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Leger 1

Classroom Management Behavior Plan

I believe that students learn best in a safe and positive learning environment.

Students are more receptive and open to learning when they feel safe and supported. In

addition, they will not only learn the material but will learn how to become a good person

and grow into life long learners. I believe that teachers are an integral part in establishing

and maintaining this positive learning environment. Teachers can do this by supporting

their students in the learning process; encourage them to try their best and not be afraid to

make mistakes and learn from their failures. Teachers should assist and facilitate student

learning and foster a love for learning. Teachers should be a good role model and can do

this by following and staying true to their core beliefs and values.

Core Beliefs and Values

My values and beliefs based around classroom management are simple, yet so

important. I will strive to treat my students with dignity and respect; treat them as equals

regardless of their gender, age, color of skin, religion, culture, and learning capacity. I

plan to give them the benefit of the doubt and always try to understand why they acted

out, listen to them before simply giving out punishments. I plan to start each day fresh

and give each student a clean slate. I will also try my best to remain neutral with my

students and refrain from labeling them as “good” or “bad”. I vow to encourage and

motivate all students equally and to constantly work on my patience to show how much I

care. I intend to follow these core beliefs while working towards creating my own rules,

consequences and rewards for the classroom.

Leger 2

Praise and Feedback

An important aspect in every classroom is the praise and feedback given to

students. Wiggins provides seven keys to providing effective feedback that I believe

should be referred to in the classroom (Wiggins, 2012). Feedback should be goal-

referenced, ongoing and consistent. Students should constantly receive feedback

throughout the day and learning process that is consistent and guiding them towards

reaching their goal. Feedback should also be tangible and user-friendly. Although I will

be in the secondary classrooms I should still ensure that my feedback is user-friendly,

that my students understand my points of constructive criticism. While giving feedback it

is equally important to give praise, and to encourage students to continue trying their


Setting Expectations

An important step in addressing classroom management is the setting of expectations

and creating classroom norms. This will be done at the beginning of the year and should

be done with everyone in the classroom. Marzano provides the suggestion of writing a

class pledge or promise, which unites the class and helps create a shared sense of

responsibility among the students (Marzano, 2005). I would take this idea one step

further. After an initial introduction and discussion identifying expected behaviors and

procedures, I would ask students to partake and contribute to writing the pledge. I believe

that the students would take this pledge more seriously if they were involved in creating

it. I will make the class pledge visible to all students throughout the year and let it serve
Leger 3

as a reminder of their promise to myself, each other and to themselves of how they

should act.

Rules and Routines

General Classroom Rules and Procedures

Rules and routines are a crucial part of the classroom management plan as they

help maintain the positive and safe learning environment by creating a predictable

classroom for your students. It is important to create clear and concise rules for your

students to follow.

These are five rules I intend on using in my classroom:

1. Arrive on time

2. Come prepared

3. Try your best

4. Ask questions

5. Don’t give up!

Interruptions and Transitions

Marzano presents six areas to consider for classroom rules and procedures, one of

them being interruptions and transitions. In a secondary classroom, there are countless

interruptions during your lesson plan and numerous transition times between activities

and classes. One specific interruption is going to the bathroom. I plan to begin the year by

stating that my students have the freedom to use the bathroom whenever they need it
Leger 4

whether I am in the middle of instruction or students are working in groups. I will create

a marker type object that students can grab as they are leaving the classroom to indicate

that they are leaving for the washroom. This object will serve as a reminder to me of their

whereabouts, especially in an emergency. However, if they take advantage of this

freedom, I will implement set bathroom breaks.


I believe it is incredibly important to create a prevention section of your

classroom management behavioral plan. By establishing a safe and positive learning

environment students will feel free and empowered to learn, and by creating clear and

simple rules and procedures students will feel even more comfortable in the predictable

classroom setting. However, things come up that you can’t plan for; therefore it is crucial

to discuss consequences and problem-solving strategies.


Where appropriate, I believe consequences should be used in the classroom as

opposed to punishments as consequences are meant to be constructive. Consequences are

used to increase student motivation, preserve dignity, increase student responsibility and

improve student decision-making. I believe consequences should be developed and

discussed as a class; therefore, I am hesitant to establish specific consequences prior to a

class discussion. However, there are certain procedures that I think are especially

important to bring up during this class discussion. These procedures include: warning
Leger 5

slips, which may result in a phone call home or a trip to the office, and a pink slip for

homework. I look forward to engaging students in a productive discussion.

Problem Solving Strategies

Kohn provides ten steps worth considering when working through problems that may

arise in the classroom. I believe these steps are essential for my classroom management

plan therefore they are listed below.

 Build a relationship with your students

 Provide assistance in the development of coping skills

 Diagnose what happened and why

 Reflect on your personal behavior

 Maximize student involvement

 Request student to reflect on their own motives and behavior

 Encourage students to make restitution and reparations

 Check back with the student

 Remain flexible

 Minimize the punitive impact

Although I believe that these steps are equally crucial in problem solving

strategies, I recognize that my focus will change as I enter the classroom and work with

individual students.
Leger 6


I believe that students learn best in a safe and positive learning environment. I believe

the process of developing and maintaining a positive learning environment in the

classroom involves a duel effort from the students and teacher. As a teacher, I will do my

part by implementing this classroom management plan. My classroom management plan

will include a preventative and disciplinary aspect where both of which will be centered

on creating an open dialogue with students.

Leger 7


Kohn, A. (1996). Beyond Discipline: from Compliance to Community.

Marzano, R J. (2005). A handbook for classroom management that works. Alexandria,

VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Retrieved from


Wiggins G. (2012). 7 Keys to effective feedback. Educational Leadership

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