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Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61 – 75


A model of the development of a periphyton community:

resource and flow dynamics
Takashi Asaeda *, Duong Hong Son
Department of En6ironmental Science and Human Technology, Saitama Uni6ersity, 255, Shimo-okubo, Urawa,
Saitama 338 -8750, Japan

Received 16 February 2000; received in revised form 11 September 2000; accepted 6 October 2000


An ecological model of periphyton dynamics was designed to approach the development of a periphyton
community under the effects of surrounding nutrient concentration and light intensity. The model simulated the
vertical heterogeneities of biomass, light irradiance, and nutrients within the periphyton mat. To determine the
competition for resources between species, a Monod-type relationship was used to relate external nutrient concentra-
tion to periphyton uptake rate, and ‘Liebig’s law of the minimum’ was used to combine light and nutrient effects on
growth rate and tension strength of the algal cell. The effect of the periphyton community to the vertical distribution
of water velocity was also numerically investigated. To confirm the validities, the developed model was verified using
several cases: the external concentration was constant or was varied with different diffusion coefficients. Reasonable
responses of the periphyton community to the ambience nutrient concentrations, light intensity and, in turn, temporal
variation of nutrients during the development of a periphyton community strongly encouraged further application of
the model. Variation in the water velocity in a vertical direction intensively contributed to the results of the model.
© 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Algal competition; Nutrient uptake; Periphyton; Photosynthesis

1. Introduction dynamics of the essential resources for periphyton

growth. Although several studies have been made
Studies of stream ecosystems have focused on on the photosynthesis –irradiance relationship
periphyton communities, because benthic algae (Sand-Jensen and Revsbech, 1987; Boston and
usually dominate planktonic communities. Many Hill, 1991; Dodds, 1991; Graham et al., 1995;
experimental studies have concentrated on the Hill, 1996), only a few studies have evaluated the
relation between light inside a matrix and the
algal response.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-48-8583563; fax: + 81-
The relation between periphyton and nutrients
E-mail address: asaeda@env.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp (T. As- has been intensively studied. Borchardt (1994)
aeda). found different optimum N:P ratios for Spirogyra

0304-3800/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0304-3800(00)00432-4
62 T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75

flu6iatilis at different velocities. Newbold et al. a species being limited by only one resource at a
(1981, 1983) examined the horizontal heterogenei- time, ‘Liebig’s law of the minimum’. Thus, the
ties of nutrients due to a spiraling process using resource index, which is defined as the indicator
both models and experiments. In natural streams, of the health condition and the reproduction abil-
the saturation concentration of nutrients on a ity of the cell, is given as:
periphyton community seems to depend strongly Rn, k, i( j ) = min[NRn, k, i( j ), IRn, k ,i( j )] (1)
on the density of the community (Bothwell, 1985,
1988, 1989). Although the multiplication form of these compo-
Several models have been devised to clarify the nents is an alternative for the resource index, Eq.
relations among the periphyton community, nutri- (1) seems to provide better results (Haney and
ent concentration in the overflowing water, and Jackson, 1996). Particularly, the multiplication
the nutrient availability for periphyton growth form becomes problematic when a number of
(Kim et al., 1992; Mulholland et al., 1994; DeAn- resources increase.
gelis et al., 1995). The vertical variation of oxygen Some periphytic algae grow within the viscous
produced in photosynthesis (Carlton and Wetzel, sub-layer, where the flow is substantially laminar
1987; Sand-Jensen and Revsbech, 1987; Carlton (Horner et al., 1990); however, filamentous algae
and Wetzel, 1988; Bott et al., 1997) implies a are found mainly outside the viscous sub-layer
vertically varying concentration of nutrient re- (Dodds and Gudder, 1992). Fig. 1 shows the main
sources for periphyton growth, indicating the pos- processes in the water column and their directions
sibility of a nutrient-limited condition for of influence.
periphyton communities (Horner et al., 1990;
Dodds, 1991; Borchardt, 1996). However, the ver- 2.1. Detritus
tical variation of the resources for periphyton
growth, such as light and nutrients, has not been The amount of detritus is simply assumed to be
quantitatively examined by either models or produced only from dead cells in a periphyton
experiments. mat, and is given as a result of mortality, decom-
As a number of problems have been pointed position, and detachment as:
out in experiments, such as altering the commu- (DCk, i( j)
= % GmortalCn, k, i( j)
nity structure and producing higher uptake rates (t n
by removing the community from the surface in − (q T − 20Gdecomp + Gdetach)DCk, i( j)
the experiment (Kim et al., 1992), in this study we (2)
used models to: (1) simulate the process of periph-
yton development under the effects of essential 2.2. Nutrients
resources such as nutrients and light; and (2) in
turn, model the resources and water flow in the Although the process of the internal nutrient
development of the periphyton community. concentration during reproduction is biologically
greatly complex, the changing rate is thought to
depend on the reproduction rate (Haney and
2. Model description Jackson, 1996). In the reproduction process of a
cell, some nutrients inside the parent cell are
All processes are given in the appendix to com- assumed to conservatively succeed to new daugh-
pute the thickness of the periphyton mat, light ter cells. Thus
resource, growth, settlement and detachment of
periphyton (Asaeda and Son, 2000). Table 1 lists (IN · C)n, k, i( j) = (INnew · Cnew)n, k, i( j) (3)
the symbols. If the reproduction rate is a function of tempera-
An important concept underpinning algal re- ture, maximum reproduction rate, and resource
source kinetics is the single resource limitation sufficiency (Eq. (4A)), excluding the subscripts
(Hamilton and Schladow, 1997), or the growth of from Eq. (3) yields:
T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75 63

Table 1 Table 1 (Continued)

Glossary of symbols
Symbol Unit Definition
Symbol Unit Definition
UNmax mg cell−1 day−1 Maximum rate of nutrient
B mm3 mm−2 Total biomass uptake
C cell mm−2 Cell density Vi m3 Biovolume of filamentous cell
Cd Drag coefficient Z m Distance from the bottom
DC cell mm−2 Dead cell density Dz m Thickness of k-layer
EN mg l−1 External nutrient pw, pc m−1 Abiotic and biotic attenuation
concentration constant
ENo mg l−1 Upstream nutrient z, za kg m−3 Water, algal specific density
concentration (boundary ~bottom N m−2 Bottom shear stress
condition) ( =zfU 2/H)
f Bottom friction coefficient
Fcr N Threshold strength of the
filament IN · C=INnew · Cnew = INnew(C+DC)
g m s−2 Acceleration due to gravity 6
Gdetach day−1 Detachment rate for =INnew(C+Cq T − 20GdivRDt) (4)
non-filamentous species
Gdiv day Reproduction rate or:
Ggz day−1 Grazing rate
Gmortal day−1 Mortality rate IN
Gres day−1 Respiration rate
INnew = T − 20
1+ q GdivRDt
H m Depth
Ik mE m−2 s−1 Light irradiance at k-layer Thus, the loss rate of the internal nutrient concen-
IN mg cell−1 Internal nutrient tration due to the reproduction is given by
concentration of the cell
INmin mg cell−1 Minimum internal nutrient (IN INnew − IN INq T − 20GdivR
= =− (6)
concentration for (t Dt 1+ q T − 20GdivRDt
Isat mE m−2 s−1 Saturation irradiance for In this study, the reduction of internal nutrient
reproduction concentration due to the respiration process is
K Von Karman constant assumed simply as a function of the respiration
(= 0.4)
Kdiff m2 s−1 Diffusion coefficient
rate, the internal nutrient concentration, and the
KN mg l−1 Half-saturation nutrient temperature as GresINq T-20 (Hamilton and
concentration for the uptake Schladow, 1997).
process Benthic algal communities usually comprise an
Kvis m2 s−1 Viscosity coefficient outer layer of actively growing cells that remove
Kz m s−2 Calibration constant
l m Longitudinal distance
nutrients from the overflowing water and an inner
L cell filament−1 Length of filament layer of older, metabolically inactive cells (Mul-
n,k,i( j ) Day, layer, and filamentous holland, 1996). In the study, however, all cells of
(non-filamentous) species a species in each layer were assumed to have the
index same characteristics in nutrient uptake. The inter-
Ndetach filament day−1 Detachment rate for
nal nutrient concentrations and the maximum up-
filamentous species
NR, IR Nutrient and light resource take rates were selected according to the size of
index algal species (Borchardt et al., 1994).
Q Temperature constant The nutrient uptake rate of a cell is assumed to
SI m2 Surface area of filamentous correlate inversely with the internal nutrient con-
centration, being zero when the cell saturates, and
Snor m−2 Trapping efficiency
T °C Water temperature to positively correlate with the nutrient con-
t day Time centration in the surrounding water by a Michae-
U m s−1 Water velocity lis-Menten-type relationship (Hamilton and
64 T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75

Fig. 1. A schematic diagram shows the main processes inside the periphytic mat. Filled boxes are simulated constituents, rounded
boxes are related processes, hexagon and pentagons are controlling factors, and arrows are influencing directions.

Schladow, 1997). Endogenous requirements for Overflowing water exchanges nutrients continu-
nutrients are the main cause of thresholds for ously with the periphyton mat. The diffusion pro-
growth, and thus the minimum concentration of cess through the top boundary layer of the
internal nutrients is often defined as the concen- periphyton mat, regardless of molecular or turbu-
tration to stop the reproduction. Combining these lent diffusion, controls the supply of nutrients
relations with the losses due to reproduction and markedly (Mulholland et al., 1994). If nutrient
respiration provides the expression for the ex- exchanges from the sediment and other processes
change rate of the internal nutrient concentration: were negligible, the conservation of the external
nutrient concentration in the k-layer is given as:
(INn, k, i( j)
(t (ENk (ENk ( 2ENk
+U =Kdiff
= UNmaxi( j)q T − 20 maxi( j)
−INn, k, i( j) ENk (t (x (z 2
INmaxi( j) −INmini( j) KNi( j) +ENk
10 − 3 T − 20
IN q T − 20Gdivi( j)Rn, k, i( j) + q Gdecomp % DCn, k, i( j)INn, k, i( j)
− n, k, i(Tj)− 20 DV
1+q Gdivi( j)Rn, k, i( j)Dt i( j)

− GresINn, k, i( j)q T − 20 (7) 10 − 3

− % % UNmaxi( j)q T − 20
The nutrient resource index is defined as DV n i( j)

INn, k, i( j) −INmini( j) INmaxi( j) − INn, k, i( j) ENk

NRn, k, i( j) = (8) C (9)
INn, k, i( j) INmaxi( j) − INmini( j) KNi( j) + ENk n, k, i( j)
T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75 65

The ratio of 10 − 3/DV is used to convert the 1 (P ( 2U B 2/3

0= − + Kvis 2 − CdU 2 (11)
uptaken and decomposed nutrient rate (mg day − 1) z (x (z DV
to the exchange rate of the nutrient concentration
where (P/z(x is the longitudinal pressure gradi-
(mg l − 1 day − 1) in the layer. In Eq. (9), the left
terms indicate the unsteadiness and the advective ent and is given by the vertical integration of Eq.
transport of the nutrient concentration, and the (11):
right terms are the diffusion, the decomposition of 1 (P ~bottom B 2/3
detritus, and the loss due to algal uptake. The left = − C dU 2 (12)
z (x z DV
hand side and the first term on the right hand side
are well-defined for mass transport in fluid me- The last term in Eq. (11) represents the resistance
chanics and the remaining terms are sources and due to the periphyton mat, and is similar to the
sinks inside the layer. equation used for a terrestrial plant canopy
Although excluding nutrients released from the (Kondo and Watanabe, 1992).
substrate, the model considers nutrient cycling Inside the viscous sublayer, the kinetic viscosity
through dead cells (detritus). This assumption is of water and the linear velocity distribution were
satisfactory for most laboratory experiments on used. Outside the viscous layer, turbulent viscosity
periphyton development, where the substrate is and diffusivity were calculated from the velocity

) )  
usually made from ceramic, plastic, and clay tiles profile and the mixing length, lm, as:
and no nutrients are released from bottom. Fur- (U z 1/2
thermore, nutrient exchanges in nature between Kvis = Kdif = l 2m where lm = Kz 1−
(z H
the sediment and over-flowing water are so com-
plicated that they may be represented by another
independent sub-model (Asaeda and Bon, 1997).
If nutrient flux from the air and from the
3. Numerical procedure
sediment is assumed to be negligible, the

) )
boundary conditions for Eq. (9) are:
A system of differential equations was solved
(EN (EN numerically by coding in FORTRAN90, includ-
=0 =0 (10)
(z surface (z bottom ing 23 subroutines of  2300 command lines.
Provided that the amount of a nutrient is con- Additional graphic subroutines authorized by Mi-
served in the water column regardless of its forms crosoft corporation permitted the main program
and that the main processes in the nutrient ex- to simultaneously show the results. The model
change occur as in Fig. 1, Eqs. (1), (7) – (10) are was also programmed with highly flexible running
repeatedly applied for all concerned nutrients. In options. For accuracy, the fourth-order Runge-
this study, these equations were used to evaluate Kutta method was initially used to solve a system
temporal variations of phosphorous and nitrogen of the first-order differential equations. To in-
concentrations. More detailed processes in the crease the computational stability of the diffusion
cycling of the specific nutrient can be coupled to process and to save computation time, an implicit
the governing Eqs. (7) and (9). scheme was finally used for the external nutrient
concentrations and vertical profile of velocity. A
2.3. Flow dynamics Thomas algorithm was used to solve a tri-diago-
nal matrix (Fletcher, 1991), while an explicit
The algal mat lies from the viscous sublayer scheme was used to integrate all the remaining
through the overlying outer boundary layer, and variables. The stability condition of the vertical
thus, the local Reynolds number varies widely. If diffusion, Dt BDz 2/4Kdiff, was satisfied (Vreug-
a steady and longitudinally homogeneous current denhil, 1994). Thus, a few seconds of the time step
is assumed, the friction at the bottom and the was used in our model, while several hours of
drag force on the periphyton mat balances with time step was used in previous models (EPA,
the longitudinal pressure gradient as: 1985). To deal with high biomass environments a
66 T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75

small time step is a prerequisite condition to reduce

where EN0 is the boundary condition for nutrients
errors caused by numerical integration. If a large
and l is the length of a stream. In this aspect,
time step was chosen, for instance, a dense periph-
considering one more dimension (e.g. longitudinal)
yton in a thin layer would exhaust the whole
certainly provides results closer to reality than this
nutrient even within a period less than the time step.
The velocity was calculated upwards immedi-
ately from the viscous sublayer, while the interpo-
lation of linear velocity distribution was adopted
4. Verification and discussion
inside the boundary layer. The water depth was
divided into a number of layers, their thickness
In the verification, the major nutrients of concern
gradually increasing from the bottom to the water
were nitrogen, and phosphorous because they are
surface. A resolution of one-third of the sublayer
essential for aquatic organism. Other nutrients,
thickness was always applied to the bottom layer.
such as carbon and silicon, were assumed to be
The vertical resolution of the overlying mesh was
sufficient for periphyton growth. Boundary values
strongly related to the hydraulic conditions. In each
of the phosphorous and nitrogen concentrations
layer, the relationships of the periphyton biomass,
(e.g. EN0 in Eq. (9)) were tentatively assigned at 2
internal and external nutrient concentrations, irra-
and 15 mg l − 1, respectively. The water depth,
diation, and the hydraulic regime of the overflow-
depth-average water velocity, and the light intensity
ing water were established.
at the water surface were assumed to be constant
Although this study is one dimension (vertical),
as 6 cm, 20 cm s − 1, and 150 mE m − 2 s − 1,
the advective transport of nutrients can not be
respectively. Table 2 lists the biological parameters
neglected because nutrients in a water column are
of filamentous and non-filamentous species. The
limited compared with the requirements of the
resource index for periphyton species was calcu-
periphyton community. If the position of a consid-
lated from Eqs. (1), (8) and (3A).
ered area is in the middle of a stream and the
nutrient gradient is linear along the stream, the
4.1. Constant external nutrient concentration
contribution of nutrients from a convection, the
second term of Eq. (9), is numerically represented
The first verification was made under constant
external nutrient concentrations or, in other words,
EN0 −ENk an infinite diffusion coefficient. The verification
U ,
0.5l consisted of three cases: (a) the conditions

Table 2
Biological parameters used in the model (nutrient-related parameters are for either phosphorus or nitrogen)

Symbol Unit Filamentous i-species Non-filamentous j-species

Gdecomp day−1 0.02 0.02

Ggz day−1 0 0
Gres day−1 0.1 0.1
INmin mgP cell−1 10×10−7 0.6×10−7
mgN cell−1 200×10−7 4.2×10−7
INmax mgP cell−1 70×10−7 4.2×10−7
mgN cell−1 1400×10−7 29.4×10−7
Isat mE m−2 s−1 200 200
KN mgP l−1 10.0 2.0
mgN l−1 30.0 4.0
UNmax mgP cell−1 day−1 1×10−5 0.05×10−5
mgN cell−1 day−1 14×10−5 0.35×10−5
T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75 67

Fig. 2. Cell density of filamentous (solid lines) and non-filamentous (dashed lines) species in three cases: a, b, and c (refer to the text).

Fig. 3. Temporal variation of the internal phosphorous concentration of filamentous (solid lines) and non-filamentous (dashed lines)
cell in the bottom layer in three cases: a, b, and c (refer to the text).

were as described in Table 2; (b) the minimum filaments were considerably long, consisting of
and the maximum internal nutrient concentra- many cells, their detachment markedly affected
tions of case (a) were reduced by 50%; and (c) the the total density of the community.
nutrient uptake rates of all species of case (a) were The decrease in the maximum and minimum
reduced by 50%. The time step of 60 s was used. internal nutrient concentrations by 50% slightly
Fig. 2 shows the cell density of filamentous and shifted the peak values of both filamentous and
non-filamentous species in three cases. In case (a), non-filamentous biomass to the earlier days (16
the peak biomass of filamentous and non-filamen- and 14), because the decrease in the maximum
tous species was 8000 and 20 000 cell mm − 2 on and minimum nutrient concentration conse-
days 19 and 17, respectively (Fig. 2, case (a)). At quently increases the uptake rate in Eq. (7) and
the peak biomass, however, the non-filamentous eventually the growth rate (Fig. 2, case (b)). Thus,
community was dislodged and its density gradu- the periphyton community becomes more vulner-
ally decreased, while the filamentous community able to the drags and resource depletion.
notably fluctuated because remaining filaments With decreasing uptake rates, the biomass of
detached intermittently. As these detached non-filamentous species in case (c) did not in-
68 T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75

crease as fast as cases (a – b). Consequently, sented for a non-filamentous species, whereas for
filamentous and non-filamentous biomass started a filamentous species, the value of an individual
being dislodged later: on day 27 and day 16 (Fig. filament is used. Reducing concentration to zero
2, case (c)). Especially, the extended high biomass shows the detachment of concerned filament.
period of non-filamentous species delayed the in- Notably, the internal nutrient concentration
tensive growth of filamentous species by nearly 10 was reduced markedly for both filamentous and
days. non-filamentous species within the first few days
Fig. 3 shows the variation of the internal phos- after settling, because of the lower ambient nutri-
phorous concentration, as an example of the in- ent condition than the cell experienced before. As
ternal nutrients concentration, where both the uptake rate depends on the ambient nutrient
phosphorous and nitrogen had similar trends. The concentration, if a cell settles on a nutrient-poor
value of a cohort settled at the beginning is repre- substratum, the internal nutrient concentration
decreases rapidly. After that, a markedly stable
level of the internal nutrient concentration lasts
for both species (Fig. 3). As the external nutrient
remains constant regardless of the biomass, the
uptake rate of an individual cell balances with the
loss due to reproduction and respiration once the
internal nutrient concentration level satisfies this
condition until the limiting factor changes to the
irradiance. The markedly stable level of the inter-
nal nutrient concentration lasts for  15, 10, and
22 days in cases (a–c), respectively (Fig. 3). The
internal nutrient concentration increased slightly
before the filament detachment.
Fig. 4 shows the temporal variation of resource
indices of phosphorous nitrogen and light, in
these cases. Generally, when a species switches
from being nutrient-limited to light-limited, the
nutrient resource indices increase. In due course,
an increasing biomass consequently decreases the
light index (Eq. (3A)), growth rate (Eq. (4A)), and
the reproduction loss (Eq. (5)), and finally in-
creases the internal nutrient concentration (Eq.
(6)). Thus, immediately after the light condition is
limiting and further worsens with increasing
filamentous algal biomass, the internal nutrient
concentration recovers.
Fig. 4 also shows that filaments detach earliest
in case (b) and latest in case (c). A higher resource
index of a single cell implies a healthier filament
and, thus, the filament is more difficult to be
detached. The result indicates, however, that
filaments with a higher resource index were de-
Fig. 4. Temporal variation of the phosphorous (solid lines), tached sooner. The drag force increases exponen-
nitrogen (dashed lines), and light (dotted lines) resource index
of filamentous (left) and non-filamentous (right) cell in three
tially with an increase in resource index, while the
cases: a, b, and c (refer to the text). Arrows indicate detach- tension strength of a cell increases only linearly
ment of filaments. with an increase in resource index. The biomass
T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75 69

required in the computation without a diffusion

process. In this verification, the time for the 30-day
simulation was  2 h using PC 586/550 MHz.
The results indicate that the non-filamentous
biomass transitions of the two cases have a similar
pattern, differing only by  10% (Fig. 5). Although
the transport is extremely hampered inside the
viscous sublayer, nearly a sufficient amount of
nutrients is supplied for periphyton growth at a
diffusion coefficient of 5× 10 − 9 m2 s − 1.
However, a temporal variation of the internal
Fig. 5. Cell density of filamentous (solid lines) and non- nutrient concentration distinguished cases (d–e)
filamentous (dashed lines) species in two cases: d and e (refer
(Fig. 6). With Kdiff = 5×10 − 9 m2 s − 1 (Fig. 6, case
to the text).
(e)), the nutrient flux is not sufficient to rapidly
increase the filamentous algal biomass from day 12,
thus showing a reduction in the internal nutrient
concentration. A similarity between Fig. 3(case (a))
and Fig. 6(case (d)) implies that at a diffusion
coefficient of 1×10 − 6 m2 s − 1, the rate of nutrient
flux is sufficient for each cell regardless of the
community density.
Fig. 7 shows marked differences in the nutrient
resource indices at different diffusion coefficients in

Fig. 6. Temporal variation of the internal phosphorous con-

centration of filamentous (solid lines) and non-filamentous
(dashed lines) cell in the bottom layer in two cases: d and e
(refer to the text).

fluctuation of a filamentous community causes

fluctuations in the light resource index of both
species (Fig. 4, cases (a – b)). A comparison of Figs.
2 and 4 implies an exact inverse correlation between
the filamentous algal biomass and the light resource

4.2. Varied external nutrient concentration

The second verification was made with two

values of the diffusion coefficient inside the viscous
sublayer: (d) 1×10 − 6 m2 s − 1, which was in the
same order with the molecular viscosity; and (e)
5× 10 − 9 m2 s − 1, which is comparable with the
molecular diffusion coefficient for oxygen of 2×
Fig. 7. Temporal variation of the phosphorous (solid lines),
10 − 9 m2 s − 1 (Sand-Jensen and Revsbech, 1987).
nitrogen (dashed lines), and light (dotted lines) resource index
Eq. (13) was used to calculate the diffusion coeffi- of filamentous (left) and non-filamentous (right) cell in two
cient outside the viscous sublayer. The time step cases: d and e (refer to the text). Arrows indicate detachment
was 5 s, which was much smaller than the value of filaments.
70 T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75

5. Application

Observations made at a stream facility at the

University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA
(Peterson and Stevenson, 1990, 1992) were used to
validate the model. To provide a water velocity of
0.29 and 0.12 m s − 1, water depths of 2.5 and 6.0
cm, respectively, were used. Despite fluctuations
were expected in the experiments, phosphorous
and nitrogen concentrations were kept constant at
the entrance of the channels throughout the
Fig. 8. Vetical profile of velocity on day 5 (d5), day 15 (d15),
and day 25 (d25).
simulation at 2.0 and 15.0 mg l − 1, respectively, and
the water temperature was 17.8°C.
Fig. 9 shows the simulated results on cell
the viscous sublayer. The phosphorous resource
densities of these current regimes compared with
index of filamentous species was stable at  0.5
observations. Generally, a community subject to a
with Kdiff = 1×10 − 6 m2 s − 1, exactly the same
high flow rate experienced a markedly smaller
as with the infinite diffusion coefficient, while it
increasing rate and a lower peak biomass than a
gradually decreased to 0.4 on day 18 with
Kdiff = 5×10 − 9 m2 s − 1. This difference, how- community subject to a low flow rate. In the slow
ever, did not affect much the biomass (Fig. 5). current regime, the peak biomass of A.
The similarity between cases (a) and (d) in the minutissima was 9500 cell mm − 2 on day 6 and
biomass (Figs. 2 and 5), the internal nutrient again occurred on day 14 with a higher value of
(Figs. 3 and 6), and the resource indices (Figs. 4 12 000 cell mm − 2, while in the fast current regime,
and 7) indicates that the diffusion coefficient of it was only 3200 cell mm − 2 on both days 15 and
1× 10 − 6 m2 s − 1 is still high enough to support 30 due to the lower initial density and the higher
the dense community. As the nutrient require- net emigration rate.
ment of filamentous species was higher than The Spirogyra spp. biomass started dislodging
non-filamentous species (Table 1), the nutrient on day 25 with its high biomass of  15 000 cell
resource index of filamentous species was always mm − 2 and fluctuated in the last 10 days of the
smaller in both cases than non-filamentous spe- experiment in the slow current regime, while in the
cies. fast current regime the dislodgment was delayed
Fig. 8 shows the vertical velocity distributions until day 30 with 4000 cell mm − 2. The lower
on days 5, 15, and 25. The periphyton commu- biomass of Spirogira spp. in the fast current
nity built on short turfs of filaments markedly regime was mainly because of the lower
modifies the vertical profile of velocity such that immigration rate than in the slow current regime.
it de-creased near the bottom, but compensated Due to the low biomass, the time of dislodgment
for this by increasing above the middle of the was delayed 5 days in the fast current regime.
depth on day 15. With further increasing Fig. 10 shows the variations in the resource
biomass as much as to form a mat on the sur- index of three species at the bottom. Having a high
face (on day 25), however, the surface velocity light saturation level, Spirogyra growth was
decreases and the depth of the maximum value always subject to the light limitation of both
reduces until at about two-thirds of the total current systems. Although slightly higher in the
velocity (38 mm). The final velocity profile fast current due to the lower biomass density, the
agrees generally with the experimental observa- light resource index of Spirogyra was maintained
tion that most of the water flow occurs in the at  0.2 until its biomass increased and shaded
middle of the floating mat of zygnematalean and itself. In the later stage of the experiment, how-
the bottom (Peterson and Stevenson, 1990). ever, all species suffered from light limitation near
T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75 71

the bottom, which was again more serious in the 0.5 –0.8 and 0.6 –0.8, respectively, in both current
slow current regime. regimes.
From the initial values, the nutrient indices of After reaching the water surface, Spirogyra
algae tended to decrease because of the high algal filaments started to extend along the stream. An
consumption of nutrients under sufficient irradia- increase in density of filaments near the surface
tion. After Spirogyra arrived at the water surface, reduced markedly the external nutrients in both
the high floating biomass interrupted the penetra- current regimes (Fig. 11). In the surface layers,
tion of solar irradiation into the water column, phosphorous and nitrogen concentrations were
and thus the nutrient concentration gradually re- reduced from the initial values to 1.2 and 2.0 mg
covered at the bottom layers. As a result, in the l − 1 in the slow current on day 24 and to 1.8 and
final stage of growth, nutrient resources were
10.0 mg l − 1 in the fast current on day 28. With a
nearly satisfactory for all species shifted from
high Spirogyra biomass in the final stage, the
having nutrient-limitation to light-limitation. In
nutrient concentrations in the water fluctuated
both flows, the light resource index of all species
with the frequent detachment of algal community.
temporarily fluctuated because of the dislodge-
At the bottom, the external nutrient concentra-
ment of Spirogyra at the later stage of the
experiments. tion decreased with the increasing biomass until
Because Spirogyra has a high nutrient require- 0.5 mg l − 1 in phosphorous and 1.5 mg l − 1 in
ment, its internal nutrient concentration varied nitrogen on day 15 in the slow current and only
largely according to the ambient concentration until 1.0 and 3.5 mg l − 1 on day 30 in the fast
compared with that in diatom cells, especially in current. In the slow current regime, however,
the slow current. For A. minutissima and Synedra nutrients at the bottom quickly recovered after
spp., however, the ambient nutrient concentra- the floating filamentous mat formed on day 15,
tions were relatively sufficient and thus the nutri- because the growth rate and the nutrient uptakes
ent resource indices of these species were stable at of diatom species declined.

Fig. 9. Comparison of cell density between computed (lines) and observed (symbols) results in the slow flow (left) and fast flow
(right) regime. SP, Spirogyra; AM, Achnanthes minutissima; SYN, Synedra spp.; Dead, Dead Achnanthes minutissima.
72 T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75

Fig. 10. Resource indices of three algal species at the bottom layer in the slow flow (left) and fast flow (right) regime: P, Phophorous;
N, Nitrogen; L, Light.

The benthic algal biomass temporally varied words, A. minutissima appeared to have adapted
with successive rate, autogenic dislodgment, and to exploit relatively low levels of dissolved nutri-
disturbance of the surrounding environment. Both ents. This agreed with the findings of Pringle
physiological and morphological characteristics (1990).
determine the competitiveness of algal species in A Spirogyra recession occurring at the end of
the benthic mat. Competitive dominants under both currents was reproduced fairly well by this
favorable environmental conditions are species study, implying that light availability to cells in
that have the highest intrinsic increasing rates to the lower layers of periphyton matrices regulated
allow them to proliferate over other taxa. Despite biomass accumulation by affecting the strength of
prominent differences in the nutrient concentra- attachment of the bottom cells to the substratum
tion between the bottom layer and the overlying (Boston and Hill 1991; Peterson, 1996). Several
water and between the fast and slow currents, pieces of evidence suggest that Spirogyra is not
nutrient resource index of the diatom, A. minutis- capable of tolerating prolonged exposure to ex-
sima and Synedra, was relatively stable. In other tremely low or no light (Graham et al. 1995).
T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75 73

Fluctuations of diatom biomass and A. minutis- sponses of resource-limited environments, erosion

sima dead cells coincided with the Spirogyra re- of the viscous sublayer due to the existence of the
cession due to the secondary detachment of biomass, etc. this model should be applied with
non-filamentous cells inhabiting the interstices of some cautions. In the model of this study,
the filamentous mat. Also, it shows that, a consid- biomass loss due to grazing was simply treated as
erable number of dead cells were settled from the a constant rate though it should be varied with
overlying water and were trapped on top of the herbivorous species and density. The fact is worth
benthic mat and then detached with filaments. emphasizing that taxonomic and physiognomic
structures of periphyton community species are
markedly affected by the presence of invertebrates
6. Concluding remarks (Mulholland et al., 1994). All these factors being
taken for granted, however, the model is consider-
This study numerically indicated the impor- ably useful to study the response of a periphyton
tance of the diffusion process in nutrient exchange community to a particular environmental factor.
between the periphyton community and overflow- Finally, to deal with the diffusion process of a
ing water. The model showed reasonable behavior high biomass concentration, a time step of min-
of periphyton communities, such as light reduc- utes or even smaller should be used.
tion in the periphyton mat, variation of the inter-
nal nutrient concentration, and the transition
process of a vertical velocity profile. Acknowledgements
As several effects were minimized in this study,
such as the respiration effect on the cell cytoplasm The study was made while the second author,
volume, nutrient releases from the sediment, or Duong Hong Son, was receiving a scholarship
biological acclimation of the benthic algae to re- from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture

Fig. 11. Temporal variation of nutrient concentration in the slow flow (left) and fast flow (right) regime.
74 T. Asaeda, D. Hong Son / Ecological Modelling 137 (2001) 61–75

and Sports. This study was financially supported Detachment condition for the bottom-attached
by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, filaments:

) )
and Sports, Foundation of River and Watershed
Management, and the Maeda Engineering Foun- Nn, k, i Dt − 1
dation. These supports are gratefully acknowl- Ndetach = if: zCdU 2Si Ln, i
edged. We also acknowledge V.T. Ca for his
valuable comments on the flow dynamics part of
the study. ] RFcr1
B RFcr1

Appendix A
Detachment condition for the laterally attached

The following formulae are used in the model.
Incline angle of filaments, h:
Buoyancy (z −za )gVi KzV 1/3
tan h :
= = where
Ndetach = Nn, k, i Dt
Drag zCdU 2V 2/3
i U2 if: zCdU 2Si Ln, i
(z −za )g
Kz = (1A)
zCd B
] F
DV cr2
where: Periphyton settlement:
k−1 B F
DV cr2
n, k, i( j ) = max 0, Cn, 0, i( j ) − % C n, kk, i( j )
C initial initial

kk = 1

S Dz
n (2A)
Detachment rate non-filamentous community:
DVk nor
The light attenuation constant and light resource Gdetachj = G0 where
F0 + Fdetach
zCdU 2Sj
Bk Fdetach = (8A)
pk = pw +pc and B/DV

IRn, k, i( j ) =
exp 1 −
Ik  (3A)
Isati( j ) Isati( j )
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