. What is your mind
currently exposed to?
195-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 3
Question 1: Your time is invaluable. How do you currently spend your time?
Question 2: How would you like to spend your time?
196-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 4
Question 1: You must not fear change. What changes are happening in your life
right now?
Question 2: How do you feel about all these changes you described above?
197-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 5
Question 1: Increase effectiveness by decreasing wasted busyness. What is the
"busy" work you tend to get caught up in?

198-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 6

Question 1: Spend time around those with a similar mindset. Who do you
currently associate with on a regular basis?
199-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 7
Question 1: Change requires strong and continued commitment. What change will
you commit to making today?
200-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 8
Question 1: One should alternate between action, evaluation and rest. Of the three
(action, evaluation, rest), which do you do the least?
Question 2: Of the three (action, evaluation, rest), which do you do the most?
201-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 9
Question 1: Practice unconditional gratitude. In your own words, what does that
mean to you?
202-Changing the Paradigm
Our subconscious conditioning.
Question 1: What paradigm would you like to change?
203-Goal vs. Plan
What is the difference?
Question 1: What goal are you currently working on?
204-Turn Your Back
To turn or not to turn
Question 1: What people in your life are you considering turning your back
because they are holding you back?
205-You Were Born Rich
"Let go and let God"
Question 1: What would you like to LET happen in your life over the next one
206-Successibility Thinking 12
Declaration #12: I Am A Person Of Passion
Question 1: What are you passionate about?
207-Thought For The Day
"Whatever you do, do with integrity. Wherever you go, go as a leader. Whomever
you serve, serve with caring. Whenever you dream, dream with your all. And
never, ever give up. -- David Gergan, Director for Harvard Kennedy Schools
Question 1: Type the name of someone that has experienced you with integrity.
Question 2: Type the name of someone that has experienced you as a leader.
Question 3: Type the name of someone that has experienced you serving them
with care.
208-Improving The World
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to
improve the world." -- Anne Frank
Question 1: What are three random acts of kindness that you can do today to
improve the world of 3 different people?
209-Successibility Thinking 13
Declaration #13: I Live Out The Diamond Principle
Question 1: Describe your "diamond-like" traits; in other words, describe your
210-Need An Adjustment?
"The whole process of mental adjustment and attunement can be summed up in one
word: gratitude." -- Wallace D. Wattles
Question 1: What is the name of at least one person you are grateful for? Call
them and tell them why you are grateful for them.
211-Successibility Thinking 14
Declaration #14: I think BIG!
Question 1: Please fill in the blanks in the following statement: "My imagination
is _________! I am a no-______ person! I _______ myself all the time!" Now,
may we suggest you write out this entire statement 10 times. Speak it aloud several
times today.
212-Got Problems?
Ignorance Or Stupidity
Question 1: What do you do to develop, or increase, your awareness?
213-Successibility Thinking 15
Declaration #15: I Am A People Magnet
Question 1: What type of people are you currently attracting into your life?
Question 2: what type of people would you like to attract into your life?
214-Successibility Thinking 16
Declaration #16: I Am A Magnet To Money
Question 1: What products or services do you provide to earn money?
Question 2: What products or services would you LOVE to provide to earn
215-Your Atlantic
"Everyone has his own Atlantic to fly. Whatever you want very much to do,
against opposition of tradition, neighborhood opinion, and so called "common
sense" ... that is an Atlantic." -- Amelia Earhart
Question 1: What is your "Atlantic?"
216-Thought For The Day
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If
not now, when?" -- Rabbi Hillel
Question 1: Who do you REALLY want to become? Type it below and then share
it throughout your day with 5 different people as if you are already that person.
217-Paying Rent
"Service...is the rent we pay for the space we occupy." -- Martin Luther King
Question 1: What service do you currently provide to humanity and how could
you do more?
218-The First Lady
"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we
really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot." --
Eleanor Roosevelt
Question 1: With respect to your goal, what is one factor you fear the most?
Question 2: How can you put Eleanor Roosevelt's advice into action?
And getting back up!
Question 1: Would you sign your name to today as an artist signs their name with
pride of accomplishment to their masterpieces?
220-Learning vs. Learned
"In times of change the learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves
beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." -- Eric Hoffer
Question 1: What are three things that you want to learn this month?
221-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 1
Me And Money. As a useful expansion to your video lesson with Bob today, take
the time to read Chapter 1 of You Were Born Rich.
Question 1: Why do you want to earn money?
Question 2: How much money do you want to earn?
Question 3: What services/products are you thinking of providing in order to earn
the amount stated above?
222-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 2
How Much Is Enough? Expand the boundaries of your thinking with Chapter 2 of
You Were Born Rich.
Question 1: What is the minimum amount of money you must earn a month in
order to ONLY take car of your absolute necessities?
Question 2: How much would you like to earn beyond the amount you listed
above (i.e., double, triple, etc.)?
223-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 3
The Image-Maker. You will find fascinating reading in Chapter 3 of You Were
Born Rich.
Question 1: Think about the amount of money you would like to earn. What
would you like to do with that money?
224-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 4
Let Go And Let God. Read Chapter 4 of You Were Born Rich.
Question 1: In your own words, describe what it means to you to 'Let Go And Let
225-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 5
Expect An Abundance. Enjoy reading Chapter 5 of You Were Born Rich.
Question 1: What personal trait invokes the Law of Attraction?
Question 2: What amount of money do you expect to earn in the next year?
Question 3: What amount of money would you LIKE to earn in the next year?
Question 4: Do the two amounts you listed above match? (If not, it is
recommended that you watch the video over again.)
226-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 6
The Law Of Vibration & Attraction. Read Chapter 6 of You Were Born Rich.
Question 1: What are you attracting into your life that you feel grateful for?
227-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 7
The Risk-Takers. Read Chapter 7 of You Were Born Rich.
Question 1: What does it mean to you to "play to win?"
228-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 8
The Razor's Edge.
Question 1: Describe some qualities of some successful people you know.
Question 2: From your list above, type out the qualities that describe you.
229-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 9
Don't Think In Reverse.
Question 1: What is on thing from you past that has been holding you back to this
Question 2: Do you want to let it go, release it?
230-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 10
The Vacuum Law Of Prosperity.
Question 1: What change have you been desiring?
Question 2: How can you make "space" for it today?
231-You Were Born Rich-1
Chapter One
Question 1: How does the thought of carrying around 100 of your currency, in
your pocket or purse, make you feel?
232-You Were Born Rich-2
Chapter Two
Question 1: How much money will you be paying yourself every month?
233-You Were Born Rich-3
Chapter Three
Question 1: Based on the conversations and the things you have been talking
about recently, describe the image that those words would paint.
Question 2: Is the image you described above something you want?
234-You Were Born Rich-4
Chapter Four
Question 1: Describe a moment, or event, where you "let go and let God" and
describe what that experience of "letting" felt like.
235-You Were Born Rich-5
Chapter Five
Question 1: What is your number one goal that you are currently working on?
236-You Were Born Rich-6
Chapter Six
Question 1: Describe some of the "good" that you desire that you have been
attracting into your life.
237-You Were Born Rich-7
Chapter Seven
Question 1: Are you a risk-taker?
Question 2: If not, what is one risk you can take today? If you are, describe the
risk you are taking currently.
238-You Were Born Rich-8
Chapter Eight
Question 1: Here are some examples of the division created by the "Razor's
Edge." One person "just about" starts a project, the other person starts it. One
individual "almost" completes a task, the other does complete it. One person sees
an opportunity, the other acts on it. One student "nearly" passes the exam, the other
does pass it--maybe even by just one point, but it's the one point that makes all the
difference. Which side of the "Razor's Edge" are you on?
239-You Were Born Rich-9
Chapter Nine
Question 1: Name one obstacle, or challenge, that is holding you back from
getting what you want.
Question 2: Name at least one person you are close to/trust and apply the '333'
lesson to your obstacle with this person.
240-You Were Born Rich-10
Question 1: What is something you don't want that you will be getting rid of
241-Could Have or WILL?
Time to take action
Question 1: Do you know what you would love to be or do?
Your choice
Question 1: Name a person that does something you would like to do.
Question 2: What is stopping you from doing what the person you listed above
does? After answering this question replay today's video and watch it again.
243-The Gift Of Giving
Look for Peoples' Values
Question 1: What are the top 5 things you value most?
Question 2: What is something that your closest friend or relative values most?
244-7 Key Life Lessons
The story of Alexander
Question 1: How would learning about the following improve your life: Inner
Wealth, Meaningful Life, Miracle of the Moment, Conquering Challenges,
Leadership, Lead with Love, and Legacy?
245-7 Key Life Lessons-2
The Value Of Inner Wealth
Question 1: What does inner wealth mean to you?
246-7 Key Life Lessons-3
The Meaningful Life
Question 1: Describe your character.
247-7 Key Life Lessons-4
The Miracle Of The Moment
Question 1: Do you tend to dwell on the past, worry about the future or
consciously live life moment by moment?
248-7 Key Life Lessons-5
Conquering Challenges
Question 1: Describe at least one current challenge that you would like to
249-7 Key Life Lessons-6
Question 1: Do you consider yourself a leader? If yes, why?
250-7 Key Life Lessons-7
Lead With Love
Question 1: What is your heart's desire?
251-7 Key Life Lessons-8
Question 1: Describe the legacy you would like to leave behind.
252-7 Key Life Lessons-9
Enjoy Luxury Of Life
Question 1: Would you like to write a book?
Question 2: What is stopping you from writing a book?
I have only just a minute...
Question 1: What would you like to create today?
Who would you like to work with?
Question 1: Throughout this last year, you have traded six minutes of your time
for growth by watching Six Minutes To Success videos each week day. In what
ways have you grown over this last one year?
Question 2: What achievements have you accomplished as a result of your
dedication to learning from Bob Proctor with Six Minutes To Success?
Question 3: What countries do you currently run business?
Question 4: Would you like to expand your business globally?
255-The Life You Planned
The Life Waiting For You
Question 1: Explain the Law Of Gender.
Question 2: Do you believe your goal is worthy of you? If yes, understanding the
Law Of Gender, do you realize the importance of committing to your goal to
completion? Explain.
Question 3: What life do you believe is waiting for you?
256-Big Ideas
In Small Chunks
Question 1: Think of the amount of money you would like to earn in one year.
What does that calculate to be per day?
257-Dealing With
How to get up
Question 1: Name all the places you have your goal written down or visually
Question 2: What date have you guessed for achieving your goal? In other words,
when do you expect to complete your goal?
Question 3: Name some of the details of the plan you have brainstormed, or
masterminded, for achieving your goal.
Question 4: Who do you know that could benefit from reading "Think And Grow
258-Surround Yourself with Greatness...
...and Some of the Greatness will Rub Off
Question 1: Describe your character.
Question 2: Describe your attitude.
259-Thank You
"The road to success is not a path you find but a trail you blaze." Thank you letting
Six Minutes To Success be with you as you blaze your trail leading to what you
truly desire.
Question 1: List some of the "successes" you have created over the last year.
260-Quantum Leaps For A New Year
Making Quantum Leaps
Question 1: Make a list of the quantum successes, quantum changes, or quantum
leaps you would like to make over the next one year.
261-Come From The Heart
"You've got to sing like you don't need the money-- Love like you'll never get hurt-
- You've got to dance like nobody's watching-- It's got to come from the heart if
you want it to work."
Question 1: Describe your attitude towards the goals you set and plan to achieve.
262-Power Of Study
The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale
Question 1: What are you currently studying and learning?
Question 2: What are you wanting to accomplish on the next 90 days?
263-Universal Laws
Question 1: Name all the Universal Laws that you have studied thus far.

264-Working With The Law

By Raymond Holliwell
Question 1: If you knew you wouldn't fail, what would you really like to do?
265-Going The Extra Mile
Action Is Key
Question 1: What would it look like for you to go the extra mile? (Examples: ask
for a raise, move to a new job, change careers, start a business, skydive, bungee
jump, tell someone you love them, etc.)
266-The Master Key To Riches
By Napoleon Hill
Question 1: Describe how you could turn a current challenge you are dealing with
into a "stepping stone."
267-Take Possession Of Your Mind
Take Possession Of The Good You Desire
Question 1: On a scale from 0% (never) - 100% (always), how much control do
you currently have with the thoughts you think, or your mind?
Question 2: Describe how the mind works, in other words, the different part of the
A Creed
Question 1: What does discipline mean to you? Bob Proctor defines it as "giving
yourself a command and following it."
269-Sixth Sense
A Mental Faculty Of Our Mind
Question 1: Would you like to develop your intuition?
Question 2: Name your six mental faculties.
270-A Serene Mind
Question 1: Would you like to learn ways to relax your mind and body?
Question 2: Do you tend to be more reactive or responsive to situations and
Think Outside Of The Box
Question 1: Do you believe you are capable of making a quantum leap? Explain.
Question 2: If yes, what would you like your quantum leap to be?
272-Most of the Things We Worry About
Never Happen
Question 1: Explain why worrying is an attitude and a choice.
273-Time To Soar
Think Beyond Limits
Question 1: List some of your limiting thinking, or limiting beliefs, about yourself.
Question 2: How can you change your statements, or beliefs, above to make them
274-Bob Proctor and Les Brown
Good is supposed to happen to me
Question 1: List at least three great things that have happened to you in the last
275-The Unstoppable Attitude
Bob Proctor and Les Brown
Question 1: Describe what it looks and feels like for you to have an "Unstoppable"
...a surrounding or pervading mood, environment, or influence
Question 1: What type of atmosphere are you creating today?
Question 2: What type of atmosphere would you like to create today?
277-Purpose and Mastermind
What do you love doing? Who's in your mastermind group?
Question 1: What is your purpose?
Question 2: Would you like to have a mastermind group?
278-Specialized Knowledge
Needed to achieve your goals.
Question 1: What specialized knowledge is needed for your goal to be achieved?
Speak in a way that others want to listen.
Question 1: Do you want to improve your communication skills?
Question 2: How would your life be different if you communicated better such
that others want to listen to you?
Before speaking
Question 1: Would your friends and family consider you a good listener?
Question 2: Do you consider yourself a good listener? Why or why not?
281-Want Friends?
Be a friend.
Question 1: In your opinion, what are the qualities or characteristics of a good
Question 2: Are you any of the above qualities? All or some?
282-What needs to be done...
At least pick one or nothing gets done.
Question 1: What projects are you currently, or wanting to, work on?
Question 2: What are you doing today for the project(s) that you are working on or
want to work on?
283-Spiritual vs. Physical
Spiritual is stronger than physical
Question 1: In your own words, what does spirituality mean to you?
284-Advertise Yourself
Do you advertise?
Question 1: How do you currently advertise your business?
Question 2: How would you like to advertise your business?
285-Calm, Cheerful Attitude
Cheer is contagious.
Question 1: What would you REALLY enjoy doing today?
286-Belief And Appreciation
For those in your life.
Question 1: Who do you wish would believe in you and/or appreciate you more?
Question 2: Who in your life do you really appreciate and why?
Compete only with themselves.
Question 1: Do you consider yourself a professional at what you do?
Question 2: In what ways would you like to get better at what you do?
Study each day.
Question 1: How often do you study?
Question 2: How often would you like to study (i.e., hours per day, hours per
week, etc.)?
291-Settling vs. Greatness
What are you capable of being?
Question 1: To actualize your full potential, what do you plan on becoming?
Question 2: If you knew you could not fail, what steps would you take to be all
you can be?
292-Mind Is The Master Power That Molds
by James Allen
Question 1: Describe your environment as it is now (i.e., people, places, things,
Question 2: Describe what you would like your environment to be like (i.e.,
people, places, things, etc.).
293-To Grow Is To Change
To Change Often Is To Grow Much
Question 1: Describe the change that you would like to make in your life today.
294-No Sin In Great Wealth
No Virtue In Poverty
Question 1: What is your financial goal over the next year?
Question 2: Answer this question, "How can I provide greater service? Today?
This week? This month? This year?"
295-One Of The Last Freedoms
To Choose One's Attitude
Question 1: Describe your attitude toward your career.
Question 2: Describe your attitude toward earning money.
296-Who Are You?
Look around at your environment.
Question 1: Describe your favorite room in your house.
Question 2: Does the description above describe who you are?
297-Living As You Like
How to do this?
Question 1: How would your mother or father or spouse like you to live?
Question 2: How would your closest friends like you to live?
Question 3: How would YOU like to live?
298-Coming Soon: The 7 Basic Principles
Write down your goal.
Question 1: State your goal below. It is recommended that it start like this, "I am
so happy and grateful now that..." Then describe your goal in the present tense.
299-Basic Principle #1
I have infinite potential!
Question 1: Define in your own words what it means to you to have infinite
300-Basic Principle #2
Question 1: In your own words, describe what and where our 'want' (or desire)
comes from.
Question 2: What is your goal and when do you want to achieve it?
301-Basic Principle #3
Question 1: Decide on at least one action step you will take today towards
achieving your goal. Type it out below.
302-Basic Principle #4
Commitment. "If you are interested in getting the things you want, you will do
what you have to do when it is convenient, but if you are committed you will do it
Question 1: On a scale from 0%-100% (100% being you are totally committed),
what is your commitment level to your goal?
303-Basic Principle #5
Question 1: Who is your accountability partner? If you do not have one currently,
who will you ask to be your accountability partner?
304-Basic Principle #6
Question 1: What gives you the ability to focus?
Question 2: Based on the results in your life currently, what have you been giving
your focus, or attention, to? Remember, Emerson said that the only thing that can
grow is the thing you give energy to. What is growing in your life?
305-Basic Principle #7
Discipline...the ability to give yourself a command and then do it.
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (10 being Extremely), how disciplined are you?
Question 2: Would you like to develop your ability to become more discipline?
306-Working with the Law Series
The 11 Forgotten Laws by Raymond Holliwell
Question 1: What areas of your life would you like to apply the 11 Laws to?
307-Working with the Law #1
Working with the Law
Question 1: Who or what controls your circumstances?
308-Working with the Law #2
The Law of Thinking
Question 1: Describe your "thinking" routine. Do you allow some quite time each
day to think? Are you a part of a weekly mastermind group where you think
together with others?
Question 2: What we think about comes about. Based on the situations and
circumstances around you, what have you been thinking about in the past?
309-Working with the Law #4
The Law of Attraction
Question 1: In your own words, define the Law of Attraction.
Question 2: What do you intend to attract in your life over the next month?
310-Working with the Law #4, Part 2
The Law of Attraction, Part 2
Question 1: What are some things you need in order to get what you want?
311-Working with the Law #5
The Law of Receiving
Question 1: "...we are continually drawing into life what we give and expect."
What would you like to receive in the next month, in other words, what are you
312-Working with the Law #6
The Law of Increase
Question 1: Praise is a tool you can use to get more increase in your life. How and
when do you intend to use this tool?
313-Working with the Law #7
The Law of Compensation
Question 1: The Law of Compensation explains how you can start earning more
money. How and when do you intend to use this Law?
314-Working with the Law #8
The Law of Non-Resistance
Question 1: How can you use The Law Of Non-Resistance in your life now in
order to improve your well being?
315-Working with the Law #9
The Law of Forgiveness
Question 1: What would you like to let go of completely, or forgive, today?
316-Working with the Law #10
The Law of Sacrifice
Question 1: Describe some of the "good" (your wants) that you desire.
Question 2: What price are you willing to pay, in other words, what are you
willing to give up for the "wants" that you listed above?
317-Working with the Law #11
The Law of Obedience
Question 1: As we obey the Law, we humble our personal self to the divine self
within us. We refuse to accept the outer appearances of things as being final and
true but we turn within and seek that which is real and true. Describe how you can
use your understanding of The Law Of Obedience to improve your way of life.
318-Mind Is the Master Power
From As A Man Thinketh
Question 1: What is at least one thing in your life now that you are happy and
grateful for and one thing that you would like to choose to change?
319-Choice and Change
Ownership and Responsibility
Question 1: What does it mean to you to "take responsibility for the choices you"
in your life?
320-The Secret of the Ages
by Robert Collier
Question 1: What action steps have you taken thus far towards achieving your
"It means that you should never treat another person in a manner that would make
them feel small."
Question 1: Name someone in your life that has treated you with "genshai." What
did they do?
322-What is Your Purpose?
Thought must be linked with purpose to have intelligent accomplishments.
Question 1: Define what a purpose statement is.
Question 2: Type out your purpose statement below. If you do not have one,
create one now. Remember, as time goes on, your purpose statement will evolve
and change.
"When we have sufficient humus [humility] in our lives, we grow and develop, and
foster those around us to flourish. Humility fosters growth." -- Kevin Hall from the
book Aspire
Question 1: Describe the areas of your life where you would benefit from having
more humility.
324-Law of Prosperity
Trust, give, expect.
Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=rarely, 10=almost always), how much do you
TRUST yourself, others and the Universal Laws?
Question 2: On a scale from 1-10 (1=rarely, 10=almost always), how often do you
GIVE to yourself, others and the Universe?
Question 3: On a scale from 1-10 (1=rarely, 10=almost always), do you EXPECT
good things from yourself, others and the Universal?
325-Miracle Seeds for Success and Prosperity
by Don Stuart
Question 1: In your own words, what insight have you learned from today's
326-The Beginning
Becoming what we want to be
Question 1: How do your thoughts affect what you become and have?
Automatic Debt Repayment Program
Question 1: Are you wanting to get out of debt?
Question 2: Are you wanting to multiply your income this year?
Question 3: How much would you like to earn in the next one year?
328-Global Business
Looking at the world.
Question 1: Would you like to have a global business?
Question 2: Where in the world would you like to do business?
329-The Value Of A Mentor
Free one hour coaching call with Bob Proctor live! Details will be emailed to you
Question 1: Would you like to be coached by Bob Proctor?
330-A Little More
Makes a Big Difference
Question 1: What one small adjustment, change, or improvement can you do at
work that could potentially result in a big reward?
331-Big Improvement in Results
Think of a slight change/improvement you could make.
Question 1: In your business/career, where could you put in a little bit more

332-The Big Lesson

Sometimes the best you can do is not good enough. Sometimes you have got to do
whatever is required.
Question 1: What would it require for you to achieve your goal?
333-Trying Harder Does Not Mean Achieving More
Making a quantum leap does not require that you try harder.
Question 1: How could you improve your financial results with less effort
(working less)?
334-A Wise Person
Will make more opportunities than they'll find.
Question 1: What opportunities are you creating for yourself right now (i.e.
business, relation, etc.)?
335-Man Lives Between Two Thieves
The regret of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow.
Question 1: What past regrets would you like to release?
Question 2: What fears about the future would you like to transform?
Question 3: How would you like to be living today?
336-Create Your Position
What talent do you have?
Question 1: What talents would you like to develop or turn into a career?
337-The Only Thing We Have to Fear
Is fear itself. Nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed
efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Question 1: Fear and doubt can be transformed into understanding by studying.
What are you studying to improve your way of life, to develop an understanding of
the Universal Principles?
338-Fear or Gratitude
Both cannot happen at the same time.
Question 1: Have you turned gratitude into a habit? If so, how did you do it? If
not, do you want to make it a habit?
339-Gratitude for the Negative
Gratitude inspires growth.
Question 1: Think of a negative event that happened in your past. How did you
grow, become stronger, wiser, or heal from that event?
Bob Proctor is reading one chapter per month from "Think And Grow Rich" each
341-To Think
It's the highest function you are capable of.
Question 1: What are you inner most dominant thoughts?
342-My Goal
Life is short enjoy every bit of it.
Question 1: What is your goal?
Question 2: What would light up your life?
343-Your Mother
Bob's admiration for mothers.
Question 1: What are some valuable lessons you have learned from the mother
figures in your life?
344-Bob Proctor Shares
Five benchmarks that changed the course of his life.
Question 1: What one book changed the course of your life and how?
Question 2: What are 5 benchmarks for you that changed to course of your life?
Question 3: What type of people do you spend time with? Describe their attitude
or character.
345-One of Bob Proctor's Favorite Books
The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
Question 1: In your own words, explain the Impression Of Increase.
Question 2: Name three people that you will leave with the Impression Of
Increase today.
346-Mental Adjustment And Attunement
Done through gratitude.
Question 1: List at least 20 things/people you are grateful for.
347-Building Your Network of People
Build the habit.
Question 1: Name two people that you can ask for them to introduce you to two of
their friends.
348-How To Stay Motivated
Find what you would love to do.
Question 1: What would you LOVE to do every day for the rest of your life?
349-A Victim
Can never win.
Question 1: What are the disadvantages, or losses, of being a victim?
Question 2: What are the advantages of being responsible?
350-How To Form A Mastermind Group
Learn how to form a mastermind group.
Question 1: Name at least one person that has a skill or knowledge in an area you
do not. How could you benefit from masterminding with them?
351-Giving And Receiving
Giving and receiving are the same.
Question 1: Do you willingly give?
Question 2: Do you graciously receive?
Question 3: How can you be a better receiver?
352-Best Coaching Advice Given To Bob Proctor
Take your mind off yourself.
Question 1: If you applied the same advice Bob Proctor received, how would you
life improve/change?
353-Having 'Aha' Moments
Getting them over and over again.
Question 1: Do you have a mentor or coach that you work with to ensure that you
continue to "get it" over and over?
Question 2: Who would you love to be mentored or coached by?
354-One Habit
That will make a BIG difference in your life.
Question 1: What method do you use to manage activities?
355-Eliminating Fear
By becoming courageous in the face of fear.
Question 1: Describe an event in your life where you didn't let fear stop you, in
other words, you were courageous in the face of fear.
356-When Change Happens
The Three Principles
Question 1: What change is happening in your life now that you could benefit
from putting into practice these three principles you just learned?
Question 2: What good do you see in this change?
357-Wake Up And Live
A formula for success that works.
Question 1: What major goal are you working on now?
Question 2: Would an attitude shift to "act as if you cannot fail" help you better
achieve this goal? If so, why?
358-The Jeweler
And the man with the watch.
Question 1: Does the person (or people) you follow have a vision for where they
are going? If so, what is the vision.
Question 2: Are there people following you? If so, where are you leading them?
359-Go The Extra Mile
Turn it into a habit!
Question 1: In the work you are doing, what can you do TODAY to go the "extra
360-The Best
Bring your best out today!
Question 1: What is one thing that you can do today that would create greater
results compared to yesterday?
361-Thought Power
Thought causes all.
Question 1: What limit(s) have you been imposing on yourself?
Question 2: What more powerful thought can you choose that would replace your
limited thought(s)?
362-How To Keep Unwaivering Faith
Question 1: What kind of attitude do you have today?
Question 2: Would it be beneficial for you to shift your attitude today? If so, what
will you shift it to?
363-Who I Am
What would you change?
Question 1: What do you like about the person you have become?
364-I Am A Worthwhile Person
I deserve and I am attracting good things into my life.
Question 1: How many times today are you committed to saying this statement to
365-Study To Understand
And you will remember.
Question 1: How often do you study?
Question 2: What do you study?
One of the secrets of success.
Question 1: What are you focused on accomplishing today?
367-The Sandtimer
How much sand do we have?
Question 1: Do you often multi-task or would you say you more often focus on
one thing happening in the moment?
Question 2: How would your life change if you were present in the moment more
often than not?
368-Plan Versus Goal
Change the plan not the goal.
Question 1: What action steps are you taking today to get you closer to achieving
your goal?

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