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Your Opinion Matters: Sex Reassignment Surgery

When did you learn that you were a boy or a girl? Were you 5 years old?
Younger? Were you ever yelled at by a teacher for going to the ‘wrong’ toilet?
How about your hair? Did anyone ever make fun of you for having ‘girl’ or ‘boy’
hair? Were you ever picked on for not liking the things every one else seemed to
like? Or always hanging out with people of the opposite gender? Have you ever
felt like you were lying to the people around you by just being in your own skin?
Tell that to everyone who has ever transitioned.

Gender Dysphoria is a condition in which individuals fell mismatched with their

biological sex and their gender identity. Often people with gender dysphoria feel
that they are trapped in someone else’s body, which leads to unhappiness and

Sex reassignment surgery and gender dysphoria have had a current uprising in
the media. People are feeling much more comfortable sharing their personal
stories and struggles they have gone through in order to achieve happiness
within themselves and comfort in their own skin, but also encountering the
isolation and discrimination that comes along with it. Transitioning is a long, hard
process, which arises the question; is it ethical to defy the sex you were born

The idea behind sex reassignment surgery is simple; a surgery in which a

transgender person’s physical appearance and function of their current sexual
organs are altered to resemble that of the opposite sex. However the process
involves much more than an intense surgery. It is a very expensive procedure,
involves years of taking hormone supplements, years of recovery, and changing
almost every aspect of your life.

There are two different types of sex change surgery; male to female (MTF) which
is undergone by trans women, in which the surgeries are aimed to reshape the
male genitalia into a form that resembles and functions as female genitalia.
These procedures include hormone replacement therapy, facial hair removal and
facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation, voice changing, etc.
Female to male (FTM) is undergone by trans men who often opt for Genital
Reassignment Surgery. This surgery if found to have more pain afterwards.
Other procedures undergone often include a Bilateral Mastectomy, chest
contouring, and a hysterectomy.

From a medical viewpoint, with the right doctor, the surgery is safe. The hardest
part of the transition is psychological and hormonal. Undergoing the sex change
surgery is easy, but completely fitting into the role of a different gender takes a
long time. However 97% of transsexual individuals are content with their new
bodies. Which now brings us to the ethics around it—if it is a safe procedure,
then why are people so against it?
People may argue that it is unethical due to the fact that they were not born that
way; it is not how God intended them to be, etc. Is that a reason to discriminate
them? Though the world has made huge advancements in educating themselves
about transsexuals, there are still huge advancements to come, when some are
still denied simple rights. And have an entire group of people, thinking that the
people around them have made advancement in thinking of them as equal, but
still having the same story as everyone who have been denied simple rights that
they did not even think they had to worry about. But how can we still think this
when people are losing jobs due to their identity? Along with the fact that laws in
the United States are still unclear in 32 states, where transgender individuals can
be fired or denied employment for their identity?

Brandon James walked into an ER trauma centre after suffering from elevated
blood pressure and severe anxiety. He was seeking medical attention, but rather
was humiliated by the hospital staff. Hospital staff was pointing at him, saying
things like, ‘No, that’s really a girl.’ He said he felt like a freak show at a circus.
However, his story is not unique. 24% of transgender patients have been denied
equal medical treatment.

Even worse, there are many of them being killed—the murder of Christa Leigh
Steele Knudslien marked the first reported homicide of a transgender person in
2018. The incident continues a pattern in 2017 in which saw at least 28
transgender people murdered violently. Christa was found stabbed and beaten to
death in her home in Massachusetts. Her husband, Mark Steele-Knudslien, was
charged with her murder and pled guilty.

An argument commonly used is that God does not accept transgender people.
Religion is not a science, and the relationship between transgender people and
religion depends on the religion. Many religions compare transsexuality to being
a eunich. People are very forward with their beliefs, which is why they are quick
to judge someone who is not like them. The procedure itself is generally safe, but
comes with many risks, which could be an argument as to why people have the
ability to argue against it.

The science behind transsexuality proves that to be transgender is not a choice.

A meta-analysis of suicide rates indicates that the prevalence of attempted
suicide in transgender peoples are 40%, compared to the 4% in the overall
population. It is an option for everyone to educate him or herself in order to
understand why it is not a choice for transgender people; it is who they are just
as you are you and I am me.

97% of transgender people are completely happy with the surgery. However this
also means that 3% are unhappy with the irreversible surgery, which means that
they are unhappy with a major expensive and irreversible surgery, after
screening tests complying them legible for the surgery. However there is nothing
to be done about that—they put themselves in that position and there is no way
to go back from it.

People will argue to be what you are, not make what you are. However if you are
making who you are, won’t that make you happier with yourself? There is no way
to convince the amount of people who do not feel that it is okay to accept them.
There are definitely arguments to why it may be unethical, but those are simply
from a religious standpoint or just personal opinion, which means there will
always be arguments around it. However it is widely becoming more acceptable,
and the world is coming to terms with making more advancements for people
who are losing their rights for becoming comfortable with themselves.
Source analyses:
‘Chirurgie De Réattribution Sexuelle.’ Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Apr.

Cette source dit à propres des transidentités et les étapes les gens sont a sexe
dysphorie de devenir une personne qu’ils sont censé supposer. Le processus est
long et très difficile et les transsexuelles et très fort parce que tout n’acceptent
pas. Cette source incluse les motivations, l’éligibilité et enrichies plus a propres
du transsexualisme en général et les différentes étapes du traitement.
Finalement, il pare a propres des deux types de chirurgie, homme vers femme
ou femme vers homme et compares le diffèrent procédures.
Cette source et mieux parce qu’il y a beaucoup d’information et explique a
propres d’une grande range de ce sujet et ca c’est très facile pour comprendre.
De plus, ce ne pas baise, il est très informatif. Mais, n’y a pas des images
qu’aider avec comprendre le sujet meilleure. De plus, les chirurgies spécifiques
ne dans plus détails. C’était bien s’ils ont plus spécifique a propres de la chirurgie
c’est fait.
La source, cependant, a une grande bibliographie qui sauvegarde ses
informations. Par ailleurs, ont de l’information a propres des détails du
En conclusion j’ai pense c’est une source fiable parce que c’était impartiale et
incluse du faits.

‘Zoom : Operation De Changement De Sexe.’ Ooreka. April 11, 2018,


Cet article donner plus de détaille a propres de l’opération changement de sexe

et les caractéristiques d’une opération pour changer le sexe. De plus spécifique,
le procès et quoi les gens veulent procède avec la chirurgie. Cela une bonne
source parce qu’il dit dans une perspective qui a non baisé, c’était une bonne
source pour apprendre des informations. Et l’information est très claire et facile
de comprendre. Par ailleurs, il y a l’images qui est très important parce qu’ils
donnent un visuel. Mais, la source n’a pas beaucoup d’information—l’information
qui est donne est bien, mais ne pas dans beaucoup de détails.
La source n’a pas d’une auteur spécifique, mais il y a des multitudes de
l’information et avoir des experts.
En conclusion, j’ai penser c’est une source fiable parce qu’il y a des information
qu’est fiable et il y a des experts qui vous pouvez parler avec.
DH.be ‘Plus D’un Changement De Sexe Par Semaine.’ Retour à La Page

Cet article est basé sur statistiques. Il parle des années ou la transition a
commence a devenir plus acceptable et utilise des célébrités pour prouver le
La source avoir beaucoup d’informations sur les statistiques qui prouvent les
faits. De plus, il utilise des célébrités pour aider a attirer l’attention des gens qui
lisent l’article.
Cependant, la source est très baisée.
Finalement, la source ressemble plus á un tabloïd, mais il n’incluse pas un
auteur qui fait me penser qu’il n’est pas super fiable.



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