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DORE LMC Rg » Discutir e refletir.a respeito de importantes ric globais; y. | ath PA BCC Rear ieee Ce ea SSC Ce tee et iets i # : ar SIC eee en ere Ta aad Cee icy) . @ LeT’s START ______ Priorities in Your Life observe the words in the signs below. Then answer the questio, ualabe at: eww anempty pickle} a) Are those issues important in your life? How would YOU number ther priority list? vi | b) Theimage above suggests that some aspects of life lead us in dite Doyou agree with that? ct Priorities in Your School ‘Some school facilities and services are very very school. Match the school facilities and services to each {hey avalabe in your school? Does your school need any oth ‘Answer in your notebook. ) 5) 4; c) 2d) 3 a) a good library ©) acomputer lab b) amodern sports court 4) an auditorium ~ important, but they 'Y ATE Not avaiaben Of the pictures bn er facilities, or se priorities in Your Community What are the issues to be addressed in your ne} tht Tom the lst below, add other needs, then com ighborhood? Choose the options are Pare your answers with a classmate’ «internet acess © Crime prevention A ia toepitals © Better transportatio Gannon ess © Parks and ean sree at ala © Garbage disposal/re * + son ast cycling centers @ READING BEFORE YOU READ 1. Asurvey is an investigation of the opinions of a group of series of questions. Take a look at the text below and ance resem your notebook. a) My World. b) The United Nations. c's global a) What's the name of the survey? Inference a sesh Ss strates de Lttura€ b) Who's doing it? Compiled et do ) Is it national or global? phase de Dene the questions in 1.Para saber mais a respeito d Predicting and Making 2. What is this survey for? Who can answer it? Make your predictions and check them —_2.e ach: asyou read the text. Personal answers desalines que femora pesquisa a respeito da ONU (Organizagaodas NagBes AS YOU READ Unidas ecompartiem 3¢ informacBes com os colegas. Now read the text and do the following activities in your notebook. ‘My World is a global survey developed by the United Nations with several partner organizations. It asks individuals which six of sixteen possible issues they think would make the most difference to their lives, one of them being action taken on climate change. Citizens of all ages, genders and backgrounds, particularly the ‘world's poor and marginalized communities, are called upon to get involved and let the world know their priorities and views, so that world leaders can be informed as they begin the process of setting the next global development agenda Which of These Are Most Important for You and Your Family? Choose 6 IB Action taken on climate change BB Protecting forests, rivers and oceans I An honest and responsive government ‘Wl Better job opportunities ‘WEA g00d education Better healthcare | Affordable and nutritious food Better transport and roads IB Protection against crime and violence I Equality between men and women Ii Phone and Internet access I Political freedom Bi servettor peopie who can't work leet pub Tradable as ctpn fanteccintee_ etext CO ce ok, answer the following nnsacofthe sit pag ‘eayourciassmates about these issues, Compare your vote with theirs, wore FOOD FOR THOUGHT low and discuss these questions with a classmate, 4 doyouknow the people in these photos? Who are they? ey famous for? What ovie stars, are they involved in any international social of that movement? » say is the basic idea behind that movement? Make your @ What would you predictions. 2 Now read the text below and check your answers. A Movement Is Building eis asolidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in .e other half of humanity, for the benefit of all. vatson (who played Hermione in the Harry Potter movies) is United Nations Women Global sseador Ste end Matt Damon (who played Will in Good Will Hunting, among many other is) are both taking part in the HeForShe project eee ena ees Pm aac Sey pecan the women. They'r ms “available a coe heforahe org. Accessed on: August 19,2015 rere Do You! voscwonsr (9) LeT’s PRACTICE .d the text and observe its image below. tee fen the sentences Usp, : Suns in the box, There are three ext wol Y ‘The HeForShe your country have com Commitment iad mitted Join them and moy country into the lead. S “avalable at: cwww.heforshe.org/ttake-action, Accessed on: Novenbe 8 a) Many men around the world. ~~" equality for women is a basic human oe that benefits us all. b) More than five hundred thousand men around the world are. 3st astogender 0. ) InBrazil, more than eighteen thousand men are already "inthe movement. “Access to clean water and 3, .ofcwle nutritious food are issues from the My Vo! -text about the reality of many people regarding those issues fater, Food, & Shelter 780 million humans are without access 0" complete the sentences usir ayer oreo sing the werbs from the box in al provide « need live * (not) have (2x) 1 wates, food, and shelter to ine 2 decent ite coe a cof people around the wortd access to clean water. We poets 2d the energy we need for: 4 St ablion people wore we sufficent food. Ar pen pore nthe whole work 2 Wee 2 place were they can feek a igeced rom bad wenthes onto” worldwide manage to - eocryhekcostit. I gatattien peice ne eit a Shams Dare. Seen ee ag women tiene eee eee pefaiowing questions i Your notebook. Education, Medicine, and Healthcare literacy, one of the factors that _correlate/correlating w= secobtion you cantead or write there are alt of doses Sn Shs wand wreak opento you There are til 920 malion peopl PSY. SSNS sca who _O)_as/do not have the abty tread o wie (3% of ts wid Nec et’stake basic medicine. According to the World Health Organization, sTlton tuman beings 009 aren't having/don’t have access to SfSsaving retire neaures and basic immunizations We've made aloof PRORSS Wk xing infant mortality, but ifneatly one in four haraans A doesn ave! iithere aress tothe most basic of medicines, we've till zot alot of work te do. accessed om Nowe 3 205. tets\ook at seal 24 How many people in the world don't know how to read or write? 8 What are the possible consequences of not being able to read or write? 6 What’ the name of the global organization that deals with basic education? 4 How many people don’t have access to the basics of medicine? And what's the name of the global organization that deals with basic i TENING ene * ape YOU LISTEN at a vem the man in the picture? if you don't read the box on the righthand ery out some information about him going to listen to part of an interview he gave to the United Nations saundation. He is answering the question “Can everyday people help the UN?”. waatdo you think Kofi Annan will say in his interview? Make your predictions and ‘oes your answer as you listen i «On politicians or big leaders can really help the UN. gape atoms ) ta com alguns flsos jogo cethary pocpis tha tnaedishedneall ei aed f escanees ee neste volume Viatelie “ i fnteraja com uma SYO! SYOU LISTEN | sttvidade que deverd ser } realizada aolongodo ano. » }\sten to Kofi Annan and, in your notebook, complete the sentences belowwith = Lo ‘Sewords from the box, according to what he says, There are five extra words. ey smalls home * school * big* neighborhood = community * cause * power « intelligence « m¢ | a Wesorthave tomate gesture to do our part. Se contribution can startin our or in our Pgs: 38 individuals can support a that we believe in, / ‘S.veyeay people, should use our to help the United Nations | ereve the world, } tw | zon, .aBsiN and choose the options (more than one is possible) that refer to eae one by Kofi Annan, vee nett wari whenyou 1 ‘a “mmunize a child, © help build schools, sen head ; ogo watmust end, © vote for big leaders. “Yelunteer work. AFTER YOU LISTEN 1. Read the text below about Kofi Annan. Then do the following activities i, notebook. You, Kofi Annan warns that the world’s most pressing challenges can oniy, overcome through multilateral solutions. Addressing a ceremony in Oslo... the 50" anniversary of the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, the former UN Secretary-General states, “Our futures, our prosperity and se., are wrapped up together more than ever before. No country, no matter hoy wealthy or powerful, can any longer stand on its own.” Available at: cwwwkoflannanfoundation org/newsroom/p ofannancall-greater-multlateralsm-tormeet-globalhallenges> Accessed on Nice: a) What idea does Kofi Annan defend? * Countries have to get together to solve world problems. * Each country has to try to solve its problems on its own, with no help fon other countries. ) Do you agree with him? Why (not)? 2. Discuss these questions with your classmates. a) Do you think the UN helps to solve world problems? b) Doyou agree with Kofi Annan about the power of individuals to help so! problems of the world? ©) What about you? Are you doing your part? THINK ABOUT IT Read the lyrics from “What a Wonderful World” and reflect about its messag2 Then do the activities that follow. _ What a Wonderful World ‘Written by: George David Weiss/George Douglas, performed by: Louis 4" And! think tomyself, What a wonderful world. strate some parts OF The ties. Ure your na ate verses that are related to each image. Ps ebook te 4 mscas he flowing questions with a classmate ivhats the song's main message? {gpeyesthink such a world is rea ois it just a dream? {gsthere anything you would lke to change in the word, oF simply in your fsa, what can you do about it? selF-ASSESSMENT 1 akate your performance in this Unit, in your notebook, give yourself a score ‘fem Ito 5 for each of the topics below. | glreadand understand survey about global issues, _ Djunderstand and use question words, _ Qlisten to and understand an interview about helping the UN. | djwitea survey about school’s priorities. | Sete alas a | dinterview people and conduct a survey about school’s priorities, 2 tte alook at the items in activity 1in which you gave yourself a score of 1 oF 2, Takto a classmate about what you can do to improve your performance, Then ‘Seuss that with your teacher. n 1. poor 2.not sogood S.good, | Avery good S.excellent

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