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Reading is defined as a process of constructing meaning through the interactions of several important factors that make
each act of reading unique. What are these factors?
a. Reader’s language competence, organization of the text, and purpose for reading
b. Reader’s existing knowledge, information suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading
c. Reader’s decoding ability, writer’s cultural background, and the pattern of organization
d. Reader’s motivation to learn, writer’s expression of ideas, and the context
2. Schema activation helps readers to bridge the gap between the known and the new. Which of the following is NOT a good
activity for schema activation?
a. Giving direct instruction
b. Previewing a passage
c. Brainstorming ideas
d. Constructing graphic organizer
3. Learning to read English as a second language is influenced by one’s first language proficiency. This means that___.
a. First and second language learning are exactly the same in all aspects.
b. The two have totally different sets of semantics and syntax that is why they are learned independently.
c. Second language learning requires little proficiency in the first language for the latter might hinder the former.
d. First language proficiency allows the transfer of learning because of the reader’s conceptual understanding needed
in processing the second language.
4. Marc Aaron has been exposed to a rich language environment because of mature adult models he interacts with at home.
As a result, he has come to have a firm grasp of word meanings in various situations.
How would this exposure help him learn to read?
a. His comprehension will not be affected byword knowledge.
b. His listening vocabulary is richer than his reading vocabulary.
c. The print material he reads will be different from his listening vocabulary.
d. His knowledge of words in listening situations will help him comprehend the print materials.
5. Teacher Merry Ruth includes 4 known words together with 5 new important words in developing vocabulary knowledge
among her students. She chooses these 4 words based on their relationship to the topic and to the new words she is going
to introduce.
Which of the following principles of vocabulary instruction is applied by the teacher?
a. Be enthusiastic about content area language.
b. Limit the number of words taught in each unit.
c. Relate new vocabulary to experiences and concepts that students know.
d. Repeatedly model how to determine a word’s meaning in text materials.
6. The importance of vocabulary instruction in improving comprehension has long been recognized. In fact, many teachers use
approaches that encourage the understanding of word knowledge in various contexts.
Which of the following is NOT an appropriate approach for vocabulary instruction?
a. Wide reading
b. Direct instruction
c. Superficial instruction
d. Mastery approach
7. One principle in vocabulary instruction suggests that concepts be taught in semantically-related clusters. How is this best
applied in the classroom?
a. Let students match words in column A with their definitions in column B.
b. Present vocabulary advanced organizers.
c. Conduct semantic feature analysis.
d. Use textual context as clues.
8. Knowledge of text organization guides the reader’s interaction and helps to determine the important details of the
selection. The following are the organizational patterns used in exposition EXCEPT:
a. Narration
b. Comparison-Contrast
c. Cause-Effect
d. Time Order
9. The application part of the lesson provides the students with a chance to respond effectively to the learning gained in the
classroom. The following are commendable lesson endings EXCEPT:
a. Writing insights on reflection journals
b. Linking lessons to real-life contexts
c. Responding creatively using multiple intelligences
d. Answering questions for convergent thinking
10. Content-based instruction integrates a particular content with language teaching aims. It is based on the underlying
principle that language learning succeeds when lessons use the target language in meaningful, contextualized forms to
acquire information and knowledge.
Which of the following violates the CBI principle?
a. Teachers focus on language structures.
b. Teachers allow multiple opportunities to understand and use the language
c. Teachers engage students in a relatively anxiety-free environment.
d. Teachers prioritize the meaning-making rather that the language forms.
11. Content-Based Instruction or CBI is also based on the principle of Whole Language Approach. Which of the following does
not characterize the Whole Language Approach?
a. It takes place in meaningful contexts.
b. It happens naturally as learners walk and talk.
c. It starts from language aims taken from the students’ textbook.
d. It provides social, meaning-based, purposeful, enjoyable activities.
12. The construction of meaning and the negotiation of sense appropriately describe the pedagogical aims in reading. To
accomplish these, students need the following comprehension strategies EXCEPT:
a. Organizational strategies
b. Preparational strategies
c. Elaboration strategies
d. Decoding strategies
13. Metacognition is one’s awareness about own thinking. Students can be taught the metacognitive strategies for autonomous
learning. Which of the following does NOT reflect a metacignitive strategy?
a. Regulating one’s thoughts
b. Distinguishing fact and opinion
c. Checking one’s understanding
d. Preparing comprehension questions
14. A technique for generating a pool of ideas in order to eventually select the most appropriate ideas for use in writing or
some other creative task.
a. Delayed copying
b. Précis writing
c. Dictocomp
d. Brainstorming
15. The following are different aspects of a subject matter that a writer considers in cubing as a technique in generating ideas
a. Describing
b. Listing
c. Comparing
d. Arguing for or against it
16. Ms. Lontoc, an English teacher, meets with her students individually to discuss revision options on a draft, the strategies the
students are using to revise the work, and the students’ progress as a writer.
Ms. Lontoc is doing _______?
a. enculturation
b. Dialogic thinking
c. Conferencing
d. Collaborative learning
17. The course of an action taken when a person follows one step after another in order to develop a piece of writing, where
each step needs to be completed before moving on to the next step.
a. Recursive writing
b. Linear writing
c. Rethinking
d. Drafting
18. An approach to teaching writing that involves the teacher and the student in working on strategies for analyzing texts,
generating ideas, drafting, revising and proofreading
a. Process-oriented
b. Product-oriented
c. Reader-based
d. Writer-based
19. Important to a writing workshop are the following EXCEPT:
a. Books
b. Internet
c. Tutor
d. Paper and pen
20. The line of reasoning of a written product in terms of its approach and modes used throughout
a. Topic sentence
b. Purpose
c. Negotiation of meaning
d. Rhetorical structure
21. Ms. Cruz collects a variety of samples of her students’ work produced for different assignments and purposes. She uses her
collection in assessing her students’ writing across time. Ms Cruz is using _________.
a. Authentic texts
b. Chain stories
c. Topic-based guidelines
d. Portfolios
22. Effective evaluation should provide the following kinds of information to the writer EXCEPT
a. To whom the writer is writing for
b. Does the writer use language accurately and appropriately?
c. Is the content relevant to the task?
d. Is the content clearly expressed?
23. Writing for a pen-pal reflects this approach to L2 composition.
a. Controlled
b. Communicative
c. Model
d. English for Academic Purposes
24. Which one can help students develop the habits of critical thinking?
a. Obeying authority without questions
b. Making the students prepare posters
c. Asking questions explicitly answered by the text
d. Being willing to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence is presented
25. If students can think about their own thinking, they are involved in the process called ________________.
a. Higher-order thinking skill
b. Critical thinking
c. Creative thinking
d. Metacognition
26. Teacher Millice wants to check the students’ schema about global warming. She writes the topic at the center of the
chalkboard and encircles it. Then, she asks them to give information that can be clustered around the main topic. Which
technique does Teacher Millice employ?
a. Vocabulary building
b. Demonstration
c. Semantic mapping
d. Deductive teaching
27. All of the following are prewriting techniques except:
a. Brainstorming
b. Note-taking
c. Free writing
d. Précis writing
28. How is the writing process characterized when “writers can engage in any act of composing--finding ideas, thinking about
ways of organizing them, imagining ways of expressing them-- at any time during their writing and often perform these acts
many times while writing.”
a. Linear
b. Recursive
c. Cyclical
d. spontaneous
29. Word knowledge greatly helps the comprehension of written texts. It is for this reason that language teachers carefully and
deliberately select words to include in their intentional vocabulary instruction.
Which of the following should NOT be the basis of word selection for vocabulary instruction?
a. Year level high frequency words
b. Word difficulty and length
c. Content area words
d. High utility words
30. Teacher Orpha plans to integrate Biology in her second year English language class. For vocabulary development, she has
prioritized only those words that are very much related to the concepts about the classification of animals.
Which of the following should NOT be included in her list?
a. Vertebrate and Invertebrate
b. Amphibians and Arthropods
c. Birds and Insects
d. Owl and scorpion
31. Organizational strategies are at the heart of constructing meaning. These are employed during reading as well as after
Which of the following strategies is an important organizational strategy?
a. Deriving the main idea
b. Setting purpose and goal
c. Regulating thinking
d. Previewing
32. Ms. Gutierrez, an English Teacher in Sapang Palay National High School, has chosen a Biology text as a reading selection for
teaching comparison and contrast.
When you think of living things, you probably think of animals. Animals have their own Kingdom Animalia, which is a
scientific classification. Because the animal kingdom is big, scientists begin by dividing it into general groups, vertebrates
and invertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with backbones such as humans, horses, elephants, bears, birds, fish, and frog.
Invertebrates are animals without backbones such as butterflies, ants, clams, and worms.
What is the best teaching strategy to aid the learning of comparison and contrast of two general groups of animals?
a. Using semantic map
b. Using K-W-L
c. Using Venn Diagram
d. Using Outline
33. Which of the following words from the given paragraph should be included in vocabulary instruction?
a. Living things, classification, animals, backbone
b. Backbone, scientists, birds, fish, reptiles
c. Kindom, Animalia, vertebrate, invertebrate
d. Animals, vertebrate, scientific, probably
34. Mr. Quero has been using CBI lessons in his English III class since he started teaching. Last week, he got a selection on
Geography which had a beginning paragraph as follows:
The oceans are the earth’s largest bodies of water. There are five oceans – the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic
Ocean, the Indian ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.
- Understanding God’s World, A Beka Book Pub

What is the best reading skill to focus on as objective based on the given paragraph?
a. Making inferences
b. Giving evidences and drawing conclusions
c. Noting important details of a selection
d. Comprehending exposition using enumeration as a rhetorical pattern
35. The following are principles of vocabulary instruction EXCEPT:
a. Expose students to new words only during the pre-reading stage of the lesson.
b. Allow students enough practice in working with strategies for getting meaning.
c. Concentrate on key concepts only.
d. Use dictionaries everyday.
36. Which of the following is NOT considered a factor that influences reading in a second language?
a. The first language and the second language differences
b. First language proficiency
c. Geographical preferences
d. Cultural orientations
37. A language lesson follows a format divided into several phases. In which phase does a teacher give a preview of the new
reading lesson?
a. During the simulation phase
b. During the perspective phase
c. During the instruction phase
d. During the follow-up phase
38. Ms. Charisma is now on the closure phase of her lesson in English IV. What is the best activity that she can give during this
a. Do collaborative work together in making a poster
b. Recite the major ideas taken from the selection
c. Answer comprehension questions found in the textbook
d. Exchange papers for checking and recording of scores
39. English for Academic Purposes believes that learning to write is part of becoming socialized to the academic community in
finding out what is expected and trying to approximate it. Ms. Santos who is using EAP in her writing class will most likely
ask her students to ____.
a. Write a recipe
b. Arranged jumbled sentences into paragraph order
c. Write scientific texts
d. Change passive voice to active voice
40. An approach to teaching academic writing which focuses on the relationships between readers and writers in specific
discourse communities and on the texts that are used in creating or maintaining these relationships.
a. Paragraph pattern
b. Genre
c. Controlled
d. Process
41. Knowing that his students are mostly visual learners, Mr. Reyes instructs his students to jot words and phrases down on
paper in a haphazard order, and then the students start drawing lines to connect related ideas while continuing to add new
ideas. This technique is known as _________________.
a. Mapping
b. Listing
c. Cloze
d. Delayed copying
42. Santino has never seen a bibliography prepared following the APA standard, and is not given a set of guidance notes on
how to prepare such a bibliography. Therefore, Santino does not have enough _________ to complete this task
a. Language system knowledge
b. Content knowledge
c. Context knowledge
d. Writing process
43. These can be established by the use of logical or sequence connectors, or can result from the writer’s use of common ways
a. Competence
b. Coherence
c. Formality
d. Emphasis
44. An approach which involves the analysis of sample readings and repeated production of single drafts of writing
a. Genre
b. Free writing
c. Process approach
d. Product-oriented
45. This term is used for diary-like reflective notebook that students maintain for regular writing practice, sometimes involving
regular feedback from the teacher.
a. Journals
b. Portfolios
c. Memoirs
d. Note cards
46. Translated into the classroom context, this approach calls for providing a positive, encouraging, and collaborative workshop
environment within which students, with ample time and minimal interference, can work through their composing
a. Controlled
b. Free
c. Process
d. Product
47. A lesson reflecting this approach allows writers to select their own topics and take more time to complete writing tasks.
a. Focus on form
b. Focus on the writer
c. Focus on content
d. Focus on the reader
48. All of the following characterize controlled-to-free approach EXCEPT:
a. Addresses an academic audience
b. Reinforces grammatical patterns
c. Emphasizes accuracy rather than fluency or originality
d. Students change words or clauses or combine sentences
49. Your professor in Writing asks you to write on any topic you are interested in without worrying about making mistakes.
What approach in Writing are you asked to utilize?
a. Paragraph pattern
b. Free writing
c. Process
d. Product
50. All of the following are ways of giving feedback in process approach to writing EXCEPT:
a. Proofreading
b. Teacher editing
c. Peer-editing
d. Self-editing
51. The following characterize writing EXCEPT:
a. Demands standard forms of grammar, syntax and vocabulary
b. Makes use of punctuation
c. Formal and compact
d. Spontaneous and unplanned
52. Which of the following characterize the paragraph-pattern approach?
a. Students copy paragraph
b. Analyze the form of model paragraphs
c. Imitate model passages
d. All of the above
53. What approach is used in the following scenario?
You intend to ask your students to make a descriptive paragraph; hence, you could ask them to make a call to his/her
cousin describing a place they have just visited.
a. Product
b. Process
c. Communicative
d. Genre

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