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Fetal development: The first trimester

Fetal development begins soon after conception. Find out how your baby grows and
develops during the first trimester.

Fetal development typically follows a predictable course. Find out what happens during
your baby's first three months in the womb by checking out this weekly calendar of

Weeks 1 and 2: Getting ready

It may seem strange, but you're not actually pregnant the first week or two of the
time allotted to your pregnancy. Yes, you read that correctly!
Conception typically occurs about two weeks after your period begins. To calculate your
due date, your health care provider will count ahead 40 weeks from the start of your last
period. This means your period is counted as part of your pregnancy — even though you
weren't pregnant at the time.

Week 3: Fertilization

The sperm and egg unite in one of your fallopian tubes to form a one-celled entity called
a zygote. If more than one egg is released and fertilized, you may have multiple zygotes.

The zygote has 46 chromosomes — 23 from you and 23 from your partner. These
chromosomes will help determine your baby's sex, traits such as eye and hair color, and,
to some extent, personality and intelligence.

Soon after fertilization, the zygote travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. At
the same time, it will begin dividing rapidly to form a cluster of cells resembling a tiny
raspberry. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group of cells will
become the membranes that nourish and protect it.

Week 4: Implantation

When the zygote — now known as a blastocyst — reaches your uterus, it will burrow
into the uterine wall for nourishment. The placenta, which will nourish your baby
throughout the pregnancy, also begins to form.

By the end of this week, you may be celebrating a positive pregnancy test.

Week 5: The embryonic period begins


Fetal development three weeks after conception

The fifth week of pregnancy, or the third week after conception, marks the beginning of
the embryonic period. This is when the baby's brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs
begin to form.

The embryo is now made of three layers. The top layer — the ectoderm — will give rise
to your baby's outermost layer of skin, central and peripheral nervous systems, eyes,
inner ear, and many connective tissues.

Your baby's heart and a primitive circulatory system will form in the middle layer of cells
— the mesoderm. This layer of cells will also serve as the foundation for your baby's
bones, muscles, kidneys and much of the reproductive system.
The inner layer of cells — the endoderm — will become a simple tube lined with mucous
membranes. Your baby's lungs, intestines and bladder will develop here.

By the end of this week, your baby is likely between 1/16 and 1/8 inch (1.5 to 3
millimeters) long — about the size of the tip of a pen.

Week 6: The neural tube closes


Fetal development four weeks after conception

Growth is rapid this week. Just four weeks after conception, the neural tube along your
baby's back is closing and your baby's heart is pumping blood.

Basic facial features will begin to appear, including passageways that will make up the
inner ear and arches that will contribute to the jaw. Your baby's body begins to take on a
c-shaped curvature. Small buds will soon become arms and legs.

By the end of this week, your baby may be 1/6 to 1/4 inch (4 to 6 millimeters) long.

• The arms and legs

continue to develop - These limbs are stretching out more and more. Later on
you will be feeling those feet and elbows up close and personal right in your

• Brain is growing well - Did you know that over the course of the remaining
months that your will develop over 100 billion neurons? This is just the
baby's brain

• Lenses of the eyes appear - If you could catch a glimpse inside, you would
notice your baby's appearance becoming increasing like a newborn's.
• Nostrils are formed - The position of the nose seems to shift into its proper place
as well. Soon, the nerves running from the nose to the brain appear.
• Intestines grow - Initially these are actually located outside the baby's body
within the umbilical cord.
• - Your baby is now equipped to deal with digestive enzymes and take on

processing the insulin and glucagons the body needs to function.

Week 7: Baby's head develops


Fetal development five weeks after conception

Seven weeks into your pregnancy, or five weeks after conception, your baby's brain and
face are rapidly developing. Tiny nostrils become visible, and the eye lenses begin to
form. The arm buds that sprouted last week now take on the shape of paddles.

By the end of this week your baby may be 1/4 to 1/3 inch (7 to 9 millimeters) long — a
little bigger than the top of a pencil eraser.

• Elbows form - Again, taking a peek inside you could see your baby's fascination
with bending and flexing. Later you will swear you can enlist your child

as the star of the next "Karate Kid" movie!

• Fingers start to develop - These digits often become your baby's first toy!
• Feet start to appear with tiny notches for the toes - It is fascinating that at less
than a half inch, your little guy (or gal) already is leaving "footprints" on your
• Ears eyes and nose start to appear - Although they may resemble an alien life
form, these all "shift" soon enough into a more normal appearance.
• Intestines start to form in the - Did you know that initially the intestines
umbilical cord

are not formed inside your baby's body?

• Teeth begin to develop under the gums - Thankfully, right now you won't be
dealing with teething pain!

Week 8: Movement begins

Eight weeks into your pregnancy, or six weeks after conception, your baby's arms and
legs are growing longer, and fingers have begun to form. The shell-shaped parts of your
baby's ears also are forming, and your baby's eyes and nipples are visible. The upper lip
and nose have formed. The trunk of your baby's body is beginning to straighten.

Your baby may begin to move this week, but you won't be able to feel it yet.

By the end of this week, your baby may be about 1/2 inch (11 to 14 millimeters) long.

• Cartilage and bones begin to form - At the end of this week your will have baby

already completed 1/5th of the journey 'til his birthday!

• The basic structure of the eye is well underway - The position is more
"newborn" like already!
• The tongue begins to develop
• Intestines move out of the umbilical cord into the .abdomen

• Body grows and makes room - Two months along and this little one is growing
inside and out by leaps and bounds!
• The fingers and toes have appeared but are webbed and short
• Baby's length (crown to rump) is 0.61 inch (1.6cm) and weight is 0.04 ounce

Week 9: Baby's toes form


Fetal development seven weeks after conception

In the ninth week of pregnancy, or seven weeks after conception, your baby's arms grow,
develop bones and bend at the elbows. Toes begin to form, and your baby's eyelids and
ears continue developing.

By the end of this week, your baby may be close to 3/4 inch (18 to 22 millimeters) long.

• Baby

has begun movement - While still too small for you to feel, your little one is
wriggling, shifting, and dancing already! Makes you almost wish for a window to
peek in whenever you want!

• Most joints are formed now - and trust that your little one is practicing bending
and flexing.
• Fetus will curve its fingers around an object placed in the palm of its hand -
This is amazing to see! At only nine weeks, if you happen to have an ultrasound,
you may observe your fascinated by everything he or she can lay their fingers

on (mainly other fingers, toes, ears and nose!

• Fingerprints are already evident in the skin
• Average size this week -- length 0.9 inch (2.3cm), weight 0.07 ounce (2gm)

Week 10: Baby's neck begins to develop

Fetal development eight weeks after conception

By the 10th week of pregnancy, or eight weeks after conception, your baby's head has
become more round. The neck begins to develop, and your baby's eyelids begin to close
to protect his or her developing eyes.

Although the genitals are developing, it's still too soon to identify your baby's sex.

• Baby is now called a fetus in "medical terms". You, however, may have chosen
the name "peanut," "angel," "jumping bean" or simply "miracle."
• The most critical part of your development is complete. Now you are

headed into a period of rapid growth.

• While a bit strange to envision, your baby's head is now about half its length -
Soon the rest of the body's growth will catch up but this area is prepared to keep
up with the rapid brain development!
• Eyelids fuse shut and irises begin to develop - Eye color is also determined by
this point.
• Placenta begins to function this week or next - The placenta is the organ
responsible for both the provision of nutrients along with the removal of waste to
keep your growing strong!

• Your baby will be about 1.22 inch long (3.1cm) and weigh 0.14 ounce (4gm)
at the end of this week

Week 11: Baby's genitals develop


Fetal development nine weeks after conception

At the beginning of the 11th week of pregnancy, or the ninth week after conception, your
baby's head still makes up about half of its length. But your baby's body is about to catch
up, growing rapidly in the coming weeks.

Your baby is now officially described as a fetus. This week your baby's eyes are widely
separated, the eyelids fused and the ears low set. Red blood cells are beginning to form in
your baby's liver. By the end of this week, your baby's external genitalia will start
developing into a penis or clitoris and labia majora.
By now your baby may measure about 2 inches (50 millimeters) long from crown to
rump and weigh almost 1/3 ounce (8 grams).

• Nearly all structures and organs are formed and beginning to function.
• Fingers and toes have separated - Take a glimpse at how incredibly precious your

tiny feet are at this point.


• Hair and nails begin to grow

• The genitals begin to take on the proper gender characteristics - It will be just
a few more weeks before your ultrasound can show if you are having a boy or a
girl! Have you been dreaming of pink or blue?
• Amniotic fluid begins to accumulate as the kidneys begin to function - This
fluid, consisting primarily of water, helps provide a cushion for your while

she's nestled within your womb.

• The muscles in the intestinal walls begin to practice contractions that digest
• Your baby is about 1.61 inches (4.1 cm) long and weighs 0.25 ounce (7gm).

Week 12: Baby's fingernails develop

Twelve weeks into your pregnancy, or 10 weeks after conception, your baby is
developing fingernails. Your baby's face now has a human profile.

By now your baby may be nearly 2 1/2 inches (61 millimeters) long from crown to rump
and weigh about 1/2 ounce (14 grams).

• Vocal cords begin to form - While perhaps not quite ready to be introduced to
the nearest opera stage, your will use these immediately following the moment

of birth. Bet you can't wait to hear that first cry!

• Those precious eyes begin to move closer together - Are you wondering if he
will have mommy's crystal green eyes, daddy's laughing brown ones, or maybe
out of the gene pool will emerge grandma's clear blue!
• Ears shift to their normal place on the side of the head
• Intestines move farther in to body
your child's

• His or her liver begins to function - Responsible for cleansing the blood, storing
nutrients, and providing needed chemicals, this is an important event!
• The pancreas begins to produce insulin
• Guess what? Your baby's average size is now at a whopping length: 2.13
inches (5.4cm) and weight: 0.49 ounce (14gm)

Week : 13

• Your is about 2.91 inches (7.4cm) and weighs around 0.81 ounce (23gm) -

This is about the same weight as 4 quarters.

• If you could peek in again you may spot your baby as he begins to practice
inhaling and exhaling movements
• Eyes and ears continue to move and develop
• Baby's neck is getting longer, and the chin no longer is resting on his chest
• Her hands are becoming more functional - Your may find it comforting to

start playing with her fist.

• At this point all nourishment is received from the placenta
• On your next doctor visit you should be able to hear heartbeat with a
Doppler by now - (Don't worry though if you can't, the heartbeat can be
confirmed through U/S). Your baby's heartbeat is much rapider than your own
and may remind you of the race towards that he is running!

Week : 14

• has matured and your baby begins producing hormones which will be
Thyroid gland

used throughout his or her life.

• In boys, the prostate gland develops
• In girls, the ovaries move from the abdomen to the pelvis
• Your little one may have learned to suck his thumb by this point!
• bones are getting harder and stronger by the day!
Your child's

• Your baby's skin is very transparent still

• Lanugo (very fine hair) covers the baby's body and will continue to grow
until 26 weeks gestational age - Generally this will be shed prior to birth. Its
purpose is to help protect baby's while in all that water!

• Your baby is 3.42 inches (8.7cm) long and weighs about 1.52 ounces (43
grams) - approximately the weight of a letter!

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