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Circle the correct option:

Orange growers have always had the desire to make their oranges as 1) red / orange /

yellow as possible! Oranges grown in some parts of 2) a / the / Ø (no article) world are dull and lack

colour because there are no cold nights, 3) when / while / what those grown in areas with cool

nights are usually brighter in colour. Now, orange growers take their freshly-picked oranges to

large buildings where ethylene gas 4) is / was / are used to stimulate the chlorophyll in the oranges

to bring 5) in / out / off more natural colour. After that, each fruit is photographed from every

possible 6) angel / angle / angles using a digital camera. Computers use 7) that / these / this pictures

to record any undesirable marks on the skin at the same time analyzing the size, colour, and shape

of each orange. Depending 8) of / on / to the demands of the market, the grower can set the

required grade specifications in the computer. Any oranges which 9) do / does / did not meet the

required standards are removed from the production line and later used 10) producing / to

produce / produce juice.

I. Circle the correct option:

In the same way that humans depend on 1) cite / sight / site, hearing, taste, smell, and

touch to make sense of the world, robots require a sensory system in order 2) for / to / too

function. Sensors feed information to the processor. The information provided 3) depends /

depend / depending on the function of the robot. Location is important for most robots. Industrial

robots 4) has to / must / should be capable of placing items or performing actions in exactly the

right place. With 5) any / much / some robots, location is controlled by placing electronic tracks for

the robot to follow. Container handling in ports can 6) do / be done / to do by robotic vehicles

following such tracks. Heat sensors may be important for robots working in extreme conditions.

Sensors which 7) meter / measure / make the pressure exerted by robot arms or pincers are

important for robots which pick up or handle delicate items. For robots which walk or climb stairs,

8) an information / information / informations on weight distribution and balance is important.

Robots which look for some types of explosive 9) need / needs / are needing sensors which can

detect chemical smells. Robots which have to navigate over unfamiliar ground, such 10) as / like /

to the Mars Rover, have digital cameras to help them identify obstacles and select navigable

I. Circle the correct option:

The Japanese Shinkasen network of 1) average- / low- / high- speed railway lines extends

for several thousand kilometres. The system 2) was / were / have been based on existing rail

technology, but designers tested model trains in a wind 3) hole / tunnel / well to make them

aerodynamic in design and so reduce air resistance. Because of the 4) size / shape / length, the

trains have been called ‘bullet trains’. Electric or 5) diesel / ethanol / hydrogen engines power the

trains which travel up to 300 km/h on standard gauge, purpose-built track. Certain constrictions

had to be eliminated, 6) like / such as / for level crossings, frequent stops, and some curves. 7)

Different / Similar / Same high-speed rail networks exist in other countries, for example the 8) LOL

/ TGV / WTF in France. They allow travel from city centre 9) at / in / to city centre, rapid boarding

time, and comfort. They are considered environmentally 10) eficcient / efficient / efficcient and are

seldom affected by poor weather.

I. Circle the correct option:

Chongming Island lies in the Yangtse River Delta in 1) China / Japan / South Korea. It is the

world’s largest alluvial island, which 2) have / has / had been formed by deposits of soil carried

down the river. This island is the 3) cite / sight / site of the town of Dongtan. With a projected

population of 50,000 in 2010, Dongtan is 4) Ø (no article) / a / the first sustainable eco-city. On the

southern part of the island there is a large wetland area famous as a bird reserve for rare species.

This is a major tourist attraction, providing employment and 5) income / oncome / outcome. The

surrounding area is fertile agricultural land where food for the city is grown. Nearby fishing

communities supply the city 6) by / for / with fish. The city is self-sufficient in fresh water, which is

recycled. Devices 7) capture / captures / is capturing rain water from buildings and channel it into

canals and water features. There are 8) some / any / no landfill sites because waste is recycled.

Organic waste is composted and then returned to local farmland to 9) formalize / fertilize /

formulize the soil. Sewage is also returned to the fields after treatment. The 10) citizens /

population / inhabitants of the city is expected to reach 500,000 by 2030.

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