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Fungsi Analisis dalam Sistem Informasi Geografis

Presentation · January 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33684.40323


0 203

1 author:

Nindyo Cahyo Kresnanto

Universitas Janabadra


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GIS Analysis Functions
 4 Katagori Umum
◦ Retrieval/Klasifikasi/Pengukuran
◦ Overlay (tumpang susun)
◦ Neighborhood (Kedekatan)
◦ Connectivity (Konektivitas)
Retrieval, Klasifikasi, & Fungsi
 Retrieval
◦ Pencarian selektif (Selective Search)
 Klasifikasi/Classification (Overlays,
◦ Mengidentifikasi satu set obyek yang
merupakan bagian dari grup obyek yang sama
◦ Mendefinisikan sebuah pola
 Pengukuran/Measurement
◦ Jarak, panjang, luasan/area, dsb
Retrieval: Pencarian selektif
(Selective Search)

 Sebuah alamat terpilih karena berada dalam lingkaran

Reklasifikasi (Vector)
 Dissolving untuk agregasi polygons
Reklasifikasi berdasarkan Luasan

Bekerja dengan luas > 80 ha

Reklasifikasi berdasarkan hubugan

Bekerja dengan obyek individu, bukan

dengan klas obyek secara keseluruhan
Reklasifikasi Nilai

Bekerja dengan elevasi

antara 20 and 40 m

Ubah feet ke meters

Operasi Jarak Vektor:
Buffers & Setbacks

Gambar sederhana dari operasi buffers dan setback.

NOTE: buffers go outward from lines or areas; setbacks run inside of areas (not

Image Source: Chrisman, Nicholas.(2002). 2nd Ed. Exploring Geographic Information Systems. p 154. fig. 6-1 .
Buffer: Illustrasi

Image Source: Chrisman, Nicholas.(2002). 2nd Ed. Exploring Geographic Information Systems. p 60. fig. 6-3 .
2. Fungsi Overlay (Tumpang Susun)
 Aritmatika
◦ penambahan, pengurangan, pembagian, perkalian
 Logika
◦ menemukan di mana kondisi tertentu terjadi (and,
or, >, <, etc.)
 Perbedaan metode Raster & Vector
◦ Vektor baik untuk data yang tidak terlalu
◦ Raste mudah dalam kalkulasinya
 Overlay (demo – addition)
Overlay untuk Vector
 3 tipe utama vector overlay
◦ point-in-polygon
◦ line-in-polygon
◦ polygon-on-polygon
Vector based overlay

Contoh point-on-polygon
Vector based overlay

Contoh line-on-polygon
Vector based overlay

Contoh polygon-in-polygon
Overlay Dasar Raster:
Penjumlahan sederhana (Simple Addition)

Image Source: Chrisman, Nicholas.(2002). 2nd Ed. Exploring Geographic Information Systems. p 144. fig. 5-12 .
Raster Overlay:
Kombinasi Boolean

Image Source: Chrisman, Nicholas.(2002). 2nd Ed. Exploring Geographic Information Systems. p 125. fig. 5-3 .
Fungsi Neighborhood membentuk keluaran nilai dari setiap
sel lokasi sesuai dengan kedekatan dengan yang lainnya.

3. Fungsi Neighborhood
 Fungsi Dasar
◦ Rata-rata, perbedaan, mayoritas,
minimum/maksimum, dan total
 Parameter yang dicari:
◦ Lokasi Target
◦ Spesifikasi dari lingkungan sekitar
◦ Fungsi untuk melaksanakan dalm neighborhood
3. Neighborhood Function (cont)
 Operasi pencarian
◦ most common neighborhood operation
 Contoh
◦ Menghitung jumlah dari pelanggan yang
berjarak 2 km dari sebuah toko.
3. Neighborhood Functions (cont)
 Point atau Line dalam Operasi Poligon
◦ Fungsi pencarian spesifik
 Buffers (demo - point, line, polygon)
 Thiessen Polygons Operation
◦ defines the individual area of influence around
a point
◦ used to predict values at surrounding points
from a single point observation
Example: Neighborhood Function

Thiessen Polygons
Fungsi Neighborhood:

Tema Zona: Watersheds (DAS)

Nilai tema: Elevasi
Statistic type: Mean

Rata-rata elevasi dari tiap
Fungsi Neighborhood:
10x10 filter rata-rata dalam DEM
4. Fungsi Connectivity
 Digunakan untuk akumulasi nilai di atas
sebuah area yang di analisis
 Parameter yang dicari:
◦ Spesifikasi bagaimana cara element2 spasial
◦ Aturan yang secara spesifik membolehkan
pergerakan antar koneksi
◦ Unit ukuran
4. Fungsi Connectivity (cont).
 Operasi Proximity
◦ Pengukuran jarak antara dua obyek
◦ Tidak terbatas pada jarak saja; bisa noise, time,
pollution, etc.
 Parameter yang dicari:
◦ Lokasi target
◦ Unit dari pengukuran
◦ Fungsi untuk menghitung proximity
◦ Area yang akan di analisis
Example: Connectivity (Vector)

Proximity Operation: Road Buffer

Example: Connectivity (Vector)

Proximity Operation: Buffer Generation

Example: Connectivity (Vector)

Points Lines Polygons

Proximity Operation: Buffer Types

Example: Connectivity (Vector)
Proximity Operation - Buffers & Setbacks

Diagram of simple buffers and a setback.

NOTE: buffers go outward from lines or areas; setbacks run inside of areas (not lines).

Image Source: Chrisman, Nicholas.(2002). 2nd Ed. Exploring Geographic Information Systems. p 154. fig. 6-1.
4. Fungsi Connectivity (cont).
 Operasi Contiguity
◦ spatial units are connected - defines
“unbroken area”
 Contiguity measures:
◦ size of neighboring area(s)
◦ shortest/longest straight line distance across
adjacent area(s)
◦ specific shape of neighboring area(s)
Contiguity Functions

Combines adjacent units together when they share a common attribute

4. Fungsi Connectivity (cont).
 Operasi Jaringan (Network Operations)
◦ set of interconnected lines that represent a
set of features through which resources flow
 Fungsi jaringan umum (Common network functions)
◦ Permasalahan shortest path
◦ location-allocation modeling (resource
◦ traveling salesperson problem (route
◦ route tracing (prediction of network loading)
4. Connectivity Functions (cont).
 Operasi Analisis Visibiliti
◦ identification of areas of terrain that can be
seen from a particular point on the surface
 Viewshed Operation
◦ uses digital elevation model data (DEMs) or.....
◦ digital terrain model data (DTMs) or......
◦ triangulated irregular network data (TINs)?
Connectivity Function Example:
Viewshed Analysis

Image Source: Chrisman, Nicholas.(2002). 2nd Ed. Exploring Geographic Information Systems. p 198. fig. 8-14 .
Viewshed aka Intervisibility
Environmental Impact Analysis

3D landscape model impact on natural beauty

Another term: Surface Analysis
 Surface functions
◦ density, contour, interpolation functions
◦ aspect, slope, hillshade, etc.
◦ watershed analysis and modeling (flow
direction, flow accumulation, flow length,
watershed delineation, stream ordering)
◦ visibility modeling/mapping
 determine the area that can be "seen" from the
target location
The 3rd Dimension: Height Analysis

 Contours
 Hill shading
 Spot height symbols
 Cliff & slope symbols
 Viewpoint symbols
Analysis: Summation
 GIS does not always provide exact
answers to problems, but by identifying
trends based on geography, GIS can reveal
patterns that can help us make informed
 A GIS can improve decision-making; it
cannot make decisions for us.
Flood Risk

3D height data changing water levels-danger areas

Derived Mapping: Data from images

Numerical Values Color Representation

Derived Mapping: Data from images

Aerial Imagery Digitized Buildings

Derived Mapping: Data from images

Satellite Imagery Derived Area Map

This is a goal: Not there yet!

Retail: Site Selection

Existing stores, 15 min. drive time, demograhics

Airport Noise Pollution

noise complaints mapped by address location

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