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Production Process Plan

Photoshoot and Fashion spread Production

Photograph Date Time Materials Equipment Personnel

Packing 24/05/18 8:00am Fashion DSLR camera Model:
spread image Tripod Chloe
Sunbathing 24/05/18 8:00am Fashion DSLR camera Model:
spread image Tripod Chloe
Leaving 24/05/18 8:00am Fashion DSLR camera Model:
house spread image Tripod Chloe
Clothes 24/05/18 8:00am Fashion DSLR camera Model:
spread image Tripod Chloe

Reviewing Materials

Materials Date for reviewing and selecting images

Packing fashion spread images 06/06/18
Sunbathing fashion spread images 06/06/18
Leaving house fashion spread images 06/06/18
Clothing fashion spread images 06/06/18

Post Production

Magazine Page Date Time Materials Equipment

FashionSpread 10/06/18 10:00am Photographs Computer
Pricing Photoshop
10/06/18 11:00am Photographs Computer
Pricing Photoshop
10/06/18 12:30pm Photographs Computer
Pricing Photoshop
10/06/18 2:00pm Photographs Computer
Pricing Photoshop

DSLR camera: £139.00
Tripod: £34.99
Computer: £629.95
Photoshop: £17.00/month

Launch Date: 13/06/18

Relevant legal and ethical issues

 Defamation Act:
 ‘This Act reformed defamation law on issues of the right to freedom of expression
and the protection of reputation. It also comprised a response to perceptions that the
law as it stood was giving rise to libel tourism and other inappropriate claims.

 The Act changed existing criteria for a successful claim, by requiring claimants to
show actual or probable serious harm (which, in the case of for-profit bodies, is
restricted to serious financial loss), before suing for defamation in England or Wales.

 It also enhanced existing defences, by introducing a defence for website operators

hosting user-generated content (provided they comply with a procedure to enable the
complainant to resolve disputes directly with the author of the material concerned or
otherwise remove it), and introducing new statutory defences of truth, honest opinion,
and "publication on a matter of public interest”.

A written, published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation.

Making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

Defamation is a civil law and so you would need to sue someone who you believe has
damaged your reputation.’

This applies to my fashion spread because I could not write anything about the prices of
brands of clothing that would damage a company’s reputation. I would also not be able to
create a written false statement about the model in order to damage her reputation.

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

“The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings,
broadcasts, films and typographical arrangement of published editions, rights to control the
ways in which their material may be used.

The rights cover: broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting, issuing, renting and
lending copies to the public.

This is a CIVIL law not a CRIMINAL law.

This means it is not a criminal offence to break the law, which could result in a fine or jail
Instead, the person who owns the copyright has to sue the person they believe has broken
the law. The case is then heard in a civil court and if the person is found guilty of breaking
copyright law then they will have to pay damages to the owner of the copyright. The amount
of damages is set by the court.”

This law applies to my fashion spreads because I will not be able to use a photograph that
someone else has taken.

Equality Act 2010

This law legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:
Ø Age
Ø Being or becoming a transsexual person
Ø Being married or in a civil partnership
Ø Being pregnant or on maternity leave
Ø Disability
Ø Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
Ø Religion/belief or lack of religion/belief
Ø Sex
Ø Sexual orientation

This is a CRIMINAL law.

Therefore anyone who is considered to be breaking the law could be arrested. It would result in a
criminal trial which if found guilty could result in a fine or jail sentence.

The equality act applies to me in my fashion spreads because I can’t refuse to use a person
as a model due to their belief, appearance or lifestyle.

Intellectual property
“What intellectual property is
Having the right type of intellectual property protection helps you to stop people stealing or
Ø the names of your products or brands
Ø your inventions
Ø the design or look of your products
Ø things you write, make or produce

Copyright, patents, designs and trademarks are all types of intellectual property protection.
You get some types of protection automatically, others you have to apply for.

You own intellectual property if you:

Ø created it (and it meets the requirements for copyright, a patent or a design
Ø bought intellectual property rights from the creator or a previous owner
Ø have a brand that could be a trade mark e.g. a well known product name

If you believe anyone has stolen or copied your property you would sue them in civil court.”
The applies to my fashion spreads because I would not be able to use somebody else’s
ideas for a headline or use somebody else’s photograph.

Ethical Constraints
“Rather than legal constraints, ethical issues are based on judgement. They are what society
considers as morally acceptable.

If something is seen as ethically wrong than it is first investigated to see if it is breaking any laws.
However, if it is not in violation of any of these laws then it comes under ethical issues.

This means that no law has been broken, however the public may see it as offensive or controversial.
Many ethical concerns are raised by groups of specific people. These groups may find the publication
offensive, due to how the minority are represented.”

One ethical constraint is protecting under 18’s. This is important because we have a duty of care to
make sure that everything we talk about is age appropriate. We will abide this in our radio show as
we understand that our target audience is a range of students, age 16- 19 some being adults but the
majority being under 18.

Another ethical constraint is the representation of the people's age, gender, race, disabilities,
sexuality and religion. We will try to take as much care with this as possible because we are aware
that people can be easily hurt or offended and we must approach with care and make sure that we,
or anyone who will feature in our radio show will not say anything that will wrongly represent a
person or a group of people. Anything that is said in a feature that may go against this will have to be
edited out in order to follow this as best as we can.

Another ethical constraint is us, having the power to influence. 30 minutes is a long time if we were
to sit there and talk, therefore, we need to make sure we don't say that may influence someone's
opinion, whether we find it positive or negative, we will try to remain a neutral party in any
controversial subjects on air.

Another ethical constraint we must approach with care is the ability to harm or offend someone. We
will try to be careful about what we say, and include in our radio show. Things that we cannot do is
insult someone, or make wrong comments about them leaving them feeling hurt or vulnerable.

This applies to my fashion spread image because I could not have anything in the image that would
offend a certain group of people.

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