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Strategies for Language Learning

and for Language Use: Revising

the Theoretical Framework
Department of Educational Studies
University of Oxford
Oxford OX2 6PY
United Kingdom
Email: ernesto.macaro@edstud.ox.ac.uk

Since the late 1970s, there has been widespread research interest in the strategies that learners
use in learning and using second languages. This interest has generated a parallel research
effort in language learner strategy instruction. The body of work to date suggests a possible
relationship between strategy use and second language learning success. It also provides some
evidence that learners can be helped to use strategies more effectively. Several criticisms,
however, have been made of this field of research, particularly pertaining to a lack of theoretical
rigour. This article reviews the problems related to strategy research and proposes a revised
theoretical framework in which strategies are differentiated from skills, processes, and styles.
Rather than offering an all-encompassing definition of a strategy, the article proposes a series
of features essential to describing a strategy. The framework aims to enhance current theory.

THE LAST 25 YEARS OR SO HAVE WITNESSED extent to which these criticisms are justified, fo-
considerable growth in research activity in learner cusing particularly on construct validity. In the
strategies. This research has attempted to explore fourth section, I offer a theoretical framework that
the strategies that learners of a second language seeks to overcome the problems identified in pre-
(L2) deploy either when learning a language or vious sections. In the fifth section, the discussion,
when using a language or both (Cohen, 1998). I summarise the advances the theoretical frame-
A great deal of this research effort owes much to work seeks to promote while proposing ways of
four often-cited books (Naiman, Frohlich, Stern, testing the framework empirically.
& Todesco, 1978/1996; O’Malley & Chamot,
1990; Oxford, 1990; Wenden & Rubin, 1987)
which, taken together, attempted to provide the CLAIMS MADE IN LEARNER STRATEGY
theoretical underpinnings for future research and
demonstrated the direct applicability and appeal The theorising and the practical applications
of learner strategies to classroom practitioners. offered by the four previously mentioned books,
This article is divided into five sections. In the together with the empirical studies that have fol-
first section, I provide a summary of the claims lowed them, have yielded a body of evidence lead-
made by researchers operating in the field of ing scholars to make the following claims:1
learner strategies. In the second section, I bring
together a range of criticisms of learner strategy 1. Strategy use appears to correlate with vari-
research. In the third section, I explore previous ous aspects of language learning success. Some
theoretical frameworks in order to ascertain the studies show correlations between generally high
strategy use and learning success (see Oxford &
Burry-Stock, 1995, for a review) or between gen-
The Modern Language Journal, 90, iii, (2006) erally high strategy use and motivation (Nunan,
0026-7902/06/320–337 $1.50/0 1997; Oxford & Nyikos, 1989). Some studies show

C 2006 The Modern Language Journal
a link between success and a preference for
Ernesto Macaro 321
certain kinds of strategies that mark good lan- by researchers operating in other fields related
guage learners (Naiman et al., 1978/1996). For to cognitive processing (Bialystok, 1981; Bowles
example, Beaton, Gruneberg, and Ellis (1995) & Leow, 2005; Ericsson & Simon, 1987; Leow
found that vocabulary was very effectively retained & Morgan-Short, 2004; Nayak, Hansen, Krueger,
by the use of the keyword strategy. Gu and Johnson & McLaughlin, 1990; Schraw & Moshman,
(1996) found that visual repetition (writing words 1995).
down repeatedly) negatively correlated with vo- 4. Despite some setbacks (O’Malley, 1987;
cabulary size, whereas selective attention and self- Wenden, 1987b), and some reservations
initiation correlated positively. N. J. Anderson (Dörnyei, 1995; Lam & Wong, 2000), learner
(1991), Block (1986), Carrell (1989), and Devine strategy instruction (or “training”) appears to be
(1984) all found that successful readers deployed effective in promoting successful learning if it is
a group of strategies that integrated meaning in carried out over lengthy periods of time and if it
preference to surface text-based strategies. Some includes a focus on metacognition. For example,
studies have shown a link between success and a number of studies have described how learners
combinations of strategies; these in turn being were trained to be more effective writers (Aziz,
allied to metacognition and to flexibility of de- 1995; Conti, 2004; Macaro, 2001); how learners
ployment (Chamot & El-Dinary, 1999; Graham, instructed in communication strategies improved
1997; Macaro, 2001; O’Malley, Chamot, & Küpper, their oral interaction (Cohen, Weaver, & Li,
1989; Sanaoui, 1995; Vandergrift, 1998; Vann & 1995; Holunga, 1994; Nakatani, 2005); and how
Abraham, 1990). A later section of this article will interventions appeared successful in enhancing
return to this apparent lack of consensus among vocabulary acquisition (Avila & Sadoski, 1996;
researchers in the field as to whether it is the range Burgos-Kohler, 1991; Cohen & Aphek, 1980;
and frequency of strategy use, the nature of strate- Lawson & Hogben, 1998), in enhancing listening
gies, or the combinations of strategies that is the skills (McGruddy, 1999; Ozeki, 2000; Seo, 2000;
key to successful language learning. Thompson & Rubin, 1996), and in enhancing
2. There are group differences and individual reading skills (Carrell, Pharis, & Liberto, 1989;
differences in learner strategy use. Females seem Fraser, 1999; Raymond, 1993). Other strategy in-
to use more strategies than males (Ehrman & struction studies have claimed to improve general
Oxford, 1989; Macaro, 2000; Oxford & Niykos, approaches and attitudes to language learning
1989; Sheorey, 1999), or they use strategies differ- (Flaitz & Feyten, 1996; Kohler, 2002; Nunan,
ently (Bacon, 1992; Bügel & Buunk, 1996; Gu, 1997; Sengupta, 2000; Victori & Lockhart, 1995).
2002). Cultural groups may vary in their strat-
egy use (Kim, 1999; Koda, 1990; Levine, Reves, CRITICISMS OF LEARNER STRATEGY
& Leaver, 1996; LoCastro, 1994). Experienced L2 RESEARCH
learners may use sets of strategies different from
those of inexperienced L2 learners (De Larios, Despite the apparent enthusiasm in the learner
Murphy, & Manchon, 1999; van Hell & Mahn, strategy domain and the impression perhaps given
1997). Individuals may restrict themselves to an thus far of a coherent research agenda, a number
ineffective subset of strategies (Kember & Gow, of criticisms have been leveled at learner strategy
1994; Porte, 1997) or may be unable to deploy a research. Some of these criticisms concern the
number of strategies (Block, 1986; Knight, 1994; methodology used to elicit, measure, and classify
Lee & Schallert, 1997) or may use strategies inap- strategies; some target the methodology used to
propriately without knowing that they are doing carry out intervention studies; some focus on as-
so (Christianson, 1997; Porte, 1995). sumptions about the impact of strategy use; and
3. The methodology for eliciting learner strat- some examine the lack of theoretical rigour of
egy use, although imperfect, is at an acceptable learner strategy research generally.
level of validity and reliability. Questionnaires With regard to qualitative methods for elic-
and inventories provide the broad picture; ver- iting learner strategies, Seliger (1983) doubted
bal reports (think-aloud techniques and task- whether “the verbalizations of learners represent
based retrospectives) effectively yield insights into some form of internal reality” (p. 180). In terms
skill-specific or task-specific strategy use. With re- of strategy measurement, LoCastro (1994, 1995)
gard to verbal reports, these claims of effective- argued that large and general learner strategy in-
ness are made both by L2 strategy researchers ventories (perhaps the best known is the Strategy
(N. J. Anderson, 1991; N. J. Anderson & Vander- Inventory for Language Learning [SILL], Oxford,
grift, 1996; Cohen & Hosenfeld, 1981; Oxford & 1990) are not transferable across sociocultural
Burry-Stock, 1995; Phakiti, 2003; Sarig, 1987) and domains and that their results and conclusions
322 The Modern Language Journal 90 (2006)
might therefore be invalid. Furthermore, Dörnyei Other researchers had already alluded to Rees-
(2005) has attempted to demonstrate that the Miller’s concerns about strategy definition. Bia-
SILL is psychometrically flawed because the scales lystok (1983), more than 2 decades ago, argued
in the SILL cannot be considered cumulative. that there was “little consensus in the literature
Phakiti (2003) argued that frequency counts and concerning either the definition or the identifi-
simple analysis of variance (on which a great deal cation of language learning strategies” (p. 100).
of reliance has been placed) do not capture the Stevick (1990), in an examination of previous def-
interaction of several variables when comparing initions, alluded to two major problems. First,
learner strategies with learning outcomes. With there was the problem of what he classified as
regard to the categorization of strategies, Skehan the “Size-Abstractness Dilemma” (p. 144), which
(1991) concluded that, although there is some demonstrates that some strategies refer to phe-
consensus on the classification of learner strate- nomena that are larger than others and that some
gies being elicited, there is a need to go beyond strategies refer to phenomena that are more ab-
“convenient classifications” (p. 287), even though stract than others, variations that lead to impre-
these might be useful for strategy instruction, and cision and confusion. Second, for Stevick, there
make links between classification schemes and un- was the “Outside-Inside Problem,” which demon-
derlying theory. strates that “no clear relationship exists between
In relation to interventions into the strategic external acts and the mental constructs to which
behaviour of learners, Hassan et al. (2005), in a they are attributed” (p. 144).
systematic review of learner strategy instruction, Although concluding that learner strategy re-
claimed that there has been little standardisation search was at an “embryonic stage” and that we
of either the intervention packages or the out- were “dealing with a clear example of a research-
comes that have been measured. This lack of stan- then-theory perspective” (Skehan, 1989, p. 98),
dardisation presented major difficulties to Hassan Skehan still remained optimistic as to its useful-
and her associates in their attempts to synthesize ness. His conclusions 14 years later were more
studies and to indicate the weight of evidence pessimistic; Dörnyei and Skehan (2003), review-
about their effectiveness. Kellerman (1991) dis- ing definitions of strategies, argued that a strategy
missed learner strategy instruction as irrelevant cannot be either cognitive or emotional or be-
on the basis that learners have already developed havioural. They asked whether a strategy was a
strategic competence in their first language (L1) neurological process, a cognitive operation, or a
and can therefore simply transfer it to their L2. behavioural act involving motor skills. They ques-
Some authors have critiqued the strong claims tioned, moreover, whether a strategy could con-
made about the link between learner strategy tribute to both knowledge and language skills and
use and language learning success. For example, posited that there was no theoretical explanation
Gillette’s (1994) study of three effective and three for how strategies might be related to skills. They
ineffective learners led her to question the belief concluded that a theoretical basis for the concept
that “positive learning strategies” (p. 211) consti- of learner strategies was still sadly lacking and that
tute a full explanation for L2 achievement and to provide a scientifically rigorous definition re-
that this belief ignores motivation and personal searchers would have to provide a coherent neu-
histories. Rees-Miller (1993) referred to a num- rological and biological account of behaviours,
ber of unsuccessful interventions and argued that something that Dörnyei and Skehan considered
there was, as yet, no demonstrated causal relation- an enormous undertaking. In his most recent
ship between strategy awareness and L2 learning attack on learner strategies, Dörnyei (2005) cat-
success, that few strategies were transferable be- alogued the inability of researchers to explain
yond a specific task, and that not all strategy users the difference between “engaging in an ordinary
appeared to be, or to become, good learners of learning activity and a strategic learning activity”
the L2. However, her strongest attack on strategy (p. 164), a problem that has led him to question
research, and the one that most concerns this ar- the very existence of learner strategies.
ticle, is the lack of clarity in the definition of what
a strategy actually is. She claimed that:
Even the cognitive learning strategies, such as seek- FRAMEWORK OF LEARNER STRATEGIES
ing meaning, using deduction, inferencing, or mon-
itoring, are defined so broadly that it is questionable We will now examine the extent to which re-
whether they can be specified in terms of observable, searchers in the field have attempted to address
specific, universal behaviours that could be taught to the issue of theoretical rigour in general and strat-
or assessed in students. (p. 681) egy definition in particular.
Ernesto Macaro 323
There have been repeated attempts to define Whereas some authors have tried to be all-
strategies by situating them in psychology, within encompassing in their strategy definition, others
theories of cognition. Wenden (1987a) viewed have attempted to overcome the problem of size
strategy research as “part of the general area of by claiming that although strategies are mental
research on mental processes and structures that operations, they can move across categories. For
constitute the field of cognitive science” (p. 6). example, Phakiti (2003) proposed that research
From this perspective, one would expect strate- should not differentiate between cognitive and
gies to be located in the brain. However, Wenden metacognitive strategies; rather, it should identify
defined strategies in terms of language learning the underlying goals or motivations for using a
behaviours that learners engage in, the knowledge strategy and thereby define a strategy as either
they have of their behaviours, and the knowledge cognitive or metacognitive. This procedure may
they have of themselves as learners and the lan- be useful for reducing the total number of possi-
guage they are learning. We should note the lack ble strategies, but it invites the abstractness crit-
of clarification as to whether we are still dealing icism by creating two problems. First, how can
here with mental behaviour, or whether overt ac- the same mental operation be directly involved
tion is also envisaged. with language processing and also be responsible
O’Malley and Chamot (1990) also situated for monitoring that activity? Second, as I hope
learner strategies within cognitive theory, laying to show, goals and motivations are so integral to
their framework over J. R. Anderson’s (1980/ strategies that to change them changes the actual
2000) ACT∗ model and Stages of Skill Acquisi- nature of the strategy itself.
tion model. Again, the expectation would be that Cohen (1998) attempted to resolve the size-
strategies are located in the brain. Ten years later, abstractness problem by proposing a hierarchy of
Chamot and El-Dinary (2000) proposed that not strategies. He proposed that “improving reading
only are strategies mental procedures that assist comprehension” be regarded as an overarching
learning but they also include overt activities. This strategy and that “use ongoing summaries writ-
being the case, a search for a definition has to en- ten in the margin in telegraphic form” be consid-
compass a spectrum of human activity ranging, ered a substrategy (p. 10). Although this hierarchy
for example, from visual imaging, as when memo- helps to solve the problem of strategy size, it does
rizing vocabulary, to purposeful socializing, as when not resolve the problem of abstractness. For ex-
seeking out the opportunity to speak to someone ample, does changing substrategies that are lower
in the L2. These broader definitions add to the down in the hierarchy qualitatively change the
problems regarding the location of strategies. nature of a strategy farther up? Additionally, this
The size-abstractness dilemma appears to be, in attempt at a solution in fact enlarges the meaning
part, related to the action component in learner of a strategy even further by including intention
strategies. O’Malley and Chamot (1990) provided to act as well as action itself. Improving reading
a definition grounded in cognitive theory when comprehension to my mind, is not a recognisable
they proposed that strategy applications “resem- distinct action but an abstracted determination to
ble production systems” (p. 52) with if and then improve a skill. Use ongoing summaries written in
clauses, for example: the margin is a series of motor actions that can be
observed as they are applied to a specific task but
IF the goal is to comprehend an oral or written text, may relate to a whole series of mental actions. For
and I am unable to identify a word’s meaning, THEN example, the latter strategy, applied to preparing
I will try to infer the meaning from context. for an exam, could have as its goal not comprehen-
sion but memorization of material, which would
IF the goal is to comprehend and remember an oral link it to a completely different general determi-
passage, and I have heard a complete passage or nation of doing well on the exam. Thus to view
thought expressed, THEN I will summarize the pas- strategies within hierarchical systems does not, in
sage to ensure I understand it. (p. 52) the end, provide us with a clearer construct. More-
over, it raises another issue: whether strategies are
In these production systems, it is not clear which specific to a task or generalizable to all kinds of
actions, mental or behavioural, and how many ac- learning situations.
tions are involved in inferring meaning from con- Other authors have turned to stricter dictio-
text or in summarizing the passage. The nature of nary definitions of what a strategy is. The New
action in a strategy remains problematic because Oxford Dictionary of English (1998) proposed that
what strategies are purported to do is not trans- a strategy is a “plan of action or policy designed
parently related to what strategies are. to achieve a major or overall aim” (p. 1837),
324 The Modern Language Journal 90 (2006)
whereas action is “the fact or process of doing which “a set of information is transformed” (p. 3).
something” (p. 17). McDonough (1995) there- Providing these distinctions (between skills and
fore defined strategies as “articulated plans for processes), as I hope to demonstrate, is a useful
meeting particular types of problems not a piece line of reasoning to pursue. However, as noted
of problem-solving itself ” (p. 3). Similarly, Phakiti earlier, McDonough did not recognise the action
(2003) defined strategies as “not actually strate- component of a strategy and it is therefore left un-
gies in the strictest sense of the term. Rather, resolved how strategies might relate to processes
they should be seen as learners’ stable long-term and skills.
knowledge of their strategy use” (p. 681). These Other researchers have tried to resolve the am-
definitions would rule out action as an integral biguity with regard to what learner strategies are
component of a strategy, invalidating the pro- for or what they do. Mayer (1988) referred to
duction systems referred to previously. Accord- strategies as “behaviours of a learner that are
ing to these definitions sounding out an unfamiliar intended to influence how the learner processes
(written) word in order to see if anything comes to mind information” (p. 11). Strategies in his sense, there-
would not be a strategy. In which case, what could fore, appear to be additional to the processing of
it possibly be? information. A number of authors also described
The literature reveals a further problem with the effects of strategy use in terms of facilitating
strategy definition: the interchangeability of many learning or making learning more effective (e.g.,
of the terms used. For example, Oxford (1990) Oxford, 1990; Vandergrift, 1998) rather than as
noted that strategy like tactic implies “planning, part of the process itself. However, the link be-
competition, conscious manipulation, and move- tween the deployment of strategies in a task
ment toward a goal” (p. 8). She proposes that and eventual learning is not clear. For example,
strategies are “a plan, step, or conscious action to- Vandergrift described strategies in listening com-
wards achievement of an objective” (p. 8). Rubin prehension as the strategies used “by L2 listeners
(1987) also described strategies as “any set of op- to facilitate their comprehension of oral texts”
erations, plans, or routines used by learners to (1998, p. 370). This description raises two ques-
facilitate the obtaining, retrieval, storage and use tions. First, what is the relationship between some-
of information” (p. 19). Alexander, Graham, and thing that facilitates listening comprehension and
Harris (1998), reviewing strategy research in the the development in the skill of listening? Certainly
general educational literature, showed a concern the way a strategy (or combination of strategies)
for this interchangeable nature of terms used leads to better understanding of an oral text in a
but were only able to propose a distinction be- specific task has been well documented (Chien,
tween skills and other human action (mental or 1998; Harley, 2000; Laviosa, 2000; O’Malley et al.,
behavioural), not a distinction between strategies 1989; Vandergrift, 1998). However, documenting
and other terms used: “skills are procedures [italics how a strategy’s deployment leads to successful
added] that have been routinized. That is, stu- listening generally is more contentious, as Tsui
dents hone these techniques [italics added] to a and Fullilove (1998) discovered. Second, if strate-
level of automaticity, enabling them to perform a gies are the actions that facilitate comprehension,
given task fluidly and effectively” (p. 135). Thus, what are all the other actions that L2 listeners de-
a further unresolved problem is the semantic- ploy that do not facilitate comprehension? Are all
equivalence dilemma, with words like strategy, the former always effective? Are the latter all inef-
operation, routine, process, procedure, action, tactic, fective or redundant? There are few examples in
technique, plan, and step, being interchangeable the literature of individual ineffective strategies
in the literature. (rather than inappropriate combinations, viz.,
Few authors have tackled the problem of avoid- Vann & Abraham, 1990), and when they are pro-
ing semantic equivalence and, when they have posed (e.g., Mitchell, 1992), they are described in
done so, the solution provided is not a complete such negative terms that they seem merely to be
one. McDonough (1995), for example, linked se- the opposite of any action with intention to learn:
mantic equivalence to an appraisal of the differ- “skimming over a communication,” “overlooking
ences among strategies, processes, and skills. He parts of a communication,” “ceasing work on a
defined skills as performance-related, application- task in the belief that it is finished,” “blind ap-
specific, subject to different levels of achievement, plication of memorized procedure,” “lack of any
and, usually, leading to success. In other words, strategy to cope with getting stuck” (p. 63). So,
skills are operating at the level of overt behaviour to return to our listening example, is it the case
even though they may reflect all kinds of mental that all actions are strategies but that some actions
activity occurring below the surface. Processes are facilitate listening comprehension and some do
defined by McDonough as mechanisms through not? Or is it the case that in some situations
Ernesto Macaro 325
strategies facilitate comprehension, and in some There is clearly a need to revise the theoretical
situations they do not? One answer to these ques- underpinnings of learner strategy research. How-
tions would find itself tracing a line of argument ever, the conclusions from the previous two sec-
back to the notion of the good language learner tions should be viewed within a historical context.
(Naiman et al., 1978/1996). However, we are still The work carried out by researchers in the field of
not clear whether the good language learner only learner strategy was motivated by a genuine desire
deploys effective strategies, or whether the good to alter the emphasis of research endeavour by ex-
language learner deploys strategies effectively. In amining language acquisition from the learner’s
other words, does the good language learner se- perspective, by looking at the process of learning
lect only those strategies that he or she has come rather than at the product of instruction, and by
to realize are effective, or does the good language bridging the gap between theory and practice. It
learner orchestrate combinations of strategies ef- is particularly this last motivation that, in my view,
fectively, regardless of their status as effective or led authors to posit strategies in broad terms that
otherwise? language teachers could more easily implement
There remain, therefore, a number of unre- with their students. It is not, therefore, the pur-
solved issues and questions that undermine the pose of this article to deride previous work on
theoretical basis of learner strategy research. As learner strategies but to attenuate some of the
Rees-Miller (1993) argued, until researchers have problems posed by these dilemmas.
resolved these problems, it is unlikely that many In order to achieve this purpose, I will propose
teachers will risk giving up valuable classroom a framework within cognitive psychology and in-
time in order to train students to use strategies. formation processing, one that includes learner
These problems all relate to the lack of theory un- strategies in a clear relationship with other do-
derlying the construct labelled a learner strategy, or mains of language learning and language use.
to the lack of consensus as to the unit of analysis Within this framework (see Figure 1), strate-
for learner strategy research. The problems can gies are described as having a series of essential
be summarised as follows: features rather than defined, in order to avoid
semantic interchangeability and circularity of ar-
gument. There are three underlying propositions
1. There is no apparent consensus about where to the learner strategy features. It may help the
learner strategies occur, inside the brain or out- reader if these are stated at the outset.
side it.
2. There is no consensus about what learner 1. Researchers should describe strategies in
strategies are. Do they consist of knowledge, in- terms of a goal, a situation, and a mental action.
tention, action, or all three? 2. Strategies are the raw material of conscious
3. It is unclear how general or abstract learner cognitive processing, and their effectiveness or
strategies are and whether there exist substrate- noneffectiveness derives from the way they are
gies as well as strategies and, as a consequence, if used and combined in tasks and processes.
they can be classified in a framework or a hierar- 3. Strategies need to be distinguished from sub-
chy. conscious activity, language learning processes,
4. A lack of clarity also exists about whether skills, learning plans, and learning styles.
their integrity survives across learning situations,
tasks, and contexts.
5. There is no consensus about what they do, ACTIVITY AND LEARNER STRATEGIES
especially whether they are always facilitative and
effective. First, the framework argues for a distinction
6. It is unclear whether they are integral to lan- between learner strategies and subconscious ac-
guage processing or if they are some kind of extra tivity in the brain (Figure 1). The basis for this
facility that speeds up learning. proposition is as follows. Subconscious activity in-
7. Strategy definition in the literature is arrived teracts with neurological processes and results in
at through the use of equally undefined terms. changes over which the language learner or user
8. There is a lack of consensus on a strategy’s exerts virtually no conscious control. Examples of
relationship to skills and processes. these activations, processes, and changes are acti-
9. A lack of consensus remains on how strate- vation of nodes in the brain, activation of propo-
gies lead to both language learning and skill de- sitional networks, abstraction of linguistic infor-
velopment over the long term. mation (Norman & Rumelhart, 1975), inhibition
326 The Modern Language Journal 90 (2006)

L2 Skills Strategic
Measurable and
h observable
L2 Processes

Interaction of strategy clusters

as applied to language tasks Learning
Cognitive Styles Styles e

Learner Strategies g
In working memory d
c Motivation

Cluster 1 Cluster 2

Subconscious Activity
• From proceduralization of declarative knowledge
• From implicit learning

A Cognitive Framework for Learner Strategies

of neural pathways (Baddeley, 1997), creation direct control of the individual, access to long-
of logogens through multiple modalities (e.g., term memory is, in part, through the gateway of
representational units of the verbal system and working memory (see arrow a in Figure 1). Proce-
pools of strong connections in long-term mem- duralization of declarative knowledge takes place
ory; Eysenck, 1994), lexical storage (Baddeley, through this gateway. Although total consensus
1986), language-specific tagging of lexical items does not exist as to the distinction between ex-
(Libben, 2000), and restructuring of mental mod- plicit and implicit learning (Hulstijn, 2005), by
els of the rule system at a biological or represen- controlling (inter alia) for degree of awareness,
tational level (McLaughlin, 1990). task time available, and systematicity, we are be-
These processes may at one time have been af- ginning to create the circumstances where in the
fected by conscious strategy deployment in work- future that distinction will be possible (R. Ellis,
ing memory (and indeed may be once again), 2005), and we are already observing certain phe-
but in long-term memory they are largely not un- nomena that can only be attributed to implicit
der the control of the individual (Cowan, 1999).2 learning (Tokowicz & MacWhinney, 2005). This
Berry and Dienes (1993) proposed a notion of kind of learning would have to bypass working
a threshold of cognition below which learning memory, at least in part, and be the result of some
can be considered implicit. Although there is no kind of direct contact with a language process, in
precise distinction between explicit and implicit our case an L2 process (see arrow b in Figure 1).
learning, and although it is as yet unclear how I will return to L2 processes in the section en-
working memory deals with subconscious activity titled “Relationship Between Learner Strategies
and its role in activating proceduralized knowl- and Second Language Processes.”
edge, there is a growing consensus that working
memory, focal awareness, attention, control, and
consciousness are, at least, complementary con- AND COMBINATIONS
cepts if not essentially the same (N. Ellis, 2001;
Schmidt, 1990). If we accept that working memory interacts
Implicit learning, on the other hand, is charac- with subconscious activity in long-term memory,
teriszed by a relative inaccessibility of knowledge then strategic action, I propose, must have, at the
via free recall, a sense of intuition, and limited very least, its origins in working memory.3 The
transfer to related tasks (Berry & Dienes, 1993). issue in the past has been whether learner strate-
Whereas subconscious activity is not under the gies can span other components elsewhere in the
Ernesto Macaro 327
framework and still be considered strategies. In framework situates strategies in the domain of
order to resolve this issue, the framework pro- cognitive behaviour, not overt motor behaviour, a
poses that learner strategies occur only in working strategy is more appropriately described in terms
memory and that they become other constructs of thinking rather than doing. By describing the
elsewhere. For this proposition to hold true, a mental action component of a strategy, we can
number of features are required in order to iden- begin to understand what the strategy actually
tify, describe, or constitute a learner strategy. purports to do. If we do this, we soon discover
that strategies such as rehearsing and memorizing or
Location of Strategies rereading texts 4 are in fact combinations of strate-
gies. For example, the act of rereading a text one
The location of strategies is the first feature. has just written with the intention of improving it
Given that the framework proposes that learner may involve strategies such as does it sound right?
strategies are located in working memory, they does it look right? what are the mistakes I usually
are subject to that component’s finite number of make? and so on. Note that does it sound right? and
processing resources. In order to manage these does it look right? involve the phonological and vi-
resources, the central executive (Baddeley, 1997) sual components of working memory. Recalling
has to exert control over their deployment. Con- mistakes usually made involves the interaction of
versely, without learner strategies, working mem- working memory and long-term memory.
ory could not carry out the perceiving, holding, Developmental psychologists have discovered
processing, and encoding functions that it is re- that older children do not necessarily possess
quired to do. Note that so far I have not made a more cognitive strategies than do younger chil-
distinction between general learner strategies and dren but “they become more flexible and effi-
language-specific learner strategies. cient in how they invest their resources” (Flavell
Strategies, then, are to be classified as conscious et al., 1993, p. 254). Thus, for a strategy to be
mental activity (Kail & Bisanz, 1982). Rabinowitz effective in promoting learning or improved per-
and Chi (1987) argued that mental processes that formance, it must be combined with other strate-
are deployed without awareness cannot be consid- gies either simultaneously or in sequence, thus
ered strategic. This assertion is supported by the forming strategy clusters. Effective learners de-
proposition that strategies must contain not only ploy strategies in clusters appropriate to contexts
an action but also a goal and a learning situation. and tasks (Macaro, 2001, 2003). Many strategy
Flavell, Miller, and Miller (1993) contrasted hu- elicitation studies now recognise the clustering
man memory with equine memory to argue this effects of strategies, for example, in L2 to L1 dic-
point. Although no psychologist would doubt that tionary tasks (Neubach & Cohen, 1988), in lis-
horses retain some memories, humans have the tening tasks (Laviosa, 2000), and in reading tasks
memory capacity not only for intentional and (Graham, 1997). An example of a strategy cluster
planful strategies, but also for evaluating knowl- can be found in how learners look up a new L2
edge about strategies. Thus, whereas a mental ac- word in an L1–L2 dictionary when writing. Here
tion might be subconscious, an action undertaken such strategies as the following may be deployed:
with a goal and evaluated against a learning situa- remember prior problems with dictionary use; predict
tion can only be conscious (but see the “Strategies what problems I might encounter this time; think about
and Tasks” section on the issue of automaticity). what part of speech I am looking for ; compare all def-
initions given; compare collocations in L2 and L1;
Size, Abstractness, and Relationship evaluate predictions; remember to copy word correctly;
to Other Strategies check that it makes sense in the sentence generated.
This cluster might, in turn, be combined with an-
The size of a strategy is its second feature, as is other cluster of strategies (see cluster represen-
the potential for it to be described, and its rela- tation in Figure 1) pertaining to memorising the
tionship to other strategies within a given task. new word for future use. Tasks impose differential
In order to avoid the dilemma of size and demands on memory resources, and psychology
abstractness, a strategy’s description should be research “has tried to uncover the nature of pro-
effected at the lowest relevant level of articula- cessing resources and the principles that map task
tion within the boundaries of conscious cogni- profiles on to resource demands” (Eysenck, 1994,
tion. In other words, it should not be possible p. 114).
to describe a strategy by referring to a number Strategy clusters may be ineffective if individ-
of relevant subordinate strategies. Given that the ual strategies within them are inappropriately
328 The Modern Language Journal 90 (2006)
orchestrated. For example, Porte (1995) found a cluster of strategies previously evaluated. I will
that a subvocalizing strategy was counterproduc- return to strategic plans in the “Strategic Plans
tive in a sentence copying task for some subjects. and Motivation” section of the article.
As the subjects moved from looking at text on
a computer screen (which then disappeared) to Strategies and Goals
writing the text down on paper, they subvocal-
ized the text thereby losing the accuracy of the A mental action, I have argued, is a necessary
graphic form through (among other things) L1 component of a strategy, although not a sufficient
interference. Macaro (2001) found that, among one. The third feature of a strategy is its incor-
some young learners, applying personal schemata poration of a goal, and a strategy’s description is
(prior knowledge of a topic) was ineffective in a enhanced through the specification of a goal or
reading task, because they did not combine and goals. This proposition has substantial theoretical
evaluate this prior knowledge with evidence avail- and empirical evidence in the literature of the
able later in the text. There is some evidence, psychology of motivation (see Dörnyei, 2001, or
therefore, that orchestration of clusters of strate- Weiner, 1992, for a review). Human action is nor-
gies, that is, choosing and evaluating from a range mally considered to be directed by purpose and
of strategies, is more effective than linear deploy- dependent on the pursuance of goals. According
ment of several strategies. to Locke (1996), for goals to be effective moti-
Orchestration therefore suggests higher lev- vators for action, they (a) have to be established
els of metacognition. Effective strategy clus- through the free choice and commitment of the
ters, therefore, include and are evaluated via a individual, (b) must be specific and explicit, and
metacognitive strategy or series of metacognitive (c) have to appear attainable. Strategies (within
strategies. Metacognitive strategies are contained clusters of strategies) can be deployed in order
in strategy clusters in order to regulate conscious to satisfy a teacher’s requirements, or they can
cognitive activity (Schraw & Moshman, 1995). be deployed in order to satisfy the learner’s own
In the dictionary cluster previously described, learning goals (Entwhistle, 1988). The two obli-
metacognition would monitor and evaluate the gations are not mutually exclusive, but they can
cognitive strategies being deployed. Thus a clas- conflict in certain learning environments. Erler
sification of strategies that retains its explicatory (2003) found that young learners of French were
power is cognitive as opposed to metacognitive deploying a number of strategies related to read-
(O’Malley & Chamot, 1990), and it is retained ing merely to satisfy the task requirements set by
in this framework. Strategies are either directly the teacher rather than to get the most out of a
involved in working memory processing (per- text. Learners themselves may not have clear ul-
ception, decoding, processing, storage, and re- timate goals. It is not for the learner to specify
trieval) or they oversee cognitive strategies via his or her goal (although it helps) but for the re-
planning, monitoring, and evaluating for effec- searcher or theoretician to infer or articulate it.
tiveness. Working memory resources are either Therefore, a key feature of a strategy should be
occupied directly with language by operational- the explicitness of its goal orientation. This ex-
izing cognition or less directly by standing back plicitness is all the more needed given that strate-
and evaluating via metacognition. I want to pro- gies are often spoken about in the same context
pose that metacognitive strategies subsume affec- as self-determination and self-regulated learning
tive strategies (recognised as a different category (Dickinson, 1988; Dörnyei, 2005; Pintrich, 1995;
by O’Malley & Chamot, 1990) because the latter Wenden, 1995).
require knowledge of oneself as a learner through
recurrent monitoring of one’s learning. Affective Strategies and Tasks
strategies, therefore, are part of the recursive use
of metacognition to evaluate past cognitive strate- The fourth feature of learner strategies is that
gies in culturally situated learning situations. I also they are both situation-specific and transferable
propose that social strategies are clusters of cog- to other situations or tasks.5 Their transferability
nitive and metacognitive strategies that lead to needs to be articulated by researchers, or at least
Strategic Plans (see arrow d in Figure 1). If a stu- this articulation should be one goal of learner
dent of an L2 seeks out interaction with native strategy research. Without this transferability, the
speakers of that language in order to improve his potential of learner strategies for learning is di-
or her learning, perhaps overcoming fear and shy- minished. On the one hand, a learner needs to be
ness, he or she is not, in effect, doing anything able to apply a strategy consciously to an L2 pro-
other than deciding on a plan of action based on cess such as memorization (Oxford, 1990; Nunan,
Ernesto Macaro 329

1997), thereby strengthening the metacognitive In different learners, a strategy will be at differ-
link between the strategy and the achievement of ent levels of automaticity (see McLaughlin, 1987,
recall. In this respect, the “power” of a strategy and DeKeyser, 2001, for a review) or procedural-
is its suitability to a particular task (Rabinowitz & ization ( J. R. Anderson, 1980/2000). Automatiza-
Chi, 1987, p. 84). On the other hand, the strat- tion must occur in order to speed up language
egy attains greater robustness if it contributes to a learning and language use and to free up work-
parsimonious framework that can be applied to a ing memory space. Strategies have the potential,
number of learning situations (the economy prin- however, to be brought back to controlled atten-
ciple; see R. Ellis, 1985; Kellerman & Bialystok, tion for purposes of modification and adaptation
1997). As J. R. Anderson (1980/2000) proposed, (Kail & Bisanz, 1982), especially by adults who
it is likely that strategies are transferred to similar have the cognitive maturity to do so (Flavell et al.,
tasks by a procedure involving pattern matching 1993).
through which the learner perceives similarities Control and automaticity relate to a strategy’s
between the new task and former tasks where transferability. It may be that, through repeated
strategies were applied. However, I would argue practice and confirmation of effectiveness, a par-
on the basis of additional considerations to be ticular action Z becomes automatic in learning
described, that a pattern-matching procedure is situation X. In this situation, three factors may
not sufficient. Evaluation of strategy effectiveness, require the strategy to be brought back into se-
by learners, is likely to be undertaken against a lective attention. First, the learning goal may
background of the relative effectiveness of strat- change. For example, a student may embark on
egy clusters. Thus (taking into account the four a course of academic writing, having previously
features described), a strategy must conform to learned the L2 in a speaking- and listening-based
the algorithm: if in a learning situation/task X, course. Clearly, for this student, a strategy such as
and when the learning goal is Y, then try mental avoid thinking in L1 will need to be reevaluated
action Z. against the new learning goals. The student will
These then, are the main features of learner have to evaluate whether academic writing is best
strategies. I will now discuss other considerations achieved by avoidance of L1 mental resources.
involved in the description of learner strategies. Second, the learning outcomes may appear un-
A strategy’s clarity is enhanced if its potential for satisfactory to the learner or to the teacher, and
leading to learning is articulated by researchers, the learner will therefore need to bring back the
even if only at the level of hypothesis. Putting a strategy into selective attention each time situa-
word into a sentence so as to remember it is one strat- tion X and learning goal Y are applicable in or-
egy cited by several authors when they discussed der for it to be reevaluated. Third, a strategy will
vocabulary-related strategy instruction (Grenfell need to be brought back into selective attention
& Harris, 1999; Nation, 2001; Oxford, 1990). But when a different learning situation presents itself,
how does putting the word in a sentence help the even if the goal has not changed, and the learner
learner remember it? Some strategies lend them- will need to evaluate the transferability of the
selves to clear opportunities for hypothesis-testing strategy.
in their interaction with subconscious activity. For A strategy may be difficult for some learners to
example, the theoretical justification underlying deploy. An L1 speaker of English, for example,
the keyword strategy (Avila & Sadoski, 1996; Beaton cannot easily deploy the keyword strategy when
et al., 1995; Lawson & Hogben, 1998) is provided trying to memorise a Chinese word because of lack
by a rational account of how a link is produced of phonemic correspondence. During some lan-
between a new L2 word and an L1 word via the guage processes, being below a certain linguistic
generation of a keyword that is a combination threshold short-circuits the deployment of a strat-
of sound and image. Given that retrieval of the egy (Clarke, 1979; Lee & Schallert, 1997; Taille-
L2 word operates in reverse order, the interface fer, 1996), as in the case of the transferability of
between an explicit strategy and an implicit pro- L1 reading strategies to the comprehension of L2
cess is explained logically. Thus, researchers are written texts. There is other evidence of strategic
at least in a position to predict the strategy’s effect deficiencies (Rabinowitz & Chi, 1987). If, as has
on long-term memory. Similarly, in a language-use been suggested by a number of L1 studies, there
situation, we are given insights into how strategies is an association between variability in working-
can be deployed in order to lighten the process- memory limitations and nonword-repetition skills
ing load on working memory. An example is the (Adams & Gathercole, 2000; Montgomery, 1995),
strategy of using the L1 for inner-speech when read- and between working-memory limitations and L2
ing an L2 text in order to maintain concentration vocabulary acquisition (Gathercole & Baddeley,
(Kern, 1994). 1993; Service, 1992), then it is possible that
330 The Modern Language Journal 90 (2006)
clusters of strategies are difficult for some learners integration into existing schemata. Each state pro-
to deploy in particular tasks. vides the L2 user with some operational power.
Clusters of strategies interact with L2 processes Written formulation (Bereiter & Scardamalia,
(see arrow c in Figure 1). The psychology litera- 1987; De Larios et al., 1999; Flower & Hayes, 1981;
ture demonstrates that strategies are not unique Macaro, 2003) is a stage-type process in that each
to L2 learning. Memorising a sequence of seven stage has no operational power on its own. It in-
digits is not intrinsically different from memoris- volves passing from an ideational stage to a stage
ing the names of seven food items in the L2. How- where ideas begin to have linguistic form before
ever, it is in the application of strategies to L2 moving on to further necessary stages (e.g., mon-
tasks that (explicit) L2 processes take place. It is itoring and evaluating). Strategies involved in the
to these that we now turn. process of formulation are likely to include at-
tempts to retrieve language chunks, evaluations of
these chunks, attempts to restructure these chunks
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEARNER (change function words within them), word-for-
STRATEGIES AND SECOND LANGUAGE word translations at the phrasal level, and decisions
PROCESSES to avoid using certain phrases.
The framework proposes that repeated activa-
Language processes, and in our case L2 proc-
tion of language processes in working memory
esses, consist of clusters of cognitive and metacog-
results in structural changes taking place in long-
nitive strategies in interaction with one another
term memory both in vocabulary and morphosyn-
(see Figure 1). Language processes are there-
tax (arrows c to a in Figure 1). These changes,
fore conscious although, like the learner strate-
together with repeated activation and automatisa-
gies they comprise, they may operate so quickly
tion of processes, lead to skill development. I will
as to appear subconscious. Processes bring about
return to language skills in the section entitled
development involving a number of changes and
“Language Skills.”
involve a “dynamic sequence of different stages”
(Faerch & Kasper, 1983, p. 30). They therefore in- STRATEGIC PLANS AND MOTIVATION
volve transformation of language from one state
to another or from one stage to another or both. Learner strategies also interact, via motivation,
The difference between state-like and stage-like with strategic plans (arrows d and e in Figure 1).
processes is that, in the former, intermediate states This notion of plans, mentioned previously, needs
of language transformation are usable by the L2 further exploration. Strategic plans have much
learner, whereas all the stages in a transforma- broader learning objectives than do strategies.
tion need to be achieved for certain tasks to be Plans, I want to argue, are constructed through
completed. an individual learner’s metacognitive theories.
I will take two examples of language pro- According to Schraw and Moshman (1995),
cesses in order to try to illustrate these points. metacognitive theories integrate metacognitive
Reading in the L2 involves two interactive state- knowledge and experiences, and permit the learn-
like processes: top-down and bottom-up pro- er’s own explanation and prediction of cognitive
cesses (Grabe & Stoller, 2002; Kember & Gow, behaviour. However, according to the sources of
1994; Stanovich, 1980). Each of these processes the metacognitive theory (cultural, individual, or
is made up of a cluster of strategies in a dy- peer-constructed) and the theory types (tacit, ex-
namic. Some strategies within this dynamic are plicit but informal, explicit and formal), metacog-
applied in sequence. For example, Doctor and nitive theories will vary in their effectiveness when
Klein (1992) detected an obligatory grapheme- implemented.
phoneme check, followed by an optional spelling Metacognitive theories, then, have a strong
check in bottom-up processes in reading. Other affinity with motivation, as defined by recent and
strategies are applied more randomly according more complex models (Dörnyei, 2001; Weiner,
to task demands. Strategies interacting in these 1992). I have already alluded to goal theory in
processes would include application of prior knowl- arguing that the presence of a goal is a nec-
edge (Carrell, 1989), the application of common essary condition for the construct of a strategy.
sense or logic, segmenting strings of linguistic units Goals are, of course, also recognised components
(Harrington, 2001), word-level and below word-level of motivation. Another important component of
decoding, and use of adjacent text. These processes motivation is attribution, that to which learners
are used to attempt to transform L2 text from a attribute past success or failure (Williams & Bur-
state in which it is not understood into different den, 1997). Whereas metacognitive theories pre-
states or levels of understanding, elaboration, and dict future cognitive behaviour, attribution of
Ernesto Macaro 331
past success or failures will predict the way fu- and metacognitive strategies that, having gone
ture strategic plans are actually formulated. The through a process of proceduralisation, have be-
strength and endurance of the motivation, lead- come stable and fixed, and that a learner has a
ing to the successful carrying out of a strategic predisposition to use. They do not reflect a deeper
plan, may well depend on another component reality, a cognitive structure that is immutable
of motivation, self-efficacy (Bandura, 1993). Self- as Hoffman (1997) suggested, let alone an even
efficacy is the relative measure of what learners deeper neurological reality that governs cognition
think they can do in a given task—the how good and therefore cognitive style. In the framework,
am I at this? factor. Successful deployment of strat- therefore, cognitive styles combine with motiva-
egy clusters in relation to a task builds higher tion (arrow g in Figure 1) to arrive at general
levels of self-efficacy, leading to enhanced moti- learning styles that go beyond the cognitive level
vation. It has, after all, been one of the funda- as in, for example, surface approaches to learning
mental claims of learner strategy research that (Entwhistle, 1988).
effective strategy deployment leads to increased
A strategic plan, then, may arise from clusters of
Language skills are the ability to carry out a
strategies that have formed some kind of metacog-
language task with relative expertise to a relatively
nitive theory. The plan will be driven and shaped
successful degree. These skills are summative-level
by motivational components such as attribution
manifestations (products) of L2 processes (arrow
and self-efficacy. As an example, a learner’s deci-
h in Figure 1) and are measurable. Skills can be
sion to develop greater confidence when speak-
measured either singly (listening, reading, speak-
ing the L2 in large groups would trigger a strate-
ing, writing) or in combinations as mixed skills
gic plan. This decision may have arisen from the
(translations into the L2, summaries, reports).
metacognitive evaluation of previous experiences
Skills can be measured both in terms of success
in similar situations where the learner may have
at task achievement (as specified by a given set
deemed his or her linguistic behaviour inade-
of criteria) and as rate of skill acquisition over
quate. A cluster of communication strategies (e.g.,
time (against some kind of standardized norm).
deciding to use fillers to buy processing time, chunking
The automatisation of strategies, through the con-
together longer speech runs between pauses, deciding
tinual deployment of clusters of strategies during
to trigger comprehension responses from interlocutors)
L2 processes, leads to the development of skill-
would be deployed when future social situations
ful behaviour. In the field of L2 acquisition, as
occurred and the strategies would be evaluated
in the field of experimental psychology, skills in-
for their effectiveness.
crease their efficiency the more their underly-
ing cognitive processes become proceduralised
LEARNING STYLES AND COGNITIVE STYLES (J. R. Anderson, 1980/2000) and as reorganiza-
tion into new and more efficient units takes place
Schmeck (1988) observed that if an individ- (McLaughlin, 1990). Let us take the case of speak-
ual has an inclination to use the same strategy ing fluency as an example. Towell, Hawkins, and
in various situations, “we can suspect the pres- Bazergui (1996), basing their research on the Lev-
ence of a style” (p. 8). It is unclear, from his elt (1989) theoretical model of speaking, found
description, what the causal factors of that style that an increase in L2 fluency after a year in
are or at what level (neurological, subconscious, the target country could be attributed primarily
conscious–cognitive, behavioural) that style is to the formulator whereby the Mean Length of
operationalised. The framework in this article Run between pauses meant that the participants
proposes that, if a cluster of strategies repeat- were speaking faster because they were producing
edly interacts within an L2 process, that process longer strings without pausing. The ability to say
may have an effect on cognitive styles (arrow f longer things without pausing is a surface manifes-
in Figure 1). Cognitive styles are the result of tation of the practice effect of language processes
a habitual way of processing information (Das, without which chunking could not take place and
1988; Skehan, 1991) or, put another way, a ha- whereby working memory limitations could not
bitual clustering of a selection of strategies in a be overcome.
given learning situation or task. Entwhistle (1988)
described learning styles in terms of broad ap- DISCUSSION
proaches or orientations to learning that are
linked to motivational impulses. I interpret these The framework proposed in this article is a re-
approaches or orientations as clusters of cognitive sponse to a lack of theoretical rigour identified
332 The Modern Language Journal 90 (2006)
in the research literature on learner strategies. It The framework addresses the problem of speci-
proposes a number of distinct components that ficity and generalisability of strategies. In order
are nevertheless in strong interaction with one to reduce the total number of possible strategies
another. In this way, it seeks to provide a number that could be attributed to the total number of
of advances in the field. learning situations or tasks, strategies must remain
First, the framework rejects the dual location both situation specific and transferable. Future re-
of a strategy and proposes that (a) a strategy oc- search could usefully establish how transferable a
curs in the brain, in working memory; and (b) its strategy is between two learning situations—for
description comprises a goal, a situation, and a example, by examining the application of prior
mental action. In so doing, the framework attenu- knowledge to both reading and listening.
ates the problems related to strategy size and strat- The framework addresses the semantic-
egy abstractness. Second, it describes strategies as equivalence problem by proposing that strategies
integral components of processing theory rather are allocated a separate place within a frame-
than as shortcuts to faster processing. Strategies, work, which also includes processes, skills, plans,
with some exceptions, are available to all learn- and styles. Their interactions with subconscious
ers, operate in clusters, and in relation to lan- processes have been described where that was
guage tasks become L2 processes. The nature of possible from the available evidence. Their inter-
an individual strategy remains constant. It is the action with conscious L2 processes has been de-
problems posed by task demands that vary and scribed in some detail and, although it is clearly an
that bring about variation in the selection and incomplete account of the possible interactions,
orchestration of strategy clusters. Third, success- the framework seeks to contribute to a theory of
ful learning is no longer linked to the individual language acquisition situated in a connectionist
learner’s frequency of strategy use, but to his or paradigm operating in conjunction with a theory
her orchestration of strategies available to him or of human memory. In doing so, the framework
her. clearly adheres to cognitive psychology’s quest
This framework will need to be tested empir- to demonstrate that human knowledge is organ-
ically in order to see if previous ambiguities are ised and that learning needs to be interpreted in
indeed resolved. The features of strategies pro- the light of this organisation (McLaughlin, 1990).
vided in this article offer a clearer construct that Learning of the L2 is brought about, in long-term
can be tested for its validity. In order to validate memory, via strategic behaviour in working mem-
this framework, so that in future it might acquire ory, through the development of declarative and
the status of a model, future research needs to procedural knowledge. Performance in the L2 is
provide the following evidence: (a) that conscious enhanced as a result of the way clusters of strate-
cognitive activity can be described in terms of ac- gies interact with language processes, and these
tion, goal, and learning situation; (b) that strat- in turn contribute to skills through their accelera-
egy clusters can be systematically mapped against tion and automatisation. It is the way that clusters
L2 tasks; (c) that automatised strategies can be of strategies interact with processes and thence
brought back to selective attention and evaluated skills that both knowledge of the language and
by learners; (d) that a reduction of categories, performance in the language progress. In that
to cognitive strategies and metacognitive strate- sense, strategies do not make learning more ef-
gies only, is theoretically justifiable and sufficient; ficient; they are the raw material without which
and (e) that language learning and skills devel- L2 learning cannot take place. More research is
opment result from the repeated successful ac- needed to illuminate how strategies combine to
tivation of L2 processes, which are the relatively lead to both language competence and language
successful applications of strategy clusters to L2 performance.
I am currently beginning to explore item (b)
through the following systematic research pro- CONCLUSIONS
cess: Step 1: verbal protocols carried out against a
specific task; Step 2: validation and generalisation The author of this article recognises that an
of a cluster in large groups of learners via task- enormous amount of research effort has gone
based self-report; and Step 3: factor analysis in into the learner strategy area and that some
order to measure change in cluster use in at least progress has been made. Yet criticisms regarding
two time points, either through nonmanipulated lack of theoretical underpinnings have persisted
development or through intervention (Macaro, for nearly 2 decades and are, to some extent,
2005). justified. However, the research contribution of
Ernesto Macaro 333
authors, to whom these criticisms have been
leveled, has been in providing a bridge between REFERENCES
theory and practice and, therefore, this article is
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2 The precise relationship between working memory Journal, 65, 24–35.
and long-term memory is, however, still a matter for Bialystok, E. (1983). Some factors in the selection and
considerable debate (see Miyake & Shah, 1999). implementation of communication strategies. In
3 See Miyake and Shah (1999) for an overview of dif- C. Faerch & G. Kasper (Eds.), Strategies in inter-
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