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An undergraduate, August 2017

Iin Siswantini, Indri Heri Susanti’ Murniati
The Relantionship Work Environment With The Incidence Of Acute Respiratory
Infection on workers In Chicken Coop Village Pakujati Distric Paguyangan
Distric Brebes
Brebes year 2017
Xi + Page + Table + Charts + Attachment


Acute Respiratory Infection is infection disease acut attack one part and or more
of the nose (channel above) to the alveoli (channel bellow) including network
adnesa like sine, cavity middle ear and pleural. The main factors that affect ARI
is the pollution, sanitation environment bad, the lack of immunization and more.
Transmission ARI pass through the air, it can be said environment arround very
affect ARI. Ranch is ane of sector important in meet the needs of the human will
food. But the management of maintainance, place of cattle, and waste handing a
farm to look, so the business is not only is an effort effition production but also a
business environmental.
The research aims to knoe the relationship work environment with the incidence
of acute respiratory infection on workers in chicken coop village Pakujati distric
Paguyangan distric Brebes.
The research used is analityc observatioanal using cross sectional approach (cut
latitude). The making samples using techniques purposive sampling. The
respondents in this study as much as 61 workers chicken coop. The data taken by
doing measurement work environment which includes the lighting, temperature,
and humadity cage.
There are relationship work environment with the incidence of acute respiratory
infection on workers in chicken coop village Pakujati distric Paguyangan distric
Brebes with price X² calculate (26.006) ≥ price X² in table with p value 0.000

Keyword: work environment, ARI, workers in chicken coop

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