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Chapter 1 – Death of a hockey player

Boom Boom was a ice hockey player. His real name was Bernard. He shattered his left ankle,
because of it, a medical opinion for him was that he couldn’t play hockey anymore. He
accepted this opinion and started to word at Euroda Grain Company. He mysteriously died
when a ship us tied up at a wharf. On his funeral, his cousin, Vic, met a friend of him called
Bobby. Bobby drove her to aunt Hellen’s house. There, Vic discovered that people was saying
theta Boom Boom had stolen some papers from his boss. Vic met Page and got a ride with her.
They agreed to met at Boom Boom’s house at two, but Page arrived first. While Vic was
investigating his house, Page was sat at Boom Boom’s desk. She said she was looking for some
personal letters. Paige said Boom Boom was happy to had met her and he hadn’t talked about
any trouble at the company he had worked or about any message he had left to Vic.

Chapter 2 – The waterfront

Vic drove to Eudora Grain’s regional office. When she arrived there, she met Clayton Phillips,
Eudora’s vie-president. She disliked him. Vic asked him where exactly her cousin was before his
dead. He said that Boom Boom probably slipped and felt in. Vic asked where the ship that was
there when his cousin died? Clayton said it was a propriety of Grafalk Steamship. She showed
to Clayton her private investigator licence… Clayton’s face turned red and immediately he said
he was going to introduce her to the right person. The crane and a couple of trucks had been
chewed up by the ship which had broken off large pieces of the concrete wharf. The driver of
the crane was trapped in a heap of metal, and the police ran to help. Niels Grafalk was the
owner of that heap of metal. Vic and her new friend went to a restaurant… the waiter asked
them to join a table and there, they were introduced to some men who were sat there. They
talked about ships. Vic asked them a lot of question. Grafalk and Bledsoe didn’t get on each

Chapter 3 – Watchman, tell us of the night

Mike Sheridan drove Vic across The port to the Lucella. Why did Grafalk's remark about
Bledsoe's school upset him so much? So, Mike said that Grafalk thought that if someone
started to work in his company, the person should worked there forever. Vic asked Captain
Bemis if he had seen Boom Boom’s fall. He said he hadn’t. Vic went to Boom Boom’s
apartment, then she found there a died man, he was the watchman. She talked with the police.
Then, Vic went to met Paige. They talked about how many time had Paige known his cousin.

Chapter 4 – Learning the business

Vic went to Eudora Grain, there, she talked to some men. They told her that Phillips and Boom
Boom had had a terrible argument that morning about some papers. Vic talked with a
secretary, called Janet. She asked her about Boom Boom’s work. Janet said that Mr Phillips was
training Boom Boom to take over one of the regional offices. Janet said that Boom Boom
wanted things as fast as Mr. Phillips could get. Vic asked the secretary to give her some
contracts because she wanted to analyze. Vic looked at Boom Boom’s desk diary and found
some dates circled. Vic phoned Murray Ryerson, a crime reporter and asked him some
information about Paige. Vic found on papers information about some cancelled shipments.
Thirteen shipments on those dates had gone to Grafalk. Pole Star had lost seven shipments to
Grafalk, but had got two shipments in August.

Chapter 5 - Grounded

Vic called Bobby Mallory and asked about the murder at Boom Boom’a apartament. Vic drove
to Lucena. There, she stood at the deck she wasn’t noticed by anyone, except by Martin
Bledsoe and Captain Bemis. Vic asked Bledson about the contracts and he said it was ordinary
some contracts be cancelled. Vic had an accident, so, after that, she went to the hospital. The
nurse tell her to stay calm, but her head was aching and she felt nervous. So, Vic asked the
nurse a phone. The nurse said she was going to ask doctor if Vic would made phone calls.
Doctor gave her a phone, but when she called, Lucena was already sailed.

Chapter 6 – Drink with Grafalk

Lieutenant Bobby Mallory visited Vic at hospital. He said her that someone had cut the steering
cable and emptied all the brake fluid. Murray came to visit Vic and told her that Paige had a
poor family and she was running after Boom Boom, because hadn’t been interested on her.
Another man came to see her, Pierry Bouchard. He said Boom Boom had left a letter asking him
about Howard. Vic drove to Phillip’s house and met Ms. Phillips. Vic pretend she was a person
who was going to interview Ms. Phillips. Vic discovered that Clayton hadn’t came home until
after 9 o’ clock. She met Grafalt. They drunk some sherry and he said Bledson had a terrible
backgound. Bledson stole money from the office where he used to work. Granfalk wasn’t
confidant about where Bledson’s money came from. So, he invited Vic to got out.

Chapter 7 – Stoaway

Vic booked a flight to went to see Lucella. She went to the deck and Mike Sheridan,
the chief engineer, recognized her. Vic said that she knew about Bledson’s past.

Chapter 8 – Deadlock
The ship exploded. Vic went back to Mattingly.

Chapter 9 – Dance for a dead hockey player

Janet found Phillip’s salary. Niel Grafalk gave the party. Vic went to Phillip’s office. The didn’t
found the invoices. She drove to the Windy City Ballet and met Paige and asked her who had
taken her to the party where she met Boom Boom.
Vic found pieces of paper behind her photo, it was an invoice and another one was a
handwriting of the dates when the Pole Star lost contracts do Granfalk.

Chapter 10 – Unloading

Phillip was covered with coal. Martin Bledsoe said that Cappy send someone to travel in his
Niels Granfalk threatened to tell the police that Martin had been in prison, so Martin had to do
favors to Niels, putting the prices of the invoices down.

Chapter 11 – A house of mourning

The footprint that Vic found in Boom Boom’s place was the same of the boot Mattingly was
wearing, Vic said to Murray.
Vic went to Jeannine’s house and Paige was there.
Jeannine said she want to have a big house and a good life.

Chapter 12 – A question of money

Vic asked Ferrant to see Grafalk’s profit was. They discovered that Grafalk was not having profit
and he was getting money from the railway and the computer company.
She took the phone and the woman said that the building was owned by Niels.

Chapter 13 – The fire ship

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