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Geometry Unit: Transformations



Warm-up sheet example
Sample of warm-ups from this unit

Sample Lesson: Translations

Differentiation ideas

Sample Lesson: Using Geometry Software to Develop Functions

Student handout

Additional Technology Integration: Khan Academy

Performance Assessment: Transforming Ms. Pac Man

1. 8.G.1 ​Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations.
2. 8.G.2​ Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second
can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations;
given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits congruence between
3. 8.G.3​ Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections on
two-dimensional figures using coordinates.
4. G.SRT.2​ Given two figures, use the definition of similarity in terms of similarity
transformations to decide if they are similar; explain using similarity transformations the
meaning of similarity for triangles as the equality of all corresponding pairs of angles and
the proportionality of all corresponding pairs of sides.
5. G.CO.A2​ Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and
geometry software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as
inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance
and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation versus horizontal stretch).
6. G.CO.A.3​ Given a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the
rotations and reflections that carry it onto itself.
7. G.CO.A.4​ Develop definitions of rotations, reflections, and translations in terms of
angles, circles, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line segments.
8. G.CO.A.5​ Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the
transformed figure using, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify
a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
9. G.CO.A.6​ Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict
the effect of a given rigid motion on a figure; given two figures, use the definition of
congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent.
10. G.CO.7​ Use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to show that two
triangles are congruent if and only if corresponding pairs of sides and corresponding
pairs of angles are congruent.
1. Identify a transformation as either a translation, rotation, reflection, or dilation.
2. Draw a translated image in the coordinate plane given a translation in the form of (x,y) →
(x+a, y+b) and in the form of written directions.
3. Write a translation in the coordinate plane in the form of (x,y) → (x+a, y+b) and in the
form of written directions to produce a given translated image.
4. Produce an image of a figure in the coordinate plane when it is rotated 90, 180, 270, and
360 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.
5. Reflect an image in the coordinate plane over the x- and y-axis, and over a line with a
given equation (y=x, y=-x, x=c, y=c).
6. Write a rotation or reflection in the form of (x,y) → (___,___) and in the form of written
directions to produce a given image.
7. Identify all possible rotations and reflections that map an image of a regular polygon onto
8. Identify the scale factor in a dilated image, and create a dilation of an image when given
a scale factor.
9. Compare the properties of a transformation to its original image to see that length and
angle are preserved. In the case of dilation, length is changed by the scale factor.

Quiz 1​ covers objectives 1-3.

Quiz 2​ covers objectives 4-6.
Quiz 3​ covers objectives 7-9.
After these quizzes, students work in class on the performance assessment, after which they
are given the ​Unit Test​ based on previous quizzes.
Warm-up assignments are used to help students recall the previous lesson and activate
their thinking immediately. The teacher is able to take attendance and check in homework
without losing class time. The typical format I use looks like this:
1. As students enter the class, a question is displayed on the whiteboard. Students answer
the question independently on their warm-up sheet.
2. After a few minutes, one student is randomly selected to share their solution. The class
critiques, then adds to their solution to make it more correct in a different color
3. Students turn in their completed warm-up sheets periodically (at least 2 times a week, or
before each quiz) to be graded. Warm-up responses are graded on the two criteria:
a. Use of two different colors to show initial response vs. corrected response
b. Final answer (after corrections) is correct
4. On the day of a quiz, students receive graded warm-ups back and the questions are
displayed on the board. Students have time to ask questions before taking the quiz.

Warm-up sheet example

Today’s date:

Today’s topic:


Sample of warm-ups from this unit

1. Topic: Translations
Which of these images resulted from a translation? (see Figure 1)
2. Topic: Translations
Write the new coordinates of a point B (2, 6) using these translations:
4 units to the left, 3 units up
(x, y) → (x+2, y-3)
3. Topic: Reflections
Reflect this image over the x-axis. Sketch a picture of the reflected image and write the
coordinates of each reflected point A’, B’, C’, and D’. (see Figure 2)
4. Topic: Reflections 2
Look at your warm-up response from yesterday. Is AB ≈ A′B ′ ? Is the area of ABCD
equal to the area of A’B’C’D’? Explain your answer. (see Figure 2)
5. Topic: Transformations review
Draw a triangle with vertices A(-1, 5), B(-6, 3), and C(-4, 8).
Using dashed lines, sketch the triangle after it has been translated using the function
(x,y) → (x, y-6). Label the image points as A’, B’ and C’.
Using dashed lines, sketch the triangle produced after ABC is reflected over the y-axis.
Label the image points as A’’, B’’, and C’’.
6. Topic: Transformations review
Describe in simple terms a single transformation that results in the image (shaded figure)
from the pre-image (unshaded figure). (see Figure 1)

Figure 1 Figure 2
Sample Lesson: Translations
This lesson addresses objectives 2, 3, and 9.
Students begin with a “city map” drawn on a coordinate plane grid and a cut-out person that
they place standing at the origin. For the first 3-4 minutes, pairs of students are selected
randomly to give directions to move the person to a particular place in the city. The teacher
guides the students toward using specific units of measurement to describe the directions. All
students perform the directions described by the pair, then outline their cut-out person on their
graph paper grid. Students also keep track of the person’s movements and label the person (the
teacher demonstrates on the whiteboard with a giant person cut-out and the city graph projected
After students understand how to describe translations in this way, the teacher spends
1-2 minutes discussing the properties of this person in each translated drawing. What is the
same about the person? Students should point out that the person is the same height, head is
the same size, legs and arms are in the same position in every sketch. Call these motions in
each sketch “translations.” Groups should try to define translation based on this, and write their
definitions on whiteboards to display for the whole class. The class should discuss and vote on
a definition, similar to “Translations make an identical copy of a shape in a different location” or
“Translations take every point in an image and shift them in the same direction.”
Students are then given a worksheet with polygon ABCD and a list of several
translations. The teacher discusses the two ways that translation directions are written: as
verbal directions, similar to the introductory activity, or in a function form. Students are selected
to demonstrate how to translate an image using each of these forms on the whiteboard, then
are given time in class to complete the worksheet. Those who do not finish should complete the
worksheet as homework.

Differentiation ideas
Questions on the handout can easily be modified to make them more challenging or less
challenging. For students who require modifications, the last 3 questions might be addressed
while working with a partner in class. For an advanced student, this worksheet can be given with
little instruction to see how they interpret the format. Students who complete the worksheet
easily can also be given examples of functions that are NOT translations. Their task would be to
draw the image of a figure after performing that function and explain why they are not
translations on a large paper to display for the whole class.

Alternative lesson: ​Graphing translations to construct 3D figures lesson from

Student handouts
Sample Lesson: Using Geometry Software to
Develop Functions
This lesson addresses mainly objective 6, and re-addresses objectives 4-5.
Using an online geometry app (GeoGebra, sketchometry, etc) students work in pairs to rotate a
set of points, then come up with a general function in the form (x, y) → ( , ) to produce the
rotation from any point. Students complete the same process with reflections over the x-axis,
y-axis, x = 5, y = 5, y = x, and y = -x. The whole class shares their results after the activity and
we discuss any discrepancies until all students are able to come up with the general function on
their own.
This is designed to be largely student inquiry-based, but the teacher demonstrates how
to use the app before students continue. The teacher must use the app beforehand and know
how to make the coordinate plane, plot points, rotate points about the origin, and reflect points
across a line. The rotations and reflections in each investigation can also be assigned in part to
each group to reduce the amount of work each group needs to complete in order to reduce the
time spent on this lesson.

Student handout
Name and partner name: __________________________ _________________________

Work with your partner using the GeoGebra app to draw a triangle, rotate that triangle about the
origin, and reflect that triangle about the x-axis. When you have figured out how to perform
these tasks, show your teacher your results.

Using the app, you will now perform a series of transformations and study the patterns you
notice to come up with a function. The transformation function is written in the form (x,y) →
(__,__) where the “blanks” are completed in terms of x or y to describe how the coordinates
have changed.

Investigation 1: Rotations
Fill in the table with the new coordinates after rotating each point about the origin by the given
angle. Once you recognize the pattern, you can complete the table without using the software.
(3, 4) (-2, 3) (1, -6) (-2, -1)

Rotate 90° clockwise

Rotate 180° clockwise

Rotate 270° clockwise

Rotate 360° clockwise

Rotate 90° counter-clockwise

Look across each row. Can you see a pattern with each rotation? Work with your partner to
determine the pattern that each rotation follows. Then try to write the function for each rotation
that would fit the pattern.
1. Rotate 90° clockwise: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
2. Rotate 180° clockwise: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
3. Rotate 270° clockwise: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
4. Rotate 360° clockwise: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
5. Rotate 90° counter-clockwise: (x,y) → (_______, _______)

Investigation 2: Reflections
Fill in the table with the new coordinates after reflecting each point across the given line. Once
you recognize the pattern, you can complete the table without using the software.
(3, 4) (-2, 3) (1, -6) (-2, -1)

Reflection across x-axis

Reflection across y-axis

Reflection across x = 5

Reflection across y = 5

Reflection across y = x

Reflection across y = -x

Look across each row. Can you see a pattern with each reflection? Work with your partner to
determine the pattern that each reflection follows. Then try to write the function for each
reflection that would fit the pattern.
6. Reflect across x-axis: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
7. Reflect across y-axis: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
8. Reflect across x=5: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
9. Reflect across y=5: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
10. Reflect across y=x: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
11. Reflect across y=-x: (x,y) → (_______, _______)
Additional Technology Integration: Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a free online tool teachers can use to assign practice and videos to
students. I prefer using these tools to assigning textbook problems because students can
receive hints, watch videos, and receive instant feedback that enables them to learn from their
mistakes while they are completing their homework. There are also practice quizzes students
can use to assess their knowledge of the topic. In the teacher dashboard, I can see student
progress and grades on each assignment so that I can better plan for instruction and

Khan Academy offers the following assignments and practice quizzes for this unit:
1. Identify transformations 16. Rigid transformations: preserved
2. Translate points properties
3. Determine translations 17. Mapping shapes
4. Translate shapes 18. Quiz 4 - covering topics 15-17
5. Quiz 1 - covers topics 1-4 19. Dilate points
6. Rotate points 20. Dilations: scale factor
7. Determine rotations 21. Dilations: center
8. Rotate shapes 22. Dilate triangles
9. Quiz 2 - covers topics 6-8 23. Dilations and properties
10. Reflect points 24. Quiz 5 - covering topics 19-23
11. Determine reflections 25. Sequences of transformations
12. Determine reflections (advanced) 26. Defining transformations
13. Reflect shapes 27. Proofs with transformations
14. Quiz 3 - covers topics 10-13 28. Symmetry of 2D shapes
15. Find measures using rigid 29. Quiz 6 - covering topics 25-28
transformations 30. Unit test - covering all topics
Performance Assessment: Transforming Ms. Pac
This performance assessment is based on the following links:

In this assessment, students are required to use 20 transformations to move Ms. Pac
Man around a game board placed on the coordinate plane. Their goal is to collect as many
points / dots in the game as possible (small dots are worth 1 point, large dots are worth 5
points). Ms. Pac Man must be facing the dots in order to collect them, so students have to
perform the necessary rotations / reflections to put her in the correct orientation.
Groups of students brainstorm how to maneuver Ms. Pac Man around one corner of the
game on the whiteboard using a large cut-out of Ms. Pac Man. Students can use the cut-out to
see the result of each transformation they perform. After the initial exploration, students are
given smaller cut-outs to use at their desk to help them visualize the movements they make.
Students ultimately have to list all 20 transformations in function form and sketch the
orientation of Ms. Pac Man after each transformation. They are graded based on the accuracy
of their transformations and on their total collected points.

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