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Departamento de Letras Modernas
Estudos Lingüísticos e Literários em Inglês


2018, 1st. Sem.

Profa. Dra. Maria Sílvia Betti

One-semester elective course focusing on topics that expressively and centrally
represent aspects of modern and contemporary drama and theater.

2018 TOPIC:



To introduce the analytical and critical discussion of drama, theater and of the
ways through which they represent and respond to cultural, philosophical, political and
historical forces in different contexts.

Academic justification for the subject

The discussion of dramaturgy and of different forms of theatrical practices is
part of a culturally relevant and socially responsible process of formation of literature
teachers, researchers and readers.
There are only a few regularly offered courses in FFLCH focusing on the study
of dramaturgy and theater. The area of English is one of the few in the whole FFLCH to
offer students the possibility of being introduced to the study of dramaturgy and theater.
The analytical skills and theoretical references involved in this course will
introduce future literature researchers and teachers to the study of dramaturgy and
theater. These analytical skills can be applied in the study of theater plays in other
programs and courses as well.

Academic justification for the chosen topic

2018 is the 50.th anniversary of the general strikes and of the occupation of
universities in France, of the students’ demonstrations in Berlin and Amsterdam, of the
protest marches against the Vietnam war in several cities of the U.S., of the beginning
of the Tet offensive, of the assassination of Martin Luther King and of the race riots in
Chicago and in several other cities of the U.S.
In Brazil, in 1968, Institutional Act No. 5, the most infamous of all
Institutional Acts imposed by the military government, closed the national congress
indefinitely, gave the military president ample powers, institutionalized censorship of
the press and media , imposed torture, political persecution, the suppression of civil
rights. In the same period of time the emergence of urban and rural guerrilla
organizations was observed.
What were the expressive resources and perspectives that dramaturgy and
theater used at that time to represent all these transformations of the political, cultural
and social spheres, and how dramaturgy and the theater responded to the many
challenges faced in practically all areas of social and political organization, social life
and the forms of existence that existed until then?
The 2018 Theater Topics Program is intended to discuss a series of plays that
somehow connect with the Off Off Broadway theater (New York) and with the arena of
resistance theater in Sao Paulo in 1968 and / or in previous years.
The discussion will contribute to shed light on some of the most representative
challenges that dramaturgy and theater have ever faced: the one of dealing with drastic
and broad processes of transformation and struggle, and the one of responding to them
within their field of work and expression.

PROGRAM: the following plays will be discussed (copies will be left at the
Copier’s folder)

Petty Bourgeois. (Pequenos Burgueses) Maxim Gorki.

Señora Carrar’s rifles. (Os fuzis da Senhora Carrar) Bertolt Brecht.

The Life of Galileo. (Galileu Galilei) . Bertolt Brecht.

The Zoo Story. (A História do Jardim Zoológico) Edward Albee.

Interview. (Entrevista) Jean-Claude van Itallie.

Dutchman. (O Poder Negro) LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka)

Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical. (Hair) James Rado and Gerome Ragni;
music by Galt MacDermot.

Papa Highirte. Oduvaldo Vianna Filho

Arena conta Zumbi. Gianfrancesco Guarnieri and Augusto Boal.

Analysis and discussion of theater plays and of their structure and underlying

Mid Semester: a 4 point Theatre Review.

Final Evaluation: the following options will be given (students are expected to
make their options):
A 6 point Test on the plays studied in the Program
A 6 point Seminar on a previously chosen theme
A 6 point Dramatic Reading of a scene or of a short play

Final Grade= Mid Semester + Final Evaluation


ALMADA , Izaías. Teatro de Arena: uma estética da resistência. São Paulo: Boitempo
Editorial, 2004.

ARRUDA CAMPOS ,Claudia de. Zumbi, Tiradentes e Outras Histórias Contadas pelo
Teatro de Arena de São Paulo. Editora Perspectiva. Coleção Estudos.

BETTI, Maria Sílvia. Dramaturgia comparada Estados Unidos/Brasil. Três estudos.

São Bernardo do Campo: Cia.Fagulha, 2017.

_________________. Oduvaldo Vianna Filho. São Paulo: Edusp/FAPESP, 1997.

BEVILACQUA SOBRINHO, Agenor. Atualidade/Utilidade do trabalho de Bertolt

Brecht. Uma abordagem a partir de quatro personages femininas: A mãe (1931); A
alma boa de se-Tsuan (1938-1940); O círculo de giz caucasiano (1943-45) e O
processo de Joana D’Arc em Rouen, 1431 (1952). Prefácio de Flávio Aguiar. São
Bernardo do Campo: Cia.Fagulha, 2016.

BIGSBY, Christopher. Modern American Drama, 1945-1990. Cambridge, Cambridge

University Press, 1992.

BOAL, Augusto. Hamlet e o Filho do Padeiro. Memórias Imaginadas. Rio de Janeiro:

Record, 2000.

BUHLE, Paul. Encyclopedia of the American Left. Garland Reference Library of Social
Sciences. London and New York: Garland Publishing Inc. 1990.

BRUSTEIN, Robert. Revolution as Theatre. Notes on the New Radical Style. New
York, Liveright, 1971.

CAMPOS LIMA, Eduardo. Coisas de jornal no teatro.São Paulo: Expressão Popular,


CORREA, J.C.M. Primeiro ato: cadernos, depoimentos, entrevistas (1958-1974). Org.

Ana Helena Camargo de Staal. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1998.

COSTA, Cristina. Censura em cena: teatro e censura no Brasil. São Paulo: Edusp,

______________. Censura, repressão e resistência no teatro brasileiro. São Paulo:

Annablume-FAPESP, 2009.

COSTA, Iná Camargo. A Hora do Teatro Épico no Brasil. São Paulo: Graal, 1996.

COUTINHO, C. N. Cultura e sociedade no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A, 2000.

ESSLIN, Martin. O teatro do absurdo. Tradução de Bárbara Heliodora. Apresentação

de Paulo Francis. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1968.
FARIA, João Roberto (org.) História do Teatro Brasileiro: Volume II. Do Modernismo
às Tendências Contemporâneas. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2013.

GOULD, Jean. Dentro e Fora da Broadway: o teatro moderno norte-americano. Trad.

Ana Maria M. Machado. Rio de Janeiro, Bloch Editores, 1968.

HOBSBAWM, Eric. A Era dos extremos: o breve século XX – 1914-1991. Trad. Marcos
Santarrita. Revisão técnica. Maria Célia Paoli. 2 ed. 9ª reimpressão. São Paulo:
Companhia das Letras, 1997.

_________________. How to change the world. Reflections on Marx and Marxism.

New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2011.

MICHALSKI, Yan. O teatro sob pressão. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1985.

PEIXOTO, Fernando. Teatro em Pedaços (1959-1977). São Paulo: Hucitec, 1980.

_________________.Teatro Oficina. Trajetória de uma Rebeldia. São Paulo:

Brasiliense, 1982.

PURDY, Sean. “O Século Americano”. In: KARNAL, Leandro; PURDY, Sean;

FERNANDES,Luiz Estevam; MORAIS, Marcus Vinícius de. História dos Estados
Unidos: das origens ao século XXI. São Paulo: Contexto, 2007.

SZONDI, Peter. Teoria do drama moderno [1880—1950]. Tradução de Luiz Sérgio

Repa. Apresentação de José Antonio Pasta. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2001.

QUARTIM DE MORAES, João (org.). História do Marxismo no Brasil Volume III.

Teses e Interpretações. Campinas: Editora da UNICAMP, 1998.

ROSENFELD, Anatol. O Mito e o Herói no Moderno Teatro Brasileiro. São Paulo:

Perspectiva, 1996.

__________________. O Teatro Épico. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2005.

__________________. A Arte do Teatro. Aulas de Anatol Rosenfeld (1968). Registradas

por Neusa Martins. São Paulo: Publifolha, 2009.

SADDIK, Annette J. Contemporary American drama. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University

Press, 2007.

SCHWARZ, Roberto. “Notas sobre Cultura e Política 1964-1969”. In O Pai de Família

e Outros Ensaios. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra. 1978.

VARGAS, Maria Thereza; MAGALDI, Sábato. Cem anos de Teatro em São Paulo:
1875-1974. São Paulo: SENAC, 2000.
ZANOTTO, Ilka Marinho. Nova Dramaturgia. In GUINSBURG, J.; FARIA, João
Roberto; LIMA, Mariangela Alves de.(Orgs.). Dicionário do Teatro Brasileiro: temas,
formas e conceitos. 2.ed. rev. e ampl. São Paulo: Perspectiva/ Edições SESC SP, 2009.

WILMETH Don B. & BIGSBY, Christopher . The Cambridge History of American

Theatre. Volume 3, Post-World War II to the 1990s. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

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